elitefts programs

EliteFTS Programs Frequent Pulling for Faster Progress: 12 Weeks to a Bigger Deadlift Outlining a Solution There are seven basic tenets for the program: 1. On the whole, pull more frequently. Specificity of training is more important than you think; it takes practice to fine-tune your set-up and movement execution. 2. Pull for speed after your dynamic effort squats for the first three weeks of the month. 3. During these three weeks, your first assistance exercise on max effort squat/deadlift day should be a deadlift variation. 4. In the fourth week of each month, your max effort squat/deadlift movement will be a deadlift variation in order to allow you to monitor progress. The other three weeks should be squat and good morning variations. 5. Learn to pull in a state of fatigue – which is exactly what happens in competition. 6. Make sure to do your DES/D session before your MES/D session in the weekly training split. For example, I do my dynamic work on Sunday morning and my max effort work on Wednesday night. 7. Overall training stress – a function of volume, intensity, exercise complexity, and a number of other factors – should be fluctuated from week to week using the following format: high, medium, very high, low. I’ve made some modifications to suit the unique needs of different lifters. As a lifter whose sticking point is at lockout, I focus more on accommodating resistance.

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EliteFTS Programs


Page 1: EliteFTS Programs

EliteFTS Programs

Frequent Pulling for Faster Progress: 12 Weeks to a Bigger DeadliftOutlining a Solution

There are seven basic tenets for the program:

1.  On the whole, pull more frequently.  Specificity of training is more important than you think; it takes practice to fine-

tune your set-up and movement execution.

2.  Pull for speed after your dynamic effort squats for the first three weeks of the month.

3.  During these three weeks, your first assistance exercise on max effort squat/deadlift day should be a deadlift


4.  In the fourth week of each month, your max effort squat/deadlift movement will be a deadlift variation in order to

allow you to monitor progress.  The other three weeks should be squat and good morning variations.

5. Learn to pull in a state of fatigue – which is exactly what happens in competition.

6. Make sure to do your DES/D session before your MES/D session in the weekly training split.  For example, I do

my dynamic work on Sunday morning and my max effort work on Wednesday night.

7.  Overall training stress – a function of volume, intensity, exercise complexity, and a number of other factors –

should be fluctuated from week to week using the following format: high, medium, very high, low.

I’ve made some modifications to suit the unique needs of different lifters.  As a lifter whose sticking point is at lockout,

I focus more on accommodating resistance.   Lifters who tend to have problems off the floor would be best off with

pulls from a deficit, as I’ve noted in parenthesis to allow you to modify the program as needed.  Keep in mind that the

pulling below was just one component of my program; I was also doing squat and good morning variations, GHR’s,

reverse hypers, single-leg movements, and plenty of core work.

Week 1: High Volume

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DES/D: Speed Pulls vs. Bands (if you’re weak off the floor, perform these while standing on a 2-4” step and eliminate

the bands)

Bar Weight = 50%

10 sets of 1

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Snatch Grip Deadlifts (wearing straps is fine)

3 sets of 4 (work up to them; they should be heavy)

I used a controlled bounce between reps, as I am weak at the top.  Those who are weak off the floor should pause

between reps.

Week 2: Medium Volume

DES/D: Speed Pulls vs. Bands (if you’re weak off the floor, perform these while standing on a 2-4” step and eliminate

the bands)

Bar Weight = 55%

8 sets of 1

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Snatch Grip Deadlifts (wearing straps is fine)

2 sets of 3 (work up)

Same guidelines as noted above.

Week 3: Very High Volume

DES/D: Speed Pulls vs. Bands (for those who are weak off the floor, perform these while standing on a 2-4” step and

eliminate the chains)

Bar Weight = 60%

12 sets of 1

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Note: These last few sets shouldn’t feel much like speed in light of the higher percentage of 1RM, considerable band

tension, and accumulated fatigue.

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Snatch Grip Deadlifts (wearing straps is fine)

4 sets of 4 (aim to use work weight from week 2)

Same guidelines as noted above.

The goal with week three is to dip into your reserves considerably, so a run-down feeling is to be expected at week’s

end and into the first 4-5 days of week 4.  Remember that fatigue masks fitness; the idea is to deload considerably in

the early part of week 4 so that your system will recuperate to the point of being able to demonstrate its true fitness

by later in the week – when you’ll test your max.

Week 4: Low Volume

DES/D: No pulling (easy day)

MES/D: Main Movement should be a deadlift variation (e.g. competition pull, altered stance, reverse band deadlift,

deadlift against bands/chains, or deadlift from a deficit).

Omit first assistance movement (Snatch Grip Deadlifts) from weeks 1-3.

Week 5: High Volume

DES/D: Speed Pulls vs. Chains (for those who are weak off the floor, drop one set of chains and perform these while

standing on a 2-4” step)

Bar Weight = 55%

10 sets of 1

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Rack Pulls (just below kneecaps for those with lockout problems; mid-shin

height for those who are weak off the floor)

3 sets of 5

Week 6: Medium Volume

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DES/D: Speed Pulls vs. Chains (for those who are weak off the floor, perform these while standing on a 2-4” step

and eliminate the chains)

Bar Weight = 60%

8 sets of 1

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Rack Pulls (just below kneecaps for those with lockout problems; mid-shin

height for those who are weak off the floor)

3 sets of 4

Same guidelines as noted above.

Week 7: Very High Volume

DES/D: Speed Pulls – no chains, from the floor (regardless of your weakness)

Bar Weight = 65%

12 sets of 1

MES/D: First Assistance Movement: Snatch Grip Deadlifts

4 sets of 5 (aim to use weight from week 6)

Same guidelines as noted above.

Here, we’re still imposing a significant amount of fatigue, but we don’t want any spillover to the last deadlift test (end

of week 8) prior to the meet.  As such, we’ve swapped bands for chains, eliminated accommodating resistance

altogether in week 7, and limited the total work done on our assistance deadlift movement (less distance to pull with

rack pulls).  You’ll still probably feel run-down, but it shouldn’t be as bad as it was after week 3.

Week 8: Low Volume

DES/D: No pulling

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MES/D: Last Heavy Pull – Competition Deadlift test (with or without suit, depending on how you pull).  As a general

rule of thumb, the last heavy pull should be no less than 21 days out from competition.  I go with four weeks to err on

the side of caution.

Week 9: High Volume

DES/D: No Pulling

MES/D: Speed Pulls – No Accommodating Resistance (test with suit, if you wear one)

Bar Weight: 55%

8 sets of 1

Week 10: Medium Volume

DES/D: No Pulling

MES/D: Speed Pulls – No Accommodating Resistance

Bar Weight: 50%

Week 11: Very High Volume

No Pulling

Week 12: Rest End of Week 12: Meet Closing Thoughts

Regardless of why so many powerlifters place it on the back burner, the fact remains that the pounds accumulated on

the deadlift count just as much as those amassed on the squat and bench press.  Sure, thousands of lifters have

seen great results by avoiding deadlifts, but that’s not to say that there aren’t thousands more who can benefit

tremendously from more pulling; there is more than one way to skin a cat.  If you’re searching for a new strategy –

especially if you notice you’re dragging when lifts 7-9 roll around on meet day – give this template a shot and let me

know how it works out for you.

S4 Training

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NOTE: This is week 2 of a 12 week plan I’ve been creating for a group of lifters in the gym. They are

now on week eight and the program changes every week. This is NOT a one week program that is to

be repeated over and over again.

Week one was a very basic test week to try and see where everyone was at, so there wasn’t a written plan.

As the weeks progress, you will see modifications for each of the lifers. As of week two, weak points were not

diagnosed but do come in later. There are five on this program ranging from teenage raw drug free to pro multi-ply.

