edisi 10 februari 2010 | international bali post

For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE PAGE 6 CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 24 - 32 24 - 32 20 - 28 23 - 31 24 - 34 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN PAGE 8 PAGE 12 Wednesday, February 10, 2010 16 Pages Number 28 2 st Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. I N T E R N A T I O N A L Price: Rp 3.000,- Jackson doctor out on bail, back for April hearing Mandela avoids the spotlight in retirement Denpasar to Organize Ogoh- ogoh Competition Associated Press Writer TEHRAN — The head of Iran’s atomic agency said the Islamic Repub- lic will not enrich uranium to a higher level if the West provides the fuel it needs for a research reactor in Tehran. Iran is set to start enriching its stockpile of uranium to 20 percent on Tuesday, in a step sure to antago- nize Western nations that fear the enrichment work could eventually yield material for a nuclear weapon. France and the U.S. said Monday Iran’s action left no choice but to push harder for a fourth set of U.N. Security Council sanctions to pun- From the preliminary investiga- tion, the dead body was Mario Arnold, a 40 years old tourist from Germany. The police can not deter- mine the cause of death because it is still under investigation. Currently, the police are gather- IBP/jay Police officers is investigating the car where the dead body was found German tourist found dead in a car Denpasar (Bali Post) – The people in Serangan area found a dead body inside a car in Serangan area on Monday, February 8 th 2010. The body was found in very bad condition, it was rotten and smells really bad. ing evidences and witnesses in order to investigate the death of the tourist. Form the information gathered on the scene, the body was found in the Turtle Island Development (BTID) Bali, Serangan. The one who found the body was I Ketut Sana, the local who was taking his cow. He was sur- prised to see a car in the bushes. “At first, I thought that the car was owned by the tourists who visited the area. However, after I take a look in- side the car, I saw a dead body,” he added. Then, Sana directly reported it to the police. The police who arrived at the scene few minutes later, was hav- ing difficulties in opening the car be- cause it was locked and only the front window is slightly open. After the door was open, the po- lice secure the body and inspected the car. The AC was still on, the key was in place and the fuel had run out. The evidences taken from the scene were two phones, passport and driver license by the name Mario Arnold. The head of Denpasar Po- lice Department, I Gede Alit Widana, said that the police can not conclude the cause of death yet and the case still being investigated by the police.(kmb21) AP Photo/Iranian President’s Office, File FILE - In this Tuesday, April 8, 2008 file photo released by the Ira- nian President’s Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, visits the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility some 200 miles (322 kilometers) south of the capital Tehran, Iran. Continued on page 6 Iran begins controversial new nuclear process ish Iran’s nuclear defiance. Russia, which has close ties to Iran and has opposed new sanctions, appeared to edge closer to Washington’s posi- tion, saying the new enrichment plans show the suspicions about Iran’s intentions are well-founded. Ali Akbar Salehi, a vice president as well as the head of the country’s nuclear program, said the further enrichment would be unnecessary if the West found a way to provide Iran with the needed fuel. “Whenever they provide the fuel, we will halt production of 20 percent,” he told state TV late Monday.

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Headline : German tourist found dead in a car


Page 1: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

16 Pages Number 282st Year

e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com.



Price: Rp 3.000,-

Jackson doctor outon bail, back forApril hearing

Mandela avoidsthe spotlight inretirement

Denpasar toOrganize Ogoh-ogoh Competition

Associated Press Writer

TEHRAN — The head of Iran’satomic agency said the Islamic Repub-lic will not enrich uranium to a higherlevel if the West provides the fuel itneeds for a research reactor in Tehran.

Iran is set to start enriching itsstockpile of uranium to 20 percenton Tuesday, in a step sure to antago-nize Western nations that fear theenrichment work could eventuallyyield material for a nuclear weapon.

France and the U.S. said MondayIran’s action left no choice but topush harder for a fourth set of U.N.Security Council sanctions to pun-

From the preliminary investiga-tion, the dead body was MarioArnold, a 40 years old tourist fromGermany. The police can not deter-mine the cause of death because itis still under investigation.

Currently, the police are gather-


Police officers is investigating the car where the dead body was found

German tourist found dead in a carDenpasar (Bali Post) –

The people in Serangan area found a dead body inside a car inSerangan area on Monday, February 8th 2010. The body wasfound in very bad condition, it was rotten and smells really bad.

ing evidences and witnesses in orderto investigate the death of the tourist.

Form the information gathered onthe scene, the body was found in theTurtle Island Development (BTID)Bali, Serangan. The one who foundthe body was I Ketut Sana, the local

who was taking his cow. He was sur-prised to see a car in the bushes.

“At first, I thought that the car wasowned by the tourists who visited thearea. However, after I take a look in-side the car, I saw a dead body,” headded.

Then, Sana directly reported it tothe police. The police who arrived atthe scene few minutes later, was hav-ing difficulties in opening the car be-cause it was locked and only the frontwindow is slightly open.

After the door was open, the po-lice secure the body and inspected thecar. The AC was still on, the key wasin place and the fuel had run out.

The evidences taken from thescene were two phones, passport anddriver license by the name MarioArnold. The head of Denpasar Po-lice Department, I Gede Alit Widana,said that the police can not concludethe cause of death yet and the casestill being investigated by thepolice.(kmb21)

AP Photo/Iranian President’s Office, File

FILE - In this Tuesday, April 8, 2008 file photo released by the Ira-nian President’s Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,center, visits the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility some 200miles (322 kilometers) south of the capital Tehran, Iran. Continued on page 6

Iran begins controversialnew nuclear process

ish Iran’s nuclear defiance. Russia,which has close ties to Iran and hasopposed new sanctions, appeared toedge closer to Washington’s posi-tion, saying the new enrichmentplans show the suspicions aboutIran’s intentions are well-founded.

Ali Akbar Salehi, a vice presidentas well as the head of the country’snuclear program, said the furtherenrichment would be unnecessary ifthe West found a way to provide Iranwith the needed fuel. “Wheneverthey provide the fuel, we will haltproduction of 20 percent,” he toldstate TV late Monday.

Page 2: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

InternationalWednesday, February 10, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, Chief Editor: ABG Satria Naradha Managing Editor: Wirata,Palgunadi Editors: Alit Purnata, Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Darmasunu, Daniel Fajry, Diah Dewi, Martinaya, Mawa, Sri Hartini,

Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Sutiawan, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung

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Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB:

Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publiser: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Denpasar, (Bali Post)—Commander of the Udayana IX

Regional Military, HotmangarajaPandjaitan, ensured that no soldiersof the Udayana IX Military Com-mand were dismissed because ofillegal logging case. If any one hadbeen fired from the unit where heserved, it was more caused by thelack of discipline and other cases.“Up to this date, no soldiers of theUdayana IX Military Commandwere known as a backing or en-gaged in illegal logging. We alsodo hope this will never happen. Ifit happens, anyone involved wouldbe imposed with a severe sanc-tion,” said HotmangarajaPandjaitan, at the opening of themeeting of military chief of theUdayana IX Regional Military, lastMonday (Feb 8).

However, this two-star generalcould not make sure how many sol-diers were forced to prematurely

“We catch the sidekick of Pl, Bdand Jt. We suspect they grabbed thevictim until falling down and nowis hospitalized,” said Chief of De-tective Unit of Badung Resort Po-lice, Benjamin Nikijuluw when ac-companied by Spokesperson ofBadung Resort Police Ayu Sasih,last Monday (Feb 8).

From the results of investigationsrelated to the characteristics of themotorbike used to take action inNorth Kuta and Kuta, indeed it isleading to PI and his gang. Pl ganghas been already well known and thepolice are hunting them. However,they always get away from the am-bush. “Other than snatching, Jt alsoserves as a fence of the crime result.So the results of snatching obtained

Denpasar, (Bali Post)—Commission I of Bali House, last

Monday (Feb 8), made a raid to NadyaAuto Graha (NAG) car dealer locatedon Jalan Teuku Umar, West Denpasar.Unfortunately, at the dealer office,Commission I did not find the superluxury Ferrari cars. More futilely again,Commission I of Bali House could notmeet the owner of NAG, Figor AgungMaulana.

The raid last Monday was led byHead of Commission I, Made Arjaya,followed by members comprisingDewa Nyoman Rai, Komang NovaSewi Putra and Gusti Putu Widjera.Arjaya could only communicate withFigor Agung Maulana by phone. At thattime, Figor claimed was in Jakarta.

According to Arjaya, the NAG’sowner claimed to sell three units of su-per luxury cars in Bali. “Therefore, outof eleven Ferrari cars in Bali, three weresold by Nadya Auto Graha,” explainedArjaya telling reporters.

He added the cars sold by NadyaAutograha were obtained from PTLanggeng, a company having the li-cense from Ferrari. Form A of Ferrarisold by Nadya was made by PTLanggeng, while its Form B was issuedby Customs and Excise Office ofTanjung Priok, Jakarta.

Arjaya added the Commission I ofBali House would continue to pursuethe Ferrari case having no vehicle reg-istration and certificate of ownership.“On next February 11, we will go toCustoms and Excise to ask for Ferrari’sproblem identified illegal, including thematter how long the Form B should bechanged to form C, because form B isusually used for diplomatic car. If soldafter two years of usage, it must be madeform C to make its document like ve-hicle registration and other documents,”explained Arjaya.

He also questioned why its Form Bmust be made in the Customs and Ex-cise Office of Tanjung Priok, not at theCustoms and Excise Office of Bali. “Ifnecessary, we will catch up to TanjungPriok,” said this politician from Sanur.

As previously revealed, this im-ported car owners even did not paytaxes to the state. They preferred to payfines when charged with traffic ticketrather than pay taxes. For the trafficticket, the car owner only pays IDR30,000, whereas if the owner has topay taxes its value reaching IDR 25million more per year. Although po-lice issue traffic ticket every day, theystill remain to get a profit. This is muchdifferent from the motorcycle ownersbelonging to small people. Just be-cause not carrying vehicle registration,they can be charged with traffic ticketand prosecuted. Moreover, if they do

A Ballad of Juvenile Snatchers

Taking Action 7 MonthsTaking Action 7 MonthsTaking Action 7 MonthsTaking Action 7 MonthsTaking Action 7 MonthsAgo, Police Hunted theAgo, Police Hunted theAgo, Police Hunted theAgo, Police Hunted theAgo, Police Hunted theMastermindMastermindMastermindMastermindMastermind

As soon as the gang of juvenile snatchers with initial Wayan D alias Gading, Nyoman G andMade A alias Uuk were thrown into the cell, the police were still hunting the masterminds havinginitials Pl, Bd and Jt. Based on the testimony of the three snatchers, they have acted since sevenmonths ago and specifically targeted foreign tourists.

by Gading and his friends were thensold to Jt. Until now, we were stillchasing him,” asserted Benny.

