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  • 8/14/2019 Edited copy EFMC Corporate Profile.doc


    E&F Management Care Center (EFMC)Sustainable Public Health Solutions for ALL

    Head OfficeHEBRON International Center (HITEC)

    Plot 5E Cadastral Zone, DutseAu!a Ni"eria


    P. O. Box 8179 Wuse Au!a 9"""# $%ger%a

    Call# $%&'*+*&&&5, *+-.***.&

    Changing Lives Everywhere Positively

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 1

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    Table of Content

    Table of Content......................................................................................................... 2

    1.0 Background..........................................................................................................3

    2.0 Vision, Mission, Motto, and Core Values...............................................................3

    3.0 Guiding Princiles................................................................................................. !

    ".0 #u$$ar% of Pro&ect 'cti(ities...............................................................................!

    !.0 )e% Clients *2011 +2013...................................................................................... -

    .0Current ro&ects...................................................................................................../

    Currentl% funded ro&ects include............................................................................./

    -.0 MC )e% #taff Bio+data.....................................................................................11

    sita+leribe Princess4 B#c, PG5, P2P...................................................................1-

    /.0 6u$an 7esource Caacit% 8 #taff 799 C'99....................................................22

    :.0 Go(ernance........................................................................................................ 2

    10.0 #;T 'nal%sis..................................................................................................2

    10.0 MC #ister rgani

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    1.0 Background

    Excellence & Friends Management Care (EFMC) Centre was registered in Nigeria with the

    Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on the 20th day of an!ary" 20#2 with a registration

    n!m$er CAC%'%No *+, in A$!-a Nigeria (.lease see Appendix #)/ 'he Centre is an

    independent nonprofit 1ersion of Excellence & Friends Management Cons!lt/ he has her

    corporate head3!arters located at .lot +E Cadastral 4one" 5!tse Alha-i" A$!-a Nigeria/

    As a specialist p!$lic health management care centre" EFMC pro1ides s!staina$le p!$lic

    health ser1ices with emphasis on p!$lic health emergencies of international concern incl!ding

    67%A5" Malaria" 8eprod!cti1e 6ealth" 6epatitis and noncomm!nica$le diseases li9ehypertension" dia$etes" cancer and accidental%nonaccidental in-!ries/ he promotes health

    iss!es to pre1entdiseases thro!gh so!nd p!$lic health practices" andis c!rrently wor9ing with

    se1eral international and indigeno!s organi:ations to effecti1ely manage donor agencies f!nded

    pro-ects on 67%A5" Malaria and 8eprod!cti1e 6ealth in fo!r () tates of Nigeria ; mo"

    Anam$ra" Nasarawa and Federal Capital 'erritory (FC') A$!-a with potentials for f!rther

    expansion to other parts of Nigeria and $eyond/

    Excellence & Friends Management Care Centre c!rrently partners with the

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    2.0 Mission: To build an excellent organization with sustainable and innovative

    programming approaches and visionary leadership to bring about positive changes in

    and around the world.

    3.0 Motto: Sustainable Public Health Solutions for A

    4.0 Core Values: EFMC is on a mission to positi1ely change li1es thro!gh s!staina$le p!$lic

    health sol!tions for all/ 'o achie1e this" we $elie1e in>

    4.1 Excellence and expertise: ?e foc!s on iss!es that add 1al!e to life and h!man

    reso!rce/ ?e !nderta9e e1ery endea1o!r with !ncompromised excellence and

    $elie1e that o!r definition lies in the 3!ality and o!tcome of o!r efforts/

    4.2 Innoation and creatiit!: ?e $rea9 $arriers" chart new co!rses" do old things

    differently and new things in $etter ways and within new en1ironments/ ?e $elie1e

    that adding 1al!e to concepts come from $eing !ni3!e and thin9 ahead others with

    regards to creati1ity/

    4.3 Continuous I"proe"ent: ?e $elie1e we are good at what we do" $!t e1ery

    new day $rings along with it new challenges that re3!ire programme%staff

    impro1ement and self de1elopment/ 'hro!gh contin!o!s impro1ement" we ma9e

    significant difference always in o!r acti1ities/ At E#MC" contin!o!s impro1ement

    and excellent deli1ery is o!r watchword/

    4.4 $onest! and %incerit!: 6onesty and openness are essentials for s!staina$le and

