edisi 18 juni 2013 | international bali post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 16 Pages Number 120 5 th Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. Price: Rp 3.000,- Page 6 Page 8 I N T E R N A T I O N A L DPS 23 - 32 WEATHER FORECAST Page 13 Continued on page 6 Sporadic clashes in Turkey as Erdogan asserts authority A lecturer from the Tourism Faculty, Udayana University, IGA Oka Mahagangga, said a variety of incidents ranging from the Gulf War in the early 1990s, the first Bali bombing (2002) and the second Bali bombing (2005), the issue of bird flu virus and the issue of cholera and diarrhea, did not necessarily change the tourism as the leading develop- ment of Bali. “It needs realizing that tour- ism, aside from requiring creative efforts to constantly innovate, should also have a very powerful impact on various lines of people’s life,” he said. The entire Balinese community and tour- ism components should be honest and admit that there had been a change in various seg- ments of Balinese life. “Despite the socio- cultural change is the essence of dynamic society, at least the change can be planned so that it will minimize the risk of the degra- dation to cultural, social pathologies, crime, environmental damage and the other negative impacts,” said the Head of the Undergradu- ate Program of Tourist Destination, Faculty of Tourism. Role of the government, tourism compo- nent and Balinese people in general, includ- ing the people’s representatives, should have single vision and mission in realizing the sustainable development of Bali tourism. If agreed, the paradigm of Bali tourism develop- ment was cultural tourism so that the logic of Bali tourism development was inseparable from the cultural attribute as the symbol and identity of Bali. Prevent over capacity Bali must realize sustainable tourism Bali Post DENPASAR - Bali tourism plays a strategic role in the economic turnaround in Bali. However, the rapid development of infrastructure with the pretext of facilitating ac- cess and providing tourism support- ing facilities has led to tangible and intangible change in various seg- ments of Balinese life. A tourist taking picture of paddy field that located at Tabanan Regency. Bali tour- ism plays a strategic role in the economic turnaround in Bali. However, the rapid development of infrastructure with the pretext of facilitating access and provid- ing tourism supporting facilities has led to tangible and intangible change in vari- ous segments of Balinese life. IBP/File Photo Dreams turn bitter for Bangladeshi garment workers Spain cruises to 2-1 win over Uruguay

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Headline : Bali must realized sustainable tourism


Page 1: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

16 Pages Number 120 5th Year

e-mail: [email protected]

online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com.

Price: Rp 3.000,-

Page 6 Page 8


DPS 23 - 32


Page 13

Continued on page 6

Sporadic clashes in Turkey as Erdogan asserts authority

A lecturer from the Tourism Faculty, Udayana University, IGA Oka Mahagangga, said a variety of incidents ranging from the Gulf War in the early 1990s, the first Bali bombing (2002) and the second Bali bombing (2005), the issue of bird flu virus and the issue of cholera and diarrhea, did not necessarily change the tourism as the leading develop-ment of Bali. “It needs realizing that tour-ism, aside from requiring creative efforts to constantly innovate, should also have a very powerful impact on various lines of people’s

life,” he said.The entire Balinese community and tour-

ism components should be honest and admit that there had been a change in various seg-ments of Balinese life. “Despite the socio-cultural change is the essence of dynamic society, at least the change can be planned so that it will minimize the risk of the degra-dation to cultural, social pathologies, crime, environmental damage and the other negative impacts,” said the Head of the Undergradu-ate Program of Tourist Destination, Faculty

of Tourism.Role of the government, tourism compo-

nent and Balinese people in general, includ-ing the people’s representatives, should have single vision and mission in realizing the sustainable development of Bali tourism. If agreed, the paradigm of Bali tourism develop-ment was cultural tourism so that the logic of Bali tourism development was inseparable from the cultural attribute as the symbol and identity of Bali.

Prevent over capacity

Bali must realize sustainable tourismBali Post

DENPASAR - Bali tourism plays a strategic role in the economic

turnaround in Bali. However, the rapid development of infrastructure

with the pretext of facilitating ac-cess and providing tourism support-ing facilities has led to tangible and

intangible change in various seg-ments of Balinese life.

A tourist taking picture of paddy field that located at Tabanan Regency. Bali tour-ism plays a strategic role in the economic turnaround in Bali. However, the rapid development of infrastructure with the pretext of facilitating access and provid-ing tourism supporting facilities has led to tangible and intangible change in vari-ous segments of Balinese life.

IBP/File Photo

Dreams turn bitter for Bangladeshi garment workers

Spain cruises to 2-1 win over Uruguay

Page 2: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post


Bali News

� Founder : K.Nadha, � General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti � Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Yudi Winanto

�Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subrata, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta:

Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. � Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. � Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Tele-

phone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No.

15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Location of the agricultural museum is actually very strategic as nestled downtown Tabanan. Almost every day this museum is visited by both domestic and foreign tourists. In holiday seasons, the visitors are dominated by students. Un-fortunately, the museum facilities available are not maximal. One of them is the road access. The road from the entrance gates to museum area is badly damaged. Besides, condition along the road is also creepy. Various plants are allowed to grow wild.

“Many guests often complain why the road heading for the mu-seum is left damaged. Addition-ally, its condition is also poorly maintained,” complained one of the tourist guides rejecting the name to be published last week. The tourist guide said the Subak Museum could be made one of the agricultural tourist destinations prior to visiting Jatiluwih region. In other words, the Jatiluwih area as cultural heritage was supported by

the museum facility. Unfortunately, the museum had not been worked on maximally.

Other than tourist guides, similar complaint was also revealed by local residents of Tabanan. They even complained because the mu-seum area was made a location for nasty deeds. “At night this location is often used to hang out. Some people are even suspected of do-ing immoral deeds, especially on Saturday night,” said one of the residents, Sunday (Jun 16).

So, what is the response of the Tabanan government? Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti confirmed that her party had long proposed to Bali government in rela-tion to the management of the Subak Museum. However, she did not get a positive response from the govern-ment. “We’ve actually been filed to provincial government so that this subak museum asset can be assigned to local government and managed by the county. However, there is no definitive answer yet,” said the

Regent Eka, Friday (Jun 14).Related to the nasty condition,

said the regent, her party had often got inputs and complaints. How-ever, since the assets were entirely owned by provincial government, her party could do nothing. All this time, local government only assisted the asset management. Meanwhile, all the policies lay in the Bali government. Since it did not belong to the asset of local government, her party could not allocate any budget to change the look of the museum.

She explained if the asset was assigned to local government, her party could directly manage it well to help raise the regionally gener-ated revenue (PAD). “Now, we can only assist the maintenance, while policies on improvements lie in the hands of provincial government,” said the Regent of the PDI-P. She also expected the government could be willing to deliver the asset to county government to be worked on maximally. (kmb30)

Negara (Bali Post)—A number of fish factories at

Pengambengan, Negara subdistrict, lately remain to dispose untreated waste directly into the sea. Even, the factories that already have the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) are still ignoring.

As the observation of Bali Post last weekend, some factories still completely disposed their waste into the sea. As found in the IHM factory located at Ketapang Muara seaside hamlet, it was still dispos-ing waste directly into the sea. At one of the factory disposal channels leading to the sea, the waste coming out was in the dark brown line and foul-smelling. Such colored waste flowed directly into the sea. The channel was made permanent piled with boulders and also functioned as breakwater because the factory was located on the seafront.

Other than the IHM, a number of other factories remained to dis-pose waste into the sea. Despite having been reprimanded, some of those factories did not have the WWTP. Even according to infor-mation received, four factories at Pengambengan had been given the predicate of black flag by the Min-istry of Environment as they were not considered eco-friendly.

The Head of the Jembrana En-

vironment, Sanitation and Land-scaping Agency (LHKP), I Made Widana, when asked for his confir-mation justified the persistence of factories that had not been in favor of the environment. Not long ago, there was oversight and final rep-rimand was given by the Ministry of Environment to the five factories in Jembrana County. Four of them were located at Pengambengan because they had not been treating and disposing their waste directly into the sea. “Some reasons caused them to be reprimanded. Therefore, they were given the predicate of black flag or the lowest rate. We (LHKP) are involved in the super-vision and guidance so that they can comply with the regulation,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the IHM factory re-maining to dispose waste actually had owned the WWTP. According to information, the factory had difficulties in providing materials for the waste treatment process, namely the cow dung. After the reprimand from the Ministry of Environment, the LHKP had sum-moned a number of entrepreneurs and management of the factories. They were reprimanded again and given coaching in order they could get out of the lowest predicate. (kmb26)


The Subak Museum located in Tabanan Regency. The museum is not receiving the proper treatment from the government.

Subak Museum

Owned by provincial govt poorly maintainedTabanan (Bali Post)—

The problematic assets of Bali government are not only in Badung and Denpasar. In Tabanan, condition of the government-owned Subak Museum is poorly maintained. The road is damaged and surrounded by wild forest. Disturbingly, the area around the museum is taken advantage for location to do immoral deeds, especially at night.

Polluting environment

Factories at Pengambengan dispose waste into the sea


The waste of fish factory flows into the sea.

Page 3: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

3International Bali News Tuesday, June 18, 2013

i Art Feeestivarrt F ivaAhh Baahh35thhe 33hhTTT 55555555533333 aaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttsssssssssseeeeeeeeeeettttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttteeeeeeeeeee lllllllvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiFFFFFFFFFrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAAiiillllllllBBBBBBBBBBBhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTTTTTTTTT aaBB ABB rrrr333333333 iiiiii llllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvavvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttt rrrrrrrrrttttttttttAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiiiiillllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttt5555555555555555553333333333333333eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

On that occasion, all the speakers agreed that sci-ences developed today in the world had essentially been contained in the Vedas. In other words, the Vedas were the sources of knowledge. The current problem was how to discover them so that they could be de-veloped and utilized for the welfare of mankind. If the potential could be developed, then the Hindus in the world would be strong and resilient.

