edisi 18 februari 2016 | international bali post

The newly elected officials, he said, must not be indifferent to the aspirations of the Balinese people, and they must keep their promises as public representatives. Keeping promises is a commitment that must be lived up to and followed-up on by real action. Such an attitude is the benchmark of the authority of a leader in the public eye. Rector Suarta, who often criti- cizes leaders who do not care to protect the Balinese language, emphasized that leaders need to have a sense of shame and hero- ism in order to sustain Bali. One way to show these characteristics is by looking to maintain Balinese customs and culture – including of course language. Another way that the new leaders can demonstrate their true leader- ship is to not have the feelings of the people hurt by allowing business investors to exploit Bali’s natural environment. To that end, Made Suarta reminds the new leaders to uphold the teachings of Tri Hita Karana. According to Made Suarta, this would show a leader to have real character. Education observer and Coor- dinator of the Private Universities for Region VIII, Prof. Nengah Dasi Astawa is of a similar opinion and said that Bali’s the natural environ- ment should not be exploited by foreign parties, who only laud the Balinese –while making them lan- guish. He sadded that mega-projects funded by foreigners are certainly a threat to Bali’s economy. “Bali- based economy should be managed by Balinese people”, he said. Lead- ers are reminded that such projects will only temporarily profit the re- gionally generated revenue (PAD), but that in fact the real profits will flee the country and Balinese people will be left to languish. To the newly inaugurated officials, he said indeed have tough tasks before them but that they can make Bali top rated at the national level. Individual ego, sectoral egos and political ego should not be at the forefront, instead leaders need to develop Bali with the concept of mutual aid and not to remain silence in the face of injustice. “Bali should be managed so that it will look different than the other island,” said Astawa. Page 6 16 Pages Number 35 8 th Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. Price: Rp 3.000,- I N T E R N A T I O N A L DPS 23 - 32 WEATHER FORECAST Thursday, February 18, 2016 News can also be heard in “Bali Image” at Global Radio FM 96.5 from 9.30 until 10.00 am. Listen to Global Radio FM at http:// globalfmbali.listen2my- radio.com or live video streaming at http://radioglobalfmbali.com and http:// ustream.tv/channel/global-fm-bali. Australian PM leaves door open to sending refugees to New Zealand Page 13 Ukraine ruling coalition cracks after no confidence vote Page 8 PSG’s Cavani shows his worth with winner against Chelsea The newly elected regents and mayor are taking their oath during their inaguration DENPASAR - So far the issue of traf- fic conges- tion remains a scourge on the Island of the Gods. One of the causes is the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Efforts made by the government of Bali to reduce the number of road users through such means as inviting people to use public transportations like Tans Sarb- abita, have not shown positive results. “The government has declared a zero increase in the number of addition vehicles, but this is hard to realize beacaus mass transit like Trans Sarbagita has not been well received by the public”, said the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, in Denpasar on Tuesday (Feb. 16). Pastika added that there are a number of reasons why people have not embraced mass transit, the main one being that they prefer to use their own vehicles. Previ- ously, Head of the Bali Transpor- tation and Infocom Agency, Ketut Artika, said that his agency has sought to improve the comfort and security of mass transit us- ers and had also sought to opti- mize the transport feeder system. Hopefully, he said, people will gradually ant to switch to public transportation. “If we expect a shift in society, then public transport needs to be well prepared in terms of comfort and safety –which has been done, now we need to focus on transit schedules” he said. Zero... Continued on page 2 Zero increase in the number of vehicles unlikely Bali lauded, Balinese people languish CURRENTLY Bali has five newly elected regents and a mayor. Many promises made to the people are still waiting to be realized. In response to this, Rector of the PGRI Bali Teachers’ Training College, Dr. I Made Suarta, stressed the importance of a mental revolution, especially in terms of character. IBP/Eka Adhyasa

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Page 1: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

The newly elected officials, he said, must not be indifferent to the aspirations of the Balinese people, and they must keep their promises as public representatives. Keeping promises is a commitment that must be lived up to and followed-up on by real action. Such an attitude is the benchmark of the authority of a leader in the public eye.

Rector Suarta, who often criti-cizes leaders who do not care to protect the Balinese language, emphasized that leaders need to have a sense of shame and hero-

ism in order to sustain Bali. One way to show these characteristics is by looking to maintain Balinese customs and culture – including of course language.

Another way that the new leaders can demonstrate their true leader-ship is to not have the feelings of the people hurt by allowing business investors to exploit Bali’s natural environment. To that end, Made Suarta reminds the new leaders to uphold the teachings of Tri Hita Karana. According to Made Suarta, this would show a leader to have

real character. Education observer and Coor-

dinator of the Private Universities for Region VIII, Prof. Nengah Dasi Astawa is of a similar opinion and said that Bali’s the natural environ-ment should not be exploited by foreign parties, who only laud the Balinese –while making them lan-guish. He sadded that mega-projects funded by foreigners are certainly a threat to Bali’s economy. “Bali-based economy should be managed by Balinese people”, he said. Lead-ers are reminded that such projects will only temporarily profit the re-gionally generated revenue (PAD), but that in fact the real profits will flee the country and Balinese people will be left to languish.

To the newly inaugurated officials,

he said indeed have tough tasks before them but that they can make Bali top rated at the national level. Individual ego, sectoral egos and political ego should not be at the forefront, instead leaders need to develop Bali with the concept of mutual aid and not to remain silence in the face of injustice. “Bali should be managed so that it will look different than the other island,” said Astawa.

Page 6

I N T E R N A T I O N A L 16 Pages Number 358th year

e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com.

Price: Rp 3.000,-



Thursday, February 18, 2016

News can also be heard in “Bali Image” at Global Radio FM 96.5 from 9.30 until 10.00 am. Listen to Global Radio FM at http://globalfmbali.listen2my-

radio.com or live video streaming at http://radioglobalfmbali.com and http://ustream.tv/channel/global-fm-bali.

Australian PM leaves door open to sending refugees to New Zealand

Page 13

Ukraine ruling coalition cracks after no confidence vote

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Page 8

PSG’s Cavani shows his worth with winner against Chelsea

LOS ANGELES - The nearly 25 million U.S. viewers who watched CBS Corp’s televised Grammy Awards ceremony this year was the smallest audience in seven years for music’s biggest night.

Out of the 24.95 million view-ers who watched Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars take top honors, 9.7 million were in the 18-49 demographic coveted by advertisers, CBS said on Tuesday, citing figures from Nielsen.

But the overall number dipped from last year’s 25.3 million view-ers, which was the smallest TV audience since 2009’s 19.1 million

viewers.CBS said the Grammys viewer-

ship was the largest audience for any entertainment program this season. The figures do not count the Super Bowl, a sporting event, which drew nearly 112 million viewers on Feb. 7, the most-watched show on U.S. television.

The Grammys come ahead of the annual Oscars ceremony later this month, Hollywood’s biggest night and typically the most-watched entertainment event, drawing more than 36 million U.S. viewers last year. Walt Disney’s ABC television network will broadcast this year’s

Academy Awards.CBS said the live stream of the

Grammys show on its digital sub-scription service, CBS All Access, saw its largest audience ever, but did not release the actual viewer-ship figures.

On social media, the Grammys dominated the conversation on Monday night, with 17.2 million tweets mentioning the show, Twitter said. Sheeran’s win for song of the year was the most-tweeted moment, followed by rapper Kendrick La-mar’s performance, which offered a powerful commentary on racial issues. (rtr)

Starring Colin Firth as Perkins, Jude Law as Thomas Wolfe and Nicole Kidman as the older married woman who fell in love with the rambunctious novelist, “Genius” is having its pre-miere at the Berlin International Film Festival where it is competing for the main Golden Bear prize.

Grandage, who made his name directing classics of the English-language theatre, told Reuters in an interview that he knew he could deal with his actors but was unfamiliar with some aspects of film-making.

“I was nervous of the technical side particularly but I did quite a lot of research. Before I started

work I went and visited a number of friends on sets and started to ask a lot of questions way before we went into any kind of pre-production,” Grandage said.

“The one element that I felt confident about was the only ele-ment that probably is shared with my work in the theatre, which is the relationship with actors.

“And I was very excited to explore that in a different medium and I deliberately chose ... a perfor-mance-led film.”

Grandage does seem to get the most out of his principles, with Firth portraying a supremely self-controlled Perkins, whose notion of

a piece for a jazz band to play at a black club Wolfe has dragged him to is “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”. The band manages a danceable swing version.

Law plays Wolfe as a boisterous man who is in love with life, and with writing, so much so that he can hardly bear to stop. A version of his second novel that he pres-ents to Perkins - whose clients also included Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald - fills several crates. (rtr)

Theatre’s Grandage says was nervous making “Genius” for Berlin

Actor Jude Law arrives on the red carpet for the screening

of the movie ‘Genius’, during the 66th Berlinale Interna-

tional Film Festival, in Berlin, Germany February 16, 2016.

BERLIN - British stage director Michael Grandage said on Tuesday he was nervous directing his first feature film “Genius”, about fabled American book editor Max Perkins, but he had more than a little help from his friends.

REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

Grammys draw smallest U.S. TV audience since 2009

Pitbull performs “El Taxi” with actress Sofia Vergara at the 58th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California February 15, 2016.


The newly elected regents and mayor are taking their oath during

their inaguration

DENPASAR - So far the issue of traf-f ic conges-tion remains

a scourge on the Island of

the Gods. One of the causes is the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Efforts made by the government of Bali to reduce the number of road users through such means as inviting people to use public transportations like Tans Sarb-abita, have not shown positive results.

“The government has declared a zero increase in the number of addition vehicles, but this is hard to realize beacaus mass transit like Trans Sarbagita has not been well received by the public”, said the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, in Denpasar on Tuesday (Feb. 16).

Pastika added that there are a number of reasons why people have not embraced mass transit, the main one being that they prefer to use their own vehicles. Previ-ously, Head of the Bali Transpor-tation and Infocom Agency, Ketut Artika, said that his agency has sought to improve the comfort and security of mass transit us-ers and had also sought to opti-mize the transport feeder system. Hopefully, he said, people will gradually ant to switch to public transportation.

“If we expect a shift in society, then public transport needs to be well prepared in terms of comfort and safety –which has been done, now we need to focus on transit schedules” he said.

Zero...Continued on page 2

Zero increase in the number of vehicles unlikely

Bali lauded, Balinese people languish

CURRENTLY Bali has five newly elected regents and a mayor. Many promises made to the people are still waiting to be realized. In response to this, Rector of the PGRI Bali Teachers’ Training College, Dr. I Made Suarta, stressed the importance of a mental revolution, especially in terms of character.

IBP/Eka Adhyasa

Page 2: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Artika added that other mass transit options, need to be made available -apart from Trans Sar-bagita. Currently, his agency is still working on revitalizing the dormant public transportation scene. “Perhaps, this revitaliza-tion can done using Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 101 on the Provision of Tax Relief for Vehicle Titleholder Change that can be subsidized up to 70 percent in order to support our public transportation because we know that 90 of transportation in Bali is in private vehicles and that public transportation only accounts for about 2 percent”, he explained. The Bali Transportation and Infocom Agency , he added, is drafting a regional bylaw on traffic and road transportation.

Artika explained that the number

of vehicles in Bali is almost equal to the number of people and that 13 percent more vehicles are added every year. Only 1 percent of Bali is devoted to roads, whereas, ideally, 15 to 20 percent of the space in big cities should be devoted to roads.

“In Denpasar, for instance, no more than 6 percent of the total area is earmarked for roads” stat-ed Artika.. From the aspect ratio of the volume per capacity (VC Ratio), continued Artika, Bali is at at 0.8, while the VC ratio should not exceed 1. This means that the volume of vehicles in Bali has almost exceeded the road capacity so it is necessary to regulate usage, widen roads and even build a new infrastructure network.

“I think for the region of Sar-bagita (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan—Ed) there seems a little hope of creating new roads because of the prohibitive cost” concluded Artika (kmb32)

International2 15International Activities

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Gugiek Savindra Editors:Agus Toni, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sueca, Sugiartha, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subrata, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Suasrina, Buleleng: Dewa kusuma, Gianyar: Manik Astajaya, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Dewa Farendra. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Thursday, February 18, 2016Thursday, February 18, 2016

EvEry Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is considered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the impor-

tance of the occasion.The celebration is very colorful. The shrine

are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrel-las depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weap-ons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrange-ments of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

COVER STORYFrom page 1zero ...

Club Bali Suites Legian is now re-positioned into Club Bali Family Suites Legian. The re-positioning aims to affirm the position and the concept of Club Bali Family Suites Legian as the best family accommodation.

“The meaning of family is greatly flexible because we do not rule out the possibility for a couple and group,” explained General Manager Wahyu. A. Bayuaji.

Further he disclosed that the re-positioning is also sup-ported by complete facilities in accordance with family needs. For example, the rooms are spacious, equipped with modern facilities, kitchen, dining room, living room, air conditioning, LCD TV, telephone, Wi-Fi and Jacuzzi.

“The facility merges with the characteristics of Club Bali Family Suites Legian namely homey, friendly and family oriented,” he said.

Another advantage, continued Wahyu, the resort also fea-tures three adult pools, one kid pool, kid corner, restaurant, bar, spa, gym, tennis court and surrounded by a wide variety of recreation areas, direct beach access, restaurants, bars and various kinds of entertainment venues.

Management and staff hoped that the re-positioning will bring in positive energy. “We want, the first thing coming to the mind of guests is that it is the best family accommoda-tion in Legian, no other than the Club Bali Family Suites,” he added.


Club Bali Suites Legian to Club Bali Family Suites

Legian“We consider the markets need to be

urgently revitalized. However, of the five markets, three markers get priority this year, namely the Kapal Market, Petang Market and Nusa Dua Market,” said Managing Director of PD Pasar Badung, Made Sutarma, recently.

According to him, the three traditional markets to be revitalized in 2016 will get budget allocation worth IDR 4.8 billion, while the revitalization of the Kertha Sari Market and Kuta Market II will be budgeted in 2017. “Both markets will be revitalized in 2017 with the budget valued at IDR 14 bil-lion,” he said.

He said the program to enhance the role of traditional markets have been successfully carried out in the Sembung Market. “Of the nine markets we manage, one unit has been revitalized. The remaining will follow this year and next year,” he said.

