[star safety razor - nys historic...

&4!£13? "For Plattsburgh and mm Gmwjkmm vhkiTmmm m j^wmnmbk^ ••~r [Star Safety Razor -, ., 1 H . S^taa a record «£ tjiefifrwad em;d£ttr*"Ut^H*»*i , ; ..led by any pto ra*o* o* * , iJS^SSSrf * .•„ -,t may be cliinwidia flawed worded *td**4fw»«!i. I 0<h<r styles- «t vara,*,, 3*^ Call CAX^^L S |..h«^ully demonstrate GjcfStsirta you. • • - ^ RAZOBS STROPS & HONES MmMc us * c*i£" Ttoaire** foi» of tiling* we've* hern talking t<* you about .*« Ion* mn^c Wa'dt ifUkfr ,*tw>w yo« Uie rr«l RTjodN, whctlifr it be Poultry FVXMJS, Dairy -^*Ml, jBrklc, -1»|IWICT,* I't-ffiom, COAfc, or an^Mair ***rl» o»r line that you may '*** Interest**! in. .Wis won't a*k yc*tt ti* bay. Slay' be ym» arm't quite ^^ai\ i 9uirbBif^iiiA''9(r> want- jnmt ««* get. acquainted witft us JMKI the kind *rf goods w© bundle. «« WISS STANLEY STANDS DP FOR THE KAISER SINC.Kit, JUST ARKIVFD 'New York,. ''Seat 8.—*th« unth*s- takabiy AmeTiean sirl wbo gatherato the folds of a. French gown about her us she came- to the defeat:* of Ger- many and the Kaiser at the Hotel Baltlmprtt yesterday afternoon, was Sliss Helen Stanley, soprano of tbe Century opem Company. <Mis* Stan- ley eame back to AmorlcaT yesterday on tlie-Holiattd-Ajtteerlea. liner Hotter- dam alter passing three months in Berlin, , - "I'm not argulag about it. I'm. tell- ing you." said Miss Stanley, "I have just come from Bet-En. ' fThe world has never seen a nation so completely in accord with ita ruler as j tbe people of Germanyvaro with the Kaiser. "Pho iftere appearance of the Kaiser or'the Kalseriu on a bal- cony «reatea great^waves of gnttnmJE* asm. ft left Berlin on„the evening of August' 26. The city was quiet, calm and eheerfuf. Amusement places were open at the special request of' the Kaiser, *h» doean't want ftla people toibeeoflae morbitt. f'ood is *plemitul and oheap. Dealer* who attempted to raise prices £*»& Kouge the people have hem•?• impriaonea, a charaeter- iatic German way of keeping down the cost of livingr. The capital is not getting mitoh war newa, because the ce'iiaorship ts rigid, but the people know that thei* atfmit have* been KUC" cewtfal,*- -."' ». "(Stories that ihft Germafts were panieky over the feai- of a KussittH in-vaaion are oonseniw. Th« s people are eoniident that the Kainer** armies will ha able to crush Francft before fcbe Ruesiana get danKerowi. "It may interest Americaim t«* know that Germany expected -JF&pan to fiarht rwith^her. Hterly in Ap&u* people in Berlin were carrying Ja" panew on "their ahotijdera^and.ebi in^ them lowdfo". Then camejfee^n«w,«< that Japan. would Mlri^ftgland. W** lotife'ed a r o ^ n d ^ ^ o wh,«r« the Ann? ane.He js^*«<imt Ihey had disappeared :Smtejy pelted away. However they did it »o-ooe Jknowis. bat they most .have had ad vane*, information giving them tun* to.slip mt of the "*I itm»w what J am lalkiriK nbout. when 1 May that Gprm&uy'wanla rin- eerebr to b«i friendly with th* T,?fttted s^teii "W^ijeed TiaVV^n^thiwjf ta fear from t.r-Nnaoyi". ' r -. French Feared Kaiser Would May Use of Truce to HkiAnny-BaHfe Si « lo Go hm& the tonus. * . . . _ ^^^ JJ X ' 4. -'•'J; MC8 between; 4.fDO and ^ood MWfrpyes, Public Stenographer Typewriting and Stenographic RaiMdatw Take Austrian llorts. , and berngslow-) raria, «ept« S, 1.16 p. ffi,-A '.