effective pbis meetings

March 6 th , 2013 Learning Supports Conference Effective PBIS meetings

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Effective PBIS meetings. March 6 th , 2013 Learning Supports Conference. For More Effective Presentations Avoid Excessive Bullet Points. And too many graphics!. Agenda. Introduction of presenters Gathering the Team Roles of the team Agenda Time Management Using the data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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March 6th, 2013Learning Supports Conference

Effective PBIS meetings

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And too many graphics!

Page 3: Effective PBIS meetings

1. Introduction of presenters2. Gathering the Team3. Roles of the team4. Agenda5. Time Management6. Using the data7. Using other tools8. Keeping it moving9. Communication of the meeting- decision and



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T. E. A. M.

Page 5: Effective PBIS meetings

How did you choose your teams?Representation of all grade levels, staff

levels, parent involvement, student voiceWere abilities considered? (i.e.

technology, training, experience, leadership skills)

Size of the teamTier 1, 2, 3 (number of the team members)How often do you meet?How often should you meet?

Gathering the Team

Page 6: Effective PBIS meetings

Core rolesFacilitatorMinute takerData analystActive team memberAdministrator

Backup for each role


Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished

training manual.

Define Roles for Effective Meetings

Typically NOT the administrator

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Who is Responsible?Action Person Responsible

Reserve Room

Recruit items for Agenda

Review data prior to the meeting

Reserve projector and computer for meeting

Keep discussion focused

Record Topics and Decisions on agenda/minutesEnsure that problems are defined with precisionEnsure that solutions have action plans

Provide “drill down” data during discussion

End on time

Prepare minutes and send to all members



Data Analyst

Minute Taker


Minute Taker



Data Analyst


Minute Taker

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The meeting objective could be any or all of these:

1. Decisions2. Generate ideas3. Status reports4. Discussion in the meeting5. Making plans6. Communication of Results

Objective of the Agenda

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Meeting Foundations ElementsFour features of effective meetings

1. Predictability2. Participation3. Accountability4. Communication

Define roles & responsibilitiesFacilitator, Minute Taker, Data

AnalystUse electronic meeting minutes

formatNewton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B.

(2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished

training manual.

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PrioritiesResultsParticipantsSequenceTimingDate and TimePlaceOnce the agenda is prepared USE IT!

Factors for preparing the agenda

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How do you know how much time an item should take?

Meetings should start and stop on time:

Being on time is importantIf a critical person is 15 minutes late in

an 8 person meeting that person has cost the organization 2 hours of productivity


Time Management

Page 15: Effective PBIS meetings

90,000 public schools in the United States

Each school has 1+ teams to address

challenges and build solutions

Each team meets at least monthly

On average there are 5 people on each team

810,000 hours of meetings

4,050,000 hours of personal

time annually

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CommitteesHow many committees do you serve on?

Are there committees working on the same thing?

Have you considered combining any of the committees?

Does PBIS have to be another committee?

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PBIS big 51. The average number of major referrals per

month2. The location of referrals3. The tier data referral by student4. The event type of the referrals5. What time are most of the referrals Dirty Data Video

Using the data

Page 19: Effective PBIS meetings


Check In–Check Out(CICO)

SAIG Social/AcademicGroups

Bobcat BoosterGroups/Math Int.

Individualized Classroom CnC and mentoring

Brief Function Based Interventions

Complex FBA/BIP(Special Ed. And Regular Ed.)


#Students Participating

#Students Responding







#Students Participating





#Students Responding

August 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 12 12 21 18 0 0September 0 0 16 13 0 0 6 6 25 23 21 18 0 0October 8 5 28 25 46 NA 6 5 30 27 21 18 0 0November 12 2 32 29 46 40 6 6 31 27 21 18 0 0December 13 7 22 20 48 46 6 6 21 20 22 18 0 0January 16 12 20 19 0 0 6 6 33 30 24 18 1 1FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune

Revised 12/3/2012

Data-based Decision-rules for defining “response to intervention”: Please list below your data-based decision-rule to determine youth “response” for each of the six levels of intervention. Ex. Students received 80% or better on Daily Progress Report for 4 consecutive weeks.•Responding to Check-in/Check-out (CICO): Success for CICO at 65% of possible points at start of program. Goal increases over the school year.•Responding to Social/Academic Instructional Groups: Programs would include counselor groups, remedial groups, and Shining Stars Program (Counselor determined). Student has no new ODR’s, has improved on post test of group and skills have transferred to classroom per teacher report.•Responding to Intensive Instructional Groups: Students who have shown academic growth or maintained academic level during the period as reported by intensive teachers. These groups will include Bobcat Boosters (Reading) and Math Intensive•Responding to individualized classroom CnC and/or mentoring: Teacher based programs, individual mentors and students who may not have been brought to PSP show improvement in daily/weekly report and SWIS/Tableau data•Responding to Brief Function-based interventions: Brief FBA and BIP written or can be recommended individual sessions with the guidance counselor, Success Street, or PSP recommendation of behavioral interventions. Student shows improvement on daily report and in SWIS/Tableau data•Responding to a Complex/Multiple-life domain FBA/BIP: Most likely to be students who are in Sp. Ed. Or being considered for Sp.Ed. SN teachers/PSP targeted student. Improvement reported by Special Education roster teacher.•Responding to Wraparound Support: Wraparound team would report on progress of any students in wraparound services. Student shows progress in SIMEO report

