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ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ МИНИСТРЛІГІ МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН СЕМЕЙ ҚАЛАСЫНЫҢ ШӘКӘРІМ АТЫНДАҒЫ МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ имени ШАКАРИМА г.СЕМЕЙ Иностранная филология кафедрасы Кафедра иностранной филологии ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ по дисциплине «Формирование сельскохозяйственного тезауруса» для студентов 2 курса Количество кредитов - 3 Семестр – 1

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Иностранная филология кафедрасыКафедра иностранной филологии

ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ по дисциплине

«Формирование сельскохозяйственного тезауруса» для студентов 2 курса

Количество кредитов - 3Семестр – 1


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1 What is agriculture?

A. growing plants and raising animalsB. a large group of cultivated plants C. to make somethingD. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestE. no correct answer

2 What is crop?A. a large group of cultivated plantsB. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestC. growing plants and raising animalsD. to make somethingE. no correct answer

3 Domesticate means ….A. to tame an animalB. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestC. growing plants and raising animalsD. to make somethingE. no correct answer

4 Plant is …A. to put seeds in soil B. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestC. growing plants and raising animalsD. a large group of cultivated plants E. no correct answer

5 Cultivate is …A. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestB. a large group of cultivated plantsC. growing plants and raising animalsD. to make somethingE. no correct answer

6 What does produce mean?A. to make something B. to raise a crop from seeding to harvestC. growing plants and raising animalsD. a large group of cultivated plantsE. no correct answer

7 The river is the farmer’s ….A. water supply

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B. irrigationC. growing plants and raising animalsD. to make somethingE. no correct answer

8________ helps farmers grow crops in areas with little rainfall.A. irrigation B. water supplyC. growing plants and raising animalsD. to make somethingE. no correct answer

9 __________ includes raising animals and crops.A. farmingB. irrigationC. harvestingD. water supplyE. no correct answer

10 Farmers wait until crops are mature to start ______.A. harvesting B. irrigationC. farmingD. water supplyE. no correct answer

11 Translate the word “irrigation”:A. орошениеB. урожайC. растениеD. канаваE. no correct answer

12 Translate the word “harvest”:A. урожай B. орошениеC. растениеD. канаваE. no correct answer

13 Translate the word “plant”:A. растение B. орошениеC. урожайD. канава

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E. no correct answer

14 Translate the word “ditch”:A. канава B. орошениеC. растениеD. урожайE. no correct answer

15 Translate the word “legume”:A. плод бобовых B. фруктыC. дыняD. овощиE. no correct answer

16 Translate the word “tubers”:A. клубнеплодыB. фруктыC. плод бобовых D. овощиE. no correct answer

17 Translate the word “cereal”A. злакиB. фруктыC. дыняD. плод бобовых E. no correct answer

18 What does harvest mean?A. crops that have been gatheredB. a crop that grows underground C. a crop that has podsD. a type of large, sweet fruit E. no correct answer

19 What does tuber mean?A. a crop that grows underground B. crops that have been gatheredC. a crop that has podsD. a type of large, sweet fruit E. no correct answer

20 What does legume mean?

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A. a crop that has pods B. a crop that grows underground C. crops that have been gatheredD. a type of large, sweet fruit E. no correct answer

21 What does cereal mean?A. a crop that produces grain B. a crop that grows underground C. crops that have been gatheredD. a type of large, sweet fruit E. no correct answer

22 What does farmer’s market mean?A. a group of farmers selling cropsB. a crop that grows underground C. crops that have been gatheredD. a type of large, sweet fruit E. no correct answer

23 What does melon mean?A. a type of large, sweet fruit B. a crop that grows underground C. crops that have been gatheredD. a group of farmers selling cropsE. no correct answer

24 A crop that grows underground is …A. tuber B. melonC. cerealD. legumeE. no correct answer

25 Crops that have been gathered are …A. harvestB. melonC. cerealD. legumeE. no correct answer

26 A crop that has pods is …A. legume B. melonC. cereal

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D. tuberE. no correct answer

