employee communication effectiveness

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  • 8/2/2019 Employee Communication Effectiveness



    EMPLOYEE Communication effectivenessWith reference to


    Submitted in

    Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


    Under the guidance of







    (2010 _ 2012)

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    I here by declare that the work present in this project report entitled,



    carried out by me towards partial fulfillment for the award of the degree in


    COROMANDEL (H.R.D). The findings of the report are based on the information

    collected by me during this study.



    Place: Visakhapatnam.

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    This is to certify that this project work entitled EMPLOYEE



    C.REDDY RAJA REDDY has been done by her under my Supervision and

    guidance during the academic year 2010-2012.


    Place: Visakhapatnam.



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    I would like to thank each and every employee who has directly

    or indirectly helped me in carrying out this project.

    I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to my project guide

    K.RASOOLI Asst. HR for his guidance and suggestions during the progress of

    my project. I am thankful to the COROMANDEL INTERNATIONAL

    LIMITED, VISAKHAPATNAM for giving me an opportunity to undertake my

    project work.

    My special thanks to B.KISHORE KUMAR, Dy. Manager (TRAINING)


    valuable suggestions and co-operation throughout the project work.

    I want express my sincere thanks to my Guide Ms. RAMYA for hisconstant moral support and valuable guidance in successful completion of the

    project work.

    Finally I would like to thank other faculty members for their extended co-

    operation & suggestions which have helped a lot.


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    5.1 ANNEXURE


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    Human Resource is the most potential and versatile resource. Its effective utilisation is a

    sine qua non of the rate of growth of any economy regardless of the structure and system of

    economy and the governance. No society and no nation can be proud of its human resource

    unless there is a systematic and sustainable development of capacities of its people and convert

    the human resource into human capital.

    Human resource is the most strategic resource and no other resource can be fully utilised

    to generate income and wealth of a nation without the active involvement of this resource.

    Money, material, men, markets and machines are regarded as the most important resources of

    organizations but men or human resources are treated as the only crucial and dynamic factor of

    production. Though other factors of productions are also important they are considered to be

    worthless without the involvement of human factor.

    Importance of HRD

    Human Resource Development (HRD) is mainly concerned with providing learning

    experiences for the people associated with an organization through a behavioral approach

    adopting various processes. Learning experiences for the people associated with an organization

    through a behavioral approach adopting various processes. The individual is provided with

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    learning experiences not in isolation but he shares others learning experiences also. Such

    learning experiences are provided with the main objective of developing human beings for their

    advantage and harnessing their physical, mental and intellectual endowments and abilities for the

    growth of the organization.

    HRD from the organizational point of view is a process in which the employees of an

    organization are helped / motivated to acquire and develop technical, managerial and behavioral

    knowledge, skills and abilities and mould the values, beliefs and attitudes necessary to perform

    present and future roles by realizing the highest human potential with a view to contribute

    positively to the organizational, group, individual and social goals.

    Recent economic liberalizations announced by the Government of India tend towards

    market economy and started creating more dynamic environment of India than ever before. HRD

    plays a significant and crucial role in market economies under dynamic environments. Human

    Resources Development (HRD) should be effective and efficient. HRD cannot be effective for

    the candidates who do not possess potentials to perform present and future roles in organizations

    with dynamic environment. HRD to be effective should essentially have a strong base of human

    resources planning, recruitment and selection based on effective HRD requirements.

    The outcomes of HRD are four-fold, viz. to the organization, to the individuals, to the

    groups and to the society. HRD benefits the organization by developing the employees and make

    them ready to accept responsibilities, welcome change, adapt to change, enables the

    implementation of the programmes of total quality management, maintenance of sound human

    relations, and increase in productivity and profitability. HRD also benefits individuals in

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    achieving of potentials, increase in performance, fulfilling their needs and enhancing social and

    psychological status.

    The HRD helps the groups in the form of increase in cooperation, increase in

    collaboration and team effectiveness. Further, it helps the society in the form of developing

    human resources and increased contribution of human resources to the society.

    Towards the accomplishment of said objectives information is obtained from both

    primary as well as secondary data sources.

    Primary data is generated through questionnaires by way of meeting different executives

    concerned with training and development programs and seminar & survey with few departmental

    heads and few employees of Port.

    Secondary data is collected from in-house magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and

    any other published material and mainly from the previous records of CHD.


    The study on communication effectiveness is more relevant in todays business scenario

    characterized by very tough competition. This situation had led to a stage where organizations

    are more worried about survival; this led communication to take a back seat Communication can

    be analyzed as a two way process as information is not only sent but also received, understood

    and implemented (Adeleke, 2004)

    When we have the line of communication we mean the channel through which information is

    transmitted within a construction site or organization from one person to the other.

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    Machinery need to be in place for further communication to take place, either downward

    communication (from superior to sub-ordinate), horizontal (between colleagues of the same

    level) or upward communication (from sub-ordinate to superior).

    Careful attention must be paid to these means and machinery of communication because internal

    communication is vital for high productivity, as an aid to construction project delivery in the

    construction site and it is a more difficult process now than it was decades ago. The principal

    reason for this is that there has been changes in the attitude of workers to their employers and in

    the present site environment and in the site environment there has been a move away from old

    concepts of unquestionable obedience, proper provision must be made for upward

    communication to avoid misconceptions of information otherwise a superior personnel like

    Architect, Project manager, Engineer or supervisor may generate a bad feeling and may also end

    up making decisions in avacuum and such decision may not be accepted by the junior staffs and

    personnel like the labourers and gang men.

    The basic questions which readily comes to the mind of the workers are of two major

    categories as stated below:

    1. What, where, when, why, and how does my employer expects me to perform.2. What, where, when, why, and how does my employer benefit from my work.


    From the information that will be gathered, the importance of effective communication on

    execution and delivery process will be made known to all involved at the supervisory level of

    C.I.L.. This research work will also show how ineffective communication negatively affect

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    productivity based on the facts gathered. This research work will also be useful to the

    management and their professional status.

    Building human capital at all levels in organization is imperative. The method and

    approach of human development differs depending on the position held by people, their roles,

    experiences etc... The scope, content, methods, techniques of manpower development vary from

    category to category of manpower employed in the organization. So much so employees

    education and technical background, experience, perception and level of understanding constitute

    the determinants of scope and content of training and its delivery. Factors such as organization

    restructuring, technology, job restructuring require organization to train its manpower. Many

    studies have been carried out encompassing various issues and dimensions of human resources

    management however; most of the studies have been carried out with a focus on general policies

    of HR. Zeal to know the facts, which contributed to the success of Coromandel in general, and

    training & development activities in particular inspired me to take up the study of its

    Communication Effectiveness.


    The project is taken up with following objectives:

    To identify the major factors that causes ineffective communication in the C.F.L.

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    To identify the problem caused by these factors. To study the general policies and procedures of communication activities. To find out the methods and techniques of diagnosing the communication needs in


    To analyses the various methods and techniques of communication to evaluateeffectiveness of such methods.

    To assess the impact of communication effectiveness of managerial skills. To summarize and suggest the observations in the present study.


    Towards the accomplishment of said objectives information is obtained from both

    primary as well as secondary data sources.

    Primary data is generated through questionnaires by way of meeting different executives

    concerned with training and development programs and seminar & survey with few departmental

    heads and few employees of Port.

    Secondary data is collected from in-house magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and

    any other published material and mainly from the previous records of COROMANDEL.

    The information has been collected mainly from various books however the

    information pertaining to Coromandel International Limited has been obtained from the

    following two sources.

