encouragi - nys historic...

->'P VY;. CK^tjEpj,' J P I ATT and Clinton Co., Fi) lit, Last an VQL-XVniKO.'& # q& f*> WIDNBISDI* OGTOSJilE 14 »I4 iande dliid floor ss--wyi^:j ifed -.:;,> i: ' , •-"- 1 ' . mM '1H 32 Margaret St MMMMaM iraiw* irtiMuiaMMwaiMiiMiaila TO-'WWS I $S40 A IMS 9LM-&. YEA*» , r ; " i"., •'" 5SESS! i| i n a CtijM I$$Qitt ?•.;•" •ofi'W^nttieaiy^ f-vnk fastis^ k prices;' : '; : If You Could See Heat *t wouldn't take yon long to |*ut fetoxsa doors and *as.h on your IKHI^O this, fetfti^ ' " : \<»u «ouid be jiu qnitc » Imrry, , . v«m would snrely ba: Stashed''!»»" **©•• <3te -elands o* vglaabte iwcat iliai poas- 'ottt , #9«»s--4«s*t *bj* «*sst* yon n Jot of money lit 4|& «*«*!** o f a ' w S r i t e r - ^ ^ t & a * ^ ^ family. <-omfomible and «,ieJI, Instead *?T ©ot»K to Waste, l/or n>» prove tills -$5G» toy fitting JWtt* liom© With Stems Saii mi ®mm You will be sjfugfe&QiK: Hots t%ey| -save* tfliaitfippsted wss^ata* «»d *a**» tbe eo&ity c o a l . i>«'«"~ ' '.' ''# : ^}'/ .; _. .. _*• How much wipe© ««ttl|j^afel:© 5|>m' tame ttili be— How nmeh l«K%*Jweai0»« .-WNsr te saved. .'•-!. • ' •,-, , ; * Vuu- will like ^air .iterm«*sfea*^'/doors because they a*0 nea»» simnt. durable and toe«^s£¥«v Ife3P*ara«***? the qnattty and flt, i u- d e l i v e r yflWV S l » J * i s»W '**» t w » « * * p u t WieM CWL «t 5* «»- nifi.v «• notice* l&ft&tt liable/ m. »K»4 tires* any day, u wiU «xft* j-ow, iaO»e in *»ei tP^ed to %aore ^»is «dt4ce than A* v? i! •-••t fli^bp^ : :^MB , SiM*;JPem 35 o|iihspect «Stf f ? !• I. Your Qows n-i fr\ -. i is .'^feHI .. .-asm?.'" .,np we-**^?*l $ WbuMH^e' ia^ Miiefe Milk $,s His do if Ga^e Thesi' l|te Same Chance D9CK 9AL UILDINO^ H^lATEeUAL Faces New Cape Provioces MARTIAL LAW HAS ALREADY BEEN DECLARED ENCOURAGI El|> WF A 3f»BCH?A«fAt*0A ' ^apsltotrn, VfAon ©f Soutft Afrlea, yiaj Ldjaun, Pet, -ifS, ia«2f EUTO.—It lias bet« officially aittao^eefl Here that a <j<tfni(i»B:& «nd^t "doloael Maritz has; t?eteell^Sl In the ttorlhWest >o$ the Ca.pe th5-ou«itowt til© Xli^oa, , "Whereas, a stafe «f war exists h&~ t « : e a tile 32iritish *t»Wf© im the otio lia ad spul tfe^ Oerirtati eia^irG' oft tJ»e o'dUi* lanfl whereas t*ie gavonxajicat *i tho ( proteetorat6 oE <5en»an south* ICPC a 4i|Mea has thrown a widespread soi(fr*>t jjroipassiRda J>ers3ste»tly ca- 4e4vorii3 to seduce citizens •ot the «»• _ pears, toiled to profit by tpe fa« «f n'lX^mp^ald mT^K^f tltclf^^ri* tor a* .a malt tl»y tovc i vsatticjqr tho f,orlherh isorlioa of th<* Cape li^ovinc'^ aa«J whereas, thc-re is grav-«? r c i s o a 'te think that the ^ov* ./«asrt»emt of {Jtepman. Emt1m-&i Mrwxi '*- - **'"O'0.$Th t i|s wjraeJ^!«s si»tc-a aa4 •afeo -other «Jtfeen;i o? 4he t T «* ! t<ni ttadcr the. fal$e twd trcatpher«os I jjr<j?tcs»;-«»f favtoittj? tfee- -*staMi3hSWnt ibvuHic Jin. S«uth Africa,, airsl.'- consi^e^s it «,oc?ssary "to^tdSo'; r u : »te<i fern ipc? itt^ftsjs of the Ctttae^raMl Left WiBg, on Center BELGfAN CAPITAL IS MOVED 10 3UE&S8S HAVE .13NCG1C ?«E3) ED Ef «03fe !fcA2*» ' Parfe, Oct 13-^Bncoiar^insf tx&m- from aM alonspthe line ©< hattle *as glw« out itt th« official «Mimtifii<itte ot the War" «tHeo tafias*, ^he eoafi* d«n« of the breach gove ameat *s hecowlag more ex»regsive-j *" saara«a tos^o which oh#racteriS!eiB|wiiat i>r. tlwso balictifts, ^1»? <3er«ji on 8 is-'Oit »r in the ns, it as*» ifte-'eae? forces of the fJaloa from their &Mc#i» nee an^ to «aas<s reheVBort SM& •ch II wir within the U»*u»a, aM'whe'ro- as the;:e efforts have ^>,far saiceec^d- ed that I4«atcaaat Cttl«a&l ,SQ?«n«a 0^rhai4 aJarttai,; tog-ether %vtth a natau hq- Ms otticexs aad u porttea <>€ at© f«j ^es andet> hte coanaKiaat litis, shatae* fuiiv a;ftdtrait^reaslF g»ac over to the •m ?t«y it»4 !s n«>«r in ojjca reheJii»a a-svtosi'. &6' govsraswat aai the pea* pii of the Unf»a iwwl is, Ha coajuac- cWcfl to traasrer the Belglda goTera- Uep Wi.tk the forces of the encrai' ia* aitnt to Ffaaee f la or«3er t l p t it «oas ol- a m its oa * at^,cte trp«J within aa<3 tvithnat aaJ '-OP! el;. -t*s 'Stir <u ^•sdtesn, §f»i;'fra«r |s?a«al '.of tha : ITsJoa, aa#. «oantt-rs|i?»«d te'^G&a^t Ssiats, ajURfet** 1 •orfetC'Psse>' '• ilrftibtoivbci. l J..— ! f"w<: a&w» of the 3rer at* 'it th<;rp a- tWJ in for for by assti% tt hav<? ft.rtt liljorty ^f.&ijtj'oa 'TOse^forceins was aattofettcea ihiapw in. S o r d ^ a s , to&ay. &>voral Belgian, mlalst*#». aecwa paaleA l>y a. graap'of oipieiafe, left 'Os tv>»a this m<Ksb$ »r Hat ilas^; %im» kwadwoKS and *r<?achcr* thut 4»tt t* ^L-clarc martial jf; ! , l . maas ^ ^ u - ^ i Ghent at -beta' beatea «a their left winsi oa the -ceater a»il« an "the rlgh % * * ' ^fhe reference la the &fl! :iai «^ito> meat to %e advaace a? tie Preach ; oa the lia4 soath ak $to roa I hchveeh Verdaa aact Meta ts regarded as »ost sfgaifleao*, ^Mle the ocedpatioa of MM® W the <Jeri»aas Is so*' looked apftn «w a. **rfc»u» developmfeat; BelRian C*plt*l Wmm VahRrtttwe- is*a*ABtiE At St. Ju^r^aee tfttfversit? Octoher 8i.