They all train together, but have different needs, so the modifications have to be built into the overall plan.

The goals of the first few weeks were:

1. To get them used to heavy weights again

2. To strengthen the start of the lift and make sure set up was strong, tight and right

3. Increase confidence

4. Increase conditioning

5. Re-establish the training mindset

6. Determine technical and physical weak points

I do have their supplement plan in here because we’re testing different protocols to see how they work. What I’m

testing right now is how much of a load – bloat – fullness I can get from them on Friday that they can hold over the

weekend. To me, this is the most important aspect right now. I want them to come into the weekend big and full and

then retain it for both of their heavy training days. The most demanding training days are Saturday and Sunday, thus

allowing for more recovery during the week. Over this program you’ll see some changes to the Friday and weekend

supplement plan because of this. You’ll also see some products come out and some will come back in and others

won’t. We will keep in what they feel helps and dump what doesn’t.

NOTE: I’m posting this section because I do think people are interested to see what stays and what goes and what

else will be tossed in. We are TESTING this stuff, so who knows how it will end up. I do want to note less that than

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two percent of EliteFTS’ sales comes from supplements, so I could care less if you buy them or not. We sell them as

secondary items that you might pick up if you buy something else. Use the info for what it is and leave it at that.

Actually, I’m 100 percent sure I could put this entire program in an e-book, sell it and make more off the sale of the

book than the total sales of all the supplements listed in this training plan.

Back to the lifters: 

They are also not all going to do a meet on week 12, so during the later weeks there will be more modifications based

on who is doing the meet and who isn’t.

This is the actual plan they are being e-mailed. There may be some modifications that had to made that are not

listed (but these are very few).

Week 2 (of 12)

Monday August 2 – Sunday August 8, 2010

Monday:1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes

2. Light Cardio

15-20 minutes not exceeding 65 percent max heart rate

Modifications: n/a


•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast – lunch and dinner)

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•One scoop metabolic drive or one Metabolic bar   with breakfast

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

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Tuesday:1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Box Jumps

Warm up to a box height that is 60 percent of your best one rep max jump

Perform five sets of two jumps with less than 90 seconds rest

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – Four sets going two reps shy of failure. If you don’t have access to a GHR, do stiff-leg deadlifts with a weight you can do for 20 reps. Do four sets of 10 reps with a moderate tempo.

Rest two minutes

4. Standing Pull Down Abs with Cable

Four sets of 15 reps with 90 seconds rest

5. Special exercise #1

Nothing required at this time.

6. Free Time

20 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15-rep range.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then don’t do free time training. If you’re drug free, then DO the free time training


•Alpha GPC around one hour before training

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

•Surge Workout Fuel – One scoop pre-training

•Finibar after hamstrings with 12 ounces water

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast)

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•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

•Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•One scoop metabolic drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

Wednesday:1. Wide Grip Pulldowns

Use a weight you could do for 20 reps and do six sets 10-12 reps

Change bar every couple sets

2. Special Exercise #1

Not needed at this time

3. Special Exercise #2

Not needed at this time

4. Conditioning

Prowler  or Sled work – Six trips of 30 steps moderate intensity

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as

completed on Monday.


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training

•Finibar after Lat work with 12 ounces water

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•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast)

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

•Post training (one to two scoops post-workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

Thursday:1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

Six sets five reps with 40 percent of your CM (competitive max), 60 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

3. Extensions

Eight sets of eight reps with 60 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Seated Dumbbell Side Raise

Use a weight you could do 20 reps with lax form

Do three sets 12 -15 reps with tight form

Leave a few reps at the end of each set

5. Band Pull-Aparts

Use mini band for two sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

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•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free, then DO the free time training


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – mag 10) while training

•Finibar after movement number three with 12 ounces water

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast)

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

•Post training (one to two scoops post workour Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•One scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

Friday:1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

3. Sled or Prowler

4 trips of 30 steps with 2 minutes rest between trips


•If you need extra technique work broom stick squats and deads facing a wall.

•If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work. It’s a MUST! If your drug free then go by feel or just do

light cardio.

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•Surge Preworkout Fuel 1 scoop taken 4 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with


•Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a

blow fish by Saturday morning.

•Eat 2 – 3 Fini Bars throughout the day with 12 oz water.

•Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

•Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic drive, 8 pro minerals and z-12 if needed.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner

Saturday:1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do

2. Reverse Band Squats

Double light band around top of mono lift and around bar. One band per side. Loop in bar around mono and back on bar again

Briefs and wraps

Free Squats

Work up to PM 1RM (perceived one rep max). Work up in small jumps (plate, quarter, plate, quarter, etc.) with sets of

three and five reps. When it begins to feel heavy, knock down to singles. As you work up in singles, as soon as you

can GUESS what your one rep max WOULD be, STOP working up. If you aren’t sure, then take a smaller jump to get

a better idea. NO MISSING weights.

Now off your PM, you will do two sets of three at 78 percent

3. Pulls Against Bands off Three Mats

Use extra wide jump stretch platform and place three mats inside

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You will use whatever bands you like, BUT the bar needs to move with force so the bar weight will be somewhere between 225 and 315 pounds. Base this on feel.

4. GHR

No extra weight needed. Do four sets to failure.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed, but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

Four sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: Focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and deadlift. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much, as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back, but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free, then DO the free time training.

•If you are lifting Raw, then wraps only.

•If you drink alcohol, then limit to one to two drinks on this day.

•After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

•Nap if you can.


•Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat Ramen Noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You

need to be a blowfish by Saturday morning

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (two scoops before training and another with your anaconda – mag 10) while training.

•Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast, two with lunch and two with dinner).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

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•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

Sunday:1. Floor Press with Chains


Rest as needed between sets

Work up to 50 percent of your best CM (competitive max) and then with each additional set, add one

chain per side while doing triples. When the triples become hard, drop to singles and keep working up

to a one-rep max. After this max is achieved, drop down to 78 percent of this for one more set of three


2. Flat Dumbbell Press

Warm up how you like

Rest two to four minutes between sets

Work up to your best set of 10, rest two to four minutes and repeat for one more set trying to get the same reps. Try to beat the numbers you hit last week.

3. Magnum Shoulder Press

This is the new machine – red frame

Use palm-in grip

Follow the same set rep pattern as dumbbell presses

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple movements instead of one

Leave one to two reps in the tank with every set

Six sets of 10 reps

5. Negative Only Barbell Close Grip Push-up

Put bar in the bottom of power rack or smith machine at lowest setting

One finger on the smooth part of bar for you grip setting

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Start at top lock out position and lower using a 12 count. Kneel to help get back up. Do for four to five reps. If this is easy place bench under feet or use weight vest.

2 sets

6. Free Time

20 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it.


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free, then DO the free time training


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your anaconda – mag 10) while training.

•Finibar bench work with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast, two with lunch and two with dinner).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post-training (one to two scoops post workout surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

Steve is keeping videos, notes and e-mails of all these weeks leading to the meet. When it’s over, we

will put together an article based on how it turns out. For now I will just post some of the page weeks

in order, so you can get a grasp of what they are doing.

The first weeks were posted last week. You can now see where the modifications are being added for

each person. These are based on their feedback and what we are seeing in the gym with their strength

and technique.

Week 3Monday:

1. Soft Foam Roller Work Nothing deep, just light passes.

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2. Light Cardio 15-20 minutes not exceeding 65 percent max heart rate

Modifications: Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your

knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for five count. Do three sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these as Prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your session while you’re still warming up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.


•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast – lunch and dinner),

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up 

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Box Jumps 

Warm up to a box height that is 70 percent of your best one rep max jump.