The company has just drafted the detailed engineering design (DED) for both traditional markets that will be revitalized in 2017. “In 2016, we focus on revitalizing the three markets with the capital equity provided,” he explained.

Management of the PD Pasar Badung, he said, will make an arrangement ranging from stalls, kiosks, parking lot to toilet. By that

way, the three revitalized markets in 2016 will change not only in terms of physical appearance, but also in terms of services. “Essentially, we will revitalize all the markets managed by the PD Pasar Badung gradually,” he said.

Previously, PD Pasar Badung planned to study the segmentation of the four traditional markets in the region. The four markets are the Kertasari Market, Petang Market, Sembung Market and Kapal Market.

“From the financial statement, we know that two of the nine markets suffer losses, namely the Kerthasari Market and Petang Market, while two other markets could only cover their operating costs namely the Sembung Market and Kapal Market,” he explained.

Revenue of the PD Pasar Badung, accord-ing to Made Sutarma, currently only depends on five traditional markets, namely the Ber-ingkit Cattle and Public Market, Kuta Market I, Kuta Market II as well as Nusa Dua Market that are still surplus to finance the regional government-owned company. His manage-ment must deposit 55 percent of the region-ally generated revenue (PAD) after deducted with taxes for a year, while the remaining 45 percent is managed internally as production services, social, and others. (kmb27)


The traffic jam often happen throughout Denpasar. The increasing number vehicles is one of the cause this to happen.


Badung Market

Five traditional markets urgently revitalized

MANGuPurA - Government of badung district in the next two years will immediately revitalize five of the nine traditional markets in the region. The five markets under the management of PD Pasar Badung to be revitalized are the Kapal Market, Petang Market, Nusa Dua Market, Kertha Sari Market and Kuta Market II.

Page 3: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

14 InternationalHealthThursday, February 18, 2016 3International Bali News Thursday, February 18, 2016

GENEVA - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that $56 million were needed to combat the Zika virus until June, including for the fast-tracking of vaccines, diagnostics and research studies into how it spreads.

The funds, including $25 mil-lion for the WHO and its regional office, would also be used to control the mosquito-borne virus that has spread to 39 countries, including 34 in the Americas, and has been linked to birth defects in Brazil.

“Possible links with neurological complications and birth malforma-tions have rapidly changed the risk profile for Zika from a mild threat to one of very serious proportions,” WHO director-general Margaret Chan said in the WHO Strategic Response Framework and Joint Operations Plan issued in Geneva.

The WHO expects the funds to come from member states and other donors and said that in the mean-time it has tapped a new emergency contingency fund for $2 million to finance its initial operations.

Chan will travel to Brazil from Feb 22-24 to review Zika-related measures supported by WHO and will meet the health minister, a

WHO spokeswoman said.The United Nations health agen-

cy declared the Zika outbreak a global public health emergency on Feb 1, noting its association with two neurological disorders, mi-crocephaly in babies and Guillain-Barre syndrome that can cause paralysis.

Brazil is investigating the po-tential link between Zika infections and more than 4,300 suspected cases of microcephaly, a condition marked by abnormally small head size that can result in developmental problems.

Researchers have confirmed more than 460 of these cases as mi-crocephaly and identified evidence of Zika infection in 41 of these cases, but have not proven that Zika can cause microcephaly.

The WHO noted that “existing scarce evidence indicates that there may be a risk of sexual transmis-sion” of Zika virus, as well as a risk of it persisting in semen and urine. Research studies are needed to as-sess the presence of the Zika virus in semen and other body fluids, including pregnancy-related fluids, and potential sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission, the WHO said. (rtr)

“Given the magnitude of the Zika crisis, WHO encourages af-fected countries and their partners to boost the use of both old and new approaches to mosquito con-trol as the most immediate line of defence,” it said.

The WHO also highlighted the potential of releasing sterile irradiated male mosquitoes, a technique that has been devel-oped at the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Zika, which is now sweeping the Americas, is transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which the U.N. health body de-scribed as an “opportunistic and

tenacious menace”.Many scientists believe Zika

could be linked to microcephaly, or abnormally small heads, in new-borns and a serious neurological disorder in adults called Guillain-Barre syndrome.

“If these presumed associations are confirmed, the human and so-cial consequences for the over 30 countries with recently detected Zika outbreaks will be staggering,” the WHO said.

Fighting the infection at source by eliminating the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes responsible for trans-mission is moving up the public health agenda, especially as the same insects also spread dengue,

chikungunya and yellow fever.However, the concept of wiping

out an entire mosquito species also raises serious ecological questions, since it runs counter to preserving biodiversity.

Still, insect control expert Jo Lines at the London School of Hy-giene and Tropical Medicine has few qualms. “This is an invasive species, so getting rid of these mos-quitoes would, if anything, restore the natural ecology, not destroy it,” he told Reuters.

Like rats and pigeons, Lines argues, Aedes aegypti has adapted perfectly to modern urban living by breeding in everything from discarded bottle tops and used car tyres to pet water bowls and vases in cemeteries.

As a result, the diseases it carries are likely to be a growing threat to humankind in the years ahead. (rtr)

$56 million plan to combat Zika virus

REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Bill Myers of Washington has blood platelets drawn at the American Red Cross Charles Drew Donation Center in Wash-ington February 16, 2016.

AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan, File

In this Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, file photo, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes float in a mosquito cage at a laboratory in Cucuta, Colombia. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the vector that transmits the Zika virus, and also dengue and chikunguna.

Genes, bugs and radiation: WHO

backs new weapons in Zika fight

LONDON - Countries battling the Zika virus should con-sider new ways to curb disease-carrying mosquitoes, including testing the release of genetically modified insects and bacteria that stop their eggs hatching, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

SINGARAJA - Buleleng feels hindered in their Conservation of their coral reef because of the issu-ance of Maritime Affaris Law No. 23/2014. Apparently this new regu-lation puts an end to the measures thus taken by Buleleng in managing their marine potential – including coral reef conservation.

Buleleng’s district government has drawn up numerous programs and proposals for marine develop-ment in North Bali and they are urging the provincial and central government to follow up on these programs.

Chief of the Buleleng Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Nyoman Sutrisna, said on Tuesday (Feb. 16) that coral reef conservation ef-forts in Buleleng has been running very well. Coral reef conservation is not only being done by the local government but fishermen’s groups and other people who care have also been involved in the effort.

A regional bylaw (Perda) regard-ing marine conservation divides the Marine Park into three areas: 12,000 hectares on the east coast, 7 hectares in central Buleleng, and 5 hactares in west Buleleng. Conservation of the coral reef in the marine park has been going on for many years and includes the installation of a crocodile cake style fish cage, and hexadome as habitat for the coral reefs as well and sowing ornamental fish fingerlings.

The district government had

planned to resume conservation efforts in 2016, however with the enactment of Law No. 23/2014 regarding ocean management au-tomatically terminates this plan as continuing their conservation efforts would be a violation of the new law.

“There is not much that we can do because this regulation removes our authority to run the programs that we had drafted. We do not want to violate any rules, and as of now, from the coast to 12 nautical miles out to sea is the authority of the province”, said Sutrisna.

Chief of the Buleleng Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, however added that even though the regula-tion halts developments in the field of marine conservation, his agency will not keep silent. The programs that his agency has drafter, includ-ing a number of proposals for the development of the marine sector, have been submitted to the provin-cial government and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF).

It is hoped that the proposals will receive the attention of the govern-ment in accordance with existing regulations. “Under the direction of local leadership, we are continuing to request that these programs be run and we have submitted several proposals that we are keeping an eye on as they are meant to maintain and conserve our sea” said Sutrisna. (kmb38)

Headman of Gadung Sari, Wayan Sukanada, explained half of the village’s 334 hectares of land is coconut plantation “Every fam-ily has a dry land area planted with coconut” he said. The coconut trees of Gadung Sari village have been passed down from generation to generation and though many of the trees are decades old they are still bearing fruit, however only now are people starting to create derivative products.

The coconuts are no longer just being sold in the form of raw co-

conut, the price of which depends on market demands and collectors, but Sukanada explained that Gadug Sari village has developed a BUM-Des that runs a processing business that produces coconut oil. “Most of people in Gadung Sari are still sell-ing raw coconut, but a few people have started to process it into oil” explained Sukanada.

Given that the coconut trees can produce 10-20 coconuts that can be harvested every two months, there is great potential for coconut oil businesses. “Every day coconuts

are harvested, so with the coconut oil business, no coconuts will be wasted”, he said enthusiastically.

Fallen coconuts that are not bought by collectors usually end up being discarded. Now with the co-conut oil BUMDes, all the coconuts can be put to use even when there are no collectors. Sukanada added that other parts of the coconut, such as the shell and fibers, can also be sold for fuel and such.

The coconut oil BUMDes has already put in place its management and equipement such as spindles have been prepared. The plan is to sell the coconut oil to the district government-owned enterprise (BUMDa) that will be established by the government of Tabanan district. Prior to the establishment of the BUMDa, the coconut oil that villagers produced was sold in traditional markets. (kmb24)

Gadung Sari village

Developing coconut oil production


Gadung Sari village in East Selemadeg has the potential to develop coconut oil production and now with the slowdown of cacao sales here, they are turning all their attention to this new venture.


Buleleng’s district government has drawn up numerous pro-grams and proposals for marine development in North Bali and they are urging the provincial and central government to follow up on these programs.

Coral reef conservation in Buleleng

hindered by new law

TABANAN - The government of Tabanan district encour-ages villages to explore their potential through village-owned enterprise (BUMDes). Through the BUMDes, villages are given an injection of funds in order to be able to turn the potential of the village into a productive venture. Gadung Sari village in East Selemadeg has the potential to develop coconut oil produc-tion and now with the slowdown of cacao sales here, they are turning all their attention to this new venture.

Page 4: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Bali News International4 Thursday, February 18, 2016 13InternationalThursday, February 18, 2016

NEW DELHI - Fighting broke out on Wednesday around an Indian court hearing a case against a student union leader accused of sedition, a charge that has sparked protests across university campuses and criti-cism the government was curtailing free speech.

Kanhaiya Kumar, head of the student union at Delhi’s Jawa-harlal Nehru University (JNU), was rushed from a car through a gate into the court by police officers protecting him with a riot shield.

He was later remanded in custody by the court until March 2.Lawyers chanting nationalist slogans earlier barged into the com-

pound and threw stones at reporters outside, in defiance of an earlier Supreme Court order banning protests after there was a punch-up at a hearing on Monday.

Wednesday’s remand hearing was temporarily adjourned as the Supreme Court rushed a team of commissioners to investigate reports that Kumar had been beaten up inside the Patiala courthouse in New Delhi.

Kumar, 28, was arrested at a student rally last week held to com-memorate the anniversary of the execution of a Kashmiri separatist over his role in an attack on the Indian parliament in 2001. His supporters deny he made any incendiary remarks. (rtr)

The exit of the Fatherland fac-tion, led by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, again raises the spectre of early elections and could make it even harder for Yatseniuk to pass economic reforms demanded by Ukraine’s Western creditors.

Months of squabbling in the co-alition came to a head of Tuesday, when President Petro Poroshenko, who leads the largest party in the alliance, openly called for Yatse-niuk to resign. Yatseniuk survived the vote, but the majority of Po-roshenko’s own lawmakers voted against him.

Tymoshenko’s party has 19 seats in parliament, and its exit still leaves the remaining three parties in the coalition with a majority. It was not immediately clear what the other members of the alliance would do.

The coalition now contains President Petro Poroshenko’s party, Yatseniuk’s party and one other.

“Yesterday extraordinary events took place in parliament,” said Yulia Tymoshenko, party leader of the Fatherland faction. She called the coalition “a facade” and urged other lawmakers to quit the govern-ment as well.

“There was a shadowy, back-room coalition of political clans, which formed a government that ruled the country and pushed the country to the brink,” she said.

“The Fatherland party and Fa-therland faction thinks it is impos-sible to continue to remain in this pack, which doesn’t have a chance, because it doesn’t want to carry out reforms, (or) protect Ukraine.”

Ukraine’s international backers have invested much money and political capital backing the govern-ment in its stand-off with Moscow after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 following the overthrow of Kiev’s pro-Russian president by protesters.

But the former Soviet repub-lic’s failure to tackle corruption and implement reforms has al-ready derailed a Western aid pro-gramme that keeps its economy afloat, and a ceasefire with pro-Russian separatists in the east has been fraying.

Though Yatseniuk survived the vote of no confidence, lawmakers, including the head of Poroshenko’s faction in parliament, openly ques-tioned the government’s ability to implement its reform agenda. (rtr)

AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, center, reacts after surviving a vote of no con-fidence, in Parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016. Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko called on the country’s embattled prime minister to resign, a move that would break apart the fragile ruling coalition, but Yatsenyuk survived the no confidence vote despite simmering political tensions.

Ukraine ruling coalition cracks after no confidence vote

KIEV - A junior ally in Ukraine’s Western-backed coalition quit on Wednesday, spelling more trouble for Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk’s government just a day after he survived a no confidence vote in parliament.

Fighting outside Indian court hearing student sedition case

AP Photo/Manish Swarup

Indian journalists shout slogans for the freedom of press near Supreme Court in New Delhi, India Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016. Students, journalists and teachers protested in the Indian capital after a student union leader’s arrest and subsequent violence by Hindu nationalists.

GIANYAR - Gianyar district will host the conference of the Asian Forum for Child Rights 2016. As planned, the three-day conference will take place on No-vember 22-24. The conference will be attended by approximately 500 domestic and overseas child right observers. But so far, the venue has not been decided yet. Deputy of Child Growth and Development, Ministry of Women and Child Empowerment, Lenny Nurhayati Rosalina, accompanied by a team from Japan and South Korea during a meeting with the Regent of Gian-yar A.A. Gde Agung Bharata in the regent’s office, Monday (Feb. 15)

explained that her institution has formulated a number of agendas to be held in the conference.

According to the plan, the ex-posure of each member country will be held on the second day of the conference regarding the development of children eligible city (KLA). As the host, Indonesia will be given a specific time to explain about the district / city having declared the children eli-gible city.

“On the last day, all the delegates will be divided into a number of groups to visit the child-friendly pi-lot project. They can be in the form of schools, health centers, villages

and other child-friendly supporting facilities,” she added.