-*--Pj Caatoa, .H.,il|ir>, 1i,r;,i.iji.. ejjJW. for; m* ;38|aadred. kinesis. *&ft ,'13,«*4<)tte joi- the ittbst aotahl© soielal Ittaetibas IW<: e*er hee-a eoace reaee has ttt he glv^a 'ij4 ae c^llese'-i^amaslaat oa the. e\jen|H@of 4ct, Mf Qa th^t ;date wilt ho fteW a rjeeeptldo la hoackf of #te^a'eat^fi«aaisaa"aa'sl'i>r the aa^- ,t «S.t ta,w- raect-ia te id; traste«p; Of j tl ie &&lv«ff* ajiuaja|i, ^ ^ a c u a t ^ s of »ioe^ «f-'l sity, tha * all dfepart)|a^t3» aadl the ^Maeat i»odr. The aiea of ; ,tho- Julaior el ass are to atjt a« asher^ aad flhe wjcaAea of the 'class tfciO- s|6rve K4freshfeeats, Pre* paratioas^re' 'heiag 'aiadel i >r -sis haa* dwd gu«st^^aa^'thie ^r^Sitat ladica.- -tioas are4-th!a* evea smoipe thaa 'that'- aamDer Willi *e >me&&f3s addltioa to %ose jjJ»6.ye.mettttoaeii|Er favitatloas have, heeti.«feu»4ed to th« people of the towa ajad to ijhe r^lrtives ^ad frteads of Presideat <5aa|a|s«|a everr* xvhete'; •"! -i' Aa a testtijaoafcji qt apiJieelatloa of ^aateaajhas.jdaie for S t Lawreaeei ,0hSvcr8i5t|s, , ' l . ailitsea silver iovtiig o»^» eagraved with ihe afma of the l?alvdrslly;aad i sa-ita'ple lascnp? tloa, wlH;he : preseatjed w oceaisloa, jaad Judge |l»« 3?. class of wwlll maliethe speech.' ' ':••> ' " > ijdm oa this Jlale* of *he frcseafeitioa I. I ( " Tl' ".II .1 I Vljlllll ', j X^adoa^ 4 c t 3.5, &tl$ p. -ia."-^' l *'Soa nasmn .^«i?w« «WM» ««»nw anft ^ a J ttuKtor ears take altogether Bordeaax, Oct. 18—ft ta«j hcea de-jwo »mc|» koomi there % J*oa«ioa fcesldca your- & psjHca ataghs- trate tola daek Jah^Eoa J[edaf oa im- liasing. •isJao^M' fiae, an i Jfhe eolottd hcavj'wejghi ehaaispioa ^agilist' for ubstractijijs jthe gtrs6t..5?hef magistrate i fitted the SJJegro |'j-0 aad,. jslsaificattt-r ly sagsesicd that ho had hetter aot the 1 French goveraawat ;hat teiw^erary esffleea for them. 3Kixn? Albert roraaias at tljfO head of { - m& Betsjlaa araiy,: f^attoa', Oct. I prepares i _ St< ^«**' ^ ct **^V. : l>- ^err% , _„_._.. vi'di»Blte.h - i%,«K>ft@&^aaf'-iv^^^^^^ c ttieasares to iwstect ana fe-j'ijiinieg from Ostead says ^ dcw»a»«*Sw St. %dm$x stntimsfe, a&voiaatt or* v i a t o r "dr©R»edMWii l*oiah» m ©stead!-J^Mtfzed 'teufiaaM, a«jeorditer«o aaaf* Monday, Xolthw M the nslssHes- «x- '-te*»o«Mt ua»er toda^v and 'have sim- ptaSed,, ' : , *t^. w «^i ^Iga witl^ the Inderal'lea< *$m -ftorrespoadent; adds that '*he|®oe, ' " 7 o'clock i Aaothlcr .sjiieraoaa pzme «ay* that olt hfis- Monday mam|ns l .4i»a. «hal .refttggss ? f«9«lif ! »»: si^a-64. for hhree- * e a a » j 2 ^ lauttgr ltlM< jjroclopEhatJoa a °*|.frym that •iif^ are «oa|ag lal% .Oawjtrith, Me Piiftsharirii I ? M* 3Ktls .^ad4 BOi F«S thatHM whol& Valoa of Soatlii^^ •'.'*.' | . •', ••.» MhaSfc$!reeetwd IjkStHIifte advaafee;^ fr aader iftamM taw as 'u&? j ^a.«W- laterwit/iSoldieJis. -ta' Rollaad' •( ®™-t Wija-Jio !has slgip^ <#&*. 'tho '»jtf- •d aad adaftJatetered to time off %, e Hague, irfa J4>adoa,. <*ct, : iff—itoloi Federstls, for 3MW u yeariaad •A datiak asfraia.tofasv |^he iota! aawiher. 'of foteftnA ^c^ftnav^.f^pived f^MO fn advaae>. •sftoa aad Baglish-soldiers, en. rpato.; |. **/ u r •'—pr—tf to northern ,Holl?iad 4»-!(?st|kmoto4 at . i ..^UBKJS^aiCgSSf ;20,MQ, exa«siw.-of the woaidefl,, *^b .an* toefes treated to -«ttlesi: near- jthe Belgian horHef,, ^ h e , aijaiher of woaaded has iiot yei&eea iaacertoln- ed. hy a section of the Basteh ele*- •at laiSuaih Atrtcsji.-'ft!. Ewegje *a»i« a #ocjt to the BrMSfsh pahlle. Thai. heesf inspired M* tAe '(Strmms fe not. the least doaht, ." noisier .1!, «pxAP»Ay: ilocrl B, 'Cha^aiaa, for,ina«y years resident o't Jionsea fornt, tfied- oa : g^;ar«ay; «ctoherj l%.at Cranfoiwfc iN, J» Phe rempdus w«re; nxQUgtiz to Ro'us>. .«4 Potat «a the ;X2th, and, after ser* vices ,kt ^hrts*^ E^lseyiwd ' «hmrch» iaierrsd in 3jtas>I* HJU. «e'metery. Mr. <C& ^aw an- jtras- ,si^ty-»si.s JTeam' of as? an| a anej^oer of Adiroadasfe Chaa- 3k£tl.s*np- ! leaves a, «r4fes *u»a cAlldrien* 2dr«. W... K, €ow.p» of. •Cr^wfo ; r4 jM-'^^feelJSSf A-^toagtotwv. is -Citty* T«sas> a.son, , • • Sesc 7T Cfct??1PQ!H |?^I»^1iJKI€JANS.. ische ceHen* v*iy « fl-Cistlt th. tnoller. an the iPfot ipecpie work, 46 I' reinforced ^ ^ ^ 4 « ^ ^ ^ ^ j J S ^ » c W ormy which is ftttenwtipg an enc|r« ^ J J l * A K 1 S * n SS elteg Movement toward O i W u e W **J a iak|h ta% a**, to fm,sh »«. A A ^r AVM^^LK *,«* n ffl {niiv*h« <2oh»o.sfee the bestpicMtesi aad the the"«oafit, Although not,oia:iauy *pn»* t j _ . v.