Even though the police hadhunted Pl, Bd, and Jt, to their homevillage, they could not be encoun-tered there and probably they werehiding somewhere. With the captureof the snatcher gang belonging tojuvenile, Pl was worried to recruitnew members. “If only PI and hisfriends get caught, the current trou-bling snatching case will be re-vealed. This conspiracy has operatedin Denpasar and Kuta,” added ChiefBenny.

It is noteworthy, the detective unitof Badung Resort Police led by ChiefBenjamin Nikijuluw familiarlycalled Benny last Wednesday (Feb

3), arrested the snatcher gang fromMunti Gunung, Karangasem, whichhas disorganized Kuta and NorthKuta. The target was especially for-eign tourists. The juvenile snatcherconspiracy consisted of the suspectWayan D alias Gading, 15, Made Aalias Uuk, 16 and I Nyoman G, 18.They were arrested in the usual placeof hanging on Jalan Mataram, Kuta,and claimed to have taken action at10 scenes.

Chief Benny once could hunt thekingpin of snatchers with initials PIand Bd along with their fence withinitials Jt. The hunt to their homevillage remains without success.Until now, police are still hunting thekingpin and the fence of suchsnatcher gang. (by denpost)

Soldiers of Udayana IX Regional MilitaryCommand Free from Illegal Logging

end the task. The reason, completedata were held by his subordinates.The Commander HotmangarajaPandjaitan only ensured that everyviolation committed by soldiers,must be evaluated. The objectivewas to avoid the same mistake forthe second time.

Meanwhile, in the opening cer-emony of the meeting, the Com-mander said that the Udayana IXRegional Military in 2010 in termsof coaching and use the power wasperformed through functional ap-proach in the field of intelligence,field operations, personnel, logistics,planning and budgeting, supervisionand inspection. In the field of per-sonnel, his party asked the placementof position should be carried outconsistently through career selectionmechanism and the hearing officebased on talent scouting. Placementinto a position should be adapted tothe educational development of spe-

cialization according to the principleof the right the man on the rightplace.

The implementation of leadershipmeeting aimed at forwarding thefuture program that should be car-ried by all the soldiers of theUdayana IX Regional Military Com-mand. The program should focus,with the aim of ensuring the stabil-ity of the end of the Unitary State ofthe Republic of Indonesia. The meet-ing also became a means to evalu-ate the programs that have beenimplemented in the year 2009.

In the midst of meeting, it wasalso organized a column rifle at-traction. Such riffle column posesa blend of art movements and agil-ity in the use of weapons. This ac-tivity is one of the methods to trainevery soldier to have personal andagile, spirit, discipline and respon-sible attitude for the task being car-ried. (015)

Raid to Ferrari,Commission I Gets Futility

not have a motor’s document, they canbe arrested because alleged to be athief.

Previously, Director of Traffic Af-fairs of Bali Police, Bambang Sugeng,explained at length about the superluxury Ferrari car. The police couldonly make arrests when the car movedoff the road. Meanwhile, if the car isparked at place it could not be tick-eted.

As the car moved and the trafficticket was issued, the owner of the carfrankly admitted to have no vehicleregistration and certificate of owner-ship. However, it only had the Form Bbelonging to the type of imported car.As long as the Form B was not fol-lowed up to get the Form C, and thenthe police will not be able to issue thevehicle registration and certificate ofownership. Unlike the case with ve-hicles assembled in Indonesia and thedealer directly issued invoice so theprocess of vehicle registration and cer-tificate of ownership could be carriedout here.

According to the Law No.22/2009,the Ferrari vehicles not equipped with avehicle registration could be charged bypolice by imposing an extra cheap finenamely IDR 30, 000. In imposing theticket, the law does distinguish whetherit is a fine luxury car or not. The law onlyregulates the types of vehicles.

Up to these days, there has not beenany explanation about for who actuallythe Form B is intended for? Is it for dip-lomatic affairs, embassy, or to foreigninvestment? Clearly speaking, those whodrive the three Ferraris belong to ordi-nary people.

Police also will conduct an investi-gation to a number of dealers alleged tochannel super luxury vehicle to Bali, in-cluding the dealer on Jalan Teuku Umar,Denpasar. This well-known dealer waswidely discussed recently by public ofautomotive lovers, including the police,parliament and the general public.

If imported, such luxury vehiclesmust pass through customs procedure,including the Form A by Brand HolderSole Agent (ATPM). Car ownerswould have to pay import duty namelythe import duty taxes such as VAT,luxury sales tax and other taxes thathave been determined. If the Form Awas already paid, then the applicantwill get a document of Form A to sub-mit the document for vehicle registryoffice. Form A is a document providedby Customs and Excise as a proof ofhaving paid import duty. Only after thisprocess the vehicle could be registeredto vehicle registry office. At this of-fice, the owner will be charged 10 percent according to the price of the ve-hicle. (by denpost)

Page 3: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

3Wednesday, February 10, 2010International Bali News

Section Head of Ritual Affairs,I Ketut Sarjana, accompanied bythe Chairman II, I Ketut Narsamet in the midst of devotional ser-vices said the temple supportedby 65 customary hamlets of 20customary villages have begun towork since last Monday (Feb1).However, out of the 65 custom-ary hamlets, only 23 supportinghamlets were in charge for wel-coming the grandiose anniversaryat this time. “Of the overall sup-porting hamlets, in the implemen-tation of ceremony it will be ap-plied the alternate system,” saidSarjana.

Given, the peak of temple an-niversary will fall on Buda WageKlawu (Wednesday 10), and wor-ship for Ida Betara will be ex-tended until next Monday (Feb15). Meanwhile, the series of cer-emony had been held since lastMonday (Feb 1) and begun withpurificatory rites. Then, Saturday(Feb 6) was continued by storingrice activities, which combinedwith a ceremony of putting downsanctified effigy and Ida Betara

The increase of dengue fevercases in January begins to ap-pear. In a case, more than onemember of the same family liv-ing in a house was afflicted bythis disease. This conditionhappened to the family livingon Jalan Pulau Batanta. Fourchildren in one family werehospitalized at Sanglah Hospi-tal because of dengue fever.They were Agus PutraAdnyana, 5 and younger sib-lings Suryanasa Komang Alit,2.5 and two of their cousinsnamely Bayu Prayoga, 4 andKomang Aditya, 2.

According to the mother ofAgus, Made Suwitri, her sonAgus came to hospital after herson Alit out of hospital after re-covering from dengue fever.“After his brother recovered, his

Denpasar (Bali Post) —

Cases of theft from automaticteller machines (ATMs) are ap-parently still taking place. Al-though some perpetrators havebeen arrested by the joint force ofJakarta Police Headquarters andBali Police, there are still a num-ber of residents reporting such in-cidents.

However, it remains unclearwhether the same party is respon-sible. Poltabes Denpasar is stillconducting an investigation to un-cover more details about the case.

According to informationcompiled on Monday (8 / 2), thereare two people who claim thattheir bank accounts have beendrained by criminals. In fact, af-ter receiving an ATM print-out,their balance appeared to be zero.“The two victims claimed to havelost IDR 4.19 million,” said aPoltabes Denpasar officer yester-

By Ritual Anniversary at Ped Temple

Bali Residents Begins toBali Residents Begins toBali Residents Begins toBali Residents Begins toBali Residents Begins toCarry out Devotional ServiceCarry out Devotional ServiceCarry out Devotional ServiceCarry out Devotional ServiceCarry out Devotional ServiceSemarapura (Bali Post)—

By the festivity of temple anniversary at Pura KhayanganJagat Penataran Ped, Nusa Penida, Wednesday (Feb 10), sup-porting devotees from local village and other devotees from Bali,began to implement devotional services at local temple. As seen,last Monday (Feb 8), in addition to supporting devotees fromlocal village, hundreds of other Balinese devotees also providedservices at the temple complex consisting of four temples. Localdevotees eagerly started installing the shrine clothes, tedung, andother paraphernalia around the temples.

was presented with embellishmentsession.

On the peak of temple anniver-sary or pujawali, the ceremonywill be preceded by melasti pro-cession on Wednesday. Havingheld the peak of pujawali usingbebangkit offering meaning gran-diose festivity, next to closing cer-emony, it will be held penganyardevotion.

From the observation of BaliPost, at the temple consisting ofPura Segara, Pura Taman, Pura RatuGede, as well as the Pura PenataranAgung, a number of ritual parapher-nalia were being worked by womenof supporting hamlets. Similarly,men’s group was busy preparingother ritual paraphernalia, such aspenjor and setting up clothes onsome shrines of that temple.

Along with the devotional activi-ties held last Monday, Bali residentsalso handed over a donationamounted to 500 kg of rice. Suchdonation was received in person bycommittee at the secretariat of com-mittee of Pura Penataran Ped, lastMonday. (kmb12)

One Family Afflicted by Dengue FeverThe Disease Ranks Firstat Sanglah Hospital

elder brother followed,” she saidwhen met at Gardenia Room lastMonday (Feb 8). She also toldthat her two nephews were alsotreated at Gardenia Room ofSanglah Hospital. “I also hadtime to suffer from dengue feverbut not until to be hospitalized,”added Suwitri. Gardenia Roomaccommodated ten children whoreceived treatment for denguefever where seven of them mustbe treated in the intensive roomdue to entering the DengueShock Syndrome phase (DSS).

Based on data of 10 majordiseases hospi ta l ized a tSanglah Hospital in January,dengue fever ranked the first orapproximately 37.68 percent orabout 338 people, and then fol-lowed by chemotherapy and fe-ver. (kmb24)

In 24 Hours, The Entire ATM Balanceof Two Residents Was Drained

day. The victims are Marta Putu

Adi Dharma (35) and ThomasDanes (50) from Spain. Their sav-ings were known to have beendrained by the perpetrators onSaturday (6 / 2). “This case wasreported to Poltabes Denpasar.We are still investigating this caseand the perpetrators are beingpursued,” said the officer.

He explained that when thefirst victim, Adi Dharma, was re-porting the crime to the police, heconfessed to checking his ac-counts through BCA’s mobilebanking service. After success-fully accessing his account, itsbalance was suddenly zero, but heclaimed there should have been aremaining balance of IDR 1.19million.

The victim was shocked uponrealizing that his account wasempty since he could not recallapproving any such transaction.

The case was then reported toPoltabes Denpasar.

Meanwhile, a similar incidenthappened to Thomas Danes. Thevictim, who lives in Guest HouseBayu on Jalan Dyanapura,Seminyak-Kuta, is claiming thathis bank balance has been com-pletely drained.

Thomas was checking his bal-ance using the visa electro ATMof Commonwealth Bank. Appar-ently, his savings worth IDR 3million had vanished. ‘’The vic-tim also said he did not approvethis transaction,” explained thePoltabes Denpasar officer.

