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Unit Two MBNMS ©Project Oceanography Spring 2002 46 Program Coauthors Dawn Hayes B.S. in Biology and Zoology Dawn earned her degrees at Humboldt State University where she also received a Secondary Science Teaching Credential in Life and Physical Sciences. She is currently the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the MBNMS where she oversees the efforts of the educational staff. She has a variety of professional education experience including eight years at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. At the aquarium Dawn developed, delivered, and evaluated customized programming for students, teachers, and visitors. Dawn also helped to create a new science program for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County and worked at the Catalina Island Marine Institute as an instructor/program coordinator. Donald Croll Ph.D in Marine Biology Don earned his B.S. from the University of California Davis followed by a M.S. from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories at California State University. He received his Ph.D. from Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California. His research interests include the ecology and conservation of marine mammals, seabirds, and the habitats upon which they depend. His research focus is in two areas. The first area examines how physical and biological factors explain and may ultimately be used to predict the distribution of large, highly mobile marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. The second area focuses on the introduction of non-native species as threats to seabird populations and island ecosystems. John Pearse Ph.D. in Biology John earned his B.S. in Zoology from the University of Chicago followed by a Ph.D. in Biology from Stanford University. Following graduation he became an Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. He also served as a Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology. He began his career at the University of California Santa Cruz in 1971. He served as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, and Professor Emeritus at UCSC. Today, he is a Professor Emeritus of Biology at Long Marine Laboratory at the UCSC. His research interests include the reproductive ecology of marine animals, as well as intertidal and kelp forest ecology. He would like students to know that the best part of his job is being able to get out in the field to work with living organisms when he is surrounded by bright and enthusiastic students.

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Unit Two MBNMS

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Program Coauthors

Dawn Hayes

B.S. in Biology and Zoology

Dawn earned her degrees at Humboldt State University where she also received a Secondary Science Teaching Credential in Life and Physical Sciences. She is currently the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the MBNMS where she oversees the efforts of the educational staff. She has a variety of professional education experience including eight years at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. At the aquarium Dawn developed, delivered, and evaluated customized programming for students, teachers, and visitors. Dawn also helped to create a new science program for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County and worked at the Catalina Island Marine Institute as an instructor/program coordinator.

Donald Croll Ph.D in Marine Biology

Don earned his B.S. from the University of California Davis followed by a M.S. from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories at California State University. He received his Ph.D. from Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California. His research interests include the ecology and conservation of marine mammals, seabirds, and the habitats upon which they depend. His research focus is in two areas. The first area examines how physical and biological factors explain and may ultimately be used to predict the distribution of large, highly mobile marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. The second area focuses on the introduction of non-native species as threats to seabird populations and island ecosystems.

John Pearse

Ph.D. in Biology

John earned his B.S. in Zoology from the University of Chicago followed by a Ph.D. in Biology from Stanford University. Following graduation he became an Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. He also served as a Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology. He began his career at the University of California Santa Cruz in 1971. He served as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, and Professor Emeritus at UCSC. Today, he is a Professor Emeritus of Biology at Long Marine Laboratory at the UCSC. His research interests include the reproductive ecology of marine animals, as well as intertidal and kelp forest ecology. He would like students to know that the best part of his job is being able to get out in the field to work with living organisms when he is surrounded by bright and enthusiastic students.

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George Matsumoto

Ph.D. in Marine Biology

George earned a B.A. degree with a Marine Biology emphasis from the University of California at Berkeley followed by a Ph.D. from the University of California Los Angeles. He is currently an Education and Research Specialist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute where he is involved in many aspects of educational program development. His prior career experience includes three years of teaching Marine Biology at Flinders University of South Australia. George continues to stay involved with educational endeavors including marine science programs for K-12 students, a marine science teacher education program, and a scientists and teachers educational partnership. His research interests include the open ocean and deep-sea communities with particular emphasis on invertebrates. His specific areas of interest include: ecology and biogeography of open ocean and deep sea organisms; functional morphology, natural history, and behavior of pelagic and benthic organisms; and systematics and evolution of ctenophores and cnidarians.

Jim Barry Ph.D. in Oceanography

Jim earned his B.A. in Zoology from San Jose State University in San Jose, California followed by a M.A. in Biology (Marine Science/Wetlands Biology). He received his Ph.D. in Oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California at La Jolla. Jim is currently an Associate Scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. He is actively involved in many professional organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. His research interests include deep-sea biology and ecology, biological oceanography, the biology and ecology of chemosynthetic communities, climate change and marine ecosystems, polar ecology, and carbon sequestration research.

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Unit II: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS)

On the cutting edge… Personnel at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary are working closely with scientists on several research projects. Some researchers are interested in monitoring ecosystems at the land’s edge or discovering the affects of nutrient upwelling on whale distribution. Other scientists are discovering new worlds in the oceans depths. They are using autonomous underwater vehicles to explore the deep canyons of the sanctuary. These areas contain poorly understood cold seep communities. Some scientists are exploring organisms in the water column where new jellies have been discovered. All of these studies are very exciting as new technology opens the ocean frontiers to new exploration.

