elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence correct use of pronouns correct use of nouns...


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Page 1: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition


Page 2: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Elements for achieve coherence in an essay.


Correct use of pronouns

Correct use of nouns

Correct use of puntuation

Correct use of transition


Page 3: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Repetition of key nouns

There is no fixed rule about how often to repeat key nouns or when to substitute pronouns. At the very least, you need to repeat a key instead of using a pronoun when the meaning is not clear.

Page 4: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Practice:In the following paragraph, the key noun is never repeated. Replace the pronoun it with the key noun English wherever you think doing so would make the paragraph more coherent. EnglishEnglish has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more people speak it than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more countries in the world, but more countries have it as their official or unofficial second language. More than 70percent of the world´s mail is written I it. It is the primary language on the internet. In international business, it is used more than any other language, and it is language of airline pilots and air traffic controllers all over the world. Moreover, although French used to be the language of diplomacy, it has displaced it throughout the world. Therefore, unless you plan to spend your life alone on a desert island in the middle of the pacific ocean, it is useful language to know.

Page 5: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

USE OF CONSISTENT PRONOUNSWhen you use pronouns instead ofkey nouns, make sure that you usethe same person and numberthroughout your paragraph. Don’tchange from you to he or she(change of person), or from he tothey (change of number).

Page 6: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Practice: consistent use of pronouns.

In the following paragraph the pronouns are not consistent. Correct them to make this paragraph more coherent. Olympic athletes Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First of all, if you hope to compete in an Olympic sport, you must be physically strong.Furthermore, aspiring Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding sports. They train several hours a day. Five or six days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to being physically strong, he or she must also be mentally tough. This means that your have to be totally dedicated to your sport, often giving up s normal. School, family, and social life. Being mentally strong also means that he or she must be able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its attendant media converge . Finally not everyone can win a medal , so they possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Page 7: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition


Transition signals are words such as first, second, next, finally, therefore, and however, or phrases such as in conclusion, on the other hand, and as a result.

Think of transition signals as traffic signs that tell your reader when to go forward, turn, slow down, and stop. In other words, they tell the reader when you are giving a similar idea (similary, moreover, furthermore, in addition), an opposite idea (on the other hand, however, in contrast), an example (for example), a result (as a result), or a conclusion (in conclusion).

Using transition words as a guide makes it easier for your reader to follow your ideas.

Transition words give your paragraph coherence.

Page 8: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Types of transition signals.

Sentence connectors


Others(a mixed group)

Clause connector


Page 10: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition


• Punctuation is a crucial part of all writing. As a simple illustration, imagine reading this phrase without any periods. How confusing will that be? How many senses it can have.

Page 11: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

What Punctuation Does• Done correctly, punctuation breaks long streams of text into

tight, logical units, making the writing easy to follow. Bear in mind that it is a matter of convention, so punctuation use will differ with every language. In English, learning to punctuate properly is a required skill for anyone who wishes to write effectively. Yes, even if you have zero intentions of being a writer.

Misplaced Punctuations• Poorly-punctuated text communicates either a carelessness,

lack of attention to detail or an overall poor ability to converse in written form. Whichever one is actually the case with you, it's far from a good thing. It is much better if you can get it right.

• Not only will poor punctuation leave a bad impression, it can change the entire meaning of what you're saying. Mess with any text bad enough, in fact, and you can literally take it in a whole new direction. One that has nothing to do with what it's actually trying to say.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Bickens

Page 12: Elements for achieve coherence in an essay. coherence Correct use of pronouns Correct use of nouns Correct use of puntuation Correct use of transition

Now you know more about coherence,

You are ready to do yourThird task.

So, let´s do it.