27 Translate the word meat:A. мясо B. копытаC. молокоD. кожаE. no correct answer

28 Translate the word leather:A. кожа B. копытаC. молокоD. мясоE. no correct answer

29 Translate the word wool:A. шерсть B. копытаC. молокоD. кожаE. no correct answer

30 Translate the word bone:A. костьB. копытаC. молокоD. кожаE. no correct answer

31 Translate the word hooves:A. копыта B. костьC. молокоD. кожаE. no correct answer

32 _______ is an important food source.A. milkB. bonesC. meatD. proteinE. no correct answer

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33 Many clothes are made of _____.A. woolB. bonesC. meatD. hoovesE. no correct answer

34 ________ is often used to cover furniture.A. leatherB. bonesC. meatD. proteinE. no correct answer

35 Plant products and meat contain ______.A. protein B. bonesC. meatD. milkE. no correct answer

36 Humans have always used animals for _____.A. meat B. bonesC. milkD. proteinE. no correct answer

37 ______ are used in many common products.A. by-productsB. bonesC. meatD. proteinE. no correct answer

38 Too much oily substance from plants and animals is unhealthy.A. fatB. bonesC. hoovesD. tallowE. no correct answer

39 Hard materials that give a body structure are a by-product.A. bones B. fat

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C. hoovesD. tallowE. no correct answer

40 The hard feet of animals are used to make tape.A. hooves B. bonesC. fatD. tallowE. no correct answer

41 Soap is made by melting animal fat.A. renderingB. bonesC. hoovesD. tallowE. no correct answer

42 Fat that used to make candles is also used in soap.A. tallow B. bonesC. hoovesD. fatE. no correct answer

43 Translate the word почва:A. soilB. clayC. humusD. tallowE. no correct answer

44 Translate the word чернозем:A. humus B. clayC. soilD. tallowE. no correct answer

44 Translate the word глина:A. clay B. humusC. soilD. tallowE. no correct answer

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45 A material made of small pieces of rock and mineral is …A. sand B. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

46 A material that is deposited by water is …A. silt B. sandC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

47 Rock and minerals that eventually form soil is …A. parent material B. siltC. soilD. sandE. no correct answer

48 A layer of material that plants grow in is …A. soil B. siltC. sandD. parent materialE. no correct answer

49 The size of particles in a soil is …A. soil textureB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

50 Having a lot of material in a small space is …A. denseB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

51 Some ____ hold more water than others.A. soil structuresB. silt

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C. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

52 Crops don’t grow well in pure _____ soil.A. clayB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

53 Use ____ to add nutrients to soil.A. humusB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

54 ________ provides roots with air.A. aerationB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

55 _____ is a mix of three soil types.A. loamB. siltC. soilD. parent materialE. no correct answer

56 Translate the word Hygiene:A. гигиенаB. прогрессC. вакцинацияD. санитарияE. no correct answer

57 Translate the word Vaccination:A. вакцинация B. прогрессC. гигиенаD. санитарияE. no correct answer

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58 Translate the word Sanitation:A. санитария B. прогрессC. вакцинацияD. гигиенаE. no correct answer

59 Translate the word Животноводство:A. animal husbandryB. cattle breedingC. cattleD. diseaseE. no correct answer

60 Translate the word Разведение крупного рогатого скота:A. cattle breeding B. animal husbandryC. cattleD. diseaseE. no correct answer

61 Translate the word Рогатый скот:A. cattle B. cattle breedingC. animal husbandryD. diseaseE. no correct answer

62 Translate the word Болезнь:A. disease B. cattle breedingC. animal husbandryD. cattleE. no correct answer

63 Translate the word Drug:A. лекарствоB. состояние, условиеC. достижениеD. окружающая средаE. no correct answer

64 Translate the word Condition:A. состояние, условие B. лекарство

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C. достижениеD. окружающая средаE. no correct answer