(«•», back- »t4*r~- fa etitjUI»** chi ' t * ^ Havaa; Agoit*y ir*^3m^iW*^Emv Vki*mt Oimt.ti*. Part*,. Sept. S—^ith their riitht witijr b««!y ifhattjwed iy pu»h«4 Freneh jfor an arrnlst ce to; bury their di?ad and vara.for thR'woiyind^d. A"h unoittctal report trtatai that t h e ^r**- %w*t was refuaed tHMawe'ih'e.ICai^er in rearranging- his itoci>s tf m?H tht* wmy and it is feared thai :he>-migbt m*Ue to* «f a truee lb'atrehirthw* *te. t , f t f e ka ^ have-taUen, nomerous mat m* otftero»e>*H» to,holdf.^ oa i^. imn ^ im . a imitj^ .of 'Gei^msM tofantry and',a-<otapaof j^f Serving rapid ftm s»n-s> The,?* caplur-f Experts in ailffliies offeiiildl^gmateri£fl| will lie in attend3ici!^ : 't^# r ©xblbit to maike .J$nr. visit wrtl 'v PJionc Waffstowgh M-F 3 oi-Pcni 2S •-•. i !i :j| : off the alMe* From •Mcatud, near' Parlk to'"-Cha» tnw S*»nM»» in tartux®, tp'e Ffent'h aii«.J*r!ti«h trwps wer« %l#»rious*'to- day. -' Vfto' ,§reateat' si web "of tho' en- ga<rett)ent- was felt n-;Jon thf French -center whero the "Cfe: w a n s trl^-d t»» break tbrough 8«*vi>ra't tim?:«, doliver- ins a ; «ertes of violent-attacks. The 2,- 000,009 Ciermatt troieps in franco arc believed to. bo exfewded ,V?Mle the French ,'forees nave bee.n' !reinfj»*;ep.d %y the mMitioft' of fr<r-sH ' TeFejrv^ts [from tbo south. Pnm,, 4,n'okfii6rt imbn^ participated in todays ^'battp.^ </•' '. f t e >ir4r oillce-i^ st.'=itattim»ntted9y re^ortett -fierce -ilsbti-aj atonsr iho'>«« tire battle fro»t» The, ..report,,£»|a thM ih« - «t»j*man-jj my. -|».nW-' 'fe^;, «$W)y,' "wliiie" 'ti»V'^iie» w4r¥ 'jiVi-^k-i i n s -forward ,r#3enttes«iy..; : .:#he.-m«vo ; -; ment of r*tj'rem« ( ni;."is'''«an|lwned- on tho -««rman gidet" : r -J' '•;-'.j •.' "'••' l»r*p<ilj^ for ttMt i n 3to+«si6oi»« "; I»oiidon,.Sept. &,.f*-AS0irat(ag to'dis- patehea from Lucerat!;: " Switgerlamd, f Austria is hastily prep-(ring for an in- vasion of her .torrjtoiy bF Italy* < . Paris Defenses 'BniOimfU • • , Paris, Att&'-&. -S..4%;'i». . : »i,4rSev^J|'41 .tibottsasid. Tejt^rvista• i«brfe -been;.'.*ja«, gaged Moce; the outbr?ak , of-th©' , ;w»t in puttinjr the; o^ter.fefoHse^.of.tbe je'ntrenijhed catnp in.$h'ap«.to!rfesl»t.'|.a P0«sslbJo, ; Mego'by, the/.; (iermaiis/ ;• "Tho n^lita^y;s^v«rnorVhas-'tt.oi«f^ecide^ .fca&Wftlte W r f e ' a u t yeislfVaay:%8C|B ^excayalora %ero' mugerttji" in,' divi^. rod";'in » # a d s and 'gh'pn, '%lattk^i» j^> .'that iboy can Sleep", on - tho. spet.'-'S'bOft' bavo been aent to tlie out» ; r troncbefe 250,000 Iliissians in Franco. . Rome,'$ept. 8. via. ^ndGUf is.#S. : 'p.'nt,—^iV,ec6'r.4in#' to iho Jtomo 'fdfr|*' buna** tfcere is in prance |oday.a.'i%- tat of 35fl.a«o }Su»jiia« 1XQOJ>S. . ' \_ $M& |iowspap#r alxi&uies iSm^erorj Wiliiamla premnm at.MetK. to,.; tnist coaqentsation of tfato jtus^aos, _ Gcrmmts STe^war BuLcb -fVontlojft.. •' Amsterdam, Sept. $, via London, •$M p.m,--%Fhe *t«eUW».^ate. ; - JJen i^ajf* *aya.-tbat'tho .Germans A ar,e -Bteadiiy &ketsftn% m.^&?A(}''t^\tini:m frontier:.- Th*r InhaTiftaititJs^^thlo. 1&oK gimn: frontier, viiiage*., aroiffle'eiug;" -to; 'j>utch territory- afte*--jfer^Wng''- tfetit:' property, 'Many, * a&H itatft fafgliiyea.- ;.bave arrfved-'in ©ntflraiandi&ri,, ;'• '': IJelKiaiis Mqfy Jolifc Bsssaiasa Ajkiies, Paris, Sept, ' 8,'>.