efficiently authenticating code images in dynamically reprogrammed wireless sensor networks persec...

Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and Prof. Shiv Mishra University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Computer Science

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed

Wireless Sensor Networks

PerSec 2006

Speaker: Prof. Rick HanCoauthors Jing Deng and Prof. Shiv Mishra

University of Colorado at BoulderDepartment of Computer Science

Page 2: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

• Reprogramming in situ sensor nodes through wireless medium.– Important for sensor

network management.• Patch buggy code, change

run-time parameters.• Install new applications

and unanticipated features.

• Very important for hostile and/or rugged terrain.

• General properties of WSNs– Resource constraints– Tree-structured routing

FireWxNetMobiSys 2006

Base station

Tree-structuredtopology of WSN

Page 3: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Secure Reprogramming in WSNs• Security is critical for Reprogramming.

– Scientific applications – lives may depend on the data (FireWxNet)

– Military applications– Commercial applications – inject false code

• Types of attacks:– Prevent an adversary from injecting malicious or bogus code

image to sensor nodes.• Data authenticity and integrity – a focus of this paper

– Prevent an adversary from a DoS flooding attack – our approach has resilience to this

– Prevent an adversary from understanding program code• Confidentiality – not a focus of this paper

– In WSNs, an adversary can compromise a node!

Efficiently protect authenticity and integrity of program code image disseminated from base station

Page 4: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

A System Model for Reprogramming Sensor Nodes













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• Entire code image is segmented into pages, each page contains a certain number of packets.• Page level: a node has to receive page by page sequentially.• Packet level: a node broadcasts all packets in a page in “Round-Robin” way. After receiving ACK/NACK messages from neighbors nodes, it broadcasts lost packets, and so on, until all packets are received by neighbors.

program code

• Provides an efficient way to reliably disseminate a large amount of data to the entire network.

• Deluge, others…

2 4,5,nn2

Page 5: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Threat Model and Security Goals• Threat Model

– Adversary can eavesdrop on all packets nearby.

– Adversary can inject (any types of ) data nearby.

– Adversary can compromise a sensor node and obtain all information inside it, including code image and keys.

– Adversary cannot compromise the base station.

• Security Goals1. Protect authenticity and integrity of code

image.• Adversary cannot inject his malicious program

code even given compromised sensor nodes.2. Preventing adversary from launching Denial of

Services attacks by flooding bogus packets.• Every node can verify the authenticity of code

image as soon as it receives it.• Otherwise adversary can inject bogus packets

to launch DoS attacks or force a node to drop correct data.

3. Low cost.• The communication/computing overhead are






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• Does not protect against:– Local jamming attacks.

• Can countermeasure it.– Data confidentiality.



Page 6: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Limiting Public Key Operations• Difficult to construct a pure symmetric key approach.

– Global key– Transitory global key - to deal with node compromise, but still has problems…– Pairwise keys – issues raised in earlier talk, etc.– Key distribution problem

• Are public key algorithms feasible on standard sensor nodes? Yes, just barely.– Computing overhead

• RSA– 2-3 seconds (512 bits of key) on mica2.

• Elliptic Curve Cryptographic algorithm– D. Malan: 40 seconds to encrypt 16 bytes of data on MICA2– P. Ning: TinyECC takes 12 to 16 seconds to verify a signature on MICAz– V. Gupta: Sizzle from Sun, hundreds or thousands milliseconds on Atmel chip (haven’t

seen source code yet)

– Communication overhead: RSA: 512 bits of key, Elliptic curve : 168 bits of key• Our approach:

– combine public key and fast cryptographic hash schemes, but limit public key executions

– Predistribute the public key of the base station, and a cryptographic hash

Page 7: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

Signed Hash Tree Scheme• Motivation: to make our scheme

more efficient when some data packets are lost.

• Solution: send all hashes first, then send data packets.

• Build a hash tree, hashes in high level packets can be used to authenticate hashes/data in low level packets.

– P2,0=Hash(P3,0)||Hash(P3,1)• Send packets from high level to low

level. • After a node received packet P, it can

receive disordered children (hash/data) packets of P.

• An attacker can’t modify packets undetected

• Compromise reveals public key and hash

• A node can verify immediately each packet, even if out of order

• Sender can disseminate packets similar to Round-Robin.

P4,0 P4,1 P4,2 P4,3 P4,4 P4,5 P4,6 P4,7

P3,0 P3,1 P3,2 P3,3

P2,0 P2,2



Page 8: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

New Results: Compare to a Signed Hash Chain Scheme

sign(H1) H1 data1 H2

packet 0


data2 H3

packet 1 packet 2


packet n

H2=Hash(P2) Hn=Hash(Pn)

• Similar approaches published in operating systems, SenSys 05 poster, etc.• The base station has a private key, and all sensors have the public key.• Each packet contains the secure hash value of next packet.• The first packet P0 value contains the signature of the secure hash value signed with

private key.• When a node receives packet P0, it can verify the authenticity of the hash value H1

with the public key.• When a node receives packet Pk, it can verify its authenticity with Hk it received

before. • Protects data authenticity and integrity.• Problems:

– Maliciously breaking the chain => can’t verify subsequent packets – Not efficient when packet loss rate is high.– To verify packet Hk, B have to receive all packets from H0 to Hk-1. (cannot run Round-robin

scheme with NACK)


Page 9: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

New Results: Linked Hash-tree Scheme

Hash tree of Page 2

page 1 (C1)


Packets in page 3


P2,0 P2,1

P3,0 P3,1 P3,2 P3,3

P4,0 P4,1 P4,2 P4,3 P4,4 P4,5 P4,6 P4,7

Hash tree of Page 1

Hash tree of Page m


page 2 (C2)

page 3 (C3)

page m (Cm)


• Motivation– Conform with code dissemination protocol of Deluge – enforces per

page ordering, so can out-of-order packets within a page, but not out-of-order pages => per-page public key!

– Reduce memory cost• Each page contains a hash tree for code image authentication.• Use a signed hash chain to link the root nodes of all hash trees.

To appear in IPSN 2006

Page 10: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and

New Results: Simulations

• Scenario– A node disseminates 32KB data to 20 neighbors. Packet size 128B, hash size

4B.• Hash chain scheme is very expensive since every receiver needs to send

an ACK message back to sender.• Hash tree scheme consumes too much memory.• Hybrid hash chain/tree scheme has feasible moderate cost.• (more simulation results are in the IPSN paper)

Deluge 4KB

Hash Chain 4 bytes

Hash Tree 32KB

Hybrid 4.1KB

Memory Consumption

Page 11: Efficiently Authenticating Code Images in Dynamically Reprogrammed Wireless Sensor Networks PerSec 2006 Speaker: Prof. Rick Han Coauthors Jing Deng and


• Presented a signed hash tree scheme for efficient and secure dissemination of code to WSNs– Form a signed hash tree– Release hashes a priori– Immediate verification– Out-of-order verification

• New results show that a hybrid signed chain-tree is the best combination of low overhead, low memory, and low delay– performance is close to insecure Deluge scheme

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