% M ^ aa *JT*fc*»^**. ' *%,«» fiwaed hy the press hareaif, th'^o fef Jftf^ .*5? ur6s J k b ^J**^ 0,|r LJ»*».»I.# «».A L»»I« ^ *h « nm i-«a | vandevflle tteam,, Trow a ao doaht of the trath of th, repwtea ^^^Jf-j » ' „*^^ „^k •oeoanatlon of Ghent fcy ^a.«eatem ^ n ^««. a '^«: «»«««$: act, forces- Tho-aity is onlypmIves ames f . ., . - •.I-J.^- k ,- .^j.• . --. -, kaown that the *3ermaa fq eoneeatratefl in Corce. *r- W**y n-eetsaay* ^ T, f ; Oct. 13, 19**.. 3di| ?r of Pregs^ and i Sentiaelj : M:r. S e a r £ir; •, ^rtwigih the *0l«nJ»s of your *s- paiM?r I desire' to--esinreas nay acer# ; thanks to the ftepubli? Clinton eonnty for- the asagni- pot* isl^ea iae> ait ta& priniaries nipniiaatioa $9? state coron-. l!t3.Tf« this -^.pportunity «£' ,jha41 ;4ha5li d!o all in nty-.jjower. glnlcins-Sunflay' •er.'!l?a&Lda "h&il aaswti office hq^ an«jl fo r the :i^storfLi|on pt soveni-nient BepabMca-^i'paijty *a the State ihe-ATeKare, of 'the ajsai the jfts*'^ '; • . V«*y «ia* e??.eJy •yoatTt . . i | ,#A'3d?dS' %\ H<0'OICB1U ; Tr* tenog Par liirfs-CIass and Steno call Mtrjiret Sfrirt pbQna24(^W» ,^Q. 3{«A Wcm Down- Wittt'Ro^nlf^'^fHf" f, a f™^ ! 3Do p 0t only bora aetails of the-Pallada's torpedoinfi : ; :?he_«sWt laeatioa was noti-annoanced 'At leiasl S.'7-O* men-raJt-! aboard t!h»j. ^al'lad^- went down -Wi*h;the -BMjj„'|;;?he.er«ts« •et- 33ayan» sco^tlag- with -t|t. r PalUda a t i&e tl»»«-.»i;"^!ievfed to hja||whlt.;one. of ttieaabmtttlaes qifa Vallada, .iBayan-. iand| Admiral iM'afeatov, » . ^ » ^ «hip» all < r ^it.^e&t fen&thv' ; t^5-'t;c>i!ia aisplaffer'eni -^nith :4 gpeea Of 51! ^U>W .^&>:M«|S)«f9 .a^name-nt .te^a'ded two S inch, and :ei|$t ftiach ^m in the >];i||n i aTy .Jat- tejfy.''. ^ jtfJ0X«€ , AS"'.B^ t':I- ' •. SI ;Washfogton Cfcefa l S - < | o l m e l - ^ a ^ ; Held, 'Qofrnna ndlag 1 th» ta?oops on tne etl |o the wari 4e»aj;tiaent sa*0-^egrf|a* the Me^iesi i town.of o w«s. anfflhangeifl. . i ''^esaltory-|0r|as eoatWuel ihroagh thej nisht« w tie *«fi»fi»toh te 3.; :*'»« is" 'ttnpos^ible ttj »re*-*nt ball 4a ' froV teniae on ihk hmtl^mi siafeas MM as firing'is -Jcontintted; %t ia the -two 4 « 4 a'-4orpo 'Sbajmb,'* en.i-WOonfieA A n t e tlbif •aif h a s : besn-" si M* ia""tjhe 'tbdaj* -we'sfeiirt. thte firs^ --jf the .great Ipantoman detecttre| series With "The $hantoa* ©tobk*.* -iwi ,thr$a reei& tCfcis >-, «es were ^ They -vrill.show- 1 at each ly Me WcttmxaA* Oct-as—The ( ; elier pjei?- : , . . . , ™,,u..»^ .sisted Here In oltielal tfxtiw •tofayf -^, . . /^3'^*-T»L V - ^ ' fc the ft«4«» ««««h : ^f 0 ^'• '*•** "?!? fTPV wa1, ' S1 f nt been ^ifittl fed,"- ^Uel ^1^^.' *nfci*U &foda^d i^ coiineetlion of tipe "best on .roller skates.' i teal Ameipfrjah t, reppjrt- e|jfly t-od,ay adaitioa .^Ith tits t^ijnla^ progranfe;LoahiprMt®'- t'h^|-foll>wisk *el«a^^a ^SfcjjMe's lig^- a«j^- u ':ai.;B#§ah93?' coi!ned|Y ^The Band* leader*" k^"itagaf4ph| coaasay,' *'|Iearts | aear! of'«ha" ^oiiesfe,**"" a n ' B'dis^n dr.aj|na,.|,s,e i a|e' •••abkigli ^ i H . * r a-^Wefly played 1 by} W as •thejlrtilitt^jo.' "War strict]en lAja^ohi ! ,. ad%'erti| ed! : for tpdaj' was £ delayed in «| o^eikl transit ^adi will be show:; *„n the vjeryUendl near'furarjelj : ' - .. ' : \J*J*i •t-lie-. -sarj' t^,e aatiagi the. 1 life, o; a»ei5ltioa. theift-erhp Wi iulerland ^iieji€*Vali^-.'*- it - j lo-f Nfche- w e l l 1S10w n l|in. It. .pro'dwc'lcas-. ; p^rtiasflitdgr os Lthe .Wejst,'^ '^hi£!;'two+aat paoto^jayj |3:on» ai ;tha :?troj«g^ of, WesWn'.drjfaas., '"Tb.e .S^o-k^ 11 ^^" t-'ltt|e'Wy;ji6tf t»p mijversb .cjtontp&ny.' has'amayjijplea^ed UH tMim&. tm'i> juy^tti^ f' actors,; ' Als f, t>v-: J other -ir^els, •&. rpfiae'd'-wtt^ajs^ As t mission 4«l)ei' Ihe; ii , .t .J:.J in. )N COUNTT, «*• wsm two amm OR DAVENPORT OTE THROWN AWA\ wm t ARMS o^^m ;%*# :MAS >S)T%*3B €'Ot»f C513CS, »IS- ' *ro ' i saBit<>'#'-'mi*isr* - '3E3S-CK3 AWAl 1, ' i ! «0 '- - wivk t -Oct •i5,«^A4yfeip3? "soo'a |!|!tad .Tammany, fEaltlby veofc* ^.^rostei-a^e^adidate for : <£%G£g& Fi^edlan'cter, on« of ||fors of the P|rofres^re-'a%- Ideclarejii himself ]&• j^ippo^ier ili| en'abliean state ticket fmm s.Worney Walianan a^dRaines IHsrorth, Jr,»d«)Wn* -.'!{'" :' ; i iedti&mv in coinlagf~ont fot the; :> l|lftiib-J!eatt, ticket, assert^ thaf-,Sa ; doJhS|j;ife is-aetos m ^-^a^fte^Epir*- fte4 -1^ i a aad ,as- a, S'ro^resjkive. 1 Sir. : Friy»|!|er'h t as bejen p^naaeatia.flib : : 1?r4gi#^|i%''' coan^as, : nayiai^ re^r'e- ,seat^i|ie ; ''3pariy of ^^e Brotix''!* '-tno ^a4oM|P ; K-3hittiee« of K^» At |hat.-.ti-mi.e-' •as$$|§f.*tee& a resola-tlon Ihat 'no. metoffi||of the' eoawnittee ; -af 1^ saoiSmffi|*'o- Ms aante "coasldered. fer »a^^|feie,'" ••'• w '!;:. v ;;'.