elevation woolworths bread maker model 376d0180 instruction manual & recipes

Elevation 1.5 lb BREADMAKER Instructions for Use !111111111111 !111111111 f, j//ff//!11!11111 /!1111111111 .. Importa nt : Please read before usi ng a nd ret ai n for future reference Brought to you by: Bread maker Part Store Bread makerPartStore1 @g mail. com uk. e bid. netlu se rs/Bread rna ke rPa rts bon a nza rna rket. co. uklbooth s/8 read rna ke rPartSto re

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Page 1: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Elevation 1.5 lb BREADMAKER

Instructions for Use

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Important : Please read before us ing a nd r etain for future reference

Brought to you by: Bread maker Part Store

Bread makerPartStore1 @g mail. com uk. e bid. n etlu se rs/Bread rna ke rPa rts

bon a nza rna rket. co. u klbooth s/8 read rna ke rPartSto re

Page 2: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes


When using electrical appliances, the following safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of electric shock, personal injury and fire. Read all these instructions carefully before using, and save for future reference or new users.

I. Keep all electrical appliances out of reach of children, in a secure place.

2. This appliance is not designed for use by children.

3. Close supervision is required when any appliance is used near children.

4. To protect against electric shock, never immerse any appliance, the mains lead or

plug in water or any other liquid.

5. Never reach for any appliance that has fallen into water. Switch off the power at the

mains immediately and unplug. Do not re-use.

6. A void placing the appliance where the power cord rnight be accidentally caught. or

the appliance may be knocked into a sink or bath.

7. Ensure hands are dry before operating the switch or turning off at the mains.

8. Ensure the appliance is switched OFF before connecting to the mains power supply.

9. Do not touch hot surfaces, use handles or knobs

I 0. Do not carry the appliance by the cord or pull the cord to remove the plug from the


11. Do not operate this appliance with a damaged cord or plug. A qualified electrician

should carry out repairs.

12. If the appliance stops unexpectedly or appears to malfunction, unplug from the

mains and discontinue use immediately.

13. Never leave the appliance unattended when connected to the mains power supply.

14. Unplug from the mains socket when not in use and before cleaning or changing


15. Keep the appliance and cable away from sources of heat, sharp objects or anything

that may cause damage.

16. Keep all ventilation slots clear of debris and do not cover. Never drop or insert

objects into the openings

17. Do not use outdoors. This appliance is designed for domestic household use only.

18. Only use the appliance as described in this booklet

Page 3: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

ADDITIONAL WARNINGS FOR BREADMAKER: 1. The Breadmaker will become hot during use. Do not touch hot surfaces. Always use

oven gloves.

2. The use of attachments. other than those provided may cause damage or injury.

3. Do not place on a hob or burner.

4. Keep the unit at least 2" I Scm away from walls or any objects when using it.

5. Use the Breadmaker on a flat, hard surface. Do not place it near flame or heat, or on

a soft surface (such as a carpet). Avoid placing it where it may tip over during or be

knocked during use.

6. To avoid burns. stay clear of the steam vent and the metal housing during kneading

and baking. Do not touch the viewing window - it becomes very hot.

7. After baking, wait for the Breadmaker to cool down before touching or cleaning the

bread pan or internals of the Breadmaker.

8. Never use metal utensils with the bread pan. These can scratch the non-stick surface.

9. Avoid covering the steam vent during kneading and baking cycles.


Durin.g use, metal housing and internal parts of the Bread Maker and the area around the

Steatn Vents are HOT. Keep out reach of children to avoid injury.


Models 376D0180

Power source 230V - 240V- 50HZ

Po,ver Consumption

Heater 50 0W

Mixing Motor IOOW

Bread Size (lb) 1.5

Tuner Ranger 13 hours

Thermal Fuse Protection ;-


Page 4: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Dimension (L" x W" x H u) 14.2 X 8.9 X 12.4

Weight (lb) 13.5

Added Feature

Non-stick bread pan I Non-stick kneading paddle I Removable lid I Glass window I LED delay timer I Last program recall I Keep warm I





bread pan

control panel -

body --



Kneading blade

Rotating shaft

Page 5: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes


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Shows your selection and time setting.


B d T rea ype
















Press this button to select the baking cycle you want. Each time you press this button,


Page 6: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

the display will change. Press this button until your choice is indicated.


Press· this button to select DARK or LIGHT bread color.


Use these buttons to set the timer.


Press this button to start the baking cycle you choose, or to start the timer.


Press this button momentarily to stop or pause operation. Press and hold for

2 seconds will cancel and reset the operation.

After pressing the START button all other buttons except the STOP/RESET button will

be locked to prevent the settings from being changed accidentally. After the program has

finished, it will keep warm for 60 minutes, in this time you may remove the bread or put

the bread in to keep warm.


With your ne•v BREADMAKER: • You can use the Breadmaker to bake a traditional loaf of bread, but the Cook Book

provided has lots of recipes for different bread products.

• You can make dough for rolls or shaped loaves to bake in your oven. Use the

Breadmaker "DOUGH" cycle to do the mixing and kneading for you~ then shape and

bake the bread yourself.

Inserting and Re11toving the Bread Pan: • To insert the Bread Pan in the Breadmaker, sit the bread pan in place and rotate

clockwise until it clicks in place.


• Remember to insert the kneading paddle, and then add all your ingredients


Page 7: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

BEFORE inserting the bread pan in the Breadrnaker.

• To remove the bread pan hold the handle. twist to unlock. and then lift it up


When removing the bread pan after baking, ALWAYS WEAR OVEN GLOVES.

Remove the loaf by tunting the bread pan upside down and shaking gently. check to see

that the kneading paddle has been removed. If it is stuck in the bread, use a non-metal

utensil to gently remove it. taking care not to scratch the kneading paddle.

Operatio11 Tips:

I. Use oven mitts when working with bread or any part of the Bread maker.

2. Vlipe off crumbs and clean the Breadmaker after baking.

3. It is normal for the viewing window to collect moisture during the beginning of the

baking cycle. As your bread bakes, the moisture will evaporate so you can watch the

baking progress.

4. Do not open the lid during baking.

KNEADING & BAKING CYCLES: Th ~II e o owmg ta bl h h es sow ow ong eac h b k. k a mg eye eta . es:










50 !QUICK NORMAL 0:30-2:00

5 1 !QUICK DOUGH 0:06


Page 8: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

NOTES: To prevent condensation on the bread, it is best to remove bread as soon as

possible after completion of the Baking Cycle. However, if the bread is not removed

imrnediately and the STOP button is not pressed. a one hour controlled cool do\vn and

keep warm cycle will begin to keep the bread wann (except for the Quick Bread and


HOW TO USE: MAKING DOUGH & BAKING BREAD Here's how to bake bread with your BREAD MAKER:

Step 1:

• Open the Lid and remove the

Bread Pan.

• Counterclocbvise rotate the

Bread Pan first and then take it

out gentle.


Step 2:

• Position the Kneading Paddle

on the Drive Shaft as shown.

