employee communication preferences


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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There are a huge number of ways that you can communicate a message to employees. Paper memo, e-mail, text message, or PA announcement are all viable options to employers, but not necessarily to employees.

"Employee Communication Preferences –A Sea of Options"

“Print Vs. Digital – Out With the Old and In With The New”

According to a study that was conducted by Angela D. Sinickas, the preference of using electronic channels for communications has risen dramatically in the last seven years.

“Look Forward Towards the Future of Communication, Not Backwards.”

When given the choice between a traditional print communications channel and a digital one with equal effectiveness, employees will prefer the digital channel almost every time.

The concept of "If it isn't broke, don't fix it" certainly applies to communication.

Employees don't want to be forced to communicate via a new internal network simply because business leaders went through the trouble of creating one. They'd still rather just receive the same old e-mail that they always have, so long as it is still effectively relaying and sharing information.

"Just Because It's Digital Doesn't Mean It's Good"

"Employee Communications Preferences Are Often Based on Circumstance"

More and more businesses are encouraging employees to work from home when possible. Doing so not only allows the business to save money, but it also helps increase productivity by allowing employees to more or less mediate themselves.

"Working Towards a Remote, Productive Environment by Means of Advancing Communications"

The obvious issue that working from home presents, however, is one of communication. In theory, it's much more difficult to get a hold of an employee who is working from home than one in a cubical down the hall. That's where advancements like Web 2.0 come into play.

"Web 2.0: What It Brings to the Table for Employees and Employers Alike"

Web 2.0 essentially refers to the "social" web. Many studies have shown that employees are increasingly communicating through social networks similar to LinkedIn, Twitter, and others for business-related activities.

"Personal Technology Translates into a Business Environment"

Because these employees are increasingly comfortable with Web 2.0 and how to use it effectively in their personal lives, it only makes sense that these preferences would naturally translate into the business world as well.

"The Importance of Mobile Communications Platforms"

A mobile communication platform can allow employees who are working in the field to more effectively communicate with "home base." Working in the field is different from working from home - the "field" could be defined as a client's place of business, a client's home, a third party location, and more.

Most mobile communication platforms take the form of a "Help Desk"-style interface that employees can access from a device like a smartphone.

Not only does this allow employees to effectively send messages to each other, but it also allows for easier communication with clients.

"The Help Desk Isn't Just for Customers Anymore"

"Encourage Workers to Use Their Own Devices"

With a truly mobile communication platform at their disposal, an employee on their way to an appointment could send a message to anyone - the customer, their boss or both - all from their smartphone that they're already very familiar with.

"Effective Communication is about Empowering Employees to Do Better Work"

Employees don't prefer digital communications because they're "easier" - they prefer them because they're more efficient ways to excel at their jobs on an ongoing basis, particularly when it comes to managing interactions with clients.

Communicating with employees is crucial to maximize your productivity but just communicating is not enough. How you communicate with employees matters too!


How would employees grade your work-place communication? Avoid the Communication Illusion by reading our latest blog on how to identify and overcome the communication illusion.

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Looking for a mass-communication solution for your employees? If your method of communication is text only, you could face some serious implications. Read more on "Text Only-Communication and Misunderstandings"

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