65 Translate the word Achievement:A. достижение B. состояние, условиеC. лекарствоD. окружающая средаE. no correct answer

66 Translate the word Environment:A. окружающая среда B. состояние, условиеC. лекарствоD. достижениеE. no correct answer

67 Translate the word Agriculture:A. сельское хозяйствоB. состояние, условиеC. лекарствоD. окружающая средаE. no correct answer

68 Translate the word Откармливать:A. to fattenB. to feedC. to growD. to increaseE. no correct answer

69 Translate the word Домашняя птица:A. poultryB. beefC. porkD. treatmentE. no correct answer

70 Translate the word Благополучие, процветание:A. well-beingB. healthC. taskD. treatmentE. no correct answer

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71 Agriculture remains …A. the main source of providing the population with foodB. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. great damage to the herds of cattleD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

72 The foremost attention is paid …A. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene B. the main source of providing the population with foodC. great damage to the herds of cattleD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

73 The tasks of the veterinary science are ….A. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animals B. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. great damage to the herds of cattleD. the main source of providing the population with foodE. no correct answer

74 Animal diseases cause …A. great damage to the herds of cattle B. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. the main source of providing the population with foodD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

75 Intensification of animal husbandry …A. is better feeding and selectionB. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. great damage to the herds of cattleD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

76 The duty of veterinary doctor is …A. the organization of veterinary work to prevent the spreading of infectious diseasesB. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. great damage to the herds of cattleD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

77 Veterinary service should pay particular attention … A. to prevent infectious and non-contagious diseases

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B. to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene C. great damage to the herds of cattleD. to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animalsE. no correct answer

78 The dairyman was carrying out _____ test when we came.A. milkB. meatC. cattleD. soapE. no correct answer

79 Our veterinarian has already made _____ of this disease.A. prophylaxesB. hygiene C. vaccinationD. mechanizationE. no correct answer

80 Veterinary service pays particular attention to the _____ of veterinary work.A. organizationB. hygiene C. vaccinationD. mechanizationE. no correct answer

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@@@ Grammar Present Simple/ Present Continuous$$$ D

She _____ a uniform.A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wearsE. no correct answer

$$$ BWhere _____ on holidays?A. you go B. do you goC. do you going D. are you goE. no correct answer

$$$ CI _____ to work now. Good-bye!A. goB. went C. am going D. goesE. no correct answer

$$$ A I _____ a book about astrology these days.A. am reading B. read C. am reads D. readingE. no correct answer

$$$ C I _____ lots of books every year.A. will read B. am readingC. read D. am going to readE. no correct answer

$$$ DNurses _____ after people in hospital.A. looks B. is looking

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C. will look D. lookE. no correct answer

$$$ CAnnie _____ from Ireland.A. come B. is coming C. comes D. comingE. no correct answer

$$$ CWe _____ to a party next Saturday.A. go B. goes C. are going D. wentE. no correct answer

$$$ DShe _____ for dinner this evening.A. come B. came C. comes D. is comingE. no correct answer

$$$ A _____ to go out tonight?A. Do you want B. Are you wantingC. Is you want D. Would you wantE. no correct answer

$$$ B I _____ four languages.A. am speaking B. speakC. speaks D. am speakE. no correct answer

$$$ D

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Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.A. is getting up B. got upC. get up D. gets upE. no correct answer

$$$ AOh, someone _____ in my seat!A. is sitting B. sits C. will sit D. sitE. no correct answer

$$$ BI’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ dinner.A. will cook B. am cooking C. cook D. cookedE. no correct answer

$$$ C I _____ a pain in my leg.A. has B. having C. have D. am havingE. no correct answer

$$$DMrs. Steele _____ to her boss. I’ll tell her you phoned.A. talked B. talks C. talk D. is talkingE. no correct answer

$$$ CTurn the TV off. No one _____ it!A. watches B. watch C. is watching D. watched