Match the flat side of the Drive

Shaft to the flat part of the hole

in Kneading Paddle. tvfake

sure the paddle is secure.

Page 9: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Step 3:

• Add ingredients into the

bread pan. For best result.

add all liquid ingredients

first. Then. add all dry

ingredients EXCEPT yeast.


Step 4:

• Make a small indentation on

top of the dry ingredients (not

so deep it reaches the wet

layer) and add the yeast in the


• This order of adding

ingredients IS important~

especially when using the

timer, because it keeps the

yeast away from the liquid

ingredients until it is time to

knead them together. (Liquid

ingredients will activate the


Page 10: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Step 5:

• Insert the Bread Pan in the

Breadmakcr, sit the bread pan in


• C lockwise rotate it down until it

click in place. Close the Lid.


Step 6:

• Press the SELECT button to

choose the code number.

The last program setting will

appear m the Display

Window first.

• Each titne you press the

button, the baking cycle


1 0- >- 1 1- 12-» 13 .... etc.

Page 11: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Step 7:

For Basic Bread (Nonnal. Mix. Rapid and Dough) press START to begin the

kneading and baking cycle.

For Quick Bread. press START then press the" A "and" 'Y '~button. to set the

baking time as recommended in the recipe (30 minutes to 2 hour ). Pre START

again to start the kneading and baking cycle.

First. the BREAD MAKER mixes the ingredients for 2 minutes. Then. it begins the

kneading process. During this process. the yeast begins to activate. and nonnally

the V iewing Window begins to fog. (This will clear later so you can see the

progress of your loaf.) The BREAD MAKER will s top kneading after a few

minutes to let the dough rise before baking.

For Mix Bread. the BREAD MAKER will beeps in the middle of the second

kneading process to let you know this is time to add any fruit and nuts.

If you choose Dough, the BREAD MAKE R beeps to let you know when the dough

is ready to be removed. Then it 's up to you to shape it, g ive it rime for final rising

period. and bake it in a conventional oven.

For the other cycles. BREAD MAKER will continue to the baking process.


Page 12: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Step 8:

• When the baking phase IS

completed, the BREAD MAKER

wiJI beep. This indicates the bread

is made. Press the STOP/RESET

button. Put on your oven mitts and

remove the Bread Pan.

• If the bread 1s not removed

imtnediately after baking, do not

press the STOP button.

• A controlled cool-down and

keep-wann cycle will begin and

the unit will shut off automatically

after 60 minutes.

• To prevent the bread from

becoming soggy from

condensation, it is best to remove

the bread immediately after

baking is complete.


Step 9:

• Tum over the Bread Pan a few

inches from the countertop and

gently shake out the loaf.

• Place the loaf on a wire rack or

other cooling surface to cool.

Bread should be cooled

slightly (15 to 30 n1inutes)

before it is sliced.

• Sometimes, the Kneading

Paddle wi11 stick in the bread.

Use a non-metal utensil to

gently remove it, taking care

not to scratch the Kneading


Page 13: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

USING THE TIMER: To enjoy fresh and wann bread after waking up in the morning, set the Timer in the

evening before going to bed. The Timer can be preset up to 13 hours.


• Don't use the timer if your recipe includes eggs, fresh miLk or other ingredients

that may spoil.

• The Breadmaker timer IS used for Basic Bread-Nonnal . Whole Wheat


To set the Tilller,follo•v these steps: I. Add ingredients as usual, taking care not to let the yeast and liquid ingredients

contact one another.

2. Close the Breadmaker lid.

3. Press the SELECT button to select the Basic Nonnal Bread cycle.

For Models with Delay Tin1er: Example: It is 10:00 pm now. You would like to have bread ready at 7:00am on the

next morning. Set the timer for ·'9:00 ... because there are 9 hours between 10:00 pm

and 7:00am.

1. Press the TIMER buttons to set H9:00".

2. Press START button to start the timer operation.

INGREDIENTS: Use only fresh ingredients. Check the expiration date on the packing. Expired

yeast and flour are harmful to health and will also produce poor bread.



It is best to use bread flour to make bread. For some type of bread, the bread flour


Page 14: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

can be mixed with all-purpose flour. You can also use whole wheat bread flour to

make whole wheat bread. However whole wheat flour dough does not rise as

rapidly and as big as white bread flour dough.


Sugar helps yeast fermentation. gives taste and color to the bread and keeps the

bread tender. White sugar is used for making basic bread. Brown sugar is used for

making whole wheat bread. Other sweetening agents such as honey and molasses

are used in our recipes.


• The fats we use m making bread are usually butter (unsalted butter) and


• Fats help to keep the bread soft and shiny after baking.

• Margarine can be used instead of butter although the bread baked with

margarine will have a different flavor and texture.


Ordinary table salt is used in our recipe. Salt can keep the gluten in the dough and

stops it from over-rising.


Dried milk is useful for the shine and taste of the bread. Liquid milk and dried milk

are not interchangeable because of the difference in water content.


Adding accurate amount of water is the most important step in bread making. A

small difference in the amount of the water may affect the result of the bread. The

temperature of tap water should be between 2 1 oCto 27°C (70°F to 80°F).


Active dry yeast is recommended for making bread. Stay with the standard active

dry yeast for the best result. Do not use compressed yeast or rapid rise yeast.


Chemical leavens such as baking powder and baking soda are used for making

quick bread.


Page 15: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes


Eggs can improve the flavor and aroma of the bread. However~ water content of the

egg must be accounted for in the formula, because an average size egg contains

about 73% water.


Sugar and water contents in fruits must be considered in the recipes. Total weight

of fruits used should not exceed I 3% of the flour weight.

3. VEGETABLES Content of water and sugar in vegetables must also be considered. Like fruits the

total amount should weight about 13% of the flour weight.

4. NUTS When using nuts. chop them to about l/8 inch cubes. Use up to about I 0% of the

flour weight.


Spices are used to add flavor to the bread. Only small amount ( 1/2--1 tsp.) is


TIPS FOR BEST RESULT: l. It is the best to use lukewann water between 21 oc and 27°C (70°F and 80°F).

All other ingredients should be prepared at room temperature.

2. Do not add more flour than suggested in the recipes. Excess flour will cause

the bread to bake incompletely and the dough to stick to the inside of the Lid.

3. Use fresh ingredients.

4. Since moisture is an enemy to flour, be sure to store your flour in an airtight


5. To keep the yeast active, store it in an airtight container in your refrigerator.

6. When using titner, we reconunend setting it for as short a time as possible.

Because ingredients are partially combined in the Bread Pan, the dough may

tend to deteriorate if left too many hours, especially on a warm or humid day.

7. Keep the lid closed during the baking cycle.


Page 16: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

8. After your bread has cooled complete ly, store it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap

to prevent it from drying out.

9. Bread color should be set at "LIGHT" when making I lb bread loaf.

TROUBLE-SHOOTING: I . Bread has an offensive odor: Check to be sure you added the correct amount

of yeast. Measure carefully-too much yeast will cause an unpleasant odor and

may cause the loaf to rise too high. Be sure to use only fresh ingredients.

