edt dotp-vision_for_transformation_v0.19.-180702


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The original pitch for what DotP - a common content management system for UK government - might do for its customers, government departments. July 2002.


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The e-Delivery Team, within the Office of the e-Envoy, is launching a programme called ‘.P’ – Delivering On The Promise.

This briefing introduces the eDt and the .P Programme as follows:

The vision for government to make all government services available via the internet by 2005

Problems and challenges a confused and fragmented government web presence with over 1600 disjointed sites

Solution The .P platform - a common business approach and technical infrastructure

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Overview - .P – Delivering on the Promise

Partner with departments to understand requirements

Design a solution around department and customer needs

Build and implement a solution tailored to the department

eDt provisioned:

• Hardware and software

• Hosting, security, support and maintenance

A user-centred web site

The technical architecture to support the site

Connection to government applications

• Department systems

• Other departments

Content management system providing control of content to business owners

Secure servicing and management of the platform

Editorial processes and advice

Benefits of .PWhat .P delivers

How eDt provides .P

.P is a managed service platform delivering user-centred online capabilities for government departments

Better communications and relationship between government and its customers

Cost savings in several areas:

• Design and construction of the website and infrastructure

• Hardware and software

• Faster and cheaper management of content

• Support and maintenance

• Decreased cost of serving customers

Higher quality content and information to users including coordination of content between departments

Easier management and upgrades of online systems – web administrative activities provided by eDt

Better performance - always on 24/7

Achievement of 2005 mandate and meet highest standards of design, technology & business

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The vision for online government sets ambitious goals for departments to be more responsive to customers

2005 Vision

So far, though, we have treated it largely as an exercise in automation. We risk missing the opportunity to take a more radical and more integrated approach, but more importantly, we risk missing the fact that there is an important choice to be made.’

Transformation through e-governmentAndrew Pinder 4 March 02

In September 2000, the Prime Minister launched a new campaign to get people, businesses and the government itself online. The campaign set three challenging targets for the UK:

e-Envoy – Andrew Pinder

‘E-government is not just a set of tools for doing the same things better, it offers the opportunity to do different things, which more effectively meet the needs of citizens and businesses, and which better implement government policy objectives.

• To be the best place in the world for e-commerce by 2002

• To get universal access to the Internet by 2005

• To make all government services available via the internet by 2005

Source: UK Online strategy Paper

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The e-Policy and e-Delivery teams in the Office of the e-Envoy are helping departments serve customers better with online capabilities

The Policy Team

e-Government – getting government online, making international comparisons and providing guidelines and standards

e-Economy – market development, including broadband take-up, market analysis and modern markets

e-Communications – maintaining the government UE (User Experience), providing best practice web guidelines, executing editorial function of ukonline.gov.uk, and driving the UK online branding and campaign

The e-Delivery Team (eDt)

Responsible for the UKOnline Portal, the government Gateway, the government Secure Internet (GSI), Knowledge Network, and .P

Delivery and technology innovation - implementation and operation of advanced projects to achieve the Prime Minister’s vision

Key business targets - provide a resilient central infrastructure and services; develop and deliver infrastructure for UK online interactive services

Tony Blair: Prime Minister, Patricia Hewitt: e-Minister, Douglas Alexander : e-Govt Minister, Stephen Timms: e-Commerce Minister

e-Delivery (eDt)e-Delivery (eDt)


Andrew Pindere-Envoy

Andrew Pindere-Envoy



eDt Vision:Deliver

technology to transform government

eDt Business Drivers:

100% online by 2005

Significantly reduce costs

Join up government transactions

Solve problems only once

eDt Objective: enable customers

to interact with government primarily through the internet

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.P delivers on the promise of transforming government by providing departments with the components to serve customers better online

eDt has harnessed the proven technology that powers ukonline.gov.uk and the Government Gateway to build a platform to develop and centrally manage government websites.

Using .P, departments can develop websites and online services rapidly and cost effectively, that fully comply with government standards.

.P is the technical solution for departments to provide web services to their customers - supported by best practice processes & standards

Services which put the customer – both citizens and businesses – at the centre of the solution

Control over content by businessowners while maintaining maximum flexibility

Compliance with industry best practices and key government standards

Value from economies of scale across government

A high quality web experience within a tight timeframe

Improvement in the way departments serve customers

Key features of the platform include:

.P helps departments deliver e-government to customers

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In order to achieve the vision, the government must overcome an array of existing barriers

There are over 1600 government websites. Many departments have more than one site which increases the cost of support and maintenance.

