effective records management seminar ateneo de zamboanga, 5-6 february 2009 counter- disaster :...

Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

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Page 1: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

Effective Records Management SeminarAteneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009

Counter-Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery

ByFe Angela M. Verzosa

Page 2: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

Topics to be covered

The nature of disastersDisaster preparedness, response

& recoveryRisk assessmentCreating the disaster planDisaster ResponseDisaster Recovery: Salvage issues

and strategies

Page 3: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

FocusFocus will be on collections disaster preparedness, response and recovery

However, other factors, such as human safety, will be mentioned because the many players in a disaster need to work together.

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Page 5: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa


Disaster“An occurrence causing widespread

destruction and distress; a catastrophe.”

Emergency“A serious situation or occurrence that

happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action.”

(American Heritage Dictionary. 3rd ed., 1996)

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Cause of DisastersNatural causes

EarthquakesFiresFloodsTyphoonsVolcanic eruptions

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Cause of disasters Man-made disasters

Biological contamination Chemical spill Civil disturbance and terrorism Construction failure Electrical power failure Electronic computer failure Explosions (bombs) Fire (arson) Gas leak

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Cause of disasters Man-made disasters

Human error and carelessness Nuclear disasters Robbery Sewage overflow Accidental sprinkler activation Strikes Toxic fumes Vandalism War Water overflows

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Disaster Planning

95% of disasters result in water damage; even fire damage is accompanied by water damage.

Libraries must be prepared for all disasters, natural and man made, that may occur at their institution.

The cost of not being prepared may be loss of life, loss of the materials, or, ultimately, the loss of the institution or business.

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Objectives of Disaster Planning

To protect people, libraries and materials To avoid a disaster by being pro-active To reduce possibility of a disaster and to

reduce effects if a disaster happensTo expedite response and recovery efforts

in an organized and systematic manner if there is a disaster by having contacts and information needed consolidated in a single plan, and by familiarizing staff with disaster response options and activities

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Elements of a library disaster Plan

Safety and security of people

The building Administration records for

“business continuity” The collections Library services

Disaster Plan

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Elements of a library disaster Plan

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Activities in Disaster Planning

Disaster preparedness and prevention

Disaster responseDisaster recoveryDisaster follow-up and

planning update

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Page 15: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

Tasks of disaster planning

Develop a working relationship with parent organization and community, i.e., university disaster team, city disaster management, fire department

Risk Assessment: Identify, assess and mitigate potential risks and hazards

Identify insurance policies, spending authority and emergency funds

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Disaster Preparedness involves these activities…

Assess collections and assign priorities for salvage

Identify disaster recovery resources, including institutional assistance, vendors, consultants, conservators

Secure a budget for supplies and training activities

Purchase and distribute in-house supplies (which should be inventoried)

Analyze impact on services

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Disaster Preparedness – more activities…

Review policies and procedures for disasters and/or emergencies

Write the disaster plan, distribute, or better, put on the website

Secure offsite backupsTrain staffConduct pre-planned tests of the planReview and report every emergency Modify plan from drills and experience Update plan regularly

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Risk Assessment

Identify and assess risks

What is the likelihood of something occurring?

If something were to occur, what would be the loss?

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Risk Assessment

1- Survey BuildingSite of buildingLandscapeBuilding materials and structureFire Protection (sprinklers, type)Utilities (water, electrical, etc)CustodialSecurityCommunication Systems

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Risk Assessment

2- The conclusion of the Assessment should be to know:Where are my biggest risks?

3- Take preventive actions or regularly monitor or “alarm” those risks.What can we do to bring the

greatest good?

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Risk Assessment Category Probability and Effect Examples

1 High probability- High Effect Fire, typhoon

flood, roof leaks

2 High probability- Low Effect theft, vandalism

3 Low probability- High Effect earthquake,nuclear war,tsunami, explosion

4 Low probability- Low Effect collapse ofbookshelf, collapsed


Page 22: Effective Records Management Seminar Ateneo de Zamboanga, 5-6 February 2009 Counter- Disaster : Planning, Response and Recovery By Fe Angela M. Verzosa

Elements of a Disaster Plan

1- Quick Reference Guide Procedures for immediate response to most

common disasters Done with Security and Building personnel

2- Basic informationEmergency phone numbersBuilding officer/personnelPost evacuation meeting locationsLocation of disaster suppliesList of vendorsFloor plans with fire alarms, exits, etc.