    s!ccessf!l p!$lic health systems/ 'hat is why we ens!re transparency and

    honesty in o!r relationship with o!r partners and clients/

    4.5 &espect 'or Cultural (i''erences: ?e are aware of the c!lt!ral differences of o!rclients/'h!s, EFMC sees di1ersity in c!lt!re" $eliefs and lang!ages as strength

    rather than wea9ness and wor9 to enhance the !se of these di1ersities to impro1e

    on p!$lic health programmes/

    EFMCCorporate Profile| "

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    4.6 #ear o' )*(: At E#MC" @od comes first in all o!r !nderta9ings/ 6is word

    s!persedes o!r words and 6is will go1erns o!rs/ 'herefore" where1er 6e leads"

    we go whate1er 6e commands" we do what 6e expects" we commit to/ ?e

    $elie1e that @od is the first .!$lic 6ealth Manager/ ?e re1erence 6is ma-esty andrespect 6im for who 6e is" what 6e stands for and where 6e is ta9ing !s to/

    4.7 +assion and eal:.assion and :eal prod!ce excellent res!lts/ 'he E#MC team

    is passionate and :ealo!s a$o!t her 1ario!s programmes/ ClientsB satisfaction is

    9ey" and we do e1erything within o!r capacity to do so/ At E#MC" we wor9

    dextero!sly to ens!re impro1ement on the health conditions of Nigerians/

    3.0 )uiding +rinciples

    'he followings are the g!iding principle of EFMC>

    #/ E3!ita$le health care ser1ices with f!ll integration of care to disco!rage pro1ision of 1ertical

    ser1ices at all le1els/

    2/ Commoni:ation of 67%A5 ser1ices with pro1ision of care at all le1els and in all places

    where people see9 health care ser1ices/

    ,/ Accessi$le health care ser1ices at different locations and at costs that is afforda$le/

    / Excellence at all le1els of care as well as ser1ice pro1ision with the enhancement of

    appropriate gender" c!lt!re and socioeconomic ser1ices/

    4.0 %u""ar! o' +ro-ect ctiities

    etween 20## ; 20#2" EFMC managed a D2"000"000

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    67 co!nsellingand carried o!t tests on more than *"000 people/ t also pro1ided A87s to

    o1er +000 people/

    !$se3!ently" in 20#2#, EFMC recei1ed more

    than D,"00"000/00 from the nstit!te of 6!man

    7irology (67N) and Centre for Clinical Care and

    8esearch Nigeria (CCC8N) to pro1ide

    comprehensi1e 67%A5 ser1ices in three states

    mo" Nassarawa and FC' A$!-a/ From the f!nding"

    we c!rrently manage more than #,0 treatment and

    ser1ice deli1ery sites across the three states/ n addition" EFMC recei1ed f!nds from 5F5

    thro!gh Christian Aid

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    /.0 e! Clients 2011 2013


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    #2/Excellence Comm!nity ?elfare cheme (ECE?)

    #,/Federal Ministry of 6ealth (FM6)

    #/Federal Ministry of ?omen Affairs and ocial 5e1elopment

    #+/National Malaria Control .ro-ect

    #*/Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM)

    #H/Association for Family and 8eprod!cti1e 6ealth (A8F6)

    .0Current pro-ects

    C!rrently f!nded pro-ects incl!de>

    1. I(% &elie' Interentions 5it6 %!ste" En6ance"ent &I%E +ro-ect: n No1em$er

    20#2" EFMC recei1ed f!nding from the nstit!te of 6!man 7irology Nigeria and Centre for

    Clinical Care and 8esearch Nigeria (CCC8N) in contin!ation of her series of expansion

    dri1e" geared towards 8eaching All with Care and !pport er1ices in 67%A5

    (8EAC6) and pro1ide comprehensi1e 67 ser1ices in mo and Nasarawa tates as well

    as the Federal Capital 'erritory A$!-a Nigeria/ 'ill date" EFMC has acti1ated more than