•;•. (the n»Qst'.oayefni eonsiaera- :i|vhat tho,. Pw&mssfa•&.'pa£t%;. y> in thls^ eleeiiohi^res, eye-n M ins Col. feoosevelt'«'. spfieehesf I ' deelde-d th'a4 m .a\ .paM : te» ptissen and as a*3^g#ssiyfc,'- sapport .Ch^arles'. fy "R'ai't- the Eepaiblicart iifkvtf* fs i iter. Frtedlaadei* talis&, "Col*! |,3evelt t in '-ii^in^ ajl'j of; hid iaettee to. hays' %lr±M$imi!m> a | A nataed a& tha "iaadidate ^^ogresavojs, has given every 1 , is A*® *an -nr^uiieenl f<ir : VotM^ Jtfffler Be»»bffesa.J.f hi 'Sees «t S^jn^: to yM© the' S#ttaiie.Aa; j ians?. I think itfefa -elean, ablb^^ii. ft is opposed 'to *£&&-] inam^M l X* and- a vote for j^airaa^rl'. ia-^ {||t|| brown tmg$.** ^ '•.. liprogressives, he$#Use '.'of ,©iir M VtDC P 01711111111 MOPS i i' : . "- : DUSTERS POLISH | Makes Tliftea-Look New ; MYERS & BELDEN traceries and Grtiket* 137 HtrsrtMt Street Pfaoit Iff :*Ei*M WAK XOT ABtlSEJ*. Jttt^ Finns 1>W Gebo Xot GaHt> o* OiVeriositttnar Team Jfeullns Stone. 4»#^||Ua&#ority». ha*m4«swav 'D'^lifll* .^sfpesition,. aad .WHS traa*M*t ; own state ticket f J?he only is,-, Shall -we fhw>w;'-<mr "$a~ PJ help afa-rohy ^r' ^af po« ^maa* nvhose g*eai;-*B«0ra of rvs^e- $hows- that ai> mutter paaiy he ^alon^si he - h«a people well?" A1*I©S WAS r " - |ec*ed Officers of Chnmi>iain l^bejcab .JjodgO CoBfiirm^'",. Their Places tsjst." Ni^ht and Bpiey^- ar& uflore udlehcss afc p erforjriaheej red tbe larsostktt^jaded i»- of onieer«. of! .C&jimpialn ibebah. 3Uodge, fc 4' O. F-, at tym Fellows* hall last khen the otnoers of that •e introdaced into offlfe.' . i-eaionies.wei'e contacted by j Deputy Hattie Par&ohg ana oj Saranae Lodge, Baranae, ititv ! is anne<ips- S nuaiitf' of; 'deri lenoM fply elected officers who were assigned to their respective enr GfTaad—Bebekah, Abraham, and—Sadtt Connell. ry^—®tta. I* zmmet. er^Maad iLearned. —Augusta! Grossm^u. tor—Belle Wheeler, n—Mary 3&cob$en.; ( C.-^ChrJ:itia»a jPaa - to». vG-'—Lacy Klock. j . 'Gv-^Fmnces'-^a^sm'' ; . G.-—Hatte Sargesl 11 *- Seula Nora.' •jBCerman Jacotoseh*;. . fAble Grand-^-Marsaret Mace. ling the installation ,a boun- per was served at ' which $9 hyndi;ed "persons "vvei*e >urin^ the> evening' dancing ed and a pleasfng |progran» furnished by Prof. Cobture's About thirty delegates at- tain £5ara»ac whose ,pxesenee pch. to the pleasure of the , -ri^e, ;tri!he stkambas,, a Bantu : tri :;highly eivil|zed |Phey understand irpn^worlt-r i use of a defeimal system ition and' have a grpod sys- usic. : , , '' Wood is used almost ex- in ^making matches in Sw.e- *s easily eat and ,poj,*o,us to be veadily iriipVesaaSed bur or paraffin.: A «a.se "which attracted a lar^q nantb|r of spectators was tried in city;<s>nrt yefcterdav.afJ.pmon. It •«&& the' Atrial of Paul Gebo, a foreman- eat^iojed by the Bluff Point .Stone COBipany Jt the- quarry on the Beefc,- IftfHtown road, where the stone cm\- pal»y| has been gtltin^ oui stone for the ' barge canal terminal and tfor road' building purposes, who waii charged by .Mrs. Belle t'leiT* -"ivith tnuw. la^ the overloading of t< w cngag«a itt [hauling slonc from iheu.uatty. The spikjificq case upon which G«bo \va» arrested was the ovprlcading of a- pair of mules With bloclcs of stone for defivery at tii« 'terminal. '• The ease wasl tried (before Citv Ja^lge Barnsrd and a jurv, and ther»< weJfe several wlfcntess»=!s ^^orn as to' .thi 'wdght of ^ load ^Inch would ebMhtiPte cruelty to an.nj.ii Is. It wa«* slj.Wn by the deten3aat thit after thp 'teaftj iwd been worked on the joiH for eijlfcf weblts they Were in sjnod condi' tlo|tJ aad Mi's, h^ eonteaded, pfoiei tM£thc.v had iter, li^^ii' abused. -fVbh tfsfe;!'ed that POO« nftev tbo^ mulw we|& put on *fct? job of bawling' s'toup £be4 drive*- eomtolHi Re d of the sixe oi th*jio"d'-q;qd t1»-«t fh^wjfter hi; was all#w'ejd.Jaii r jii.4^w fJr ^4.iniK*»lf the siz*» ist |he l o a d is^e -fcennr t h o n l d h a u l and that the drnrrMiias. nt the tJme com- •plltfnjed of bj ijrs- tilery loadjn*-t ilie teafel to f-uit himself. . % jdtd nOt talterfb*» wej* tt> cXsKetl to .^rrUf at a \erd*e* the evidenee, -and taw 5'»al»d t h a t Genu wa.s not -guilty tff tlel'offeVji'e chATSftd in the complaint. ^e-fWtis, itheriXort, di^chargefl !»y tlrt fivt^ m*nuleK aftlr hea^inj WJRSAW- ^IAT i^Ajaij f •V. SL J3S SOTIPlK» ' ^"aisiuagton, Oct. l$—"Wajssrfw, cai|tal of Russiaa Poland, is' threat- euep by German rorecs and may fall at fmy moment, according to aa,of- aciill dispatch to the American gov- erJipjent today from one of its eon*- saM who asked for instructions as to, the cave of foreign interest ditr- ingfthe expected period of occupancy. SE Stenographer AT Tfc# Typewriter Exchange G. Russell Parsons 13 Clinton St .^j-/"'y^/y—•- *^"«t^rt