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E. no correct answer$$$ A She is not ready. She _____ her hair.A. is washing B. washes C. washedD. washE. no correct answer

$$$ CDerek’s good at golf but he _____ very often.A. aren’t play B. isn’t playing C. doesn’t play D. didn’t playE. no correct answer

$$$ D The sun _____ in the day time.A. shine B. shone C. is shining D. shinesE. no correct answer

$$$ C In Britain people _____ on the right.A. are driving B. drives C. drive D. droveE. no correct answer

$$$ BThis is a great party! Everyone _____.A. dance B. is dancing C. dances D. are dancingE. no correct answer

$$$ CSue and Geoff _____ a shop.A. work B. study

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C. run D. runsE. no correct answer

$$$ AThis kind of shop _____ a milk bar.A. is called B. calledC. is calling D. is being calledE. no correct answer

$$$ C Most days the shop _____ at 10.00 p.m.A. sells B. opened C. closes D. runE. no correct answer

$$$C They _____ camping any more.A. go B. doesn’t go C. don’t goD. have goneE. no correct answer

$$$ B Ursula _____ four brothers and sisters.A. have B. has C. haven’t D.havingE. no correct answer

$$$ D It _____ her fifteen minutes _____ to school.A. took / go B. has taken / walkC. takes / walk D. takes / to walkE. no correct answer

$$$ D

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She _____ school at 7:45 a.m.A) go B) begin C) starts D) goesE. no correct answer

$$$ BI _____ lunch in the university canteen.A. eats B. have C. drink D. hasE. no correct answer

@@@ Present Perfect. Present Perfect Continuous. Past Simple. Vocabulary

$$$ C How long _____ in Paris?A. do you live B. are you livingC. have you been living D. you liveE. no correct answer

$$$ BAnna _____ a good job.A. finds B. has foundC. founded D. has been findingE. no correct answer

$$$ D Pete and I _____ for over six month.A. are gone B. have gone outC. went out D. have been going outE. no correct answer

$$$ AI _____ a new flat a few months ago.A. bought

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B. have been buyingC. have bought D. buyE. no correct answer

$$$ AHow long _____ your car?A. have you had B. you haveC. are you have D. have you been havingE. no correct answer

$$$ DTom _____ as a postman for the past month.A. has worked B. workedC. works D. has been workingE. no correct answer

$$$ DI _____ an essay all day.A. write B. have been writtenC. am writing D. have been writingE. no correct answer

$$$ C I _____ six pages.A. am written B. have been writingC. have written D.writeE. no correct answer

$$$ B“Are you going out?”“_____. I don’t know yet.”A. Carefully B. Possibly C. Mainly D. NearlyE. no correct answer

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$$$ BThe exam was _____ difficult. I couldn’t do any of it.A. fluently B. seriously C. exactly D. realE. no correct answer

$$$ C“How old are you?”“I’m _____ eight. It’s my birthday next week.”A. possibly B. fluently C. nearly D. exactlyE. no correct answer

$$$ DI travel a lot in my job, _____ to Europe.A. exactly B. nearly C. really D. mainlyE. no correct answer

$$$ CSorry I’m late. _____ for a long time?A. Did you wait B. Have you waitedC. Have you been waiting D. Did you waitE. no correct answer

$$$ BThe streets are wet. _____?A. Was it raining B. Has it been rainingC. Has it rained D. Did it rainE. no correct answer

$$$ CI’m hot because I _____!A. have run

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B. runC. have been running D. am runE. no correct answer

$$$ C I _____ my finger! It really hurts.A. cut B. cuttedC. have cut D. have been cuttingE. no correct answer

$$$ A _____ Paul Simon’s latest record?A. Have you heard B. Have you been hearingC. Did you hear D. Are you heardE. no correct answer

$$$ CShe’s tired because she _____ all day.A. shoppedB. shopsC. has been shopping D. has shoppedE. no correct answer

$$$ ASorry. I _____ one of your glasses.A. have broken B. brokeC. break D. have been breakingE. no correct answer

$$$ D How long _____ this book?A. do you read B. are you readingC. have you been readingD. have you readE. no correct answer