Perform four sets of one jump with 120 seconds rest

3. Hamstrings 

GHR would be the best choice – four sets going to failure. If you don’t have access to a GHR, do stiff-leg deadlifts with a weight you can do for 20 reps. Do 3 sets 15 reps with a moderate tempo.

Rest two minutes

4. Standing Pull Down Abs with Cable 

4 sets 15 reps with <60 seconds rest

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5. Special exercise #1

Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for five counts. Do three sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your session while you’re still warming up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.

6. Free Time 

20 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15-rep range.


•If you need extra technique work broom stick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training


•Alpha GPC around one hour before training.

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel – one scoop pre-training.

•Finibar after Hamstrings with 12 ounces of water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast).

•Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner


1. Wide Grip Pulldowns Use a different bar than last week, but still go wide.

Use a weight you could do for 20 reps and do 5 sets 8 reps.

Change bar every couple sets.

2. Special Exercise #1

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Not needed at this time.

3. Special Exercise #2 Not needed at this time.

4. Conditioning

Prowler of Sled Work – Six trips of 30 steps moderate intensity

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the

light cardio as completed on Monday.


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

•Surge Preworkout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your anaconda – mag 10 while training.

•Finibar after Lat Work with 12 oz water.

•Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

•Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic drive, 8 pro minerals and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (1-2 scoops post wo surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughuut the day.

•Multi vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•1 scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast

•3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Ups 

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

Six sets of five reps with 45 percent of your CM (competitive max) 60 seconds rest between sets

Explosive tempo

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3. Extensions 

Eight sets of eight reps with 45 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Seated Dumbbell Side Raise 

Use a weight you could do 20 reps with lax form.

Do three sets 12-15 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

5. Band Pull Aparts 

Use mini band for 2 sets to failure

6. Free Time 

20 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as

completed on Monday.

Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for 5 count. Do 3 sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while still warm up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90- seconds.


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your anaconda – mag 10), while


•Finibar after movement #3 with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work 

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio 

10 minutes not exceeding 65 percent max heart rate

3. Sled or Prowler 

Four trips of 30 steps with two minutes rest between trips


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as

completed on Monday.


•Surge Workout Fuel one scoop taken six times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or Power Aid cut 50/50 with


•Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a

blow fish by Saturday morning.

•Eat two to three Fini Bars throughout the day with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do

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2. Reverse Band Squats Double light band around top of mono lift and around bar. One band per side. Loop in bar around

mono and back on bar again.

Full Gear

Free Squats

Work up to three sets of one rep with 85 percent of your PM from last week. READ THAT AGAIN. You

will use your PM from last week to calculate your 85 percent. You will do three singles with full gear

using the same weight. JON: you will use 80 percent NOT 85 percent. 

3. Pulls Against Bands 

Use extra wide jump stretch platform

You will use whatever bands you like, BUT the bar needs to move with force so the bar weight will be somewhere between 225 and 315. Base this on feel.

Use 30 percent less weight that last week and do eight sets of one with 60 seconds rest.

4. GHR 

No extra weight needed. Do four sets to failure

5. Hanging Leg Raises 

No extra weight needed, but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

Four sets to failure

6. Free Time 

20 minutes total: Focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and deadlift. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller 

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back, but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training

•If you are lifting Raw, then wraps only. If not, only changes necessary.

•If you drink alcohol, then limit to one to two drinks on this day.

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•After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

•Nap if you can.


•Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat Ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc., all day long. You

need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (two scoops before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training. Add two

more scoops later in the day.

•Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast. two with lunch and two with dinner)

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Floor Press with Chains


Rest as needed between set.

Work up and beat you best number from the past two weeks for a single. After this set, you will rest a

few minutes and do one more set with 10 percent less weight for as many reps as you can get.

2. Flat Dumbbell Press

Warm up how you like.

Rest two to four minutes between sets.

Use the same weight you used last week, but only do one set with as many reps as you can get.

3. Magnum Shoulder Press

This is the new machine – red frame.

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Use palm in grip.

Follow the same set rep pattern as dumbbell presses.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type, or if you use a couple movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave one to two reps in the tank with every set.

Four sets of eight reps.

5. Close Grip Push-up

Put bar in the bottom of the power rack or smith machine at the lowest setting.

One set max reps with only body weight for resistance.

Free Time

20 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement then don’t do it.


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug-free then DO the free time training


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

•Finibar bench work with 12 ounces water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast, two with lunch and two with dinner).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner.

Week 4

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1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

15-20 minutes not exceeding 65 percent max heart rate.


Jon & Steve: Sit on four to six inch box (like an aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for five counts. Do three sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your session while you’re still warming up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.


•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast, lunch and dinner),

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Box Squats with Safety Squat Bar

Warm up to a weight that you COULD do for 15-20 reps if you had to. This will be the weight you will use for your training sets.

Perform seven sets of two reps with 60 seconds rest.

Steve, Scott and Ted: With the bar still loaded after the last set (rest first). Do two sets of Hise shrugs for 15 reps, holding the last rep at the top for 45-60 seconds. A Hise shrug is just unracking the bar as you would squat, arch your back and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.

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3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – two sets of eight reps (two reps shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest two minutes

4. Weighted Incline Sit Ups

Four sets of eight reps with 60 seconds rest. These should be with heavy weight, but still leaving two reps at the end of each set.

Jon: Do hanging leg raises instead.

5. Special exercise #1

Jon, Molly and Steve: Sit on a four to six inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for a five count. Do three sets to failure.

Molly, Scott and Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your session while you’re still warming up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.

As a second Special Exercise – Steve, Scott and Ted: Face pulls with rope. Four sets of 12 reps with 60 seconds rest.

6. Free Time

20 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15 rep range.

Molly – rest 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


•If you need extra technique work, broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training


•Alpha GPC around one hour before training.

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel – one scoop pretraining.

•Finibar after Hamstrings with 12 ounces of water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat a meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner.


1. Close Grip Pulldowns using DD Handle

Use a weight you could do for 10 reps and do six sets with eight reps with 60 seconds rest.

2. Special Exercise #1

Wide Grip Straight Arm Pull Downs – work up to max set of 12 reps, rest 2 minutes and try to match the same weight and reps.

3. Special Exercise #2

Vertical and horizontal stretching for the lats. Find one stretch for each you feel deeps in the lats and hold for 60 seconds.

4. Conditioning

Prowler of Sled Work – six trips of 35 steps moderate intensity.

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work

Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deads facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as

completed on Monday.


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

•Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

•Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic drive, 8 pro minerals and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (1-2 scoops post wo surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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•Multi vitamin in the morning with breakfast

•1 scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast

•3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

Seven sets of five reps with 40 percent of your CM (competitive max) 45 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

3. Extensions

Eight sets of eight reps with 45 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Standing Dumbbell Front Raise

Use a weight you could be 20 reps with lax form.

Do three sets 12 -15reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

This weight should not exceed 25 pounds.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band for two sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

Molly: Rest 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.

Molly: More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60 percent less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60 percent less weight and 60 percent less steps.


•If you need extra technique work, broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training

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Jon, Molly and Steve: Sit on a four to six inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for five a count. Do three sets to failure.

Ted and Scott: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while still warm-up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.

Ted and Scott: Add one upperback movement and do three sets 12 reps.


•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (one scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

•Finibar after movement #3 with 12 ounces of water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Minerals and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops post workout Surge) or eat a meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65 percent max heart rate

Molly – make this 20-30 minutes, but do keep it light steady state cardio.

3. Sled or Prowler

Four trips of 30 steps with two minutes rest between trips.