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    Primary data

    This is done by personal discussion with various officials in employee relation

    department and human resource development. Questionnaires were prepared by keeping in view

    of the objective of the study. The first one is being management questionnaire covering

    management data on participation of workers in COMMUNICATION. The second one was the

    canvass among the sampled employers to find out their opinion on communication effectiveness.

    The questionnaire was distributed to 150 and the response were limited to 100. The study is

    confined to a sample of 100 only.

    Secondary data

    The secondary data is from various publications on communication effectiveness and

    business communication and reports of Coromandel International Limited.


    The topic is to show the effectiveness of communication during working hours and how it helps

    the industry to enhance production and completion of projects within the stipulated period.

    Communication is defined below to make it easier to know about its meaning, purpose and


    Communication is a means by which operatives and other members of the building team are

    linked in order to achieve the central goal.

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    In organization , communication could also be achieved through letters, drawings, symbols,

    signs, posters and word through which members of an organization sends and receives

    information and also sends information to the public at large.

    Communication in the large sense of it is used to express facts, ideas, opinion and emotions

    between two or more people and through communication exchange of thought, information is

    also a good tool for human relation.

    Considering the above definition of communication, it is observed that everybody in an

    organization is responsible for communication irrespective of the role of the person being the

    originator or the receiver of the information.

    In all aspects of human professions, communication is seen as a vital central organ especially

    through the use of language. Humans have transferred culture, record history and document

    occurrences to a good deal with the use of language from one generation to another. The organ

    called communication has helped man to build societies and other social groups which has

    contributed immensely to the growth of mans life 3 enjoyable.

    Through effective communication, the workers especially in firms find it easy and highly

    productive to work together. Instruction and order are given and they are carried out as expected

    once they are well understood and acted upon rightly.

    The working day of every personnel is filled with communication in different ways and forms

    through orders, directives, information, conversation, requests and rumors.

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    Effective communication has not been given enough attention in firms thereby creating many

    loop holes in information dissemination. As a result of this poor attitude in the industry, it is

    found necessary to create solution to such problems through this research as to improve

    productivity in firms.


    Every study is conducted under some limitations. Some of the limitations of

    the study are as follows.

    During the project period most of the staff members are busy with auditingand other works. So they could not afford give full information

    Since officials, executives and others were busy the study was primarilyfocused on secondary data.

    Time was a constraint for the study.

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    To ethical norms in all dealings with shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, financial

    institutions and government.


    Value for money to customers through quality products and services.


    Our people with respect and concern provide opportunities to learn, contribute and advance,

    recognize and reward initiative, innovativeness and creativity.


    An organizational climate conducive to trust, open communication and team spirit a style of

    operation, benefiting our size, but reflecting moderation and humility.


    Environment effectively for harnessing opportunities.


    Responsibilities to various sections of society thereby preserve environment.


    In an accelerated manner, consistent with values and benefits, by continuous organization


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  • 8/2/2019 Employee Communication Effectiveness


    INTEGRITY: We value professional and personal integrity above all else. We achieve our

    goals by being honest and straightforward with all our stakeholders. We earn trust with every

    action, every minute of every day.

    PASSION: We play to win. We have a healthy desire to stretch, achieve personal goals and

    accelerate business growth. We strive constantly to improve and be energetic in everything that

    we do.

    QUALITY: We take ownership of our work. We unfailingly meet high standard of quality in

    both what we do and the way we do it. We take pride in excellence.

    RESPECT: We respect the dignity of every individual. We are open and transparent with each

    other. We inspired and enable people to achieve high standard and challenging goals. We

    provide everyone equal opportunities to progress and grow.

    RESPONSIBILITY: We are responsible corporate citizens. We believe we can help make a

    difference to our environment and change lives for the better. We will do this in a manner that

    befits our size and also reflects our humidity.

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    1959: Independent India realized that its largely agrarian economy needed a thrust in the

    right direction for its people to benefit and prosper. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru invited the

    Ford Foundation to carry out a comprehensive study of Indian agriculture and give its

    recommendations. The study revealed a crucial need to produce indigenous chemical fertilizers

    to increase agricultural output to meet the countrys ever-increasing food demand.

    1961 : An industrial license was granted to three companies IMC (the worlds

    largest producer of fertilizers then), Chevron Chemical Company (a major American player in

    fertilizers / industrial chemicals) and E.I.D.Parry (India) Limited (Indias largest private fertilizer

    producer with 60 years standing) to set up a giant chemical fertilizer complex.

    The first Board of Directors was constituted on October 16, with H V R Iengar as its

    Chairman. Others on the Board included J Q Cope, Charles Dennison, J K John, Dr L Bharat

    Ram, A W Horton, J T Gibson, S C Dholakia, V K Rao and Raja Rameswar Rao. L L Powell

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    and P J Davies were the first Managing Director and Dy. Managing Direct respectively. Donald I

    Meikle was the first Company Secretary.

    1962 Market development commence in the form of a seeding programme. E.I.D. Parry

    was appointed COROMANDEL principal sales agent in India for our product aptly name

    GROMOR epitomizing the idea of Growing More food for the nation.

    A 483.5 acres site was identified at Visakhapatnam along the Coromandel coast (Indias

    east coast), from where the Company derived its name. The land, taken under a 50-year lease

    from Visakhapatnam Port Trust, has a private jetty just 5 km from the plant site. With a capital

    investment of Rs.50 crores, Lumus Company undertook construction of the plant.

    1967: On December 10, Mr. Korari Desai, the then Deputy Prime Minister of India,

    dedicated the fertilizer plant to the nation, in the presence of Mr. Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, the

    Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Grandhi Ramamurthy, a local farmer, was given the honour

    of cutting the ribbon.

    The 245 ft high Urea prill tower was one of the tallest industrial structures in India then.

    Though not operational today, it still presents a formidable sight, towering against the skyline,

    recalling old memories for those who were associated with its operation.

    1970: The GROMOR farmer was developed as a marketing symbol and introduced on

    our bags to spread the message of higher yields, bigger profits. Today, farmer households

    across our addressable markets identify COROMANDEL brand by this symbol.

    1971: The Coromandel Lecture was instituted to provide a forum for thinkers,

    economists, social and agricultural research scientists around the world to share their thoughts on

    issues of global concern such as food security, environment and extension activity.

    The Borlaug Award, instituted in honor of Nobel Laureate Dr Norman Borlaug (father of

    the wheat revolution), honors eminent men of science and industry for their distinctive

    contribution to the cause of agriculture. This reflects COROMENDEL concern to develop a

    symbiotic interaction between agriculture, industry and academia.

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    1976: Our fertilizer retail outlet at Secunderabad got a boost with garden lovers fervently

    seeking small quantities of fertilizers for bigger and richer blooms and fruit.

    1977 : COROMANDEL completed a decade of participation in augmenting agricultural

    production for the nation. Its vital role covered soil nourishment, sharing agronomic expertise,

    supporting agricultural education and rewarding research all of which had progressively grown

    in width and depth during the decade.

    198090: Plansto diversify were afoot. A groundbreaking ceremony was performed in

    November 1980 at Chilamkur (Andhra Pradesh), which is rich in limestone deposits, to set up a

    one million tonne cement plant. The fully computerized plant (designed by world-renowned

    cement manufacturer Krupp Polysius of West Germany) was commissioned in 1984. It was later

    sold to India Cements in 19903

    1995 99 Chevron Chemical Company divested its stake in favour of E.I.D.Parry (I)

    Limited in 1995, followed by IMC in 1999. E.I.D. Parry (I) Limited acquired majority

    shareholding in COROMANDEL making it a part of the Murugappa Group, a highly reputed

    industrial conglomerate.