Introduction to the MBNMS Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: • Identify two distinguishing features of the MBNMS • Compare and contrast the MBNMS with the CINMS • Explain how indicator organisms are used in monitoring projects Key concepts: sanctuary, biological diversity, interdependence, ecological stability

MBNMS Overview

Our nation’s largest marine sanctuary is the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS). This sanctuary is located

along the central California coast. It includes the waters of Monterey Bay and the adjacent Pacific Ocean waters. This area contains 4024 nautical miles of open ocean water, extending 348 miles north to south and an average 25 nautical miles out from shore. This sanctuary is also our nation’s deepest, with a submarine canyon twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. The deepest point in this canyon is 10,663 feet below the water’s surface. The MBNMS was designated in 1992 because of its rich physical and biological diversity and its important

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cultural resources. The coastal

habitats range from rocky shores and steep bluffs to sandy beaches bordered by

cliffs. The underwater landscape includes geologically important features such as the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate. The junction of these two plates is marked by the San Andreas Fault. Cold, nutrient-rich water found in nearshore habitats is delivered to the surface by upwelling from lower depths. This upwelled water supports an abundance of organisms in varied habitats like the kelp forests and fields of sand and mud. The rain of deceased plants and animals falling to the seafloor supports a wealth of benthic fauna in deep canyons and on rock walls. Many types of animals use these diverse environments. Some animals are permanent residents within the sanctuary while others travel through this region on migratory journeys. Marine mammals, seabirds, fish, sea turtles, and a variety of marine invertebrates use this area. Seals and sea lions

can be found along the rocky shores. Whales migrate through the ocean waters. Sea otters make their homes in kelp forests. Seabirds are found along the sandy beaches and wetland areas. Cultural resources and artifacts give us a glimpse into the past. By studying shell piles or middens left by Native Americans, we can more clearly understand some aspects of daily life. Other artifacts, including the remains of many wrecked ships, tell us about weather patterns and human impact on animal populations. For instance, Europeans settlers arriving in the 1700’s hunted sea otters and abalones to use as trade items with the native inhabitants. In some cases, this was detrimental to the ecology of the kelp forest. Today the sanctuary continues to protect the natural and cultural features within its boundaries while allowing people to use and enjoy the ocean. The sanctuary personnel also conduct research, monitor the habitats, and educate the public to help promote stewardship of our oceans and understanding of these interdependent communities.

Blue Whales

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest mammal on earth weighing up to 150 tons and measuring 80 feet in length. These whales are characterized by their long, slender body shapes and their

broad, flat heads. They also have ventral pleats on their throats, chests, and bellies. Their bodies are generally a blue-grey color with a light ventral surface. Sometimes phytoplankton called diatoms

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attach themselves to the surface of the whale. These diatoms make the whale appear to be a yellowish color. That is why some whalers called these whales “sulphur bottoms”. These giants of the ocean live over 25 years. They mate and breed between 6 and 10 years of age. The females have calves every 2 to 3 years. These ocean giants search the coastal waters for food. Krill (shrimp-like organisms) are their main food. Blue whales are baleen whales. They have baleen plates made of a fingernail-like material called keratin. These plates look like fine black hairs, but they are very tough. When a blue whale is ready to

eat, it opens its mouth and takes in enormous amounts of water. As the mouth

closes the water is strained through the baleen plates leaving the food trapped in the whale’s mouth. One whale can eat up to 4 tons of food per day. That is about 40 million krill. Originally blue whale populations were estimated to be between 200,000 and 300,000. Blue whale populations were almost completely decimated in the early 1900’s with advances in whaling technology. The recovery of this long-lived species is very slow, with their numbers estimated at 5000 today. Scientists in the MBNMS are interested in studying these creatures for several reasons. Blue whales pass through sanctuary waters on their long ocean

migrations. Unlike the Antarctic population of blue whales that travel from polar feeding grounds to temperate and tropical breeding grounds, the California blue whale population feeds year round. They migrate from their winter feeding grounds in the Gulf of California as far south as the waters offshore of Costa Rica to their spring and summer feeding grounds off central and southern California. Scientists don’t know exactly where these giants breed and give birth, but

suspect that the Gulf of California is an important winter nursery grounds for

growing calves. Blue whales forage only on krill, and the krill that the California blue whales feed upon are made available through coastal upwelling. Scientists are interested in learning more about how the abundance and distribution of this food is affected by global weather change. In addition they are looking at how food distribution affects the migration patterns of the blue whale. This fascinating research is using the latest technology to track whales as they dive for food. Researchers hope to learn more about how this important marine food chain impacts other food webs. This information will help researchers identify management strategies that can protect essential blue whale habitat.

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Rocky Intertidal Monitoring

Rocky intertidal habitats are created as water recedes along rocky coastlines during low tides. Pools are left in

the rock depressions along with many interesting organisms that live only in these areas. Many of the invertebrates and algae found here must adjust to changing environmental conditions. Some of these organisms receive food and nutrients carried by the force of incoming waves. At the same time, they must resist being swept away as these waves recede. In addition, these organisms need to remain moist when water is scarce and be protected from strong ultraviolet rays. They must also keep from being eaten by predators that use the tidepools as a seafood buffet. Some of the rocky intertidal areas within the MBNMS are the focus of educational monitoring projects. These projects provide an opportunity for scientists to help students understand the ecological importance of these communities. These areas are ideal for study, because they are easy to get to and contain a broad array of specimens. They are located at the water’s edge, so they provide a timely overview of human impact. In addition, changes taking place in intertidal life can be traced to larger

