ekma4111: modul 6

Konsep Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen Anggriawan Sugianto EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Modul 6: Konsep Pemasaran & Perilaku Konsumen EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis Universitas Terbuka Korea


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Konsep Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen

Anggriawan Sugianto EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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1.  Konsep Dasar Pemasaran

2.  Marketing STP

3.  Perilaku Konsumen

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Research is to see what everybody else has seen,

and to think what nobody else has thought. – Albert Szent-Gryorgyi

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Konsep Dasar Pemasaran EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Konsep Pemasaran


•  Proses dari perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konsep yang telah

ditetapkan sebelumnya, penentuan harga, promosi dan distribusi ide,

barang dan jasa untuk menciptakan pertukaran yang dapat

memuaskan tujuan individu dan organisasi.


•  The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,

communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value

for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

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Analisis Pasar

•  Consumer behaviour

•  Competition

•  Brand competition (local + international)

•  Substitute product

•  Macro-environmental factors

•  Political

•  Economic

•  Social

•  Technological

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Riset Pemasaran

Tahapan riset pemasaran:

1.  Analisis situasi

2.  Pemilihan metode riset

•  Observasi

•  Survey

•  Focus group

•  Eksperimen

3.  Pengumpulan data

4.  Analisis data

5.  Laporan Riset

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Marketing Mix

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Being the best is great, you're the number one.

Being unique is greater, you're the only one.

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Marketing STP EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Segmentasi pasar

•  Proses pemilahan pasar menjadi sekumpulan konsumen yang

memiliki kebutuhan dan keinginan yang sama

•  Variabel penting dalam segmentasi:

1.  Geografis – lokasi

2.  Demografis – usia, jenis kelamin, penghasilan, pekerjaan

3.  Psikografis – gaya hidup, nilai

4.  Kegunaan produk – aktivitas

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Target pasar

•  Menentukan segmen pasar mana yang jadi sasaran pemasaran


•  Strategi penentuan target pasar:

1.  Single-segment (Spesialisasi pasar)

2.  Multi-segment (Spesialisasi selektif)

3.  All-segment (Spesialisasi produk)

4.  Full market coverage

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Penentuan posisi

•  Bagaimana perusahaan menanamkan citra produk di benak konsumen

•  Positioning strategy:

•  Product positioning

•  attribute, brand

•  Price positioning

•  high price, low price with quality

•  Competitive positioning

•  market leader (#1), category leader

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Customers can't always tell you what they want,

but they can always tell you what's wrong.

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Perilaku Konsumen EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Consumer Behaviour

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Buying Decision Process

Problem/Need Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decision

Post-purchase Decision

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•  Internal stimuli • External stimuli

• Attitude •  Involvement level

• Rational motive • Emotional motive

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Pasar Organisasi

•  Pasar Organisasi (B2B)

•  Pasar industri

•  Pasar penjual (Reseller)

•  Pemerintah / Institusi non-profit

•  B2B vs B2C

•  Permintaan derivatif

•  Permintaan tidak elastis

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Problem/Need Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decision

Post-purchase Decision

+ Spesifikasi produk/jasa

+ Kualifikasi vendor

+ Evaluasi vendor

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End of Module 6