    #,0 sites with #2 comprehensi1e and ##I .M'C' s!pporting sites/ y March 20#,"

    EFMC has pro1ided 6'C ser1ices to more than ##0"000 Nigerians" .M'C' to #I"000

    pregnant women" A8' to 2"000 .G67 and s!pport to more than #"000 3!alified children/

    'hese are in addition to her reach in the 8EAC6 pro-ect in 20## ; 20#2 when more than

    *"000 people were tested" +"000 .G67 placed on treatment" 20"000 pregnant women

    tested with more than +00 placed on prophylaxis and #+00 1!lnera$le children s!pported

    with rele1ant ser1ices/ 'he c!rrent pro-ect is part of 67N .G

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    2/ E#MC7C6ristian id I"proing Co""unit! &esponse to Manage"ent o' Malaria

    IC&M +ro-ect/ 'he (C8AM) .ro-ect is an implementation research $eing exec!ted in

    partnership $etween ChristianA5 (

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    'he pro-ect is cond!cted in three phases initiation and $aseline assessment"

    inter1ention" and end line e1al!ation%closeo!t phases/ 'he st!dy !tili:ed a cross

    sectional analytical design and applied $oth 3!alitati1e (Foc!s @ro!p 5isc!ssions and

    ey nformant nter1iews) and 3!antitati1e methodologies/

    3. E#MC Modern $ealt6 $ospitals M$$ +ro-ect:'he Modern 6ealth 6ospital is located

    in !$wa" in the FC' of Nigeria" which pro1ides healthcare ser1ices to the p!$lic/ t

    commenced acti1ities f!lly in A!g!st 20#2 as one of the comprehensi1e sites of the

    EFMC s!pported A5 8elief nter1ention and ystems Enhancement (A8E) pro-ect/

    'he 6ospital is go1erned $y a oard of 5irectors with o1erall responsi$ility for policy and

    standard" appro1al of ann!al $!dgets" acco!nta$ility to sta9eholders for the hospitalBs

    performance and ens!res a1aila$ility of ade3!ate financial reso!rces/ 'he 5irector of the

    hospital o1ersees operations" while the Manager7Medical fficer pro1ides therape!tic

    and diagnostic ser1ices" as well as coordinates acti1ities of other mem$ers of staff/ 'he

    hospital has a welle3!ipped and f!nctional pharmacy (headed $y the Chief .harmacist)"

    Ga$oratory with C5 capacity (headed $y the Gead Ga$oratory cientist)" N!rsing

    5epartment (headed $y the Chief N!rse) and Admin%Acco!nts !nit (headed $y theAdministrator)/ n addition" the hospital has a monitoring and e1al!ation !nit which

    collates reports and s!$mits same to the 6ospital Manager wee9ly/

    'ill date" M66 offers 1ario!s health ser1ices s!ch as management of medical conditions

    li9e hypertension and dia$etes" child care" amongst a host of others/ As a comprehensi1e

    site of the A8E pro-ect" it also pro1ides Anti8etro1iral 'herapy (A8') ser1ices to 67

    infected indi1id!als as well as management of opport!nistic infections/ M66 c!rrently

    has a client $ase of a$o!t ++ with an a1erage of a$o!t #I new clients enrolling e1ery

    wee9/ t is c!rrently in the process of expanding its range of ser1ices to co1er e1ery

    aspect of healthcare/

    ". Maternal $ealt6 8oung C6a"pions +rogra""e M$8C: 'he M=6C is a programme

    aimed at de1eloping yo!ng and enth!siastic champions of maternal health in de1eloping

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 10

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    co!ntries to s!pport the aggressi1e red!ction of maternal mortality rates/ 5e1eloped $y

    the Maternal 6ealth 'as9 'eam of the 6ar1ard chool of .!$lic 6ealth" it is managed $y

    the rep!ta$le nstit!te for nternational Ed!cation (E) $ased in ?ashington/ 'he 20#,

    programme recr!ited #0 yo!ng champions from Ethiopia (,)" ndia (,)" Nigeria (,) andMexico (#) and placed !nder mentors in ten mentoring instit!tions in those co!ntries/