&pi': ".ft.. .m,HAn agree)ia6n| reached by the Belgian and Huaaian govornineatf,; according 1 to the correspondent of the HavaC Agency' at; ; P4trogad.; au-axof»e#'-Bel^ !gi-an r*aervi?t^-and refer aita^f-iti*; to; : attach them8etve« to iRusBian armies,! .... > i - . - , • i A f&S ~j*ir-~'*-9!L.i ' J" - "LXTTF"- tr|«n ft»rl» at Nhwlal*3l ant Jlikola- jo^, situated in Calicut, »bout 25 mWejt ijwuthweist of Lujcembnfl?. w*w T -5^ : *^« captured by thu Iiui»slan« S«pt, 5, ^ *o*j» .. ,2fftMQi l*rtw>tterH .•&*««», r 1 - naWf.*W3f Paris, ISrpt,, &i ^,23 -pjpa^- Fremjh|5^. VW!t ?? 1 an4 KrtKlfSh troops eagagei te'thfe batWft''"iftO«* . progrffssios- to the east od <3&i$o',m&3iy gun- carriages, . Iftaritsi - INwpftjftB for ^uas tana, .ifwndon,- Sept, 8, n . i s <a tit-*- A dtspalM :to the ExchaMge^'olegcaph Comp^niy frop Athens desires that the; TtJjrhsr, in order to be.«»rop&red to oppo««t » possible iaadios of Itussiaus has® ^newtrattlL about S f 0sRO,O nien ai '^diata-l|a» .S3, mitea no^tbw«s& of .CortBtaotlnoplo -and- Hodosjto,. e« the S5»f oft. i*lam©i*a.,-"' l-^ytbermt re,' they ^irorfoi-tifKinif «tio«-s ; tbo,- Sea >f Mar* motto at other->oin,e^- . flhe. carrfi-«pbnderit 'says M. con-cla* cowespi)ado»t! to 'the Esobfwigo-.-a'elo-N'l' grai4 ^mi»a«y i .fiays"'fba^ -{tbi-'burgQw^ niaster bas- reached an, airreeinent 'm%h, the commander of tbo' -German' tree pa before the town, .tho.-purposo. ojf.*hi|ifh-J« t o x o i d 'tbe. 4mr:anoO o of German 'tijH$tex$. " •- Hols'..of CO of $hi$h W8fo of voters - jot ;B*oqano-- CiW%/-jivbfr4.§eo»t0r Ri^j^viije^. -^ Mw4,-t»:i».bglt ¥ -of tbe en^tlte^-Bo; ' pitblcafer'.in* -that oo-uaty;-^hodi'; -Mh Ubi^atf'|t lieKliqns.'"&#,M& Khk§ a, 5Cu- |sifi ;a*wres - that* wero;-^3i| ikmS la.4 -da-^^ tbe'pa8t.'i^w:|;-''\"|?hai tefehoin^oii'' aM '.'F* ttmi& 'A.' W:ei8b : |«L-i5yra^aWet tbte'.m^riPlRs; toofe" ft*. lAWwiinr and 'iii^d "Mti» -tKk-lte^st^tyt ot"^ tat-»[the |[€^g&atiaef ,4et Etions' -of Sens Aor- flajv^y "D: fanm^h 'jtor'Go-v- emor, -• J. # e *k-5tio«s. taicen fey ."Stri" Kiebols j if 3,^s|-S; ^ignatufes, oi ler.^^jQ^firi «.'. an .WWBt mad' &b(ftt| .B t ioo''sigttatu^. Wjttt*" m ami -petitions; aro bfelleved .to be bitoe'l^-. i»..*be.i;w i oir}d^ da; jbaciJ! at|iea«A...f($ yew* t .i*c^nfty^jEe , ai»eove#d; : Jn;'„an- obi/bufjtdfn^ -Mgk'•ctf a'JSa^tfblkt.wtoaaltepyliAvjtovis;';- ' .'It i ;;•'. ••>•• •so itfariB"B' »«r* ;,'>"-HWiiMi.lll riinjn :|are a©;W in the lead for '"(bfp- of ttte. Kationul Hivinaf yesterday won ar«' '!}*er •-the Giants'present hoidtw.of t h P efcaaw»io.!&sM'p. James 'Vfa» .on the- ..tfelbbor for the. "Brayes and he h*ld|^[""c^cws moa to "ttooe seattercd'b'it^B :- : ;• ;„• - - Kijt|ponaI IJeagne . . •=- % 'At-Boston^-f .- - -R H B. Kew t York a||i ..':;.. 3 3 - 1 "Bojftoa ..:'.-4j;.'.>.. .-......,*- 8 15;. •! 3tai-gitta-srd» ' | r o m m e MeLieaWJ Jaases d«*wd^ - * .5a .-", ' - . A^--.Pbilade;i-ibia ' i r K E Brookiyn .-, [|i v.,, ..... - ...... / 4 i-o- .1 •paadeiphii. #>, ..••-.. - * 5 to g "eutbaeh, a | p a r t y , "Sayor, Doom- R H & 3. « » I J>1 ' 2 "Lavea^ mm -tbjafc-begi-mdOigi- - today ijh< r. Seryiaa -a?iii. a^ume tb»j joifensiv© aga|i»st 'JAustfla. . ,.- {• AgrjeeTOent Readied. im&Qtii'.&spt. %,-• 2.pt '%.&.*•?»• Xn.ai./:' At Washit^lbn,, 1st'.gams" dispatch from -G%e»t, -'Beliaiim,." a^,Pbflad^phi»-Jlr •At £&&*•"«*.& Glseinaati Cbtei^o' .. ;Oo5JfelUSi der, 3a.be}, Aife - •'••***f4 i AtK^r. fo| BbstSm ..... M GK^sgrShorl I hop^-^manitapirt e v Gonseates; fcr.' -;' . ' . . > icao- lieagite' •' . * . R H E *. *.,.».