changes in the world’s oceans, such as climate change. Monitoring projects generally involve studying a few key species found within a region. These indicator species are typically important for the overall health and character of the community. They may also be sensitive to disturbances, such as harvesting, trampling, pollution, or changes in weather conditions. By studying these organisms, scientists can gain a broad view of the health of the oceans. Owl limpets present a good example of intertidal organisms suitable for ecological monitoring. Owl limpets are molluscs with a single, cap-shaped shell that covers a large foot. This foot is used to cling to and crawl over the rocks. Owl limpets graze on diatoms at night and hide under ledges during the day as they try to escape birds that prey on them. Owl limpets are hermaphrodites with a very interesting life cycle. As hermaphrodites, they have both male and female reproductive parts. They start life as males and change to females when they get larger. Some of these females grow to be over three and a half inches in length. These females are also territorial. They clear sizable areas of all organisms so that a lawn of diatoms can grow and provide

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them with food. Consequently, they create a patchwork of cleared farms. These farms add structure to the community.

Monitoring the numbers and sizes

of owl limpets can reveal a great deal about the health of

the rocky intertidal environment. In unprotected areas, people often collect the large limpets for food. This activity removes many females from the population. This

decrease in numbers simplifies the community structure, because less space is incorporated into farms. In other areas, such as state beaches, the limpets are protected. Here visitors frighten away the birds, and owl limpets can thrive in unusually high numbers. When owl limpets are common, but not too abundant, they add structure to the community with their patchwork farms. They also provide food for sea birds and other animals. When they’re too abundant, their farms create large areas that exclude other organisms.

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Activity: A Crushing Experience

Every habitat is impacted by a variety of factors. These conditions also affect the organisms that live within the habitat and in turn can upset the ecological balance. Scientists interested in studying these communities sometimes follow changes over time using monitoring programs. These programs can help scientists determine trends and give them an overall picture of changes within the ecosystem.

Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: 1. Observe human impact within a study area. 2. Describe the types of changes that occur within the habitat as a result of

human impact. 3. Evaluate the results of human impact. Materials: • Markers to identify the study areas (Markers could include cones, tape, rope,

flags, etc.) • Paper and pencil for recording (Cameras could also be used for observation.) Note to Teacher: It is helpful if students have participated in observation types of experiments prior to this activity. It may be helpful to review the senses and what they can tell us about our environment. Procedure: 1. Designate two study areas of approximately equal size and similar habitat.

Choose one in a high “human” impact area and the other in a low impact area. (A path worn by people taking a short cut as opposed to an area fenced off to foot traffic are good examples.)

2. Have students use their senses to make observations about each area. Have them compile a list of the types of organisms that they find in the study areas and their condition. Have students also make observations about the general condition of the habitat. (Encourage them to use all of their senses and look closely at the smallest portions of the habitat.)

3. After making observations, have the students answer questions about the study areas. (The following questions can be used or others can be added.) • How many animals were seen in each study area? • How many types of animals were seen? • What areas did the animals occupy? (Trees, shrubs, grass, soil, puddles,

etc.) • What was the condition of the habitat? (trampled grass, litter, broken

branches, etc.)

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• Did students notice anything that could be hazardous to the living and

nonliving parts of the study areas? (gasoline fumes, thick dust, loud noises)

4. Have students compile a class list of their observations and their answers to the questions.

5. Have students discuss the differences found in the two study areas. Have them evaluate the human impact to the areas.

6. Have students make observations about the study areas over a time period. (Once a day for several weeks, or once a week for several months, etc.)

7. Have students discuss their observations. Is human impact damaging the study areas? How? To what degree? Can all the changes in the study areas be attributed to human impact? Can anything be done to lessen the effects of human impact on the study areas?

Possible Extensions: 1. Have student use their results to develop a role-play using effective

arguments to convince a governing body (city council, etc.) to develop strategies for lessening human impact in certain areas.

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Student Information: Sanctuary Monitoring

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is located off the California

coast. It is our nation’s largest and deepest sanctuary. It is a richly diverse place where visitors can view animals in a variety of habitats. Along the coastlines are rocky cliffs and sandy beaches. These areas are home to many animals including seals, sea lions, and endangered birds. Amateur naturalists can search the tidepools for indicator organisms, such as limpets and sea stars. These delicate creatures alert scientists to problems in the environment. Sometimes they will be the first to be affected by pollutants or extremes in weather conditions. The tidepools are also home to algae used as food for other organisms and anemones that hunt for tiny shrimps with their stinging tentacles. Although these animals must be sturdy to withstand Mother Nature, they are very sensitive when it comes to humans. If you are

enjoying the tidepools, please be careful when handling these animals. The open waters of the sanctuary are also alive with fish and marine mammals. The nearshore kelp forests provide habitat and food for sea otters. Transient giants, including the blue whale, can be seen as they swim through the sanctuary waters. This whale is the earth’s largest mammal weighing up to 150 tons. As these animals look for food, they strain tons of krill or shrimp-like organisms through their baleen plates. These plates look like long black hairs, but they are very sturdy. The whale takes in large amounts of water and sieves out the krill. As they move through the sanctuary waters, scientists monitor them. These researchers are interested in learning more about whales in order to help them recover from overfishing. In the early 1900’s, the blue whale population was almost destroyed by whalers’ efficient technology. Today their numbers are slowly beginning to recover.