    EFMC is one of the three mentoring instit!tions in Nigeria with potentials for f!t!re

    partnerships with the 6ar1ard chool of .!$lic 6ealth and E/

    9.0 E#MC e! %ta'' Biodata

    (r *inna *. E *lerie; B%c, MBB%, M+$, MB, #+M:

    5r leri$e is a .!$lic 6ealth Management cons!ltant trained in Nigeria"

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    expanded the programme from a few sites to more than 2H0 sites across Nigeria" initiated the

    7C minim!m pac9age and longit!dinal doc!mentation of care de1eloped and finali:ed the

    7C tandard perating .roced!re" National .lan of Action for 7C" and Nigerian Children

    .olicy de1eloped capacity for 7C programs in Nigeria" and s!pported the implementation ofChild 8ights Act 200+/

    6e also ser1ed as the .rogramme Coordinator of C5C ponsored FM6 Nigerian Field

    Epidemiology and Ga$oratory 'raining .rogram (NFEG'.)" as well as the 5irector of t!dies of

    .ro-ect Management College

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    million fi1eyear programme to pre1ent new 67 infections among mostatris9 men in Nigeria

    which incl!ded the MMs" 5

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    more experience in the telecoms sector and wor9ed as a 'ax Cons!ltant%A!ditor" Chartered

    Acco!ntant with se1eral firms/ he was enior Acco!ntant" Credit Control and n1entory suuga; M(, M+$

    5r/ .eter Ns!$!ga is a de1eloped no1el

    p!$lic health leadership and health wor9force training programmes in se1eral African co!ntries"de1eloped and implemented p!$lic health s!r1eillance and response strategies and systems for

    comm!nica$le and noncomm!nica$le diseases/ 6e has wide experience and training in

    leadership" mentoring" and teaching of !pcoming field epidemiologists/ n de1eloping 1ia$le

    p!$lic health networ9s in Africa was one of the fo!nders of the African Field Epidemiology

    Networ9 (AFENE'" www/afenet/net)/ 6e is an awardwinning leader who is instr!mental to the

    impro1ement in h!man reso!rce for health in Africa thro!gh de1elopment and implementation of

    the Field Epidemiology and Ga$oratory 'raining and ystem 5e1elopment .rogramme (FEG'.)

    in most co!ntries of Africa/

    6is professional experience in the field of p!$lic health span o1er two decades/ 6e is c!rrently

    the Medical Epidemiologist and Manager of @lo$al .!$lic 6ealth ol!tions (@lo$al.6) GGC"

    Atlanta @A/ 6e has wor9ed o1er the years at C5C where he ser1ed as Medical

    Epidemiologist%cience fficer at the 5i1ision of .!$lic 6ealth ?or9force and ystems

    5e1elopment" from May 20## to Fe$r!ary 20#2 Chief of African $ranch of Field Epidemiology

    and Ga$oratory 'raining .rogrammes and ystems 5e1elopment from 200 May 20## at the

    5i1ision of .!$lic 6ealth ?or9force and ystems 5e1elopment Chief" Capacity 5e1elopment

    ranch of the 5i1ision of @lo$al .!$lic 6ealth Capacity 5e1elopment" Coordinating ffice for

    @lo$al 6ealth" from 200H to 200 and Chief" Capacity 5e1elopment ranch of the 5i1ision of

    Epidemiology and !r1eillance" Coordinating ffice for @lo$al 6ealth" C5C from 200+200H/

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 1"

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    (r. kande, %!lester de'e"iMBBS, MPH.

    5r A9ande is a p!$lic health physician with a ro$!st 9nowledge of field epidemiology" o!t$rea9

    in1estigation" epidemic preparedness and response" design" implementation and e1al!ation of

    p!$lic health inter1entions/

    6e is a certified .8NCE 2 practitioner with strong competencies in pro-ect management" health

    systems strengthening" research methodology and capacity de1elopment/ As a trainer" he has

    $een a$le to create a lot of impact thro!gh moti1ation and prod!cti1ity/

    6e c!rrently wor9s as the .ro-ect Manager 6ealth ystems trengthening and Capacity