When asked for confirmationyesterday, Head of Bali PoliceLiason Kombes Pol. GdeSugianyar verified that incidencesof ATM theft had been experi-enced by both victims. However,it is yet to be investigated whetherthese cases are in any way relatedto the previous thefts. (kmb21)


The Hindus is preparing for the ritual in Dalem Ped temple in Nusa Penida

Page 4: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

International4 Wednesday, February 10, 2010 News

The Defense Ministry releaseda statement saying another 70people have been injured as rescu-ers continue to dig out hundreds ofvehicles stuck on a snow-blockedpass north of Kabul.

The avalanches took place Mon-day following heavy snows in theSalang Pass that links the Afghancapital with the northern city ofMazar-i-Sharif.

Parwan provincial police chiefGen. Abdul Rahman Sayedkhailsaid rescuers worked through thenight to save more than 200 people.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWSUPDATE. Check back soon for fur-ther information. AP’s earlier story


ADELAIDE, Australia – Activists vowing to stop the killing of whalesexchanged water-cannon fire with a Japanese whaling fleet they are tail-ing in the Antarctic Ocean.

The Sea Shepherd conservation group said its ships, the Steve Irwinand the Bob Barker, confronted the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maruearly Monday.

“The factory ship turned on their water cannons and were surprisedwhen the Steve Irwin responded with a more powerful water cannonthat had a couple of the whalers diving for the bridge doors,” said aMonday statement from the group.

Japanese Fisheries Agency official Shigeki Takaya condemned theuse of water cannons. “As we have always said, we condemn the act. Itis totally unforgivable,” he said.

A Japanese foreign ministry official said Japan lodged a protest withthe Netherlands and Togo over the water cannon fire in the AntarcticOcean — the countries where the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker are regis-tered.

“We asked the respective governments to stop the ships from ob-structing our whaling activities,” the official said, speaking anonymously,citing departmental policy. He declined to elaborate further.

Sea Shepherd, a U.S.-based activist group, sends vessels to confrontthe Japanese fleet each year. Two major clashes have already occurredthis year, one a collision that destroyed a Sea Shepherd vessel.

Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson said his activists have preventedthe whalers from catching any whales since Saturday.

“We intend to turn these three whaling-free days into three whaling-free weeks,” Watson said in the statement. “I am confident that onceagain we will severely cut their kill quotas and we will once again ne-gate their profits.”

Japan has a six-vessel whaling fleet in Antarctic waters as part of itsscientific whaling program, an allowed exception to the InternationalWhaling Commission’s 1986 ban on commercial whaling. It hunts hun-dreds of mostly minke whales, which are not an endangered species.Whale meat not used for study is sold for consumption in Japan, whichcritics say is the real reason for the hunts.

Watson estimated the whaling fleet has so far killed about 350 minkewhales.

Sea Shepherd activists try to block the whalers from firing harpoons,and they dangle ropes in the water to try to snarl the Japanese ships’propellers. They also hurl packets of stinking rancid butter at their ri-vals.

The whalers have responded by firing water cannons and sonar de-vices meant to disorient the activists. Collisions have occurred occa-sionally.

The Sea Shepherd statement said its two vessels have enough fuel topursue the whaling fleet for another month.

“It does not matter where they go, east or west along the AntarcticCoast,” said Steve Irwin 1st Officer Locky MacLean. “We intend tostick to their rear like glue and we will not allow a single whale to beloaded onto the decks of that foul floating abattoir.”


KIEV, Ukraine – Ukraine’s PrimeMinister Yulia Tymoshenko has re-fused to concede the presidentialrace to opposition leader ViktorYanukovych and plans to legallychallenge the results, Ukrainian andRussian media reported Tuesday.

Tymoshenko told officials withher party that she will “never recog-nize” the legitimacy of Sunday’s run-off election, the respectedUkrainskaya Pravda Web site andRussia’s ITAR-Tass news agency re-ported.

The reports said Tymoshenko hasinstructed lawyers to mount a legalchallenge and plans to demand athird round of voting.

Tymoshenko has not yet issuedany protest calls and on Monday shecanceled two planned news confer-ences. She plans a news conferencelater Tuesday.

Yanukovych is leading in the voteby 3.2 percent with almost all theballots counted. Unlike past elec-tions in Ukraine, international moni-tors have praised this vote as beingfree and fair.

Tymoshenko’s campaign de-clined to comment on the reports, buther allies said they were gettingready to challenge the result.

“A decision has been taken tochallenge results in the individualpolling stations and to demand a re-count at those stations,” said YelenaShustik, a deputy with the YuliaTymoshenko Bloc in parliament.


Ukraine’s Prime Minister and presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenkospeaks to the media in Kiev, Ukraine


In this photo released by the Institute of Cetacean Research of Ja-pan, anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd’s is seen colide with othership.

Anti-whalers,Japanese fleet firewater cannons

Afghan avalanchesAfghan avalanchesAfghan avalanchesAfghan avalanchesAfghan avalancheskill at least 28,kill at least 28,kill at least 28,kill at least 28,kill at least 28,strands 1,500strands 1,500strands 1,500strands 1,500strands 1,500AP

KABUL – At least 28 people are dead and another 1,500 are strandedfollowing multiple avalanches in Afghanistan.

is below.KABUL (AP) — Avalanches in a

mountain pass north of Kabul havekilled at least 15 people, injuredmore than 50 and left hundredsstranded on blocked roads, Afghanofficials said Tuesday.

The avalanches took place Mon-day following heavy snows in theSalang Pass that links the Afghancapital with the northern city ofMazar-i-Sharif and rescuers workedthrough the night to save more than200 people, said Gen. Abdul RahmanSayedkhail, Parwan provincial po-lice chief. He said 54 people wereinjured.

“It’s very heavy snow. We’re

cleaning the roads. So far, we havefound 15 bodies, including womenand children, he said.

“There’s still danger from ava-lanches there so that’s why our workis a little slow,” Rahman said.

About 100 Afghan soldiers weremobilized to join police and othersin the rescue efforts, along with fourhelicopters, several ambulances andseveral bulldozers, Defense Minis-try spokesman Gen. MohammadZahir Azimi said.

“Unfortunately there were moreavalanches this morning whichmade our work a little difficult, butwe are trying to rescue people,” hesaid.

Military helicopters were drop-ping food packages to people stuckon snow-blocked roads, InteriorMinistry spokesman ZemeraiBashary said.

Reports: Ukraine’sTymoshenko to challenge vote

There are signs of dissent withinTymoshenko party ranks, however.

Ukrainskaya Pravda and ITAR-Tass cite deputy speaker MykolaTomenko, also a member of YuliaTymoshenko Bloc, as saying at a partymeeting Monday that Tymoshenkoshould accept defeat and take up hernew role as the opposition.

Yanukovych’s Party of Regions,meanwhile, rejected calls for furtherscrutiny of the election.

“There will be no third round,”Mykola Azarov, deputy head of theParty of Regions, told parliament onTuesday. “They are dragging us intoan unnecessary war.”

On Tuesday evening, Yanukovychis due to address thousands of his sup-

porters, who have assembled outsidethe headquarters of the Central Elec-tion Commission in Kiev.Yanukovych’s team say it organizedthe meeting to defend the results ofthe election.

In comments apparently directedat Tymoshenko, a top European elec-tion observer urged Ukraine’s politi-cians to heed the official vote tally.

“It is now time for the country’spolitical leaders to listen to thepeople’s verdict and make sure thatthe transition of power is peacefuland constructive,” said Joao Soares,head of the observation mission fromthe Organization for Security andCooperation in Europe’s Parliamen-tary Assembly.

Page 5: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

General Info Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : [email protected] ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Page 6: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 20106 News

The anti-apartheid icon’sminders jealously guard his pri-vacy in a plush Johannesburg sub-urb, limiting the increasingly frail91-year-old’s public engage-ments.

“We don’t discuss his privatelife apart from saying that he seesfriends and family and does whatother normal retired people do,reads and watches TV,” AchmatDangor, the chief executive of theNelson Mandela Foundation, saidwhen asked what South Africa’sformer president days’ entail.

Mandela’s release after 27years in prison on Feb. 11 1990kicked off a frenzy of political ne-gotiations with the then apartheidgovernment that led to the end ofthe system of institutionalised ra-cial discrimination and his be-coming South Africa’s first blackleader.

The then 71-year-old becamethe symbol of reconciliation andwas seen as the glue holding thecountry together.

Admired and loved by al lSouth Africans regardless of race,he slowly retreated from the lime-light after stepping down as presi-dent in 1999.

Mandela occasionally gives an

Reuters –

Nelson Mandela appears in a previously taped video during the Mandela Day concert at RadioCity Music

Mandela avoids theMandela avoids theMandela avoids theMandela avoids theMandela avoids thespotlight in retirementspotlight in retirementspotlight in retirementspotlight in retirementspotlight in retirementReuters

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Two decades after a walk to freedom that captivated SouthAfrica and the world, Nelson Mandela remains revered the world over but is rarely seen in public.

audience to visiting leaders or ce-lebrities but even these visits havebecome rare and the foundation isforced every few months to denyreports his health is failing.

KEEPS UP TO DATEThe foundation and friends say

he is enjoying a well-deserved re-tirement, but tries to keep up to datewith political developments.

“He reads at least four newspa-pers a day next to his easy chair(and) he watches the news on tele-vision,” said George Bizos, the closefriend, lawyer and activist whohelped defend Mandela in his 1963treason trial.

But as you would expect for aman in his 90s, his memory is be-ginning to fade.

“He receives old friends. Hismemory is not very good about re-cent matters, but it’s very, very goodabout what happened in the 40s, 50sand 60s and 70s,” Bizos toldReuters.

Mandela’s primary focus is nowhis family and he steers clear of poli-tics. The ruling ANC’s decision toparade him at a rally ahead of lastyear’s election was roundly con-demned, including by his own foun-dation.

His influence on the country,though, cannot be underestimated,from his trademark shuffling danceto the famous donning of the spring-bok rugby jersey — a symbol ofAfrikaner pride — when South Af-rica won the 1995 rugby World Cup.

That act united the nation for thefirst time in its history and inspiredthe movie Invictus and an academyaward nomination for Morgan Free-man, who played the president.

Media houses are now more pre-occupied with his state of health,and at any public engagement, hisappearance is scrutinised for anychange.

“As he is aging he has to havemore and more rest, but unfortu-nately every now and then the me-dia picks up from somewhere andspreads it that he is on his last lap,which is all nonsense, it’s just thathe takes things easy,” friend and fel-low ex-political prisoner AhmedKathrada said.

“But he is fine, as a person of(nearly) 92 can be.”

Mandela, himself shrugs off theconcern.

“I do feel like I am getting old.Time is flying. I’m not really wor-ried,” he was quoted by SAPA newsagency saying this month.

Associated Press Writer

TIJUANA, Mexico – Mexican fed-eral police arrested two suspected gangleaders Monday, delivering another bigblow to a brutal drug cartel that terror-ized the border city of Tijuana for sev-eral years.