    2000 COROMANDEL growth over the years has been punctuated with several path-

    breaking modernisation / upgradation programmes. Begun in 1975, the programme gathered

    momentum in 1992-95, when the Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid and Complex Granulation

    plants were debottlenecked. Production capacity wend up from the original 247,000 MT to

    400,000 MT. On September 29, Mr. N Chandrababu Naidu, the then Chief Minister of Andhra

    Pradesh, inaugurated a new complex granulation train. This further augmented capacity to

    600,000 MT, a boon to the entire farming community.

    2003: On July 12, COROMANDEL consolidated its business by acquiring controlling stake

    in Godavari Fertilisers & Chemicals Limited (GFCL). To optimise synergy of operations in the

    Group, the Farm Inputs Division of E.I.D Parry (I) Limited was merged with COROMANDEL

    on December 1.

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    2004 :Mr. V. Ravichandran took over as President & WTD on January 22. Mr.

    A.Vellayan took over as Chairman on September 1. Other Directors on the Board are Mr.

    J.Jayaraman, Mr.M.M.Murugappan, Mr. T.M.M Nambiar , Mr. M.K.Tandon, Mr. D.E.Udwadia,

    Mr. S.Viswanathan and Mr. K.A.Nair.

    The first post-merger AGM of the Company was held on July 15.

    2005: COROMANDEL signs a Business Assistance Agreement with Foskor Limited,

    South Africa.


    The supervisory board of Murugappa group supervises the organization of Coromandel

    International Limited. The top most authority of the whole Coromandel International Limited is

    administered and controlled by the president and managing director. The main registered office

    of Coromandel International Limited is located at Hyderabad. The Present Managing Director of

    Coromandel International Limited is Mr.V.Ravichandran. The Visakhapatnam Plant is headed by

    the vice president who at present is Mr. N. Seetharam who undertakes the in charge of all the

    levels of departments in the organization.


    The vice president manufacturing and projects is overall in charge of manufacturing

    Fertilizers at plant and in implementation of all the projects in time with a workforce of around

    175 officers and 425 technicians.

    The vice president finance is in charge of overall fund management, internal audit secretarial

    functions. A work force of around 30 Executives and 35 officers are under his control.

    The Sr. Vice President marketing is in charge of overall marketing of Coromandel International

    Limited finished products as well as the by-products like gypsum, fluorine etc.

    The functions of other executives are:

    General ManagerOperations:

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    General ManagerOperations is responsible for smooth running of all process plants including

    operations. One AGM & other process plant Heads will directly report to him.

    AGM Operations:

    Asst. General Manager of operations is responsible for efficient running of Bagging & Product

    Handling Plants in addition to Management Information System of all Operations Department

    about 8 Executives and 100 workmen report to him.

    Sr. ManagerAccounts:-

    Sr. Manager of accounts is responsible for maintaining statutory accounts and other fund records,

    10 officers and 36 office assistants assist him.


    Asst. General Manager of IT is responsible in building skill gap of all the human resources of the

    organization by requisite training and development. 3 officers assist him and 2 workmen who

    execute all HR philosophies and administer officers wage administration.

    AGMPurchase and Stores:

    Asst. General ManagerPurchase & Stores is responsible for all purchase activities, raw

    material purchases and maintenance of stores at an optimum level. 5 officers and 20 assistants

    who look after the effective distribution of finished products and by-products assist him.


    Asst. General ManagerMaintenance is responsible for preventive maintenance of plant and

    machinery and buildings. He looks after the timely executives of all the capital projects at the

    plant. 30 officers and 165 technicians assist him.

    AGM & RHHR

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    AGM & RHHR is responsible for recruitment of technicians and office assistants. He is also

    responsible for execution of all welfare measures and for security arrangement of plant and

    machinery. 8 officers and 40 workmen assist him.

    Asst. General ManagerSafety, health and environment:

    AGMsafety, health and environment is responsible for identification of hazardous areas and in

    suggesting remedial safety measures and its effective compliance. He also arranges medical

    checkups etc. 4 officers and 3 assistants assist him.

    The employees of the organization are divided into three grades. They are:

    1. Technicalthe technical employees are again sub divided into highly skilled, semi skilled andunskilled people. The labour comes under unskilled workmen. Technical staff is graded into S1

    to S7 ranks.

    2. Clerical- The clerical staff is graded into C1 to C3 ranks where C1 grade is for assistant, C2

    for junior assistant and C3 for senior assistant. The clerical staff mainly looks after the office


    3. ManagerialThe management staff is graded into CI1 to CI 3 and from MG3 to MG 10grades.

    Thus according to the ranks the employees of Coromandel Fertilizers limited are graded and the

    company runs round the clock. The employees work in shift timings. The timings of the three

    shifts are.

    0700 hrs to 1500 hrs

    1500 hrs to 2300 hrs

    2300 hrs to 0700 hrs

    The general shift is from 0800 hrs to 1630 hrs. Thus the employees working under all the shift

    timings receive all the welfare facilities like canteen, transport, drinking water etc.

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    The plant is situated in 500 acres of site about 5 km from the harbour. The site is located on the

    east coast of Visakhapatnam and has been leased from Visakhapatnam port trust for a period of

    50 years with renewal options, at the port; Coromandel International Limited operates its own

    bulk freight raw material unloading berth, which is an added advantage as they import many for

    Coromandel International Limited Company.

    The plant uses a lot of seawater in the process for cooling purpose Vizag being a seacoast

    provides the facility. Coromandel International Limited is serving the farming community of

    India for the past 3 decades by producing around 1 million tonnes of complex Fertilizers per

    annum and catering to the needs of agricultural society.


    Coromandel International limited has mainly three plants. They are:

    1. Sulphuric acid plant-This plant is designed and constructed by M/s. Simon Carves India

    Limited. It has a rated capacity of 1200 million tonnes per day. Sulphur is the raw material,

    which is imported from abroad from countries like USA, Japan and Gulf.

    2. Phosphoric acid plant-This plant is designed and constructed by M/s. Darr Oliver of USA is

    used in manufacturing of cement. It has a rated capacity of 400 million tonnes per day. Rock

    phosphate a mineral from foreign countries such as USA, Africa and Australia and is still

    looking for other sources. Rock phosphate and sulphuric acid are reacted to give phosphoric acid

    and gypsum. Filtering separates gypsum and it is a by-product, which is a good source of

    income by sales.

    3. Complex Fertilizer plant-Complex Fertilizer plant has rated capacity of 1400 million tonnes

    per day. Ammonia and phosphoric acid are reacted in a reactor to form ammonium phosphate

    and urea is added to this mixture. The urea prill is coated with ammonia phosphate to form the

    urea ammonia phosphate, which is a Fertilizer.

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    Coromandel International limited a reputed Fertilizer company in India stood first in achieving

    the following:

    1.First in India achieved to commercially manufacture high analysis complex fertilizer,which is urea ammonium phosphate 28:28:0 with high nitrogen and phosphate content

    in 1:1 ratio.

    2.First in India achieved to install a large sulphuric acid plant based on DCDA technologyto control sulphur dioxide emission.

    3.First in India achieved successfully to implement total recycling of seawater for itseffluent recirculation system attached to phosphoric acid plant.

    Functional Areas

    Coromandel International limited comprises of four functional areas. They are:

    1. Manufacturing and production

    2. Marketing

    3. Finance

    4. Human Resources

    1. Manufacturing and Production:

    The main objectives of manufacturing unit of Coromandel International Limited are

    1 To be a low cost Fertilizer manufacturer

    2 Emphasis on safety and environment improvement

    3 Trust on energy conservation

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    The plant has planned to undertake manufacturing of single super phosphate with estimated

    production volume of 0.7 lakh tones per annum. The basic raw materials used for manufacturing

    are phosphoric acid, urea and ammonia. They buy naphtha to make ammonia from HPCL. Rock

    phosphate is imported from USA and Sulphur is imported from USA and gulf countries.