    5e1elopment on the A8E pro-ect at EFMC a comprehensi1e 67%A5 pro-ect in the FC'

    and Nasarawa state that s!pports o1er one h!ndred (#00) health facilities/ n this capacity" he

    s!per1ises the organi:ationLs effort at strengthening systems for s!staina$ility" efficiency and

    effecti1eness in deli1ery of health ser1ices at different le1els of care" directs the scale !p of

    acti1ities leading to an increase in programme co1erage" liaises with other !nit heads to ens!re

    contin!o!s 3!ality impro1ement" pro1ision of crossprogrammatic s!pport and empowering

    indi1id!als and organi:ations thro!gh world class and time tested training programmes/

    efore this appointment" he was the Medical Coordinator Assistant at !edecins Sans

    "rontieres#spain (5octors witho!t orders) an international h!manitarian organi:ation in o1er

    H0 co!ntries with missions in Nigeria which defines the rele1ant medical and h!manitarian

    scenarios for the mission" ass!mes management responsi$ilities d!ring concept!ali:ation and

    start!p of a pro-ect" monitors and e1al!ates all MF CAB medical inter1entions in the


    6e is a mem$er of the 8oyal ociety for .!$lic 6ealth

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    !nny 9oroafor is an accomplished data collection and analysis professional with extensi1e

    experience in the health and medical sector/ 6e has n!mero!s 3!alifications and certifications

    which incl!de Master of .!$lic 6ealth (M.6) from the

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    67%A5s care within the ?est Midlands area/ thers are co!nselling 67 positi1e indi1id!als" an

    s!pported staff mem$ers in the preparation of presentations and on se1eral occasions led 1ario

    health presentations to a di1erse a!dience/

    (r. *lu"u!i5a *-o; MBB%, M+$

    5r l!m!yiwa -o is a .!$lic 6ealth .hysician with interest in programming" pro-ect

    management" p!$lic health" research and clinical management of diseases/ 6e grad!ated from


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    he is a competent .rogramme Manager with ad1ocacy and technical pro$lem sol1ing s9ills as

    well as pro-ect planning" de1elopment and implementation a wealth of experience in

    coordination of comm!nity inter1entions s!ch as Care and !pport for .eople Gi1ing with 67

    (ad!lts and children) and those affected $y A5 especially 1!lnera$le children" mo$ile 67'esting and Co!nseling" pre1ention with positi1es" setting !p and facilitating smooth

    management of s!pport gro!ps" and other comm!nity s!pport committees%str!ct!res/

    n 200* as a .eer Ed!cator 'rainer (.E')" passionate a$o!t the dire need of a go1ernment

    secondary school in FC'" A$!-a" mo$ili:ed three yo!ths to ad1ocate with rele1ant sta9eholders"

    o$tained the schoolBs $l!e print" solicited for f!nds from indi1id!als and corporate $odies and

    were a$le to p!t !p a $loc9 of three classrooms f!lly f!rnished for the school/ 'oday" more than

    #000 children ha1e $een accommodated in that $loc9/ 'his pro-ect moti1ated the rele1ant

    go1ernment agency (

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    6e -oined the Excellence & Friends family as Administrati1e Manager with se1eral years of

    experience from se1eral corporate organi:ations/ 6e was the .rincipal Cons!ltant with Mar9et

    Gin9 Cons!lts" A$!-a !siness Manager with

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    A certified National 'rainer of trainers on Ad!ltBs Antiretro1iral therapy & nternational ystems

    trengthening and rgani:ational !staina$ility" she is also a mem$er of the Nigerian nstit!te

    of Management (Chartered)" Association of .athologists of Nigeria & is presently p!rs!ing her

    passion in programme management" pro-ect management & p!$lic health/ Apart from family andfriends" her interests incl!de reading" exploring etechnology & the c!linary arts/

    (r. *lu5ake"i kag5u; MBB%

    5r l!wa9emi A9agw! is the .ro-ect Manager .M'C' for the A8E pro-ect/ he grad!ated

    from the Ahmad! ello

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    6e also has a flair for p!$lic health related iss!es and has $een part of the team responsi$le for

