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Why are Graduation Rates so Low? Taylor Colonna

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Why are Graduation Rates so Low?

Taylor Colonna

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After viewing this PowerPoint, students will be able to…

Understand what factors contribute to the high drop-out rate of English Language Learners (ELLs)

Take into consideration what research suggests should be done in order to decrease the drop-out rate among this population of students.

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Drop-Out Rates Many states and school districts are not tracking the

graduation rates of ELLs; and some are not accurately reporting their numbers (Zehr, 2009).

Out of a total of 50 Virginia migrant students, only 11 received a high school diploma (Perritt, 2001).

In another study, more than 60% of African American and Latino students they followed did not graduate (McNeil, Coppola, Radigan, & Heilig, 2008).

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Why are they so low? Poor academic achievement – most often seen in the

area of reading (Bowman-Perrott, Herrera, & Murry, 2010)

Lack of communication: deep “disconnects” between schools, students’ families, and communities

The educational system was designed for the mainstream, middle-class student, and policies have not been properly adapted (Housman & Martinez, 2002).

Teachers sometimes found it difficult to communicate with immigrant parents (Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, 2001).

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More Contributing Factors… ELLs are not given the services they need The NY State Education Dept. failed to provide adequate

services in agreement with established laws for ELLs:

Required English classes; trained & certified ESL and bilingual teachers; lack of extended day, weekend, and year-round programs (Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, 2002).

Lack of teacher support services

Proper placement of students into classrooms was not timely

Not given appropriate classroom materials and supplies

Not provided with proper professional development (Robert Clark Sterling Clark Foundation, 2001)

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There’s More… High-stakes testing: disaggregation by race when it comes

to standardized test scores does not increase fairness.

Instead, ELLs are pushed out of schools; and if they drop-out, schools show “measureable improvement” (McNeil, Coppola, Radigan, & Heilig, 2008).

Cultural Implications - teachers have low expectations, along with ELLs themselves (King, 2007).

Interrupted education due to migration, lack of education facilities, and economic circumstances.

Difficult to attend school, learn at grade level, accumulate credits, and meet graduation requirements (DeCapua, Smathers, & Tang, 2007; Green, 2003; Perritt, 2001)

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What can Educators do? Solution to low academic achievement: provide early

and intensive reading interventions, which include:

Vocabulary instruction, error correction, peer and cooperative learning groupings (Bowman-Perrott, Herrera, & Murry, 2010).

Pull-out sessions with tutors and small group instruction during class reading periods (Slavin & Madden, 1995).

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Improving Communication To improve communication and connectedness:

School policies adapted to serve the needs of a diverse population of students.

Schools’ relationships with families and communities must be more responsive, collaborative, and student-centered (Housman & Martinez, 2002).

1. Provide a rigorous, culturally, and socially relevant curriculum

2. Provide resources needed to create a linguistically and diverse environment

3. Make all levels of the system accountable for student success

4. Establish a collaborative partnership for schools and families

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More Solutions… To increase the support of ELLs and their teachers,

school districts must:

Provide intensive English language instruction

Provide an extended school day and year

Provide professional development for bilingual/ESL teachers

Encourage certified teachers to teach ELLs

Expand bilingual and ESL teacher recruitment efforts

Communicate effectively with parents of ELLs – schools may need interpreters and translation services (Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, 2001; 2002).

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Decreasing the Drop-Out Rate To increase test-performance, schools must become

more culturally competent.

King (2007) proposes 3 roles for school leaders:

Goalsetter – assign the most at-risk students to the most creative and successful teachers

Instructional leader – individualize instruction based on test scores; identifies strengths and weaknesses

Culturally competent leader – eliminate achievement stereotypes in administration and teachers

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ELL Charter Schools ELL charter schools see good academic growth and

dramatic decreases in drop out rates.

A California charter school saw a 97% graduation rate. All graduates attended college, and 62% of them were

admitted to a four-year institution

What they do differently: Driven by data – identify what’s working and what is not

Parent coordinators keep parents engaged

High teacher quality and administrative support

Focuses on either college or career preparation

Dessoff, A. (2010). English language learner charter schools. District Administration, 46(2), 32-38.

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The BIG IDEAS of ELL Drop-Out Rates

Since the ELL population is expanding so rapidly, it is important for school officials to pay close attention to their academic progress and graduation rates.

It is evident that with proper support, ELLs can achieve academically, have a higher chance of graduating, and even attend college.

Educators must keep in mind the diversity of their students and provide more unique instruction when possible.

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ReferencesBowman-Perrott, L. J., Herrera, S., & Murry, K. (2010). Reading

difficulties and grade retention: What’s the connection for English language learners? Reading & Writing Quarterly, 26(1), 91-107.

Dessoff, A. (2010). English language learner charter schools. District Administration, 46(2), 32-38.

DeCapua, A., Smathers, W., & Tang, L. F. (2007). Schooling Interrupted: Schools can help English language learners who have experienced sizeable gaps in their formal education. Educational Leadership, 64(6), 40-46.

Green, P. E. (2003). The undocumented: Educating the children of migrant workers in America. Bilingual Research Journal, 27(1), 51-71.

Housman, N. G., & Martinez, M. R. (2002). Preventing school dropout and ensuring success for English language learners and native American students. (Report No. ED-99-CO-0137). Washington, D.C.: Office of Educational Research and Improvement. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED466343)

King, N. J. (2007). Exit strategies: Cultural implications for graduation tests. Principal Leadership, 8(1), 42-47.

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McNeil, L. M., Coppola, E., Radigan, J., & Heilig, J. V. (2008). Avoidable losses: High-stakes accountability and the dropout crisis. Education Poicy Analysis Archives,16(3), 1-48.

Perritt, D. C. (2001). The impact of school and contextual factors on the graduation rates of Virginia migrant students. (Doctoral dissertation, College of William and Mary, 2001).

Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, Inc. (2001, February). Report from the front lines: What’s needed to make New York’s ESL and bilingual programs succeed.(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED466343)

Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, Inc. (2002, June). Creating a formula for success: Why English language learner students are dropping out of school, and how to increase graduation rates. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED467109)

Slavin, R. E., & Madden, N. A. (1995). Effects of success for all on the achievement of English language learners. (Report No. R117D40005). Philadelphia, PA: Pew Charitable Trusts. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED388050)

Zehr, M. A. (2009). Graduation rates on ELLs a mystery. Education Week, 29(3), 20-21.