    1. Coromandel International Limited sells its product under the brand name GROMOR. 1.

    Gromor (28:28:0) urea ammonium phosphate is one of the best products of Coromandel

    International Limited . It has a granule configuration Urea Prill Coated with ammonium

    Phosphate, which ensures nitrogen availability to the crop over a longer duration of time.

    2. Gromor (14:35:14) ammonium phosphate potash, Npk is a scientific Fertilizer with the highestnutrient content of 63% among NPK complex available in India.

    3. Gromor (20:20:0) and parampos (16:20:0) ammonium phosphate sulphate gives 15% sulphur

    for the soil apart from their ammonia and phosphate content.

    The products of Coromandel International limited are sold in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, west

    Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.


    Coromandel International limited gives importance to human resources and it lays emphasis on

    human safety and welfare. Presently the company comprises of about 600 employees among

    whom about 425 employees are non managerial and about 175 employees are managerial.


    The main objectives of personnel department in Coromandel International Limited are:

    1. Organizational restructure through re-skilling and re-deployment

    2. Training in core competency areas

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    3. Employee cost reduction through manpower rationalization and optimum utilization.

    Personnel department at Coromandel International Limited is classified into two departments.

    They are:

    1. Human Resource Department:

    This department deals with the matters pertaining to managerial staff and is headed by Asst.

    General Manager & Regional Head - HR who looks after the matters like recruitment, career

    planning, training and development, performance appraisal and smooth administration of

    remuneration and policies of all categories of employees of Visakhapatnam Plant as well as

    Marketing Branches of in the States Le., Andhra Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya

    Pradesh, and Chattisgarh.

    A total of 40 non-managerial staff is working in this Department. Vice president in

    consultation with HRD and ERD reviews carefully and finalizes the manpower planning.

    HR Policy:

    This human resource policy was drafted in the year 2000 in May and it IS considered to be the

    corporate commitment.

    1. To create and nurture an organization culture committed to multi disciplined teamwork in

    order to meet the customer's needs with high quality products and services.

    2. To facilitate and provide an environment congenial for continual learning aimed at increasing

    proactively, creativity and adaptability.

    3. To devise and sustain an appraisal and reward system based on performance and merit.


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    The company has a policy that the new employee should be carefully chosen as he has to handle

    the job not only for his ability but also for his suitability of future advancement. The

    requirements of the job shall be the determining factor in the selection and placement of the

    applicants and employees who satisfy the required qualifications and requirements of the job

    shall be preferred.

    The main manpower sources of the organization are:

    1. Resumes or the applications received in personal or by mail.

    2. Local employment exchange.

    3. Advertisements in local press.

    4. Direct interviews from colleges, universities and poly technical colleges.

    Coromandel International Limited also complies with the statutory requirement of informing

    employment exchange vide form ER-1 under the Employment Exchange Act 1959.


    The received applications will be reviewed by the ERD and HRD in consultation with the

    concerned head of the department and suitable applicants will be invited to meet the preliminary

    evaluation panel at employee relations department or the human resource department.

    The process of selection at Coromandel International Limited is done as follows:

    1. Conducting written examination and its critical evaluation

    2. Personal interview by the selection panel and its appraisal

    3. Appointment order will be issued to the candidate and it contains the placement,

    commencement of service, remuneration, benefits, compensation review, age of retirement,

    notice of termination etc.

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    Thus when the person is selected for a particular job he is sent for training to know the work

    correctly so that he performs the job effectively.


    Training and Development at CIL is being given much importance. It is a systematic approach

    and its objectives are to:

    1. Upgrade and maintain the technical and functional skill levels of employees

    2. To match the company's present as well as envisaged requirements.

    3. Improve the understanding commitment and general effectiveness of employees through

    appropriate workers education, supervisory development and management development


    Normally organization will try to achieve the training man days up to a maximum of 7 days that

    is considered to be the best. As against the normal standard, CIL already achieved 9.28 and 5.57

    man days for their managerial and non-managerial staff. Presently training is being done at the

    rate of 6.75mandays/employee/year. The training policy of Coromandel International Limited is

    to facilitate and provide an environment congenial for continual learning aimed at increasingproactivity, creativity and adaptability.


    1.Effective coordination with various departments aiming at alignment of training needsand training activity.

    2.Preparation of training calendars and obtaining sufficient budget from the topmanagement.

    3.Organizing the training effectively in line with the training calendar.4.Collection of feedback from the participant about the effectiveness.

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    Thus training and development at Coromandel International Limited is playing an important

    role on the employees by upgrading their skills and knowledge.


    When an employee's performance is excellent it is the result of a number of

    circumstances that work together to make his excellence possible. The level of performance of

    an employee is influenced by six factors. They are:

    o Aptitudeo Degree of efforto Level of skillo Motivationo Understanding the tasko Other factors

    Performance appraisal systems at Coromandel International Limited are at 180 and 90 in

    cases of managerial staff and non-managerial staff. Performance appraisal is mainly used as tools

    to access the individual's competency, potential and performance and based on these factors

    increments; compensation reviews and promotions are affected. It improves the performance of

    the employee so that he performs well in future. Coromandel International Limited has a very

    good performance appraisal system through which their performance is evaluated and

    compensation is awarded.


    Grade / Band Fertilizers

    Mg08 ( VP ) 1

    BAND1 1

    Mg06 (AGMs) 11

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    Mg05 ( Sr.Mgrs) 10

    Mg04 (Mgrs) 34

    BAND2 55

    Mg039( Dy. Mgrs) 53

    CF3 ( Asst. Mgrs) 33

    CF2 (Sr. Officers) 6

    Cf1 ( Officers) 4

    BAND3 96

    Total MS 152

    MT / FTS 1

    Exec Tr 1

    NMS / SS 424

    Total 578


    Management makes the welfare policies at the plant and the welfare programmes are

    executed to the workers through their union. The union nominates its members and negotiates

    about modalities of execution of welfare programmes.

    The following are some of the welfare facilities provided to the employees:

    1. Drinking Water:

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    Drinking water facilities is provided to the employees in and around the plant. There are about

    20 drinking water points at suitable places for supply of wholesome cool drinking water.

    2. Canteen:

    Canteen facility is also provided and in each shift at a time 60 to 70 persons can be

    accommodated. Mobile and non-mobile canteen services are provided round the clock. Every

    month company spends 4.5 lacks approximately on canteen and the food is ordered on

    subsidized rates.

    3. Recreational facilities:

    Recreational facilities at Coromandel International Limited are organized through two clubs,

    which are Coromandel recreation centre for non-managerial staff, and Coromandel club for

    managerial staff. The clubs organize various cultural and entertainment programmes for

    recreation of its members and their members. The subscriptions of the clubs are Rs. 5/- for CRC

    and RS. 40/- for CC per month.

    4. Transport:

    Coromandel International Limited provides subsidized home transport to the employees. Rs.

    15/- is recovered by the management per month from the employees salary. Company operates

    almost 6 routes of Vizag in all the shift timings.

    5. First aid:

    Coromandel International Limited provides first aid and medical facilities to the employees. 30

    first aid boxes are located at various locations and around 33 numbers of managerial and non-

    managerial employees are trained in first aid in the factory during the year. Ambulance rooms'

    works around the clock and a full pledged medical officer is provided by the management.

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    The company also provides facility for house loan, consumer stores, educational allowance for

    employee children, maternity leave, and sick leave and bathroom facilities. These are some other

    important welfare facilities provided by the company.

    Environment policy:

    It is committed to optimizing the interests of the stakeholders in our business while

    simultaneously protecting the environment by prevention of pollution and by.