John Hagelin, Ph.D. appearing as the first speaker featured the theme ‘Modern Science and Vedic Sci-ence: A Proven Approach to Full Human Potential, National Prosperity and Societal Peace.’ He said that all things in this world such as the atoms, molecules and so on would result in vibration. In the Vedas, the vibrations were said to provide a power or strength to mankind since it retained terrible energy. However, not everyone could be familiar with and capture the vibrations as the source of power. “We should be able to train ourselves in order that our vibrations can become a power. The Vedas have carried the way to capture the vibrations to become a source of strength. Some of the ways are through meditation, yoga and so forth so that the vibrations can generate power and spread everywhere,” he explained.

In the meantime, Prof. Dr. I Made Titib Ph.D. described the local wisdoms growing and thriving in the Balinese Hindu community. According to the Rector of the Hindu Dharma Institute (IHDN) Den-pasar, the Balinese community was open to external elements. However, those external influences were always filtered selectively, impressed and adapted to engender the Balinese elements. For example, in terms of religion, the Hindus in Bali developed the concept of Tri Hita Karana essentially posing the implementation of the Vedic teachings. When getting in touch with Chinese community, Balinese people adopted the Chinese arts like Lion Dance and then it was developed into the barong art as widely known

in Bali today. In terms of carving style, for example, Balinese people developed Chinese, Dutch and Egyptian ornamental style adapted from the external carvings in combination with the Balinese style. Then, in religious celebration, the Indian community in Bali gave ritual to weapon and in Bali it was then developed into Tumpek Landep, while the ritual to useful plants for mankind was Tumpek Uduh and some other celebrations. Such celebration was surely harmonious with the Vedic teachings mandating the Hindus to always glorify their environment.

“These are local wisdoms owned by Balinese people to implement the Hindu teachings so that the Hinduism is no longer strange in everyday life. Even, Bali has an extraordinary Nyepi or Day of Silence celebration that invites the Hindus in Bali to implement some abstinence simultaneously. Obviously, local wisdom of Bali is very pro-environment and remains contextual forever to save the environment,” he said.

Titib added that all the local wisdoms were con-stantly upheld by Balinese people so that they could cope with a variety of exposures amidst the majority of non-Hindu communities. “Local wisdom of Bali remains contextual to be implemented in this global-ization relationship,” he said.

In the health field, he said, the Vedic teachings were also very scientific and could be justified scientifically. Related to various findings whose current trend leading to the utilization of natural ingredients, the Hindus actually had long owned many ingredients as mentioned in the Ayur Veda. “Similarly, in terms of the environmental conser-vation, the Hindus have been developing it since ancient time through various kinds of local wis-doms. Tri Hita Karana conception, for example, is a guideline for the Hindus in Bali to always maintain the harmonious relationship to the environment,” he said. (kmb13)

AntaraDENPASAR - Public funds held by

banks by end of March in Bali rose to Rp55.9 trillion from Rp54.9 trillion three months earlier.

The total amount of public funds held by banks in Bali increased from the previous quarter but the growth was slower, Bank Indonesia’s chief representative in Denpasar Dwi Pra-noto said.

The growth was only 19.37 percent on-year in the first quarter of 2013, down from 20.49 percent on-year in the last quarter of 2012, Dwi Pranoto said. Low interest on deposits amid rising inflation discouraged people from putting their money in bank, he said.

Another factor causing the decline in growth was growing demand for funds for investment and consump-tion, he added.

The increase in investment is re-

flected by the result of a survey that showed brisker business in Bali, espe-cially in tourism industry, he said.

There are many tourism related projects being built in Bali especially ahead of the summit meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Coopera-tion (APEC) forum to be held in the world’s major tourist destination island.

Meanwhile, consumption grew especially with the start of academic year and religious day festivities such as Galungan, Kuningan and Nyepi.

Dwi Pranoto said state banks still recorded a fairly high growth in third party funds - up 23.30 percent in the first quarter of this year though slow-ing from 23.43 percent in the previous quarter.

The growth recorded by private lenders was only 15.05 percent, down from 17.41 percent.

AntaraNUSA DUA - PT Semen Indonesia’s

president director Dwi Soetjipto said cement industries across the country could meet the need for cement for infrastructure development projects in the country.

“The growth of cement demand in bulk last year reached 22 percent and before it was 33 percent above the growth of cement industries. Generally cement in bulk is used in big projects including infrastructure development projects,” he said.

He said cement supply for infra-structure development projects under the Master Plan for acceleration and Extension of Economic Development (MP3EI) was sufficient, adding almost all main islands in the country have cement industries.

“It is only Papua that has not yet had a cement plant and so has relied

on supply from the eastern region. PT Semen Indonesia is currently still seek-ing efforts to set up a cement plant in Sorong (Papua) and the plan has been responded well by the regional govern-ment,” he said.

Total production of cement in Indo-nesia at present is expected to increase to 60 million tons this year from 55 million tons last year.

“Right now PT Semen Indonesia with its subsidiaries, PT Semen Padang and PT Semen Tonasa, meets 40 percent of the total demand in the country,” he said.

Although cement consumption per capital is still low compared to that of other countries due to the country’s vast archipelago, Dwi said cement demand would continue to increase.

He said PT Semen Indonesia has now grown into a multinational com-pany following its step to expand to Vietnam.

World Hindu Summit 2013

Vedas serve as source of knowledgeBali Post

DENPASAR - On the fourth day on Sunday (Jun 16), the World Hindu Summit (WHS) 2013 featured again a number of prominent Hindu speakers such as John Hagelin, Ph.D., Dr. L.K. Suryani, Dr. U. Indulal, Prof. Robert H. Schneider, Mrs. Neeru Singh and a number of other speakers in the Ksiraarnawa Building, Bali Art Center. The subject matters specifically highlighted were the environmental issues and health issues in terms of Ayur Vedic aspect.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Event Time Place

1. Wong Puppeteers reconstruction 11.00 am Angsoka

2. Song parade 02.00 pm Ratna Kanda

3. Joged Bumbung parade 11.00 am Ayodya

4. Performance by Yogyakarta’s

Cultural and Tourism Agency 05.00 pm Ayodya

5. ICC performance 08.00 pm Ksirarnawa

6. Children’s Gong Kebyar performance 08.00 pm Ardha Candra

ANTARA FOTO/Yudhi Mahatma

Public funds held by banks by end of March in Bali rose to Rp55.9 trillion from Rp54.9 trillion three months earlier.

Public funds held by banks in Bali up

Cement supply availabe for infrastructure development projects

Page 4: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Bali News International4 Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Denpasar (Bali Post)-

With the many HIV/AIDScase tackling in Bali and awareness of its risk so they would take tests keeps on happenig in Bali, it is predicted that there would be a sharp increase of its cases in the next five years. This was stated by Gaya Dewata Foundation Director, Christian Supriyadinata, in the media gathering takig place

at Bali Coffee 63 Veteran Street, Denpasar, last Saturday (1/6). “After it reached it peak it would stabile and fall down,” he stated.

athere is a new program that tack-les this case which was a survey of 400 respondents becoming the sam-ple for year 2012 &2013. It shows that there has been an increase on condom consumpion in gay couples also HIV tests took place alot wih 85

percent gays, transvestite85 percent, and boy like boy or homosexual 85 percent. With this it means more and mpre cases were found. these days workers would tend to ask unneces-sary questions, now they tend to give counsellings. Then only 20 percent of condome usage by them, now t has reached 68 percent.

Bali AIDS Tackling Commis-sion, drh. Made Suprapta, thinks

the 68 percent is not including in the sex commercial workers and its customers. It is hoped thatit would increase as alot of customers still think that it is not satisfying when using it. Dewa Suyetna from Kerti Praja Foundation stated all programs have un as planned espe-cially for sex commercial workers who would check themselves now moreover the Bali AIDS Tackling

Commission would facilitate it bet-ter now such as formig workgroups in Denpasar. Then it was so hard to socialise this awareness, now a lot of hem and heir customers or een their bosses looks for coordination. Based on data in ear 2013 up until March here have been 369 cases wih 12 died. Total cases from 1987 have reahed 7551 cases wih total 514 died. (san)

Field observation on Sunday (Jun 16) indicated the directional traffic sign at Kaja hamlet, Busungbiu village, made of alumi-num was detached from one of the frames. However, it was still hanging because it was held by the other frame. As a result, wording of the traffic sign got reversed and the road users were very difficult to read it. Behind the sheet of the traffic sign was found a label if

the signage procurement was made with state budget in 2000.

The traffic sign was installed at roadside to provide directional clue to road users coming from Singaraja direction. The sign indicated that turning right was to Pelapuan village and Bengkel village, while the straight path was to Pupuan (Tabanan).

A resident living near the traffic sign, Gusti

Agung Made Rai, said the directional sign did not function because it came off from the frame as blown by strong wind. Since then, he often saw that road users were getting lost because the directional sign was not read properly. As consequence, it did not lead to the right direction.

Most road users getting lost were driv-ers carrying a group of tourists or travelers riding motorcycle coming from the direc-tion of Singaraja. In addition, many road users from outside Bali also got lost while traversing the path. “Many road users had to ask about direction to my home because the directional traffic sign does not work,” he said. (kmb)

Negara (Bali Post)—

To anticipate any crime committed by minors, a number of subdistrict police in Jembrana made operation targeting where young people hung out at night. Such night patrol was also executed by Mendoyo Police on Saturday (Jun 15) led by Chief of Criminal Detective Nyoman Dania targeting a number of location where the youth usually hung out. As a result, they found a group of young people at Delod Berawah, exactly in front of the swimming pool, hanging out.

Among the hordes of young peo-ple, six of whom were girls and still having the status as student. Because it was late at night, the patrol officers dismissed them. The boys and girls were seen hanging out in a quiet and dark location while drinking soft drinks. Dozens of those young men confessed if they gathered just to hang out while chatting. The officers worried about the emergence of in-security and suspected the group of just having drunk liquor belonging to arrack. It was known from the smell of arrack from the mouth of those young people

“Having been checked, in fact it did not belong to alcoholic drink, but only soft drink. But, to antici-pate any undesirable things we have dismissed them,” he explained. Prior to dismissing the mob, the officers had also provided guidance. They were asked to refrain from unlaw-ful deeds.