2. Baked bread is soggy or the bread 's surface is sticky: Remove the bread

from the Bread Pan as soon as it is done baking. Leaving it in the pan allows

condensation to collect on the sides, which touch the pan.

3. START button doesn' t start the machine: Make sure the tnachine is plugged

in. If nothing appears in the Display Window, press Select to choose your

baking cycle. (You must select a baking cycle before pressing START.) If you

select Quick Bread, enter the baking time a fter pressing START and press

START again to start the machine.

4 . Can' t set the timer.: If you select Mix, Rapid, Dough, Quick, you cannot use

the timer. This is because the ingredients should be processed immediately for

these cycles.

5. The Kneading Paddle was stuck in the bread: Make sure the Kneading

Paddle is mounted properly before adding ingredients to the Bread Pan and

baking. Sometimes denser or crustier loaves of bread may pull the Kneading

Paddle out with them when you remove the loaves after baking. When this

happens, use a non-metal utensil and gently remove the blade from the bottom

of the loaf.

6. The bread rose too high: Make sure not to add too much yeast, water or flour.

Too much of any of these may cause the loaf to raise more than it should.

7. The bread didn ' t raise enough: Make sure not to add little yeast, water or

sweetener. Make sure to add ingredients in the proper order: liquids, dry

ingredients, yeast. Make sure yeast doesn't get wet until the BREAD MAKER

mixes the ingredients together. Note: Typically bread made with whole grain


Page 17: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

flours will not rise as high as bread made with bread flours.

8. The dough looks like batter , or the dough ball is still sticky, not smooth and

round: During the kneading process, add I tablespoon of flour at a time. lct1ing

it mix in well. For most breads, your dough ball should become round, smooth,

not sticky to the touch, and should bounce back when press it with your finger.

9. The dough ball is lumpy or too dry: During the kneading process, add

tablespoon of water at a time, letting it mix in well.

CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE: The Breadmaker and Kneading Paddle have non-stick surfaces that make cleaning


I . After baking, unplug the Breadmaker and allow the main body to cool down

completely before cleaning.

2. Remove the Bread Pan from the Breadmaker Oven and the Kneading Paddle

from the Bread Pan. Wipe the Bread Pan and Kneading Paddle with warm

soapy water. Avoid scratching the non-stick surface. lfthe Kneading Paddle is

stuck to the drive shaft. pour wann water in the pan to loosen it. DO OT USE


3. Wipe the inside of the Lid and Oven

with damp clothes or sponge. If any

residue has scorched on the heating

plate or elsewhere, scrub with a

non-abrasive scrubbing pad wipe

clean. You can remove the Lid for

easier cleaning by opening it up to a

90-degree angle. Sway it forward

direction with more force and then

pull it out from the hinge along

upward direction.


4. Do not use vinegar, bleach, or harsh chemicals to clean the Breadmaker.


Page 18: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

5. Do not soak the Bread Pan for a long period of time- this could interfere with

the free working of the Drive Shaft.

6. Do not immerse the Breadmaker in water or splash with water.

7. Be sure the Breadmaker is completely cooled and dried before storage.

Disposal and the Environment: Jfyour electrical appliance requires replacement or is of no further use, please think

of protecting the environment. Contact you local authority for advice as many have

facilities for environmentally safe disposal


Page 19: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes


Mains Plug I 13 Amp Plug The unit will be fitted with a standard UK mains 3 pin plug.

If the mains lead gets damaged it must be replaced by a qualified electrician. If you

have to change the plug because the standard plug is damaged or is not suitable for

your mains socket, then follow carefully the wiring instructions below.

If the plug is cut off, remove the fuse from the severed plug and dispose of it safely,

as insertion into a mains supply socket would be dangerous.

Mains plug wiring As the colour of the wires in the mains lead may

not correspond with the coloured markings

identifying terminals in your plug, proceed as


The wire that is coloured BROWN or RED is

connected to the terminal that is marked with the

letter "L".




The wire that is coloured BLUE or BLACK is connected to the terminal that is

marked with the letter "N".

The wire that is coloured GREEN or GREEN and YELLOW to the terminal that is _L

marked with the letter "E" or

Mains Fuse If a l3Amp (BS 1363 type) plug is used then a 13 Amp (BS 1362 type) fuse must

be fitted.


Page 20: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

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We promise to provide quality products and service at value for money prices.

However, if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase

we will gladly replace or refund your money-guaranteed.

Please keep your receipt as proof of purchase.

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Page 21: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Elevation 1.5 lb BREA DMAKER

111111111111!11!1111!1111111 !!11111111111111111111111111


.. Cookbook

Page 22: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes


BREAD TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE -----------------------------------3 Recipe guidelines---------------------------------------------------------------------8 BASIC BREAD-NORMAL

Basic Bread ---------------------------------------------------------10 Carrot Bread ----------------------...... ----------------.... -----------------10 Orange Bread ----------------------------------------------------------10 White Bread --------------------------------------------------------11 Basic Oatmeal Bread -------------------------------------------------11 Bran Bread -------------------------------------------------- --------11

BASIC BREAD - MIX Peanut ----------------------------------------------------------------12 Sunflower Bread ------------------------------------·----------------12 Nutty Olive Absolutely Pear

--------------------------------------------------------12 ---------------------------------------------------13

BASIC BREAD - DOUGH Croissants -------------------------------------------------------------13 Pizza ----------------------------------------------------------------------14

WHOLE WHEAT BREAD- NORMAL Whole Wheat Bread -------------------------------------------------15 50o/o Whole Wheat Bread --------------------------..----..-------------15 Tritical Honey Bread ---------------------------------------------16 Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread -----------------------------16 Light Whole Wheat Bread --------------------------------------17


Whole Wheat Orange Anbe Bread --------------------------17 Whole Wheat Irish Soda Bread ------------------------------18 Whole Wheat Honey-Walnut Bread ------------------------18 Whole Wheat Peanut Sesame Bread -----------------------18


Whole Wheat Bagels ---------------------------------------------19 QUICK BREAD & DOUGH

Honey Wheat Quick Bread --------------------------------------------20


Page 23: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Banana Walnut Quick Bread -----------------------------------------21 Nut Bread - - ---- --------------- 21 Mexican Corn Bread ----·----------------· --- 22


Page 24: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes









• Inadequate amount of • Double-check yeast yeast used. measurement.

• Yeast is expired or • Check expiration date of inactive. yeast. Discard outdated

yeast and replace. Store yeast in cool,

•All-purpose flour, whole wheat or other whole grain flour was substituted for bread flour.

• Water was too hot and killed the yeast.


dark place. • When substituting

other flours for bread flour, use less of the other flour than what is called for in the recipe for bread flour.

• Be sure to use tepid water(70°F -80°F or 21 OC-27°C)

Page 25: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

SHORT • Too much salt • Double check salt BREAD; inhibited yeast measurement. INADEQU- action. ATE • Not enough sugar • Double-check sugar RISING was added or was measurement.