Lenny said that her institu-tion has visited Gianyar for sev-eral times and greatly admired the wealth of the art and culture owned by the region. She also hoped the event could feature traditional arts performed by children. Not only that, Lenny also proposed in order it can be graced with the colossal Pucuk Dance at the open-ing session presented by students in Gianyar.

Similar opinion was expressed by the conference team from Japan. Aramaki, one of the team members revealed that his team has been

familiar with Bali particularly Gi-anyar that is synonymous with the art and culture. He hoped the con-ference will feature the traditional arts of Bali.

He explained that in Japan there is a city having child protection program almost resembling the KLA program in Indonesia. The city is Setagaya. Hopefully, the similarities can strengthen the joint commitment between Japan and Indonesia in order to ensure the fulfillment of children’s rights.

The Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata, is deeply proud as the Gianyar district is appointed to host the Child Friendly Asian

Conference 2016. His institution also promised to try to show off his best so that the organization of the conference will become a success. While related to the venue, Agung Bharata admitted to be unable to confirm yet. His institution should coordinate with relevant agencies and ministries because it is an in-ternational event.

“It is an international event. So, we do not only carry the name or Gianyar, but also Bali and Indo-nesia. To that end, venue of the conference cannot be decided now. This must be further coordinated with relevant agencies,” he said. (kmb25)

Before Haposan read the plea in the ses-sion open to the public, Agustay first read his personal plea on the charges of 12 years addressed to him. Agus said that his posi-tion was powerless before Margriet as an employer when he was ordered for granted. Agustay admitted to wrap and bury the body of Engeline, and it was on the order of Mar-griet. At that time, May 16, 2015, Agus was called by Margriet that the life of Engeline could not be saved.

“I’m just a servant, unable to do anything despite have protested repeatedly to Margriet verbally. Please do accept my apologies for my powerlessness. I’m afraid to Margriet,” said Agus in a piece of paper he wrote.

While Haposan Sihombing said that in principle there are 51 evidences or clues having led to Margriet. “One of them is the statement on the missing child delivered by Margriet to her daughter on May 16, 2015 whereas it just happened. So, the missing phrase indicates that Margriet already knew if Engeline already died,” said Haposan.

Another alibi is the rejection against a number of officials coming into the court-yard of the defendant Margriet. Some of the officials are Arist Merdeka Sirait and two ministers, including the statement related to the report to police considered to be in a hurry.

Additionally, Margriet had pursued

Agustay while bringing a machete. This in-dicates the emotional personality of Margriet and Margriet was also chasing chickens with Putu Kariani and suddenly shouted: “Watch out there is a hole.”

Haposan together Hotman Paris then told that Agustay is actually a justice collaborator. He is very open in the trial. In addition, Hot-man Paris re-quoted the Munir incident where Polycarpus was sentenced for the murder of Munir to judicial review level only based on 1 or 2 evidence or clues. “Here, we are able to present 51 evidences and clues of facts in the trial,” said Hotman who typically moves his hand.

After the trial was over, Agustay did not ask to be excused by the panel of judges of

the Denpasar Court. He asked the generos-ity of the judges to decide the punishment as fairly as possible.”I just asked the judges to give the fairest punishment,” he said.

Earlier, the legal counsel of Margriet, Hotma Sitompoel, cited the statement of F. Kennedy considered very monumental. “The practice of sentencing is just like a game of chance or try one’s luck,” said Hotma.

He meant that it highly depends on bad luck or fortune. If the defendants get a soft judge, then their fate will get a soft penalty. Conversely, if the defendants get a harsh judge, the defendant will receive severe pen-alty. “However, in this trial, we are confident if the judges are objective, rather than hard,” said Hotma. On that account, the judges will

decide not based on hit-or-miss. But they will give the fairest decision.

“We believe that the judges have integ-rity without any obstacles that may arise when giving freedom to the defendant,” said Hotma. “The judgment without mercy will prevail over those who are not merciful. But compassion will triumph over judgment,” said Hotma.

On that account, the defendant’s legal counsel team asked to receive the entire memorandum of their defense plea and exempt the defendant from all charges and return the evidence to those having the right and release the defendant from custody. “We believe, God will surely intervene,” he added. (kmb37)

Turn of Agustay to mention Margriet as murderer of Engeline

Gianyar to host Asian Conference on Child Right Forum 2016Regent determines no venue yet

DENPASAR - After Hotma Sitom-poel mentioned Agustay Hamda May is the sole murderer of Engeline, on Tues-day (Feb. 16) was the turn of Agustay through his legal counsel to ‘respond’ to the statement of Hotma. Yes, Hot-man Paris Hutapea with Haposan Sihombing in the defense plea stated that Margriet is the main murderer of Engeline. It was delivered before the panel of judges led by Edward Harris Sinaga when reading the defense plea as thick as 187 pages.


After the trial was over, Agustay (center) did not ask to be excused by the panel of judges of the Denpasar Court. He asked the generosity of the judges to decide the punishment as fairly as possible.

Page 5: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Indonesia Today Thursday, February 18, 2016 5InternationalThursday, February 18, 201612 International


Neel Kashkari, the president of the Fed’s Minneapolis regional bank, said Tuesday that while sig-nificant progress has been made to strengthen the financial system since the 2008 crisis, Congress did not go far enough in making changes.

“I believe the biggest banks are still too big to fail and continue to pose a significant, ongoing risk to our economy,” Kashkari said in a speech to a conference at the Brook-ings Institution.

Kashkari, as an adviser to then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, was a key architect of the Bush administration’s effort to deal with the 2008 financial crisis. He served as the first head of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $700 bil-lion bailout program that Congress created at the urging of the Bush administration.

His comments about breaking up the nation’s biggest banks addressed a proposal Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has been pushing in his

Democratic presidential campaign. Kashkari did not endorse such a move but he said the idea of break-ing up the largest banks into smaller, less connected, less important enti-ties should be studied.

He also suggested studying pro-posals to turn large banks essentially into the equivalent of public utilities by forcing them to hold so much capital that they virtually could not fail. He compared this approach to the type of regulations that govern nuclear power plants.

Given the millions of people who lost jobs and the trillions of dollars in wealth that were wiped out dur-ing the 2008 crisis, it is critical that the country do more to prevent a re-peat of what was the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, he said.

Kashkari said he planned to direct staff at the Minneapolis Fed bank to conduct a study in coming months on these ideas and produce a report with recommendations by the end of this year for consideration by

banking regulators and Congress.Before being tapped last year for

the Minneapolis Fed job, Kashkari had been a managing director at bond giant PIMCO. A Republican, Kashkari ran unsuccessfully in 2014 for governor of California against Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.

Kashkari said that the Dodd-Frank Act passed by Congress in 2010 in re-sponse to the financial crisis had made a number of significant improvements in banking regulation, but he said the law did not go far enough.

“I believe we must seriously consider bolder, transformational options,” he said. “The risks of not doing so are just too great.”

Republicans in Congress, sup-ported by the financial industry, have launched a number of efforts to roll back different sections of the Dodd-Frank law. Lawmakers in both parties have contended that Dodd-Frank did not adequately address the problem of institutions that are considered too big to fail, thus forcing taxpayers to rescue them rather than face catastrophic consequences to the entire financial system similar to what occurred when Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008.(ap)

PARIS — Tire maker Michelin says its profits rose last year as high demand from booming auto markets in western Europe and North America drove sales growth. The French company reported net profit of 1.16 billion euros ($1.3 billion) for 2015, up 12 percent from 1 bil-lion euros in 2014.

Michelin said demand for its tires in North America is growing thanks to strong car sales, low fuel prices and a favorable economy. Truck tire sales are also growing thanks to replacement of aging fleets in North America. The company forecast higher sales and profits in 2016.(ap)

OMAHA, Neb. — Berkshire Hathaway Inc. on Tuesday revealed that it has made a new investment in pipeline operator Kinder Morgan and unloaded its stake in Chicago Bridge & Iron as part of several changes to its stock portfolio.

Warren Buffett’s conglomerate filed an update on its U.S. stock holdings at the end of the year with the Securities and Exchange Com-mission. It said it owned 26.5 million shares of Houston-based Kinder Morgan Inc. at the end of December. Pipelines are a business Buffett understands well because Berkshire’s utility unit owns several natural gas pipeline companies.

Berkshire did not report any shares of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., which builds energy infrastructure projects. At the end of September, it held 1.98 million shares.

Buffett’s remarkably successful track record means that many inves-tors look for ideas to copy in these quarterly filings.

But the combined filing also includes investments made by two other Berkshire executives who manage part of the company’s $132 billion stock portfolio. That means it’s not always clear which investments Buffett made himself, but he has said previously that investments smaller than $300 million are likely to be the work of other Berkshire managers.(ap) Fed’s Kashkari: More

steps needed to prevent meltdown repeat

WASHINGTON — A Federal Reserve official who played a key role in the government’s response to the 2008 financial crisis says the government should do more to prevent a repeat of that crisis, including considering whether the nation’s biggest banks need to be broken up.

Neel Kash-kari speaks on stage during the California Republi-can Party Spring Convention in Burl-ingame, California in this March 16, 2014 file photo.

Buffett’s firm buys stake in pipeline operator Kinder Morgan

Michelin says higher tire sales helped drive profit growth

AP Photo/Jacques Brinon

Michelin tire company Financial Director, Marc Henry, poses for photographers during the company’s 2015 annual results presentation in Paris, France, Tuesday Feb. 16, 2016.

REUTERS/Stephen Lam/Files

“Pope Francis is planning to visit Indone-sia in July 2017, his visit coinciding with the Asian Youth Day to be hosted by Indonesia,” Indonesian ambassador to Vatican Antonius Agus Sriyono said here on Tuesday when visiting the office of the minister of sports and youth affairs.

Agus, the former deputy at the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Secu-rity and Legal Affairs who has recently been named ambassador to the Vatican, said that the Asian Youth Day would be attended by Catholic youth from across Asia.

The event, which is held every three years,

will serve as a forum for learning as well as sharing faith experiences for the youth, he said.

He said the event will be the seventh so far and will be preceded by the Asian Youth Games scheduled to be held in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and Indonesian Youth Day 2016 in Manado, North Sulawesi, to be celebrated from October 1 to 6, 2016. A number of festi-vals and sports performances will also be held during the events.(ant)

TIMIKA - The Search and Rescue (SAR) agency of Timika, has sent a vessel, the TRB 217, to search for 13 crew members of the KM Azula sink-ing in the sea off the Asmat regency, Papua, on Tuesday.

Operation chief of the Timika SAR office Hendra Salawane said the RB 217 with 17 rescue workers, would join other SAR teams in the search for the missing crewmen of the ill-fated KM Azula.

The Timka SAR office has also sent three units of long boat and a speed boat from the Asmat police and another speed boat from the Asmat district administration. Also taking part in the search was the district mili-tary unit, the communications service, and the district disaster control agency (BPBD).

“This morning we will continue with the search. Earlier this morning the weather was not very friendly. It was cloudy and dark with stormy rain. Now, however, the condition is better. The sky is clearer allowing the rescue team to move,” Hendra said. The location where the KM Azula sank was around 8 miles from the nearest coast, he said.

“We also asked local people for any information they have about the sinking boat and its crewmen,” he said. Search started on Tuesday im-mediately after report was received about the incident.

“The whole day yesterday , we were in the sea searching but the result was zero Today we would continue the search, hoping we would find survivors,” he said.

KM Azula was reported to have stranded on Saturday night at around 20.00 local time and it leaked after hitting rock in shallow waters.

The 13 crewmen of the boat are identified as Abdul Rachman Hakim (the skipper), Dimas Apriyona (navi-gators 1), Fasal (navigator 2), Agus Dwiuntoro, Aris Untori , Dani Purba , Muhammad Muntoha, Ahmad Fausi, Muhammad Aprisal, Samson Am-barita, Nuzakir, Anggit Restu Dianto and Taufik Nur Hidayat.(ant)

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government would propose that additional funds for the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 counter-terrorism squad be included in the Amended State Budget (APBNP).

“The government has basically agreed,

and it is just a matter of its allocation. Hope-fully, we would be able to allocate it in the APBNP,” he said here on Tuesday after meeting with Vice President M Jusuf Kalla to report about security issues.

He said he had earlier reported to the Presi-dent and the Vice President about the need to improve the squads facilities, personnel

and lodging.“We will again look at their remuneration

because many of them have to remain away from their families since they are assigned duties out of town for several months. I think they deserve to be treated better,” the minister said.

Besides, special units of the Indonesian

Defense Forces (TNI) will also be strength-ened to back up the Indonesian Police in case they have to deal with simultaneous threats.

Terror threats could happen any time. Therefore, the government must stay vigilant to meet any such eventuality in a swift man-ner and respond firmly, he said.(ant)

REUTERS/Darren Whiteside

An Indonesian flag is seen near a construction site in Jakarta, Indonesia, February 17, 2016.

Additional funds for counter-terrorism could be included in amended budget

Rescue workers searching for crew of boat sinking off Papua

Pope Francis to visit Indonesia in 2017

JAKARTA - Pope Francis, the leader of the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics, will visit Indonesia in 2017 to attend the Asian Youth Day to be hosted by the Arch Diocese of Semarang, Central Java.

Page 6: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

6 International

W RLDThursday, February 18, 2016

Dasi Astawa also stressed that the leaders of Bali must be consis-tent with their political promises. Those who have the commitment and consequently carry out their duties properly are indeed great leaders.

According to Astawa, leaders should not be stingy, yet at the

same time they need to be aware that they are spending the money of the people. People should not be blamed when problems arise, it is the leaders responsibility to provide a firm model for problem solving.

To be a great leader, Dasi Astawa highlighted seven essential skills: human relations skills, conceptual skills, design skills, management skills, technical skills, soft skills and spiritual skills. (sue)

From page 1Bali lauded ...

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key arrives in Australia on Thursday for talks that may revive an offer by Key to accept some asylum seekers now in Australia, providing Turnbull a way out of a growing political headache.

Key reached a deal in 2013 with former Australian Prime Minis-ter Julia Gillard to resettle 150 refugees then in Australia as part of New Zealand’s annual humanitar-ian intake of 750 refugees.

But Turnbull’s predecessor, Tony Abbott, had declined to follow up on Key’s offer.

“John Key will be here tomor-row,” Turnbull told reporters in Brisbane. “He is a very good friend of Australia. We will be talking about these issues together, but I don’t want to foreshadow any changes to our policy.”