    Establishing and maintaining an environmental management system in compliance withgood business practices and legislative requirements.

    Achieving a high degree of efficiency in consumption of inputs and energy. Reducing dust emission into atmosphere. Increasing greenery in and around the plan Conserving resources through minimized waste generation and through promoting

    recovery recycle and reuse.

    Creating employee awareness for making environmental protection an integral part ofwork culture and

    Continually improving our environmental performance.

    Thus the company provides safety and environmental factors to the employees and it also

    maintains good relations with the workers hence there is no union problem in the company.

    Coromandel International Limited has only one trade union, which is CITU, and it has no

    political interference but the leader of the union is a political party member who is an outsider

    and others are the employees of the company. 90% of the non-managerial staff is the members of

    the union.

    SR activities:

    Coromandel International Limiteds business interest is not limited to commercial profit

    alone. Its corporate responsibility does not stop with merely increasing shareholder value. The

    company has a stakeholder base that goes far beyond its shareholders. Displaying conspicuous

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    social responsibility, it associates with various community development activities in the villages

    around its facilities.

    The company constantly seeks out avenues where it can help the community, and has

    contributed generously to several social causes, such as providing drinking water to villages,

    scholarships to meritorious students, free notebooks, fans and computers to government schools,

    construction of additional classrooms for poor schools, veterinary camps for cattle, free health /

    blood donation camps for villagers, pulse polio programmes for children, helping in the

    government's mid-day meal scheme, etc.


    The accounts have been prepared primarily on the historical cost convention and in accordance

    with the mandatory accounting standards. The significant accounting polities followed by the

    company are stated below.

    1. Fixed Assets: Fixed Assets are shown at cost or valuation less depreciation. Cost

    comprises the purchases price and other attribute expenses. Fixed assets other than

    leasehold land/improvement. Office equipment, furniture fitting, certain vehicles and

    roads had been revalued on 31st March 1991, based on a valuation by an approved

    value. The indices, if any used are not stated in the valuation.

    2. Depreciation on Fixed Assets: Depreciation has been provided on straight-line

    method. Depreciation on assets revalued as at 31st March 1991 is provided on the basis

    of the residual technical life as ascertained by the value. Leasehold hold is being

    amortized over the lease period.

    3. Foreign Currency Transactions: Transactions made during the years in foreign

    currency are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of transactions. Assets

    and Liabilities related to foreign currency transactions remaining unsettled at the year

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    end are translated at contract rates, when covered by foreign exchange contracts and at

    year end rates in other assets.

    4. Investments: Investments are valued at cost of acquisition and related expenses.

    5. Inventories: Stores and spares are valued at monthly weighed average cost. Other

    inventories are valued at lower of cost and net realized value. The method of

    determination of cost of various categories of inventory is as follows:

    Raw Material First in first out method. Cost includes purchase cost and attributable


    Finished goods and workin process Weighted average cost of production whichcomprises of direct material costs, direct wages and appropriate overheads. Goods for

    resaleWeighted average cost.

    6. Sundry Debtors and Advances: Specific debts and advances identified as

    irrecoverable and doubtful are written off or provided for respectively.

    7. Revenue Recognition:

    Sale of goods recognized at the point dispatch to customers. Sales exclude amount

    recovered excise duty and sales tax.

    Dividend income from investments is accounted for when declared.

    Subsidies: Credit for Government subsidies has been taken on the basis actual sales

    made by the company.


    Coromandel has constantly taken up modernization and up gradation programs. The

    modern programs undertaken by the company during the year '75, '80, and '92 has helped to

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    increase the volume of production form the original level of 2,50,000 Mt per annum to the

    current level of 3,38,000 Mt per annum with a considerable gain in energy and material usage

    efficiently over the years. The various projects include primary reformer revamp phosphoric acid

    plant de bottle - necking molten sulphur for loading facilities at berth and atmospheric storage

    tank ammonia handling etc.,

    Coromandel has enjoyed excellent track records in production and industrial relations, energy

    and environment since inception largely due to progressive policies of the company with regard

    to Labour management.

    Ever since the production commenced in 1967, Coromandel has been an active partner of the

    Indian farmer in the field, helping him in his efforts to produce more from small land holdings

    and played a crucial role in assisting India achieve self-sufficiency in food grain production.


    From the very beginning Coromandel proved to be a boon to the Indian farmers. It brought to

    India the world-class production facilities with a new generation of fertilizer products.

    Coromandel vision had started playing a vital role in the resurgence of Indian Agriculture.

    Coromandel introduced a branded product Gromor, which is a high analysis NP complex

    fertilizer. It is the first in the world to produce high analysis NP complex fertilizers in the highest

    1: 1 ratio. This was implemented when most of the fertilizer products available in India were not

    balanced in nutrient contents.

    Gromor in a short span of time established itself as a popular brand where and entire generation

    of farmers has grown up with it in a number of sates using it wide variety of crops.

    Gromor 28:28:0 is one of the best of its kind in the world. It has unique granule configuration

    where in a urea prill at the centre is coated with ammonia phosphate, which ensure nitrogen

    availability to the crop over a longer duration of time.

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    Coromandel International limited gives importance to human resources and it lays emphasis on

    human safety and welfare. Presently the company comprises of about 600 employees among

    whom about 425 employees are non managerial and about 175 employees are managerial.



    o The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd (FACT).o Godavari Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd., (GFCL).o Gujarat Narmada Valleys Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd., (GNFCL)o Gujarat State Fertilizers Company Ltd., (GSFCL)o Hindustan Lever Ltd., (HLL)o Indian Farmers Fertilizers Co-operation Ltd (IFFCO)o Madras Fertilizers Ltd., (MFL)o Pyrites and Phosphates Ltd., (PPL)o Rastriya Chemical and Fertilizers ltd., (RCF)o Southern Petrochemical Industries Corp Ltd., (SPIC)o Zuari Agrochemicals Ltd., (ZAL)o

    Osklal Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd., (OCFL)

    Awards & Accolades:

    The FAI Best Production Performance Award 2006 for the Phosphoric Acid Plant atVizag,

    Award for 2005-06 Best Energy Conservation in the Fertiliser sector received by VizagPlant on December 14 2006, National Energy Conservation Day.

    The FAI Best Video Film Award 2006 for the film on Gromor Sulphur for the 5thtime.

    National Award (1st Prize) for House Journal2006 from The Public Relations Societyof India, New Delhi, received for The Voice ( house journal ) for the 2nd consecutive


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    National Award (2nd Prize) for Video Film 2006 from The Public Relations Society ofIndia, New Delhi received by Marketing Department (Fertilizers ) for the film

    Cheetah (Helping Hand)

    British Council Five Star rating for Safety Management System in 1998. First prize for safety, among the 162 fertilizer companies in the International Fertilizer

    Industries Sectional Contest.

    Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Boards award for Waste Minimization at Source andAdopting Cleaner Technologies for 2001-02.

    FAI award for Environmental Protection in NP/NPK Fertiliser Plant Category for 1995-96.

    Adjudged one of the Ten Greenest Companies in India by a joint survey of Tata EnergyResearch Institute and Business Today magazine.

    Several other awards from the Central and State Government and other institutions likeAP Pollution Control Board, Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Pollution Control and Energy


    Received a Commendation Certificate for "Strong Commitment to HR Excellence" fromthe Confederation of Indian Industries (CII).


    The Murugappa Group is one of the largest family-promoted, professionally managed

    conglomerates in India. The group has, over the decades, maintained its salience with leadership

    in its chosen lines of business. The group has always been discharging its responsibilities to the

    satisfaction of all its stakeholders as summed up in its guiding philosophy.

    "The fundamental principle of economic activity is that no man you transact with will lose;

    then you shall not."