SUNKEN • Too much yeast. • Double-check yeast TOPS measurement.

• Too much liquid or • Double-check

over-heated liquid. measure-ments of ingredients and use tepid (70°F - 80°F or 21 OC - 27

• Salt was omitted, OC) liquid.

resulting in bread over • Double-check salt rising and collapsing. measurement.

• Too much cheese may

release more liquid • Avoid .

ustng more during baking, cheese than result-ing in a sunken recom-mended

. tn

top. rectpe.


Page 26: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes



• High humidity and • Try baking during hotter climates may coolest part of day and cause breads to over rise and collapse.

• High altitudes cause breads to over rise and then collapse during baking.

• Left in bread maker too long after baking 1s completed.

keep environment at room temperature. Also, try reducing yeast by a 1/4 teaspoon or try using refrigerated liquid. A void using the time-delay feature.

• Try decreasing yeast by I /4 teaspoon at a time.

• Although keep-warm cycle will prevent bread from becoming soggy, it IS best to remove breads irnmediately after they are finished baking.

COLLAPSED • Too much liquid. • Double-check measurement of liquids. Also, be sure to drain ingredients like canned fruits very well.



Page 27: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

MUSHROOM • Too much yeast. • Double-check yeast TOPS measuretnent.

• Warm weather • Try baking during Increases yeast coolest part of day and action. keep environment at

room temperature. Also, try reducing yeast by a 1/4 teaspoon at a time or try USing refrigerated liquid. A void using the time

• Overheated liquids delay feature.

accelerate yeast • Use tepid(70°F -80°F action. or 21 OC-27°C)liquids.

• Too much liquid. • Double-check



Page 28: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

DRY, • Liquid to dry • Double-check GNARLY ingredient ratio measurements of BREADS may not be ingredients. Increase

balanced. There liquid by 1 may not be enough tablespoon at a time. liquid in recipe. Flour may be drier • Try

. . • tncreastng and may have liquid by 1 absorbed more tablespoon at a time. moisture, resulting tn a dry, gnarly loaf.

UNDER- • Too much liquid • Be sure to drain BAKED from fresh or liquids well as BREADS canned fruits or specified in recipe. WITH vegetables. GUMMY CENTER


Page 29: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

UNDER- • Large amounts of • Double-check BAKED rich ingredients, measurements of BREADS such as butter, ingredients; do not WITH syrups, dried fruits, exceed GUMMY nuts and grains will recommended CENTER make dough heavy. amount Ln the

This will slow down rectpe. nstng and prevent bread from baking through.

• Bread flour in recipe • Do not exceed exceeds recommended cups recommended of flour (3-1 /3 cups) amount for machine capacity.

RECIPE GUIDELINES For best results note the following points BEFORE using your bread factory:

INGREDIENTS: • Use ingredients that are fresh and of high-quality:

• Do not use reduced fat or fat-free products unless specified in rectpe.

• Successful bread maker baking starts with proper measurements of ingredients.

• Always place ingredients in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe.

• When adding nuts, raisins or other ingredients at the beep, be


Page 30: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

sure to add them gradually, allowing them to be incorporated into the dough.

• When using large amounts of butter ( l /4 cup or more), soften butter before using.

YEAST: Recipes in this manual were tested with active dry yeast. However, bread machine yeast may be used in place of active dry yeast.

• Note: In some recipes, you may need to reduce the amount of yeast by 1/4 to I /2 teaspoon when substituting active dry yeast with bread machine yeast.

DOUGH CONSISTENCY: Because flour may be drier or moister depending on the climate or season, it may be necessary to add more liquid or flour to dough. After 10 to 15 tninutes of kneading, check dough. Dough should form into a soft, smooth ball.

• If dough is too dry and does not form into a ball, add 1 teaspoon liquid at a time, allowing for water to be incorporated into dough before adding more water. Do not add more than 3 tablespoons liquid.

• If dough is too stack or too soft, add l teaspoon flour at a time, allowing flour to be incorporated into dough before adding more flour. Do not add more than 3 tablespoons


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Basic Bread {T. R} Ingredients I.5lbs tap water 8 to 9 oz bread flour 3 cups Sugar 2 tbsp dry milk 2 tbsp Salt I I /2 tsp Butter I 1/2 tbsp dry yeast 3/4 tsp

Carrot Bread {R} Ingredients 1.5lbs tap water 8 to 9 oz grated carrot l/4cup bread flour 3cups Salt l 1/2 tsp Sugar 3 tbsp dry milk l 1/2 tbsp Butter 1 l /2 tbsp dry yeast 3/4 tsp

Orange Bread (R} Ingredients l.5lbs orange JUtce 8 to 9 oz bread flour 3cups Sugar 2 l /2 tbsp dry milk l tbsp Salt I tsp Butter I l /2 tbsp dry yeast 1 1/4 tsp


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White Bread {T.R} Ingredients l.5lbs tap water 4 to 5 oz fresh milk 4 to 5 oz bread flour 3cups Sugar 2 1/2 tbsp Salt l 1/2 tsp Butter 1 1/2 tbsp dry yeast 3/4 tsp

Basic Oatmeal Bread Ingredients 1.5lbs Milk 8 to 9 oz bread flour 2cups Uncooked oatmeal I cup (not instant) brown sugar 2 tbsp Salt 1 1/2 tsp Butter 2 tbsp dry yeast 1 1/4 tsp

Bran Bread {T.R.} Ingredients 1.5lbs tap water 8 to 9 oz bread flour 2 3/4cups wheat bran 3/8cup Sugar 2 tbsp dry milk I 1/2 tbsp Salt 1 1/2 tsp Butter 1 1/2 tbsp dry yeast 1 tsp


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BASIC BREAD-MIX (Code No. 11) Peanut Ingredients 1.5lbs Water 8 to 9 oz Honey 3 Butter 1 bread flour 2 l /4cups whole wheat flour 3/4cup dry milk 2 tbsp Salt 1 1/2 tsp dry yeast 1 tsp chopped peanut l /2cup

Sunflo,ver Bread Ingredients 1.5lbs Water 8 to 9 oz bread flour 2 3/4cups olive oil 1 tbsp Sugar 3 tbsp Salt 1 1/2 tsp Yoghurt l/4cup dry yeast 1 tsp sunflower seed 1/3cup

Nutty Olive Ingredients l.5lbs Water 8 to 9 oz bread flour 3cups Salt I 1/2 tsp olive oil 2 tbsp


Page 34: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

olive butter dry yeast Pecans walnuts

Absolutely Pear Ingredients water bread flour apricot jam dry milk salt butter dry yeast dried pear (chopped)





bread flour


dry milk


butter or margarine dry yeast

1.5 lbs

8 to 9 oz 3 cups

l /4cup

3 tbsp

I/2 tsp

3 tbsp I 1/2 tsp


1/4cup I 1/2 tbsp 3/4 tsp 1/3cup l /3cup

I.5lbs 8 to 9 oz 3cups 3 tbsp 2 tbsp I 1/2 tsp 2 tbsp 3/4 tsp 1/2cup

Page 35: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

1 egg, slightly beaten for brushing on top. 3/4tbsp poppy seeds or sesame seeds for sprinkling on top. Add small amount butter slices.