•If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

•If you’re “on,” then make sure you DO the conditioning work. It’s a MUST! If you’re drug free then go by feel or just

do light cardio.

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•Surge Workout Fuel one scoop taken four times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with


•Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat Ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc., all day long. You need to be

a blow fish by Saturday morning.

•Eat one to two Fini Bars throughout the day with 12 ounces of water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast)

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do

2. Box Squats


Work up to 40 percent of your CM (competition max) and do five sets of two reps with 90 second rest. These should be EXPLOSIVE AND FAST. After these five sets, begin to work up to:

60 percent of your best full meet squat for two reps

65 percent of your best full meet squat for two reps

If it looks and feels good and everyone else agrees, you can go ahead and do 67 percent for two reps for an extra set.

Modification for Jon: add 10 percent to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with Fat Bar

Work up to PM (projected max). DON’T MAX OUT just use your best guess. Then drop down and do:

70% x 2

75% x 2

77% x 2

4. Stiff-leg Deadlifts

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Keep the weight light (about half of what you use for the Fat Bar Pulls). Stand on a three to four inch mat and keep the tension on the hamstrings. Do 3 sets 6 reps making sure to keep all the tension on the hamstrings and glutes. It should feel like your hamstrings will rip off.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed, but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

Two sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: Focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and deadlift. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back, but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free, then DO the free time training

•If you are lifting Raw then wraps only. If not, only changes necessary.

•If you drink alcohol, then limit to one to two drinks on this day.

•After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

•Nap if you can.


•Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat Ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc., all day long. You

need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

•Anaconda and Mag 10 (one to two scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

•Surge Workout Fuel (two scoops before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training. Add two

more scoops later in the day.

•Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces of water.

•Curcumin 500 (two with breakfast, two with lunch and two with dinner).

•Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

•Post training (one to two scoops of post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

•L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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•Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

•One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

•Three Flameouts with breakfast and dinner.


1. Close Grip Incline Press

Work up to a heavy set of five reps then rest three to four minutes and try to repeat.

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type, or if you use a couple movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave one to two reps in the tank with every set.

Four sets of eight reps

5. N/A

Free Time

30 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it. HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumb ass either. You have done a lot of upperbody work so this is a needed break.


•If you’re “on,” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training

As the weeks progress, you will see modifications for each of the lifers. As of week five, weak points have been

determined and modifications to the program have been made. There are five on this program ranging from teenage

raw drug-free to pro multi-ply. They all train together, but have different needs, so the modifications have to be built

into the overall plan.

The goals for weeks 5-8 were:

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1. To build strength

2. To strengthen the lifts from the bottom up

3. Increase confidence

4. Increase conditioning

5. Begin meet prep

6. Correct technical and physical weak points

I do have their supplement plan in here because we’re testing different protocols to see how they work. What I’m

testing right now is how much of a load – bloat – fullness I can get from them on Friday that they can hold over the

weekend. To me, this is the most important aspect right now. I want them to come into the weekend big and full and

then retain it for both of their heavy training days. The most demanding training days are Saturdays and Sundays,

thus allowing for more recovery during the week. Over this program you’ll see some changes to the Friday and

weekend supplement plan because of this. You’ll also see some products come out and some will come back in and

others won’t. We will keep in what they feel helps and dump what doesn’t.

NOTE: I’m posting this section because I do think people are interested to see what stays and what goes and what

else will be tossed in. We are TESTING this stuff, so who knows how it will end up. I do want to note that less than

two percent of EliteFTS’ sales come from supplements, so I could care less if you buy them or not. We sell them as

secondary items that you might pick up if you buy something else. Use the info for what it is and leave it at that.

Actually, I’m 100 percent sure I could put this entire program in an e-book, sell it, and make more off of the sale of the

book than the total sales of all the supplements listed in this training plan.

Back to the lifters:

They aren’t all going to do a meet on week 12, so during the later weeks, there’ll be more modifications based on who

is doing the meet and who isn’t.

This is the actual plan they are being e-mailed. There may be some modifications that had to made that aren’t listed

(but these are very few).

Week 5 (of 12)Monday Aug 23 – Sunday August 29, 2010

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Monday:1. Soft Foam Roller Work – nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio – 15-20 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate


Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for five count. Do two sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your warm-up session. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch of 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast – lunch and dinner)

Before bed two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Box Squats with Safety Squat Bar

Whatever weight you used last week add 5% more. So if you used 400 pounds, you would add 20 pounds. Round to the nearest 5 pound jump.

Perform 7 sets of 2 reps with < 60 seconds rest

Steve, Scott & Ted: with the bar still loaded after the last set (rest first). Do two sets of Hise shrugs for 5 reps holding the top of each rep for 15 seconds. A Hise shrug is just unracking the bar as you would squat, arch your back and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 2 sets  of 8 (to failure). Hold weights or use weight vest if needed.

Rest < 3minutes

4. Weighted Incline Sit Ups

2 sets 8 reps with < 60 seconds rest. These should be one rep shy of failure.

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Jon: Do hanging leg raises instead

5. Special exercise #1

Jon, Molly & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for five count. Do two sets to failure.

Molly, Scott & Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at the end of your warm-up session. Hold stretch for 75 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch for 90 seconds.

As a second Special Exercise: Steve, Scott and Ted – Face pulls with rope. 4 sets 12 reps with < 60 seconds rest.

6. Free Time

20 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single leg work in the 12-15 rep range.

Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can. Reason: stress levels from her personal life were through the roof. I wanted her to take out her frustration and aggression in the gym so that it wouldn’t affect her other gym training. With short rest intervals, she can’t go heavy with weights.

Steve: No free time training at all. Reason: he was feeling beat up, joints hurt and pecs tight.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free-time training


Alpha GPC around one hour before training.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel – one scoop pretraining.

Finibar after hamstrings with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout with Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Close Grip Pulldowns using DD Handle

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Use a weight you could do for 10 reps and do 6 sets 8 reps with < 60 seconds rest

2. Special Exercise #1 – Wide Grip Straight Arm Pull Downs

Work up to a max set of 12 reps, rest 2 minutes and try to match the same weight and reps.

3. Special Exercise #2 – Vertical and horizontal stretching for the lats.

Find one stretch for each you feel deeps in the lats and hold for 60 seconds.

4. Conditioning

Prowler or Sled Work – 5 trips of 25 steps moderate intensity

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work

Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as completed on Monday.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

6 sets 5 reps with 44% of your CM (competitive max) < 45 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

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3. Extensions

8 sets 8 reps with < 30 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Standing Dumbbell Front Raise

Use a weight you could do 20 reps with lax form.

Do 3 sets 12 -15 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

This weight should not exceed 25 pounds.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band for two sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

Molly: more conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.

Steve: no free-time work


Jon, Molly & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for 5 count. Do 3 sets to failure.

Ted & Scott: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of warm-up session. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch of 90 seconds.

Ted & Scott: add one upper back movement and do 3 sets 12 reps.

If you need extra technique. work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training.  If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

Finibar after movement #3  with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

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One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly: make this 20-30 minutes but do keep it light steady state cardio.

3. Sled or Prowler

2 trips of 30 steps with 2 minutes rest between trips


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then make sure you DO the conditioning work. It’s a MUST! If you’re drug-free, then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Preworkout Fuel 1 scoop taken 5 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Eat 1-2 Fini Bars throughout the day.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do

2. Box  Squats


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Work up to 44% of you CM (competition max) and do 5 sets of 2 reps < 90 second rest. These should be EXPLOSIVE AND FAST. After these 5 sets begin to work up to:

65% of you best full meet squat for 2 reps

70% of your best full meet squat for 2 reps

If it looks and feels good and everyone else agrees you can go ahead and do 75% for 2 reps for an extra set.