Integration with other departments becomes impossible when dealing with so many different technologies and architectures.

Data is not structured or formatted to meet the needs of its audience.

Websites are organised along the lines of departmental structures

Inconsistent messages to the customer, contradictory information and out-of-date content.Slow or limited updates detract from the value of a site for users. In one instance, a job vacancy was still listed 18 months after its closing date.

Commercial web sites are still struggling with the security issue. Recent Inland Revenue experience shows that we are too.

Less than 100 million hits in one month on all government sites against 300 million on BBC online.

The events of Sept. 11 put a massive strain on government websites performance. Also, the FCO, IR and PRO have all suffered site outages in the past few months.

Of government services available online, only 3% provide online grants or benefits, and none collect revenue.

Typical scenario Barriers

Huge organisational and cost problems

Not customer focused = Poor user experience

Issues with online security in transactions

Poor take-up of existing services

Security, capacity and management

Low availability of government services online

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By utilising the .P platform, government departments will be able to efficiently and effectively service customers using online channels

Overcome existing barriers.P Programme

Organisational and cost benefits

Customer focused = Good user experience

Secure online transactions

Increasing take-up of existing services

Security, capacity and management

High availability of web services

Departments focus content to different audience groups and delivery channels with one system, fewer resources and simpler processes.

A single infrastructure and architecture simplfies integration with other departments and systems.

Content in the platform is structured and formatted to meet the needs of its audience.

Business owners have control over content and the look & feel of their sites. Messages and customer experiences will be consistent and unified. Content can be updated at any time. Approval and workflow processes ensure security and auditability of updates.

Using the Government Gateway, departments can offer transactions in a secure environment.

User experience is improved by relevant, up-to-date information that is easy to find. This will drive adoption of existing and new services.

Services are designed to respond rapidly to unexpected events, and to cope with the dramatic increase in customer demand.

An opportunity to increase the range and complexity of transactions.

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.P puts the customer – both businesses and citizens – at the centre of the solution with a flexible, modular design system

eDt undertook research to understand user requirements through experience research methods

Interviewed users of government services to identify underlying behaviours and needs

Incorporated research from across government

Established a framework to build on for specific needs

Hierarchical units allow content to be assembled and presented in a controlled but flexible way

Fixed standards preserve consistency and usability

Ease of use and adherence to government guidelines

Users learn cumulatively with each visit as well as other sites that follow the guidelines

Flexible platform allows each department to target specific audiences and express their brand identity

Navigation“gets me around the site”

Content &functionality

“that’s what Icame for”

Masthead“am I in the right place?”

Search“gets me

straight there”


“now that couldbe useful”

User Research

Visual stories


Field observation


Requirements gathering


Video ethnography


Usability testing

In-context impact

Opportunity mapping

Target audience segmentation

Service definition and evaluation

Service relationship modeling

Customer scenarios

Understand Users

Used insights to develop an innovative user experience approach based on human-centred design principles

Prioritised requirements and created compelling, useful and usable service offering that meet customer needs

Assessment and Analysis Result – A modular design

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2. Business owners control the management of content – .P provides intelligence about how customers use that information

Understand your audience Choice to control content, delivery and services

With sophisticated site usage monitoring tools we can help you learn what content is being viewed regularly. You may find that content buried 3 or 4 layers deep is being used frequently

Monitor search history to find out what customers are looking for

Research your customer needs and requirements with our experience modelling service

Understand from a user point of view what makes their user experience better by monitoring the response to changes in your website and services

Choose to promote or move content up the content hierarchy or to customise your content to respond to different audiences needs

Promote or provide specific content to your customers

Provide content and services which accurately meet your customers needs

Change the content, look and feel or service offering in response to customer feedback in a timely manner

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Key Drivers

“Customer focused user experience = high adoption = successful e-government.”

Fully supportive of the e-Government Metadata Standard (simple Dublin Core)

Compliance with all online government standards including e-Gif and usability guidelines

Unified structure to user experience & common look and feel

User tested research

Complies with government guidelines

RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind) accreditation

All pages comply with W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) guidelines for accessibility

Modular software design for maximum efficiency and scalability

Complies with government guidelines





3. .P complies with industry best practices and key government standards

“Customers have different user experiences with each department leading to a perception of uncoordinated government services & possible confusion in how to communicate with departments.”

“There is no intuitive way at present to find relevant information, people often don’t know what they are looking for or where to find relevant information.”