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Jellies Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: • Distinguish between a polyp and a medusa stage • Characterize locomotion and feeding within the true jellies • Describe a Cubozoan Key Concepts: Cnidarians, classification, medusa, polyp, mesoglea, nematocysts

Cnidarians Jellies with their umbrella shaped bells and ribbon like tentacles can be seen drifting along in the ocean currents. These fascinating creatures belong to a much larger group of animals known as Cnidarians. These “jellies” are all soft bodied, aquatic animals that share some distinctive characteristics. These animals have sac-like bodies with a hollow central cavity. The body is made up of a jelly-like substance called mesoglea. This mesoglea is 98% water and is found between two cellular layers. The only body opening is a mouth.

Tentacles that contain stinging cells surround the mouth. These stinging cells or nematocysts have a variety of

functions depending on the type of cell. Some are used as “sticky” cells to tangle or glue their prey, others release poisons that stun and kill prey. Cnidarians can be found with two different body shapes or plans: polyps and medusae. An anemone is an example of a jelly with a typical

polyp shaped body. Its body looks like a cylinder. There is a mouth at one end with a muscular foot or pedal disc at the other end. These animals are often sessile staying attached to a substrate. A jelly with its bell shaped body and long tentacles is an example of a medusa. The medusae are seen swimming or drifting freely in the water. Cnidarians can be further divided into groups called classes. The four classes of Cnidarians presently recognized by scientists are the Anthozoans, the Hydrozoans, the Scyphozoans, and the Cubozoans. Anthozoans are the largest class of jellies. This class includes corals and sea anemones. These animals only have polyp stages. Hydrozoans have the most variety within their class. They include hydroids, siphonophores, fire corals, and other medusae. Hydroids come in the polyp form (often looking like a plant) or the medusa form. Siphonophores include colonial animals such as the

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Portuguese Man-O-War. This animal looks like a true jelly with its transparent float and long tentacles, but it is really many animals living together in a colony. Hydroids can be mistaken for plants and have a

complex life cycle with animals in this class alternating between the polyp and medusa stages. Scyphozoans are the true jellies. Some of these animals have only medusa

stages while others alternate between medusa and polyp. Animals in this class swim by contracting their

bell and expelling water from the underside. The Cubozoans are the most recently designated class of Cnidarians. They were originally classified as an Order within the Class Scyphozoa. Cubozoans are the box jellies. They are identified by their box shaped bells. The jellies within this group include some of the most poisonous species. The sea wasp can kill a human in just a few minutes. Box jellies appear to have an alternating life history (with polyps and medusae) although scientists are still learning about these unusual jellies.

Natural History of the True Jellies

Jellies are versatile animals well equipped for life in a variety of ocean environments. Their transparent bodies make them difficult to see as they drift along in the ocean currents. Their watery bodies offer little nutrition to would-be predators while their strong venoms can stun or kill a meal. In addition, jellies designed for life in the cold dark ocean realm need very little oxygen and can withstand pressures that could crush a human. To understand jellies better, we will

take a closer look at a typical member of the Class Scyphozoa

called Aurelia aurita or the common moon jelly. Moon jellies have flattened bells that resemble flying saucers. Along the edge of the bell is a fringe made up of short tentacles. These tentacles contain the stinging cells or nematocysts used by the

jelly for protection and food gathering. When the jellyfish touches a passing prey the stinging cells release a poison that stuns or kills the prey. The food is then engulfed by the mouth and swept into the stomach by tiny hairs called cilia. Any part of the food that cannot be digested is released into the water also through the mouth. Moon jelly reproduction follows the usual cycle found in the true jellies. The adult medusae are either male or female. The males produce sperm that are dispersed in the water. Most female jellies do the same with their eggs, but the moon jelly holds her eggs under her bell. Larvae or juvenile stages hatch from the eggs. These larvae float around in the ocean until they find a suitable substrate. They attach themselves to

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the substrate and grow into a polyp stage. The polyp buds, creating clones of itself. The polyp then divides itself into many flat segments. This process is called strobilation. During strobilation the flat segments separate and float away. These young jellyfish are called ephyrae. The ephyrae grow into adult medusae and the cycle begins again. Sometimes these creatures are seen in “blooms” containing thousands of animals. Scientists are continuing to study jellies to learn more about their reproductive blooms, their

navigational abilities, and their responses to the physical aspects of their environment.

What’s Next?

Why do scientists still know so little about the jellies? In the past,

organisms from the ocean depths were collected in trawls. These nets, when pulled to the surface, contained many interesting creatures. Some of these organisms were destroyed as they were lifted up from high-pressure ocean bottoms. The fragile jellies were torn apart and looked like gelatinous blobs. As technology advanced, scientists were able to build and use underwater submersibles. The first submersibles could descend to shallow depths and had a limited bottom time. Humans have visited the bottom of the ocean (the Challenger Deep at 11,000

meters) only once. Today, the deepest diving research submersible only reaches 6,500 meters, however remotely operated vehicles can reach 11,000 meters. As this technology has continued to advance, scientists have had more opportunities to study jellies and the complex “jelly web” that is responsible for cycling large amounts of food energy through ocean systems. One group of interest to scientists is the Cubozoans or box jellies. The Cubozoans get their name from their box shaped bells. They have four tentacles or sets of tentacles used for food gathering. They eat worms, krill, and fish. Some of these jellies have deadly poisons. One specimen, the Australian stinger (Chironex fleckeri) has been responsible for human deaths. They use strong