- .1 .... t .j$ 1 J 1. "Kiomasj Hsber^ W04- «^B» "asWagton ,Bwsb.. -^ebai 'At Wosb,ij JPhilftiJeiphia Wa#btingto». "PEaw^v, •„-' ; r ,\At«-'Detroi'|i .Ohlca^go. *.y "Detroit!. ,. ,, <jfeotto t : SI f-!| New -! t"or'k/ is e-pt.-" i.*4J who have, |u'«(t zeto^'lfak>k^''0i% land lia'.Wiuia*. is.- crNai»y,;.#i^ He haa b e w M h e r e -j^»N!;i., waiting/far. a,fcbance..t;iB igtHt;^ m a k i n r «#te'-off bia'.tinT[i--abKt;.tt*'' ing tho.'iBffite'h get. reaAy" " jv ! ..._ be attitude '|b"f|- the; Brlibj^' .'toj&r 1 Ote of'fWapretei! e«ofld«|tt^«,"3lM|i'.S anajt waffli't uitii. theyjaa^t ft L * my feashed bacH that t | i ^ ; put i their. Ha^nels : ;.attd- 'put : ;''^o{. ."^afct^ ,.It waKwhiie Uv,_&k^«\yrm.m-.-^ X n .t3fc|«t.w«yi came ; jttf-;.thie-'-i6kiif : -| ur |and\of the rftniafc of ibfa?""" •tils in fho'dSReiition ,of.jFaria,'; ; ''^Theje mu«03e-a'.different.^8Rirt|' , :i the Uidjtjed- Rio^iom 'H^W;-tbiui * was -nitt fit 'f.'-iwi ls\beiie.f ? ' , ' a«ld, Crang'^ast nigfc.fc ; N i b k r amount |d ttk otri tost 4^ilfe*«i!C«w! •im^l'y )i?onida*t <.beHe*fcc;.'<&*?'' : ;et|ukt..' pb • * wrong. .,' Tfi *k'-with assuring tiM^Of^fidS»r 'is" <toW*S wb^n 1 Miiarmiei began to ' tfoir Upopa ^t ,|w«a. r *wieik ; a^fiakei .aadiiWb'enIt happ*iHNl'( '«;,«•«*, |w*e" ai^e'not-tt^t^-teady^ti.* .' "'ivtalf ft f ha t- EngiandjhiMi'' w up -nbii'-ft ^.j-'G^(at"3'ritaln"'- got 'th^lothi&rjifwo afiiea to 'agre«- tfta* nono- Wf aid iSwtJ m'P&wsti, .without -thfe other''two.-• Asd that t&i^pi^m^tmf-, tbat sbo 4B m$m' to aghi to tbe finia^i »nd that ahs ••srtlf.'. stake eyerythinf she basp • ':•, • •' " J [" "*"Wbe|i I : left v S iveirpBol j*iu jcouldi»*jt J hstve- totd thi^e ; ;wa». a wati Cricket sronad4j."wei*tVfuP/-a»d r men strolled 1^ about iif theif ,to'nnol« without f a ' worry ^hlie'^tldh"'^ t^efe gomg w^ol on'''t*e;]<Hm)t^ni^.;^*]iUmidon ' w>« -theati-e'f wer^'<Iosed ami war mueh 4"P^nc^d ' ; »V,','**5e m a s s i f troops,; ( .;: ..,- ,.." , j "There iseems t o "fee a great dfead. and saspioloo^or : aH-Gormft»"» in IKagf land, BtttisheSfsi ^eel that their land ik ibfeste^'by G«ri3ian..s^ies. Mxajf h^ tor? in |^on.do^ •B^r>. i .^mjk by GerfeaasL Thoy atad.iilieix-.Germ^n, Jjjejp v bav^ been fo^ced...j)to, leaiser» but oi*t4 i ' tftere if'not 'dacb bieak in bodi'llfe v * * -"' A|l Of .t*oit|.d"Stft|t^s ^sports i;4etoiftSj.Arej;'bro|i;en iu & e « H fc'itbe fis^yi yoarj |ajst end^a-t^§Wjteci, ........... 3 s. 0 Shaav, Heafy. •. -* |4tt''Snd©am.& -'R H is .,, ...... » 16 '£ ' ..... •••• ^4 1 0 <> JobasoH^ iHaapsri R a & ,...,.-.' .... ,.. a. -5 '2 Oldbain, ^sjjiase?. •o£ ^l^but^ -""prrocrfsjtya *^ ;' l3J;cls9o%' •Bbie^aoket, Ml k; 2nd,gams. J-Sfsey . 1st %&m$ ^fwar^e, ,"'V-*'Ptoyidojafi.e 1 .4. fed"-@antB :3fi>.atreal, ..Toponto^ -4 "Ehe ajeas ; ^myl;tt#sVln - '"i^b : :Col«mhW 'Mx^st^. -"@dwar| au", ,Be?ryj d, ' •.' • >. - • rtoftal fjenigno ey City, 15; Baltimore ij ^Chester, 14. . . "• •. 85<JK#o»Stee| ,-«# * >***• * ^ * . 4 §, .& ® |l' : St "ffiinaeraa, "IT. valuo of eojdmj for ;1| JBalHmo.ro ' 4 the. .nine Cfeoadfan iaxo milos afca: Qtte- pftrio, 4"ut»2f;8;, Brit-. Sf^OO; A;lbe.rfca. 2fa,s an, g^OfSM; jitaalto- fy |tfun^w|olc r .-2?,$S8f ^Oofta,, ai&fci; ?and ^v\ aws aters Caps J G. Russell ParSODS * 15 Clinton St i lattsbure' 4 p^a W-. ii,.-.' "^.•1 im "U'M 5M ; ." ... :--;f.-. : "-<' ^i^i '. At>;