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    Coromandel International is a Private Sector Organisation that offers services in

    Agriculture/Dairy/Fertlizer with Annual Total Turnover of 5000+ Crs and with Employee

    Strength of 2501 -5000.



    India is primarily an agriculture based economy. The agricultural sector and its other associated

    spheres provide employment to a large section of the country's population and contribute about

    25% to the GDP.

    The Indian Fertilizer Industry is one of the allied sectors of the agricultural sphere. India hasemerged as the third largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizers. The adoption of back to backFive Year plans has paved the way for self sufficiency in the production of food grains. In fact

    this period the first Single Super Phosphate (SSP) factory was established in Ranipet in Chennai.It had a capacity of producing 6000 MT annually. In the pre and post independence era a couple

    of large scale fertilizer units were established namely the Fertilizer Corporation of India in

    Sindri, Bihar and the Fertilizer & Chemicals Travancore of India Ltd in Cochin, Kerala.

    The Indian government has devised policies conducive to the manufacture and consumption of

    fertilizers. Numerous committees have been formed by the Indian government to formulate and

    determine fertilizer policies. The dramatic development of the fertilizer industry and the rise inits production capacity has largely been attributed to the favorable policies. This has resulted in

    large scale investments in all three sectors viz. public, private and co-operative.

    At present there are 57 large scale fertilizer units. These manufacture an extensive range of

    phosphatic, nitrogenous and complex fertilizers. 29 of these 57 units are engaged in themanufacturing of urea, while 13 of them produce Calcium Ammonium Nitrate and Ammonium

    Sulphate. The remaining 20 fertilizer plants manufacture complex fertilizers and DAP. There are

    also a number of medium and small scale industries in operation, about 72 of them. Thefollowing table elucidates the installed capacity of each sector.

    Sl. No Sector Capacity (LMT) Percentage Share

    N P N P

    1 Private Sector 53.94 35.13 44.73 62.08

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    2 Public Sector 34.98 4.33 29.0 7.65

    3 Cooperative Sector 31.69 17.13 26.27 30.27

    Total 120.61 56.59 100.0 100.0

    The Department of Fertilizers is responsible for the planning, promotion and development of the

    Fertilizer industry. It also takes into account the import and distribution of fertilizers and also the

    financial aspect. There are four main divisions of the department. These include FertilizerImports, Movement and Distribution, Finance and Accounts, Fertilizers Projects and Planning

    and Administration and Vigilance. It makes an assessment of the individual requirements of the

    states and union territories and then lays out an elaborate supply plan.

    Though the soil in India is rich in silt, it lacks chief plant nutrients like potassium, nitrogen and

    phosphate. The increase in the production of fertilizers and its consumption acts as a major

    contributor to overall agricultural development.

    The Indian fertilizer industry has come a long way since the setting up of the manufacturing unitof Single Super phosphate (SSP) near Chennai in 1906 A new impetus to the growth of Indian

    Fertilizer industry was provided by the set up the two fertilizer plants- Fertilizer & Chemicals

    Travancore of India Ltd. (FACT) in Kerala and the Fertilizers Corporation of India (FCI) in

    Bihar. This was during the forties and the fifties.

    The aim was to create an industrial base that would provide India with self reliability in food


    India witnessed significant growth of the fertilizer industry during the sixties and the seventies.By 2003, India had an installed capacity of 12.11 million MT of nitrogen and 5.36 million MT of

    phosphate. Today, with 57 large sized fertilizer plants manufacturing a wide variety of thenitrogenous, complex and phosphatic fertilizers, the Indian fertilizer industry is the 3rd largest

    producer in the world. One of the major factors that have led to the rapid increase in the

    production capacity of fertilizers in India is the policy environment. With the formulation andimplementation of investor friendly policies, large investments poured into the private, public

    and co-operative sectors and this propelled the growth of the Indian fertilizer industry.

    As per Government of India records on 31.01.2007, the Indian fertilizer industry has made a

    production of 120.61 LMT of nitrogen (N) and 56.59 LMT of phosphatic (P) nutrient. The

    installed capacity of urea in India is estimated to be 207.52 LMT. These successes in theproduction by the fertilizer companies of India have crowned India the 3rd largest fertilizerproducer in the world.

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    Fertilizer Industry, India Fertilizer Industry

    Though much euphoric services sector growth in Indian economy has drawn the attention over

    the globe, still its importance brings confusion when we come across the parameters like

    increasing inequality and a stalemate in condition.

    Agriculture the backbone of Indian Economy still holds its relative importance for more than abillion peoples. The Government Of India from time to time has taken considerable steps for the

    upliftment of Agriculture Sector. Here we have analyzed the performance of Fertilizer Industry

    being one of the vital parts in agricultural production and Government's policy initiatives for the


    Fertilizer in the agricultural process is an important area of concern. Fertilizer industry in India

    has succeeded in meeting

    the demand of all chemical fertilizers in the recent years.The Fertilizer Industry in India started

    its first manufacturing unit of Single Super Phosphate (SSP) in Ranipet near Chennai with acapacity of 6000 MT a year.

    India's green revolution in late sixties gave a positive boost to the sector. The sector experienceda faster growth rate and presently India is the third largest fertilizer producer in the world.

    According to Given Statistics, total capacity of the industry as on 30.01.2003 has reached a level

    of 121.10 lakh MT of nitrogen (inclusive of an installed capacity of 208.42 lakh MT of urea afterreassessment of capacity) and 53.60 lakh MT of phosphatic nutrient.

    Presently there are 57 large fertilizers plants in the country producing urea, DAP, Complexfertilizer,Ammonium Sulphate (AS) and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN).

    Challenges before Indian Fertilizer Industry

    The growth trajectory of the Indian fertilizer industry has camouflaged the impending challengeswith which it is faced. Growth and development of agriculture in India derives a significant

    stimulus from the fertilizer industry.

    Agricultural milieu in India could be jeopardized by the uncertainties in the fertilizer industry.

    The government is faced with the piquant situation, which demands a balance between the needs

    of the farmers and the fertilizer manufacturers.

    The challenges before the Indian fertilizer industry relate to the incertitude in the supply offertilizers. There has been a surge in the demand for fertilizers in the past few years. Good

    monsoonal showers have led to the growth in agriculture, inadvertently increasing the

    consumption rate of fertilizers. However, the robust growth in consumption propensity has notbeen met with the required surge in fertilizer production. This has widened the gap between the

    demand and supply of fertilizers, which has led to an increase in the dependence of the country

    on imports. This also reflects on the lack of realizing of the domestic capacity utilization of thereserves in the country.

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    Another important factor that has led to the stunted growth of the fertilizer industry is the rise in

    prices of the feedstock. The fertilizer industry is dependent on gas for the production of urea andphosphoric acid for the production of phosphatic fertilizers and DAP. The country imports its

    inputs from other countries. The overseas suppliers of raw materials realize the predicament of

    the Indian fertilizer industry and have started exploiting the shortage through clever pricing.

    In recent years, some of the private companies, dedicated to the production of fertilizers have

    affectively taken stakes in the overseas sources of raw materials. Although this has aided the

    industry, it has however been unable to reduce the government's burden of subsidizing the rates.The fertilizer industry is remained protected under the umbrella of the Retention pricing scheme

    of the Indian government.

    The government has introduced policies to decontrol the prices but delayed the implementation

    of the parameters that have not augured in favor of the industry. As a result, fertilizer subsidies

    continue to mount and are expected to cross Rs. 50,000 crore in the year 2008. The pricing of the

    fertilizers are also dependent on the freight charges that are Baltic dry index.

    The small size of the older plants and the low efficiency of the public sectors also pose as

    drawbacks of the industry. Recent policies of the government are directed towards revamping ofthese industries and restoring them to health.