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muscles to propel themselves through the water. They have been observed maneuvering around objects and even swimming away from approaching humans. Besides being good swimmers, these jellies can also see. The box jellies have eight eye spots or simple eyes. These eyes probably help the animal tell light from dark. The box jellies also have eight complex eyes with corneas, retinas, and lenses. These eyes are very similar to human eyes. It is not yet known how these eyes see,

because jellies do not have brains to translate the images. The box jellies also have statocysts. These spheres of calcium carbonate are similar to otoliths found in fish. They help the jelly tell if it is right side up or upside down. Scientists have also used these statocysts for aging the jellies (similar to how scientists can age fish using otoliths). These scientific discoveries raise more questions about this environment and the organisms that live here. Hopefully, with more advances in technology some of the mysteries of the deep will be revealed.

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Activity: The World’s Foremost Jelly Expert

As technology advances, new discoveries are taking place in science. More areas are open to exploration. One of these areas includes the mid-waters of deep ocean basins. Here scientists have discovered a whole new “jelly web” responsible for a large amount of the energy transfer within this region. These jellies are fascinating creatures as they swim along almost undetected. Their bells pulsate and their tentacles trail behind as they move in the currents. Some of these creatures have eyes. Others have bioluminescent organs. Still others can navigate through the waters. All of these characteristics help jellies to be successful in their ocean home. Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: 1. Name seven facts about a particular jelly. 2. Organize scientific information into a form that can be used by the

general public. 3. Compare and contrast the features of two different types of jellies. Materials: • Research materials containing information about jellies. (Newspapers,

journals, books, and the internet are good sources of information. Some good jelly sites include and http://www.ucmp.

• Drawing instruments-pencil, colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc. • Drawing paper Procedure: 1. Have students gather materials about a variety of jelly groups. 2. Give students the following scenario: You are a world famous “jelly” scientist

that has spent years learning about one particular jelly. You are reading a scientific journal that has this career opportunity included:

New state of the art aquarium facility in (your hometown) is seeking a world renowned “jellyist”. The successful candidate will have at minimum a Ph.D. in Marine Biology or a related field with at least ten years research experience and two years aquarium experience. This position includes working closely with the public to create an understanding of the importance of the jelly web and how it impacts our

community. The position also allows for continued research in the successful candidates area of expertise with opportunities to publish and present papers at worldwide conferences. This is a permanent full time position. Salary is commensurate with experience. Interested candidates should make application to: Selection Committee Brand New Aquarium.

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You decide to apply for the position, since you meet all of the minimum requirements. You were successful in being chosen as one of the final candidates for the position. Now you must prepare a presentation for the selection committee that includes a brochure that can be used by the aquarium to advertise the new jelly exhibit (your specialty). 3. Have students research one particular jelly that will become their specialty. 4. Have students create a brochure that includes information about their jelly.

(The following list can be adapted to the student level.) • Picture (drawn or computer generated, etc.) • The common name and scientific name • Seven basic facts (such as size, shape, habitat, body plan, etc.) • Life cycle • Any recent discoveries • Ecological importance • Adaptations for its specific environment • Anatomy

5. Have each student present his/her brochure to the committee (class). 6. Have each student also present at least one reason why they are the best

person for the position at the new aquarium. (What characteristics do they possess that make them uniquely qualified for this position? Example: Good social skills would be helpful when working closely with the public).

7. Discuss the process involved in becoming an “expert”. Compare the activity to real life situations.

8. Discuss skills other than scientific skills needed to be a successful “job” candidate.

Possible Extensions: 1. Have students create a commercial for their “jelly”. (This could be a video

project or live presentation.) 2. Have students work in groups as a research team in which each person is

responsible for a particular area of information about their jelly. Have each team create a presentation. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with teamwork. Compare and contrast this situation to real life research situations.

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Student Information: Jellies

Jellies come in different shapes and

sizes. Some are no bigger than marbles while others have bodies that can be two meters across. They can be seen washed up on beaches with their balloon shaped bells and long ribbons of tentacles. Others can be found at the ocean depths sending messages with flickering lights. Still others live in the shallow waters of the tidepools camouflaged as plants. These jelly-like creatures have two different body stages or plans. The medusa is your typical jelly shape. It has a translucent bell. This bell can be a flattened disc, a curved umbrella shape, or even a cube. The mouth is located on the underside of the bell. The bell also has tentacles that point downward. This medusa can be found drifting or swimming through the water. The polyp stage has a central tube or stalk with a mouth at the top. The mouth is surrounded by tentacles. This stage can be found attached to the bottom or almost anything

in the water (pier pilings, inner tubes, moorings, buoys, boats, etc.) where the tentacles gently sway in the water. Even though jellies can look very different, they all have one thing in common. They all have stinging cells called nematocysts. These stinging cells are located on the tentacles. The nematocysts contain sharp barbs that are triggered when touched. There are several different types of nematocysts. Some are used to glue their prey. Others can be used to stun or kill their prey. These stinging cells can also be used to protect the jelly against a would-be predator. The sting of some jellies is so strong that it can kill a human. Scientists are interested in studying jellies, because they are a key part of an important ocean food web. The “jelly web” cycles much of the energy through the dark ocean realm. Yet scientists know little about this food web. As technology advances, researchers are able to learn more about these interesting creatures.