3- Disaster Team

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Disaster Team

The disaster management team will depend on individual institution size, resources and staffing patterns

Staff selected should have experience with: Administration activities, i.e., public relations,

finance, & personnel The physical building The collection and materials Preservation practices Library services, including reference, circulation Computer services

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Disaster Team - examples

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Disaster Team - examples Head of Preservation

Department Head of Administrative

Services Building Manager Head of Security Circulation Librarian Reference Librarian Branches /Special

Collections representative

Systems Head

Disaster response and recovery coordinator

Building manager Collection recovery

coordinator Services recovery

coordinator Computer systems

recovery coordinator Documentation manager Bibliographic services

manager Library personnel Head

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Elements of a disaster plan

4- Collection prioritiesPriority 1: Irreplaceable materials

Priority 2: Materials essential to provide basic services or to library operation, materials required by law

Priority 3: Replaceable materials, i.e., core collections, areas of excellence, materials of high research value

Priority 4: Nice to have, but not essentialPriority 5: “Do not salvage” list

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Elements of a Disaster Plan

5- Disaster scale and recovery operations

Level 1: Emergency Minor incidents that do not interrupt library

operations Handled by minimal staffing in less than 4 hours Any damaged materials are handled in-house

Level 2: Small disaster Limited to isolated area Damages of less than 100 items Requires 1-3 staff members Disruptions resume within a day Supplies available in-house Damaged materials treated in-house

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Elements of a Disaster Plan

5- Disaster scale & recovery operations

Level 3: Medium disasterDamages of less than 500 itemsService operations resumed within

48 hoursOutside vendors may be needed

Level 4: Major/large scale disaster or wide-area disaster

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Elements of a Disaster Plan6- Procedures for disaster recovery

General GuidelinesRecovery of mold materialsFreezing of materials

Vacuum freeze drying Vacuum drying or thermal vacuum drying Freezer drying Dehumidification

Air drying of materialsGuidelines for paper-based


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General Emergency Guidelines

Use common sense Know the location of emergency exits Know the location of building alarms, how

and when to use them Locate the Disaster

Response Kit When the emergency

is over, record and report the incident

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Guidelines for Paper-based Materials

Books Freeze or dry within 48 hours to avoid mold growth

and to minimize distortion Immediately freeze books with coated paper,

keeping them wet until they can be frozen Work first on books that have fallen on the floor,

coated paper, the wettest materials If books are wet and tightly packed on shelves,

remove one or two so that they do not burst off the shelves as they swell (and incur further damage as they fall)

Do not open volumes, or close those that have fallen open

Handle one item at a time, using both hands Do not press water out of wet books--the paper is

too fragile when wet

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Guidelines for Paper-based Materials

Unbound Paper Stable materials - freeze or dry within 48 hours

to avoid mold growth Soluble inks and pigments - immediately freeze

or dry Coated paper - immediately freeze or dry Do not try to separate single sheets (except to

air dry) Keep documents in order and retain

documentary information Do not blot surfaces of documents that have

soluble media

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Recovery Methods for Wet Paper-based Materials

Air Drying - Materials are dried by spreading them out and/or interleaving them with absorbent paper in a work space in which the temperature and relative humidity are kept below 65° F and 35% RH, and fans are used to keep air circulating.

Freezing - Wet materials are stabilized by freezing to allow time to plan for recovery. Freezing is an interim step. Materials must be air dried or vacuum freeze dried after being removed from the freezer. Mold will not grow, and further distortion is halted once materials are frozen. Rapid freezing minimizes damage from ice crystals.

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- Stand books on their heads - Interleave absorbent paperevery 50 pages- Use fan to keep air circulating- Keep temperaturebelow 65 degree F-When dry, lay booksflat but not stackup together


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Recovery Methods for Wet Paper-based Materials

Vacuum Freeze Drying - After materials are frozen to prevent further distortion and mold growth, frozen materials are dried in a vacuum chamber. Materials remain frozen as water is removed. The water passes from a solid state (ice) directly to a vapor state.

Vacuum Drying (vacuum thermal drying) - Wet or frozen materials are dried in a vacuum chamber. A vacuum is drawn, heated air is put into the chamber, and a vacuum is applied again to pull out the moisture. Books distort more than when vacuum freeze dried. A lower-cost alternative for materials of lesser value, esp. large quantities of unbound paper without intrinsic value .

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Recovery Methods for Wet Paper-based Materials

Dehumidification - Materials are dried in their place on shelves by large commercial dehumidifiers that are brought on site. Temperature and relative humidity in the area should be controlled. Books distort more than when vacuum freeze dried. Use for moderately wet books.