1. Remove the dough from the bread pan after n1aking dough using the Dough mode.

2. Roll dough into rectangle, I 5 X 12 -inches. Put butter slices on 2/3 of dough. Fold dough in thirds, bringing unbuttered part over buttered part. Seal edges and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

3. Roll dough into rectangle, I 5 x 12 -inches. Fold in thirds from end to end. Seal edges and refrigerate.

4. Roll dough into rectangle, I 5 x 12-inches. Cut into thjrds lengthwise and crosswise. Cut each piece diagonally to form 18 triangles.

5. Roll up each triangle starting at wide end, to form crescent shape curve ends together so they a hnost touch.

6. Place seal side down on a greased baking pan. 7. Spray water on top, proof at 90°F( or 32 OC) for 40 minutes or

unti I nearly 8. Brush rolls with beaten egg, sprinkle with poppy seeds or

sesame seeds if desired. 9. Bake in 350°F(or 177°C) oven for 15 minutes or until golden


Pizza Ingredients water all purpose flour



7 to 8 oz 3 cups

Page 36: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

olive oil or vegetable oil salt dry yeast

2 tbsp

1/2 tsp 1 1/2 tsp

Press Stop to clear display. Press Select until Basic Dough setting appears on the display. Press Start. When the unit signals and the

display reads 0:00, press Stop and remove dough. Pat dough into 12 x 15-inch rounch pizza pan (2 pound recipe). Let stand 1 0 minutes. Preheat oven to 400°F( or 204 OC ). Spread pizza

sauce over dough, add desired toppings and bake 15 -20 minutes, or unti I crust is golden brown.

WHOLE WHEAT BREAD-NORMAL (Code No.20 or 22) Whole Wheat Bread Ingredients tap water honey molasses whole wheat flour gluten dry milk salt butter dry yeast

50°/o Whole Wheat Bread Ingredients tap water


1.5lbs 8 to 9 oz I 1/2 tbsp l 1/2 tbsp 3cups I 1/2 tbsp 1 l /2 tbsp I 1/2 tsp 1 1/2 tbsp I 1/2 tsp

1.5lbs 7 to 8 oz

Page 37: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

honey molasses wheat flour gluten olive oil salt dry yeast

Triticale Honey Bread (R) Ingredients tap water honey molasses whole wheat flour salt gluten bread flour rye flour butter dry milk dry yeast

2 tbsp l l /2 tbsp 3cups l 1/2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 1/4 tsp I I /2 tsp

1.5lbs 8 to 9 oz 2 tbsp I tbsp 3/4cups I I /2 tsp 1 1/2 tbsp 3 tbsp 3 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp I 1/2 tsp

Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread (R)

Ingredients 1.5lbs tap water 8 to 9 oz honey 1 1/2 tbsp molasses 1 tbsp whole wheat flour 2 1 /2cup gluten 1 l /2 tbsp oat bran 1 /2cup butter 2 tbsp salt I 1/2 tsp


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dry rnilk dry yeast

Light Whole Wheat Bread (T.R) Ingredients tap water honey rnolasses whole wheat flour bread flour dry milk salt butter dry yeast gluten

2 tbsp I l /2 tbsp

l.51bs 8 to 9 oz 1 1/2 tbsp I tbsp I 1/2 cups I 1 /2cups 2 tbsp I 1/2 tsp 2 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp

WHOLE WHEAT BREAD - MIX (Code No. 2I) Whole Wheat Orange Anbe Bread Ingredients orange JUICe

water whole wheat flour gluten orange zest anrse dry milk salt butter dry yeast


1.5lbs 4 to 5 oz 4 to 5 oz 3 cups l 1/2 tbsp 3 tbsp 2 tsp 2 tbsp 1 1/2 tsp 2 tbsp 2 tsp

Page 39: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Whole Wheat Irish Soda Bread Ingredients butter milk whole wheat flour bread flour salt baking soda dry yeast Caraway seeds gluten walnut

1.5lbs 9 to 10 oz I 1/2 cups I 1/2 cups I 1/2 tsp 1 l/2 tsp 1 I /2 tsp 3 tbsp l l /2 tbsp 1/3 cup

Whole Wheat Honey-Walnut Bread Ingredients 1.5lbs water honey butter wholewheat flour gluten dry milk salt walnut (chopped) dry yeast

Whole Wheat Peanut Sesame Bread Ingredients water whole wheat flour gluten dry milk salt


8 to 9 oz 2 tbsp 1 tbsp 3cups 1 l /2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 1/2 tsp 1/4 cup 1 1/2 tsp

1.5lbs 8 to 9 oz 3cups 1 l/2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 1/2 tsp

Page 40: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

brown sugar peanut butter dry yeast sesame seeds

2 1/2 tbsp 1/3cup I 1/2 tsp 3 tbsp


Whole Wheat Bagels Ingredients water honey molasses whole wheat flour gluten dry milk sugar salt butter dry yeast

1.5 lbs 8 to 9 oz 1 l /2 tbsp 1 l /2 tbsp 3cups 1 1/2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 1/2 tbsp 1 1/2 tsp 2 tbsp 1 1/2 tsp

1 . Remove the dough from the bread pan after making dough using the WHOLEWHEAT DOUGH mode.

2. Rest in a greased covered bowl in refrigerator for 20 minutes. 3. Roll out the dough into a big flat rectangle

Cut rounds of dough with 4 1/2-inch cutters and 1 1/2-inch cutter to form a ring.

4. Place on a greased baking pan. Spray water on top, proof at 90°F(or 32°C) for 30 minutes.

5. Boil 1 gallon water adding in 1 tablespoon sugar. 6. Let the boiled water fall to a simmer. Cook 3 bagels at a time


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for 5 minutes, turning once, Drain well. Place on the oven area. Sprinkle tops with poppy seeds or sesame seeds as desired.

7. Bake in 450°F( or 232 OC) oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until

golden brown.

QUICK BREAD & DOUGH (Code No. 50 or 51)

IMPORTANT: When making Quick Bread, following procedures must be noted. 1. The temperature of water should be around 25 °C(77c:of ). 2. The egg must be fresh, and the butter must be melted before

putting into the bread pan. 3. After pressing the "SELECT" button to select "QK-BRD", press

"START", the LED display will show the cooking time 0:30. Depending on the amount of ingredients, the cooking time can be changed from 0:30 to 2:00 by pressing the " _. " and "~ " buttons.

4. NOTES: After 5 minutes, open the lid, then using a rubber spatula scrape down the sides of the bread pan to eliminate flour pockets in the corners when baked.