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Cold Seeps

Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: • Compare and contrast photosynthesis and chemosynthesis • Describe the symbiotic relationship between clams and bacteria • Identify three ways bacteria increase productivity in the cold seep areas Key concepts: primary producer, photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, symbiosis

Deep Water Discoveries

Advances in technology have allowed scientists to study the deep ocean floor. Researchers at the Monterey Bay

Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have used research vessels and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for over a decade to explore these areas. ROVs remain in contact with the onboard scientist through fiber optic cables. These cables act as a tether for the vehicle while information is transported between the vehicle and the scientist. One ROV used by these scientists is called Ventana. This vehicle has become their window to the sea allowing them to observe what goes on deep below the surface. This vehicle is equipped with robotic arms, sensors, and a video camera. This allows researchers to collect samples for study from the deep ocean bottom. Exploration also includes the use of manned underwater submersibles such as

ALVIN. This technology allows the research scientist to pilot the vehicle and observe first hand the area being explored. These and other advances in technology have helped scientists discover new communities. One of these communities is found on the ocean floor. It is called a “cold seep”. Cold seeps were first discovered in the late 1980’s in the Monterey Canyon at a depth of 3200 meters. Cold seeps are sites where fluids seep from the sea floor, somewhat like undersea springs, and are often called methane- or sulfide-seeps because the seeping fluids are rich in these compounds. Although the fluids are the same temperature as the surrounding seawater, they are termed “cold seeps” to distinguish them from hydrothermal vents, where extremely hot water is vented from the seafloor. These cold seep areas support life in total darkness and sometimes appear as oases of life in an otherwise desert-like region

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with few other animals. These areas are usually identified by specialized organisms that are abundant in the seeping fluids and carbonate rock formations that form near some seeps. Scientists are not sure where the seeping fluids come from, but they have several hypotheses. Some researchers believe that this fluid may result from rainfall runoff. As rain falls, it seeps through the soil

and penetrates holes in the earth’s crust. This fluid can then reappear under water in the cold seep areas. Other scientists think that changes in tectonic plate size may cause this fluid to seep through the ocean bottom in these areas. The cold seep areas are home to some unique organisms. Scientists are taking a closer look at these organisms and how they get their energy.

Ways of Making a Living

All organisms need energy to live. This energy comes from food. Some organisms make their own food.

These organisms are called autotrophs. They have a very important job. These organisms are the first members in all food chains and food webs. Ultimately every organism gets its energy from autotrophs. These organisms are also called primary producers. Most of the world’s primary producers are plants or phytoplankton. They make food energy through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis energy from the sun is used to change carbon dioxide in the air or water into food. This food is usually a sugar called glucose. Another group of autotrophs make food using chemical energy instead of energy from the sun. These

autotrophs are microorganisms that occur mainly in seafloor muds where the right chemical compounds are present. These primary producers include two groups of microorganisms: bacteria and archaea. We will focus on the bacteria that use a process called chemosynthesis to create food energy. Bacteria harvest the chemical energy from hydrogen sulfide or methane found in the seep fluids to produce sugars, proteins, and other building blocks of tissues. These bacteria are fed upon by various heterotrophic animals. Unlike autotrophs, heterotrophic animals do not produce their own food and depend on other organisms for food. Nearly all animals are heterotrophs. Several animals have developed highly specialized relationships with autotrophic bacteria at cold seeps. One of these animals, a clam, obtains its food from the bacteria. How does this happen? The clams

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and the bacteria live together and help each other. This is called symbiosis. In the cold seep community bacteria make their home inside the clam’s gills. Clams have a muscular foot that helps them attach to the seafloor. This muscular foot also takes in hydrogen sulfide from the water found at the cold seep area. This hydrogen sulfide is produced by methane-using microbes found in the seep. It is then carried in the clam’s blood, just like oxygen is carried in our blood, to the clam’s gills where the bacteria are located. The bacteria use the chemical energy found in the hydrogen sulfide to combine carbon

dioxide and water to create sugar and other compounds for growth. The bacteria and sugars that it releases become food for the clam.

Diversity and Research Scientists have found that clams with symbiotic bacteria make up a large portion of the cold seep community, but other animals live there too. There are several types of bacteria that make their home in this environment. Some of them are aerobic or oxygen requiring. Other anaerobic bacteria can live without oxygen. All types of bacteria add to the energy flow in this ecosystem. The symbiotic, aerobic bacteria found in the gills of the clams produce food for the clams. This food energy can then be used by the clams to carry on life processes such as growing and reproducing. Other free-living, aerobic bacteria depend on hydrogen sulfide, and grow on the surface of the sediment where they form large mats. These mats are grazed upon by snails, crustaceans,

and other animals. This enriches the cold seep environment by providing more food for the animals in this area. Otherwise, the animals would have to depend on food that falls through the water column from the surface. A third type of bacteria is found in the sediment. These anaerobic bacteria are thought to produce the methane and sulfide that act as the energy sources for chemosynthesis. Scientists have also found highly specialized tubeworms that use the hydrogen sulfide in the mud as a source of energy. Hydrogen sulfide enters the worm’s circulatory system and is carried to the bacteria living in the worm’s body through its blood

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on a hemoglobin molecule, the same compound we use to transport oxygen in our blood. These bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as an energy source for chemosynthesis. Other types of clams use methane in the seep muds for chemosynthesis instead of hydrogen sulfide. They also have symbiotic bacteria, but these bacteria depend on the chemical energy of methane for chemosynthesis.