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Page 1: ENCOURAGI - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-10-14/ed...->'P VY;. CK^tjEpj,' J PI ATT and Clinton Co., Fi) lit, Last an VQL-XVniKO.'& # q& f*> WIDNBISDI*

->'P VY;. CK^tjEpj,' J PI ATT and Clinton Co., Fi) lit, Last an

VQL-XVniKO. '&


q& f*> WIDNBISDI* OGTOSJilE 14 »I4


dliid floor ss--wyi^:j ifed -.:;,>

i : ' , •-"- 1 ' .


'1H 32 Margaret St

M M M M a M iraiw* i r t i M u i a M M w a i M i i M i a i l a



$S40 A I M S

9LM-&. YEA*» ,

r ; " i"., •'"


i | i n a CtijM I $ $ Q i t t ?•.;•"

•ofi'W^nttieaiy^ f-vnk fastis^



If You Could See Heat *t wouldn't take yon long to |*ut fetoxsa doors and *as.h on your IKHI O this, fetfti^ ' " :—

\<»u «ouid be jiu qnitc » Imrry, , .

v«m would snrely ba: Stashed''!»»" **©•• <3te -elands o* vglaabte iwcat iliai poas- 'ottt,#9«»s--4«s*t *b j* «*sst* yon n Jot of money lit 4|& «*«*!** o f a ' w S r i t e r - ^ ^ t & a * ^ ^ family. <-omfomible and «,ieJI, Instead *?T ©ot»K to Waste, l/or n>» prove tills *» -$5G» toy fitting JWtt* liom© With

Stems Saii mi ®mm You will be sjfugfe&QiK:

Hots t%ey| -save* tfliaitfippsted wss^ata* «»d *a**» tbe eo&ity coal . i>«'«"~ ' '.' ' ' # : ^ } ' / .; _. .. _*•

How much wipe© ««ttl|j^afel:© 5|>m' tame ttili be—

How nmeh l«K%*Jweai0»« .-WNsr te saved. • . ' • - ! . • ' • , - , , ; *

Vuu- will like ^air .iterm«*sfea*^'/doors because they a*0 nea»» simnt. durable and toe«^s£¥«v Ife3P*ara«***? the qnattty and flt, I« i u - del iver yflWV S l » J * i s » W '**» t w » « * * p u t WieM CWL « t 5* « » -nifi.v «• notice* l&ft&tt liable/ m. »K»4 tires* any day, u wiU «xft* j-ow, iaO»e in *»ei t P ^ e d to %aore ^»is «dt4ce than

A * v?i!

•-•• t •

fli^bp^::^MB,SiM*;JPem 35

o|iihspect «Stf f? !• I.

Your Qows

n-i •


•• -. i is .'^feHI

.. .-asm?.'"

.,np we-**^?*l

• • $ • •

WbuMH^e' ia Miiefe Milk $,s His do if Ga^e Thesi' l|te Same Chance


Faces New Cape Provioces



El|> WF A 3f»BCH?A«fAt*0A

' apsltotrn, VfAon ©f Soutft Afrlea, yiaj Ldjaun, Pet, -ifS, ia«2f EU TO. —It lias bet« officially aittao^eefl Here that a <j<tfni(i»B:& «nd^t "doloael Maritz has; t?eteell Sl In the ttorlhWest >o$ the Ca.pe

th5-ou«itowt til© Xli^oa,

, "Whereas, a stafe «f war exists h&~ t« :ea tile 32iritish *t»Wf© im t he otio lia ad spul tfe^ Oerirtati eia^irG' oft tJ»e o'dUi* lanfl whereas t*ie gavonxajicat *i tho(proteetorat6 oE <5en»an south* ICPC a 4i|Mea has thrown a widespread soi(fr*>t jjroipassiRda J>ers3ste»tly ca-4e4vorii3 to seduce citizens •ot the «»• _ pears, toiled to profit by tpe fa« «f n ' l X ^ m p ^ a l d mT^K^f tltclf^^ri* tor a* .a malt tl»y tovc

i • vsatticjqr tho f,orlherh isorlioa of th<* Cape li^ovinc'^ aa«J whereas, thc-re is grav-«? rcisoa 'te think that the ^ov*

./«asrt»emt of {Jtepman. Emt1m-&i Mrwxi '*- • - **'"O'0.$Thti|s wjraeJ^!«s si»tc-a a a4

•afeo -other «Jtfeen;i o? 4he tT«* ! t<ni ttadcr the. fal$e twd trcatpher«os I jjr<j?tcs»;-«»f favtoittj? tfee- -*staMi3hSWnt

ibvuHic Jin. S«uth Africa,, airsl.'-

consi^e^s it «,oc?ssary "to^tdSo';

ru: »te<i

fern ipc? itt^ftsjs of the Ctttae^raMl

Left WiBg, on Center


3UE&S8S HAVE .13NCG1C ?«E3)

ED Ef «03fe • !fcA2*»

' Parfe, Oct 13-^Bncoiar^insf tx&m-from aM alonspthe line ©< hattle *as glw« out itt th« official «Mimtifii<itte ot the War" «tHeo tafias*, ^he eoafi* d « n « of the breach gove ameat *s hecowlag more ex»regsive-j *" saara«a tos^o which oh#racteriS!eiB|wiiat i>r. tlwso balictifts, ^1»? <3er«ji



is-'Oit » r

in the

ns, it as*»

ifte-'eae? forces of the fJaloa from their &Mc#i» nee an^ to «aas<s reheVBort SM& •ch II w i r within the U»*u»a, aM'whe'ro-as the;:e efforts have ^>,far saiceec^d-ed that I4«atcaaat Cttl«a&l ,SQ?«n«a 0^rhai4 aJarttai,; tog-ether %vtth a natau hq- c£ Ms otticexs aad u porttea <>€ at© f«j es andet> hte coanaKiaat litis, shatae* fuiiv a; ftd trait^reaslF g»ac over to the •m ?t«y it»4 !s n«>«r in ojjca reheJii»a a-svtosi'. &6' govsraswat a a i the pea* pii of the Unf»a iwwl is, Ha coajuac- cWcfl to traasrer the Belglda goTera-Uep Wi.tk the forces of the encrai' ia* aitnt to Ffaaeef la or«3er t lp t it «oas


a m


oa * at^,cte trp«J within aa<3 tvithnat aaJ

' -OP! el;. -t*s

'Stir <u

^•sdtesn, §f»i;'fra«r |s?a«al '.of tha :

ITsJoa, aa#. «oantt-rs|i?»«d te'^G&a^t Ssiats, ajURfet**1 •or fetC'Psse> ' '• ilrftibtoivbci. l J..—!f"w<: a&w» of the 3rer at*

'it th<;rp









hav<? ft.rtt liljorty ^f.&ijtj'oa 'TOse^forceins was aattofettcea

ihiapw in. So rd^as , to&ay. • &>voral Belgian, mlalst*#». aecwa paaleA l>y a. graap'of oipieiafe, left 'Os tv>»a this m<Ksb$ » r Hat

ilas^; %im» kwadwoKS and *r<?achcr*

thut 4»tt t* ^L-clarc martial jf;!, l.maas ^ ^ u - ^ i Ghent at

-beta' beatea «a their left winsi oa the -ceater a»il« an "the rlgh % * * ' ^fhe reference la the &fl! :iai «^ito>

meat t o %e advaace a? t i e Preach ;oa the lia4 soath ak $to roa I hchveeh Verdaa aact Meta ts regarded as »os t sfgaifleao*, • ^Mle the ocedpatioa of MM® W the <Jeri»aas Is so*' looked apftn «w a. **rfc»u» developmfeat;

BelRian C*plt*l Wmm VahRrtttwe-


At St. Ju^r^aee tfttfversit? Octoher 8i.-*--Pj


.H.,i l | ir>,1 i ,r;, i . i j i . .

ejjJW. for; m* ;38|aadred. kinesis.