The capture of Raydel Lopez Uriarteand Manuel Garcia Simental apparentlywipes out the existing leadership of thecartel headed by Teodoro GarciaSimental, who was captured last month.Teodoro and Manuel Garcia are broth-ers.

Lopez, known as “El Muletas,” andGarcia, known as “El Chiquilin,” werearrested Monday in La Paz, a city inthe southern end of the Baja Californiapeninsula, said Amy Roderick, aspokeswoman for the U.S. Drug En-forcement Administration.

Mexico’s Public Security Depart-ment confirmed the arrests in a briefstatement, describing Manual Garcia asthe gang’s leader after his brother’s ar-rest and Lopez as the current second-in-command. It said the arrests were theresult of leads starting with the captureof Teodoro Garcia in La Paz on Jan.12, but offered no further details on theoperations.

Roderick said there were no U.S.indictments pending against the sus-pects.

The gang was known for its brutal-ity, having executed, beheaded andmutilated hundreds of rivals in Tijuana,which is across the U.S. border fromSan Diego. Gang members pinnednotes to corpses and dissolved bodiesin caustic soda.

Mexico arrests 2 reputedleaders of Tijuana gang

Tedoro Garcia’s arrest netted 19mobile phones and two laptop comput-ers. Twelve more cartel suspects werearrested in two raids in late January,including two men and a women whowere allegedly about to dissolve a bodyin a bathtub with chemicals.

Manuel Garcia is the youngest ofthree brothers. The oldest brother,Marco Antonio, was arrested in ashootout with Mexican authorities inTijuana in 2004.

Teodoro Garcia was once consid-ered a top hit man for Tijuana’s domi-nant drug gang, the family-runArellano-Felix cartel. He launched anew group affiliated with the Sinaloacartel after law enforcement arrested orkilled most of the Tijuana cartel lead-ers in 2008.

The splintered organizations havebeen involved in a violent turf battle inTijuana, a valuable trafficking corridorto the U.S. More than 1,500 people havebeen murdered in Tijuana since the be-ginning of 2008.

Across the country, more than15,000 people have died in drug-relatedviolence since President FelipeCalderon launched a crackdown oncartels when he took office three yearsago. More than 2,500 of the killings oc-curred last year in Ciudad Juarez, acrossthe border from El Paso, Texas.

The military announced Mondaythat soldiers had seized more than 12tons of marijuana found beneath a falsefloor of a tractor trailer. The drugs werefound during a routine search at acheckpoint near San Felipe, a town inthe central part of the Baja Californiapeninsula.

Iran has so far enriched uranium toa level of 3.5 percent, which is suit-able for use in fueling nuclear powerplants. The process is of concern tothe West, however, because at higherlevels — around 90 percent — the ma-terial can be used to make weapons.

The West fears that Iran’s enrich-ment program is ultimately geared to-ward military purposes — a chargeIran denies.

On Tuesday, the spokesman ofIran’s Foreign Ministry, RaminMehmanparast told reporters thehigher enrichment will be done withthe cooperation and supervision of theU.N. nuclear watchdog, adding that “ifother countries or the agency couldprovide the fuel, our attitude can bedifferent as well.”

Mehmanparast said any plan by theWest to impose new Security Councilresolutions would not be helpful.

“If they attempt another resolution,they are making a mistake. It is nothelpful in resolving the nuclear dis-pute between Iran and the West,” hesaid. “They are completely wrong ifthey think our people will back downeven a single step.”

Salehi said Iran has been trying tobuy the higher enriched fuel for itsresearch reactor for the past severalmonths, but the West made providing

Iran begins...From page 1 the fuel conditional on Iran’s accep-

tance of a U.N.-drafted agreement toship its uranium stockpile abroad first.

That plan would come with somesafeguards, because the enriched fuelprovided to Iran would be in a formthat would be difficult to further pro-cess to make weapons.

Salehi said Iran would begin 20percent enrichment on Tuesday by in-jecting gas into a cascade of centrifugemachines. Salehi said Iran needs some1.5 kilograms of 20 percent enricheduranium a month for the Tehran re-search reactor, which produces medi-cal isotopes.

Salehi said 164 centrifuge ma-chines were ready in a laboratory inIran’s main enrichment facility in thecity of Natanz to produce 3 to 5 kilo-grams of higher enriched uranium permonth. Salehi said inspectors from theU.N.’s International Atomic EnergyAgency are expected to be presentwhen Iran begins the higher enrich-ment.

“The agency continues to have in-spectors in Iran conducting normalsafeguard operations,” IAEA spokes-woman Gill Tudor said Tuesday whenasked if they would be present.

Pentagon spokesman GeoffMorrell said U.S. Defense SecretaryRobert Gates believed the United Na-tions should slap new sanctions on Iranin “weeks, not months.”

Page 7: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

“They are to be questioned as sus-pects in the alleged bribery case re-lating to the selection of MirandaGoeltom as Bank Indonesia (BI) se-nior deputy governor in 2004,” KPKspokesman Johan Budi said.

The suspects are UdjuDjuhaeri,Dudie Makmun Murod andEndin A.J. Soefihara, former mem-bers of the House of Representatives’(DPR) commission for financial andbanking affairs.

In this case, KPK had also namedformer legislator Hamka Yandhu asa suspect.


JAKARTA - Deputy AttorneyGeneral Darmono said Singaporehad remained the favorite haven forwanted corrupters from Indonesia.

“Singapore is the favorite placeto hide for wanted corrupters,” hesaid after meeting with HouseCommission III here on Monday.

Darmono, the leader of a teamcurrently hunting fleeing corrupt-ers said most of the 18 corrupterscurrently being sought are inSingapore. He said corrupters al-ways seek countries where theycan get a stay permit easily.

“They are looking for a safestate to stay,” he said.

He admitted he had receivedinformation that one of the 18 cor-rupters now being sought after


PALEMBANG - PresidentSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono hereTuesday witnessed the signing ofa memorandum of understanding(MoU) on the opening of an Indo-nesian School of Journalism.

The MoU was signed by Indo-nesian Journalists (PWI) Chair-man Margiono, Education Minis-ter Mohammad Nuh, SouthSulawesi Governor Alex Noerdinand a senior UNESCO official.

The MoU’s signing was part ofseveral events here to mark the64th Indonesian Press Day.

Speaking to reporters aftermeeting with PresidentYudhoyono in Jakarta late lastJanuary, Margiono said Indonesianschools of journalism would be setup in six cities.

The cities would be Jakarta,Semarang (Central Java),Makassar (South Sulawesi),Samarinda (East Kalimantan),Palembang (South Sumatra) andPekanbaru (Riau).

In the future, every provincewould have at least one school ofjournalism to help improve theprofessionalism of its journalists.

As part of the Press Day anni-versary, a number of Indonesianjournalists were presented withtokens of professional apprecia-tion. Among the tokens were a“Number One Press Card”, theAdinegoro, Spirit of Journalism,and Gold Pen awards.

According to Priyambodo RH,a committee member, the “Num-ber One Press Card” token wasgiven to journalists who had dedi-cated their lives to the pursuit ofpress freedom.

“This award is meant to showto the public media people withhigh achievement which can in-spire young journalists to followtheir professional footprints,” he


JAKARTA - Attorney Gen-eral Hendarman Supandji saidhis office was still seekingpresidential permission to ques-tion nine regional administra-tion chiefs suspected of crimi-nal offenses.

“We need to question 13 re-gional government heads but sofar we received presidential per-mission to do so on four ofthem,” Hendarman said at a

AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim

Indonesian workers make moon cake, one of the traditional delicacies served during Chinese NewYear celebrations, in Tangerang on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, Feb. 8, 2010. EthnicChinese communities in the world’s most populous Muslim country are preparing to celebrate thestart of the Year of the Tiger.

KPK question threeKPK question threeKPK question threeKPK question threeKPK question threeformer house membersformer house membersformer house membersformer house membersformer house membersAntara

JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investiga-tors were on Tuesday scheduled to question three former members ofparliament for allegedly having received bribes.

Hamka was also involved in al-leged bribery committed by certainformer BI officials with IndonesianBanking Development Foundation(YPPI) funds.

In addition to them, KPK hadalso summoned some other activeand former members of parliamentregarding the Miranda Gultom case.

Among them are Panda Nababan,Nurdin Halid, MS. Hidayat,Achmad Hafiz Zawawi, TM. Nurlif,Baharuddin Aritonang, and DanielTanjung.

The alleged bribery case was re-

vealed to the public after AgusCondro, former House member ofthe Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle faction, confessed that hehad received a bank cheque.

Agus Condro said the bankcheque totaling Rp500 million(US$1=Rp9,480) was received fol-lowing the BI Senior DeputyGovernor’s fit and proper test, whichwas won by Miranda Gultom.

Some other House members alsoreceived the same bank cheques, hesaid. Members of parliament and gov-ernment officials remain vulnerable tocorruption practices as shown by vari-ous cases over the past few years.

Thanks to KPK’s ongoing efforts,Indonesia’s Corruption PerceptionIndex (CPI) improves from 2.0 in2004 to 2.8 in 2009.

AGO seeking presidential nodto question nine regional chiefs

hearing with the House of Repre-sentatives (DPR)’s CommissionIII here Monday.

Earlier, an Attorney General’sOffice (AGO) spokesman hadsaid the office had already re-ceived the president’s green lightto take legal actions againstPasuruan Dsitrict Chief DadeAngga and Banyuwangi DistrictChief Ratna Ani Lestari for al-leged corruption.

Questioning of the two officialsby the AFO had already begun.

Hendarman said under exist-ing regulations, state officials,including regional distr ictchiefs or their deputies, sus-pected of criminal offensescould be detained or questionedby law enforcing agencies onlyafter written permission wasobtained from the president.

So far, he claimed, the AGOhad not met with any hurdles infollowing the rule on presiden-tial permission to take legal ac-tion against state officials.

Singapore remainscorrupters’ favored haven

wishing to stay in the US and“therefore we will coordinate withthe foreign ministry to check thetruth of the information.”

He said the team would alsosubmit the copy of the court’s rul-ing for the corrupter who wishedto flee to the US.

“The copy will be proof that he(the corrupter) is involved in a le-gal case and therefore his stay per-mit must be revoked and made in-valid,” he said.

He believed the fugitives hadmanipulated the data. “We will co-ordinate with the international po-lice,” he said.

As has been known one of thefugitives believed to live inSingapore is Djoko Tjandra,wanted in connection with theBank Bali case.

President attended Indonesianpress day commemoration

said.Among the Number-One Press

Card recipients were RosihanAnwar, Jakob Oetama, HerawatiDiah, Dahlan Iskan, Karni Ilyas,Pia Alisyahbana, Ismail Djalili,and AJ Muaya.

Meanwhile, the Adinegoroaward was given to M. Fitrah(Singgalang newspaper for photojournalism category) and MalelaMhargasari (Koran Tempo for edi-torial category).