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Page 1: [Star Safety Razor - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-09-09/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · &4!£13? "For Plattsburgh and mm Gmwjkmm vhkiTmmm m j^wmnmbk^ ••~r


"For Plattsburgh and

mm Gmwjkmm vhkiTmmm m j^wmnmbk^ ••~r

[Star Safety Razor -, ., 1 H . S^taa a record «£ tjiefifrwad em;d£ttr*"Ut^H*»*i , ; ..led by any pto ra*o* o* * , i J S ^ S S S r f *

.•„ -,t may be cliinwidia flawed worded *td**4fw»«!i. I

0<h<r styles- «t vara,*,, 3 * ^ Call C A X ^ ^ L S |..h«^ully demonstrate GjcfStsirta you. • • - ^


MmMc us * c*i£"

Ttoaire** foi» of tiling* we've* hern

talking t<* you about .*« Ion* m n ^ c

Wa'dt ifUkfr f» ,*tw>w yo« Uie rr«l RTjodN,

whctlifr it be Poultry FVXMJS, Dairy

-^*Ml, jBrklc, -1»|IWICT,* I't-ffiom, COAfc,

or an^Mair ***rl» o»r line that you

may '*** Interest**! in. .Wis won't a*k

yc*tt ti* bay. Slay' be ym» a rm ' t quite

^^ai\i9uirbBif^iiiA''9(r> want- jnmt ««*

get. acquainted witft us JMKI the kind

*rf goods w© bundle.




'New York,. ''Seat 8.—*th« unth*s-takabiy AmeTiean sirl wbo gatherato the folds of a. French gown about her us she came- to the defeat:* of Ger­many and the Kaiser a t the Hotel Baltlmprtt yesterday afternoon, was Sliss Helen Stanley, soprano of tbe Century opem Company. <Mis* Stan­ley eame back to AmorlcaT yesterday on tlie-Holiattd-Ajtteerlea. liner Hotter-dam alter passing three months in Berlin, , • -

"I'm not argulag about it. I'm. tell­ing you." said Miss Stanley, "I have just come from Bet-En. '

fThe world has never seen a nation so completely in accord with ita ruler as j tbe people of Germanyvaro with the Kaiser. "Pho iftere appearance of the Kaiser or ' the Kalseriu on a bal­cony «reatea great^waves of gnttnmJE* asm.

ft left Berlin on„the evening of August' 26. The city was quiet, calm and eheerfuf. Amusement places were open a t the special request of' the Kaiser, * h » doean't want ftla people toibeeoflae morbitt. f'ood is *plemitul and oheap. Dealer* who attempted to raise prices £*»& Kouge the people have hem•?• impriaonea, a charaeter-iatic German way of keeping down the cost of livingr. The capital is not getting mitoh war newa, because the ce'iiaorship ts rigid, but the people know that thei* atfmit have* been KUC" cewtfal,*- -."' ».

"(Stories that ihft Germafts were panieky over the feai- of a KussittH in-vaaion are oonseniw. Th«speople are eoniident that the Kainer** armies will ha able to crush Francft before fcbe Ruesiana get danKerowi.

"It may interest Americaim t«* know that Germany expected -JF&pan to fiarht rwith^her. Hterly in Ap&u* people in Berlin were carrying Ja" panew on "their ahotijdera^and.ebi in^ them lowdfo". Then camejfee^n«w,«< that Japan. would Mlri^ftgland. W** lotife'ed a r o ^ n d ^ ^ o wh,«r« the Ann? ane.He js^*«<imt Ihey had disappeared

:Smtejy pelted away. However they did it »o-ooe Jknowis. bat they most .have had ad vane*, information giving them tun* to.slip mt of the

"*I itm»w what J am lalkiriK nbout. when 1 May that Gprm&uy'wanla rin-eerebr to b«i friendly with th* T,?fttted s^tei i "W^ijeed TiaVV^n^thiwjf ta fear from t.r-Nnaoyi". ' r • -.

French Feared Kaiser Would May Use of Truce to

HkiAnny-BaHfe S i « lo Go hm& the tonus.

* . . . _ ^ ^ ^ JJ • X '

4. - ' • ' J ;

MC8 between; 4.fDO and ^ood MWfrpyes,

Public Stenographer

Typewriting and Stenographic

RaiMdatw Take Austrian llorts. , and berngslow-) raria, «ept« S, 1.16 p. ffi,-A '.(«•»,

back- »t4*r~- fa eti t jUI»** c h i ' t* ^ Havaa; Agoit*y ir*^3m^iW*^Emv Vki*mt Oimt.ti*.

Part*,. Sept. S—^ith their riitht witijr b««!y ifhattjwed iy pu»h«4

Freneh jfor an arrnlst ce to; bury their di?ad and vara.for thR'woiyind^d. A"h unoittctal report trtatai that the r**-%w*t was refuaed tHMawe'ih'e.ICai^er in rearranging- his itoci>s tf m?H tht* w m y and it is feared thai :he>-migbt m*Ue to* «f a truee lb'atrehirthw* *te. t , f t f e ka ^ have-taUen, nomerous mat m* o t f t e r o » e > * H » t o , h o l d f . ^ o a i ^ . i m n ^ i m . a i m i t j ^ .of

'Gei msM tofantry and',a-<otapaof j^ f Serving rapid ftm s»n-s> The,?* caplur-f

Experts in ailffliies of feiiildl^g materi£fl| will lie in attend3ici!^: 't #r©xblbit to maike .J$nr.