Meanwhile, some of those young people admitted to have been hanging out for a while. They claimed to use the Saturday night moment and no to have a liquor party. According to them, the location was frequently made a hangout place. Later, the officers sub-sequently conducted the operations to other locations such as at the area of cafés and roadsides being prone to speeding actions. (kmb26)

Hanging out until late night, a youth group dismissed

Five coming years, HIV predicted to increase sharply


The broken sign is left without any repair by the authorised institution.

Directional signage at Busungbiu left damaged Singaraja (Bali Post)—

Traffic sign functioned as a directional signage at some road sections in Buleleng seem to get less maintenance. As evidence, the traffic sign giving direction on Jalan Raya Seririt-Pupuan Tabanan precisely at Busungbiu village is left damaged that causes a number of road users, including foreign tourists, often to get lost.

Page 5: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Bali News Tuesday, June 18, 2013 5International

Bali Post

AMLAPURA - The plan of crossing harbor develop-ment project on Amed Beach was rejected by a number of public figures such as Ketut Dayuh. Related to the rejec-tion against the project at the area having been famous for its hotels and villas, the Regent of Karangasem I Wayan Geredeg when contacted in Amlapura two days ago said the plan would relocate the harbor development project toward the north, namely to Peselatan Beach, Labasari village, Karangasem.

Geredeg said the ancient harbor according to the sto-ries of the elders was not appropriate on Amed Beach, but on Peselatan Beach. However, the traders marketed their commodities unloaded from the vessel on Peselatan Beach to Amed Beach. “As evidence, on Peselatan Beach can be found syahbandar (harbor master) temple,” said Geredeg.

Since the crossing harbor development plan was relo-cated, his party had to allocate a cost for the assessment ei-ther for feasibility study, preparation of detail engineering design (DED) as well as the environmental impact assess-ment (Amdal). Actually, the Amed harbor project plan had completed its study including the feasibility study, detail engineering design and environmental impact assessment. Geredeg was unwilling to explain related to the relocation of the harbor project having had complete studies.

Besides, he did not explain when the harbor project would begin and the target of completion. However, he said the crossing harbor would be located at Peselatan, while the harbor at Lembar (Lombok) would also be re-located to Mapak Beach. Distance of both harbors would be much closer than the Padangbai-Lembar. Therefore, the mileage would also be shorter and more efficient. He said the Padangbai-Lembar was covered within four to five hours, while Peselatan-Mapak would only be about 1.5 hours. “Besides, the harbor at Amed is inappropriate because the waves are strong,” he said.

Geredeg said the feasibility study, detail engineering design or environmental impact assessment for the Mapak Harbor was also known to have been complete from the NTB government. Then, it just needed the approval from central government because the financing and budget were expected from central government. Geredeg said the crossing harbor would be relocated from Padangbai Harbor to resolve the crowdedness where the Padangbai Bay was narrow so that the vessels were difficult to ma-neuver. Even, in particular season the ferry could leave the track and got stuck in the coastal coral. Additionally, the Padangbai rapidly underwent siltation. “Later, the harbor on Peselatan and Mapak Beach will be wider, deeper and having no siltation, so that the dredging is not necessary and it’s much more efficient,” he said.

As had been reported previously, the Amed harbor development plan was rejected by residents. It happened because the beach had been known as tourist object and had many hotels, restaurants, villas and people’ settlement. People did not want if they would be relocated due to the ambition of the Karangasem county government to make a harbor project.

Meanwhile, a number of Padangbai figures had also rejected the relocation of Padangbai Harbor to another location. Actually, location of the harbor had been good and never indicated any crowdedness. Even, the Padangbai Harbor was frequently deserted, while the crowdedness or long queue happened because vessels did dare to cross the sea due to huge waves. Padangbai community itself rejected the relocation of the harbor at their village because it had long become their source of livelihood. Meanwhile, their farmland was getting narrower as the impact of the hotel and villa development. (013)

Yet, he’s very happy with his accom-plishment. After completing a 42.195 kilometer route throughout the beautiful Gianyar, Bali, Lilan looks very proud upon receiving a cash prize of UDS 17,500 awarded by BII Presiden Direc-tor Dato’ Khairussaleh bin Ramli.

With Pushing the Limit as its main theme, this year’s BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013 was joined by more than 3000 great individuals who never seized to push their limit and aim for the best. This marathon is very special because it is acknowledge in the inter-national scale and is done according to the world marathon standard. BII Maybank Bali Marathon is the embodi-ment of one pillar from BII’s corporate social responsibility program, which is healthy lifestyle among the by regular exercise. Thus, PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk (BII) is fully commited in this event, being the only marathon that represents Indonesia.

BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013 was held at the Bali Marine & Safari Park, taking the Gianyar route. The

event started at 5AM, when the run-ers from the Full Marathon (42.195 km) kick things off. After that, come the runners from the Half Marathon (21.0975 km) category, paraplegia ath-letes (wheelchairs), 10K (10 km), and finished off with the Children Sprint.

Same as last year, are celebrated with various art performances throughout the main points. Runners, especially the international runners from 42 countries, look very happy and pumped up thanks to the support of Gianyar community, and elementary school students who won some scholarship yesterday from the CSR program of BII Berbagi.

Second TimeFor the second time in a row, Bali

Safari & Marine Park becomes the host of a very special event, BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013, a 42.195-km marathon race, that took place on 16 June 2013. Included in the event is the half-marathon race covering a distance of 21.0975 kilometers, 10 kilometers and Children’s sprint.

The race start in Gianyar, which runners run across a route certified by the International Certificate No INA2012/009 from the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) with the International Measurement Administrator Dave Cundy, who has the Grade A IAAF-AIMS course measurer. Each runner has a timing chip to measure their personal record.

The same race was held on 22 April 2012 and was participated by runners coming from 42 countries, including elite runners from Africa, Europe, U.S, Asia and Australia. As an annual road race event held in Bali, BII Maybank Bali Marathon race will feature a com-bination of flat road and rolling hills. Runners will experience Balinese natu-ral life and traditional art performance along the course.

Bali Safari and Marine Park as a one stop wildlife conservation and cultural destination is chosen to be the host of BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013. Bali Safari & Marine Park will be the start and finish point for 4 different race cat-egories. It is an honorable opportunity for Bali Safari & Marine Park to host BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013, the biggest International Marathon event in Bali with more than 3000 runners from all over the world. (kmb18)

Rejected on Amed Beach

Harbor plan project relocated to Peselatan

IBP/Courtesy of BII Maybank

With Pushing the Limit as its main theme, this year’s BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013 was joined by more than 3000 great individuals who never seized to push their limit and aim for the best.

BSMP hosting BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013

Again, Kenyan runner won the marathonIBP

GIANYAR - Crowds and supporters are all cheering when runner Lilan Kennedy Kiproo, bearing the badge number 18 won BII Maybank Bali Marathon 2013 with a time record of: 02:18:51. He is unable to beat his own record from last year’s Bali Marathon, which he won, with 02:16:54.

Page 6: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 20136 International

From page 1


It is the dream of nearly every Bangladeshi garment worker to earn enough money to build such a life back in their village. Yet for most it remains just that: Wages are so low they can find themselves struggling to eat, let alone save.

And in the case of Moushumi’s family, the dream has been bitterly corrupted, made possible not by the opportunity the garment indus-try provided, but by the tragedy it inflicted.

Moushimi, who like many people in Bangladesh used only one name, was just 18 when she was killed along with 111 others trapped behind the locked gates of the Tazreen garment factory when it burned last November. Her family renovated their home using the 600,000 takas ($7,700) they received in compensation.

A fortune in a poor village like Tekani in Bangladesh’s far north-

west, it is one the family would gladly return tomorrow to have Moushumi back.

“Previously we didn’t have money but we had peace in our mind. We had a complete family,” said her mother, Hawa Begum. “The peace is no longer there.”

Since the fire and April’s col-lapse of the Rana Plaza facto-ry building, which killed 1,129 people, Bangladesh’s garment industry has been under increased pressure from workers and activ-ists to raise wages and improve working conditions.

The government agreed last month to set up a committee to look into raising the minimum wage of $38 a month. Rather than talking of luxuries like buying land, those advocating for higher salaries speak of getting enough calories. They say the current rate isn’t close to what workers need to

pay their bills and eat properly.“It’s not enough for their half a

month’s costs even,” said Kalpona Akter, a former garment worker and the executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity in Dhaka. Most in the industry are “living just hand-to-mouth,” she said.

Rubel, 20, left the Tekani area more than two years ago, drawn by the prospect of steady garment work and the ability to save. Even after a raise, he couldn’t get by on his salary. Adding to his woes, he was often paid late and was some-times cheated out of overtime. He found himself buying food on credit.

“I couldn’t keep my word with the shopkeepers and they would get angry with me,” he said. “It would make me sad to not be able to keep my word.” He gave up after six months and returned home.

Associated Press Writer

JOHANNESBURG — The wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela says that love and generosity from across the world have brought comfort and hope during Mandela’s latest hospitaliza-tion.

Mandela spent his 10th day in the hospital Monday for a recurring lung infection. President Jacob Zuma said Sunday that Mandela remains in serious condition but that his doctors are seeing sustained improve-ments. Zuma said Mandela is engaging with family during visits.

Graca Machel, Mandela’s wife, in a written message Monday ex-pressed the family’s gratitude for messages of support, in particular from children singing outside the Mandela home.

The leader of South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, Mandela spent 27 years in prison during white racist rule. He was freed in 1990 and became South Africa’s first black president in 1994.

Associated Press Writer

LONDON — Britain’s Prince Philip has walked out of a London hospital, 10 days after undergoing exploratory surgery on his abdo-men. The prince smiled as he walked steadily from the London Clinic on Monday.

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II, who turned 92 last week, had an operation June 7. Officials have not released details about his condition, but have said he is making satisfactory progress. They have said they expect him to spend two months convalescing.