*&ft ,'13,«*4<)tte joi- the ittbst aotahl© soielal Ittaetibas IW<:

e*er hee-a eoace reaee has ttt he glv^a 'ij4 a e c^llese'-i^amaslaat oa the. e\jen|H@of 4ct , Mf Qa th^t ;date wilt ho fteW a rjeeeptldo la hoackf of #te^a'eat^fi«aaisaa"aa'sl'i>r the aa^-

,t «S.t ta,w-raect-ia te

id; t r a s t e « p ; Of j tl ie • &&lv«ff* ajiuaja|i, ^ ^ a c u a t ^ s of

»ioe^ «f-'l sity, tha * al l dfepart)|a^t3» aadl the ^Maeat i»odr. The aiea of; ,tho- Julaior el ass are to atjt a« asher^ aad flhe wjcaAea of the 'class tfciO- s|6rve K4freshfeeats, Pre* paratioas^re' 'heiag 'aiadel i >r -sis haa* dwd gu«st^^aa^'thie ^r^Sitat ladica.--tioas are4-th!a* evea smoipe thaa 'that'-aamDer Willi *e >me&&f3s addltioa to %ose jjJ»6.ye.mettttoaeii|Er favitatloas have, heeti.«feu»4ed to th« people of the towa ajad to ijhe r^lrtives ^ad frteads of Presideat <5aa|a|s«|a everr* xvhete'; •"! -i'

Aa a testtijaoafcji qt apiJieelatloa of ^aateaajhas.jdaie for S t

Lawreaeei ,0hSvcr8i5t|s,,'l. ailitsea silver iovtiig o»^» eagraved with ihe afma of the l?alvdrslly;aad i sa-ita'ple lascnp? tloa, wlH;he:preseatjed w oceaisloa, jaad Judge |l»« 3?. class of w w l l l maliethe speech.' ' ':••> ' " >•

ijdm oa this Jlale* of *he frcseafeitioa

I. I ( " Tl ' ".II .1 I Vljlllll ', j

X^adoa^ 4 c t 3.5, &tl$ p . -ia."- 'l*'Soa nasmn .^«i?w« « W M » u« ««»nw a n f t ^ a J ttuKtor ears take altogether Bordeaax, Oct. 18—ft ta«j hcea de- jwo »mc|» koomi there %

J*oa«ioa fcesldca your- & psjHca ataghs-trate tola daek Jah^Eoa J[edaf oa im-liasing. •isJao^M' fiae, an i Jfhe eolottd hcavj'wejghi ehaaispioa ^agilist' for ubstractijijs jthe gtrs6t..5?hef magistrate

i fitted the SJJegro |'j-0 aad,. jslsaificattt-r ly sagsesicd that ho had hetter aot

the1 French goveraawat ;hat teiw^erary esffleea for them.

3Kixn? Albert roraaias at tljfO head of{-m& Betsjlaa araiy,:

f^attoa', Oct. I

prepares i

— _ St< ^«** ' ^ c t **^V. :l>- ^err% , _ „ _ . _ . . vi'di»Blte.h-i%,«K>ft@&^aaf'-iv^^^^^^

c ttieasares to iwstect ana fe-j'ijiinieg from Ostead says ^ dcw»a»«*Sw St. %dm$x stntimsfe, a&voiaatt or* viator "dr©R»edMWii l*oiah» m ©stead!-J Mtfzed 'teufiaaM, a«jeorditer«o aaaf* Monday, Xolthw M the nslssHes- «x- '-te*»o«Mt ua»er toda^v and 'have sim-ptaSed,, ' : , *t^. w «^i ^Iga witl^ the Inderal'lea<

*$m -ftorrespoadent; adds that '*he|®oe, ' " 7 o'clock i • Aaothlcr .sjiieraoaa pzme «ay* that



Monday mam|nsl.4i»a. «hal .refttggss ? f«9«lif !»»: si^a-64. for hhree- * e a a » j 2 ^ lauttgr ltlM< jjroclopEhatJoa a°*|.frym that •iif^ are «oa|ag lal% .Oawjtrith, Me Piiftsharirii I?M*3Ktls .^ad4BOiF«S thatHM whol& Valoa of S o a t l i i ^ ^ • ' . ' * . ' | . •', ••.» MhaS fc$! reeetwd IjkStHIifte advaafee; fr • aader iftamM taw as 'u&? j ^a.«W- laterwit/iSoldieJis. -ta' Rollaad' •( ®™-t Wija-Jio !has slgip^ <#&*. 'tho '»jtf-•d aad adaftJatetered to time off %, e Hague, irfa J4>adoa,. <*ct,: iff—itoloi Federstls, for 3MW u yeariaad •A datiak asfraia.tofasv | ^he iota! aawiher. 'of foteftnA ^c^f tnav^.f^pived f^MO fn advaae>.

•sftoa aad Baglish-soldiers, en. rpato.; |. **/ur • '—pr—tf to northern ,Holl?iad 4»-!(?st|kmoto4 at . i .. UBKJS aiCgSSf ;20,MQ, exa«siw.-of the woaidefl,, *^b .an* toefes treated to -«ttlesi: near- jthe Belgian horHef,, ^ h e , aijaiher of woaaded has iiot yei&eea iaacertoln-ed.

hy a section of the Basteh ele*-•at laiSuaih Atrtcsji.-'ft!. Ewegje *a»i« a #ocj t to the BrMSfsh pahlle. Thai.

heesf inspired M* tAe '(Strmms fe not. the least doaht, ."

noisier .1!, «pxAP»Ay: ilocrl B, 'Cha^aiaa, for,ina«y years resident o't Jionsea fornt, tfied- oa

: g^;ar«ay; «ctoherj l%.at Cranfoiwfc iN, J» Phe rempdus w«re; nxQUgtiz to Ro'us>. .«4 Potat «a the ;X2th, and, after ser* vices ,kt ^hrts*^ E^lseyiwd ' «hmrch» iaierrsd in 3jtas>I* HJU. «e'metery. Mr. <C& aw an- jtras- ,si ty-»si.s JTeam' of • as? a n | a anej^oer of Adiroadasfe Chaa-

3k£tl.s*np- ! H« leaves a, «r4fes *u»a cAlldrien* 2dr«. W... K, €ow.p» of.