    The fertilizer industry is faced with other challenges inter alia infrastructural bottlenecks and theuncertainties in government policies. The delay in decision making and obscurity in setting

    parameters are among some of the major drawbacks of the government policies directed towards

    the industry.

    To retrieve the health and growth of the fertilizer industry, the government of India is in need of

    long term realistic policies that would enable the industry to overcome the challenges and

    survive the present impasse.


    Some of the private companies producing fertilizers in India are mentioned below:Khaitan

    Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited - This Company produces single super phosphate fertilizer

    and sulphuric acid. The fertilizer is manufactured in the granular form in this company. Khaitan

    Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited has its office in Indore.

    Mangalore Chemicals - This is the only company in the state of Karnataka that is engaged in

    the manufacturing of chemicals and fertilizers. The plant has an annual turnover of more than Rs.

    800 crore.

    Nagarjuna Fertilizers - With their office at Hyderabad, this company is engaged in the

    production of fertilizers and agro-chemicals. It also engages other activities such as refining

    petroleum, finance and power.

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    Zauri Chambal - An undertaking of the K.K Birla Group, this company engages in theproduction of fertilizers such as urea, hybrid seeds, cement and chemicals. The company also

    provides engineering solutions and home finance. The company was established in collaboration

    with the US Steel Corporation. The company has established NPK plant, DAP plant, urea plant

    and ammonia plant in the country.

    BEC Fertilizers - This Company is dedicated to the manufacture pf agro-inputs that will

    facilitate the agricultural sector. The company manufactures the product ANAND single superphosphate along with other micro-nutrients, plant hormones and chemicals for the protection of

    plants. The company has established its unit in Bilaspur, Uttar Pradesh.

    Gujarat State Fertilizers &Chemicals Limited - This multiproduct company is dedicated to

    the production of fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, urea, DAP and NPK. It also produces

    water soluble fertilizers. Along with fertilizers, the company is engaged in the production of bio-

    fuels, bio-fertilizers, plant tissue culture and oleum.

    DSCL - The primary business of this company based in North India is the manufacture of urea

    and other farm inputs such as DAP, chemicals and pesticides.

    Some of the other private companies engaged in the production of fertilizers in India are listed


    Apratim International

    The production of nitrogenous fertilizer in the private sector has been increasing in the past few

    years. The private sector had only 13% share in the production in 1960-61. The private sector hasalways retained a higher share in the production of phosphatic fertilizer production.


    The Indian fertilizer industry has come a long way since the setting up of the manufacturing unit

    of Single Super phosphate (SSP) near Chennai in 1906 A new impetus to the growth of Indian

    Fertilizer industry was provided by the set up the two fertilizer plants- Fertilizer & ChemicalsTravancore of India Ltd. (FACT) in Kerala and the Fertilizers Corporation of India (FCI) in

    Bihar. This was during the forties and the fifties.

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    The aim was to create an industrial base that would provide India with self reliability in food


    India witnessed significant growth of the fertilizer industry during the sixties and the seventies.

    By 2003, India had an installed capacity of 12.11 million MT of nitrogen and 5.36 million MT of

    phosphate. Today, with 57 large sized fertilizer plants manufacturing a wide variety of thenitrogenous, complex and phosphatic fertilizers, the Indian fertilizer industry is the 3rd largest

    producer in the world. One of the major factors that have led to the rapid increase in the

    production capacity of fertilizers in India is the policy environment. With the formulation andimplementation of investor friendly policies, large investments poured into the private, public

    and co-operative sectors and this propelled the growth of the Indian fertilizer industry.



    National Fertilizers Limited (NFL)

    Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited (HFC)Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL)

    Fertilizers & Chemicals Travancore LTD. (FACT)

    Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCF)The Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCI)

    Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)

    Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL)

    Reports showed the total installed capacity of fertilizer production in 2004 to be 119.60 LMT of

    nitrogen and 53.60 LMT of phosphate. These figures went up to 120.61 LMT of nitrogen and

    56.59 LMT of phosphate in 2007. The production of fertilizers was 113.54 LMT of nitrogen and

    42.21 LMT of phosphate during 2005-06. The target of production for 2006-07 was set at 114.48LMT of nitrogen and 48.20 LMT of phosphate. Though the target production was not met, there

    was a growth in production during 2006-07 as compared to the production during 2005-06.

    Indian fertilizer industry has reached international levels of capacity utilization by adopting

    various strategies for increasing the productions of fertilizers. These include the following:

    fertilizer units.

    tural gas for the production of

    fertilizers, especially urea.

    resources of raw materials.

    In order to meet the demand for gas, which is one of the prime requirements for the production

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    of nitrogenous fertilizers, India has entered into joint ventures with foreign companies in a

    number of countries. Joint ventures have also been established for the supply of phosphoric acid.Indian fertilizer manufacturing companies has joined hands with companies in Senegal, Oman,

    Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and other countries.

    It is, therefore, evident that the Indian fertilizer industry has witnessed extensive growth anddevelopment in a short span of time. With such extensive growth, it is not surprising that the

    India ranks among the leading fertilizer manufacturing countries of the world.







    Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCF)

    Steel Authority Of India Limited (SAIL)

    Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. (NLC)

    The Fertilizer Corporation Of India Limited (FCIL)

    Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited

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    The term communication has been derived from the Latin word

    communis which means common. It was Aristotle who, for the first time,

    Brought about a systematic study of the communication process. According to him, there are three

    essential elements in a communication system, namely, the speaker, the speech, and the audience.

    Communication strictly stands for sharing of ideas in common. The word communication, however,

    has many and varied meanings. Popularly speaking, it refers to the various means of transmitting

    information from individual to individual, individual to a group of individuals or from one place to

    another. It is a transmission of messages, ideas, methods, skills, and thoughts between two or more

    persons. It is mutual exchange of facts, thoughts, opinions or emotions by the use ofsymbols, words,

    pictures, figures, graphs and so on.

    Communication is the chain of understanding which permeates an

    organization from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and from side to side,

    and which moves the organization ahead towards its stated objectives. It is the cohesive force which

    holds the group together. Vardaman and Halterman opine: Communication is the flow of material,information, perception and understanding between various parts and members of an organization.


    Communication is said to be effective within the working group in the industry only when the

    transmitted ideas achieve their desired action or reaction, as the operation involved in the industry is a

    team effort, embracing the customers with the main objective of getting things done through human


    The operational procedures and other management activities associated with the design, construction

    and subsequent performance of a building rely a great deal on how information is being transmitted

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    between the various participants of the building team and for this reason, method of communication

    should not only clarify issues but must also attempt to bring harmony to the entire work process and

    also foster co-operation between the parties to ensure maximum contribution from members.

    Although there is no clear cut division of communication system within the industry, the general of

    communication are classified as follows:

    1. Communication between employees and the management2. Communication between the employees3. Communication between the organization and the customers.4. Communication in organization.


    Adeleke, (2004), explains the various means by which information can be transmitted in the

    organization for the successful execution of any project as the success of such project relies largely on

    the establishment of a clearly defined framework or communication. He further states that information

    can be transmitted formally or informally, in some cases construction contracts may state the form

    which communication must take e.g. a written order for variation. The usual means of communication

    as stated by Adeleke (2004), are as follows

    1. The print media Newspapers Bulletins Handbills Magazines

    2. Drawn and visual materials Drawings

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    Programmes and charts Photographs

    3. Verbal Face to face

    4. Written materials Specification Schedules Bill of quantities Tender document Certificate of payment Reports Letters

    5. Notice board6. Models and samples7. Computers


    Effective Feedback has most of the following characteristics:

    descriptive (not evaluative)(avoids defensiveness.) By describing one's own reactions, itleaves the individual fee to use it or not to use it as he sees fit..

    avoid accusations; present data if necessary

    describe your own reactions or feelings; describe objective consequences that have orwill occur; focus on behavior and your own reaction, not on other individual or his or

    her attributes

    suggest more acceptable alternative; be prepared to discuss additional alternatives;focus on alternatives

    specific rather than general.