Freezer Drying - Materials are put in a freezer for months. Over time moisture sublimates out of the materials. Use for a few wet books.

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Disaster Response

The actual response to an emergency or disaster

depends on: Scope of the disaster Nature of the disaster Timing of the disaster Part of the facility and collection affected Staff available for response Available supplies and equipment

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Disaster Response

The speed and manner of disaster response is often critical to the recovery, rehabilitation, and final outcome.

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Checklist of First Response Step 1 – Make sure people are safe. Step 2 – Make a rapid assessment of the

emergency situation. Step 3 – Protect the collections from further

damage. Step 4 – Notify, or verify notification of,

people and programs that are designated to respond in an emergency.

Step 6 – Work with Facilities staff members to stabilize the environment.

Step 7 – Do a comprehensive assessment of damage to the collections.

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Step 7 – assessment of damage

Identify the types of materials damaged, and estimate quantities:

Bound volumes Unbound paper Microforms Photographic prints and negatives Videotape, audio tape Motion picture film Other

Identify the nature of the damage, e.g., materials might be:Damp Wet Smoke-damaged Fire-damaged Dirty Contaminated by bacteria or other dangerous substances

Photograph affected areas.

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Checklist - Others

Step 8 – Determine if an outside commercial response service is required.

Step 9 – If an outside service is not required, implement salvage activities.

Step 10 – Keep detailed records:Areas affected Items affected Locations of items being salvaged Salvage methods

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Disaster Response

Disaster response activities include:1- Stabilize the environment

Control the temperature & humidityIncrease ventilationTurn on air conditioning if possible

to retard moldSafety or security problems?Arrange for environmental testingContinue environmental monitoring

of the whole building

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Disaster Response

2- Assess the situationConduct the walk throughLook for structural damageLevel of damage to the collectionsProvide documentation and

photographsReview service areas and other

patron accessible areasReview staff offices and work space

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Disaster Response

4- Perform initial recovery preparations Identify staging area for collection

recoverySetting up a command center and/or off-

site recovery area

5- If necessary, activate the disaster plan

3- Estimate time of reoccupation or need for relocation site

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Disaster Response Guidelines

DO NOT touch anything electrical remove collection items from the

disaster area enter the area until Security

determines it is safe to do so

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wear protective clothing (gloves, aprons, masks, and helmets) in the disaster area

use supplies from the disaster bins, which contain supplies to protect yourself, protect collection items or to clean up the area

contact Security immediately

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Safety in the Workplace

DO: *carry loads close to the body and use

leg muscles to lift *avoid twisting, side bending or

excess bending of your back*use kick stools or steps to remove items from shelves, working from the top to the bottom*vary work tasks to prevent muscle strain*rotate tasks every 30 minutes

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Disaster Recoveryincludes all operations after the initial

response including restoration of the collections and/or services

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Disaster Recovery

Reference Circulation Interlibrary Loan Computer access to online catalog and

electronic resources Other patron services, i.e., children’s story


1- Provide continuity of service for:

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Disaster Recovery 2- Restore the collection

Gather data on the collections Type of materials Status of online database Record of holdings Typical information the insurance

people might ask for Decide the immediate action plan

Salvage priorities Instructions for special formats Availability of supplies and equipment Vendor or in-house recovery

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Disaster Recovery

3- Create and implement a plan for processing materials back into the collection Review options: restoration,

repurchase, gifts, discard and start anew, alternate format

Review specifications, staffing, budget, space, supplies, etc.

Determine the role of experts or consultants

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Disaster Recovery

Time for recovery may be as short of a few hours or up to several years.

Whatever the damage, the collection will never be exactly the same.

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Disaster Follow-up

All activities performed to mitigate another disaster, including:Revision of the disaster planChange in policies and proceduresReview of the disaster

management teamRetraining of staffModification of the facilitiesAssessment of risk management

needsReview of insurance needs

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Disaster Plan Testing

Identify scope, objectives, format

Determine type of testSet time and durationDecide if scheduled or

unscheduled??Identify participantsEstablish reporting and

evaluation processAnticipate outcomes

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Disaster Plan Testing

Types of testsChecklist testingShort planned drills, i.e., fire

drill, earthquake drill, etc.Table top exercise (talk

through the exercise)Pre-planned exercise Simulation testing (disaster

is acted out)Full disaster plan test

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