•Cr^wfo;r4 jM-'^^feelJSSf A-^toagtotwv.

is -Citty* T«sas> a.son, , • • Sesc

7T Cfct??1PQ!H |?^I»^1iJKI€JANS..


ceHen* v*iy «


th. tnoller.


the iPfot





reinforced ^ ^ ^ 4 « ^ ^ ^ ^ j J S ^ » c W ormy which is ftttenwtipg an enc|r« ^ J J l * A K 1 S *n S S elteg Movement toward O i W u e W * * J a iak|h ta% a**, to fm,sh »«.A,»A^r AVM^^LK *,«* nffl {niiv*h« <2oh»o.sfee the bestpicMtesi aad the the"«oafit, Although not,oia:iauy *pn»*t j _ . v.%M^aa *JT*fc*»^**. •'*%,«» fiwaed hy the press hareaif, th'^o fef J f t f ^ .*5?ur6sJk

b ^ J * * ^ 0 , | r L J » * » . » I . # «».A L»»I« ^ *h « n m i -«a | vandevflle tteam,, Trow a ao doaht of the trath of th, repwtea ^^^Jf-j » ' „*^^ „^k •oeoanatlon of Ghent fcy ^ a . « e a t e m ^ n ^ « « . a '^«: «»«««$: act, forces- Tho-aity is onlypmIves amesf. ., . - • . I -J .^- k , - .^ j . • . --. -,

kaown that the *3ermaa fq eoneeatratefl in Corce.


W**y n-eetsaay* ^ T,f; Oct. 13, 19**..

3di| ?r of Pregs^ and i Sentiaelj : M:r. Sear £ir; •, ^rtwigih the *0l«nJ»s of your *s-

paiM?r I desire' to--esinreas nay acer#; thanks to the ftepubli? Clinton eonnty for- the asagni-

pot* isl^ea iae> ait ta& priniaries nipniiaatioa $9? state coron-. l!t3.Tf« this -^.pportunity «£'

,jha41 ;4ha5li d!o all in nty-.jjower.

glnlcins-Sunflay' •er.'!l?a&Lda "h&il aaswti office hq^

an«jl fo r t h e :i^storfLi|on pt soveni-nient BepabMca-^i'paijty *a the State

ihe-ATeKare, of 'the ajsai the jfts*'^ '; • .

V«*y «ia* e??.eJy •yoatTt . . i | ,#A'3d?dS' %\ H<0'OICB1U; •


tenog Par liirfs-CIass

and Steno call

Mtrjiret Sfrirt pbQna24(^W»

,^Q. 3{«A Wcm Down- W i t t t ' R o ^ n l f ^ ' ^ f H f " f,a f™^ !3Do p 0 t

only bora aetails of the-Pallada's torpedoinfi :;:?he_«sWt laeatioa was noti-annoanced 'At leiasl S.'7-O* m e n - r a J t - ! a b o a r d t!h»j. ^al'lad^-went down -Wi*h;the -BMjj„'|;;?he.er«ts« •et- 33ayan» sco^tlag- with -t|t. r PalUda at i&e tl»»«-.»i;"^!ievfed to hja||whlt.;one. of ttieaabmtttlaes

qifa Vallada, .iBayan-. iand| Admiral iM'afeatov, » . ^ » ^ «hip» all < r ^it.^e&t fen&thv';t^5-'t;c>i!ia aisplaffer'eni -^nith :4 gpeea Of 51! ^U>W .^&>:M«|S)«f9 .a^name-nt .te^a'ded two S inch, and :ei|$t ftiach ^m in the >];i||niaTy .Jat-tejfy.''. ^

jtfJ0X«€,AS"'.B^ t ' : I - ' •. • SI

;Washfogton Cfcefa l S - < | o l m e l - ^ a ^ ; Held, 'Qofrnna ndlag1 • th» ta?oops on tne etl |o the wari

4e»aj;tiaent sa*0-^egrf|a* t h e Me^iesi i t o w n . o f

o w«s. anfflhangeifl. . • i ''^esaltory-|0r|as eoatWuel ihroagh thej nisht«w t i e *«fi»fi»toh te 3.; :*'»« is" 'ttnpos^ible ttj »re*-*nt ball 4a ' froV teniae on ihk hmtl^mi sia fe as MM as firing'is -Jcontintted; %t ia the -two 4 « 4 a'-4orpo 'Sbajmb,'*

en.i-WOonfieA A n t e tlbif •aif has :besn-" si M* ia""tjhe

'tbdaj* -we'sfeiirt. thte firs^ --jf the .great Ipantoman detecttre| series With "The $hantoa* ©tobk*.* -iwi ,thr$a reei& tCfcis >-,

«es were ^ They -vrill.show-1 at each ly Me

WcttmxaA* Oct-as—The (; e l ier pjei?-:, . . . , ™,,u . .»^ .sisted Here In oltielal tfxtiw •tofayf - , . . / ^ 3 ' ^ * - T » L V - • ^

' fc the ft«4«» ««««h: f0^'• '*•** "?!? fTPVwa1, 'S1fnt

been ^ifittl fed,"- ^Uel ^ 1 ^ ^ . ' *nfci*U &foda^d i ^ coiineetlion

of tipe "best on .roller skates.'

i teal

Ameipfrjah t, reppjrt-

e|jfly t-od,ay


.^Ith tits t^ijnla^ progranfe;LoahiprMt®'-t'h^|-foll>wisk *el«a^^a ^SfcjjMe's lig^-a«j -u':ai.;B#§ah93?' coi!ned|Y The Band* leader*" k^"itagaf4ph| coaasay,' *'|Iearts | aear! of'«ha" oiiesfe,**"" an ' B'dis^n dr.aj|na,.|,s,eia|e' •••abkigli ^iH.* r a-^Wefly played 1 by}Was •thejlrtilitt^jo.' "War strict]en lAja^ohi!,. ad%'erti| ed! : for tpdaj' was £ delayed in «| o^eikl transit ^adi will be show:; *„n the vjeryUendl near'furarjelj :' - .. ' :\J*J*i


-sarj' t^,e aatiagi

the. 1 life, o;

a»ei5ltioa. theift-erhp

W i iulerland ^iieji€*Vali^-.'*- i t

- j lo-f Nfche- • w e l l 1S10 w n l | i n . It. .pro'dwc'lcas-. ; p^rtiasflitdgr os Lthe .Wejst,' '^hi£!;'two+aat

paoto^jayj |3:on» a i ; tha :?troj«g^ of, WesWn'.drjfaas., '"Tb.e .S^o-k^11 ^^" t-'ltt|e'Wy;ji6tf t»p mijversb .cjtontp&ny.' has'amayjijplea^ed UH tMim&. tm'i>

juy^tti^ f' actors,; ' Als f, t>v-: J • other -ir els, •&. rpfiae'd'-wtt^ajs^ As t mission 4«l)ei'


ii , .t

.J:.J in.

)N COUNTT, «*•

wsm two amm



t ARMS o m ;%*# :MAS

>S)T%*3B € ' O t » f C513CS, J» » I S - ' *ro 'isaBit<>'#'- 'mi* isr* -

'3E3S-CK3 AWAl1,' i! « 0 '- • -

wivkt -Oct •i5,«^A4yfeip3? "soo'a

| ! | ! tad .Tammany, fEaltlby veofc* ^ . ^ r o s t e i - a ^ e ^ a d i d a t e for :<£%G£g& Fi^edlan'cter, on« of

| |fors of the P|rofres^re-'a%-Ideclarejii himself ]&• j^ippo^ier

i l i | en'abliean state ticket fmm s.Worney Walianan a^dRaines

IHsrorth, Jr,»d«)Wn* -. '!{ '" : ' ;

i iedti&mv in coinlagf~ont fot the;:>l|lftiib-J!eatt, ticket, assert^ thaf-,Sa;

doJhS|j;ife is-aetos m ^-^a^fte^Epir*-fte4 - 1 ^ i a aad ,as- a, S'ro^resjkive.1 Sir.