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    focused on behavior not the person. It is important that we refer to what a person doesrather than to what we think he is. Thus we might say that a person "talked more than

    anyone else in this meeting" rather than that he is a "loud-mouth."

    It takes into account the needs of both the receiver and giver of feedback. It should begiven to help, not to hurt. We too often give feedback because it makes us feel better or

    gives us a psychological advantage.

    It is directed toward behavior which the receiver can do something about. A person getsfrustrated when reminded of some shortcoming over which he has no control.

    It is solicited rather than imposed. Feedback is most useful when the receiver himselfhas formulated the kind of question which those observing him can answer or when he

    actively seeks feedback.

    Feedback is useful when well-timed (soon after the behavior-depending, of course, onthe person's readiness to hear it, support available from others, and so forth). Excellent

    feedback presented at an inappropriate time may do more harm than good.

    sharing of information, rather than giving advice allows a person to decide for himself,in accordance with his own goals and needs. When we give advice we tell him what to

    do, and to some degree take away his freedom to do decide for himself.

    It involves the amount of information the receiver can use rather than the amount wewould like to give. To overload a person with feedback is to reduce the possibility that

    he may be able to use what he receives effectively. When we give more than can be

    used, we are more often than not satisfying some need of our own rather than helping

    the other person.

    It concerns what is said and done, or how, not why. The "why" involves assumptionsregarding motive or intent and this tends to alienate the person generate resentment,

    suspicion, and distrust. If we are uncertain of his motives or intent, this uncertainty itself

    is feedback, however, and should be revealed.

    It is checked to insure clear communication. One way of doing this is to have thereceiver try to rephrase the feedback. No matter what the intent, feedback is often

    threatening and thus subject to considerable distortion or misinterpretation. It is checked to determine degree of agreement from others. Such "consensual

    validation" is of value to both the sender and receiver.

    It is followed by attention to the consequences of the feedback. The supervisor needs tobecome acutely aware of the effects of his feedback.

    It is an important step toward authenticity. Constructive feedback opens the way to arelationship which is built on trust, honest, and genuine concern and mutual growth.

    Part of the feedback process involves understanding and predicting how the other person will

    react. Or in the case of our receiving feedback, we need to understand ways that we respond to

    feedback, especially threatening feedback.

    People often react negatively to threatening feedback. This reaction can take a number offorms including:

    selective reception and selective perception doubting motive of the giver denying validity of the data rationalizing

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    attack the giver of the dataFollowing the guidelines to effective feedback can go a long way to limit these kinds of reactions

    but we need to be conscious of them nonetheless and be ready to react appropriately.

    When we are on the receiving end of feedback we should be careful to avoid thesepitfalls. Try to keep these points in mind.

    try not to be defensive check on possible misunderstanding ("Let me restate what I am hearing") gather information from other sources don't overreact ask for clarification


    There are a wide number of sources of noise or interference that can enter into the communication

    process. This can occur when people now each other very well and should understand the sources of

    error. In a work setting, it is even more common since interactions involve people who not only don't

    have years of experience with each other, but communication is complicated by the complex and often

    conflictual relationships that exist at work. In a work setting, the following suggests a number of sources

    of noise:

    Language: The choice of words or language in which a sender encodes a message will influencethe quality of communication. Because language is a symbolic representation of a phenomenon,room for interpreation and distortion of the meaning exists. In the above example, the Boss uses

    language (this is the third day you've missed) that is likely to convey far more than objective

    information. To Terry it conveys indifference to her medical problems. Note that the same

    words will be interpreted different by each different person. Meaning has to be given to words

    and many factors affect how an individual will attribute meaning to particular words. It is

    important to note that no two people will attribute the exact same meaning to the same words.

    defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt, project, transference, distortions from the past misreading of body language, tone and other non-verbal forms of communication (see section


    noisy transmission (unreliable messages, inconsistency) receiver distortion: selective hearing, ignoring non-verbal cues power struggles self-fulfilling assupmtions language-different levels of meaning managers hesitation to be candid assumptions-eg. assuming others see situation same as you, has same feelings as you distrusted source, erroneous translation, value judgment, state of mind of two people Perceptual Biases: People attend to stimuli in the environment in very different ways. We each

    have shortcuts that we use to organize data. Invariably, these shortcuts introduce some biases

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    into communication. Some of these shortcuts include stereotyping, projection, and self-fulfilling

    prophecies. Stereotyping is one of the most common. This is when we assume that the other

    person has certain characteristics based on the group to which they belong without validating

    that they in fact have these characteristics.

    Interpersonal Relationships: How we perceive communication is affected by the past experiencewith the individual. Percpetion is also affected by the organizational relationship two people

    have. For example, communication from a superior may be perceived differently than that from

    a subordinate or peer

    Cultural Differences: Effective communication requires deciphering the basic values, motives,aspirations, and assumptions that operate across geographical lines. Given some dramatic

    differences across cultures in approaches to such areas as time, space, and privacy, the

    opportunities for mis-communication while we are in cross-cultural situations are plentiful.


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    Meaning and Definition of HRM

    In simple sense, human resources management means employing people, developing their

    resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and

    organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals the organization, individual

    and the society.

    Michael J.Jucius defined personnel Management ad the field of management which has to do

    with planning, organizing directing and controlling the functions of procuring, developing,maintaining and utilising a labour force, such that the ---

    (a) Objectives for which the company is established are attained economically andEffectively,

    (b) Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree, and(c) Objectives of society are duly considered and served.

    Scope of Human Resource Management

    The scope of human resour4ce management in the modern days is vast. In fact ,the scope of

    HRM was limited to employment and maintenance of and payment of wage and salary. The

    scope gradually enlarged to providing welfare facilities, motivation

    performance , appraisal ,human resource management ,maintenance of human relations,

    strategic human resources and the like .The scope has been continuously enlarging.

    The Scope off Human Resource Management includes:

    Objectives of HRM

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    Organisation of HRM

    Strategic HRM



    Wage and salary administration/compensation



    Industrial relations

    Participative management and

    Recent developments in HRM.

    Having discussed the scope of Human Resources Management, now we shall discuss the

    importance of human resources management.

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    Role of Human Resources Management

    Human Resource Management plays the most crucial role in the management of an organization.

    Human resources play crucial role in the conversion process of inputs into outputs, Product design,

    quality maintenance, rendering services etc., depend upon the efficiency of human resources .Similarly,

    human resources plays critical role in marketing the products and services, Human resource also plays

    significant role in managing finances and managing information systems. Role of HR at TCS is presented

    in below figure.

    Figure 1.3: Role of HR at TCS







    Performance discussions and

    performance management for

    all at a centre

    Allocations to



    Recruitment The Centre

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    Name of the process : Communication

    Process owner : Regional Heads of HR

    PCMM Goals addressed by this process :Information is shared across the Organization.

    Individuals or groups are able to raise concerns and have them addressed byManagement.


    !.Current Business


    2.Current Unit


    3.Future perspective of

    Key Steps



    2.Annual communication

    Meeting with





    2.Feedback from


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    Communication and co-ordination practices are institutionalized to ensure they areperformed as managed process.

    Information about business activities and results is communicated throughout theOrganization.

    Process Measure :



    Process Metrics

    1.Percentage of employees attending ACM,UCM.

    2.Percentage of communication.

    3.Average scores on tests conducted on