Australia’s tough immigration

policies provide that anyone in-tercepted while trying to reach the country by boat is sent for process-ing to camps in Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island. They are never eligible to be resettled in Australia.

Australia’s High Court this month rejected a legal test case that challenged its right to deport 267 refugee children and their families who had been brought from Nauru, about 3,000 km (1,800 miles) northeast of Australia, for medical treatment.

The detention centre, which houses more than 500 people, has drawn widespread criticism for harsh conditions and reports of systemic child abuse.

The number of asylum seekers trying to reach Australia is small in comparison with those arriving in Europe, but border security is a

hot-button political issue in Aus-tralia, which is scheduled to hold a national election later in the year.

The New Zealand offer still stands, Key told reporters on Mon-day, ahead of his first visit to Aus-tralia since Turnbull ousted Abbott in a party coup last September.

“If they wanted us to take people then - subject to them meeting the criteria - the New Zealand govern-ment would be obliged to do that, because we’ve given that com-mitment that we’d do so,” Fairfax quoted Key as saying.

Abbott had campaigned re-lentlessly on securing Australia’s borders and argued that resettling refugees in New Zealand would spur people smugglers to resume attempts to reach Australia.

Turnbull is under pressure to tackle the Nauru repatriation issue amid criticism from rights groups, the United Nations and medi-cal bodies, including the British medical journal, the Lancet, which slammed the policy in an editorial last week. (rtr)

TAIPEI - China has deployed an advanced surface-to-air missile sys-tem to one of the disputed islands it controls in the South China Sea, Tai-wan and U.S. officials said, ratcheting up tensions even as U.S. President Barack Obama urged restraint in the region.

Taiwan defence ministry spokes-man Major General David Lo told Reuters on Wednesday the missile batteries had been set up on Woody Island. The island is part of the Para-cels chain, under Chinese control for more than 40 years but also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam. A U.S. de-fence official also confirmed the “ap-parent deployment” of the missiles, first reported by Fox News.

China’s foreign minister said reports by “certain Western media” should focus more on China’s build-ing of lighthouses to improve ship-ping safety in the region.

“As for the limited and necessary self-defence facilities that China has built on islands and reefs we have people stationed on, this is consistent with the right to self-protection that China is entitled to under interna-tional law so there should be no ques-tion about it,” Wang Yi told reporters in Beijing.

The Chinese defence ministry told Reuters in a statement that defence facilities on “relevant islands and reefs” had been in place for many years, adding that the latest reports about missile deployment were noth-ing but “hype”.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion in global trade passes every year, and has been building runways and other infrastructure on artificial islands to bolster its title.

The United States has said it will continue conducting “freedom of navigation patrols” by ships and aircraft to assure unimpeded passage through the region, where Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims.

Admiral Harry Harris, the com-mander of the U.S. Pacific Com-mand, said the deployment of mis-siles to the Paracels would not be a surprise but would be a concern, and be contrary to China’s pledge not to militarize the region.

“We will conduct more, and more complex, freedom of navigation op-erations as time goes on in the South China Sea,” Harris told a briefing in Tokyo. “We have no intention of stopping.” (rtr)

Australian PM leaves door open

to sending refugees to New Zealand

Franck Robichon/Pool Photo via AP, File

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

SYDNEY - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday left open the possibility of resettlement in New Zealand for asylum seekers facing repatriation to a detention camp in the tiny Pacific Island nation of Nauru.

China sends missiles to contested South China Sea island


‘Debbie’, a 56-day-old dolfin baby is seen from underwa-ter as she swims next to her mother ‘Delphi’ at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany February 17, 2016. “Debbie” was born on Christmas Eve and was presented to the public at Duisburg’s zoo on Wednesday.

Page 7: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 18, 2016DestinationThursday, February 18, 201610 InternationalInternational

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KLUNGKUNG -Tired of the hustle and bustle in the city ? Let’s run away to find pleasure in Bukit Belong rural scenery, in the village of Gunaksa, Klungkung.

The hill climb from the roadside would be quite tiring, but the sight of green grass and rice fields at sunset stretches can be a strong motivation for you to climb the hill as high as 150 meters.

This place can you traveled approximately 15 minutes from the intersection at Bay Pass Ida Ba-gus Mantra between Kusamba, Gunaksa, Padang Bai. Remember do not litter in this beautiful place. (IBP/net)

THE NBA is cracking down on ‘piggyback’ intentional fouls, instructing referees to potentially consider them for flagrant violations.

In a memo sent by Vice President of Basketball Operations Kiki Vandeweghe and Executive Vice President of Referee Operations Mike Bantom on Tuesday, referees were urged to take a closer look at the fouls.

“This is a potentially dangerous play against a player in a vulnerable position,” the memo on the NBA’s official website said.

“Please be advised that the referees have been instructed to evaluate such plays under all applicable playing rules, including the rules relating to Flagrant Fouls.

“Players remain free to commit deliberate fouls during free throw attempts, but such fouls will be assessed as Flagrant if they meet the applicable criteria.”

Intentional fouling has become a major debate in the NBA as more teams have employed it against poor free throw shooters and it has dragged out games for fans.

Commissioner Adam Silver said last month that he is in-creasingly leaning towards the league looking to make a rule change that would outlaw the fouls. (rtr)

Williams, a finalist at the 2013 tournament where she lost in three sets to Victoria Azarenka, was the top seed at the Feb. 21-27 tourna-ment in Doha.

“I unfortunately have to withdraw from the Qatar Total Open as I have come down with the flu and do not feel 100 percent,” Williams said in a statement released by tournament organisers.

“I need to take this time to recover but I do look forward to returning to

Doha and seeing my fans soon.”The 34-year-old American an-

nounced last week that she would miss the ongoing Dubai Champion-ships with the flu. Williams has not played a competitive match since she was stunned in the Australian Open final by German Angelique Kerber.

The world number one’s with-drawal comes as another blow to tournament organisers after Maria Sharapova pulled out with an arm injury. (rtr)

League to crack down on ‘piggyback’ foul

Peter Llewellyn-USA TODAY Sports

Feb 14, 2016; Toronto, Ontario, CAN; Chairman, Charlotte Hornets Michael Jordan (R) holds a jersey as Chair-man of the board, MLSE Larry Tanenbaum (L) looks on during a stoppage in play in the second half during the NBA All Star Game between the Western Conference and the Eastern Conference at Air Canada Centre.

Serena withdraws from Qatar Open with flu

FILE - In this March 20, 2015, file photo, Serena Williams speaks during a news conference after withdrawing from her match

against Simona Halep, of Romania, due to a knee injury at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament in Indian Wells, Calif. Ser-ena Williams has withdrawn from her second consecutive tour-nament, announcing Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016, that she will miss

next week’s Qatar Open because of the flu. The No.1-ranked Williams pulled out of this week’s Dubai Tennis Championships

on Saturday, also citing illness.

SERENA Williams will miss next week’s Qatar Open because of the flu, she said on Tuesday, marking the second consecutive tournament the world number one misses due to illness.

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill, File

Bukit Belong Gunaksa

Page 8: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

98 Thursday, February 18, 2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sp rt

The Uruguay forward, who has scored only once in Ligue 1 this year, fired a low angled shot past goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois in the 78th minute after John Obi Mikel had cancelled out Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s opener at the end of the first half.

That did not surprise PSG coach Laurent Blanc, who brought Cavani on for Lucas four minutes before he got the winner.

“I’m not just saying it because he scored tonight, I always say it, Eddy is a player who can score,” Blanc told a news conference. “He was going through a tough period so I hope it will give him his confidence back.”

PSG knocked Chelsea out on away goals at the same stage last year after the Blues had pre-

vailed the previous season in the quarter-finals and have the edge going into the second leg.

It was Chelsea’s first defeat in 13 games since Dutchman Guus Hiddink took over from the sacked Jose Mourinho but they will fancy their chances at Stamford Bridge on March 9. With Chelsea’s inspira-tional captain John Terry ruled out with a hamstring injury, Branislav Ivanovic moved from full back to central de-fence and wore the skipper’s armband.

Marco Verratti started for PSG having only just recovered from a groin injury, while Blanc chose to field Marquinhos on the right side of defence in place of the Serge Aurier, who has been suspended for insulting Blanc

and several team mates.Chelsea had the best chance

midway through the first half when striker Diego Costa’s point-blank header was instinc-tively palmed on to the bar by PSG keeper Kevin Trapp.

Ibrahimovic, who was sent off in London last year and picked up a yellow card on Tuesday, broke the deadlock six minutes before halftime with a low free kick deflected past Courtois by the heel of Obi Mikel, who had fouled Brazilian Lucas.

But Chelsea hit back just before the interval when Costa deflected a corner into the path of Mikel, who controlled the ball before firing home his first goal in 14 months.

Lucas was replaced in the 74th minute by Cavani who had an immediate impact, col-lecting Angel Di Maria’s per-fect pass on the right and scor-ing with a low shot through Courtois’s legs. (ap)

LISBON - Jonas struck with a stoppage-time header to end 90 minutes of frustration for Benfica as they beat an ultra-cautious Zenit St Petersburg 1-0 at home in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie on Tuesday.

The Russian champions, play-ing their first competitive match since Dec. 9, came to Lisbon with the clear intention of forcing a draw and settling the tie in what are likely to be freezing condi-tions at the Petrovskiy stadium on March 9.

The plan, however, began to unravel when Zenit defender Domenico Criscito fouled Andre Almeida and was sent off after a second booking with the game moving into added time.

Nicolas Gaitan floated the resulting free kick into the area and the Stadium of Light erupted as Jonas, the Portuguese league’s topscorer with 23 goals, out-jumped the defence to send his

header past Yuri Lodygin.“This late goal might make

our job easier in Russia, be-cause they will have to go for it and attack from the start and we will have the possibility of exploiting the spaces they will open,” said Benfica goalkeeper Julio Cesar.

The first half, with Zenit un-willing to push forward and Ben-fica still looking edgy after their 2-1 home defeat by arch-rivals Porto on Friday, was an unsightly slog with 16 fouls, seven offsides and four bookings.

Jonas, who is enjoying the best season of his career at the age of 31, had the best first-half effort when he unleashed a shot from the edge of the area but a faint touch by Nicolas Lombaerts diverted the ball centimetres wide of the post.

Zenit, who have never gone beyond this stage in the compe-tition, had to wait until the 36th

minute for their first shot on goal but Hulk, who got little change out of Benfica’s Eliseu, fired a low effort wide from 25 metres.

Twice European champions Benfica, who last reached the quarter-finals in 2012 after beat-ing Zenit, came to life in the second half but still struggled to create chances despite enjoy-ing more than 60 percent of the possession.

Gaitan had their best effort when he skipped past a defender but saw his shot stopped at point-blank range by Lodygin.

Jonas’s goal was no more than Benfica deserved and they nearly added a second in stoppage time when Andreas Samaris sent a powerful effort arrowing towards the corner, only to see it parried away by Lodygin.

Zenit only genuinely tested Julio Cesar once, with an Axel Witsel effort early in the second half. (rtr)

FRISCO — Mexico will miss its third straight Olympic women’s soc-cer tournament. Raquel Rodriguez scored goals and Costa Rica held off a late charge for a 2-1 victory Monday that secured a spot in the semifinals of CONCACAF Olympic qualifying.

Maribel Dominguez scored for Mexico, which is missing out on the semifinals for the first time in the his-tory of the tournament for the North and Central America and Caribbean region.

After reaching the quarterfinals in Greece in 2004, Mexico has missed

out on Olympic tournaments in China, England and Brazil.

Rodriquez, recently the second overall pick in the NWSL by Sky Blue, scored in the ninth minute to put Costa Rica ahead. A Hermann Trophy win-ner, Rodriguez was co-captain of the Penn State team that won the 2015 NCAA title. She added her fifth goal of the tournament on a penalty kick in the 57th minute.

The United States also advanced to the semifinals from Group A. The winners of Friday’s semifinals qualify for the Olympics. (ap)

BEIJING - Australia mid-fielder Tim Cahill will join an-other Chinese Super League club after being dumped by Shanghai Shenhua, his agent said on Wednesday.

The 36-year-old former Everton stalwart agreed to terminate his newly-signed contract this week

after being told he was not part of Spanish coach Gregorio Manzano’s plans for the 2016 campaign.

While Australian fans would have enjoyed seeing Cahill, an icon of the national team, back home at an A-League club, his agent Ante Alilovic said he would be staying put.

“He will stay in China,” Al-ilovic said. “I’m in Asia now and will be with him in two days to discuss potential deals (and) there are a few interested clubs.”

The Chinese Super League transfer window closes on Feb. 26 and the new season begins on March 4. (rtr)

ISTANBUL — Bottles were thrown at Lokomotiv Moscow’s team bus and a Russian player sparked controversy on the pitch with a picture of Vladimir Putin on his vest in a politically-charged game against Turkish side Fenerbahce on Tuesday.

Turkish police detained three people after bottles were thrown as the bus headed for the Europa League match in Istanbul’s Sukru Saracoglu Stadium.

Police said the three people were drunk and that one of the bus’ win-dows was slightly cracked. Turkish media reported that those responsible were Fenerbahce fans.

Lokomotiv is almost certain to face disciplinary action from European soccer’s ruling body after its midfielder Dmitri Tarasov pulled off his shirt to reveal a portrait of Putin and a slogan supporting the Russian president on his vest.

Ties between Turkey and Russia have been tense since November when Turkey shot down a Russian warplane after it violated its border near Syria. Beneath the portrait of Putin, who is wearing a Russian navy cap in the picture, the vest read in Russian: “The most polite president.”

Political statements are not allowed by UEFA at its competitions. Tara-sov later defended his behavior, telling Russian agency R-Sport: “It’s my president. I respect him and decided to show that I’m always with him and prepared to give my support.

“What was written on that shirt was everything that I wanted to say.” Late last year, UEFA rejected calls to separate Russia and Turkey in the draw for this summer’s European Championship - and also the two coun-tries’ clubs in the Europa League draws.

Tuesday’s first leg match was in the Europa League’s Round of 32. Lokomotiv lost the game 2-0. (ap)

MANChESTER UNITEd fans are planning to protest against being asked to pay 71 pounds ($101.5) per ticket for their Europa League away match against Danish league winners Midtjylland on Thursday, according to reports in the British media.