Honey Wheat Quick Bread Ingredients 1.5LB milk 6 to 7 oz honey 2 tbsp butter or 1/2 cup margarine( mel ted)


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eggs, beaten all purpose flour

whole wheat flour

salt baking powder

chopped walnut

set time for I : 15

2 lg

1 cup

I cup 1/2 tsp

3 1/2 tsp

1/3 cup

Banana Walnut Quick Bread ingredients 1.5LB 1nilk 4 to 5 oz

butter or margarine I /4 cup

eggs beaten 1 lg

mashed, ripe banana 1/2 cup

all-purpose flour I 3/4 cups

sugar I /3 cup salt I tsp

baking powder 2 tsp

baking soda l /4 tsp

chopped walnut 1/3 cup

time set for 1 : 15

Nut Bread Ingredients 1.5lbs water 4 to 5 oz egg 2 pes melted butter 3 tbsp bread flour 2 cups sugar 5/8cup dry milk 2 tbsp


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baking powder walnut titne set for 1: 15

Mexican Corn Bread Ingredients tnilk egg melted butter bread flour cornmeal cayenne pepper bacon bits chillies (chopped) salt sugar baking powder time set for I : 15

3 l/2 tsp 1/3cup

1.5lbs 4 to 5 oz 3 pes 4 tbsp 1 1/4cups 1 cups 1/3 tsp 1 I /2 3 tbsp 1 tsp 3/4cup 3 l/2 tsp


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Applesauce Oatmeal Bread .............................................. 1Bran Bread ............................................................................. 1Country White Bread ....................................................... 2English Muffin Bread ....................................................... 2French Bread ........................................................................ 3Honey Oatmeal Bread ....................................................... 3Oatmeal Bread ...................................................................... 4Old-Fashioned White Bread .......................................... 4Yogurt Bread ........................................................................ 5

Whole Wheat100% Whole Wheat Bread ..................................................650% Whole Wheat Bread .....................................................6Buttermilk Wheat Bread.....................................................7Carrot Wheat Bread .............................................................7Cracked Wheat Bread ..........................................................8Granola Bread .........................................................................8Multi-Grain French ..............................................................9Multi-Grain Wheat Bread ..................................................9Shredded Wheat Bread ..................................................... 10Sunflower Oat Wheat Bread .......................................... 10Wheat Barley Bread ........................................................... 11Wheat Berry Bread ............................................................. 11Wheat Bran Bread ............................................................... 12Wheat ‘N Yogurt Bread .................................................... 12Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread ...................................... 13

HerbDill Bread ............................................................................. 14French Garlic Bread ........................................................ 14Garlic Bread ......................................................................... 15Herb Bread ............................................................................ 15Italian Herb Bread............................................................. 16


Potato Chive Bread ............................................................ 17Potato Bread ......................................................................... 17


Classic Rye Bread ................................................................ 18Pumpernickel Rye Bread .................................................. 18Tomato Basil Rye Bread .................................................... 19


Sourdough Bread................................................................ 20 Sourdough Wheat Bread ................................................. 20

Sweet Bread

Apricot Almond Bread ..................................................... 21Apricot Almond Bread (Version 2) .............................. 21Boston Brown Bread ......................................................... 22Carrot Raisin Bread .......................................................... 22Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin Bread .................................. 23Cranberry Pecan Bread .................................................... 23Oatmeal Maple Pecan Bread .......................................... 24Orange Wheat Bread ......................................................... 24Panettone ............................................................................... 25Raisin Bran Bread ............................................................... 25Raisin Bread .......................................................................... 26Spiced Fruit Bread .............................................................. 26Stollen Bread ....................................................................... 27


Cheese Bread ........................................................................ 28Chili Bean Bread ................................................................. 28Egg Bread ............................................................................... 29Peanut Butter Bread ......................................................... 29Swiss Jalapeño Beer Bread ............................................... 30Zucchini Bread .................................................................... 30

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
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Additional 1.0LB & 1.5LB Recipes
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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1

| W h i t e |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz ( ½ c) 4 fl oz ( ½ c)Applesauce, unsweetened ½ c ¾ cVegetable Oil 2 tbsp 3 tbspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ½ cBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp 1 tbsp

A p p l e s a u c e Oat m e a l B r e a d

A great tasting all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 1 tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBran Flakes Cereal 2/3 c 1 cBread Flour 2 c 2 2/3 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

B r a n B r e a d

Add ready-to-eat bran flakes cereal to this recipe for a different texture and taste, plus added fiber and nutrition. Do not crush bran flakes into measuring cup when measuring.

Flakes will become crushed during the kneading period.

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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound LoafWater 7 fl oz (¾ cup + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cYellow Cornmeal 3 tbsp ¼ cDry Milk 2 tbsp 3 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

E n g l i s h M u f f i n B r e a d

Here’s a bread that has the great taste of English muffins, but that you can make at home in your breadmaker.

This bread is great toasted!

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

This recipe uses water rather than milk which gives it a crispier crust. A classic white bread that everyone will love.

C o u n t ry Wh i t e B r e a d

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ⅓ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ⅔ c 1 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

H o n e y Oat m e a l B r e a d

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats in this recipe, but do not use instant oatmeal. A very light textured bread with a crispy crust.

A good, all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tsp 1 tubsBread Flour 2 ½ c 3 ⅓ cSugar 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp

F r e n c h B r e a d

Crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside. Just the way it should be!

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 3

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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ cOat, quick or old fashioned ½ c ¾ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Oat m e a l B r e a d

A basic white bread with a touch of oats and hint of brown sugar. Made with milk, the crust is tender.

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound LoafMilk 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cSugar 1 tbsp 1½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1½ tsp 2 tsp

This recipe is made with milk for a tender crust and fine texture. Just like Grandma used to make, now you can too!

O l d Fa s h i o n e d Wh i t e B r e a d

Page 50: Elevation Woolworths Bread Maker Model 376D0180 Instruction Manual & Recipes

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 3 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 3 tbsp) 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspPlain, Non-Fat Yogurt ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Yo g u rt B r e a d

The addition of plain yogurt adds a little tang to this bread, but very subtle. A good basic, general purpose bread.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 6

| W h o l e W h e a t |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Egg, large 1 1Molasses 2 tsp 1 tbspHoney 2 tsp 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspWhole Wheat Flour 2 ⅓ c 3 ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

A dense bread, packed with fiber since all whole wheat flour is used. Longer kneading cycle at wheat setting will provide great results. If bread collapses during the baking period, add 1 or 1 ½

tablespoons of vital wheat gluten to recipe for respective loaf size to prevent this from happening. Vital wheat gluten can be found in most health food stores.

1 0 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp)Honey 2 tsp 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 c 1 ⅔ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ⅔ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

5 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

For those that like a lighter textured wheat bread, this is the recipe for you. Contains equal amounts of bread and whole wheat flour.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c +1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ c 2 cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspBaking Soda ⅛ tsp ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Bu t t e r m i l k Wh e at B r e a d

A moist, light textured wheat bread that’s sure to please. A great bread for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspShredded Carrot 1/3 c ½ cBread Flour ¾ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbsp 3 tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Ground Nuts, optional ¼ c ⅓ cRaisins, optional ¼ c ⅓ c

C a r r o t Wh e at B r e a d

Shredded carrot adds a little color and flavor to this wheat bread. Good for sandwiches or with hearty soups.

