eesti keele ressursid keeleteaduse allikmaterjalina

Eesti keele ressursid keeleteaduse allikmaterjalina Kadri Muischnek

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Eesti keele ressursid keeleteaduse allikmaterjalina. Kadri Muischnek TÜ. Overview of the talk. What are language resources Language corpora what are corpora and what are they good for some corpora of Estonian at UT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Eesti keele ressursid keeleteaduse allikmaterjalina

Kadri MuischnekTÜ

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Overview of the talk

What are language resourcesLanguage corpora

what are corpora and what are they good forsome corpora of Estonian at UT what should be borne in mind while using these corporauser interfaces and facilities, such as

user interface morphology-aware user interface www.keeleveeb.eecollocation extraction tool frequency lists

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What is the difference between a dialect and a language?Some time ago:Language is a dialect with an army and a navy (Uriel Weinreich)Nowadays:A language is a dialect with a dictionary, grammar, parser and a

multi-million corpus (Lars Borin)

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Language resources

Language resources – all knowledge sources based on language, including text corpora, lexicons, databases, formal grammar descriptions etc

Keeleressursid – elektroonilised andmekogud, sh tekstikogud e korpused, leksikonid, andmebaasid, formaalsed grammatikakirjeldused

Eesti keeleressursid vt

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Language corpora

What is a language corpus?Easy answer: an electronic text collectionIdeal: polyfunctional electronic text collection that consists of

texts that are chosen purposefully to give an full represenation of a language on a certain time span.Polüfunktsionaalne elektroonilisel kujul olev tekstikogu, millesse kuuluvad tekstid on valitud eesmärgipäraselt, nii et nendest koosnev tervik annaks tõepärase pildi kogu keelest (või mingist allkeelest)

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Language corpora 2

Size: depends on sublanguage, annotation etc Eesti keele Koondkorpus ca 245 million wordsDeutsches Referenzkorpus (DeReKo) or Mannheimer corpus ca

5,4 billion words (5,4 miljardit sõna)

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Representativeness and text classes

... texts that are chosen purposefully to give an full represenation of a language (or, at least, a of a certain part of the language) during a certain time span.

A corpus meeting this condition is called a representative corpus.

Let’s have a look at the text classes of the Brown/LOB-style corpus of Estonian:

Closed vs open corporaSyncronic vs diacronic corpora

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Määruse alusel § 3 lõikes 1 nimetatud taotleja kaudu põllumajandustoodete töötlejatele ning taotleja liikmetele, kes ei ole põllumajandustootjad ega põllumajandustoodete töötlejad, antav toetus on vähese tähtsusega abi komisjoni määruse nr 1998/2006, milles käsitletakse asutamislepingu artiklite 87 ja 88 kohaldamist vähese tähtsusega abi suhtes (ELT L 379, 28.12.2006, lk 5–10), mõistes;

a olks, sorri offtopicu eest.

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Corpora of written Estonian at CL.UT • Baaskorpus – written Estonian of the 1980sclosed, representative, 1 mio words• written Estonian from the period 1890-1990closed, partly?? representative, less text classes than in the

previous corpus• Koondkorpus (Reference corpus) 1990 –Open, new texts added constantly, ca 245 mio words at the

momentA subcorpus of the Reference corpus: the Balanced corpus: 5

mio words fiction texts, 5 mio words newspaper texts, 5 mio words science texts

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Corpora of written Estonian at CL.UT

How one can use these corpora:1) concordancer (a bit slow, regular expressions can be used)2) download the TEI XML – versions

We’ll talk about these later:3) morphology-aware user interfaces4) collocation extraction tool

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Corpus annotation

Annotation: adding some explicit information to the corpus, e.g

1) Structure of the text (paragraphs, sentences, non-text (tables, formulae etc)

2) Morphological information – lemmas, parts-of-speech, grammatical categories

3) Syntactic information - syntactic functions, phrases, the relations between words/phrases

4) Semantic information – word senses, semantic roles, etc etc5... And much more

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Morphological annotation

Mees + mees+0 //_S_ sg n, // mesi+s //_S_ sg in, //peeti peet+0 //_S_ adt, sg p, // + pida+ti //_V_ main indic impf imps af //kinni kinni+0 //_D_ //

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Morphologically annotated corpora of Estonian 000 words, manually double-checkedCan be used via user interface or downloaded (500 000 words)User interface – regular expressions can be used Let’s search for a impersonal verb + postposition pooltwww.keeleveeb.eeThe whole Koondkorpus (Reference Corpus), 245 mio wordsTagged automatically, statistical HMM trigram-based taggerSeveral systematic errors in the annotation, we are fixing them gradually