Southampton fans paid 22 pounds per ticket when their team travelled to play Midtjylland in the Europa League playoff round in August and United fans will display banners to indicate their dissatisfaction with the price being charged.

“Seventy-one pounds to watch a Europa League match is extortionate,” Andy Mitten, editor of the United We Stand fanzine, said.

“The combined cost of all three tickets for Manchester United’s Cham-pions League away games was only 75 pounds. Do they think United fans are three times wealthier than Southampton fans? Midtjylland are ripping fans off -- their own and the 800 travelling fans.”

Last week, Liverpool’s owners abandoned plans to raise the price of the most expensive match-day ticket to 77 pounds next season after support-ers staged a walkout protest during their home game against Sunderland on Feb. 6.

Duncan Drasco, chief executive of the Independent Manchester United Supporters’ Trust, described Midtjylland’s stand on pricing as a “real slap in the face”.

“Clubs need to accept they are not selling tickets in a normal competi-tive market as fan loyalty means each club is an effective monopoly so they shouldn’t be applying normal supply and demand economics,” he added. (rtr)

Bottles thrown at Lokomotiv team bus in Turkey

Reuters / Gonzalo Fuentes

Edinson Cavani celebrates scoring the second goal for Paris St Germain.

PSG’s Cavani shows his worth

with winner against Chelsea

PARIS - Paris St Germain substitute Edinson Cavani, criticised by French media lacking composure in front of goal, responded in style to earn a 2-1 home win over Chelsea in their Champions League last-16 first leg on Tuesday.

Man Utd fans plan Europa League ticket

price protest AP Photo/Brandon Wade

Mexico forward Maribel Dominguez Castelan (9) heads the ball as Costa Rica defender Lixy Maria Rodriguez Zamora, background, defends during the first half of a women’s Olympic qualifying soccer match, Monday, Feb. 15, 2016 in Frisco, Texas. Costa Rica won 2-1.

Mexican women’s soccer to miss 3rd straight Olympics

Dumped Cahill will stay in China, says agent

REUTERS/Hugo Correia

Benfica’s Jonas celebrates after scoring a goal against Zenit St. Petersburg.

Jonas snatches stoppage-time win for Benfica over Zenit

Page 9: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

98 Thursday, February 18, 2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sp rt

The Uruguay forward, who has scored only once in Ligue 1 this year, fired a low angled shot past goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois in the 78th minute after John Obi Mikel had cancelled out Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s opener at the end of the first half.

That did not surprise PSG coach Laurent Blanc, who brought Cavani on for Lucas four minutes before he got the winner.

“I’m not just saying it because he scored tonight, I always say it, Eddy is a player who can score,” Blanc told a news conference. “He was going through a tough period so I hope it will give him his confidence back.”

PSG knocked Chelsea out on away goals at the same stage last year after the Blues had pre-

vailed the previous season in the quarter-finals and have the edge going into the second leg.

It was Chelsea’s first defeat in 13 games since Dutchman Guus Hiddink took over from the sacked Jose Mourinho but they will fancy their chances at Stamford Bridge on March 9. With Chelsea’s inspira-tional captain John Terry ruled out with a hamstring injury, Branislav Ivanovic moved from full back to central de-fence and wore the skipper’s armband.

Marco Verratti started for PSG having only just recovered from a groin injury, while Blanc chose to field Marquinhos on the right side of defence in place of the Serge Aurier, who has been suspended for insulting Blanc

and several team mates.Chelsea had the best chance

midway through the first half when striker Diego Costa’s point-blank header was instinc-tively palmed on to the bar by PSG keeper Kevin Trapp.

Ibrahimovic, who was sent off in London last year and picked up a yellow card on Tuesday, broke the deadlock six minutes before halftime with a low free kick deflected past Courtois by the heel of Obi Mikel, who had fouled Brazilian Lucas.

But Chelsea hit back just before the interval when Costa deflected a corner into the path of Mikel, who controlled the ball before firing home his first goal in 14 months.

Lucas was replaced in the 74th minute by Cavani who had an immediate impact, col-lecting Angel Di Maria’s per-fect pass on the right and scor-ing with a low shot through Courtois’s legs. (ap)

LISBON - Jonas struck with a stoppage-time header to end 90 minutes of frustration for Benfica as they beat an ultra-cautious Zenit St Petersburg 1-0 at home in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie on Tuesday.

The Russian champions, play-ing their first competitive match since Dec. 9, came to Lisbon with the clear intention of forcing a draw and settling the tie in what are likely to be freezing condi-tions at the Petrovskiy stadium on March 9.

The plan, however, began to unravel when Zenit defender Domenico Criscito fouled Andre Almeida and was sent off after a second booking with the game moving into added time.

Nicolas Gaitan floated the resulting free kick into the area and the Stadium of Light erupted as Jonas, the Portuguese league’s topscorer with 23 goals, out-jumped the defence to send his

header past Yuri Lodygin.“This late goal might make

our job easier in Russia, be-cause they will have to go for it and attack from the start and we will have the possibility of exploiting the spaces they will open,” said Benfica goalkeeper Julio Cesar.

The first half, with Zenit un-willing to push forward and Ben-fica still looking edgy after their 2-1 home defeat by arch-rivals Porto on Friday, was an unsightly slog with 16 fouls, seven offsides and four bookings.

Jonas, who is enjoying the best season of his career at the age of 31, had the best first-half effort when he unleashed a shot from the edge of the area but a faint touch by Nicolas Lombaerts diverted the ball centimetres wide of the post.

Zenit, who have never gone beyond this stage in the compe-tition, had to wait until the 36th

minute for their first shot on goal but Hulk, who got little change out of Benfica’s Eliseu, fired a low effort wide from 25 metres.

Twice European champions Benfica, who last reached the quarter-finals in 2012 after beat-ing Zenit, came to life in the second half but still struggled to create chances despite enjoy-ing more than 60 percent of the possession.

Gaitan had their best effort when he skipped past a defender but saw his shot stopped at point-blank range by Lodygin.

Jonas’s goal was no more than Benfica deserved and they nearly added a second in stoppage time when Andreas Samaris sent a powerful effort arrowing towards the corner, only to see it parried away by Lodygin.

Zenit only genuinely tested Julio Cesar once, with an Axel Witsel effort early in the second half. (rtr)

FRISCO — Mexico will miss its third straight Olympic women’s soc-cer tournament. Raquel Rodriguez scored goals and Costa Rica held off a late charge for a 2-1 victory Monday that secured a spot in the semifinals of CONCACAF Olympic qualifying.

Maribel Dominguez scored for Mexico, which is missing out on the semifinals for the first time in the his-tory of the tournament for the North and Central America and Caribbean region.

After reaching the quarterfinals in Greece in 2004, Mexico has missed

out on Olympic tournaments in China, England and Brazil.

Rodriquez, recently the second overall pick in the NWSL by Sky Blue, scored in the ninth minute to put Costa Rica ahead. A Hermann Trophy win-ner, Rodriguez was co-captain of the Penn State team that won the 2015 NCAA title. She added her fifth goal of the tournament on a penalty kick in the 57th minute.

The United States also advanced to the semifinals from Group A. The winners of Friday’s semifinals qualify for the Olympics. (ap)

BEIJING - Australia mid-fielder Tim Cahill will join an-other Chinese Super League club after being dumped by Shanghai Shenhua, his agent said on Wednesday.

The 36-year-old former Everton stalwart agreed to terminate his newly-signed contract this week

after being told he was not part of Spanish coach Gregorio Manzano’s plans for the 2016 campaign.

While Australian fans would have enjoyed seeing Cahill, an icon of the national team, back home at an A-League club, his agent Ante Alilovic said he would be staying put.

“He will stay in China,” Al-ilovic said. “I’m in Asia now and will be with him in two days to discuss potential deals (and) there are a few interested clubs.”

The Chinese Super League transfer window closes on Feb. 26 and the new season begins on March 4. (rtr)

ISTANBUL — Bottles were thrown at Lokomotiv Moscow’s team bus and a Russian player sparked controversy on the pitch with a picture of Vladimir Putin on his vest in a politically-charged game against Turkish side Fenerbahce on Tuesday.

Turkish police detained three people after bottles were thrown as the bus headed for the Europa League match in Istanbul’s Sukru Saracoglu Stadium.

Police said the three people were drunk and that one of the bus’ win-dows was slightly cracked. Turkish media reported that those responsible were Fenerbahce fans.

Lokomotiv is almost certain to face disciplinary action from European soccer’s ruling body after its midfielder Dmitri Tarasov pulled off his shirt to reveal a portrait of Putin and a slogan supporting the Russian president on his vest.

Ties between Turkey and Russia have been tense since November when Turkey shot down a Russian warplane after it violated its border near Syria. Beneath the portrait of Putin, who is wearing a Russian navy cap in the picture, the vest read in Russian: “The most polite president.”

Political statements are not allowed by UEFA at its competitions. Tara-sov later defended his behavior, telling Russian agency R-Sport: “It’s my president. I respect him and decided to show that I’m always with him and prepared to give my support.

“What was written on that shirt was everything that I wanted to say.” Late last year, UEFA rejected calls to separate Russia and Turkey in the draw for this summer’s European Championship - and also the two coun-tries’ clubs in the Europa League draws.

Tuesday’s first leg match was in the Europa League’s Round of 32. Lokomotiv lost the game 2-0. (ap)

MANChESTER UNITEd fans are planning to protest against being asked to pay 71 pounds ($101.5) per ticket for their Europa League away match against Danish league winners Midtjylland on Thursday, according to reports in the British media.

Southampton fans paid 22 pounds per ticket when their team travelled to play Midtjylland in the Europa League playoff round in August and United fans will display banners to indicate their dissatisfaction with the price being charged.

“Seventy-one pounds to watch a Europa League match is extortionate,” Andy Mitten, editor of the United We Stand fanzine, said.

“The combined cost of all three tickets for Manchester United’s Cham-pions League away games was only 75 pounds. Do they think United fans are three times wealthier than Southampton fans? Midtjylland are ripping fans off -- their own and the 800 travelling fans.”

Last week, Liverpool’s owners abandoned plans to raise the price of the most expensive match-day ticket to 77 pounds next season after support-ers staged a walkout protest during their home game against Sunderland on Feb. 6.

Duncan Drasco, chief executive of the Independent Manchester United Supporters’ Trust, described Midtjylland’s stand on pricing as a “real slap in the face”.

“Clubs need to accept they are not selling tickets in a normal competi-tive market as fan loyalty means each club is an effective monopoly so they shouldn’t be applying normal supply and demand economics,” he added. (rtr)

Bottles thrown at Lokomotiv team bus in Turkey

Reuters / Gonzalo Fuentes

Edinson Cavani celebrates scoring the second goal for Paris St Germain.

PSG’s Cavani shows his worth

with winner against Chelsea

PARIS - Paris St Germain substitute Edinson Cavani, criticised by French media lacking composure in front of goal, responded in style to earn a 2-1 home win over Chelsea in their Champions League last-16 first leg on Tuesday.

Man Utd fans plan Europa League ticket

price protest AP Photo/Brandon Wade

Mexico forward Maribel Dominguez Castelan (9) heads the ball as Costa Rica defender Lixy Maria Rodriguez Zamora, background, defends during the first half of a women’s Olympic qualifying soccer match, Monday, Feb. 15, 2016 in Frisco, Texas. Costa Rica won 2-1.

Mexican women’s soccer to miss 3rd straight Olympics

Dumped Cahill will stay in China, says agent

REUTERS/Hugo Correia

Benfica’s Jonas celebrates after scoring a goal against Zenit St. Petersburg.

Jonas snatches stoppage-time win for Benfica over Zenit

Page 10: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 18, 2016DestinationThursday, February 18, 201610 InternationalInternational

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KLUNGKUNG -Tired of the hustle and bustle in the city ? Let’s run away to find pleasure in Bukit Belong rural scenery, in the village of Gunaksa, Klungkung.

The hill climb from the roadside would be quite tiring, but the sight of green grass and rice fields at sunset stretches can be a strong motivation for you to climb the hill as high as 150 meters.

This place can you traveled approximately 15 minutes from the intersection at Bay Pass Ida Ba-gus Mantra between Kusamba, Gunaksa, Padang Bai. Remember do not litter in this beautiful place. (IBP/net)

THE NBA is cracking down on ‘piggyback’ intentional fouls, instructing referees to potentially consider them for flagrant violations.

In a memo sent by Vice President of Basketball Operations Kiki Vandeweghe and Executive Vice President of Referee Operations Mike Bantom on Tuesday, referees were urged to take a closer look at the fouls.

“This is a potentially dangerous play against a player in a vulnerable position,” the memo on the NBA’s official website said.

“Please be advised that the referees have been instructed to evaluate such plays under all applicable playing rules, including the rules relating to Flagrant Fouls.

“Players remain free to commit deliberate fouls during free throw attempts, but such fouls will be assessed as Flagrant if they meet the applicable criteria.”

Intentional fouling has become a major debate in the NBA as more teams have employed it against poor free throw shooters and it has dragged out games for fans.

Commissioner Adam Silver said last month that he is in-creasingly leaning towards the league looking to make a rule change that would outlaw the fouls. (rtr)

Williams, a finalist at the 2013 tournament where she lost in three sets to Victoria Azarenka, was the top seed at the Feb. 21-27 tourna-ment in Doha.

“I unfortunately have to withdraw from the Qatar Total Open as I have come down with the flu and do not feel 100 percent,” Williams said in a statement released by tournament organisers.

“I need to take this time to recover but I do look forward to returning to

Doha and seeing my fans soon.”The 34-year-old American an-

nounced last week that she would miss the ongoing Dubai Champion-ships with the flu. Williams has not played a competitive match since she was stunned in the Australian Open final by German Angelique Kerber.

The world number one’s with-drawal comes as another blow to tournament organisers after Maria Sharapova pulled out with an arm injury. (rtr)

League to crack down on ‘piggyback’ foul

Peter Llewellyn-USA TODAY Sports

Feb 14, 2016; Toronto, Ontario, CAN; Chairman, Charlotte Hornets Michael Jordan (R) holds a jersey as Chair-man of the board, MLSE Larry Tanenbaum (L) looks on during a stoppage in play in the second half during the NBA All Star Game between the Western Conference and the Eastern Conference at Air Canada Centre.