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with Mastadon Bar

Work up to PM (projected max). DON’T MAX OUT just use your best guess. Then drop down and do:

70% x 2

75% x 2

77% x 2

Steve use Fat Gripz or a folded up towel around the bar.

4. Stiff leg Deads

Keep the weight light (about ½ of what you use for the Fat Bar Pulls). Stand on 3-4 inch mat and keep the tension on the hamstrings. Do 2 sets 8 reps making sure to keep all the tension on the hamstrings and glutes. It should feel like your hamstrings will rip off.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Steve no free time training

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and deadlift. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much, as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc


If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting Raw, then wraps only. If not, only changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol then limit to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

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Nap if you can.


Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (2 scoops before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training. Add 2 more scoops later in the day.

Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Close Grip Incline Press

Work up to heavy set of 3 reps, then rest 3-4 minutes and try to repeat.

2. One Arm Over head Dumbell Prsss

2 sets 12-15 reps (2 reps shy of failure)

3. N/A

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set

4 sets 8 reps

5. N/A

Free Time

30 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it.  HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumb ass either. You have done a lot of upper body work, so this is a needed break.

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If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training

Week 6 (of 12)Monday Aug 30 – Sunday Sept 5, 2010


1.     Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2.     Light Cardio

15-20 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate


Jon & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for 5 count. Do two sets to failure.

Molly: do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of warm-up session. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch for 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Box Squats with Safety Squat Bar

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Whatever weight you used last week add 5% more. So if you used 400 pounds, you would add 20 pounds. Round to the nearest 5 pound jump.

Perform 5 sets of 2 reps with < 60 seconds rest

Steve, Scott & Ted: with the bar still loaded after the last set (rest first). Do 2 sets of Hise shrugs for 5 reps holding the top of each rep for 15 seconds. A Hise shrug is just unracking the bar as you would with a squat, arch your back and shrug your shoulders as high as you can.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 2 sets of 6 (to failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3 minutes

4. Weighted Incline Sit Ups

2 sets 8 reps with < 60 seconds rest. These should be one rep shy of failure.

Jon: do hanging leg raises instead

5. Special exercise #1

Jon, Molly & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for a 5 count. Do one set to failure.

Molly, Scott & Ted: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while still warm up. Hold stretch for 75 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch for 90 seconds.

As a second Special Exercise: Steve, Scott and Ted – Face pulls with rope. 3 sets 12 reps with < 60 seconds rest.

6. Free Time

20 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15-rep range.

Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training


Alpha GPC around one hour before training.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel – 1 scoop pre training.

Finibar after hamstrings with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

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L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Bench  Grip Pulldowns

Use a weight you could do for 10 reps and do 4 sets 12 reps with < 60 seconds rest.

2. Special Exercise #1 – Wide Grip Straight Arm Pull Downs

Work up to max set of 12 reps, rest 2 minutes and try to match the same weight and reps.

3.  Special Exercise #2 – Vertical and horizontal stretching for the lats.

Find one stretch for each you feel deep in the lats and hold for 60 seconds.

4. Conditioning

Prowler or Sled Work – 5 trips of 25 steps moderate intensity.

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work

Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you are clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as completed on Monday.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner

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1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

7 sets 3 reps with 46% of your CM (competitive max) <45 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

3. Extensions

8 sets 8 reps with < 30 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Standing Dumbbell Front Raise

Use a weight you could do 20 reps with lax form.

Do 3 sets 12 -15 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

This weight should not exceed 25 pounds.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band for one set to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can. More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.


Jon, Molly & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for a 5 count. Do 3 sets to failure.

Ted & Scott: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of warm-up session. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch for 90 seconds.

Ted & Scott: add one upper back movement and do 3 sets 12 reps.

If you need extra technique work broom stick squats and deads facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.


Page 44: EliteFTS Programs

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

Finibar after movement #3  with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly: make this 20-30 minutes but do keep it light steady-state cardio.

3. Sled or Prowler

2 trips of 30 steps with 2 minutes rest between trips


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then make sure you DO the conditioning work. It’s a MUST! If you’re drug-free, then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Preworkout Fuel 1 scoop taken 5 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Eat 1-2 Fini Bars throughout the day.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do

2. Box  Squats


Work up to 46% of you CM (competition max) and do 5 sets of 2 reps < 90 second rest. These should be EXPLOSIVE AND FAST. After these 5 sets begin to work up to:

70% of you best full meet squat for 2 reps

74% of your best full meet squat for 2 reps

If it looks and feels good and everyone else agrees you can go ahead and do 76% for 2 reps for an extra set.

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with Texas Power Bar

Work up to PM (projected max). DON’T MAX OUT just use your best guess. Then drop down and do.

75% x 2

77% x 2

80% x 2

4. Stiff leg Deads

Keep the weight light (about ½ of what you use for the Fat Bar Pulls). Stand on 3-4 inch mat and keep the tension on the hamstrings. Do 2 sets 8 reps making sure to keep all the tension on the hamstrings and glutes. It should feel like your hamstrings will rip off.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure

6. Free Time

20 minutes total: focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and dead. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much, as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back, but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.

Page 46: EliteFTS Programs


If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting Raw, then wraps only. If not, only changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol then limit to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.


Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (2 scoops before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training. Add 2 more scoops later in the day.

Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Close Grip Incline Press

Work up to heavy sets of 3 reps. Rest, then hit a drop set with half the weight used for top set for as many reps as you can.

2. One Arm Over head Dumbell Prsss

2 sets 12-15 reps (2 reps shy of failure)

3. N/A

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type, or if you use a couple of movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set.

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4 sets 8 reps

5. N/A

Free Time

30 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it. HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumb ass either. You have done a lot of upper body work so this is a need break.

Week 7 (of 12)Monday Sept 6 – Sunday Sept 12, 2010


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

15-20 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate


Jon & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like an aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out. Hold at max contraction for a 5 count. Do two sets to failure.

Molly: do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of warm-up session. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do one more stretch for 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

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Do whatever you normally do.

2. Good Mornings

Work up to a moderate weight that you can do for 3 sets of 5 reps. This should be a weight you could do for 12-15 reps if asked.

Begin movement by pushing hips back and trying to stretch your hamstrings as hard ads you can and you descend.

Rest < 3 minutes.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 4 sets 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3 minutes

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

5 sets 15-20 reps with < 60 seconds rest. These should be one rep shy of failure.

5. Free Time

10 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15 rep range.

Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training.  If you’re drug-free, then DO the free-time training.


Alpha GPC around one hour before training.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel – 1 scoop pre training.

Finibar after Hamstrings with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Chest Supported Rows

Use a weight you could do for 10 reps and do 4 sets 12 reps with < 60 seconds rest

2.  Special Exercise #1 – Wide Grip Straight Arm Pull Downs

Work up to max set of 12 reps, rest 2 minutes and try to match the same weight and reps.

3.  Special Exercise #2 – Vertical and horizontal stretching for the lats.

Find one stretch for each you feel deeps in the lats and hold for 60 seconds.