“The Spirit of JournalismAward is given to Rosihan Anwar(Indonesia’s veteran journalist),”he said. Since coming to power,President Susilo BambangYudhoyono has regularly attendedNational Press Day functions.

In his address on the occasion,he reminded media people to pri-oritize what he called “big truths”rather than “small truths”.

If a journalist just reported fac-tual facts in a conflict-hit areawithout filtering them so that, as aresult, the situation became worse,it meant that he/she just chose a“small truth”.

Instead, if a journalist exercisedself-censorship by reporting thefacts that would not worsen the situ-ation, he/she had prioritized a “bigtruth”, President Yudhoyono said.

At that time, the PWI alsoawarded the head of state with thePress Freedom Gold Medal for hisstrong support and respect forpress freedom in asking formedia’s response to his com-plaints. President Yudhoyono wasrecorded as an individual who hadmost frequently used his rights toget media responses to his com-plaints of news reporting from2005 through 2008.

The Indonesian Defense Forces(TNI) was noted as an institution,which was the most frequent useof rights to get media reply to itsnews complaints in 2008.

Page 8: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

8InternationaWednesday, February 10, 2009

Bali Today

Denpasar Mayor I B Rai D. Mantrasaid that ogoh-ogoh competition heldthis year posed an attention of Denpasarcity government in responding to the cre-ativity development of major communi-ties, especially the adolescence. At thattime, the teens will be given the oppor-tunity to fully express their ideas andcreativity in art. “Creativity based on thissuperior culture has been shown by theteenagers in events like kite competi-tions, ogoh-ogoh, traditional sports suchas metajog, mecingklak, gale-gale andothers,” said Rai Mantra proudly.

On the creativity, Rai Mantra ad-mitted to feel very proud because in en-tering the “competitive” world, the iden-tity has a very important meaning.Through creativity was also expected toencourage the art creativity transmittedto public, the youth chiefly sekaa terunato always be creative with a variety ofinnovative designs.

Each sekaa taruna making the


DENPASAR – David Harrington, a famous pia-nist and singer from Germany, will hold a perfor-mance in Le Meridien Nirwana Golf & Spa Resort,Bali on Friday, February 12th 2010.

The information given by the management ofLe Meridien Golf & Spa Resort, stated that the pi-ano concert is for charity and it will be started on5.30 pm.

Harrington started his music carrier when hewas eight years old. At that time, he won theTELDEC piano competition followed by became thechampion in Musiziert and Steinway & Sohns.

Harrington started to learn playing the pianowhen he was five. His talent fascinated many peopleincluding two world class pianists, Robert Henry andFrank Guzinsky. Under the guidance of the pianists,Harrington found his music which is Jazz, swing,and pop.

After graduated from his school, Harringtonstarted his carrier as a professional pianist and singerin Berlin and Hamburg. He received the title of mas-ter of art and focused to develop a musical theater inFree University in Berlin.

He also became a conductor in some of theworld’s famous musical play such as Grease”, “Phan-tom of The Opera”, “Cats”, and “I Was Never EvenIn New York”. The fund gather in the performancewill be used to buy helmets for children in Bali.

Bali Post

GIANYAR - Gianyar Regency Governments imposes the maxi-mal amount to labors who would like to use the funds without collat-eral for overseas job placement. Each labor has opportunity to borrowmaximally IDR 35 million to assist the departure of labor candidate.Regarding to that matter, a number of applicants of funds for overseasjob placement told Bali Post, last Monday (Feb 8), were surprised atthe bank when filing the petition.

Previously, they were admitted to only know about the deliveryof overseas job placement programs. This means, the socialization ofthe program was not fully understood by the public. They did not knowabout the restrictions in respect of funds provided by bank in facilitat-ing them to work overseas. Moreover, applicants given the opportunitywere only those who already have a definite destination and work over-seas.

Head of Manpower and Transmigration Services of Gianyar Re-

Celebrate the Caka New Year 1932

Denpasar to Organize Ogoh-ogoh CompetitionDenpasar to Organize Ogoh-ogoh CompetitionDenpasar to Organize Ogoh-ogoh CompetitionDenpasar to Organize Ogoh-ogoh CompetitionDenpasar to Organize Ogoh-ogoh Competition


On welcoming the Caka New Year 1932 (Nyepi Day) on Monday (March 15) Denpasarcity government will hold an Ogoh-Ogoh or papier mâché demon competition amongthe Sekaa Teruna or customary village youth club throughout Denpasar City.

Bali Post SEMARAPURA - Brunt of the waves make the Tegalbesar beach

area, Negari, Banjarangkan continued to be eroded. In addition, theriver flow has begun to make turns, causing more worry among theresidents near Tegalbesar beach. ‘’The brunt on the estuary side of theriver has eroded the west part of the coast. Especially in estuaries ofMelangit River, the Tegalbesar border with Gianyar has already beenshifted permanently’’, said a local resident, Monday (8 / 2) yesterday.

It has often being complained to the government officials, but noresponse has been given. In reality, if left unchecked, the abrasion willbecome increasingly severe. Residents’ lands are also eroded includ-


DENPASAR - On welcoming the Caka New Year 1932 (Nyepi Day) onMonday (March 15) Denpasar city government will hold an Ogoh-Ogoh orpapier mâché demon competition among the Sekaa Teruna or customaryvillage youth club throughout Denpasar City. Other than intended for ritualneed, the competition also becomes an arena of creativity for the young,especially Sekaa Taruna in Denpasar. It was revealed by the Mayor ofDenpasar in the face Sekaa Teruna not long ago.

ogoh-ogoh was given development incen-tive worth IDR3.5 millions. KomangAstita, Chairman of Denpasar Assemblyof Cultural Advisory (Listibiya) explainedmore about the technical requirements ofthe competition. According to him, theassessment would be divided in twostages, namely for the level of subdistrictwould be taken 3 champions and then as-sessed at Catus Pata (around central cross-road of Denpasar). Astita also added thatthe competition once turned dormant de-noted an arena of art and cultural creativ-ity in combination with the religious ac-tivities.

In the meantime, Made Karim, theHead of Denpasar Assembly of Custom-ary Village explained that sekaa tarunaplayed important roles and functions be-ing very strategic in societal life. Accord-ing to him, SekaaTeruna was the childrenof hamlet because they would continuethe devotional services of their parents aswell as the cultural heritage. (015)

David Harrington

conduct a concert in Bali

Overseas Job Placement

Each Labor Restricted to Maximally IDR 35 Million

gency, I Made Sudamia, confirmed the restriction of fund petition foroverseas job placement program. The restriction was based on theagreements between local governments and the bank as fund pro-vider. “In the agreement, we restricted the number of loan to maxi-mally IDR 30 million,” he explained.

According to Sudamia, the restricted amount was only allo-cated for departure fee, not including the cost of education or coursestaken by the applicants. Regency Government in this case only pro-vided money to an applicant who was ready to work overseas.

In implementing the overseas job placement program, GianyarRegency Government in the year 2010 allocates considerable fundsfor communities wishing to work overseas. Different from the previ-ous year, where in 2009 to support the program the government onlyallocated funds amounting to IDR 500 million, with the departure ofonly two workers. Now, the budget allocation in 2010 reached IDR2.5 billion. Until last month, there was only one applicant submittingthe proposal, he said. (kmb16)

The Tegalbesar Beach abrasion is worsening

ing the one used for the cleansing ceremony (Melasti). In terms of abrasion, particularly about the blocking of Melangit

River’s flow, Head of Klungkung Public Works Office, IB. Adnyanawhen he asked for confirmation, on Monday (8 / 2) yesterday re-vealed that the current problem is entirely handled by the ProvincialGovernment of Bali. Regent of Klungkung, Wayan Candra said thathe had sent a descriptive letter into the provincial government of Baliin relation to these issues. ‘’But there is no response yet’’, he said ashe mentions that the matter of water-way blocking of Melangit Riveris the responsibility of the provincial government because it involvesdealings across districts (Klungkung and Gianyar). (kmb20)

Page 9: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Wednesday, February 10, 2009 9al


* 200 gram stew meat water * 3 tbs. vegetable oil * 2 chayotes, peeled and cubed * 2 spring onions, sliced in 1 cm slices * ¼ cup flat-leaved parsley minced * 1 tsp. tamarind, dissolved in 1 Tbs. water * 1 Tbs. fried onions

* Spice Paste 10 red chilies * 4 cloves garlic * 2 candlenuts * 1 cm fresh ginger * ¼ tsp ground pepper * 1 tbs dried shrimp, soaked briefly in hot water and

drained * salt to taste

DirectionsSimmer the meat in water to cover, together with the

salt, until tender. Remove and slice the meat in 1x2 cmcubes. Set aside 1 Liter of the broth.

Heat the oil and fry the spice-paste until fragrant. Addthe meat and stir it around until the spice are well-mixedwith the meat. Add the broth.

Let it come to a boil, then add the chayotes, springonions, minced parsley and tamarind water. Serve withfried onions/shallots scattered on top. (http://asiarecipe.com)


DENPASAR – The customersof simPATI Telkomsel receive an-other cheap program fromTelkomsel. The customers can callmany times for 100 minutes in a dayto over 82 million Telkomsel usersthroughout the country.

The program which is calledTalkmania program is started on Tues-day, February 9th 2010 with the accu-mulation of 100 minutes (6,000 sec-ond) of talk time to all kartuHALO,simPATI, and Kartu As users.

Syaiful Bachri, the General Man-ager of Sales and Customer ServiceTelkomsel for Bali and Nusa Tenggara,explained that in order to use the pro-gram, simPATI users only must con-duct one activation by sending SMS,TM<space>ON to 8999 started on 1am through 12 am local time.

For the users in Java, Bali, andNusa Tenggara can use the Talkmaniaprogram by paying 2,000 rupiah.While for the one in Sumatera,Kalimantan, and Sulawesi must pay3,00 rupiah.

Ari said that the program is theform of appreciation of Telkomsel toall simPATi users which is now morethan 59 million people. All users canuse Talkmania program and it is thepriority so if the customers have other


* 600 gramtempe(fermentedsoybean cake) -not tofu

* 200 mlwater

* ½ tsp.slaked lime water

* 100 gr.rice flour mixedwith 25 gramcornstarch

* vegetableoil

* Spice Paste Ingredients: * 4 candlenuts * 1 clove garlic * 1 tsp. coriander seeds * salt to taste * 1 cm fresh kencur

DirectionsSlice the tempe in thin 3½ x 5 cm squares. Set aside.

Mix the spice-paste together with the water andslaked lime water. Add the rice flour and cornstarch andblend till smooth.

Heat the oil in a wok, dip the tempe in the batter anddeep-fry until it is golden brown and crisp.

Note: Make sure that the oil is not to hot, otherwisethe batter and the tempe will not be done at the sametime. (http://asiarecipe.com)

Photo by Telkomsel

The customers of simPATI Telkomsel receive another cheapprogram from Telkomsel. The customers can call many timesfor 100 minutes in a day to over 82 million Telkomsel usersthroughout the country.