Serena withdraws from Qatar Open with flu

FILE - In this March 20, 2015, file photo, Serena Williams speaks during a news conference after withdrawing from her match

against Simona Halep, of Romania, due to a knee injury at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament in Indian Wells, Calif. Ser-ena Williams has withdrawn from her second consecutive tour-nament, announcing Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016, that she will miss

next week’s Qatar Open because of the flu. The No.1-ranked Williams pulled out of this week’s Dubai Tennis Championships

on Saturday, also citing illness.

SERENA Williams will miss next week’s Qatar Open because of the flu, she said on Tuesday, marking the second consecutive tournament the world number one misses due to illness.

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill, File

Bukit Belong Gunaksa

Page 11: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

6 International

W RLDThursday, February 18, 2016

Dasi Astawa also stressed that the leaders of Bali must be consis-tent with their political promises. Those who have the commitment and consequently carry out their duties properly are indeed great leaders.

According to Astawa, leaders should not be stingy, yet at the

same time they need to be aware that they are spending the money of the people. People should not be blamed when problems arise, it is the leaders responsibility to provide a firm model for problem solving.

To be a great leader, Dasi Astawa highlighted seven essential skills: human relations skills, conceptual skills, design skills, management skills, technical skills, soft skills and spiritual skills. (sue)

From page 1Bali lauded ...

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key arrives in Australia on Thursday for talks that may revive an offer by Key to accept some asylum seekers now in Australia, providing Turnbull a way out of a growing political headache.

Key reached a deal in 2013 with former Australian Prime Minis-ter Julia Gillard to resettle 150 refugees then in Australia as part of New Zealand’s annual humanitar-ian intake of 750 refugees.

But Turnbull’s predecessor, Tony Abbott, had declined to follow up on Key’s offer.

“John Key will be here tomor-row,” Turnbull told reporters in Brisbane. “He is a very good friend of Australia. We will be talking about these issues together, but I don’t want to foreshadow any changes to our policy.”

Australia’s tough immigration

policies provide that anyone in-tercepted while trying to reach the country by boat is sent for process-ing to camps in Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island. They are never eligible to be resettled in Australia.

Australia’s High Court this month rejected a legal test case that challenged its right to deport 267 refugee children and their families who had been brought from Nauru, about 3,000 km (1,800 miles) northeast of Australia, for medical treatment.

The detention centre, which houses more than 500 people, has drawn widespread criticism for harsh conditions and reports of systemic child abuse.

The number of asylum seekers trying to reach Australia is small in comparison with those arriving in Europe, but border security is a

hot-button political issue in Aus-tralia, which is scheduled to hold a national election later in the year.

The New Zealand offer still stands, Key told reporters on Mon-day, ahead of his first visit to Aus-tralia since Turnbull ousted Abbott in a party coup last September.

“If they wanted us to take people then - subject to them meeting the criteria - the New Zealand govern-ment would be obliged to do that, because we’ve given that com-mitment that we’d do so,” Fairfax quoted Key as saying.

Abbott had campaigned re-lentlessly on securing Australia’s borders and argued that resettling refugees in New Zealand would spur people smugglers to resume attempts to reach Australia.

Turnbull is under pressure to tackle the Nauru repatriation issue amid criticism from rights groups, the United Nations and medi-cal bodies, including the British medical journal, the Lancet, which slammed the policy in an editorial last week. (rtr)

TAIPEI - China has deployed an advanced surface-to-air missile sys-tem to one of the disputed islands it controls in the South China Sea, Tai-wan and U.S. officials said, ratcheting up tensions even as U.S. President Barack Obama urged restraint in the region.

Taiwan defence ministry spokes-man Major General David Lo told Reuters on Wednesday the missile batteries had been set up on Woody Island. The island is part of the Para-cels chain, under Chinese control for more than 40 years but also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam. A U.S. de-fence official also confirmed the “ap-parent deployment” of the missiles, first reported by Fox News.

China’s foreign minister said reports by “certain Western media” should focus more on China’s build-ing of lighthouses to improve ship-ping safety in the region.

“As for the limited and necessary self-defence facilities that China has built on islands and reefs we have people stationed on, this is consistent with the right to self-protection that China is entitled to under interna-tional law so there should be no ques-tion about it,” Wang Yi told reporters in Beijing.

The Chinese defence ministry told Reuters in a statement that defence facilities on “relevant islands and reefs” had been in place for many years, adding that the latest reports about missile deployment were noth-ing but “hype”.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion in global trade passes every year, and has been building runways and other infrastructure on artificial islands to bolster its title.

The United States has said it will continue conducting “freedom of navigation patrols” by ships and aircraft to assure unimpeded passage through the region, where Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims.

Admiral Harry Harris, the com-mander of the U.S. Pacific Com-mand, said the deployment of mis-siles to the Paracels would not be a surprise but would be a concern, and be contrary to China’s pledge not to militarize the region.

“We will conduct more, and more complex, freedom of navigation op-erations as time goes on in the South China Sea,” Harris told a briefing in Tokyo. “We have no intention of stopping.” (rtr)

Australian PM leaves door open

to sending refugees to New Zealand

Franck Robichon/Pool Photo via AP, File

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

SYDNEY - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday left open the possibility of resettlement in New Zealand for asylum seekers facing repatriation to a detention camp in the tiny Pacific Island nation of Nauru.

China sends missiles to contested South China Sea island


‘Debbie’, a 56-day-old dolfin baby is seen from underwa-ter as she swims next to her mother ‘Delphi’ at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany February 17, 2016. “Debbie” was born on Christmas Eve and was presented to the public at Duisburg’s zoo on Wednesday.

Page 12: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Indonesia Today Thursday, February 18, 2016 5InternationalThursday, February 18, 201612 International


Neel Kashkari, the president of the Fed’s Minneapolis regional bank, said Tuesday that while sig-nificant progress has been made to strengthen the financial system since the 2008 crisis, Congress did not go far enough in making changes.

“I believe the biggest banks are still too big to fail and continue to pose a significant, ongoing risk to our economy,” Kashkari said in a speech to a conference at the Brook-ings Institution.

Kashkari, as an adviser to then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, was a key architect of the Bush administration’s effort to deal with the 2008 financial crisis. He served as the first head of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $700 bil-lion bailout program that Congress created at the urging of the Bush administration.

His comments about breaking up the nation’s biggest banks addressed a proposal Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has been pushing in his

Democratic presidential campaign. Kashkari did not endorse such a move but he said the idea of break-ing up the largest banks into smaller, less connected, less important enti-ties should be studied.

He also suggested studying pro-posals to turn large banks essentially into the equivalent of public utilities by forcing them to hold so much capital that they virtually could not fail. He compared this approach to the type of regulations that govern nuclear power plants.

Given the millions of people who lost jobs and the trillions of dollars in wealth that were wiped out dur-ing the 2008 crisis, it is critical that the country do more to prevent a re-peat of what was the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, he said.

Kashkari said he planned to direct staff at the Minneapolis Fed bank to conduct a study in coming months on these ideas and produce a report with recommendations by the end of this year for consideration by

banking regulators and Congress.Before being tapped last year for

the Minneapolis Fed job, Kashkari had been a managing director at bond giant PIMCO. A Republican, Kashkari ran unsuccessfully in 2014 for governor of California against Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.

Kashkari said that the Dodd-Frank Act passed by Congress in 2010 in re-sponse to the financial crisis had made a number of significant improvements in banking regulation, but he said the law did not go far enough.

“I believe we must seriously consider bolder, transformational options,” he said. “The risks of not doing so are just too great.”

Republicans in Congress, sup-ported by the financial industry, have launched a number of efforts to roll back different sections of the Dodd-Frank law. Lawmakers in both parties have contended that Dodd-Frank did not adequately address the problem of institutions that are considered too big to fail, thus forcing taxpayers to rescue them rather than face catastrophic consequences to the entire financial system similar to what occurred when Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008.(ap)

PARIS — Tire maker Michelin says its profits rose last year as high demand from booming auto markets in western Europe and North America drove sales growth. The French company reported net profit of 1.16 billion euros ($1.3 billion) for 2015, up 12 percent from 1 bil-lion euros in 2014.

Michelin said demand for its tires in North America is growing thanks to strong car sales, low fuel prices and a favorable economy. Truck tire sales are also growing thanks to replacement of aging fleets in North America. The company forecast higher sales and profits in 2016.(ap)

OMAHA, Neb. — Berkshire Hathaway Inc. on Tuesday revealed that it has made a new investment in pipeline operator Kinder Morgan and unloaded its stake in Chicago Bridge & Iron as part of several changes to its stock portfolio.

Warren Buffett’s conglomerate filed an update on its U.S. stock holdings at the end of the year with the Securities and Exchange Com-mission. It said it owned 26.5 million shares of Houston-based Kinder Morgan Inc. at the end of December. Pipelines are a business Buffett understands well because Berkshire’s utility unit owns several natural gas pipeline companies.

Berkshire did not report any shares of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., which builds energy infrastructure projects. At the end of September, it held 1.98 million shares.

Buffett’s remarkably successful track record means that many inves-tors look for ideas to copy in these quarterly filings.

But the combined filing also includes investments made by two other Berkshire executives who manage part of the company’s $132 billion stock portfolio. That means it’s not always clear which investments Buffett made himself, but he has said previously that investments smaller than $300 million are likely to be the work of other Berkshire managers.(ap) Fed’s Kashkari: More

steps needed to prevent meltdown repeat

WASHINGTON — A Federal Reserve official who played a key role in the government’s response to the 2008 financial crisis says the government should do more to prevent a repeat of that crisis, including considering whether the nation’s biggest banks need to be broken up.

Neel Kash-kari speaks on stage during the California Republi-can Party Spring Convention in Burl-ingame, California in this March 16, 2014 file photo.

Buffett’s firm buys stake in pipeline operator Kinder Morgan

Michelin says higher tire sales helped drive profit growth

AP Photo/Jacques Brinon

Michelin tire company Financial Director, Marc Henry, poses for photographers during the company’s 2015 annual results presentation in Paris, France, Tuesday Feb. 16, 2016.

REUTERS/Stephen Lam/Files

“Pope Francis is planning to visit Indone-sia in July 2017, his visit coinciding with the Asian Youth Day to be hosted by Indonesia,” Indonesian ambassador to Vatican Antonius Agus Sriyono said here on Tuesday when visiting the office of the minister of sports and youth affairs.

Agus, the former deputy at the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Secu-rity and Legal Affairs who has recently been named ambassador to the Vatican, said that the Asian Youth Day would be attended by Catholic youth from across Asia.

The event, which is held every three years,

will serve as a forum for learning as well as sharing faith experiences for the youth, he said.

He said the event will be the seventh so far and will be preceded by the Asian Youth Games scheduled to be held in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and Indonesian Youth Day 2016 in Manado, North Sulawesi, to be celebrated from October 1 to 6, 2016. A number of festi-vals and sports performances will also be held during the events.(ant)

TIMIKA - The Search and Rescue (SAR) agency of Timika, has sent a vessel, the TRB 217, to search for 13 crew members of the KM Azula sink-ing in the sea off the Asmat regency, Papua, on Tuesday.

Operation chief of the Timika SAR office Hendra Salawane said the RB 217 with 17 rescue workers, would join other SAR teams in the search for the missing crewmen of the ill-fated KM Azula.

The Timka SAR office has also sent three units of long boat and a speed boat from the Asmat police and another speed boat from the Asmat district administration. Also taking part in the search was the district mili-tary unit, the communications service, and the district disaster control agency (BPBD).

“This morning we will continue with the search. Earlier this morning the weather was not very friendly. It was cloudy and dark with stormy rain. Now, however, the condition is better. The sky is clearer allowing the rescue team to move,” Hendra said. The location where the KM Azula sank was around 8 miles from the nearest coast, he said.

“We also asked local people for any information they have about the sinking boat and its crewmen,” he said. Search started on Tuesday im-mediately after report was received about the incident.

“The whole day yesterday , we were in the sea searching but the result was zero Today we would continue the search, hoping we would find survivors,” he said.

KM Azula was reported to have stranded on Saturday night at around 20.00 local time and it leaked after hitting rock in shallow waters.

The 13 crewmen of the boat are identified as Abdul Rachman Hakim (the skipper), Dimas Apriyona (navi-gators 1), Fasal (navigator 2), Agus Dwiuntoro, Aris Untori , Dani Purba , Muhammad Muntoha, Ahmad Fausi, Muhammad Aprisal, Samson Am-barita, Nuzakir, Anggit Restu Dianto and Taufik Nur Hidayat.(ant)

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government would propose that additional funds for the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 counter-terrorism squad be included in the Amended State Budget (APBNP).

“The government has basically agreed,

and it is just a matter of its allocation. Hope-fully, we would be able to allocate it in the APBNP,” he said here on Tuesday after meeting with Vice President M Jusuf Kalla to report about security issues.

He said he had earlier reported to the Presi-dent and the Vice President about the need to improve the squads facilities, personnel

and lodging.“We will again look at their remuneration

because many of them have to remain away from their families since they are assigned duties out of town for several months. I think they deserve to be treated better,” the minister said.

Besides, special units of the Indonesian

Defense Forces (TNI) will also be strength-ened to back up the Indonesian Police in case they have to deal with simultaneous threats.

Terror threats could happen any time. Therefore, the government must stay vigilant to meet any such eventuality in a swift man-ner and respond firmly, he said.(ant)

REUTERS/Darren Whiteside

An Indonesian flag is seen near a construction site in Jakarta, Indonesia, February 17, 2016.

Additional funds for counter-terrorism could be included in amended budget

Rescue workers searching for crew of boat sinking off Papua

Pope Francis to visit Indonesia in 2017

JAKARTA - Pope Francis, the leader of the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics, will visit Indonesia in 2017 to attend the Asian Youth Day to be hosted by the Arch Diocese of Semarang, Central Java.

Page 13: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Bali News International4 Thursday, February 18, 2016 13InternationalThursday, February 18, 2016

NEW DELHI - Fighting broke out on Wednesday around an Indian court hearing a case against a student union leader accused of sedition, a charge that has sparked protests across university campuses and criti-cism the government was curtailing free speech.

Kanhaiya Kumar, head of the student union at Delhi’s Jawa-harlal Nehru University (JNU), was rushed from a car through a gate into the court by police officers protecting him with a riot shield.