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Goal October November December January February March April MayKendrick12/3

24 11/1291.6


Daniel2/11 24Tamaris10/22-11/19

24 3/743



24 5/772





27 8/8100





24 5/862


No Data 11/1291.6


24 3/743




Mykel 2/4 24Fabiola 11/26 24 5/5




24 14/1593


24 14/1593


24 5/1533



Jesus 10/22 24 6/875





29 7/888





29 6/875



24 3/560




24 7/7100




Jeanna 2/4 24Amiri11/5

24 2/1712




24 12/1681

#responding vs # in program





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Got Data?

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PBIS recommends sharing the big five data monthly

How do you share the data?

Sharing the Data

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How are you moving?

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Keep teams on trackGet Un-stuckMove the Road BlocksClarify ObjectivesLimit Side conversationsUse Data for On-going Problem Solving

Keeping it Moving

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Go around road blocks or Go over road blocks

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Problem Solving Components (Bransford & Stein, 1984)

I •Identify the problem

D •Define the problem

E •Explore possible solutions and select appropriate strategy

A •Act on the strategy

L •Look back and evaluate the effects of activities

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Agenda Item

Discussion Action Taken By Whom?

SWIS Data 1. Average referrals per day was very high in December (about double for what it should)

2. We have had an upswing in bullying/harassment/physical aggression

3. New peak of majors at 12:45; is this a recess issue?

4. We have 259 majors so far this year. At this point last year we were at 156.

1. Staff has been working hard to document behaviors; students need to be held accountable2. Continue to reward positive behaviors3. Encourage classroom meetings, build community3. Bus monitors, bus gotcha’s helping

1. teams on check in, wrap around team2. teachers3. Para’s helping out, bus driver’s passing out gotcha’s


1. Staff needs to be filling out every part of the minors

2. Staff takes care of minors while admin. takes care of majors

3. Students should only be sent down to the office after their 3rd minor

4. Bus referrals are down5. Physical aggression, disrespect,

and harassment make up 75% of all majors

1. PBIS will address these issues at the January 25 PD

1. teachers, para’s, principal, interventionist

Tracking Tools

1. Out of the 19 students involved in CICO, 16 of them are responding positively2. There are 37 social/academic groups in the building

1. Individual plan for students that aren’t responding to CICO2. We will continue to track progress of students in intensive

1. Behavior team, CICO teachers, guidance counselor, PSP team 2. Other designated CICO people will help out in either the morning or afternoon.3. Intensive teacher

Communication of the Meeting

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Agenda Item Discussion Action taken By Whom?Item’s from Mindy

1. A PBIS report for the building must be completed by January 15th

1. Susan sent an email to Mindy for clarification and guidance

2. Susan, John, and Daniel are working on the report

1. PBIS committee

1. Go over expectations with your class; hallway guidelines and bathroom expectations

2. Should we have a formal bathroom expectation seminar for the students?

3. Everybody should follow the posters on the hallway walls

1. Teachers have been doing a great job going over expectations with their class.

1. Teachers are responsible for teaching expectations

2. Teachers remind students about bathroom procedures.

WOW assembly

1. 5th grade students want to do an inspirational dance for us

2. We will play the bullying video from last time to begin

3. WOW winners4. Writing WOW notes for kids

who are always good (don’t get recognized as much)

5. Hosted by John6. Responding to emails about


1. Hopefully by playing video will help keep kids calm.

2. Can’t win a medal two months in a row.

3. Please be giving the kids who are always good WOW notes. We tend to focus on giving WOW notes to those who are not always showing the pillars when they do.

4. John will be hosting and someone else will be introduces the speaker

5. We as a PBIS committee will not be asking twice for winners if you do not choose a KOC or any of the other awards there will not be a winner for that award.

1. PBIS team2. PBIS team3. PBIS team- we are

keeping track of who is winning

4. Teachers5. John6. Teachers/PBIS


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BulletinGossipStaff MemoParking lot talkStaff Common DriveEmailLoud Speaker

What would be most effective in your school?

Other Ways to Communicate

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• Questions