Nut or raisins may also be added for extra flavor.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 8

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz ( ½ c + 2 tbsp) 6 fl oz (¾ c)Plain, non-fat Yogurt ⅓ c ½ cButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ⅓ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ c ½ cGranola Cereal ⅓ c ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

G r a n o l a B r e a d

Granola breakfast cereal, non-fat plain yogurt and a little whole wheat flour add fiber and great taste to this bread. Good toasted or for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ¼ c 1 ¾ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅔ c 1 cCracked Wheat Cereal ⅓ c ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp Salt ¾ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

C r a c k e d Wh e at B r e a d

The addition of cracked wheat to this recipe adds a little crunch and, of course, more fiber. A light, yet hearty and satisfying bread.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 9

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 3 tbsp) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ c 1 c7-Grain Cereal ¼ c ½ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n F r e n c h

Seven grain cereal adds fiber to this French bread. Seven grain cereal is available in most health food stores and contains such grains as wheat, oats, millet, triticale, soybeans, buckwheat and yellow corn.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspWhole Wheat Flour ¼ c 1 ¾ cBread Flour ¾ c 1 c7-Grain Cereal ¼ c ½ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n Wh e at B r e a d

This whole wheat bread has a little crunch due to the addition of 7-grain cereal. A light textured, but fiber-filled bread, it’s good toasted or for sandwiches.

7-grain cereal can be found at most health food stores.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspShredded Wheat Cereal 1 ½ large biscuits, broken

up (1 c)2 large biscuits, broken up (1 ½ c)

Bread Flour 2 c 2 ⅔ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

S h r e d d e d Wh e at B r e a d

Add a couple of large shredded wheat cereal biscuits to this bread for added fiber and nutrition. The cereal blends right into the dough.

Well worth a try if you have some cereal on hand.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cOats, quick or old-fashioned ¼ c ⅓ cSunflower Seeds, salted ¼ c ⅓ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp

S u n f l ow e r Oat Wh e at B r e a d

Sunflower seeds, oats and honey add a nutty flavor to this wheat bread which uses both whole wheat flour and bread flour.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf

Water, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Honey 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ½ cRolled Barley Flakes 1/3 c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at Ba r l e y B r e a d

Bread flour, whole wheat flour and barley flakes create a great sandwich bread.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 1

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Vegetable Oil 2 tsp 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspHoney 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspMolasses 2 tsp 1 tbspWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWheat Berries, soaked and drained ⅓ c ½ cWheat Germ 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at B e r ry B r e a d

Add soaked wheat berries to this recipe for added fiber and crunch. Wheat berries must be soaked to soften before using and can be found at health food stores.

Bakes into a picture perfect loaf.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Honey 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cUnprocessed Wheat Bran 1/3 c ½ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at B r a n B r e a d

This bread includes unprocessed wheat bran for higher nutritional value, plus it’s sweetened with honey.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound 1 ½ PoundWater, 80° F 8 fl oz (1 c)Plain Nonfat Yogurt ½ cButter or Margarine 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ⅓ cWhole Wheat Flour 2 cDry Milk 2 tbspBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbspSalt 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp

Wh e at ‘ N Yo g u rt B r e a d

Use plain, non-fat yogurt as part of the liquid for this light textured wheat bread. A good, all purpose bread everyone will like.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ¼ c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ c 1 ¼ cDry Oat Bran Cereal ⅓ c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tbspActive Dry Yeast ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh o l e Wh e at Oat B r a n B r e a d

A combination of bread flour, whole wheat flour and dry oat bran cereal sweetened with honey. Bakes into a nice loaf with a light texture.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 4

| H e r b |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 ¼ cChopped Green Onion Tops 1 ½ tsp 2 tspChopped Garlic Cloves 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSugar 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

F r e n c h G a r l i c B r e a d

Chopped green onion and fresh garlic turn this French bread into a taste-tempting treat that smells wonderful while baking. Especially good with seafood, pasta dishes or salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspDill Weed 2 tsp 1 tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

D i l l B r e a d

A very light textured bread with a hint of dill. Serve with soups, salads or as a warm loaf with dinner.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafEvaporated Milk, 80° 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 2 ⅔ fl oz (⅓ c)Vegetable Oil 2 tsp 1 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 ½ tbspSalt 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspCelery Seed ¾ tsp 1 tspRubbed Sage ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspGround Ginger pinch ⅛ tspMarjoram pinch ⅛ tspBread Flour 2 c 3 cCornmeal ¼ c ⅓ cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

H e r b B r e a d

The combination of herbs used in this bread will make your tastebuds come to life.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbspSugar 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspDried Parsley Flakes 2 tsp 1 tbspGarlic Powder ½ - 1 tsp (to taste) ¾ - 1 tsp (to taste)Active Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

G a r l i c B r e a d

Delightful aroma. Serve warm with your favorite Italian pasta dish.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ¾ c 2 ¾ cDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbspSugar 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGrated Parmesan Cheese 1 tbsp 2 tbspItalian Seasoning 1 ½ tsp 2 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tsp

I ta l i a n H e r b B r e a d

Grated Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning add a little zing to Italian Bread. Serve as a warm loaf with your favorite Italian dish, or slice it thick,

butter and toast or grill to brown.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 fl oz (1 c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tspMashed Potatoes, leftover ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspFreeze-dried Chives 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Po tat o C h i v e B r e a d

A fun variation of Potato Bread adding more flavor to go with your favorite soups and more.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz ( ¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cInstant Potato Flakes ⅓ c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbp 1 ½ tbspSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Po tat o B r e a d

An old-time favorite, updated using instant potato flakes. Save liquid from cooling potatoes to replace water in this recipe for added flavor.

| P o t a t o |

P o t a t o B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 7

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R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 8

| R y e B r e a d |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Molasses 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 2 tbsp 3 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ¼ cMedium Rye Flour ⅓ c ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ c ½ cCocoa, unsweetened 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

P u m p e r n i c k e l R y e B r e a d

A little bit of cocoa gives this bread its characteristic dark color. A good bread for a hearty sandwich.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 1/3 c 2 1/3 cMedium Rye Flour 2/3 c 1 cDry Milk 2 tsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt ½ tsp 1 ¼ tspCaraway Seed 1 tsp 2 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

A light, but hearty rye that can be prepared with or without caraway seed, depending on your pleasure.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

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R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 9

To m at o Ba s i l R y e B r e a d

A great bread to serve with soups and salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspSun-Dried Tomatoes 4 halves 6 halvesSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspBread Flour 1 ¾ c 2 ⅓ cMedium Rye Flour ½ c 1 cDried Basil Leaves 1 ½ tsp 2 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

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S o u r d o u g h B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 6 fl oz (¾ c)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ c 1 cMolasses 2 tsp 1 tbsp

Bread Flour 1 c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ½ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

S o u r d o u g h Wh e at B r e a d

Use the same starter as for the Sourdough bread. This is a heartier sourdough bread as it uses half bread flour and half whole wheat flour.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ c 1 cBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ c

Sugar 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

S o u r d o u g h B r e a d

Make your own sourdough starter for this bread. Once made, it will last a long time providing you take proper care of it.