He was later remanded in custody by the court until March 2.Lawyers chanting nationalist slogans earlier barged into the com-

pound and threw stones at reporters outside, in defiance of an earlier Supreme Court order banning protests after there was a punch-up at a hearing on Monday.

Wednesday’s remand hearing was temporarily adjourned as the Supreme Court rushed a team of commissioners to investigate reports that Kumar had been beaten up inside the Patiala courthouse in New Delhi.

Kumar, 28, was arrested at a student rally last week held to com-memorate the anniversary of the execution of a Kashmiri separatist over his role in an attack on the Indian parliament in 2001. His supporters deny he made any incendiary remarks. (rtr)

The exit of the Fatherland fac-tion, led by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, again raises the spectre of early elections and could make it even harder for Yatseniuk to pass economic reforms demanded by Ukraine’s Western creditors.

Months of squabbling in the co-alition came to a head of Tuesday, when President Petro Poroshenko, who leads the largest party in the alliance, openly called for Yatse-niuk to resign. Yatseniuk survived the vote, but the majority of Po-roshenko’s own lawmakers voted against him.

Tymoshenko’s party has 19 seats in parliament, and its exit still leaves the remaining three parties in the coalition with a majority. It was not immediately clear what the other members of the alliance would do.

The coalition now contains President Petro Poroshenko’s party, Yatseniuk’s party and one other.

“Yesterday extraordinary events took place in parliament,” said Yulia Tymoshenko, party leader of the Fatherland faction. She called the coalition “a facade” and urged other lawmakers to quit the govern-ment as well.

“There was a shadowy, back-room coalition of political clans, which formed a government that ruled the country and pushed the country to the brink,” she said.

“The Fatherland party and Fa-therland faction thinks it is impos-sible to continue to remain in this pack, which doesn’t have a chance, because it doesn’t want to carry out reforms, (or) protect Ukraine.”

Ukraine’s international backers have invested much money and political capital backing the govern-ment in its stand-off with Moscow after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 following the overthrow of Kiev’s pro-Russian president by protesters.

But the former Soviet repub-lic’s failure to tackle corruption and implement reforms has al-ready derailed a Western aid pro-gramme that keeps its economy afloat, and a ceasefire with pro-Russian separatists in the east has been fraying.

Though Yatseniuk survived the vote of no confidence, lawmakers, including the head of Poroshenko’s faction in parliament, openly ques-tioned the government’s ability to implement its reform agenda. (rtr)

AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, center, reacts after surviving a vote of no con-fidence, in Parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016. Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko called on the country’s embattled prime minister to resign, a move that would break apart the fragile ruling coalition, but Yatsenyuk survived the no confidence vote despite simmering political tensions.

Ukraine ruling coalition cracks after no confidence vote

KIEV - A junior ally in Ukraine’s Western-backed coalition quit on Wednesday, spelling more trouble for Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk’s government just a day after he survived a no confidence vote in parliament.

Fighting outside Indian court hearing student sedition case

AP Photo/Manish Swarup

Indian journalists shout slogans for the freedom of press near Supreme Court in New Delhi, India Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016. Students, journalists and teachers protested in the Indian capital after a student union leader’s arrest and subsequent violence by Hindu nationalists.

GIANYAR - Gianyar district will host the conference of the Asian Forum for Child Rights 2016. As planned, the three-day conference will take place on No-vember 22-24. The conference will be attended by approximately 500 domestic and overseas child right observers. But so far, the venue has not been decided yet. Deputy of Child Growth and Development, Ministry of Women and Child Empowerment, Lenny Nurhayati Rosalina, accompanied by a team from Japan and South Korea during a meeting with the Regent of Gian-yar A.A. Gde Agung Bharata in the regent’s office, Monday (Feb. 15)

explained that her institution has formulated a number of agendas to be held in the conference.

According to the plan, the ex-posure of each member country will be held on the second day of the conference regarding the development of children eligible city (KLA). As the host, Indonesia will be given a specific time to explain about the district / city having declared the children eli-gible city.

“On the last day, all the delegates will be divided into a number of groups to visit the child-friendly pi-lot project. They can be in the form of schools, health centers, villages

and other child-friendly supporting facilities,” she added.

Lenny said that her institu-tion has visited Gianyar for sev-eral times and greatly admired the wealth of the art and culture owned by the region. She also hoped the event could feature traditional arts performed by children. Not only that, Lenny also proposed in order it can be graced with the colossal Pucuk Dance at the open-ing session presented by students in Gianyar.

Similar opinion was expressed by the conference team from Japan. Aramaki, one of the team members revealed that his team has been

familiar with Bali particularly Gi-anyar that is synonymous with the art and culture. He hoped the con-ference will feature the traditional arts of Bali.

He explained that in Japan there is a city having child protection program almost resembling the KLA program in Indonesia. The city is Setagaya. Hopefully, the similarities can strengthen the joint commitment between Japan and Indonesia in order to ensure the fulfillment of children’s rights.

The Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata, is deeply proud as the Gianyar district is appointed to host the Child Friendly Asian

Conference 2016. His institution also promised to try to show off his best so that the organization of the conference will become a success. While related to the venue, Agung Bharata admitted to be unable to confirm yet. His institution should coordinate with relevant agencies and ministries because it is an in-ternational event.

“It is an international event. So, we do not only carry the name or Gianyar, but also Bali and Indo-nesia. To that end, venue of the conference cannot be decided now. This must be further coordinated with relevant agencies,” he said. (kmb25)

Before Haposan read the plea in the ses-sion open to the public, Agustay first read his personal plea on the charges of 12 years addressed to him. Agus said that his posi-tion was powerless before Margriet as an employer when he was ordered for granted. Agustay admitted to wrap and bury the body of Engeline, and it was on the order of Mar-griet. At that time, May 16, 2015, Agus was called by Margriet that the life of Engeline could not be saved.

“I’m just a servant, unable to do anything despite have protested repeatedly to Margriet verbally. Please do accept my apologies for my powerlessness. I’m afraid to Margriet,” said Agus in a piece of paper he wrote.

While Haposan Sihombing said that in principle there are 51 evidences or clues having led to Margriet. “One of them is the statement on the missing child delivered by Margriet to her daughter on May 16, 2015 whereas it just happened. So, the missing phrase indicates that Margriet already knew if Engeline already died,” said Haposan.

Another alibi is the rejection against a number of officials coming into the court-yard of the defendant Margriet. Some of the officials are Arist Merdeka Sirait and two ministers, including the statement related to the report to police considered to be in a hurry.

Additionally, Margriet had pursued

Agustay while bringing a machete. This in-dicates the emotional personality of Margriet and Margriet was also chasing chickens with Putu Kariani and suddenly shouted: “Watch out there is a hole.”

Haposan together Hotman Paris then told that Agustay is actually a justice collaborator. He is very open in the trial. In addition, Hot-man Paris re-quoted the Munir incident where Polycarpus was sentenced for the murder of Munir to judicial review level only based on 1 or 2 evidence or clues. “Here, we are able to present 51 evidences and clues of facts in the trial,” said Hotman who typically moves his hand.

After the trial was over, Agustay did not ask to be excused by the panel of judges of

the Denpasar Court. He asked the generos-ity of the judges to decide the punishment as fairly as possible.”I just asked the judges to give the fairest punishment,” he said.

Earlier, the legal counsel of Margriet, Hotma Sitompoel, cited the statement of F. Kennedy considered very monumental. “The practice of sentencing is just like a game of chance or try one’s luck,” said Hotma.

He meant that it highly depends on bad luck or fortune. If the defendants get a soft judge, then their fate will get a soft penalty. Conversely, if the defendants get a harsh judge, the defendant will receive severe pen-alty. “However, in this trial, we are confident if the judges are objective, rather than hard,” said Hotma. On that account, the judges will

decide not based on hit-or-miss. But they will give the fairest decision.

“We believe that the judges have integ-rity without any obstacles that may arise when giving freedom to the defendant,” said Hotma. “The judgment without mercy will prevail over those who are not merciful. But compassion will triumph over judgment,” said Hotma.

On that account, the defendant’s legal counsel team asked to receive the entire memorandum of their defense plea and exempt the defendant from all charges and return the evidence to those having the right and release the defendant from custody. “We believe, God will surely intervene,” he added. (kmb37)

Turn of Agustay to mention Margriet as murderer of Engeline

Gianyar to host Asian Conference on Child Right Forum 2016Regent determines no venue yet

DENPASAR - After Hotma Sitom-poel mentioned Agustay Hamda May is the sole murderer of Engeline, on Tues-day (Feb. 16) was the turn of Agustay through his legal counsel to ‘respond’ to the statement of Hotma. Yes, Hot-man Paris Hutapea with Haposan Sihombing in the defense plea stated that Margriet is the main murderer of Engeline. It was delivered before the panel of judges led by Edward Harris Sinaga when reading the defense plea as thick as 187 pages.


After the trial was over, Agustay (center) did not ask to be excused by the panel of judges of the Denpasar Court. He asked the generosity of the judges to decide the punishment as fairly as possible.

Page 14: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

14 InternationalHealthThursday, February 18, 2016 3International Bali News Thursday, February 18, 2016

GENEVA - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that $56 million were needed to combat the Zika virus until June, including for the fast-tracking of vaccines, diagnostics and research studies into how it spreads.

The funds, including $25 mil-lion for the WHO and its regional office, would also be used to control the mosquito-borne virus that has spread to 39 countries, including 34 in the Americas, and has been linked to birth defects in Brazil.

“Possible links with neurological complications and birth malforma-tions have rapidly changed the risk profile for Zika from a mild threat to one of very serious proportions,” WHO director-general Margaret Chan said in the WHO Strategic Response Framework and Joint Operations Plan issued in Geneva.

The WHO expects the funds to come from member states and other donors and said that in the mean-time it has tapped a new emergency contingency fund for $2 million to finance its initial operations.

Chan will travel to Brazil from Feb 22-24 to review Zika-related measures supported by WHO and will meet the health minister, a

WHO spokeswoman said.The United Nations health agen-

cy declared the Zika outbreak a global public health emergency on Feb 1, noting its association with two neurological disorders, mi-crocephaly in babies and Guillain-Barre syndrome that can cause paralysis.

Brazil is investigating the po-tential link between Zika infections and more than 4,300 suspected cases of microcephaly, a condition marked by abnormally small head size that can result in developmental problems.

Researchers have confirmed more than 460 of these cases as mi-crocephaly and identified evidence of Zika infection in 41 of these cases, but have not proven that Zika can cause microcephaly.

The WHO noted that “existing scarce evidence indicates that there may be a risk of sexual transmis-sion” of Zika virus, as well as a risk of it persisting in semen and urine. Research studies are needed to as-sess the presence of the Zika virus in semen and other body fluids, including pregnancy-related fluids, and potential sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission, the WHO said. (rtr)

“Given the magnitude of the Zika crisis, WHO encourages af-fected countries and their partners to boost the use of both old and new approaches to mosquito con-trol as the most immediate line of defence,” it said.

The WHO also highlighted the potential of releasing sterile irradiated male mosquitoes, a technique that has been devel-oped at the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Zika, which is now sweeping the Americas, is transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which the U.N. health body de-scribed as an “opportunistic and

tenacious menace”.Many scientists believe Zika

could be linked to microcephaly, or abnormally small heads, in new-borns and a serious neurological disorder in adults called Guillain-Barre syndrome.

“If these presumed associations are confirmed, the human and so-cial consequences for the over 30 countries with recently detected Zika outbreaks will be staggering,” the WHO said.

Fighting the infection at source by eliminating the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes responsible for trans-mission is moving up the public health agenda, especially as the same insects also spread dengue,

chikungunya and yellow fever.However, the concept of wiping

out an entire mosquito species also raises serious ecological questions, since it runs counter to preserving biodiversity.

Still, insect control expert Jo Lines at the London School of Hy-giene and Tropical Medicine has few qualms. “This is an invasive species, so getting rid of these mos-quitoes would, if anything, restore the natural ecology, not destroy it,” he told Reuters.

Like rats and pigeons, Lines argues, Aedes aegypti has adapted perfectly to modern urban living by breeding in everything from discarded bottle tops and used car tyres to pet water bowls and vases in cemeteries.

As a result, the diseases it carries are likely to be a growing threat to humankind in the years ahead. (rtr)

$56 million plan to combat Zika virus

REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Bill Myers of Washington has blood platelets drawn at the American Red Cross Charles Drew Donation Center in Wash-ington February 16, 2016.

AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan, File

In this Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, file photo, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes float in a mosquito cage at a laboratory in Cucuta, Colombia. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the vector that transmits the Zika virus, and also dengue and chikunguna.

Genes, bugs and radiation: WHO

backs new weapons in Zika fight

LONDON - Countries battling the Zika virus should con-sider new ways to curb disease-carrying mosquitoes, including testing the release of genetically modified insects and bacteria that stop their eggs hatching, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

SINGARAJA - Buleleng feels hindered in their Conservation of their coral reef because of the issu-ance of Maritime Affaris Law No. 23/2014. Apparently this new regu-lation puts an end to the measures thus taken by Buleleng in managing their marine potential – including coral reef conservation.

Buleleng’s district government has drawn up numerous programs and proposals for marine develop-ment in North Bali and they are urging the provincial and central government to follow up on these programs.

Chief of the Buleleng Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Nyoman Sutrisna, said on Tuesday (Feb. 16) that coral reef conservation ef-forts in Buleleng has been running very well. Coral reef conservation is not only being done by the local government but fishermen’s groups and other people who care have also been involved in the effort.

A regional bylaw (Perda) regard-ing marine conservation divides the Marine Park into three areas: 12,000 hectares on the east coast, 7 hectares in central Buleleng, and 5 hactares in west Buleleng. Conservation of the coral reef in the marine park has been going on for many years and includes the installation of a crocodile cake style fish cage, and hexadome as habitat for the coral reefs as well and sowing ornamental fish fingerlings.

The district government had

planned to resume conservation efforts in 2016, however with the enactment of Law No. 23/2014 regarding ocean management au-tomatically terminates this plan as continuing their conservation efforts would be a violation of the new law.

“There is not much that we can do because this regulation removes our authority to run the programs that we had drafted. We do not want to violate any rules, and as of now, from the coast to 12 nautical miles out to sea is the authority of the province”, said Sutrisna.