AP Photo/Ismail Ferdous

In this photo taken Monday, May 21, 2013, Hawa Begum walks with a crutch outside the family home in Tekani village in far northwestern Bangladesh.

Dreams turn bitter for Bangladeshi garment workersAssociated Press Writer

TEKANI, Bangladesh — Moushumi’s family now has one of the largest homes in their village

— two bedrooms plus a living area with walls made of sturdy brick. Her father and brother will soon have a small business out front, selling furniture her dad will make. There will be money to pay for her younger sister to get married when it’s time.

Prince Philip leaves hospital after surgery

Mandela’s wife thanks world for ‘love, generosity’

AP Photo/Ben Curtis

A wellwisher carrying get-well placard arrives at the Medi-clinic Heart Hospital where former South African President Nelson Mandela is being treated in Pretoria, South Africa Sunday, June 16, 2013.

When wishing different paradigm of tourism development, it did not need to hesitate as long as getting the support from all the components mentioned above to make it happen.

In this case, it was required a concrete measure to realize the future development of tourism in Bali based on facts and reality in the field and not based theories on paper considering the bijou Island of Bali should not lead to over capacity. (bit)


Page 7: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7SportsInternational

Murray, runner-up at Wimbledon last year, suffered a painful looking slip when leading 4-3 in the first set, yelping in pain and rolling to the turf in apparent distress, and went on to lose the opener against the defending champion.

“The courts had taken a bit of a pounding this week and it’s been ex-tremely wet,” Murray, who had a break point when he took his tumble, said on court before preparing for a doubles exhibition match against coach Ivan Lendl, in aid of a cancer charity.

“It was just a bit sore on the groin area but thankfully it wasn’t too bad.” Murray looked in complete

control in the opening set, breaking Cilic’s opening service game with ease and moving comfortably into a 4-2 lead.

However, his afternoon soon took a turn for the worse. Cilic took advantage of some Murray errors to break back in the seventh game but looked set to hand Murray the initia-tive again in the following game as he slipped 15-40 behind.

He saved the first break point but on the second the 26-year-old Mur-ray slipped awkwardly behind the baseline and cried out in pain as the crowd watched on anxiously. Murray continued but looked a little tentative

and Cilic took advantage to break in the 11th game and serve out the set.

The second set went with serve until Cilic wavered at 5-6. A silky lob from Murray gave him a glimmer of a break and he took his chance to level the match. With sunshine fi-nally bathing the court after a rain-hit week, the home favourite produced some dazzling winners in the final set to wrap up the title.

“He is one of the best grasscourt players in the world and we’ve known each other since juniors and played a lot of tough matches,” Murray said of Cilic. “He was playing very well at the end of the second set and I was a bit fortunate to come through.”

U.S. Open champion Murray, who will be trying to become the first British man to win Wimbledon since Fred Perry in 1936 when the grasscourt slam begins on June 24, also won the Queens title in 2009 and 2011.

Associated Press Writer

SAN ANTONIO — Across three NBA championships and more than 100 playoff victories together, Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Gi-nobili have built a bond most team-mates will never share. So maybe Ginobili could ignore it when he was suddenly being criticized around San Antonio.

You better believe it bothered the others. “Yeah, of course,” Parker said. “Because for everything he did for the franchise, I thought it was a little bit too harsh. We understand it’s a business. He came out big tonight.”

Just like Parker said he would. Ginobili broke out of a slump in a big way with 24 points and 10 assists in his first start of the season, and the Spurs beat the Miami Heat 114-104 on Sunday night to take a 3-2 lead in the NBA Finals.

Parker scored 26 points, Duncan had 17 points and 12 rebounds, and Ginobili had his highest-scoring game of the season as the Spurs became the first team to shoot 60 per-cent in a finals game in four years.

“He’s such a huge part of what we do and how far we’ve come. You can see it tonight in how we played and the results of the game,” Duncan said. “We’re always confident in

him. ... We know he has it in him. We hope he can bring it forward for one more win.”

Danny Green smashed the NBA Finals record for 3-pointers, hitting six more and scoring 24 points. Kawhi Leonard finished with 16, but the stage was set when Ginobili trotted out with Duncan, Parker and the rest of starters in what could have been the last finals home game for a trio that’s meant so much to San Antonio. One more victory and the Spurs’ Big Three, not Miami’s, will be the one that rules the NBA.

And a big reason was Ginobili, as he’s been for so long — just not during what had been a miserable series for the former Sixth Man of the Year.

“I was angry, disappointed,” Gi-nobili said. “We are playing in the NBA Finals, we were 2-2, and I felt I still wasn’t really helping the team that much,” Ginobili said. “And that was the frustrating part.” On Sunday, it was all forgotten.

“He’s obviously very popular. He’s been here a long time. He’s helped us have a lot of success over the years,” Spurs coach Gregg Pop-ovich said.

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade each scored 25 points for the Heat, who host Game 6 on Tuesday night. They need a victory to force the first

Game 7 in the finals since the Lakers beat the Celtics in 2010.

Miami’s Big Three formed a few weeks after that game, with predic-tions of multiple titles to follow. Now they’re a loss away from going just 1 for 3 in finals to start their partner-ship, while the Spurs could run their perfect record to 5 for 5.

“This is the position we’re in and the most important game is Game 6,” James said. “We can’t worry about a Game 7, we have to worry about Game 6.”

Duncan won his first title in 1999, and Parker and Ginobili were with him for three championships since. They have been the perfect partner-ship, keeping the Spurs in the hunt virtually every year while teams such as the Lakers, Mavericks and Suns have all risen and fallen in the West-ern Conference during that time.

They remained unbeaten in Game 5s, including two previous victories when the series was tied at 2-2. Of the 27 times the finals have been tied at 2-2, the Game 5 winner has won 20 of them.

Miami was the most recent loser, falling to Dallas in Game 5 in 2011 before being eliminated at home the next game. “We’re going to see if we’re a better ballclub and if we’re better prepared for this moment,” Wade said.

Murray recovers from slip to win Queen’s title

REUTERS/Eddie Keogh

Britain’s Andy Murray holds the trophy after beating Croatia’s Marin Cilic in their men’s singles final tennis match at the Queen’s Club Championships in west London June 16, 2013.


LONDON - Andy Murray gave his fans a fright before recovering to beat Croatia’s Marin Cilic to win the Aegon Championships for the third time at Queen’s Club on Sunday. The world number two, who missed the French Open with a back injury, won a rain-delayed final 5-7 7-5 6-3 to give himself a timely boost for Wimbledon which starts in eight days.

Manu Ginobili sparks Spurs to Game 5 win

REUTERS/Brendan Maloney/Pool

San Antonio Spurs shooting guard Manu Ginobili (20) goes to the basket past Miami Heat shooting guard Dwyane Wade (3) during Game 5 of their NBA Finals basketball series in San Antonio, Texas. June 16, 2013.

Page 8: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

8 InternationalTuesday, June 18, 2013

Sp rt

“I think it was clear Spain was the undeniable winner, a deserved vic-tory,” Iniesta said. “It left a very good taste in our mouth. But we probably deserved another goal.” Spain had 77 percent of the possession in the first half, and 71 in the match — and that tells much of the story.

Cesc Fabregas hit the post in the 10th minute, which is the other goal Iniesta was probably talking about. The World Cup champions did get two first-half goals just after Fabregas’ miss — one in the 20th from Pedro and another 12 minutes later by striker Roberto Soldado.

Spain had a little luck with the first goal, which looked to be heading wide when it took a huge deflection off Uruguay defender Diego Lugano to beat goalkeeper Fernando Muslera. The second was perfect finishing by Soldado after a cute reverse pass from Cesc Fabregas. Luis Suarez scored a consola-tion goal with a delicately curling free kick for Uruguay in the 88th.

Spain is attempting to win the only major trophy it lacks to go with a 2010 World Cup and two consecutive European championships. Coach Vicente del Bosque talked about the importance of a damp, quick pitch so that Spain could put on a show. It rained just before the match, and Spain obliged. “I think we took advantage in the first half, but dropped off a bit in the second,” Del Bosque said.

Uruguay barely touched the ball in the first 15 minutes as Spain linked dozens of touches together, eventually setting up Pedro’s goal. He scored from just outside the area as Lugano lunged trying to stop the shot — and pushed it into the goal, instead.

Soldado’s goal could have a lasting impact — a clean finish when he was left alone in front of Muslera. The Valencia striker is Spain’s latest “No. 9,” the true striker that Del Bosque has often shunned in favor of an attacking midfielder. Soldado scored 24 goals in

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Estudio R. Carrera 14/06/2013

Source: FIFAPhoto: REUTERS/Mohammed Dabbous

Andres Iniesta(29)Midfielder

Born: May 11, 1984(Fuentealbilla)

Height: 1.70 m

Club: FC Barcelona (ESP)

International Caps: 81

International goals: 11

International debut: Spain - Russia (May 2006)


Estudio R. Carrera 14/06/2013

Source: FIFAPhoto: REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

International goals: 3

International debut: Libya - Nigeria (Ago 2005)

International Caps: 47



Born: April 22, 1987


Height:1.88 m

Club: Chelsea FC (ENG)

Estudio R. Carrera 14/06/2013

Source: FIFAPhoto: REUTERS/Stephane Mahe

Born: May 12, 1980 (Papeete)



Height: 1.71 m

Club: Panthrakikos FC (GRE)

International Caps: 0

International goals: 0

International debut: First appearance


Estudio R. Carrera 14/06/2013

Source: FIFAPhoto: REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian

Luis Suarez (26)Forward

Born:Jan. 24, 1987 (Salto)

Height: 1.81 m

Club: Liverpool FC (ENG)

International Caps: 64

International goals: 32

International debut: Colombia - Uruguay (Feb 2007)

AP Photo/Fernando Llano

Spain’s Pedro Rodriguez cel-ebrates followed by Spain’s

Sergio Ramos after scoring during the soccer Confedera-

tions Cup group B match be-tween Spain and Uruguay at the Arena Pernambuco in Recife,

Brazil, Sunday, June 16, 2013.