visit wrtl


PJionc Waffstowgh M-F 3 oi-Pcni 2S

•-•. i



off the alMe* From •Mcatud, near ' Parlk to'"-Cha»

tnw S*»nM»» in tartux®, tp'e Ffent'h aii«.J*r!ti«h t rwps wer« %l#»rious*'to­day. -' Vfto' ,§reateat' si web "of tho' en-ga<rett)ent- was felt n-;Jon t h f French -center whero the "Cfe: wans trl^-d t»» break tbrough 8«*vi>ra't tim?:«, doliver-ins a;«ertes of violent-attacks. The 2,-000,009 Ciermatt troieps in franco arc believed to. bo exfewded ,V?Mle the French ,'forees nave bee.n' !reinfj»*;ep.d %y the mMitioft' of fr<r-sH ' TeFejrv^ts [from tbo south. Pnm,, 4,n'okfii6rt imbn participated in todays 'battp.^ </•' '.

f t e >ir4r oillce-i^ st.'=itattim»ntted9y re^ortett -fierce -ilsbti-aj atonsr iho'>«« tire battle fro»t» The, ..report,,£»|a thM ih« - «t»j*man-jj my. -|».nW-' ' f e ^ ; , «$W)y,' "wliiie" 'ti»V'^iie» w4r¥ 'jiVi-^k-i ins -forward ,r#3enttes«iy..;:.:#he.-m«vo;-; ment of r*tj'rem«(ni;."is'''«an|lwned- on tho -««rman gidet": r-J' '•;-'.j •.' "'••'

l»r*p<ilj^ for ttMt in 3to+«si6oi»« "; I»oiidon,.Sept. &,.f*-AS0irat(ag to'dis-patehea from Lucerat!;: " Switgerlamd,

f Austria is hastily prep-(ring for an in­vasion of her .torrjtoiy bF Italy* <

. Paris Defenses 'BniOimfU • • , Paris, Att&'-&. -S..4%;'i». .:»i,4rSev^J|'41

.tibottsasid. Tejt^rvista• i«brfe • -been;.'.*ja«, gaged Moce; the outbr?ak,of-th©',;w»t in puttinjr the; o^ter.fefoHse^.of.tbe je'ntrenijhed catnp in.$h'ap«.to!rfesl»t.'|.a P0«sslbJo,; Mego'by, the/.; (iermaiis/ ;• "Tho n^lita^y;s^v«rnorVhas-'tt.oi«f^ecide^ .fca&Wftlte W r f e ' a u t yeislfVaay:%8C|B ^excayalora %ero' mugerttji" in,' divi^. rod";'in » # a d s and 'gh'pn, '%lattk^i» j > .'that iboy can Sleep", on - tho. spet.'-'S'bOft' bavo been aent to tlie out»;r troncbefe

250,000 Iliissians in Franco. . Rome,'$ept. 8. via. ndGUf is.#S.:

'p.'nt,—^iV,ec6'r.4in#' to iho Jtomo 'fdfr|*' buna** tfcere is in prance |oday.a.'i%-tat of 35fl.a«o }Su»jiia« 1XQOJ>S. . ' \_

$M& |iowspap#r alxi&uies iSm^erorj Wiliiamla premnm at.MetK. to,.; tnist coaqentsation of tfato jtus^aos,

_ Gcrmmts STe war BuLcb -fVontlojft.. •' Amsterdam, Sept. $, via London,

•$M p.m,--%Fhe *t«eUW».^ate.;- JJen i ajf* *aya.- tbat ' tho .Germans A ar,e -Bteadiiy &ketsftn% m.^&?A(}''t^\tini:m frontier:.- Th*r InhaTiftaititJs^^thlo. 1&oK gimn: frontier, viiiage*., aroiffle'eiug;" -to; 'j>utch territory- afte*--jfer^Wng''- tfetit:' property, 'Many, * a&H itatft fafgliiyea.-

;.bave arrfved-'in ©ntflraiandi&ri,, ;'• '': IJelKiaiis Mqfy Jolifc Bsssaiasa Ajkiies,

Paris, Sept, ' 8,'>.&pi': ".ft.. .m,HAn agree)ia6n| reached by the Belgian and Huaaian govornineatf,; according1

to the correspondent of the HavaC Agency' at;;P4trogad.; au-axof»e#'-Bel^

!gi-an r*aervi?t^-and refer aita^f-iti*; to; :attach them8etve« to iRusBian armies,! . . . . > i - . • - , • i

A f & S • ~j*ir-~'*-9!L.i ' J" - "LXTTF"-

tr|«n ft»rl» at Nhwlal*3l an t Jlikola-jo^, situated in Calicut, »bout 25 mWejt ijwuthweist of Lujcembnfl?. w*w T -5^ : * « captured by thu Iiui»slan« S«pt, 5, ^ * o * j »