Share with friends.

| S o u r d o u g h |

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 1

| S w e e t B r e a d |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf

Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 4 fl oz (½ c)Gerber Baby Food, apricots with tapioca (1) 6 oz jar (1) 6 oz jarVegetable Oil 2 tbsp 3 tbspAlmond Extract 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspBread Flour 2 ½ c 3 ¼ cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp 1 tbsp

Dried Apricots, quartered ½ c ⅔ cSlivered Almonds ½ c ⅔ c

A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d

Apricots and almonds turn this bread into a delightful breakfast bread. It’s even great for lunch with a salad.

Do not add more apricots than recommended as the consistency of the dough will be affected.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tbsp

Bread Flour 3 ¼ cDry Milk 2 tbspBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbspSalt 1 ¼ tspGround Nutmeg ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp

Chopped, dried Apricots ½ c

Blanched, slivered Almonds ¼ c

A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d ( Ve r s i o n 2 )

A slight variation of the above recipe.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Mayonnaise 2 tbsp 3 tbspGrated Carrots ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 ¼ cSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ⅓ c

C a r r o t R a i s i n B r e a d

A great-tasting variation of an old favorite. The carrots not only add more color but more flavor, too.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 fl oz (1 c)Egg, large 1 1Molasses 1 tbsp ¼ cButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ¼ cWhole Wheat Flour ¼ c ½ cRye Flour ¼ c ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 1 tbspSalt ½ tsp ¾ tspBaking Soda ¼ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Slivered Almonds ¼ c ⅓ cRaisins ¼ c ½ c

B o s t o n B r ow n B r e a d

This recipe uses a combination of flours and is sweetened with molasses and brown sugar with a crunch of almonds.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk 8 fl oz (1 c) 11 fl oz (1 ¼ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ¾ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspGround Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Raisins ⅓ c ½ c

C i n n a m o n Oat m e a l R a i s i n B r e a d

A different twist to conventional raisin bread with the addition of oats. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp) 3 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 3 tbsp)Egg, large 1 1Fresh Orange Sections ¼ c ¼ cVegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Fresh Whole Cranberries ½ c ⅔ cGrated Orange Peel 2 tsp 1 tbspPecan Halves ¼ c ⅓ c

C r a n b e r ry P e c a n B r e a d

A great bread for Thanksgiving or other holidays when cranberries are available.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 7 fl oz (3⁄4 c + 2 tbsp)Maple Flavored Syrup 3 tbsp ⅓ cButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ¾ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Chopped Pecans ⅓ c ½ c

Oat m e a l M a p l e P e c a n B r e a d

A slight variation to typical oatmeal bread with the addition of pecans. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafOrange Juice 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp) 4 fl oz (½ c)Water, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ c 2 cWheat Germ 3 tbsp ¼ cGrated Orange Peel 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

O r a n g e Wh e at B r e a d

This recipe has both orange juice and grated orange peel to add a citrus flavor. A light textured breakfast-type bread worth trying.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 4 ½ fl oz ( ½ c + 1 tbsp)

Egg, large 1 2Vanilla Extract ¼ tsp ½ tspButter or Margarine 2 tbsp ¼ cBread Flour 2 c 3 cSugar 2 tbsp ¼ cSalt ½ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp ½ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ½ cMixed Fruit and Peel ¼ c ½ cSlivered Almonds 1 tbsp 2 tbspGrated Lemon Peel 1 tbsp 2 tbsp

Pa n e t t o n e

This recipe originated in Italy where it is still a favorite holiday fruit bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Honey 2 tsp 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspRaisin Bran Cereal 1 c 1 ½ cRaisins ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 2 ⅔ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspGround Cinnamon ¾ tsp 1tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

R a i s i n B r a n B r e a d

What better bread to wake up to in the morning! Warm from the breadmaker or toasted, a great way to start the day.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cinnamon ½ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Raisins ½ c ¾ cChopped Nuts ¼ c ¼ c

R a i s i n B r e a d

An absolutely delightful way to start the day!

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 1 ½ fl oz (3 tbsp) 1 fl oz (2 tbsp)Cottage Cheese, 80° F ⅓ c ¾ cEgg, large 1 2Vegetable Oil 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Nutmeg ¼ tsp ½ tspGround Cloves pinch ⅛ tspGround Mace pinch ⅛ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ⅓ cCraisins (dried cranberries) ¼ c ⅓ c

A spicy twist to a holiday tradition.

S p i c e d F r u i t B r e a d

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (⅔ c) 7 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ cSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt ½ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Red Candied Cherries 2 tbsp ¼ cGreen Candied Cherries 2 tbsp ¼ cRaisins ¼ c ¼ cChopped Nuts ⅓ c ½ c

S t o l l e n B r e a d

This is the easy way to make stollen bread for the holidays or any time of the year. After baking, dust with powdered sugar or drizzle with a powdered sugar icing before slicing.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 ½ fl oz (½ c + 1 tbsp) 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspFat-Free Refried Beans ¾ c 1 cSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspBread Flour 2 c 3 cCorn Meal 1/3 c ½ cChili Powder 1 ½ tsp 2 tspDried Onion Flakes 1 ½ tsp 1 tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

C h i l i B e a n B r e a d

A bread recipe with a southwestern flair.

Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 8

| Va r i e t y |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 6 fl oz (¾ c)Egg, large 1 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cSugar 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese, frozen ½ c ¾ c

C h e e s e B r e a d

A hint of sharp cheddar cheese adds a delightful flavor to this bread. Make sure the shredded cheese is frozen when added at the alert for best results.

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Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 9

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Peanut Butter, creamy or chunky ⅓ c ½ cHoney 1 tbsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¼ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp 2 ½ tsp

P e a n u t Bu t t e r B r e a d

This recipe is for all the peanut better lovers. Use creamy or chunky-style peanut butter.

All that's left is to spread on the jelly after it is baked.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Egg, large 1 2Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 ¼ cSugar 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

E g g B r e a d

Eggs add a special flavor to this bread. A very tender bread due to using both eggs and milk.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 4 fl oz (½ c)Egg, large 1 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspShredded Zucchini, blotted dry ⅔ c 1 cBread Flour 2 c 3 cChopped Nuts ¼ c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cloves ¼ tsp ½ tspGround Nutmeg ⅛ tsp ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Z u c c h i n i B r e a d

Make this bread when you have a little extra zucchini to use from your garden. Make sure to blot the shredded zucchini dry, as it contains a lot of water.

Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 3 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafBeer, 80° F, foam removed 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspMedium Rye Flour ½ c ¾ cBread Flour 1 ¾ c + 1 tbsp 2 ½ c + 2 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspGrated Swiss Cheese ⅓ c ½ cChopped Jalapeño Peppers, well drained 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S w i s s J a l a p e ñ o B e e r B r e a d

If you like jalapeños, you’ll love this recipe!