: F r iy» | ! | e r 'h t as bejen p^naaeat ia .f l ib ::1?r4gi#^|i%''' coan^as, :nayiai^ re^r'e-,seat^i|ie ; ' '3pariy of ^ ^ e Brotix''!* '-tno ^a4oM|P;K-3hittiee« of K^» At |hat.-.ti-mi.e-' •as$$|§f.*tee& a resola-tlon Ihat 'no. metoffi | |of the ' eoawnittee;-af 1 ^ saoiSmffi|*'o- Ms aante "coasldered. fer » a ^ ^ | f e i e , ' " ••'•w ' ! ; : . v ;;'.•;•. •

(the n»Qst'.oayefni eonsiaera-:i|vhat tho,. Pw&mssfa•&.'pa£t%;.

y> in thls^ eleeiiohi^res, • eye-n M ins Col. feoosevelt'«'. spfieehesf I ' deelde-d th'a4 m .a\ .paM:te» ptissen and as a*3^g#ssiyfc,'-

sapport .Ch^arles'. fy "R'ai't-the Eepaiblicart iifkvtf* fsi

iter. Frtedlaadei* talis&, "Col*! |,3evelt t i n '-ii^in^ ajl'j of; hid

iaettee to. hays' %lr±M$imi!m> a | A nataed a& tha "iaadidate ^^ogresavojs, has given every1

, isA*® *an -nr^uiieenl f<ir :VotM^ Jtfffler Be»»bffesa.J.f h i 'Sees « t S^jn^: to yM© t h e ' S#ttaiie.Aa;

j ians?. I think it fef a -elean, a b l b ^ ^ i i . ft is opposed 'to *£&&-] inam^MlX* and- a vote for j^airaa^rl'. ia-^ {||t|| brown tmg$.** ^ '•..

liprogressives, he$#Use '.'of ,©iir

MVtDC P 01711111111


i' : . " -


Makes Tliftea-Look New ;

MYERS & BELDEN traceries and Grtiket*

137 HtrsrtMt Street Pfaoit Iff


Jttt^ Finns 1>W Gebo Xot GaHt> o* OiVeriositttnar Team Jfeullns Stone.

4»#^| |Ua&#ori ty». ha*m4«swav 'D'^lifll* . sfpesition,. aad .WHS traa*M*t;

own state ticket fJ?he only is,-, Shall -we fhw>w;'-<mr "$a~

PJ help afa-rohy ^r' ^af po« ^maa* nvhose g*eai;-*B«0ra of

rvs e- $hows- that ai> mutter paaiy he ^alon^si he - h«a

e» people well?"

A1*I©S WAS r" -

|ec*ed Officers of Chnmi>iain l^bejcab .JjodgO CoBfiirm '",. Their Places tsjst." Ni^ht

and Bpiey^-ar& uflore

udlehcss afc

p erforjriaheej

red tbe larsostktt^jaded i»-of onieer«. of! .C&jimpialn

ibebah. 3Uodge, fc 4 ' O. F-, at tym Fellows* hall last

khen the otnoers of that •e introdaced into offlfe.' . i-eaionies.wei'e contacted by

j Deputy Hattie Par&ohg ana oj Saranae Lodge, Baranae,

ititv ! is anne<ips-

S nuaiitf' of;

'deri lenoM

fply elected officers who were assigned to their respective enr GfTaad—Bebekah, Abraham, and—Sadtt Connell. ry^—®tta. I* zmmet. er^Maad iLearned. —Augusta! Grossm^u. tor—Belle Wheeler, n—Mary 3&cob$en.; (

C.-^ChrJ:itia»a jPaa-to». vG-'—Lacy Klock. j .

'Gv-^Fmnces'-^a^sm''; . G.-—Hatte Sargesl11*-

Seula Nora. ' •jBCerman Jacotoseh*;. .

fAble Grand-^-Marsaret Mace. ling the installation ,a boun-

per was served at ' which $9 hyndi;ed "persons "vvei*e >urin^ the> evening' dancing ed and a pleasfng |progran» furnished by Prof. Cobture's

About thirty delegates at­tain £5ara»ac whose ,pxesenee pch. to the pleasure of the

, -ri^e, ;tri!he

stkambas,, a Bantu : tri :;highly eivil|zed

|Phey understand irpn^worlt-r i use of a defeimal system ition and' have a grpod sys-u s i c . • • : , , ''

Wood is used almost ex-in ^making matches in Sw.e-

*s easily eat and ,poj,*o,us to be veadily iriipVesaaSed bur or paraffin.:

A «a.se "which attracted a lar^q nantb|r of spectators was tried in city;<s>nrt yefcterdav.afJ.pmon. It •«&& the' Atrial of Paul Gebo, a foreman-eat^iojed by the Bluff Point .Stone COBipany Jt the- quarry on the Beefc,-IftfHtown road, where the stone cm\-pal»y| has been gtltin^ oui stone for the ' barge canal terminal and tfor road' building purposes, who waii charged by .Mrs. Belle t'leiT* -"ivith tnuw. la^ the overloading of t< w cngag«a itt [hauling slonc from iheu.uatty. The spikjificq case upon which G«bo \va» arrested was the ovprlcading of a-pair of mules With bloclcs of stone for defivery at tii« 'terminal. '• The ease wasl tried (before Citv

Ja^lge Barnsrd and a jurv, and ther»< weJfe several wlfcntess»=!s ^^orn as to ' .thi 'wdght of ^ load ^Inch would ebMhtiPte cruelty to an.nj.ii Is. It wa«* slj.Wn by the deten3aat th i t after thp 'teaftj iwd been worked on the joiH for eijlfcf weblts they Were in sjnod condi' tlo|tJ aad Mi's, h^ eonteaded, pfoiei tM£thc.v had iter, li^^ii' abused. -fVbh tfsfe;!'ed that POO« nftev tbo^ mulw we|& put on *fct? job of bawling' s'toup £be4 drive*- eomtolHiR ed of t h e sixe oi th*j io"d ' -q;qd t1»-«t f h ^ w j f t e r hi; was all#w'ejd.Jaiirjii.4^w f J r ^4.iniK*»lf t h e siz*» ist | h e load is^e -fcennr t h o n l d h a u l a n d tha t the drnrrMiias. nt the tJme com-•plltfnjed of bj ijrs- tilery loadjn*-t ilie teafel to f-uit himself.

. % jdtd nOt talterfb*» wej* tt> cXsKetl to .^rrUf at a \erd*e* the evidenee, -and taw

5'»al»d that Genu wa.s not -guilty tff tlel'offeVji'e chATSftd in the complaint. ^e-fWtis, itheriXort, di^chargefl !»y tlrt

fivt^ m*nuleK aftlr hea^inj

WJRSAW- ^ IAT i^Ajaij f •V. SL J3S SOTIPlK»

' ^"aisiuagton, Oct. l$—"Wajssrfw, cai|tal of Russiaa Poland, is' threat-euep by German rorecs and may fall at fmy moment, according to aa,of-aciill dispatch to the American gov-erJipjent today from one of its eon*-saM who asked for instructions as to, the cave of foreign interest ditr-ingfthe expected period of occupancy.


Stenographer AT

Tfc# Typewriter Exchange

G. Russe l l Parsons 13 Clinton St

.^j-/"'y^/y—•- * "«t rt