.. ,2fftMQi l*rtw>tterH .•&*««», r 1 - naWf.*W3f Paris, ISrpt,, &i ^,23 -pjpa^- F r e m j h | 5 ^ . V W ! t??1

an4 KrtKlfSh troops eagagei te'thfe batWft''"iftO«* . progrffssios- to the east

od <3&i$o',m&3iy gun- carriages, . Iftaritsi - INwpftjftB for • uas tana,

.ifwndon,- Sept, 8, n . i s <a tit-*- A dtspalM :to the ExchaMge^'olegcaph Comp^niy f rop Athens d e s i r e s that the; TtJjrhsr, in order to be.«»rop&red to oppo««t » possible iaadios of Itussiaus has® ^newtrattlL about Sf0sRO,O nien a i '^diata-l|a» .S3, mitea no^tbw«s& of .CortBtaotlnoplo -and- Hodosjto,. e« the S5»f oft. i*lam©i*a.,-"' l-^ytbermt re,' they ^irorfoi-tifKinif «tio«-s;tbo,- Sea >f Mar* motto a t other->oin,e^-

. flhe. carrfi-«pbnderit 'says M. con-cla*

cowespi)ado»t! to 'the Esobfwigo-.-a'elo-N'l' g ra i4 ^mi»a«yi.fiays"'fba^ -{tbi-'burgQw^ niaster • bas- re ached an, airreeinent 'm%h, the commander of tbo' -German' tree pa before the town, .tho.-purposo. ojf.*hi|ifh-J« t o x o i d 'tbe. 4mr:anoOoof German 'tijH$tex$. " • -



of $hi$h W8fo of voters - jot ;B*oqano--CiW%/-jivbfr4.§eo»t0r R i ^ j ^ v i i j e ^ . -^ Mw4,-t»:i».bglt¥-of tbe en^tlte^-Bo; ' pitblcafer'.in* -that oo-uaty;-^hodi'; -Mh Ubi^atf'|t lieKliqns. '"&#, M& Khk§ a, 5Cu- |sifi ;a*wres - that* wero;-^3i| ikmS la.4

-da-^^ tbe'pa8t.'i^w:|;-''\"|?hai

tefehoin^oii'' a M '.'F* ttmi& 'A.' W:ei8b:|«L-i5yra^aWet tbte'.m^riPlRs; toofe" ft*. lAWwiinr and 'iii^d "Mti» -tKk-lte^st^tyt ot"^ tat-»[the |[€^g&atiaef ,4et Etions' -of Sens Aor- flajv^y "D: fanm^h 'jtor'Go-v-emor, -• J.

# e *k-5tio«s. taicen fey ."Stri" Kiebols j if 3, s|-S; ^ignatufes, oi ler. jQ firi «.'.



mad' &b(ftt| .B t ioo ' ' s igt ta tu^. Wjttt*" m ami -petitions;

aro bfelleved .to be bitoe'l -. i»..*be.i;wioir}d^ da;

jbaciJ! at|iea«A...f($ yew* t.i*c^nfty^jEe , ai»eove#d;: Jn;'„an- obi/bufjtdfn^ -Mgk '• • ctf a'JSa^tfblkt.wtoaaltepyliAvjtovis;';- '

.'It i ; ; • ' . • • > • •

•so itfariB"B' »«r*

;,'>"-HWiiMi.lll riinjn

:|are a©;W in the lead for '"(bfp- of ttte. Kationul

Hivinaf yesterday won ar«' '!}*er •-the Giants'present

hoidtw.of thP efcaaw»io.!&sM'p. James 'Vfa» .on the- ..tfelbbor for the. "Brayes and he h*ld|^[""c^cws moa to "ttooe seattercd'b'it^B :-: ;• ;„•

- - Kijt|ponaI IJeagne . . •=- % 'At-Boston^-f .- - -R H B.

Kew t York a | | i . . ' : ; . . 3 3 - 1 "Bojftoa ..:'.-4j;.'.>.. • .-......,*- 8 15;. •!

3tai-gitta-srd» ' | romme MeLieaWJ Jaases d«*wd^ - * .5a .-", ' - .

A^--.Pbilade;i-ibia ' i r K E Brookiyn .-, [|i v.,,..... - . . . . . . / 4 i-o- .1 •paadeiphii. # > , . . • • - . . - * • • 5 to g

"eutbaeh, a | pa r ty , "Sayor, Doom-R H & 3. « » I J>1 ' 2 "Lavea^


-tbja fc- begi-mdOigi- - today ijh< r. Seryiaa -a?iii. a^ume tb»j • joifensiv©

aga|i»st 'JAustfla. . ,.- {• AgrjeeTOent Readied.

im&Qtii'.&spt. %,-• 2.pt '%.&.*•?»• Xn.ai./:' At Washit^lbn,, 1st'.gams" dispatch from -G%e»t, -'Beliaiim,." a^,Pbflad^phi»-Jlr

•At £&&*•"«*.& Glseinaati Cbtei^o' ..

;Oo5JfelUSi der, 3a.be}, Aife

• - •'••***f4 i A t K ^ r . f o | BbstSm . . . . . M

GK^sgrShorl I hop^-^manitapirt

e v Gonseates; fcr.' -;' . ' . . > icao- lieagite' •' • . *

. R H E *. * . , . » . - . 1 . . . . t.« .j$ 1 J 1.

"Kiomasj Hsber^ W04-

« ^ B »

"asWagton ,Bwsb.. -^ebai 'At Wosb,ij

JPhilftiJeiphia Wa#btingto».