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$$$ DThey _____ here for three years.A. lives B. are livingC. live D. have been livingE. no correct answer

$$$ DI _____ the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.A. have painted B. paintC. painted D. have been paintingE. no correct answer

$$$ B I _____ my wallet. Where did I last put it?A. lost B. have lostC. have been losing D. loseE. no correct answer

$$$ DLook what Pat _____ me for my birthday! A bike!A. gave B. have been givingC. gives D. has givenE. no correct answer

$$$ AThere’s my wallet! I _____ for it for ages.A. have been looking B. lookedC. have looked D.lookE. no correct answer

$$$ C_____ me that you’ll always tell the truth.A. Advise B. Waste C. Promise

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D. InventE. no correct answer

$$$B He was taken to hospital by ambulance, but he was _____ on arrival.A. mad B. dead C. alive D. variousE. no correct answer

$$$ AI love the _____ and quite of the countryside.A. peace B. feeling C. comfort D. wealthE. no correct answer

$$$ DI saw a(n) _____ for a job as a waiter.A) invention B) mysteryC) waste D) advertisementE. no correct answer

$$$ BThe sofa was so ______ that I felt asleep.A. successful B. comfortable C. honest D. comfortingE. no correct answer

@@@ Auxiliary verbs

$$$ B_____ you ever stayed at the Ritz?A. Did B. Have C. Was D. WereE. no correct answer

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$$$ DWe _____ breakfast in bed.A. were have B. has C. was havingD. hadE. No correct answer

$$$ A _____ John give you those flowers?A. Did B. Have C. Was D. IsE. no correct answer

$$$ CI _____ my homework very quickly last night.A. do B. have C. did D. amE. no correct answer

$$$ BShe _____ a shower every morning before school.A. does B. has C. did D. isE. no correct answer

$$$ DWe _____ talking to James about his exam.A. don’t B. haven’t C. wasn’t D. aren’tE. no correct answer

$$$ ALots of trees _____ blown down by the wind.A. were B. has C. did

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D. isE. no correct answer

$$$ DWhere _____ you yesterday?A. was B. have C. did D. wereE. no correct answer

$$$ AMary never _____ the washing up.A. does B. has C. did D. isE. no correct answer

$$$ BThank goodness we _____ a dishwasher!A. was B. have C. did D. wereE. no correct answer

$$$ CTom …. coffee. He doesn’t like it.A. isn’t drinking B. not drinks C. doesn’t drinkD. was not drinkingE. drinks

$$$ AHe …. tennis when he broke his wrist.A. was playing B. played C. plays D. has playedE. no correct answer

$$$ CI've seen a lot of movies …… .

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A. last week B. a year ago C. recentlyD. yesterdayE. never

$$$ CYou look really tired.A. Are you running? B. Did you run?C. Have you been running?D. Do you like running?E. no correct answer

$$$ B"How long has Lisa been living in Nevada?"" …. five years."A. Since B. For C. During D. WhileE. no correct answer

$$$ CWhen I arrived at the airport, the plane …. .A. will have started B. already left C. had already leftD. no correct answerE. left

$$$ AI …. in the country, but I had to move to the city for my new job.A. used to live B. used to living C. wasn’t used to livingD. no correct answerE. lived

$$$ BI’m feeling tired. I don’t think I …. tonight.A. go out B. ’ll go out C. to go outD. went out