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Corpus query system at

Corpus can be queried for a word-form, a lemma, a grammatical category or a combination of those

A combination can be adjancency, co-occurence within a sentence or co-occurence within a clause

One can ask for occurences of a word/lemma that don’t co-occur with another word/lemma/grammatical category

Some examples: (based on fiction subcorpus)Can the noun kala really be used with the sid-ending in pl part?Can the word-form plehku be used without verbs pistma and

panema?Let’s again search for a clause containing an impersonal verb and a

postposition poolt

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Definitions:In computational linguisticsKollokatsioon statistilises mõttes on sõnade (või sõnavormide)

esinemine üksteise naabruses sagedamini, kui võiks eeldada nende endi sageduste põhjal, oletades, et sõnad üldiselt esinevad tekstis juhuslikult.

In linguistics mõistetakse kollokatsioone ka kitsamalt – need on sellised sageli koos kasutatavate sõnade ühendid, mis ei mahu idioomi või ka ühendverbi definitsiooni alla.

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Probleemiks võõrkeelte õppimisel/kasutamisel:make a decision vs take a decision ??have a drink vs have an eat ??tähelepanu pöörama/osutama/suunama/keerama/panema ??mistõttu neid vajavad nt leksikograafid

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Collocations can be further dividedbased on semantic compositionality:

1) Idioms (idiomaatilisi verbiühendeid nimetatakse eesti keele gram. kirjelduses väljendverbideks)

Laseme jalga, löövad lokkuMiski seisab savist jalgadel2) Non-idioms, collocations in the linguistic sensekange kohv, tähelepanu pöörama, kartuleid võtma, marju


Of course, borderline cases exist: laulu lööma, tünga tegema

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Collocations can be further dividedbased on their syntactic structure, e.g:

1) Noun phrasekange kohv (vrd ingl strong coffee),ere näide, helge tulevik (nn püsiepiteedid)2) Verb + complement3) Particle verbpöörasin viimaks tähelepanu asjaolule, et …laseme siit kähku jalga, ajalehed löövad lokkuautod põrkasid kokku, sõdur jooksis vaenlase poole üle

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How to extract collocations from a text corpus?

1. Frequency1.1. Frequent word pairs (or trigrams etc): kange kohv1.2. Frequent word pairs (or trigrams etc), separated by several

intervening words: Kass laskis koerakuudi lähedusest kiiresti jalga.

But most frequent word pairs in Estonian text: ei ole, see on, ta on jne

2. In addition to frequency of the word combination, also the frequencies of the words outside the combination could be taken into account -> co-occurence statistics

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How to extract collocations from a text corpus? 2

In practice:Triibuline kass lasi koerakuudi juurest ruttu jalga.1. Word pairs:Variant A: adjacent pairstriibuline kass; kass lasi; lasi koerakuudi jneVariant B: words can be separated by up to n words; e.g n=3triibuline kass; triibuline lasi; triibuline koerakuudi; triibuline

juurest etc

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How to extract collocations from a text corpus? 2

Variant C: candidate pairs are formed combining all words in a clause, if the information about the clause boundaries is available

Whole sentence of a written language is too long context

Triibuline kass lasi koerakuudi juurest ruttu jalga, aga suur koer ajas teda haukudes taga.

Word pairs or lemma pairs?Morphology-based filtering – e.g only verb-particle combinations

are considered

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Collocation extraction tooläited – otsi verbe, mis kollokeeruvad sõnaga

eileOtsi verbe mis kollokeeruvad verbiga võimaOtsi verbe, mis kollokeeruvad määrsõnaga üleOtsi sõnu, mis kollokeeruvad sõnaga plehku

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Corpus-based frequency lists

Based on 1 million word corpus Based on 15 million word corpus

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15 mio (fiction + newspapers + science)639802 olema 403162 ja 263713 see 233960 tema 180248 mina 172779 ei 171666 et 127728 kui 124942 mis 100058 ka 78156 saama 76123 ning 66694 oma

1 mio(fiction + newspapers)44904 olema27232 ja21850 tema18441 see14011 mina13813 ei12318 et8600 kui8230 mis6194 ka5894 saama5738 oma5276 aga

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Eesti keeletehnoloogiaprojekte, sh ka neid, mille tulemustest siin juttu oli, rahastab Eesti Keeletehnoloogia Sihtprogramm

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