Scientists are also making comparisons between cold seep communities and hydrothermal vent communities. Hydrothermal vent communities were first discovered in the late

nineteen seventies. These communities are also found in deep ocean areas of darkness. In this case the fluids seeping from the ocean floor are hot. The sulfide used in the chemosynthetic process

comes from the decay and decomposition of dead organisms rather than from sulfide found in the earth’s crust. In these communities, giant tubeworms seem to be the main type of organism present. They also have symbiotic bacteria that provide food for them. What are scientists still trying to find out? And why? Scientists are continuing to study these deep water environments. Many questions still remain unanswered. They are taking a closer look at the ecology and energy flow through these systems. Scientists are trying to determine what factors influence the type and number of organisms that live in a particular area. They are comparing life forms found in various cold seep communities. They are also interested in learning more about how productivity at this level affects other areas. This information could be helpful to us as we continue to develop management plans to save our natural resources.

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Activity: Underwater Exploration

As technology advances, smaller and smaller machines are capable of doing higher precision work in minute spaces. This technology has found a place in marine science as underwater vehicles have advanced from remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) requiring the constant attention of researchers to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). At a fraction of the size of their

predecessors, these sleek new models can be programmed and left on the ocean bottom to be recovered at a later date. Objectives: Participants will experience the challenges facing scientists as they develop technologies to collect specimens found far below the ocean surface. Materials: • Markers to designate the playing area • Items for groups to collect such as inflatables, stuffed animals, balls, or other

small objects • Items to use for collection devices such as sand shovels and tongs • Paper or index cards and a writing device Procedure: 1. Explain that microsystems are important components of larger machines. In

this activity the participants will become a remotely operated vehicle with microsystem components controlling the collection process.

2. Tell participants that they will be working in groups or teams and each member will be a part of the underwater vehicle.

3. The groups or vehicles for round one will each have four components: Brain-will direct the vehicle with verbal commands, will position the arms for collecting, and will carry out the orders of the scientist Camera-will survey the collection area and focus on specific collection sites Two Manipulator Arms-will collect the desired specimen and will deposit it in the collection receptacle

4. Tell participants that in their group of four, the two participants representing manipulator arms will be visually impaired (not able to see). The only member of the group that may speak is the brain. The brain may only give directional information such as forward, back, up, down, left, or right.

5. Have the participants divide into groups of four. 6. Help groups form their underwater vehicle by positioning people in the

following order from front to back: camera, robotic arms, brain. Individuals will be lined up facing the back of the person in front of them with hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. Give each of the two center people (manipulator arms) a collection device (shovel, tongs, etc.).

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7. Have groups navigate by walking onto the playing field. Give the command to

“survey”. The group walks in unison through the playing field while the camera lens moves back and forth taking pictures of the area.

8. The scientist stops the group in the desired area. (Specimens to be surveyed are placed in the “ocean”.)

9. (The scientist gives the brain a card with the name of the item to be collected.) Scientist gives the verbal command to “collect”. The brain moves the arms into the collecting mode. (The “arms” are positioned on either side of the camera. Each “arm” has one hand on the shoulder of the camera lens and the other hand holding a collection device.) The brain gives the manipulator arms verbal directional signals. (The brain may not actually help or position the manipulator arms.)

10. The item must be picked up by using both manipulator arms and placed in the collection area.

11. The arms are returned to their “survey” positions. 12. The vehicle receives the command to return to the surface. 13. The specimen is safely deposited in the collection area. 14. Discuss the problems encountered and the solutions. Remind participants

that technology is continually improving. How could this technology be improved? (Perhaps by having fewer parts completing the task or better positioning of parts.)

15. Repeat the activity using suggestions from the group. For instance, have the vehicle composed of only two components (people): a combination brain and camera (one person), and a set of manipulator arms working in unison (another person).

16. Discuss how the process became easier and more efficient when the vehicle became smaller. Compare this to the use of MEMS in the newest autonomous underwater vehicles.

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Student Information: Deep Ocean Adventures

The deep ocean bottom is an exciting place to explore, but half the fun is getting there. People have designed vehicles that can dive into these totally dark areas and send back pictures to scientists onboard ships. Some of these vehicles are called autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), because they are not connected to the ship. Others are called remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), because they are attached to the surface with fiber optic cables. The scientist onboard the ship controls these vehicles as they maneuver through underwater caves and deep canyons taking pictures and collecting samples. Sometimes scientists even get to explore under the water in submersibles. The scientists themselves can pilot these machines and get an up-close look at the strange and wondrous world below the ocean’s surface. Some scientists using these machines have discovered new underwater communities in the

dark ocean depths. One of these communities is alive with clams that get their food energy from bacteria. This “cold seep” community is located near cracks in the ocean bottom where fluid is escaping. Some of the compounds found in this fluid are captured by symbiotic bacteria. Symbiotic bacteria live within the gills of the clams. These bacteria then use the chemical energy of compounds found in the seeping fluids to grow and produce food for the clam. This process is called chemosynthesis. Scientists were very surprised to find these communities on the ocean bottom. They didn’t think that animals such as clams could live without sunlight. They are now studying how these animals live and what types of adaptations they have. There are still many questions to be answered. Perhaps someday you will be a scientist helping to solve the mysteries of the ocean depths.