Spain cruises to 2-1 win over Uruguay

Associated Press Writer

RECIFE, Brazil — Andres Iniesta repeated several times that Spain deserved its 2-1 victory over Uruguay in their Confederations Cup opener. The Spain midfielder had only one problem with Sunday’s result. The game wasn’t as close as the score looked, and Spain should have scored at least one more goal.

La Liga this season, surpassed only by the likes of Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Radamel Falcao and Alvaro Negredo.

Among the other strikers, Fernando Torres scored only eight in the Premier League this season for Chelsea, and David Villa managed only 10 with Barcelona. “First of all, to be among the 23 to be on the team is great,” Soldado said. “But then to be a starter is a radical change. And then to score. Of course I’m happy.”

Del Bosque also returned captain Iker Casillas to his spot in goal. Casil-las had not played a competitive match in 4 1/2 months. He was dropped in December by then-Real Ma- drid coach Jose Mourinho, then broke his left hand in a match on Jan. 23. Even after it healed, Mourinho left him on the bench.

Casillas had little to do for much of the time — but was helpless against Suarez’s free k i c k . The second half was more of the same, but it turned more physical with the pro-Uruguay crowd often jeering Spain’s long spells of possession. Only after Suarez’s late free kick did the game seem in doubt.

Spain and South American champion Uruguay are viewed as the class teams of Group B — which also includes Tahiti and Nigeria — and Spain clearly outclassed Uruguay with its usual domination of pos-session. “We know our next opponent (Tahiti) is a lesser team, but you have to play every match,” Iniesta said.

Page 9: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

9International Tuesday, June 18, 2013International


Italy playmaker Andrea Pirlo gave Brazilian fans a taste of what they were missing as he

marked his 100th international appearance by orchestrating his side’s 2-1 win against

Mexico in the Confederations Cup on Sunday.

The notoriously difficult to please Maracana crowd was

united in its adulation of the 34-year-old, appreciat-

i n g the sort of player their o w n country has struggled to produce and even shunned.

Pirlo’s role as a deep-lying play-maker is an alien concept in Brazil, where any midfielder who sits just in front of the defence is expected to perform a purely destructive role.

Most Bra- zilian teams, including the national side, field two “guard dogs” in front of the back four, whose job is to snuff out danger and stop anything that moves, by fair means or foul.

Tactical fouls, such as a tug of shirt or sneaky trip, are considered perfectly acceptable by such players, while venturing forward and helping the attack remains taboo.

At the 2010 World Cup, coach Dunga used the brute force of Gilberto Silva and Felipe Melo in the centre of midfield, which gave plenty of protection to the defence but limited Brazil’s creative options, putting most of the burden on a half-fit Kaka.

Mano Menezes, who took over after the tour-nament, was more adventurous, and encouraged all his midfielders to attack but when he was sacked and replaced by Luiz Felipe Scolari in November, there was a quick return to the old approach.

“I don’t go with this story that the defensive midfielders have to go forward all the time and try and score goals,” Scolari said shortly after taking over. “What we have to do is not concede goals.”

“I don’t want my central defenders to be left in one-to-one situations, I’m not going to let it happen.”


Brazilian critics believe that Chelsea mid-fielder Ramires has been left out of the Confed-erations Cup because he likes to charge forward, while Lazio’s Hernanes has been relegated to the substitutes bench for the same reason.

Scolari made it clear after the 2-2 friendly draw against England at the start of June that he

Associated Press Writer

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian police have dispersed a small protest against a public transport fare hike that broke out in front of Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana stadium ahead of the Mexico-Italy soccer match during the Confederations Cup. About 300 protesters tried to make their way toward the stadium Sunday. Riot police used tear gas and rubber bullets to scatter them.

It was the latest in a series of protests hitting some major Brazilian cities during the Confederations Cup and ahead of next month’s papal visit.

The biggest and most violent protests have been in Sao Paulo, although no Confederations Cup matches will

be played there and Pope Francis isn’t stopping in that city on his Brazil trip. Demonstrators promise to hold what may be the

largest protest yet Monday in Sao Paulo.


Former Newcastle United manager Joe Kinnear has been approached by the Premier League club to become its new director of football on a three-year deal, he said on Sunday. Kinnear was appointed at St James’ Park after

Kevin Keegan left the club in September 2008 but stepped aside in early 2009 due to heart problems.

“I’m as fit as a fiddle now. I’m delighted with the situation,” the 66-year-old former Ireland international told Sky Sports News.

“I wanted to get my teeth into something in the Premiership. I think I am ideal for this situation.”

Kinnear, who won just five of his 24 Premier League matches in charge of the club, is best known for his expletive-ridden rant during his first news conference as Newcastle manager. The former Nottingham Forest, Luton Town and Wimbledon boss swore 52 times at reporters

who he felt had written negative and untruthful articles.


LONDON - Honduras defender Maynor Figueroa has joined newly-promoted Hull City from relegated Wigan Athletic on a two-

year deal, the Premier League club said on Monday. The announcement reunites the 30-year-old left back with City manager Steve Bruce, who

first signed him while manager of Wigan in 2008.“When the team were playing the final few games in the Cham-

pionship, I paid close attention to the results because I wanted Steve Bruce to achieve promotion,” he told the City website (www.hullcityafc.net).

“I was happy for him to earn the success. He is a great manager and I’m looking forward to working with him again. “I watched the Cardiff game and after the final whistle, I turned to my wife and said, ‘Hull could be an option for me next year’,” added the player, who was out of contract at Wigan. Hull won automatic promotion on May 4 after a dramatic 2-2 draw with champions Cardiff City on the final day of the Championship (second tier) season. FA Cup

winners Wigan were relegated 10 days later.Figueroa missed the Cup final at Wembley and Wigan’s last four

Premier League games due to a groin injury.



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Pirlo shows Brazil what they are missing

AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo

Italy’s Andrea Pirlo celebrates after scor-

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tions Cup group A match between Mexico and Italy

at Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday,

June 16, 2013.

was not happy with his team’s performance af-ter Hernanes came on at halftime, even though he set up Brazil’s first goal.

It would be fascinating to know what Scolari makes of Pirlo and Italy, where Daniele De Rossi was the only player in their five-man midfield who could be considered a tackling specialist.

Italy were certainly exposed to Mexico’s attacks in Sunday’s match but that was more than compensated for by the number of openings created. Pirlo’s team mates are in no doubt about the qualities of a player who gave Italy a 27th minute lead against the Mexicans.

“When you see Pirlo in action it’s hard not to sit back and enjoy it. I know how that feels because I’ve been watching him for years,” goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon told FIFA.com.

Kinnear set for Newcastle director of football role

Honduras defender Figueroa joins Hull City from Wigan

Small protest in front of Rio’s Maracana stadium

Page 10: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post


Tirta Empul Temple or Tampak Siring Temple is a holy spring water temple located in Tampak Siring Village, Gianyar regency and it is about 39 km eastwards from Denpasar town. It is set in the dale and encircled by the hill. In the west side of this temple, there is an Indonesian Presi-dent palace which has been found by the first president. The name of Tirta Empul is loaded in a inscription which is kept at Sakenan Temple, Manukaya village, Sub district of Tampak Siring, about 3 km from Tirta Empul Temple. In this inscrip-tion, the Tirta Empul is named by the Tirta Ri Air Hampul and then the name has changed into Tirta Hampul and finally become the Tirta Empul. Tirta Ri air hampul is meaning the water emerge or the holy pool (Petirthan) which is the water emerge from the land.

The wellspring emerges from the land is believed that it is the infinite creation.

According to the history, that, that this water source is arranged and sanctified by king Indrajayasing-hawarmadewa in the year 882 Saka (960 M). He has given the name with Tirta ri air

hampul. The data is loaded in the in-scription that is located at Sakenan Temple. Besides of the above epig-raphy data, in Tirta Empul

Temple is also found the archaeology omis-

sion like Colossus Yoni, Arca Lion, Tepasana and Tirta Empul Pool. Accord- ing

t o

p a -pyrus of Usana Bali nar-

rated that Tirta Empul is created by Bhatara Indra (Sun Deity) when

bearing arms against the king where his palace is located in Bedahulu Countryside. He is known as a very miraculous king, which he can lose or show suddenly, therefore he is named by Mayadenawa. Because of its miracle, he becomes the ar-rogance and expressing himself as a god. The Mayadenawa King owns the assistant (Patih) which is called Kalawong. They prohibit the people to do the Yadnya (praying to the god) so that is often happened the natural disaster, disease epidemic, agriculture fail and finally miser-able life society. Finally Betara In-dra (one of Hindu God) gives battle against the kings that happened in Tampak Siring and then the May-adenawa is gone to the wall and dis-appear. King Mayadenawa has also created poisonous pools which can the team of Bathara Indra die and faint after drinking this water. Then Bathara Indra stick the weapon of Umbul-umbul and finally the water is emerging so that called by Tirta Empul and then it is passed to the dead and faint soldier that made them back to live. Therefore at the moment this pool water is sanctified by the Hindu society in Bali and they believe that this water source can heal various of diseases, hence every day this

place is a lot of visited by Hindu people to do the ritual and sanc-tify them self. This place has been opened for public and as a famous tourist destination in Bali.

Tuesday, June 18, 201310 InternationalDestination

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Tirta Empul Temple

IBP/File Photo

Page 11: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 11International

AntaraJAKARTA - Indonesia receives an award from the United Nations’ Food

and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for its consistency in reducing hunger and malnutrition as mandated by the Millennium Development Goals, a press release received from the Coordinating ministry for the Economy here on Monday said.

“Indonesian government will continuously try to create a conducive envi-ronment to support the eradication of poverty, hunger and malnutrition in the country,” Minister Hatta Radjasa said when receiving the award last Sunday (June 16) during the FAO’s 38th meeting in Rome, Italy.

He explained the government is currently focusing on the development of agriculture sector and the empowerment of people living in the village.

Among efforts made to support the plan are extension of bank loan facility for small and medium enterprises, increase social service for the poor, promote food diversification as an effort to tackle possible food scarcity.