"PEaw^v, •„-' ;r

,\At«-'Detroi'|i .Ohlca^go. *.y "Detroit!. , . ,, <jfeottot: SI


New -! t"or'k/ is e-pt.-" i.*4J who have, |u'«(t zeto^'lfak>k^''0i% land lia'.Wiuia*. is.- crNai»y,;.#i^ He haa bewMhere -j »N!;i., waiting/far. a,fcbance..t;iB igtHt; makinr «#te'-off bia'.tinT[i--abKt;.tt*'' ing tho.'iBffite'h get. reaAy" "jv! ..._

be attitude '|b"f|- the; Brlibj^' .'toj&r1

Ote of'fWapretei! e«ofld«|tt «,"3lM|i'.S ana j t waffli't uitii. theyjaa^t ftL* my feashed bacH that t | i ^ ; put i their. Ha^nels:;.attd- 'put:;'' o{. ."^afct^

,.It waKwhiie Uv,_&k^«\yrm.m-.-^

X n .t3fc|«t.w«yi came;jttf-;.thie-'-i6kiif:-| ur |and\of • the rftniafc of ibfa?"""

•tils in fho'dSReiition ,of.jFaria,';;

' '^Theje mu«03e-a'.different.^8Rirt|',:i the Uidjtjed- Rio^iom 'H^W;-tbiui * was • -nitt fit 'f.'-iwi ls\beiie.f?',' a«ld, Crang'^ast nigfc.fc ; N i b k r amount |d ttk otri tost 4^ilfe*«i!C«w! •im^l'y )i?onida*t <.beHe*fcc;.'<&*?''

:;et|ukt..' pb • * wrong. .,' Tfi *k'-with assuring

tiM^Of^fidS»r 'is" <toW*S wb^n1 Mi iarmie i began to

' tfoir Upopa ^t ,|w«a.r*wieik;

a^fiakei .aadiiWb'enIt happ*iHNl'( '«;,«•«*, |w*e" ai^e'not-tt^t^-teady^ti.*

.' "'ivtalf ft f ha t- EngiandjhiMi'' w up -nbii'-ft ^.j-'G^(at"3'ritaln"'-got 'th^lothi&rjifwo afiiea to 'agre«- tfta* nono- Wf aid iSwtJ m'P&wsti, .without -thfe other''two.-• Asd that t&i^pi^m^tmf-, tbat sbo 4B m$m' to aghi to tbe finia^i »nd that ahs ••srtlf.'. stake eyerythinf she basp • ':•, • •' " J ["

"*"Wbe|i I: leftvS iveirpBol j*iu jcouldi»*jtJ

hstve- totd thi^e ;;wa». a wati Cricket sronad4j."wei*tVfuP/-a»dr men strolled 1 about iif theif ,to'nnol« without f a ' worry ^hlie'^tldh"'^ t^efe gomg w^ol on'''t*e;]<Hm)t^ni^.;^*]iUmidon ' w>« -theati-e'f wer^'<Iosed ami war mueh 4"P^nc^d ';»V,','**5e mass i f troops,; ( .;: ..,- ,.." , j

"There iseems to "fee a great dfead. and saspioloo^or:aH-Gormft»"» in IKagf land, BtttisheSfsi ^eel that their land ik ibfeste^'by G«ri3ian..s^ies. Mxajf h^ tor? in |^on.do^ •B r>.i. mjk by GerfeaasL Thoy atad.iilieix-.Germ^n, Jjjejpvbav^ been fo^ced...j)to, leaiser» but oi*t4 i ' tftere if 'not 'dacb bieak in bodi'llfe

v * * -"'

A|l Of .t*oit|.d"Stft|t^s ^sports

i;4etoiftSj.Arej;'bro|i;en iu &e

« H fc'itbe fis^yi yoarj |ajst end^a-t^§Wjteci,

. . . . . . . . . . . 3 s. 0 Shaav, Heafy. •. -*

|4tt''Snd©am.& -'R H is . , , . . . . . . » 16 '£ • ' . . . . . • • • • ^4 1 0 <>

JobasoH^ iHaapsri

R a & ,...,.-.'....,.. a. -5 '2

Oldbain, ^sjjiase?.


^ l ^ b u t ^ -""prrocrfsjtya *^

;' l3J;cls9o%' •Bbie^aoket,



2nd,gams. J-Sfsey

. 1st %&m$ ^fwar^e, ,"'V-*'Ptoyidojafi.e1.4. fed"-@antB

:3fi>.atreal, ..Toponto^ -4

"Ehe ajeas ; myl;tt#sVln -

'"i b ::Col«mhW

'Mx^st^. -"@dwar|

au", ,Be?ryj d , • ' •.' • > . - •

rtoftal fjenigno ey City, 15; Baltimore

i j ^Chester, 14. . . "• •.


, -«# * >***• * ^ *

. 4 §, .& ® | l ' : St



valuo of eojdmj for

;1 | JBalHmo.ro

'4 the. .nine Cfeoadfan iaxo milos afca: Qtte-pftrio, 4"ut»2f;8;, Brit-. Sf^OO; A;lbe.rfca. 2fa,s an, g^OfSM; jitaalto-

fy |tfun^w|olcr .-2?,$S8f ^Oofta,, ai&fci; ?and


aws aters Caps J

G. R u s s e l l ParSODS *

15 Clinton St

i lattsbure'


p^a W-.


" .•1

im "U'M

5M;." ... :--;f.-.:"-<'

^ i ^ i

'. At>;