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E. no correct answer

$$$ AWhat do you think you …. this time next year?A. ’ll be doing B. ’re going to do C. do D. ’re doingE. no correct answer

$$$ CI …. be a doctor. I’d hate it.A. couldn’t have B. can’t C. couldn’t D. ’m not able toE. no correct answer

$$$ BIf I were in Susie’s position, I leave and get another job.A. may B. might C. mustD. ’m not able toE. no correct answer

$$$ DYou …. that letter. It isn't addressed to you!A. ought to read B. ought to not read C. shouldn't to read D. shouldn't readE. no correct answer

$$$ BThey recommended to …. Cancun.A. we'll go B. we go C. us to go D. us goingE. no correct answer

$$$ AIf I see Sam, …. him to call you.A. I’ll tell

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B. I’d tell C. I tell D. I toldE. no correct answer

$$$ AIf they …. by car, it would have been a lot quicker.A. had gone B. would go C. would have gone D. have goneE. no correct answer

$$$ BJane’s passport ….. while she was on vacation.A. is stolen B. was stolen C. stoleD. have goneE. no correct answer

$$$ B"Where …… ?" "I always go to Snips."A. do you cut your hair B. do you have your hair cut C. have you cut your hairD. have goneE. no correct answer

$$$ CAnne ……………… in the hospital.A. told that her mom was B. said me her mom was C. told me her mom wasD. have goneE. no correct answer

$$$ ADo you know …… ?A. where John lives B. where lives John C. where does John liveD. have goneE. no correct answer

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$$$ D"Rick’s been to China before, ….. ?"A. didn’t he B. hadn’t he C. wasn’t he D. hasn’t heE. no correct answer

$$$ CMy father doesn’t allow …. me his car.A. driving B. drive C. to driveD. can driveE. no correct answer

$$$ AI'd rather ….. phone me again.A. you didn’t B. you not to C. you won’tD. you toE. no correct answer

$$$ BBad weather prevented the game ….. continuing.A. to B. from C. ofD. againstE. no correct answer

$$$ CHelen never travels by plane because she’s …. .A. afraid from flying B. afraid to flying C. afraid of flyingD. afraid to flyE. no correct answer

. $$$ C….. a car, I usually take the bus.A. Not have B. Not to have C. Not having

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D. NoE. no correct answer

$$$ DI took ….. really nice photos on my vacation.A. few B. much C. any D. someE. no correct answer

$$$ ASmall children often don’t like eating …. .A. vegetables B. the vegetablesC. any D. someE. no correct answer

$$$ AI want to buy ….. .A. some new jeans B. a new jean C. a new jeansD. someE. no correct answer

$$$ B….. is Charlie.A. My dogs name B. My dog’s name C. My dogs’ name D. My dog his nameE. no correct answer

$$$ CDon’t work in pairs. Everyone has to do the exercise by …… .A. ourselves B. yourself C. themselvesD. usE. no correct answer

$$$ A "….. someone knocking at the door." "I’ll go and see who it is."

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A. There’s B. It’sC. themselvesD. usE. no correct answer

$$$ CI was really nervous and I couldn’t eat …. all day.A. something B. nothing C. anythingD. someE. no correct answer

$$$ BMost of the students got a B, but …. got an A.A. few B. a few C. little D. plentyE. no correct answer

$$$ CBen and Danny feel the same way about football. ….. is a good player, but they both love the game.A. Either of them B. Both of them C. Neither of themD. someE. no correct answer

$$$ DThe computer …. I bought wasn’t very expensive.A. who B. what C. whom D. thatE. no correct answer

$$$ BThe room ….. the beach was too small.A. overlooked B. overlookingC. whom D. that

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E. no correct answer

$$$ BThere’s food in the house. Let’s go out to eat.A. hardly B. hardly any C. hardly anythingD. thatE. no correct answer

$$$ CMy new computer is …. my old one.A. more fast that B. more fast than C. faster than D. faster asE. no correct answer

$$$ AWhen they got married, they got lots of presents, and they …. any thank you letters.A. didn’t even send B. even sent C. not even sentD. sendE. no correct answer

$$$$$$$ C…… to college, he's very successful.A. In spite of he never went B. Although never going C. In spite of not goingD. goE. no correct answer

$$$ A…… hard, Martha should do very well at the university.A. As long as she works