Telkomsel promote free 100 minutes talk time

bonuses, Talkmania will be used first. “In addition to the program, the

customers also can give Takmania pro-gram to other users by sending SMSand paying 3,000 rupiah,” he added.

Through the program, the usersalso will receive free 5 megabytes bo-nus which can be used for one day bybuying an internet package for 5,000rupiah. The package itself can be used

for one week. There are also other packages

which are Facebook (m.facebook.com)and Chat (via eBuddy, mig33, orNimbuzz) with only 1,000 a day.

For simPATI users in Bali andLombok, they can add the talk time byusing Talkmania program and also free30 SMS to all users until March 31st

2010. (iah)

Chayotes Stew

(Sayur Labu Siam)

Crispy Fried Tempe

(Keripik Tempe)


(FILES) This photo taken on May 10, 2009 shows fishermen unloading a fresh catch of tunaat Bali’s fishing village in Jimbaran. France wants tuna international trade ban in 18 months,a government source said on Februray 3, 2010.

Page 10: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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Contact usDenpasar


: +62 361 22-5764 Jl. Kepundung 67 A, e-mail: [email protected]

: +62 21 535-6271 Jl. Palmerah Barat 21 F

... gets maximum benefits with minimum charge

GITGIT Waterfall is a beautiful tourist destination in northpart of Bali. Gitgit waterfall is located in the plateau area withthe height about 35 meters and it is surrounded by tropicaltree and emits the constantly natural water debit during theyear. Waterfall voice around the charming nature was amaz-ing and it was the separate attraction which can be enjoyed byeach visitor who comes to visit. There are some plantationsprotecting the rain forest around the waterfall and in this placewe often met the wild monkey to get the water from this wa-terfall.

Gitgit Waterfall is one of the famous tourist destinations inBali which is located in Gitgit countryside, Sukasada sub dis-trict and about 10 Km from Singaraja Town or about 70 Kmfrom Denpasar. It is set at height land about 300 meters abovesea level. Beside of Gitgit, there is another important spot pointlike the monument for hero struggle of Singaraja resident whodead on the battle against the Dutch colonialist. This monu-ment is called Bhuwana Pangkung Bangka. This Monumentis extant monument and idol of people struggle action againstthe Dutch colonization. This monument is located in Gitgitcountryside and Sukasada sub district and about 17 Km fromSingaraja Town. It is situated on the hill bank. The facilitiesare available at Gitgit Waterfall is consisted of the parkingarea, restaurant and art shop. It is not far from the waterfallplace, there is a place for taking a rest while enjoy the beautypanorama of rice terrace and Buleleng Beach. In order to visitthe Gitgit waterfall, all visitors will follow the walkway downuntil the spot point. This road is one of the omissions in Dutchhttp://xenixmorningcalm.files.wordpress.com

Gitgit Waterfall

era where the local resident uses it to access other regions. On1975, this waterfall is opened as tourist destinations in northpart of Bali. Since it is appointed as a tourist destination inBali, many tourists from domestic and foreign countries visitsthis waterfall. (www.balistarisland.com)





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Page 11: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11


“According to information of theChinese Ministry of Commerce, Chi-nese exports amounted to 1,201.7 bil-lion dollars (876.5 billion euros), whileGerman exports totalled 1,121.3 billiondollars” last year, the Destatis officesaid.

The total value of 2009 Germanexports came to 803.2 billion euros, adrop of 18.4 percent, while imports fellby 17.2 percent to 667.1 billion euroscompared with 2008, the Destatis of-fice said in a statement.

“This was the highest decline re-corded in foreign trade in relation toboth imports and exports since 1950,”the statement said.

Europe’s largest economy alsoreported, however, that its exports were3.4 percent higher in December com-pared to December 2008 — the firstyear-on-year gain since October 2008and a key indication that a recovery is

Agence France-Presse

LONDON - Nobel laureateeconomist Joseph Stiglitz haswarned Britain not to withdraw itsfiscal stimulus, saying markets area “crazy man” that spending cutswill not tame, in an interview pub-lished Tuesday.

Stiglitz, who won the NobelPrize for economics in 2001 andserved as an economic adviser toformer US president Bill Clinton,warned that removing the stimu-lus too early could plunge thecountry back into recession.

“You’re dealing with a crazyman,” he told the Independentnewspaper, referring to the currentstate of financial markets.

“You’re asking what I can doto placate a crazy man? Having gotwhat he wants he will still kill you.”

Official data revealed at theend of last month showed thatBritain’s battered economy grewby just 0.1 percent in the fourthquarter of 2009, ending thecountry’s deepest recession inmodern history.

However, the anaemicgrowth rate disappointed manyeconomists because market ex-pectations had been for stronger

Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - Japan’s Prime Min-ister Yukio Hatoyama on Mondayagreed with Palestinian presidentMahmud Abbas to help grow theeconomy of the Palestinian territo-ries, officials said.

Hatoyama and Abbas, in Japanfor a four-day visit, also agreed thatIsrael and the Palestinian territories“urgently” needed to resume peacetalks as soon as possible, the offi-cials said.

In a joint statement issued af-ter their meeting at the primeminister’s office, Hatoyama ex-pressed “Japan’s readiness to helpthe Palestinians further build a vi-able economy and develop capablegoverning institutions.”

The two leaders agreed that de-veloping the private sector was a pri-ority, according to the statement.

As a first step, Japan will sendtrade experts to the territories to helppromote trade and investment, it said.

At a joint news conference,Abbas thanked Tokyo for its finan-cial and diplomatic support, whichhas topped one billion dollars, say-ing: “Japan’s assistance considerably

Agence France-Presse

BIRMINGHAM - China be-lieves the yuan should remain “ba-sically stable” in the face of inter-national calls for it to be strength-ened, Chinese Vice CommerceMinister Zhong Shan said here onMonday.

“We can’t allow too-largemoves” in the yuan,” Zhong also toldreporters attending a trade fair in Bir-mingham, which is Britain’s secondlargest city.

Germany loses trade crownGermany loses trade crownGermany loses trade crownGermany loses trade crownGermany loses trade crownto China as exports plungeto China as exports plungeto China as exports plungeto China as exports plungeto China as exports plungeAgence France-Presse

FRANKFURT - China overtook Germany last year to become the world’s leading exporter asGerman trade suffered its sharpest slump since 1950, figures from Germany’s national statisticsoffice showed on Tuesday.

underway. Imports fell by 6.5 percent over

the same period. Compared with November 2009,

exports were 3.0 percent higher andimports gained 4.5 percent, furthersigns of a pick up in global trade thatshould help Germany pull out of itsworst recession since World War II.

Germany posted a trade surplusof 136.1 billion euros for 2009, thoughthat was down from the 178.3 billioneuros recorded in 2008. The economyshrank by five percent in 2009 but asconsumption and exports slowly re-cover, the government has forecastgrowth of 1.4 percent this year.

Germany benefits in particularfrom EU trade, which accounted for62.7 percent of its exports last year,providing 503.5 billion euros in rev-enues.

“At least there is one reliable

source of growth,” ING senior econo-mist Carsten Brzeski said.

“Since March last year, Germanexports have increased by more than10 percent.”

He noted however that the latestGerman data releases indicate the re-covery lost steam in the fourth quarterof 2009 but stressed that the overallpicture was better than it seemed.

Inventory building would con-tinue to underpin economic activity andtrade should get a boost from the euro’sfall against the dollar owing to fearsgenerated by the Greek debt crisis.

The weaker euro was “bound tobe a boon to European exporters,” saidHoward Archer, chief economist forIHS Global Insight, a researchconsultancy in London.

Brzeski concluded that “the roadmight be bumpy but it is the road torecovery and not a dead-end street.”

Yuan should remain ‘basicallystable’: Chinese minister

Zhong acknowledged that therewas a little room for movement inChina’s currency but stressed that therate of appreciation would depend oneconomic conditions.

The value of the Chinese cur-rency, which has effectively beenpegged to the US dollar since mid-2008, has been a bone of contentionbetween Beijing and its Western trad-ing partners, which say it is kept lowto boost exports.

G7 finance ministers and centralbankers were believed to have dis-

cussed China’s currency at talks innorthern Canada over the weekend.

At the start of the meeting, Ca-nadian Finance Minister Jim Flahertytold reporters the yuan’s level was “anissue that concerns Westernindustrialised countries representedin the G7.”

The G7 brings together Britain,Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Ja-pan and the United States but has nowbeen eclipsed by the G20, which in-cludes major emerging markets suchas Brazil, China, India and Russia.

A stock brokertrades at the stockexchange in thecentral German cityof Frankfurt/Main onFebruary 5, 2010.China overtookGermany last year tobecome the world’sleading exporter asGerman tradesuffered its sharpestslump since 1950,figures fromGermany’s nationalstatistics officeshowed on Tuesday.AFP PHOTO DDP/THOMAS LOHNES

Stiglitz urges Britainto continue stimulus

expansion of 0.4 percent. Removing emergency mea-

sures introduced to combat thedownturn made slipping back intorecession more likely, Stiglitzwarned.

“It there is a premature with-drawal of stimulus it is more likelythat there will be a ‘double dip,’”he said.

A “double-dip” recession refersto a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, which is cut short bya fall back into negative growth.

Britain’s fragile economy andthe inevitable cuts needed to reinin huge debts are a key politicalbattleground ahead of an electionthat must be held by June, andwhich the ruling Labour govern-ment is tipped to lose.

Stiglitz also criticised USPresident Barack Obama’s plan tobreak up banks, saying it “doesn’tgo far enough”, and said Britain’srecord on the issue was better.

“What (Prime Minister Gor-don) Brown has done in terms ofbanks so far is far better that whatthe US did; he demanded bettercompensation for providing money,better accountability, better at-tempts to restart lending, than in theUS,” said the economist.

Japan agrees to help boostPalestinian economy

helps heal the agony of the Palestin-ian people.”

He also stressed the need for aresumption of stalled Middle Eastpeace talks “based on the roadmap”designed by the West in 2003 callingfor a two-state solution.

“In the meeting with Prime Min-ister Hatoyama, I reiterated the impor-tance of achieving peace comprehen-sively and impartially,” Abbas said.

Hatoyama backed the remarks,saying: “President Abbas plays an ex-tremely important role in the peaceprocess. Japan will support his effortto achieve peace.”

Abbas has agreed in principle toindirect talks with Israel under USmediation but has requested a num-ber of guarantees, a Palestinian offi-cial in the West Bank told AFP on con-dition of anonymity Monday.

The latest US proposal for renew-ing talks suspended more than a yearago would have the two sides holdthree months of indirect negotiationsand have Israel make several goodwillgestures to the Palestinians.

Abbas will meet Japanese For-eign Minister Katsuya Okada onTuesday before leaving for Seoul thefollowing day.