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Monterey Bay Vocabulary

Aerobic-pertaining to an organism that must live in the presence of oxygen Algae-aquatic, photosynthetic organisms ranging from single-celled forms to the giant kelp Anaerobic-pertaining to an organism that lives without atmospheric oxygen Autotroph-an organism that produces its own food Bacteria-microscopic one-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus Baleen-elastic horny material that makes up the fringed plates found in the upper jaw of cetaceans; This material is used to strain plankton from the water. Budding-a form of asexual reproduction; Outgrowths may form on the parent and later separate from the parent and become new organisms. Some organisms put out “runners” that then create new individuals. Others, like sea anemones, walk around and leave little pieces behind that then form new anemones. Chemosynthesis-the production of organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water using energy from chemical reactions rather than from sunlight Cnidaria-a phylum of gelatinous animals with stinging cells Community-a group of organisms living and interacting with one another in a specific region Cornea-the eye’s transparent covering Diatom-microscopic plant-like organisms having cell walls made of silica Ecosystem-a community of living organisms and their non-living environment Food Chain-the order of transfer of matter and energy from one organism to another in the form of food Food Web-a series of interconnected food chains Forage-search for food Gill-organ used by aquatic animals to absorb oxygen from the water

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Hermaphrodite-organism with both male and female reproductive parts, not necessarily at the same time Heterotroph-an organism that does not produce its own food Hydrogen Sulfide-a colorless, flammable, poisonous gas having a characteristic rotten egg odor; H2S Interdependent-mutually reliant Intertidal-region between the high tide and low tide mark Invertebrate-an animal without a backbone or spinal column (not a vertebrate) Keratin-a protein that is the main component of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs Krill-any of the small shrimp-like crustaceans of the family Euphausiidae Lens-the part of the eye that focuses light rays on the retina to make an image Mammal-warm-blooded vertebrate that nurses its young and has hair or fur Marine Sanctuary-area set aside to protect natural and cultural resources in marine environments Medusa-the cnidarian stage that has a bell with a mouth on the ventral surface and tentacles that point downward; jelly Mesoglea-substance that makes up the watery portion of a jelly’s body Methane-an odorless, colorless, flammable gas; CH4 Mollusc-the common name for animals with soft bodies, mantles, and shells in the Phylum Mollusca; Clams, mussels, snails, squids, and octopuses are all molluscs. Nematocyst-stinging cell that contains poison or adhesive elements Otolith-earstone found in the ear canal of fish and used for body orientation (also used for aging fish) Photosynthesis-the chemical process by which plants (algae and some bacteria) make their own food; the process uses carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and sunlight

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Phytoplankton-microscopic plant-like plankton (algae and bacteria) that drift near the water’s surface; the base of almost all food webs in the ocean and in fresh water Polyp-the sessile stage of a jelly that reproduces through budding or strobilation Predator-any animal that catches and eats other animals Protein-complex organic compounds made of amino acids Retina-the area of the eye that contains light receptors Strobilation-a mode of reproduction used by scyphomedusae polyps to produce new medusae Submersible-a manned or unmanned underwater vehicle used for scientific research and military operations Sessile-permanently attached Symbiosis-a relationship between two distinct organisms that can either be mutualistic (both benefit), parasitic (one benefits, one is harmed), or commensalistic (one benefits, one is not helped nor harmed). All three are types of symbiosis. For algae in jellies/sea anemones, the symbiotic relationship is a mutualistic one. Tether-a rope, chain, or the like, by which an instrument is fastened to a fixed object to limit its range of movement or it may be used to convey information in both directions-e.g. Some remote vehicles use fiber optic and copper cables enclosed in a tether. Tide-periodic change in the level of the ocean caused by the gravitational pull between the earth and the moon and the sun Tidepool-pools of water found in rocky depressions along coastlines; These pools are left behind by the outgoing tides. Tissue-a group of cells working together to perform a specific function

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Monterey Bay References

American Cetacean Society. Blue Whale at bluewhl.htm 5 October 2001. “Bacteria”. Encarta. Online. 2 October 2001. Barry, Jim. Cold Seep Communities at

Sitechar/cold1.html Online. 21 August 2001. Barry, Jim. Phone interview. 28 September 2001. Blue Whale at Online. 5 October 2001. “Cnidaria”. Cnidaria (Coelenterata) at eukaryotes/animals/cnidaria/cnida… Online. 10 October 2001. “Cubozoans”. An Introduction to Cubozoa: The Box Jellies! at Online. 10 October 2001. Deans, Nora L., ed. The Natural History of the Monterey Bay National Marine

Sanctuary. Monterey Bay: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, 1997. “Deep Ocean Exploration”. Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute. Preliminary video. 24 December 1998. “Jellies”. at Online. 12 October 2001. “Jelly’s Life”. A Jelly’s Life at Online. 12 October 2001. Matsumoto, George. Written correspondence. 10 October 2001. Mineral Management Services. Chemosynthetic Communities at http:// Online. 5 June 2001. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Monterey Bay at Online. 25 September 2001. Robison, Bruce, and Judith Connor. The Deep Sea. Monterey Bay: Monterey Bay Aquarium Press, 1999.

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Sea Dwellers. Moon Jellyfish at venomdwellers/moonjelly.html Online. 12 October 2001. Tidepool at Online. 10 October 2001. Tidepool at Online. 10 October 2001.