Chief of the Buleleng Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, however added that even though the regula-tion halts developments in the field of marine conservation, his agency will not keep silent. The programs that his agency has drafter, includ-ing a number of proposals for the development of the marine sector, have been submitted to the provin-cial government and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF).

It is hoped that the proposals will receive the attention of the govern-ment in accordance with existing regulations. “Under the direction of local leadership, we are continuing to request that these programs be run and we have submitted several proposals that we are keeping an eye on as they are meant to maintain and conserve our sea” said Sutrisna. (kmb38)

Headman of Gadung Sari, Wayan Sukanada, explained half of the village’s 334 hectares of land is coconut plantation “Every fam-ily has a dry land area planted with coconut” he said. The coconut trees of Gadung Sari village have been passed down from generation to generation and though many of the trees are decades old they are still bearing fruit, however only now are people starting to create derivative products.

The coconuts are no longer just being sold in the form of raw co-

conut, the price of which depends on market demands and collectors, but Sukanada explained that Gadug Sari village has developed a BUM-Des that runs a processing business that produces coconut oil. “Most of people in Gadung Sari are still sell-ing raw coconut, but a few people have started to process it into oil” explained Sukanada.

Given that the coconut trees can produce 10-20 coconuts that can be harvested every two months, there is great potential for coconut oil businesses. “Every day coconuts

are harvested, so with the coconut oil business, no coconuts will be wasted”, he said enthusiastically.

Fallen coconuts that are not bought by collectors usually end up being discarded. Now with the co-conut oil BUMDes, all the coconuts can be put to use even when there are no collectors. Sukanada added that other parts of the coconut, such as the shell and fibers, can also be sold for fuel and such.

The coconut oil BUMDes has already put in place its management and equipement such as spindles have been prepared. The plan is to sell the coconut oil to the district government-owned enterprise (BUMDa) that will be established by the government of Tabanan district. Prior to the establishment of the BUMDa, the coconut oil that villagers produced was sold in traditional markets. (kmb24)

Gadung Sari village

Developing coconut oil production


Gadung Sari village in East Selemadeg has the potential to develop coconut oil production and now with the slowdown of cacao sales here, they are turning all their attention to this new venture.


Buleleng’s district government has drawn up numerous pro-grams and proposals for marine development in North Bali and they are urging the provincial and central government to follow up on these programs.

Coral reef conservation in Buleleng

hindered by new law

TABANAN - The government of Tabanan district encour-ages villages to explore their potential through village-owned enterprise (BUMDes). Through the BUMDes, villages are given an injection of funds in order to be able to turn the potential of the village into a productive venture. Gadung Sari village in East Selemadeg has the potential to develop coconut oil produc-tion and now with the slowdown of cacao sales here, they are turning all their attention to this new venture.

Page 15: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

Artika added that other mass transit options, need to be made available -apart from Trans Sar-bagita. Currently, his agency is still working on revitalizing the dormant public transportation scene. “Perhaps, this revitaliza-tion can done using Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 101 on the Provision of Tax Relief for Vehicle Titleholder Change that can be subsidized up to 70 percent in order to support our public transportation because we know that 90 of transportation in Bali is in private vehicles and that public transportation only accounts for about 2 percent”, he explained. The Bali Transportation and Infocom Agency , he added, is drafting a regional bylaw on traffic and road transportation.

Artika explained that the number

of vehicles in Bali is almost equal to the number of people and that 13 percent more vehicles are added every year. Only 1 percent of Bali is devoted to roads, whereas, ideally, 15 to 20 percent of the space in big cities should be devoted to roads.

“In Denpasar, for instance, no more than 6 percent of the total area is earmarked for roads” stat-ed Artika.. From the aspect ratio of the volume per capacity (VC Ratio), continued Artika, Bali is at at 0.8, while the VC ratio should not exceed 1. This means that the volume of vehicles in Bali has almost exceeded the road capacity so it is necessary to regulate usage, widen roads and even build a new infrastructure network.

“I think for the region of Sar-bagita (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan—Ed) there seems a little hope of creating new roads because of the prohibitive cost” concluded Artika (kmb32)

International2 15International Activities

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Thursday, February 18, 2016Thursday, February 18, 2016

EvEry Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is considered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the impor-

tance of the occasion.The celebration is very colorful. The shrine

are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrel-las depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weap-ons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrange-ments of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

COVER STORYFrom page 1zero ...

Club Bali Suites Legian is now re-positioned into Club Bali Family Suites Legian. The re-positioning aims to affirm the position and the concept of Club Bali Family Suites Legian as the best family accommodation.

“The meaning of family is greatly flexible because we do not rule out the possibility for a couple and group,” explained General Manager Wahyu. A. Bayuaji.

Further he disclosed that the re-positioning is also sup-ported by complete facilities in accordance with family needs. For example, the rooms are spacious, equipped with modern facilities, kitchen, dining room, living room, air conditioning, LCD TV, telephone, Wi-Fi and Jacuzzi.

“The facility merges with the characteristics of Club Bali Family Suites Legian namely homey, friendly and family oriented,” he said.

Another advantage, continued Wahyu, the resort also fea-tures three adult pools, one kid pool, kid corner, restaurant, bar, spa, gym, tennis court and surrounded by a wide variety of recreation areas, direct beach access, restaurants, bars and various kinds of entertainment venues.

Management and staff hoped that the re-positioning will bring in positive energy. “We want, the first thing coming to the mind of guests is that it is the best family accommoda-tion in Legian, no other than the Club Bali Family Suites,” he added.


Club Bali Suites Legian to Club Bali Family Suites

Legian“We consider the markets need to be

urgently revitalized. However, of the five markets, three markers get priority this year, namely the Kapal Market, Petang Market and Nusa Dua Market,” said Managing Director of PD Pasar Badung, Made Sutarma, recently.

According to him, the three traditional markets to be revitalized in 2016 will get budget allocation worth IDR 4.8 billion, while the revitalization of the Kertha Sari Market and Kuta Market II will be budgeted in 2017. “Both markets will be revitalized in 2017 with the budget valued at IDR 14 bil-lion,” he said.

He said the program to enhance the role of traditional markets have been successfully carried out in the Sembung Market. “Of the nine markets we manage, one unit has been revitalized. The remaining will follow this year and next year,” he said.

The company has just drafted the detailed engineering design (DED) for both traditional markets that will be revitalized in 2017. “In 2016, we focus on revitalizing the three markets with the capital equity provided,” he explained.

Management of the PD Pasar Badung, he said, will make an arrangement ranging from stalls, kiosks, parking lot to toilet. By that

way, the three revitalized markets in 2016 will change not only in terms of physical appearance, but also in terms of services. “Essentially, we will revitalize all the markets managed by the PD Pasar Badung gradually,” he said.

Previously, PD Pasar Badung planned to study the segmentation of the four traditional markets in the region. The four markets are the Kertasari Market, Petang Market, Sembung Market and Kapal Market.

“From the financial statement, we know that two of the nine markets suffer losses, namely the Kerthasari Market and Petang Market, while two other markets could only cover their operating costs namely the Sembung Market and Kapal Market,” he explained.

Revenue of the PD Pasar Badung, accord-ing to Made Sutarma, currently only depends on five traditional markets, namely the Ber-ingkit Cattle and Public Market, Kuta Market I, Kuta Market II as well as Nusa Dua Market that are still surplus to finance the regional government-owned company. His manage-ment must deposit 55 percent of the region-ally generated revenue (PAD) after deducted with taxes for a year, while the remaining 45 percent is managed internally as production services, social, and others. (kmb27)


The traffic jam often happen throughout Denpasar. The increasing number vehicles is one of the cause this to happen.


Badung Market

Five traditional markets urgently revitalized

MANGuPurA - Government of badung district in the next two years will immediately revitalize five of the nine traditional markets in the region. The five markets under the management of PD Pasar Badung to be revitalized are the Kapal Market, Petang Market, Nusa Dua Market, Kertha Sari Market and Kuta Market II.

Page 16: Edisi 18 Februari 2016 | International Bali Post

The newly elected officials, he said, must not be indifferent to the aspirations of the Balinese people, and they must keep their promises as public representatives. Keeping promises is a commitment that must be lived up to and followed-up on by real action. Such an attitude is the benchmark of the authority of a leader in the public eye.

Rector Suarta, who often criti-cizes leaders who do not care to protect the Balinese language, emphasized that leaders need to have a sense of shame and hero-

ism in order to sustain Bali. One way to show these characteristics is by looking to maintain Balinese customs and culture – including of course language.

Another way that the new leaders can demonstrate their true leader-ship is to not have the feelings of the people hurt by allowing business investors to exploit Bali’s natural environment. To that end, Made Suarta reminds the new leaders to uphold the teachings of Tri Hita Karana. According to Made Suarta, this would show a leader to have

real character. Education observer and Coor-

dinator of the Private Universities for Region VIII, Prof. Nengah Dasi Astawa is of a similar opinion and said that Bali’s the natural environ-ment should not be exploited by foreign parties, who only laud the Balinese –while making them lan-guish. He sadded that mega-projects funded by foreigners are certainly a threat to Bali’s economy. “Bali-based economy should be managed by Balinese people”, he said. Lead-ers are reminded that such projects will only temporarily profit the re-gionally generated revenue (PAD), but that in fact the real profits will flee the country and Balinese people will be left to languish.

To the newly inaugurated officials,

he said indeed have tough tasks before them but that they can make Bali top rated at the national level. Individual ego, sectoral egos and political ego should not be at the forefront, instead leaders need to develop Bali with the concept of mutual aid and not to remain silence in the face of injustice. “Bali should be managed so that it will look different than the other island,” said Astawa.

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I N T E R N A T I O N A L 16 Pages Number 358th year

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

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Australian PM leaves door open to sending refugees to New Zealand

Page 13

Ukraine ruling coalition cracks after no confidence vote

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Page 8

PSG’s Cavani shows his worth with winner against Chelsea

LOS ANGELES - The nearly 25 million U.S. viewers who watched CBS Corp’s televised Grammy Awards ceremony this year was the smallest audience in seven years for music’s biggest night.

Out of the 24.95 million view-ers who watched Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars take top honors, 9.7 million were in the 18-49 demographic coveted by advertisers, CBS said on Tuesday, citing figures from Nielsen.

But the overall number dipped from last year’s 25.3 million view-ers, which was the smallest TV audience since 2009’s 19.1 million

viewers.CBS said the Grammys viewer-

ship was the largest audience for any entertainment program this season. The figures do not count the Super Bowl, a sporting event, which drew nearly 112 million viewers on Feb. 7, the most-watched show on U.S. television.

The Grammys come ahead of the annual Oscars ceremony later this month, Hollywood’s biggest night and typically the most-watched entertainment event, drawing more than 36 million U.S. viewers last year. Walt Disney’s ABC television network will broadcast this year’s

Academy Awards.CBS said the live stream of the

Grammys show on its digital sub-scription service, CBS All Access, saw its largest audience ever, but did not release the actual viewer-ship figures.

On social media, the Grammys dominated the conversation on Monday night, with 17.2 million tweets mentioning the show, Twitter said. Sheeran’s win for song of the year was the most-tweeted moment, followed by rapper Kendrick La-mar’s performance, which offered a powerful commentary on racial issues. (rtr)

Starring Colin Firth as Perkins, Jude Law as Thomas Wolfe and Nicole Kidman as the older married woman who fell in love with the rambunctious novelist, “Genius” is having its pre-miere at the Berlin International Film Festival where it is competing for the main Golden Bear prize.

Grandage, who made his name directing classics of the English-language theatre, told Reuters in an interview that he knew he could deal with his actors but was unfamiliar with some aspects of film-making.

“I was nervous of the technical side particularly but I did quite a lot of research. Before I started

work I went and visited a number of friends on sets and started to ask a lot of questions way before we went into any kind of pre-production,” Grandage said.

“The one element that I felt confident about was the only ele-ment that probably is shared with my work in the theatre, which is the relationship with actors.

“And I was very excited to explore that in a different medium and I deliberately chose ... a perfor-mance-led film.”

Grandage does seem to get the most out of his principles, with Firth portraying a supremely self-controlled Perkins, whose notion of

a piece for a jazz band to play at a black club Wolfe has dragged him to is “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”. The band manages a danceable swing version.

Law plays Wolfe as a boisterous man who is in love with life, and with writing, so much so that he can hardly bear to stop. A version of his second novel that he pres-ents to Perkins - whose clients also included Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald - fills several crates. (rtr)

Theatre’s Grandage says was nervous making “Genius” for Berlin

Actor Jude Law arrives on the red carpet for the screening

of the movie ‘Genius’, during the 66th Berlinale Interna-

tional Film Festival, in Berlin, Germany February 16, 2016.

BERLIN - British stage director Michael Grandage said on Tuesday he was nervous directing his first feature film “Genius”, about fabled American book editor Max Perkins, but he had more than a little help from his friends.

REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

Grammys draw smallest U.S. TV audience since 2009

Pitbull performs “El Taxi” with actress Sofia Vergara at the 58th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California February 15, 2016.


The newly elected regents and mayor are taking their oath during

their inaguration

DENPASAR - So far the issue of traf-f ic conges-tion remains

a scourge on the Island of

the Gods. One of the causes is the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Efforts made by the government of Bali to reduce the number of road users through such means as inviting people to use public transportations like Tans Sarb-abita, have not shown positive results.

“The government has declared a zero increase in the number of addition vehicles, but this is hard to realize beacaus mass transit like Trans Sarbagita has not been well received by the public”, said the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, in Denpasar on Tuesday (Feb. 16).

Pastika added that there are a number of reasons why people have not embraced mass transit, the main one being that they prefer to use their own vehicles. Previ-ously, Head of the Bali Transpor-tation and Infocom Agency, Ketut Artika, said that his agency has sought to improve the comfort and security of mass transit us-ers and had also sought to opti-mize the transport feeder system. Hopefully, he said, people will gradually ant to switch to public transportation.

“If we expect a shift in society, then public transport needs to be well prepared in terms of comfort and safety –which has been done, now we need to focus on transit schedules” he said.

Zero...Continued on page 2

Zero increase in the number of vehicles unlikely

Bali lauded, Balinese people languish

CURRENTLY Bali has five newly elected regents and a mayor. Many promises made to the people are still waiting to be realized. In response to this, Rector of the PGRI Bali Teachers’ Training College, Dr. I Made Suarta, stressed the importance of a mental revolution, especially in terms of character.

IBP/Eka Adhyasa