B. Unless she works C. In case she works D. Providing she will workE. no correct answer

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$$$ BI woke up several times ….. the night with a bad cough.A. while B. during C. forD. whenE. no correct answer

$$$ BI think I’ll be able to finish reading this book … a few hours.A. on B. in C. atD. byE. no correct answer

$$$ AIt was raining at first, but …. the sun came out and it was a nice day.A. in the end B. at the end C. by the time D. by thenE. no correct answer

$$$ CWhen we finally arrived …. , we were exhausted.A. to home B. at home C. homeD. by homeE. no correct answer

$$$ DWilliam is very excited starting his new job.A. with B. by C. for D. aboutE. no correct answer

$$$ CWhat happens …. the hero at the end of the film?A. into B. on C. to

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D. by E. no correct answer

$$$ BWe’re really …. our trip to New York next week.A. looking forward B. looking forward to C. looking forward atD. looking forward by E. no correct answer

$$$ AI asked the mechanic to…. how much the repairs will cost.A. work out B. get out C. try outD. look forward E. no correct answer

$$$ CShe really when she changed her mind about the job.A. turned me down

B. put me up

C. let me down

D. look forward E. no correct answer

$$$ D _____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English.A. I’m speak B. I’m speakingC. I speaking D. I speakE. no correct answer

$$$ BWhere _____ from?A) Hans come B) does Hans comeC) does Hans coming D) Hans cameE. no correct answer

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$$$ CWhat _____ tonight?A) do you do B) you doC) are you doing D) did you doE. no correct answer

$$$ C“Where is George?” “He _____ a shower.”A) has B) will have C) is having D) haveE. no correct answer

$$$ A“What _____ ?” “I don’t know. Look it up.”A) does this word mean B) means this wordC) does mean this word D) is meaning this wordE. no correct answer

$$$ D “Do you want a cigarette?”“No, thanks. I _____ .”A) no smoke B) smoke notC) am not smoking D) don’t smokeE. no correct answer

$$$ DLast year I _____ to America.A) was go B) go C) was going D) wentE. no correct answer

$$$ BHow long _____ in America?A. you stay B. did you stay

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C. stayed you D. you stayingE. no correct answer

$$$ CThe weekend was boring. I _____ anything.A. don’t do B. no doC. didn’t do D. wasn’t doingE. no correct answer

$$$ D “I’m going to university next year”“What _____ study?”A) you going to B) do youC) did you D) are you going toE. no correct answer

$$$ BAt the weekend, I usually _____ go swimming.A) am B) *C) was D) wantE. no correct answer

$$$ CAre you _____ the party?A) enjoy B) enjoyed C) enjoying D) enjoysE. no correct answer

$$$ AHow many sisters _____ ?A) do you have B) you haveC) are you have D) do you hasE. no correct answer

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$$$ BI _____ understand what you are saying.A) no B) don’t C) am not D) didn’tE. no correct answer

$$$ AWhat time _____ home last night?A) did you getB) you getC) do you get D) did you gotE. no correct answer

$$$ DLast weekend I _____ some friends and we _____ a meal.A) see / having B) saw / haveC) seeing / had D) saw / hadE. no correct answer

$$$ CI _____ English food. It’s wonderful!A) am loving B) loved C) love D) loves

$$$ DPierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.A) is coming B) came C) come D) comesE. no correct answer

$$$ B _____ the computer at the moment?A) Does Mr. Taylor use B) Is Mr. Taylor usingC) Did Mr. Taylor use D) Will Mr. Taylor use