    .E.FA8 grants for E&F Management Cons!lt/ F!rthermore" he is con1ersant with glo$al as

    well as regional health iss!es relating to 67%A5 and has attended se1eral internationally

    acclaimed trainings s!ch as the NM.EC (Nigerian .rofessional Monitoring and E1al!ationCo!rse" (ystems trengthening and rgani:ational !staina$ility" .8NCE 2 amongst


    6e is c!rrently the .ro-ect Manager trategic nformation (Monitoring & E1al!ation) for the m!lti

    million dollar 67N .l!s

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    6is areas of interest incl!de dr!g therapy monitoring" dr!g resistance" ad1erse incidence

    inter1ention and he is passionate a$o!t pro1iding health commodities especially for 67%A5

    and other terminal diseases that are made more tragic when treatment programmes are

    a1aila$le $!t not accessi$le to hard to reach areas/ 6e $elie1es that inno1ation $rings a$o!t


    (ir"5a $annatu (i"ka B., M.

    5irmwa 5im9a is a grad!ate of Media t!dies from the

    'mpowered African (igest which she concept!ali:ed with her colleag!es

    .0 $u"an &esource Capacit! @ %ta'' &* C

    NAME Position Qualifications

    1 5r. binna leribe =ecuti(e 5irectorB#c, MBB#, MP6,MB', P2P, 'PM

    2 5r. C>uk?ue$eka@?ac>uk?u Pro&ect 5irector MBBC>, M.#c.Med, P2P

    3 Princess sita+leribe'ssociate 5irector, Co$$unit%ser(ices

    B#C, P2P, PG5

    " 5r. 'defe$i #. 'kande

    Pro&ect Manager 6ealt> #%ste$s#trengt>eningACaacit%5e(elo$ent

    MBB#, MP6,

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 22

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    !5r. lu?ake$i .'kag?u Pro&ect Manager PMTCT


    5r. Bolanle '. &etunde Pro&ect Manager '7TATB+6V MBB#.

    - 5r. lu$u%i?a &o

    Pro&ect Coordinator + $o state


    MBB#, MP6

    / Titiloe 'gore Co$an% 'ccountant B#C, 'C',C#'

    :Tunde Triu$>gbedebi

    Pro&ect Manager, 'd$in and9ogistics

    B#c, MB',

    10 5r. #unn% koroafor Pro&ect fficer, #ecial ro&ects 5, MP6, P2P11 ranklin @k?oara

    Pro&ect Manager #trategicinfor$ation

    B#c, CPPM

    12 )ennet> @. n%e?uc>i Pro&ect fficer, 7esearc>

    B. ng, P2P


    Bar. Te$itoe .gunbona Pro&ect fficer 9egal #er(ices

    B.9, 99B.


    P>ar$. @nae$ekag?uoba Pro&ect fficer, Medical 9ogistics

    B. P>ar$, MP6,@M

    1! 5r. err% . '$a$ilo Pro&ect fficer, PMTCT MBB#, MP61

    5r. uk?u@?adigo Pro&ect fficer, '7TATB+6V MBB#

    1- @kasiobi C>i&ioke+e Pro&ect fficer '7TATB+6V


    22 ustine bito$i>i Pro&ect fficer 9ogistics

    B#c, MB'

    23 Ma=?ell 'n%an?u Pro&ect officer 9ogistics

    B#c, 5i

    2" ladao lu$orin

    Pro&ect fficer, 'ccounts andinance

    6@5, P 1

    2! anet bi%e$i

    Pro&ect fficer, inance andCo$liance B#c, 'C'

    2 #agir 'bubakar

    Pro&ect fficer, nfor$ationTec>nolog%ACo$$unications B#C


    5ir$?a 6annatu5i$ka

    Pro&ect fficer, nfor$ationTec>nolog%ACo$$unications

    B', M'

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 23

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    2/ bison G. C>igoerenceACounselling


    3/ $oseke Ba$i&oko @urse B#c3: 'nsele$ Dg?u Pro&ect fficer, Medical 9ogistics B. P>ar$"