Page 12: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalWednesday, February 10, 201012

Dr. Conrad Murray pleaded notguilty Monday to a charge of involun-tary manslaughter and a judge releasedhim on $75,000 bail.

Superior Court Judge KeithSchwartz ordered Murray to turn in hispassport and said he could travel withinthe U.S., but not to any foreign coun-try. The prosecutor had suggested hemight flee to his native Grenada or toTrinidad where he has a child.

Murray was ordered to return April5 to have another date set for his pre-liminary hearing. That proceeding, avirtual mini-trial, will disclose the evi-dence prosecutors maintain will dem-onstrate Murray’s “gross negligence.”

Murray is accused of giving Jack-son a fatal dose of an anesthetic to helphim sleep. Jackson died June 25. Ifconvicted, the doctor could face up tofour years in prison.

Schwartz told Murray he was re-stricting his practice of medicine, bar-ring him from using any anestheticagent, specifically the drug propofolwhich a coroner’s report found was thecause of Jackson’s death with other

Agence France Presse

LOS ANGELES – Teenage heart-throb Taylor Lautner is to star as“Stretch Armstrong” in the latestHollywood movie inspired by a best-selling action figure from toymakersHasbro, a statement said Monday.

Lautner, one of the stars of the“Twilight” vampire films, will playArmstrong, a popular 1970s toy fea-turing gel-filled limbs that stretch toimprobable lengths, Universal Stu-dios said in a statement.

“In the past two years, Taylor hasemerged as a real star at the globalbox office,” Universal Pictures co-chairman Donna Langley said.

Jackson doctor out on bail,Jackson doctor out on bail,Jackson doctor out on bail,Jackson doctor out on bail,Jackson doctor out on bail,back for April hearingback for April hearingback for April hearingback for April hearingback for April hearing

Agence France Presse

BERLIN – Buyers at the Ber-lin film festival will be seeingtriple this year, as 3-D produc-tions such as “Avatar” transformthe global cinema industry.

The head of the festival’snine-day European Film Market,Beki Probst, said the event wouldmove to harness the new demandby offering for the first time digi-tal 3-D screenings to industryhonchos.

“We have rented a movie the-atre that is noton PotsdamerPlatz (the fes-tival venue)but on theKurfuerstendammboulevard — ap re s t i g iouscinema that iswell-knownand equippedfor a true 3-Dexper ience ,complete withthe glasses,”Probst toldAFP ahead ofthe start of thefestival onThursday.

Probst has

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson’s doctor returns to court in April to find out the date for the nextmajor step in the case — a proceeding that will reveal for the first time the evidence the prosecutionbelieves will show his “gross negligence” was the direct cause of the pop star’s death.

drugs as contributing factors. “I don’twant you sedating people,” the judgesaid.

Immediately after the hearing,Latoya Jackson issued a statement say-ing she believed her brother had beenmurdered and that others besidesMurray were involved in his death.

“I will continue to fight until all ofthe proper individuals are brought forthand justice is served,” Latoya said. Shewas in court along with siblings includ-ing, Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Randy.

Her father Joe Jackson expressed thesame views Monday night in an inter-view on Larry King Live and claimedthat his son believed he was going tobe murdered. He did not elaborate.

As he left the courtroom, the familypatriarch said, “We need justice.”

Outside the Los Angeles airport areacourthouse, about 50 Michael Jacksonfans carried large photographs of thesuperstar and signs urging, “Justice forMichael.” Many were the same fanswho had stood vigil during the 2005trial at which Jackson was acquitted ofchild molestation. Some shouted “mur-

derer” when Murray was brought tocourt.

Murray recently reopened his of-fice in Houston after months of wait-ing to be charged while his bills piledup. A representative of the state attor-ney general’s office said the Califor-nia Medical Board would be filing amotion to revoke Murray’s medical li-cense to practice in California whilehe awaits trial.

Deputy District Attorney DavidWalgren tried to convince the judge toimpose a high bail of $300,000. He saidin his motion that although Murray hasno criminal record, he has violatedcourt orders involving child supportpayments and “leads an irresponsibleand financially unstable life.”

Murray’s lead lawyer, Ed Chernoff,objected that Murray should not bepenalized for not having money. Thejudge said he believed $75,000 —triple the bail in ordinary cases of thisnature, would be enough to ensure hedoes not flee. The bail was postedshortly after the hearing and Murraywas released.

AP Photo/Mark Boster, PoolConrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s doctor, looks on during his arraign-ment at the Airport Courthouse on charges of involuntary manslaugh-ter in the singer’s death in Los Angeles on Monday, Feb. 8, 2010.

Taylor Lautner in ‘StretchArmstrong’ movie: studio

“He brings the perfect balance ofenergy and athleticism to the roleof an unlikely super hero with a fan-tastic super power. We couldn?t bemore pleased that he has agreed tobe our Stretch.”

The 3-D film comes after Hasbrosuccessfully brought its Transform-ers and GI Joe products to the bigscreen. A 2012 release date has beenscheduled for Armstrong, whichwill be produced by Oscar-winnerBrian Grazer. Universal and Hasbroare also partnering for a film basedon another iconic toy, “Battleship.”The film will be made as a mari-time action adventure and releasedin summer 2012, Universal said.

Teenage heart -throb TaylorLautner, seenehre in January2010, is to star as“StretchArmstrong” in thelatest Hollywoodmovie inspired bya best-sellingaction figure fromtoymakersHasbro, astatement saidMonday.

AFP/Getty Images/File/Andy Lyons

Berlin film festival rolls out 3-D red carpetpresided over a major of expansion ofthe European Film Market since 1988,which has become a key event for thebuying and selling of internationalrights to new releases.

Industry insiders say the success ofrights-trading in Berlin helped propelthe festival to become the clear num-ber two in Europe behind Cannes, wellahead of Venice which has no market.

Film is one of the few sectors thatdid not see sales plummet in the globalrecession, and blockbusters such asJames Cameron’s science fiction 3-Dopus “Avatar” have provided another

strong shot in the arm.While the depth-perception

technology has been around foryears, the technological leaps be-hind the success of “Avatar” andthe animated “Ice Age 3”, whichwas released in 2-D and 3-D, havepropelled it into a new orbit.

The Oscar-nominated “Avatar”— believed to be the most expen-sive motion picture made — hasnow grossed more than two bil-lion dollars worldwide.

And it has convinced globalaudiences that the latest three-di-

m e n s i o n a ltechnology cantransform theviewing expe-rience.

C i n e m a sworldwide arere-equippingfor new 3-D re-leases frommajor US stu-dios such asDreamworksand Pixar in-cluding thehotly antici-pated “Alice inWonderland”by Tim Burton,due out inMarch.

AFP/John Macdougall

Workers are seen putting up a poster at the Berlinale Palast, the mainvenue of the Berlinale Film Festival. Industry insiders say the successof rights-trading in Berlin helped propel the festival to become the clearnumber two in Europe behind Cannes, well ahead of Venice.

Page 13: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, February 10, 2010 13Life Style

Analyses of data collected on60,524 Singapore Chinese adultsshowed that people who drank twoor more sugar-sweetened soft drinksa week were at greater risk of devel-oping pancreatic cancer comparedwith individuals who did not, thestudy published in Cancer Epidemi-ology, Biomarkers and Preventionsays.

No link was found between drink-ing juice and pancreatic cancer,which is one of the most rapidly fa-tal cancers in adults, with less thanfive percent of patients surviving fiveyears or more after being diagnosedwith the illness.

The study was the first to look atthe role fizzy drinks and juice play inthe development of pancreatic cancerin Asians, whose diet and lifestyle arebecoming more and more Western, thestudy says. Previous studies hadlooked at Europeans and Americans.

Participants in the study who con-

ARE you in a gray mood today?How about a blue funk? Maybe you’reseeing red, because you’re green withjealousy. The colors we use to describeemotions may be more useful than youthink, according to new research.

The study found that people withdepression or anxiety were more likelyto associate their mood with the colorgray, while happier people preferredyellow. The results, which are detailedtoday in the journal BMC MedicalResearch Methodology, could helpdoctors gauge the moods of childrenand other patients who have troublecommunicating verbally.

“This is a way of measuring anxi-ety and depression which gets awayfrom the use of language,” study co-author and gastroenterologist PeterWhorwell of University HospitalSouth Manchester told LiveScience.“What is very interesting is that thismight actually be a better way of cap-turing the patient’s mood than ques-tions.”

Colors are often used as metaphorsfor moods, but no one had systemati-cally researched color associations,Whorwell said. To investigate, he andhis colleagues picked eight colors -red, orange, green, purple, blue, yel-low, pink and brown - and split eachinto four shades. They then addedwhite, black and four shades of grayfor a total of 38 options. After meet-ing with focus groups, the researchers

AP Photo/Jeff BarnardFILE - In this May 18, 2009 file photo, a yellow-faced bumblebee gath-ers pollen on a California poppy outside Ruch, Ore. Conservationgroups and scientists want federal agricultural authorities to startregulating shipments of commercially domesticated bumblebees toprevent spreading deadly diseases to wild bumblebees.

A Cambodianscavenger (L)collects emptycans of softdrink andbottles ofdrinking wateras a schoolchild (R) sitsnext to herdrinking a softdrink in 2008.People whodrink at leasttwo sugary softdrinks a dayhave anincreased riskof contractingcancer of thepancreas, astudy publishedMonday shows.

AFP/File/Tang Chhin Sothy

Sugary soft drinks linkedSugary soft drinks linkedSugary soft drinks linkedSugary soft drinks linkedSugary soft drinks linkedto pancreatic cancer: studyto pancreatic cancer: studyto pancreatic cancer: studyto pancreatic cancer: studyto pancreatic cancer: studyAgence France Presse

WASHINGTON – People who drink at least two sugary sodas aweek have an increased risk of developing cancer of the pancreas,and researchers suspect the culprit is sugar, a new study shows.

sumed two or more sodas per weektended to be younger men whosmoke, drink alcohol, eat higher-calo-rie diets and are less physically ac-tive. They also ate more red meat, thestudy found.

The findings of the study wereadjusted for other dietary factorswhich have been linked with pancre-atic cancer, such as consumption ofred meat.

“But the adjustments did notchange the link between soda and therisk of pancreas cancer,” said MarkPereira of the University ofMinnesota’s division of epidemiologyand community health, one of theauthors of the study.

“We suspect sugar is the culprit,but we cannot prove it from thisstudy,” Pereira told AFP, adding thatthe researchers only looked at carbon-ated sugar-sweetened beverages, notsports drinks or diet soft drinks.

“A typical serving of soda is 20

ounces and contains 65 grams ofsugar. By comparison, a typical serv-ing of orange juice is eight ounces andcontains 21 grams of sugar,” Pereirasaid.

Fizzy drinks are “the leadingsources of added sugar in the US diet”and greatly contribute to hyperglyce-mia, or high blood sugar, andhyperinsulemia — when the amountof insulin in the blood is higher thannormal — the study says.