4. Conditioning

Prowler or Sled Work – 4 trips of 25 steps moderate intensity

5. Foam Roller – Massage Work

Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you are clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as completed on Monday.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike)

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic drive, 8 pro minerals and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post wo surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi vitamin in the morning with breakfast

1 scoop metabolic drive or one metabolic bar with breakfast

3 Flameout  with breakfast and dinner


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

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2. Bench Press

8 sets 3 reps with 40% of your CM (competitive max) < 30 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

3. Pushdowns (any bar or rope – doesn’t matter)

8 sets 8 reps with <30 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

4. Rear Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Use a weight you could do 20 reps with lax form.

Do 3 sets 12 -15reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

This weight should not exceed 25 pounds.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets

6. Free Time

10 minutes total: focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

Molly – rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can. More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free-time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

Finibar after movement #3 with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly: make this 20-30 minutes but do keep it light steady state cardio.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work.  It’s a MUST! If your drug free then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Preworkout Fuel 1 scoop taken 5 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Eat 1-2 Fini Bars throughout the day.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do

2.  Squats

Full Gear

Work up to PM. DO NOT max out or even come close. Just get an idea of where you are with full gear, and straps up. You WILL BE 3-4 inches high. Don’t force it. Once you get an idea of where you think your max would be…

80% x 3

82% x 3

84%x 1

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86% x1

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with Texas Power Bar

Work up to PM (projected max). DON’T MAX OUT just use your best guess. Then drop down and do:

73% x 1

75% x 1

77% x 1

79% x 1

3. Reverse Hypers

3 sets 10-12 reps

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure

6. Free Time

10 minutes total: focus on single leg movements, abs and lower back work.

Take 20 minutes to do whatever you want for your squat and dead. Just avoid anything that will work the upper back too much, as you will bench tomorrow.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc


If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting Raw then wraps only. If not, then only changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol then limit to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training, spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.


Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

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Surge Preworkout Fuel (2 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training. Add 2 more scoops later in the day.

Finibar after pulls with 12 ounces water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post wo surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Bench Press

Warm up and…

Work up to a PM of a 3-board press using full gear (shirt). Once again this is PM. Once you get your PM figured out drop to a 2-board and do…

80% x 3

82% x 3

84%x 1

86% x1

2. JM Press

Work up to 2 heavy sets of 5 off carpet, manpon or soft board.

3. Rear Delt Machine

6 sets 12 reps with less than 30 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type, or if you use a couple movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set

4 sets 8 reps

5. N/A

Free Time

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15 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it. HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumb ass either. You have done a lot of upper body work, so this is a needed break.

Week 8 (of 12)Monday Sept 13 – Sunday Sept 19, 2010


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

15-20 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate


Jon & Steve: sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step-up step), double loop any band around your knees and do back pull aparts where you pull your knees out, hold at max contraction for a 5 count. Do two sets to failure.

Molly: do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are Prehab.

Ted: add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while still warm-up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Good Mornings

Work up to a moderate weight that you can do for 3 sets of 5 reps. This should be a weight you could do for 12-15 reps if asked, but 15-30 pounds more than last week.

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Begin movement by pushing hips back and try to stretch your hamstrings as hard ads you can and you descend.

Rest < 3 minutes.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 3 sets 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest if needed.

Rest < 3 minutes.

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

4 sets 15-20 reps with < 60 seconds rest. These should be one rep shy of failure.

5. Free Time

10 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single legwork in the 12-15-rep range.

Molly – rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel – one scoop pretraining.

Finibar after hamstrings with 12 oz water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Chest Supported Rows

Use a weight you could do for 10 reps (needs to be more weight than last week) and do 3 sets 12 reps with < 60 seconds rest

2.  Special Exercise #1 – Wide Grip Straight Arm Pull Downs

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Work up to max set of 12 reps, rest 2 minutes and try to match the same weight and reps.

3.  Special Exercise #2 – Vertical and horizontal stretching for the lats.

Find one stretch for each you feel deep in the lats and hold for 70 seconds.

4. Conditioning

Prowler or Sled Work – 3 trips of 25 steps moderate intensity

5. Foam Roller – Message Work

Very hard and deep work. Use rumble roller, baseballs, etc. Work as deep and as hard as you can.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then you MUST do the conditioning work. If you’re clean, then go by feel or just do the light cardio as completed on Monday.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post wo surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do

2. Bench Press

8 sets 3 reps with 43% of your CM (competitive max) < 30 rest between sets

Explosive tempo

3. Pushdowns (any bar or rope – doesn’t matter)

8 sets 8 reps with < 25 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps

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4. Rear Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Use a weight you could be 20 reps with lax form but more than last week.

Do 3 sets 12 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets

6. Free Time

10 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, arms and keep to machines, dumbbells or cables.

Molly – rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.

Molly: More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free time training


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.

Finibar after movement #3  with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

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10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly – make this 20-30 minutes, but do keep it light steady-state cardio.


If you need extra technique, work broomstick squats and deads facing a wall.

If you’re “on,” then make sure you DO the conditioning work. It’s a MUST! If you’re drug-free, then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Preworkout Fuel 2 scoops taken 3 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do

2.  Squats

Full Gear

Use your PM from last week to determine percentages.

78% x 3

84% x 3

86%x 1

88% x1

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with OLD Texas DL bar

Use PM from last week to determine percents.

70% x 1

76% x 1

81% x 1

4. Reverse Hypers

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2 sets 10-12 reps

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back, but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc


If you’re “on,” then do not do free-time training. If you’re drug-free, then DO the free-time training

If you’re lifting raw, then wraps only. If not, only changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol, then limit to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.


Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Preworkout Fuel (2 scoops before training and another with your Anaconda – Mag 10) while training.  Add two more scoops later in the day.

1 or 2 Finibar after squats with 12 ounces of water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Before bed, two scoops Metabolic Drive, eight Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Post training (1-2 scoops post workout Surge) or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine: mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast.

One scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic bar with breakfast.

Three Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Bench Press

Warm up and do…

Work up to a PM of a 2 board press using full gear (shirt). Once again this is PM. Once you get your PM figured out, drop to a 1-board and do..

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80% x 3

82% x 3

84%x 1

86% x1

2. JM Press

Work up to 2 heavy sets of 3 off carpet, manpon or soft board.

3. Rear Delt Machine

2 sets 12 reps with less than 90 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple movements instead of one, BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set

2 sets 8 reps

5. N/A

Free Time

15 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded and keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement, then don’t do it.  HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumb ass either. You have done a lot of upper body work so this is a needed break.

S4: Weeks 9-12 of 12 Week Training Plan

However, they didn’t do the last two weeks of the above program, but did deload and max on a few special exercises

to help determine where they were at and what weaknesses needed to be addressed.

After many training phases and cycles, I felt they were finally ready to push their training and really focus on pushing

their strength up. Their technique is ready, they’re healthy and the gear is dialed in.

The other cycles that I’ve posted were very detailed. This one isn’t as detailed because they’ve learned how to train

themselves so they don’t need to be told every little thing.

Over the next few cycles I’ll spend more time explaining to them why they are doing what I’m having them do, so

they’ll be able to become better lifters, but also so they’ll become better at training and peaking others for meets.

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When they REALLY understand what’s going on, they’ll be able to question things and thus make everybody better.

They will also be able to spot technical breakdowns before they happen.

This is the email I sent them for the last five weeks before the meet…

Ok – if my math is right you have five weekends left to train before the meet (someone double-check


This will give four training weeks and one deload.

Squat day during the week do this…

Box Squat – briefs Week 1 - 44% for 8 sets 2 Week 2 – 48% for 8 sets 2  Week 3 - 52% for 6 sets 2 Week 4 – 54% for 6 sets 2  Week 5 – 40% for 5 sets 2

After this do GHR, Reverse Hypers and Abs (minimum of three sets per movement).

Bench Day During the week

Bench Press  Week 1 – 40% for 6-10 sets of 3 (go by how you feel) Week 2 - 40% for 6-10 sets of 3 (go by how you feel) Week 3 – Dumbbell Presses instead of Bench Press (3 sets 15) Week 4 - 40% for 6-10 sets of 3 (go by how you feel) Week 5 - 40% for 6-10 sets of 3 (go by how you feel)

After this do triceps, vertical pulls and light delts.

