electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · pdf fileelectrochemical...

Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures [email protected] Johan Ahlström 1

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Page 1: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Electrochemical corrosionmeasurements in concretestructures

[email protected] Ahlström


Page 2: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


• Causes of corrosion damages in concrete structures• Monitoring methods• Previous measurements• New project


Page 3: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


Causes of corrosion damages in concretestructures

1: Rebar connected with a more noble material Galvanic corrosion

2-3: Optimum moisture condition for corrosion

4: Stray current corrosion

Page 4: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Galvanic corrosion

• Differences in corrosion potential of the metals which are connected

• The ratio of anodic and cathodic areas (unnoble and noble areas).

• The electric conductivity of the electrolyte

• The oxygen concentration of the electrolyte

• The anodic and cathodic polarization behavior of the metals.


Page 5: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Galvanisk spänningsserie (havsvatten, vid 20°C)

Page 6: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Bimetallkorrosion - fråga

Lokal, kraftig, korrosion

Utbredda angrepp

Page 7: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Stray current corrosion


Page 8: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Stray current korrosion from HVDC transfer

• Long constructions in contact with water can suffer from stray currentcorrosion by HVDC transfer

• The risk of stray current corrosion increases with shorter distance tothe HVDC station

• Highest risk when the HVDC transfer is monopolar or unbalancedbipolar transfer


Page 9: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


Olika typer av HVDC-ledningar



Page 10: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Stray current measurement, Forsmark (SKB Rapport TR-14-15, Elforsk rapport 10:84)Bertil Sandberg/Claes Taxén och B Sandberg et al.

About 4 volt difference.


Page 11: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Monitoring methods

• Measure corrosion potential

• Measure corrosion current- LPR (linear polarisation resistance method)- Zero resistance ampere meter


Page 12: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Corrowatch (force): For new constructions


• Measure corrosion current with a zero resistance ampere meter

• Linear polarisation resistancemethod

Anode: ”rebar”cathode: titanium net

Page 13: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

CorroRisk (Force): For existing constructions


• Measure corrosion current with a zero resistance ampere meter

• Linear polarisation resistancemethod

Page 14: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Corrosion potential


Page 15: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

Previous measurements: Ringhals, coolingwater tunnels

• BackgroundThe consumption rate of sacrificial anodes was high. Why?Is there a risk of galvanic korrosion?

• Measurements: Corrosion rate and temperature over time.

• Corrosion potentialStainless steel in seawater: -100 mVRebar in water saturated concrete: -650 mVAluminium in seawater: -1000 mV


Page 16: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


Vänstra kanalen Högra kanalenRostfri pump

Berg Betong



Flöde av Havsvatten

Logger H-nära

Logger H-mitt

Logger H-bort

OfferanodLogger V-nära

Logger V-mitt

Logger V-bort

Rostfri pump


Page 17: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


Page 18: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


• Galvanic corrosion risk: -100/200 mV in concrete with 1 weight-% Cl by weight ofcement. -300/400 mV with 2% Cl.

• The high consumption rate of sacrificial anodes was explained by a high potential difference between the anodes and rebar+stainlesssteel pump.

• The corrosion potential logger could detect potential differences withdistance from the pump and difference between the left and the right side.

• The measured potentials did not indicate galvanic corrosion


Page 19: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content

New project

• Installation of corrosion potential loggers in cooling water tunnels.

• Determine the risk of galvanic corrosion and stray current korrosion.- condense pipes made of titanium, galvanic corrosion?- Is there a potential difference when HVDC transportation is changed?

• Measurements in ringhals, oskarshamn and possibly forsmark.


Page 20: Electrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures · PDF fileElectrochemical corrosion measurements in concrete structures Johan.ahlstrom@swerea.se Johan Ahlström 1. Content


Scientific Work for Industrial Usewww.swerea.se