Based on FAO’s data, Indonesia is considered as successful in reducing hunger and poverty as mandated by the MDGs. Hunger level in the country is decreasing from 19.9 percent from the period of 1990-1992 to be 8.6 percent in 2010-2012. The number surpasses the MDGs target of hunger level at 9.9 percent.

“To each and every one of you, I want to say that you are living proof that when societies decide to put an end to hunger, and when there is political com-mitment from governments, we can transform that will into concrete action and results,” FAO’s Director-General José Graziano da Silva said.

“FAO is proud to work with all our Member Nations, developed and developing, to reach our common vision of a hunger-free and sustainable world,” he added.

The Director-General pointed out that there were 928 days until the 2015 MDG deadline, but he urged countries to go beyond that and aim for the complete elimination of hunger.

“We are the first generation that can end hunger, which has plagued human-ity since the birth of civilization. Let’s seize this opportunity,” he said.

Graziano da Silva said strong regional commitments were supporting national anti-hunger efforts. He also thanked the international donor com-munity for helping to initiate and scale-up successful hunger-fighting actions in numerous countries.

The FAO chief also pointed out that 15 developing countries already had hunger rates below 5 percent dating back to at least 1990: Argentina, Bar-bados, Dominica, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates.

Demonstrations were held in the capital Jakarta and other cities as lawmakers gathered to decide on budget amendments that will pave the way for the government to announce the first price hike since 2008.

Fuel prices have long been a flashpoint issue in Indonesia, with economists arguing that huge gov-ernment subsidies are damaging Southeast Asia’s top economy.

Millions are opposed to lower-ing the payouts, which keep down the cost of living.

In Jambi, a city on Sumatra is-land, hundreds of protesters tried to push through the gate in front of the local legislature, provincial police spokesman Almansyah told AFP.

“The situation became some-what chaotic and the police had to fire tear gas to disperse them,”

said the spokesman, who like many Indonesians goes by one name.

Nobody managed to enter and the situation was under control, he added.

A male journalist was hit near the eye by a tear gas shell casing and was receiving hospital treat-ment, the spokesman said.

In Jakarta, some 3,000 dem-onstrators gathered outside the national parliament in light rain, setting fire to tyres and waving banners that read “Reject the fuel price rise” and “hang SBY” (President Susilo Bambang Yud-hoyono).

“Get ready to occupy the par-liament building if they raise the fuel price,” shouted one protester through a loudspeaker.

About 19,000 police and mili-tary personnel were deployed

across Jakarta, police said.In the city of Makassar, on

Sulawesi island, around 500 university students and teachers protested, burning tyres and yell-ing “revolution”.

While only a small percentage of Indonesians are private car owners, the plan to increase the price of petrol by 44 percent is expected to push up the cost of everyday goods as they will be more expensive to transport.

The state budget amendments will provide financial assistance to poor households, paving the way for Yudhoyono to announce an increase.

Such sessions in parliament’s lower house can drag on for hours but if the measures are approved as expected, Yudhoyono could announce an increase as early as Monday evening.

AntaraJAKARTA - Increase in subsidized fuel prices should be accompanied

with a step to provide subsidy for poor people who need it, Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar said.

“It would be better if state budget, which so far is much used to subsidize fuel, is used for helping the poor, rather than letting the rich to spend it,” the minister told a press conference here on Monday.

He said that fuel oil subsidy could be used to develop an entrepreneurship program and open new jobs through productive labor intensive programs and infrastructure development in urban and rural areas.

Muhaimin said that apart from the polemics of the government’s plan to raise subsidized fuel oil prices, all people should understand that raising the price was something that could not be avoided now.

“The decision to increase fuel price will safeguard the state budget and the nation’s economic growth,” he said.

So, he said, the state budget should no longer be enjoyed by people in the middle and upper income brackets who own cars that consume fuels subsidized by the state amounting to trillions of rupiahs.

The minister said that it was now time for the poor to enjoy subsidy (so far provided for fuels) through the government’s temporary direct cash as-sistance (BLSM).

“This program would be more beneficial for the poor. The people who needed it will be given priority in this program,” he said.

The minister said his side expected that the subsidy would be used to reduce the number of unemployed people.

He said that at present the number of unemployed people reached 7.17 million (5.92 percent) of the Indonesian workforce of 121.2 millions.


Thousands of protesters rallied across Indonesia Monday against government plans to hike the price of fuel, with police in one city firing tear gas to stop hundreds storming the local parliament.

Thousands rally over fuel price hikes

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Thousands of protesters rallied across Indonesia Monday against government plans to hike the price of fuel, with police in one city firing tear gas to stop hundreds storming the local parliament.

Fuel subsidy should go to poor

Indonesia receives award from FAO

Page 12: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Speaking hours ahead of the sum-mit’s official opening at a lakeside golf resort, Cameron said he expects formal agreement to launch negotia-tions on a European-American free trade agreement. He said a pact to slash tariffs on exports would boost employment and growth on both sides of the Atlantic.

“This will be a summit that will drive growth and prosperity all over the world,” Cameron declared as he arrived at the summit venue ahead of leaders from the United States, Canada, Russia, Germany, France, Italy and Japan as well as the 27-nation European Union.

Referring to Northern Ireland’s ability to leave behind a four-decade conflict that claimed 3,700 lives, he said leaders of the Group of Eight wealthy nations should be inspired by the setting — the lush lakelands of County Fermanagh — to deliver their own economic breakthrough.

“Ten or 20 years ago, a G-8 in Fermanagh would have been unimaginable. But today Northern Ireland is a very different place ... a symbol of hope to the world,” Cameron said.

Obama, seizing on that theme, was beginning his trip in the North-ern Ireland capital of Belfast, where he’s delivering a speech on sustaining Catholic-Protestant reconciliation 15 years on from the U.S.-brokered Good Friday peace

accord.The U.S. leader was scheduled

to speak inside Belfast’s Waterfront Hall, a glass-fronted building that would never have been built during the city’s long era of car bombs that ended with a 1997 Irish Republican Army cease-fire.

But with IRA splinter groups still active today, Northern Ireland’s police appear to be leaving little to chance in ensuring security around the Lough Erne resort west of Enniskillen.

More than 3,500 officers from Britain have been imported to double the security detail, and Brit-ish Army engineers have helped to erect a daunting perimeter of steel fences and coiled razor wire for miles (kilometers) around the resort’s lone road entrance.

Air space over much of Northern Ireland is being restricted to sum-mit traffic for the duration of the summit, which concludes Tuesday. And the water around the resort’s peninsula has been similarly closed to civilians, with police patrolling by boat, although the public is still free to fish from shore.

And Northern Ireland’s riot-savvy police have been deployed in armored vehicles and flame-re-tardant suits. They’re keeping mas-sive mobile water-cannon vehicles in reserve, lest hard-left protesters make any serious bid to breach the security fence.

However the police commander of G-8 security, Assistant Chief Constable Alistair Finlay, says he expects peace to reign when social-ist and anti-globalization protesters march Monday night from central Enniskillen to the fence.

Finlay said while officers had trained to manage crowds of more than 10,000 protesters, this was un-likely to materialize Monday, with just 2,000 expected and few anti-G-8

activists traveling from continental Europe for the occasion.

As the protesters march, G-8 leaders are due to hold a working dinner where foreign policy is-sues — especially the increasingly opposed positions of the United States and Russia over Syria’s civil war — will be on the menu.

Obama was expected to hold a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin before that

dinner. Obama last week announced that the United States would begin arming rebel groups trying to oust the Russian-backed government of Bashar al-Assad.

Cameron said he also hoped to achieve agreement that no G-8 member should pay ransoms to secure the release of hostages in North Africa, where western and Asian workers are top targets for kidnappers.

InternationalTuesday, June 18, 201312

Associated Press

BANGKOK — Oil prices fell Monday as traders refrained from big moves ahead of a critical meet-ing of U.S. central bank policy-makers later in the week.

Benchmark oil for July delivery fell 33 cents to $97.52 a barrel at midday Bangkok time in electronic

trading on the New York Mercan-tile Exchange. The contract for July delivery rose $1.16 to close at $97.85 a barrel on the Nymex amid concerns about a possible escalation in Syria’s civil war.

The Fed has been supporting the U.S. economy by buying $85 billion in bonds every month as part of a plan to keep interest rates

low and encourage borrowing, spending and investing. Recent signs of a recovery, however, have raised questions about whether the Fed might start to pull back.

Some investors worry that long-term interest rates could spike when the Fed pulls back, threat-ening the economic recovery. The Fed will start a two-day meeting

Tuesday to discuss the central bank’s next steps.

“Ultimately markets are likely to successfully transition to a world of reduced Fed asset purchases but this may take a while. In the meantime market stress is set to remain elevat-ed,” said analysts at Credit Agricole CIB in a market commentary.

President Barack Obama’s

decision last week to provide weapons to rebels fighting the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad pushed up oil prices Friday. The Middle East is a key source of crude oil and important transit routes cross the region, so conflicts which threaten disruptions in crude production or supply usually push oil prices higher.

Oil falls toward $97 ahead of Fed meeting

Leaders should reach speedy agreement on trade, tax reformsAssociated Press

ENNISKILLEN — British Prime Minister David Cameron says leaders gathering Monday for the G-8 summit in Northern Ireland should reach speedy agreement on trade and tax reforms, and draw inspiration from the host country’s ability to resolve its own stub-born conflict.

AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett, Pool

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron walks with Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers, second right, and Wing Commander Faye Wiseman, left, after arriving to attend the Enniskillen G8 summit, at the 38th Irish Brigade Flying Station Aldergrove near Belfast, Northern Ireland June 16, 2013.


Page 13: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 13International RLDW

Two union federations called a nationwide strike for Monday over the forced eviction of protesters from Gezi Park, a leafy corner of Istanbul’s central Taksim Square and the focus of two weeks of fierce anti-government demonstrations that have spread to other big cities. Labour groups repre-senting doctors, engineers and dentists said they too would take part.