Saturday Week 1 - Close Stance Safety Bar Squat – work up to 1 rep max (briefs) Week 2 - Reverse Band Squat work up to 80% for 5 (full gear) Week 3 - Squat with full gear (work up to moderately hard 1 rep max) Week 4 – Squat with full gear (work up to heavy single BUT leave some left in the tank) Week 5 – Deload – the most would be working up to opener.

*These percents are based off what you know or think your max would be.

Finish with pulls (stick with all speed pulls with the good deadlift bar. The percent will be 45 to 50 for

singles. If you have a day where it feels VERY easy, then work up to a moderately heavy single or


Then do GHR, scorcher and abs.

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I will leave this up to you guys to play around with. This will be a max effort day, so you will work up

using triples. As you work up decide if you want to do a single or triple. This can be board press, floor,

pin, reverse band, etc.

Now you also need to do shirt work. So do the ME work first and then do some shirt work for a few sets

after. It can be with the same movement you were doing or to the chest.

This is different than what you’ve been doing and will be harder on you. If you need to back off, then

do so on the speed work. Either just don’t do it or lower the percents.

- Dave

While they were in the final prep for the meet, the rest of their crew was instructed to do the same training EXCEPT

all of their Saturday and Sunday squat, bench and deadlift work was for two sets of five reps. They also need to add

more accessories at the end of each session. It doesn’t really matter what the accessory work is, just do sets of 10-15

reps and work the muscles. This phase will help them add muscle m

As the weeks progress, you will see modifications for each of the lifters. As of week nine, weak points have been

determined and modifications to the program have been made. There are five lifters on this program ranging from

teenage raw drug-free to pro multi-ply. They all train together, but have different needs, so the modifications have to

be built into the overall plan.

The goals for weeks 9-12 were:

1. To allow those competing to peak for the week 12 meet.

2. To allow those not competing to peak and then deload.

3. Correct technical and physical weak points.

Week 9 (of 12)Monday Sept 20 – Sunday Sept 26, 2010


1.     Soft Foam Roller Work – nothing deep, just light passes.

2.     Light Cardio – 10 minutes, not exceeding 65% max heart rate.

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Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do pull-aparts where you pull your knees out and hold at max contraction for a 5 count. Do 2 sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these as prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do it at the end of session while it’s still warm up. Hold the stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes, and do one more stretch of 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500  (2 with breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules and z-12 if needed.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast. 3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Speed Box Squat

Using briefs ( Jon – raw).

55% of PM (perceived max) from 2 weeks ago for 6 sets 3 reps.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 2 sets of 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3minutes.

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

2 sets 15-20 reps with < 60 seconds rest. These should be 1 rep shy of failure.

5. Free Time

10 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single-leg work in the 12-15-rep range. Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.

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Anaconda  and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike). Surge Workout Fuel  – 1 scoop before training. Finibar  after your hamstring work with 12 oz water. Curcumin 500  (2 with breakfast). Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed. Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training. L-Leucine  – mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast. 3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Bench Press

7 sets 3 reps with 46% of your CM (competitive max) < 30 rest between sets.

Explosive tempo.

3. Pushdowns (any bar or rope, it doesn’t matter)

8 sets 8 reps with < 25 seconds rest using weight you could do for 15 reps.

4. Chest Supported Rows

Use a weight that you could do for 20 reps with lax form, but make sure it’s more weight than last week.

Do 3 sets of 12 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps in the tank at the end of each set.

5. Band Pull-Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets

6. Free Time

10 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, and arms. Stick to machines, dumbbells or cables. Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.

Molly: More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.


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If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel (1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training.

Finibar after movement #3  with 12 oz water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast)

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout  with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate.

Molly: Make this 20-30 minutes but keep it light, steady-state cardio.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work.  It’s a MUST! If you’re drug free then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoops taken 3 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Warm Up:

Do whatever you normally do.

2.  Squats

Full Gear (Jon – raw)

Use your PM (perceived max) from last week to determine percentages.

80% x 2

85% x 2

90%x 1

93% x1

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

3. Pulls Off Floor with DL bar.

Use PM from last week to determine percents.

Work up to opener for 1 rep.

3. Reverse Hypers

2 sets 10-12 reps.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting raw then use wraps only. No other changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol, limit it to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.

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Keep sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Sunday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoops before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training.  Add 2 more scoops later in the day.

1 or 2 Finibar after squats with 12 oz water.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast. 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner)

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops post workout Surge or eat meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Bench Press

Warm up

Work up to a PM of a 1 board press using full gear (shirt). Once again this is PM. Once you get your PM figured out drop to a chest and do.

84% x 3

86% x 1

90%x 1

92% x1

2. 4 Board Press – close – moderate grip

Work up to 2 heavy sets of 3 – hold last rep for 5 count.

3. Rear Delt Machine

2 sets 12 reps with less than 90 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple movements instead of one BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set.

2 sets of 8 reps.

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5. N/A

6. Free Time

15 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded. Keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement in question, then don’t do it.  HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumbass either. You have done a lot of upper body work so this is a much-needed break.

Week 10 (of 12)Monday Sept 27– Oct 3, 2010


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate.


Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do pull-aparts where you pull your knees out and hold at max contraction for 5 count. Do 2 sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these as prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while it’s still warm up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes, and do it again for one more stretch of 90 seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast – lunch and dinner).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

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Do whatever you normally do.

2. Speed Box Squat

Using briefs ( Jon – raw).

50% of PM from 2 weeks ago for 6 sets 2 reps.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice – 3 sets of 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3minutes.

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

4 sets 15-20 reps with < 120 seconds rest. These should be 1 rep shy of failure.

5. Free Time

10 minutes total. Keep movements to machines or single leg work in the 12-15-rep range. Molly: Rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop pre-training.

Finibar and 12 oz. water after hamstring work.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do.

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2. Bench Press

7 sets 3 reps with 44% of your CM (competitive max) < 30 seconds rest between sets.

Explosive tempo.

3. Pushdowns (any bar or rope, it doesn’t matter)

6 sets 8 reps with < 25 seconds rest, using weight you could do for 15 reps.

4. Chest Supported Rows

Use a weight you could do for 20 reps with lax form, but make sure it’s more weight than last week.

Do 3 sets of 12 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps in the tank at the end of each set.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets.

6. Free Time

10 minutes total: Focus on chest, delts, and arms. Stick to machines, dumbbells or cables. Molly: rest < 60 seconds and try to get in as much stuff as you can.

Molly: More conditioning work. Let’s make this simple. Do 60% less work than you did for the session the day before. So 60% less weight and 60% less steps.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training. If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training.

Finibar with 12 oz. water after movement #3.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly: Make this 20-30 minutes but do keep it light steady state cardio.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work.  It’s a MUST! If you’re drug free then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoops taken 3 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Mineral capsules, and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2.  Squats

Full Gear

Use your PM from last week to determine percentages.

80% x 1

90% x 1

94%x 1

96% x1

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Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.  Molly and Ted – you will do Reverse Band Squats working up to 1 rep max.

3. Pulls Off Floor with DL bar

Speed Pulls – 50% of weight used last week for 6 sets 1 rep.

3. Reverse Hypers

2 sets 10-12 reps.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting raw then use wraps only. No only changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol, limit it to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.


1. Bench Press

Warm up.

Work up to a PM (perceived max) of a 1 board press using full gear (shirt). Once again this is PM. Once you get your 1 board PM figured out, do full bench.