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E. no correct answer

$$$ CDave _____ a student with her work now.A) helped B) help C) is helping D) helpingE. no correct answer

$$$ D“ It’s very noisy!” “Suzy _____ to rock music.”A) listen B) listens C) listened D) is listeningE. no correct answer

$$$ ACarol _____ hard for her exam last week.A) didn’t study B) isn’t studyingC) don’t study D) aren’t studyE. no correct answer

$$$ BMost of the students _____ these days.A) didn’t smoke B) aren’t smokingC) isn’t smoking D) don’t smokeE. no correct answer

$$$ CYou look nice, Anne. _____ a new dress?A) Do you wear B) Does she wearC) Are you wearing D) Did you wearE. no correct answer

$$$ AMany birds _____ south every winter.A) fly

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B) flew C) are flying D) will flyE. no correct answer

$$$ DUsually Jim _____ to work on Saturdays.A) is going B) went C) go D) goesE. no correct answer

$$$ CJapan _____ many high mountains.A) have B) is having C) has D) are havingE. no correct answer

$$$ BCats _____ very well in darkness.A) are seeing B) see C) will D) seesE. no correct answer

$$$ A“What _____ ?” “I’m studying computer science.”A) are you studying B) were you studyingC) was you studying D) is she studyingE. no correct answer

$$$ B“ _____ born?” “I was born in London.”A) When did you B) Where were youC) Where are you D) Where do youE. no correct answer

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$$$ B“Are _____?” “No, I’m single.”A) he marries B) you marriedC) you marry D) she marriedE. no correct answer

$$$ B “ _____ a job ?” “No, I don’t. I’m a student.”A) Did you have B) Do you haveC) Have you had D) Are you havingE. no correct answer

$$$ C“_____ Liverpool?” “It’s in the north west of England.”A) Where were B) Where areC) Where is D) When wasE. no correct answer

$$$ C“ _____” “Yes, can I help you?”A) Thank you! B) Cheers!C) Excuse me! D) Nothing much.E. no correct answer

$$$ A“What are you doing this weekend?” “______________.”A) Nothing much B) Not at all. Don’t mention itC) Cheers D) Bye for nowE. no correct answer

$$$ B “Make your self at home.” “ _____ .”A) Sleep well B) Thank youC) Thanks. Same to you

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D) Excuse meE. no correct answer

$$$ C“Thank you so much for helping.” “ _____ .”A) Nothing much B) CheersC) Not at all. Don’t mention it D) Sleep wellE. no correct answer

$$$ AA- Where _____ from? B- _____ am from Milano.A) are you / I B) are / youC) are they / they D) you / IE. no correct answer

$$$ CA- _____ Leo eat Chinese food? B- Yes, he _____ it _____ he was 10.A) Did / eaten / when B) Does / ate / whatC) Did / ate / when D) Do / eat / whatE. no correct answer

$$$ BWhat _____ they going _____ do?A) are / too B) are / to C) is / to D) is / tooE. no correct answer

$$$ CA- How _____ languages can your son speak? B- Three _____.A) much / languages B) many / languageC) many / languages D) much / languageE. no correct answer

$$$ DA- When _____ it _____ raining? B- Yesterday.

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A) Did / started B) Does / startC) Does / starts D) Did / startE. no correct answer

$$$ C_____ kind _____ music do you like?A) What / * B) How / of C) What / of D) What / *E. no correct answer

$$$ COh! Welcome, Jack! __________.A) Pleased to meet you B) That’s very kindC) Make yourself at home D) Same to youE. no correct answer

$$$ AMobile phones, televisions, and radios are a means of _____.A) communication B) transportC) media D) civilizationE. no correct answer

$$$ BRomans _____ a unique system of the Roman alphabet.A) improved B) developedC) persuaded D) exchangedE. no correct answer

$$$ BNowadays media has a huge influence on the _____.A) neighbors B) societyC) printing pressing D) Greeks

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E. no correct answer

$$$ DWe send _____ through the internet.A) a letter B) a fax C) mail D) an e-mailE. no correct answer

$$$ ARomans, Greek and Egyptians are all _____ nations.A) ancient B) old C) dated D) modernE. no correct answer

$$$ AChoose the right variant of the verb:He …. to the cinema alone.A. comeB. cameC. were comingD. shall comeE. have come

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