Hundreds of thousands of Erdogan supporters gathered to hear the prime minister speak at an Istanbul parade ground on Sunday as riot police fired teargas a few kilometres away in the city center to disperse protesters.

A defiant Erdogan told a sea of flag-waving supporters that two weeks of unrest had been manipulated by

“terrorists” and dismissed suggestions that he was behaving like a dictator, a constant refrain from those who have taken to the streets.

“They say ‘you are too tough’, they say ‘dictator’. What kind of a dictator is this who met the Gezi Park occupi-ers and honest environmentalists? Is there such a dictator?” Erdogan said to roars of approval from the crowd.

He dismissed the demonstrations as “nothing more than the minority’s attempt to dominate the majority ... We could not have allowed this and we will not allow it.”


Riot police backed by a helicopter,

some in plain clothes and carrying ba-tons, fired teargas and chased gangs of rock-throwing youths into side streets around Taksim late on Sunday, trying to prevent them from regrouping.

There were also disturbances in other parts of the city that had so far largely been spared the violence, including around the Galata bridge, which crosses to the historic Sulta-nahmet district, and the upmarket Nisantasi neighbourhood.

A small-scale environmental pro-test quickly spread into a much larger movement involving people from all walks of life who dislike what they say is Erdogan’s domineering leadership style and his government’s unneces-sary meddling in people’s lives.

The clashes pose no immediate threat to Erdogan’s leadership, but they have tarnished Turkey’s image as an oasis of stability on the fringes of the volatile Middle East, and presented him with the greatest challenge of his 10-year rule.

Reuters LOUGH ERNE, Northern

Ireland - U.S. President Barack Obama will seek the help on Mon-day of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Syria’s most powerful ally, to bring Bashar al-Assad to the negotiating table and end a two-year civil war.

At their first private face-to-face meeting in a year, Obama will try to find common ground with Putin on the sidelines of a G8 summit in Northern Ireland after angering the Kremlin by authorizing U.S. military support for the Syrian president’s opponents.

During talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron in Lon-don on the eve of the summit, Putin renewed his criticism of the West’s position in startling tones, describ-ing Assad’s foes as cannibals.

“I think you will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines, in front of the public and cameras,” Putin said at a joint news conference with Cam-eron. “Are these the people you want to support? Is it them who you want to supply with weapons?”

Cameron conceded London and Moscow remained far apart. Rus-sia does not buy the West’s asser-tion that Assad’s forces have used chemical weapons and crossed a red line in doing so, saying U.S.

military support for Syrian rebels would only escalate violence.

Washington said on Saturday it would keep F-16 fighters and Patriot missiles in Jordan at Am-man’s request, prompting Moscow to bristle at the possibility they could be used to enforce a no-fly zone inside Syria.

Putin’s rhetoric has become increasingly anti-Western since he regained the presidency last year but he appeared upbeat in London, stressing several areas of coopera-tion between Russian and Britain.

Canadian Prime Minister Ste-phen Harper criticized Putin for backing Assad and expressed pes-simism about the chances of a deal on Syria at the summit.

“Mr Putin and his government are supporting the thugs of the As-sad regime for their own reasons that I do not think are justifiable and Mr Putin knows my view on that,” Harper said. “We are not, unless there is a big shift in position on his part, going to get a common position with him at the G8,” he told a joint news conference with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in Dublin on Sunday.

At the Lough Erne golf resort in Northern Ireland, Cameron will bring together leaders of the United States, Japan, Canada, Russia, Germany, France and Italy - repre-senting just over half of the $71.7 trillion global economy.

Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela — Pope Francis should pressure Venezu-elan President Nicolas Maduro to focus on promoting democracy and peaceful coexistence to ease tensions with the socialist govern-ment’s opponents, the Catholic

Church’s top representative in the country said Sunday.

Cardinal Jorge Urosa said he expected the pontiff to try to per-suade Maduro during their meeting Monday at the Vatican to cease his verbal attacks on political rivals and critics

The cardinal said he hopes to see

“increased serenity and impartiality in the president’s language” follow-ing the meeting.

“Hopefully when (Maduro) returns he will use much more calm and democratic language, and also recognizes the existence and importance of those who belong to the opposition,” Urosa

said during an interview telecast by the privately owned Globovi-sion channel.

It will be the president’s first meeting with the new pope, who has called on Venezuela’s political rivals to work toward reconcilia-tion after the April 14 presidential election that Maduro won by a thin

margin.The relationship between Ma-

duro and leaders of Venezuela’s Catholic Church has not been friendly. But he appears to be at-tempting to improve ties with the church, which wields enormous influence among Venezuelans of all political leanings.

Venezuela’s cardinal: Pope should urge coexistence

Obama, Putin face tough talks on Syria at G8 summit

REUTERS/Anthony Devlin/Pool

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin hold a joint news conference in 10 Downing Street, central London June 16, 2013. The two leaders met ahead of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland.

Anti-government protest-ers shout slogans as they stand on barricades in Istanbul June 16, 2013.

REUTERS/Serkan SenturkSporadic clashes in Turkey as Erdogan asserts authorityReuters

ISTANBUL - Sporadic clashes between police and protesters flared up in Istanbul overnight after a weekend in which Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan sought to steal back the agenda, rallying his support-ers and expelling demonstrators from an Istanbul park.

Page 14: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 201314 InternationalTechnology


The much-anticipated Airbus A350 flew for the first time on Friday, launching a new air race between the European plane maker and Boeing for long-haul wide-body aircraft.

Boeing has dominated the market so far, but troubles with the lithium ion batteries in its 787 Dreamliner are giving customers a reason to give a close look at Airbus’ first all-new plane in eight years. The CEO of Airbus parent EADS, Tom Enders, has said he expects a “few hundred” new orders. Boeing executives, meanwhile, downplayed the air show’s importance for orders, noting that the two companies

have historically split the com-mercial aircraft market.

A year ago, at the Paris Air Show’s sister event in Britain, Boeing beat Airbus for the num-ber of orders announced. The U.S. company took in $37 billion in orders and commitments, well above Airbus’ $16.9 billion.

But the announcements during the air shows are not always a re-liable indicator of business since prices are often negotiated down heavily and big orders don’t al-ways coincide with the event.

The race for the title of biggest plane maker is as tight as ever. Over the whole of 2012, Airbus delivered 588 planes. That was a record, but one Boeing beat with 601 deliveries, the first time since 2003 it came out on top.


They have swooped into wild-fires to take temperatures and tracked animals across Africa. They have guided a fuel tanker to safety through icy waters. Drones are increasingly being used for non-military purposes and are expected to feature prominently at the Paris Air Show.

There are still tough restrictions on their flight for safety reasons, but while the Federal Aviation Authority works on new rules, the makers of drones will aim to show off innovation and technical prowess at the show. Eurocopter, a company based in France, will showcase new technology that can transform a manned helicopter into one that flies without a pilot.

The ultimate accessory in exact timekeeping — the atomic clock — is set to become even more precise, after ultrashort laser pulses were successfully transmitted across open air to help synchronize the “ticking” of new optical atomic clocks.

Keeping extremely precise time is not just a question of scientific achieve-ment. It is a key to many modern technologies, from Global Positioning Systems (GPS)to mobile phone networks and broadcasters’ transmitters. For GPS systems, an error of just one nanosecond, or a billionth of a second, would mean the location is about 12 inches (30 centimeters) off.

To ensure maximum precision, the U.S. national time standard is deter-mined by atomic clocks. Current ones use extremely cold cesium atoms, laser-cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero. The cesium atoms are then blasted with microwaves until the atoms vibrate at a certain frequency. That frequency is equal to the energy that gets absorbed when the microwave radiation causes the cesium atom’s outermost electron to jump to a higher orbit, or 9,192,631,770 GHz. What we call “the second” is then derived from the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of this frequency.

Now physicists are developing new optical atomic clocks which could be about 100 times more precise than microwave-based ones. They operate in a similar manner, but use laser light instead of microwaves. Laser light has a much higher frequency and hence gives much better timing resolution and much faster transmission of data.


DUBAI - Saudi Arabia plans to block Internet-based communication tool WhatsApp within weeks if the U.S.-based firm fails to comply with require-ments set by the kingdom’s telecom regulator, local newspapers reported this week.

This month the Communications and Information Technology Commis-sion (CITC) banned Viber, another such tool, which like WhatsApp is hard for the state to monitor and deprives telecom companies of revenue from international calls and texts.

The kingdom appears to be making a greater push for more control over cyberspace as Internet and smart phone usage soars, in part due to strict laws that limit opportunities for people to mix in person.

“We have been communicating with WhatsApp and other similar com-munication platforms to get them to cooperate and comply with the Saudi telecom providers, however nothing has come of this communication yet,” Abdullah Al-Darrab, governor of the CITC, told Arab News.

Al-Darrab said Viber was blocked last week for non-compliance, and that WhatsApp and Skype may be next on the list.

Asked when WhatsApp services would be blocked, the CITC chief said it was highly likely to be before the holy month of Ramadan which is expected to start on July 9. The regulator issued a directive in March saying tools such as Viber, WhatsApp and Skype broke local laws, without specifying how.

Local media reported at the time that Saudi Arabia’s three main operators Saudi Telecom Co, Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) and Zain Saudi had been asked to tell CITC if they were able to monitor or block such applications.

Mobile penetration was 188 percent by the end of 2012, CITC data shows. Saudi Arabia now has 15.8 million Internet subscribers and the average user watches three times as many online videos per day as counterparts in the United States, according to YouTube.

AP Photo/Jacques Brinon

A man walks past the Aircraft Agusta Westland “Project Zero” all-electric tiltrotor technology on display for the Paris Air Show in le Bourget, North of Paris, Sunday, June 16, 2013. The Paris Air Show will open on June 17 at Le Bourget.

Paris Air Show peek: Wide-body battle and dronesAssociated Press Writer

PARIS — The Paris Air Show, which opens for business on Monday, brings hundreds of aircraft to the skies around the French capital, the usual tense competition between aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, and a slew of innovations large and small. Here’s what to look for over the show:


To test out their optical atomic clock idea, NIST researchers transferred ultraprecise time signals over the air between a laboratory on NIST’s campus in Boulder, Colo., and nearby Kohler Mesa.