84% x 3

90% x 1

92%x 1

94% x1

2. 4 Board Press with a close/moderate grip

Work up to max effort single. You will use your bench shirt.

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3. Rear Delt Machine

2 sets 12 reps with less than 90 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple movements instead of one BUT make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set.

2 sets of 8 reps.

5. N/A

Free Time

15 minutes to do what you want. Don’t be retarded. Keep the reps high for now (10-12). If it hurts or has ever hurt to do the movement then don’t do it. HAVE FUN but don’t be a dumbass either. You have done a lot of upper body work so this is a much-needed break.

Week 11 (of 12)Monday Oct 4th-Oct 10th, 2010

Monday:1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate.


Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees, and do pull-

aparts where you pull your knees out and hold at max contraction for 5 count.  Do 2 sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these are prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while it’s still the warm up. Hold the stretch

for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes, and do for one more stretch of 90 seconds.

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Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Speed Box Squat

Using briefs ( Jon – raw).

40% of PM (perceived max) from 2 weeks ago for 6 sets 2 reps.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice. Do 2 sets of 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3minutes.

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

2 sets 15-20 reps with < 120 seconds rest. These should be 1 rep shy of failure.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop pre training.

Finibar with 12 oz. water after hamstring work.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Bench Press

7 sets 3 reps with 40% of your CM (competitive max) < 45 rest between sets.

Explosive tempo.

3. Band Pushdowns

3 sets 15 reps with < 120 seconds rest using weight you could do for 10 reps.

4. Pulldowns (any bar)

Use a full range of motion with a big stretch.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps at the end of each set.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops)  to drink before, during and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training.

Finibar with 12 oz. water after movement #3.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

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Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate.

Molly: Make this 20-30 minutes but keep it light, steady state cardio.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work.  It’s a MUST! If you’re drug free then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoops taken 3 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2.  Squats

Full Gear

Use your PM from last week to determine percentages.

80% x 1

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

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Molly and Ted: you will do Reverse Band Squats working up to 1 rep max.

3. Pulls Off Floor with DL bar.

Speed Pulls – 40% of weight used last week for 4 sets of 1 rep.

3. Reverse Hypers

2 sets of 10-12 reps.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.

If you are lifting raw then use wraps only. No other changes necessary.

If you drink alcohol, limit it to 1-2 drinks on this day.

After training spend the rest of the day relaxing and do what you can to keep all stress levels down.

Nap if you can.


Keep Sodium loading – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training. Add 2 more scoops later in the day.

1 or 2 Finibar with 12 oz. water after squats.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch, and 2 with dinner).

Before bed 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.

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1. Bench Press

Warm up.

Work up to weight you touched with last week using a one board.

2. Reverse Band Press (average band)

Set the bands and bar up so it just hovers about your chest.

I’m guessing this will be 95 pound with the average bands.

There should be NO weight off your chest.

You will do a total of 100 reps. Try not to push hard at all. Let the bands do most of the work. Also try not to flex at the top.

This is a recovery movement NOT A STRENGTH one.

If you don’t flex hard you should be able to do 100 reps. If you do flex hard you will be lucky to do 50.

3. Rear Delt Machine

2 sets of 12 reps with less than 90 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple different movements instead of one, but make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set.

2 sets of 8 reps.

Week 12 (of 12)Monday Oct 11th– Oct 17th, 2010


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate.

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Jon & Steve: Sit on 4-6 inch box (like a aerobic step up step), double loop any band around your knees and do pull-aparts where you pull your knees out and hold at max contraction for 5 count.  Do 2 sets to failure.

Molly: Do your knee rehab movements. You will use these as prehab.

Ted: Add any type of hip flexor stretching you want. Do at end of session while it’s still warm up. Hold stretch for 60 seconds, rest a couple minutes and do for one more stretch of 90- seconds.


Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Speed Box Squat

Using briefs ( Jon – raw).

44% of PM from 2 weeks ago for 6 sets of 2 reps.

3. Hamstrings

GHR would be the best choice. Do 2 sets of 10 (shy of failure). Hold weights or use weight vest of needed.

Rest < 3 minutes.

4. Standing Cable Pulldown Abs

3 sets of 15-20 reps with < 120 seconds rest. These should be 1 rep shy of failure.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadliftss facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


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Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop pre training.

Finibar with 12 oz. water after hamstring work.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post-training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink  throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Ups

Do whatever you normally do.

2. Bench Press

5 sets of 3 reps with 40% of your CM (competitive max) with < 60 rest between sets.

Explosive tempo.

3. Band Pushdowns

3 sets of 15 reps with < 120 seconds rest using weight you could do for 10 reps.

4. Pulldowns (any bar)

Use a full range of motion with a big stretch.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps with tight form.

Leave a few reps in the tank at the end of each set.

5. Band Pull Aparts

Use mini band and do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds – 2 sets.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on” then do not do free time training.  If you’re drug free then DO the free time training.


Anaconda and Mag 10 (1-2 scoops) to drink before, during, and after training (mix with Spike).

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Surge Workout Fuel – 1 scoop before training and another with your Anaconda/Mag 10 while training.

Finibar with 12 oz. water after movement #3.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

Post-training: 1-2 scoops Surge Recovery or eat a meal within one hour of training.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast.

1 scoop Metabolic Drive or one Metabolic Drive Bar with breakfast.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Soft Foam Roller Work

Nothing deep, just light passes.

2. Light Cardio

10 minutes not exceeding 65% max heart rate

Molly: Make this 20-30 minutes but keep it light, steady state cardio.


If you need extra technique work, do broomstick squats and deadlifts facing a wall.

If you’re “on ” then make sure you DO the conditioning work.  It’s a MUST! If you’re drug free then go by feel or just do light cardio.


Surge Workout Fuel – 2 scoops taken 3 times throughout the day mixed with Gatorade or PowerAid cut 50/50 with water.

Sodium load – add salt to your meals, eat ramen noodles, salt and vinegar chips, etc. all day long. You need to be a blow fish by Saturday morning.

Curcumin 500 (2 with breakfast).

Before bed: 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 8 Pro Minerals capsules, and z-12 if needed.

L-Leucine – mix with everything you drink throughout the day.

3 Flameout with breakfast and dinner.


1. Warm Up:

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Do whatever you normally do.

2.  Squats

Full Gear

Work up to opener.

Modification for Jon: add 10% to these percents.

Molly and Ted: you will do Belt Squats for 2 sets of 8 reps.

3. Pulls Off Floor with DL bar.

Speed Pulls – 45% of weight used last week for 4 sets of 1 rep.

3. Reverse Hypers

2 sets of 10-12 reps.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

No extra weight needed but make sure your hips stretch out at the bottom.

2 sets to failure.

7. Foam Roller

Work the crap out of your lats and upper back but also use The Stick and other tools to hit the legs, etc.


1. Bench Press

Warm up.

Do opener.

2. Reverse Band Press (average band)

Set the bands and bar up so it just hovers about your chest.

I’m guessing this will be 95 pound with the average bands.

There should be NO weight off your chest.

You will do a total of 100 reps. Try not to push hard at all. Let the bands do most of the work. Also, try not to flex at the top.

This is a recovery movement NOT A STRENGTH one.

If you don’t flex hard you should be able to do 100 reps. If you do flex hard you will be lucky to do 50.

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3. Rear Delt Machine

2 sets of 12 reps with less than 90 seconds rest.

4. Rows

Doesn’t matter what type or if you use a couple different movements instead of one, but make sure these are movements you did not do last week.

Leave 1-2 reps in the tank with every set.

2 sets of 8 reps.