    0 Proser dig?u Pro&ect 'ssistant, Medical 9ogistics


    "1 dunna%o '. 'degoke Pro&ect 'ssistant, PMTCT


    "2 #a$uel . de Pro&ect 'ssistant, PMTCT

    MP6, B. Tec>

    "3 T>eresa '. ko> Pro&ect 'ssistant, PMTCT


    "" Princess . k>aifo> Pro&ect 'ssistant, PMTCT


    "! Patience 'kinola Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices

    B. Tec>, M#C

    " Victoria $oera Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices

    6@5, PG5

    "- Merc% . r>abor Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices


    "/ Brig>t D. '$adi Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices

    B#c, PG5

    " #a$uel Te$itoe Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices B#c

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 2"

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    Matt>e? kataku 'd$in. E inance Manager + $o 6@5, B'



    $$anuel C. ke Pro&ect fficer, 9ab BM9#


    P>ar$. n%in%e@duaguba

    Pro&ect fficer Medical 9ogistics B. P>ar$


    gec>uk?u gbuanu Pro&ect fficer, inance + $o B#c


    Mic>ael 'gbro Pro&ect fficer, Co$$unit% ser(ices B#c, PG5


    'daeibuike G. 'n%aegbu Pro&ect 'ssistant, Co$$unit%ser(ices

    5i, B#c, MB'


    Benedicta na> Pro&ect 'ssistant 6@5,

    !/ @neka V. Dg?u Pro&ect 'ssistant


    !: Peace 'no

  • 8/14/2019 Edited copy EFMC Corporate Profile.doc


    D.0 )oernance

    EFMC has an acti1e oard of 'r!stees made !p of

    professionals from rele1ant fields incl!ding .!$lic 6ealth"

    Administration and Finance/ 'he oard is the highestdecision ma9ing organ of the organi:ation/ 'he Exec!ti1e

    5irector of EFMC reports to the oard and heads the

    team of EFMC enior Management/ Meetings are held

    reg!larly and min!tes are shared with all concerned/

    10.0 %*? nal!sis

    Examining an organi:ationBs internal strengths and wea9nesses and loo9ing for external

    opport!nities and threats is one of the $asic steps of organi:ational planning/ 'he analysis drew

    on EFMCBs experiences implementing grants and wor9ing with di1erse partners in the last 2


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    Fa1ora$le political climate for p!$lic healthprograms

    @ood mix of capacities" s9ills and di1erse

    competencies within EFMC

    !ccessf!lly accomplished pre1io!s pro-ects

    .artnership with rep!ta$le organi:ations andf!nders

    Gin9ages with donors and go1ernment agencies

    .resence in fo!r states and potentials for f!rtherexpansion/

    trong passion among staff to achie1e res!lts

    trong" creati1e leadership

    Commenda$le $rand and rep!tation


    Gimited financial reso!rces

    No dedicated new $!siness de1elopment !nitor f!nding for same


    New m!ltiyear grants" partnerships andpro-ects

    Mem$ership of professional p!$lic healthassociations e/g/ NMA" A.6.N" E.N".6.N/

    NigeriaBs .residential Comprehensi1e

    8esponse .lan (.C8.) for 67%A5 f!nding New opport!nities in the disease of p!$lic

    health importance in o!r areas of co1erage e/g/Malaria and 8eprod!cti1e health/


    Competition in grant ma9ing

    No o1erhead costs on existing grants

    Economic downt!rn with donor fatig!e/

    10.0 E#MC %ister *rgani=ations

    #/ Excellence & Friends Management Cons!lt Gtd (EFMC)

    2/ Centre for Family 6ealth nitiati1es

    ,/ Academy for .ro-ect Management

    / Centre for Family 6ealth Gimited

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    +/ Modern 6ealth 6ospitals (an Excellence & Friends Medical Center)

    Sustainable Public Health Solutions 4 A

    11.0 Contacts

    Call:2,/I0*0I,,,+ or 2,()HI000H,

    rite to: edOexpertmanagers/org"efmcons!ltOyahoo/com

    Visit: www/expertmanagers/org

    Co"e to: .lot +E Cadastral 4one 5!tse"

    A$!-a" Nigeria

    EFMCCorporate Profile| 2/

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.expertmanagers.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.expertmanagers.org/
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    ppendix I: CC &egistration Certi'icate and >u"er