Atomic Clocks to Become Even More Accurate

Saudi Arabia plans to block WhatsApp within weeks - report

Page 15: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 15International Activities

EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is con-sidered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importance of the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

Calendar Event for May 1 through June 19, 2013

1 May Buda Kliwon Pahang

Pura Luhur Puncak Padang Dawa Desa Bangli


Pura Silayukti Padang Bai Karangasem

Pura Aer Jeruk Sukawati

Pura Dangin Pasar Batuan Sukawati

Pura Penataran - Batuyang Batubulan

Pura Desa Lembeng Ketewel Sukawati

Pura Pasek Bendesa Dukuh Kediri Tabanan

Pura Kawitan Dalem Sukawati Gianyar

Pura Kresek Banyuning Buleleng

Pura Puseh Bebandem Karangasem

Pura Sad Khayangan Batu Medahu Desa Swana

Nusa Penida

Pura Buda Kliwon Penatih Denpasar

Pura Penataran Dukuh Nagasari Bebandem


Pura pasek Bendesa Tagtag Peguyangan

Pure Pulesari - Bantas Kelod Desa Sibang Gede


Pura Batur Sari Ubud

Pura Penataran Agung Sukawati

Pura Panti - Kucupin Ketewel Ketewel

6 May Kajeng Kliwon Uwudan

Pura Pasek Gelgel Kekeran Dlod Yeh Mengwi

Merajan Pasek Subadra Kramas Gianyar

9 May Tilem Sasih Jiyestha

Pura Bujangga Waisnawa Gumbrih Jembrana

Pura Dalem Desa celuk

11May Tumpek Klurut

Pura Pasek Gelgel Banjar Tengah Buleleng

Pura Dalem Pemuteran Desa Jelantik Tojan


Pura Pedarman bujangga Waisnawa Besakih

Pura Taman Sari Desa Gunung Sari Penebel


Pura Dalem Tarukan - Bebalang Bangli

Pura Benua Kangin Besakih

Pura Merajan Kangin (Ida Betara Empu Baradah)


12 May R edite Umanis Merakih

Pura Parangan Tengah Ceningan Kangin Lem-

bongan Nusa Penida

Pura Desa Ubud

15 May Buda Wage Merakih

Pura Bendesa Mas Kepisah Pedungan

Pura Natih Banjar Kalah Batubulan

Pura Desa lan Puseh Silakarang Singapadu

Pura Dalem Petitenget Kerobokan Kuta

Pura Dalem Pulasari Samplangan Gianyar

Pura Kubayan - Kepisah Pedungan Denpasar


Pura Pasek Gelgel - Tanah Pegat Tabanan

Pura Paibon lan Pura Bengkel Sumerta Den-


Pura Pasek Lumintang Denpasar

Pura Panti Penyarikan Medahan Sanding Tam-

pak Siring

Pura Pasar Agung Banjar Dauh Peken Kaba


Pura Dadia Buda Cemeng Pulasari Batuan


21 May Anggar Kasih Tambir

Pura Dalem Puri Batuan Sukawati

Pura Dalem kediri Silakarang Singapadu

Pura Dalem Sukawati

Pura Dalem Lembeng Ketewel Sukawati

Pura Paibon Pasek Tangkas Peliatan Ubud

Pura Puseh Ngukuhin Kramas Gianyar

Pura Pamerajan Agung Ki Telabah Tuakilang


Pura Karang Buncing Blahbatuh

Pura Dalem Bubunan Seririt Buleleng

Pura Desa Badung Kota Denpasar

Pura Luhur Pedenganan Bedha Bongan Ta-


Pura Pucak Payogan - Lungsiakan Kedewatan

Ubud Gianyar

Pura Tanah Kilap “Griya Anyar” Suwung Kauh

Denpasar Selatan

Pura Selukat Keramas Blahbatuh Gianyar

Pura Dalem Tampuagan Peninjoan Tembuku


Pura Waturenggong Desa Taro

Pura Dalem Bentuyung Desa Ubud

Pura Puseh Ubud

Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan Ubud

Pura Batur Hyang Bulan Muntig Karangasem

22 May Buda Umanis Tambir

Pura Sari Banjar Titih Kapal

Pura Gulamanikan Bendesa Manik Mas Serongga


24 May Purnama Sasih Sadha

Pura Amrta Sari Rempoa Jakarta Selatan

Pura Maospahit Banjar Grenceng Denpasar

5 Jun Buda Kliwon Matal

Pura Puseh lan Desa Sukawati

Pura Pasek Gelgel Bebetin Sawan Buleleng

Pura Maspahit Sesetan Denpasar Selatan

Pura Pasek Bendesa Manik Mas Dukuh Kendran


Pura Panti Pasek Gaduh Sesetan

Pura Pedharaman Arya Kanuruhan Besakih

15 Jun

Pura Puseh lan Desa Kota Gianyar

Pura Luhur Dalem Segening Kediri Tabanan

Pura Sang Hyang Tegal (TARO) Tegallalang

19 Jun Buda Cemeng Menail

Pura Dalem Tarukan Cemenggaon Suka-


Pura Penataran Dalem Ketut Pejeng Kaja


Pura Puseh Manakaji Peninjoan Bangli

Pura Kawitan Gusti Celuk Baler Pura Sada

Pemebetan Kapal Mengwi

Pemerajan Agung Ubud

Pura Taman Limut Pengosekan Mas Ubud

His secret passion being the desserts, the already decadent dessert menu was enriched with four new items, for example with Lem-on-scented Pavlova, Apple-tamarillo crum-ble or Cointreau chocolate mousse. The four new succulent dinner entrees include seared Eggplant dumplings, Cured-lemon octopus salad or Glazed foie gras. Under dinner mains, five new temptations are waiting to be discovered, such as Baked apple and blue cheese tortellini, Thai-inspired barramundi or Balinese spiced duck leg. The list of all new dishes is attached.

Lunch is served Monday-Saturday

from 11:00-17:00, dinner daily from 17:00-23:00. On Sundays, bridges serves its Innovative Sunday brunch – a buffet at your table – from 10:00-15:00. The brunch is accompanied by live music and has become very popular since its intro-duction on Mother’s Day. Daily Divine hour from 16:00-19:00 with specially themed Divine Parties on Fridays. bridges is where worlds meet. A multi-level ca-sual fine dining restaurant with amazing views, outstanding service, Divine wine bar with its own retail wine shop and an outdoor bar and terrace.

IBP/Courtesy of Bridges

New dishes launched on bridges’ menuIBP

Bridges’ young, creative chef Nicholas Lazzaroni has put together new, tempting dishes to please and tease the palate of anyone loving good food and eager to make discoveries. “We have of course kept the favourites on our menu - such as the Chèvre-beetroot brûlée which people come back for - but we love to surprise our guests with new dishes and new flavours as well” says the chef.

Page 16: Edisi 18 Juni 2013 | International Bali Post


EntertainmentTuesday, June 18, 2013

Associated Press Writer

LAS VEGAS — A 25-year-old accountant from Connecticut with a secret glamorous side i s the new Miss USA.

Erin Brady of South Glastonbury, Connecticut, won the beauty pageant at the Planet Hollywood hotel-casino Sunday night after strutting in a white sparkly gown and

answering a question about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding widespread DNA tests. Asked if she agreed with the decision to swab the cheeks of arrestees, Brady said she did, since they had committed crimes after all.

Brady, who started competing in beauty pag-eants two year ago, gets the crown and a New York apartment for one year. She is expected to spend her

title reign on a nationwide speaking tour and raising breast and ovarian cancer awareness, the organiza-tion’s official cause.

As the stage emptied, Brady spoke about her com-mitment to fighting drug and alcohol abuse, which

have marked her family, and her excitement at the prospect of telling her bosses at Prudential Financial

she wasn’t coming in tomorrow. Or ever again. “They’re going to be very upset to learn that I’m not

coming,” she said.Asked what she was looking forward to, now that

the competition is over, she described a routine that sounded not very different from her training regime: getting in her beauty sleep and hitting the gym.

Her father Francis said he always knew his math-oriented daughter was a glamour girl. She and her sisters used to strut around and pretend they were beauty queens. “My grandmother used to have a video camera and she’s tell us to walk around the pool

like Miss America,” Brady’s sister Lauren said.Unlike the rival Miss America pageant, Miss USA

doesn’t ask its queens to perform a talent or choose a charity mission.

The pageant aired live on NBC, hosted by Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers pop act and Giuliana

Rancic, co-anchor of “E! News.” The Jonas Broth-ers and DJ Pauly D were expected to perform.

The winner will represent the United States at the Miss Universe pageant

in the winter. Last year’s Miss USA, Olivia Culpo, won that international crown, becoming the first Miss USA to ascend to Miss Universe in 16 years. Brady said she is determined to pull of that feat for the U.S. again.


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK — Jay-Z is teaming up with Samsung to release his new album, unveiling a three-minute commercial during the NBA Finals and announcing a deal that will give the music to 1 million

users of Galaxy mobile phones.The new album, called “Magna Carta

Holy Grail,” will be free for the first 1 million android phone owners who download an app for the album. Those who do so will get the album on July 4, three days before its official release, ac-

cording to a Sunday statement.Samsung is a leader in the mobile phone

market and has been steadily chipping away at Apple’s share of the market with its Galaxy phones. The deal with Jay-Z is yet another example of how mobile companies are using music to lure new consumers.

Jay-Z announces new album with Samsung deal

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, file

Miss Connecticut wins Miss USA contest in Vegas

Miss Connecticut Erin Brady is crowned the win-ner of the Miss USA 2013

pageant by Nana Meri-wether, Sunday, June 16,

2013, in Las Vegas.

FILE - This May 1, 2013 file photo shows Jay-Z at “The Great Gatsby”

world premiere at Avery Fisher Hall in New


AP Photo/Jeff Bottari