There are in excess of 100,000 users of transactional services via the Gateway, this number is expected to quintuple during 2002

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Through re-use of the platform, .P delivers commercial and technical economies of scale across government



Procurement User research Design Implementation Support Enhancements

Departments work separatelyDepartments work with .P

* Charts are Illustrative -not to scale




Low High







Production ready design - Incorporates insights on user experience into the design Economies of scale realised during design – only need customisation per department Shortened implementation through experience Lower total support costs through pooling of needs Lower enhancement costs from easier rollout of new features from one department to the next using a common architecture Lower costs from using shared hardware and software

Total Time

>40 weeks

25 weeks

User Research Define Design Implement Test

User Research

Define Design Implement Test

Separate project

without .P 1)

Joining .P

.P delivered through a rapid implementation

1) Note: Estimate for separate department project without .P does not include additional 9 months for procurement

.P improves the cost v. features/flexibility tradeoff * Costs shared across departments for a lower total cost*

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6. .P is a catalyst for improving the way departments provide information and services to customers

Positive cycle

Streamlined organisationfor managing website/services

efficient processes for managing website/services

High customer adoption

Effective content strategy and high value services

Negative cycle

Cumbersome organisationfor managing website/services

Inefficient processes for managing website/services

Low customer adoption

Limited or non-existentcontent strategy and value added services

Content strategy

Business process re-engineering

Organisational efficiencies

High value content and services O


ll Co





Work with departments to research & understand customers‘ needs

Advise on development of a content strategy that effectively meets those customers needs

Advise on best practices for developing an organisation to effectively manage content and web services

Advise on best practices in process design for website & service delivery

Monitor and provide management reporting on website usage & uptake

eDt approach

.P is the catalyst for change from a negative to a positive cycle

Costs decrease with increases in customer adoption

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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The Roadmap for .P helps departments integrate online channels into their services while providing continually advancing capabilities

Phase Refinement

Definition Future enhancements

Key activities

Develop new capabilities Share new capabilities

across government Update earlier



Next generation services to be determined from user and government needs


Package ready for customer departments

Organisational and process development

Integrate online and offline services

Launch reduced cost package of components

Advanced user research to provide a more customised experience

Advanced features and transactions

Department strategic plans for online service

Integrated digital channels


Partnership to develop core components

Identify key departments with common but challenging requirements

Drive direction of .P through partners

Consistent user experience Flexible and scalable

architecture Foundational content

management and display Priority transactions and





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Conclusion and discussion

Getting onboard with eDt

Contact information

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User research, experience modelling

Organisational change Process re-engineering Strategic planning

To get involved, partners departments work together with eDt project managers to learn more about the potential of .P

Engagement model

Introduction to eDt Value Proposition

Initial qualification by department and eDt

Determine high level fit with department requirements

Build consensus among key department managers

Phase 1Involvement

Identify goals and requirements

Assess readiness Organisation Technology User understanding

Develop plan detailed

requirements and mapping

business case high level plan

Phase 2 Planning

Phase 4 Support





Phase 3Engagement

Define Design Implementation

Other services

Proposal for ProjectSign-off and commitment

Service Level Agreements

Recommendations and deliverables


Site Launch

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The eDt and Partners will work in close coordination to ensure successful implementation

eDt will be responsible for overall Programme Management with principal roles covering Programme Manager, Chief Architect and Live Services Manager who will ensure that partners achieve their goals.

Each partner will have an eDt Liaison and Live Services Contact to facilitate all requests.


Programme Management

Direction of Architecture

Live Services Management


Project management for all phases of the project

Work with partners to validate requirements

Provide guidance on content migration and style

Train departments on how to use the content management system

Provide assistance for user acceptance testing

Regularly review and evaluate progress, and signoff of outputs

Accommodate requirements of department stakeholders



System Integration





Business Ownership

Project Management

Evaluate success of project


Project management to ensure business drivers are satisfied

Identify and collect available requirements

Create, edit and approve content for website

Incorporate content management training into work flow

Measure project against acceptance and succes criteria

Measure progress and outputs meet expectations

Manage stakeholder requirements


and support

Integrate legacy systems into .P

Integrate with processes generated by .P i.e. change management

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Contact information

This document is intended to give a high-level, comprehensive introduction to the business issues of the current Programme: .P - Delivering on the promise

For further information on this presentation and on the .P Programme please contact: Liz Sands +44 (78) 84 068 791 [email protected] or Nicki Western +44 (7817) 207 980 [email protected]

For further information on the Government Gateway please contact: Mark Poole [email protected]