elastic behaviour of springs and mass on a spring

Hooke’s Law And The Elastic Behaviour of Springs.

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Post on 03-Dec-2014




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Elastic Behaviour of Springs examines the principle of physics that shows the physical relationship between extension and force needed to extend and or compress a spring as stated by Hooke's law.... --- Ivan Ukiwah (ConnectTeachers-UK)


Page 1: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Hooke’s Law And The

Elastic Behaviour of Springs.

Page 2: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Mass On A SpringLearning Intention

We are learning about how: i. To measure, record and

describe the relationship between extension of an elastic object (i.e spring)

and the force applied. ii. To use data to plot a graph

and calculate the spring constant k.

Keywords and



Spring Extension



Starter ActivityYou have 4 minutes to draw a sketch

of how you will set up the equipment to find how the stretch of

a spring changes with mass

Page 3: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Helping you investigate!Before you start your practical work, think


i. How you can make your test fair?

ii. How you can make your test safe?

iii. Can you predict what will happen?

iv. Can you explain your prediction?

v. How many observations or measurements will you make?

vi. What range of values will give a suitable result?

PowerPoint Presentation by: ScienceTutors and ConnectTeachers-UK

Page 4: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

EngageDraw a sketch of how you will set up the equipment to find how the stretch of a spring changes with


What is the independent


What is the dependent variable?

PowerPoint Presentation by: ScienceTutors and ConnectTeachers-UK

Page 6: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Due: Next lesson (Students to copy homework into their planners)


Research i. Hooke's Law

ii. How to calculate Spring constant

Page 7: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Practical Activity

Elastic Behaviour!

Mass on a spring to be carried next lesson.

Page 8: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Learning Objectives

Must be able to…Record results in a table

Should be able to…Take accurate measurements of stretch

Could be able to…Plot a graph of results

Page 9: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

Explore Carry out the experiment, and record your results in

a table

Independent VariableMass in gNo more than 700g!

Dependent VariableStretch of spring in cm

Page 10: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

1. How did you make your measurements accurate?


2. What is the relationship between stretch of the spring and mass?

3. How could you use this equipment to find the mass of your pencil case?

Page 11: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

ExtendWhat graph could you use to show

your results? Can your result be shown on a bar chart or a line


What are the steps needed to draw a line graph?

Plot a graph of your results. Can you see a pattern in your

results? Does your result support your prediction?

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Learning Journal




Page 15: Elastic behaviour of Springs and Mass on a spring

How does stretch of a spring change with



Draw a line under last lesson’s work and write today’s title in your book...


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===END ===

PowerPoint Presentation by: ScienceTutors and ConnectTeachers-UK