Insulin is produced by the pancreasand helps regulate blood sugar.

If the findings of the study are con-firmed, then cutting out sugar-sweet-ened sodas would be a way to reducethe risk of developing pancreatic can-cer, and this would be “important dueto the poor prognosis and minimaleffect of conventional treatment meth-ods” for the cancer, the study says.

The data analyzed for the sodastudy came from the Singapore Chi-nese Health Study, which enrolledmore than 63,000 Singapore Chinesewho lived in government housing es-tates — as nearly nine in 10 people inSingapore do — and looked at theirdiets, physical activity and medicalhistory, among others.

Different Colors DescribeHappiness vs. Depression

decided to display the colors in the formof a wheel. Next, they recruited 105healthy adults, 110 anxious adults and108 depressed adults and mailed themprintouts of the color wheel. Each per-son was asked to pick their favoritecolor, as well as the color they weremost “drawn to.” Finally, they wereasked to pick a color that described theirday-to-day mood over the last severalmonths. Another group of 204 healthyvolunteers classified each color as posi-tive, negative or neutral.

Whether depressed, anxious orhealthy, people liked blue and yellow.Blue 28 on the color wheel was themost popular favorite color amonghealthy people, while Blue 27 (whichis a little darker than 28) got first placeamong people with anxiety and depres-sion. Meanwhile, Yellow 14 was pickedas the color most likely to catch the eye.

But when it came to mood, thegroups diverged. Only 39 percent ofhealthy people associated their moodwith a color at all. Of those who did,Yellow 14 was the most popular choice,with about 20 percent of the votes.Meanwhile, about 30 percent of peoplewith anxiety picked a shade of gray, asdid more than half of depressed volun-teers. In comparison, healthy volun-teers described their mood with a shadeof gray only about 10 percent of thetime. The researchers also found thatwhen assigning a mood to colors, satu-ration matters.

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – A disappointingoutlook from Electronic Arts Inc.sent shares of the video game pub-lisher sharply lower Monday, a signthat significant cost-cuts and layoffshave not ended the company’sslump.

The company, whose games in-clude the popular “Madden” seriesand “Mass Effect 2,” said Mondayit narrowed its net loss in the lastquarter even as game sales de-clined. It blamed the revenuefalloff on having fewer titles than

Electronic Arts shares dive on weak outlookit did in the 2008 holiday period. EAalso cited weak sales in Europe,which accounts for about a third ofits revenue.

The results for the October-Decem-ber period were not a surprise, becauseEA had warned in January it wouldmiss forecasts, leading analysts tolower their estimates.

The company lost $82 million, 20cents per share. In the same period ayear earlier it lost $641 million, $2 pershare. Revenue fell 25 percent to $1.24billion.

Accounting for deferred revenue ingames with online components, EA

earned 33 cents per share, down from56 cents per share a year earlier. Ana-lysts were expecting 31 cents, ac-cording to Thomson Reuters.

But the company gave a forecastbelow Wall Street’s expectations forthe current quarter, even though itis launching several big-name titlesduring the period. One is the sci-ence-fiction epic “Mass Effect 2.”Chief Financial Officer Eric Brownsaid in an interview the game hassold 2 million copies so far. EA ranits first-ever Super Bowl ad Sundayto promote the upcoming “Dante’sInferno.”

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Wii and PlayStation 3 versions of Madden NFL 10, an Electronic Artsgame, are shown at Best Buy in Mountain View, Calif., Monday, Feb.8, 2010. Electronic Arts Inc. is showing a smaller net loss in its lastquarter even though its video game sales declined.

Page 14: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 201014 InternationalSport

The Swede showed no signs ofthe elbow complaint whichknocked him out of the Austra-lian Open first round. But thethird seed admitted that he couldhave used a quicker start.

“The first match of the weekis always the most difficult forme,” said the 2009 Roland Garrosfinalist. “I could have had a bet-ter start.

“But my game got better andbetter. I know I can play a lot bet-ter. I’m satisfied with the win butnot really with my form.”

The victory was the first of theseason for Soderling after lossesin Chennai and Melbourne lastmonth. Soderling cranked up hishuge serve, which apart from hisnumerous aces also saw himbreak his opponent’s serve threetimes.

The world number eight fi-nally sealed victory with an easythird set in a match that lasted anhour and three-quarters.

Soderling dropped the first seton an early break but turned thetables after fighting through the


LOS ANGELES – The Los An-geles Lakers pulled together to wintheir second straight contest with-out Kobe Bryant with a 101-89 vic-tory over the San Antonio Spurs onMonday.

Pau Gasol had a versatile effortwith 21 points, 19 boards, eight as-sists and five blocks while LamarOdom had 16 points and 10 re-bounds for the defending NBAchampions.

Los Angeles (40-13) were notonly without Bryant, who hasmissed two straight games becauseof an injured left ankle, but startingcenter Andrew Bynum was alsoabsent with a hip ailment.

“We have quality players andwith Kobe and Andrew out we hadto play hard and play team basket-ball,” Gasol told reporters. “Youhave to fight through. That’s whatthe NBA is about.”

Despite a good start, the Spurs(29-21) could not take advantageand slumped to a third defeat intheir last five games, Manu Ginobiligetting 21 points and Tony Parker20 in the losing cause.

San Antonio scored the game’sfirst nine points and led by six after

AFP/Koen Suyk

Swedish tennis player Robin Soderling cheers after defeating the French player Florent Serraat the ABN Amro Tennis Tournament in Rotterdam. Soderling won 4-6, 6-4, 6-1.

Swedish tennis aceSwedish tennis aceSwedish tennis aceSwedish tennis aceSwedish tennis aceSoderling too good for SerraSoderling too good for SerraSoderling too good for SerraSoderling too good for SerraSoderling too good for SerraAgence France Presse

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands – Robin Soderling shrugged off a slow start, firing 26 racesas he lifted his game to earn a 4-6, 6-4, 6-1 win over Frenchman Florent Serra Monday andreach the second round of the Rotterdam Open.

second and sweeping the thirdagainst his 60th-ranked opponent.

German Florian Mayer got stuckinto an opening-day marathon, re-quiring almost three hours to ad-vance over Serb Janko Tipsarevic6-3, 6-7 (6/8), 7-6 (8/6).

The marathon took up most ofthe afternoon inside the Ahoy sta-dium in contrast to the day’s open-ing contest when Italy’s AndreasSeppi defeated Swiss qualifierStephane Bohli 6-1, 7-5 in a shadeless than 90 minutes.

The 63rd-ranked Mayer, who lostin the Australian Open third roundto US Open champion Juan Martindel Potro, admitted: “I had chancesin the second set (match point) andled 3-0 in the third. “I couldn’t holdonto to either one. In the end I wasjust lucky to win.”

Mayer’s win marked the thirdstraight match that Tipsarevic hadbeen beaten by a German.

He went out in the Zagreb open-ing round to eventual finalist MichaelBerrer and lost in the second roundof the Australian open against TommyHaas - who received an American

passport a few weeks ago.Tipsarevic has now lost three of

four career matches in Rotterdamdating back to 2007.

Tipsarevic’s countryman NovakDjokovic is the top seed as hestrives to hang onto his new worldnumber two ranking on the ATP listbehind Roger Federer.

Holder Andy Murray, still stungafter losing to Federer eight daysago in the Australian Open final, isnot playing this week while 2009losing finalist Rafael Nadal is rest-ing his right knee until a likely re-turn scheduled for mid-March atIndian Wells.

Against Tipsarevic, Mayer hadthe chance to close out a straight-set victory, but missed his matchpoint chance in the tiebreaker.

The 26-year-old German im-proved to 3-2 this season as he fi-nally prevailed in the deciding setafter saving a Tipsarevic matchpoint.

Mayer managed a dozen aces,saving nine of the ten break pointshe faced. Tipsarevic lost serve twiceto level at a 4-4 record for 2010.

Lakers down Spurs forsecond win without Kobe

AP Photo/Gus Ruelas

Los Angeles Lakers guard Shannon Brown (12) flies by San An-tonio Spurs forward Antonio McDyess for a basket on a fastbreak in the first half of an NBA basketball game, Monday, Feb.8, 2010, in Los Angeles.

the first quarter but the Lakers over-hauled them and had a 50-47 leadat halftime. The Lakers thenstretched the advantage and surgedearly in the fourth to go up by 11.

Los Angeles ended a five-yearstretch without a win in Portland onSaturday and continued their bal-anced play in the absence of theirleading scorer Bryant, with fiveplayers finishing in double figures.

The role players stepped up whileBryant gets a well-needed rest afterplaying through various injuries thisseason. His absence on Saturday wasthe first game he has missed since2007 and he is currently listed asday-to-day. “If I’m not able to playI won’t play and If I am I will - it’sas easy as that,” Bryant said.

“If (Sunday’s) All-Star gamewere today I could not play in it.I’m just trying to push out inflam-mation and trying to minimize thepain and increase the range. It’s aprocess.”

The defeat for the Spurs meantthey slipped into a tie with the Okla-homa City Thunder for sixth placein the Western Conference.

Offseason acquisition RichardJefferson struggled again, manag-ing only nine points on 2-for-9shooting.

Page 15: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 15International Sport

But another Indian business-man reportedly in the running forthe Merseyside club appearedmore circumspect.

The Times of London reportedthat Ambani, the world’s seventh-richest man, was one of two ty-coons from the subcontinent com-peting to purchase a stake inLiverpool.

The paper said Ambani’s Re-liance Industries and SaharaGroup chairman Subrata Roy hadeach tendered similar bids to payoff Liverpool’s 237 million pound(370 million dollar) debts in re-turn for a 51 percent stake in theclub.

“There is no truth to the report.We deny it completely,” Reliancespokeswoman SudeepPurkayastha told AFP.

Ambani is worth 19.5 billiondollars from his investment inReliance Industries, a petro-chemicals giant, according toForbes business magazine.

In 2008, Ambani created the

MADRID - Barcelona strikerand summer signing ZlatanIbrahimovic began his transition toLa Liga with flying colours. But in2010, the towering Swede has stillfailed to find the back of the net.Nonetheless, ‘Ibra’ has divulgedthat he is not worried about his dryspell in comments reported bySport.

“It does not worry me and it hashappened other times: in my firstyear at Ajax, upon arrving atJuventus, and later at Inter. Obvi-ously, being a central striker for ateam like Barcelona, it is importantto score goals, but it is not every-thing.”

Ibra also spoke of coach PepGuardiola, commenting that hefeels well supported by the Barcaboss, who has defended him notonly for his goals, but for all hiscontributions to the team, includingcollective play and assists. “An as-sist is like a goal because it giveshappiness to a team-mate. That isjust as important to me as scoring.My bad streak does not worry mebecause I know the goals will even-tually come. If one plays well, helpsthe team, and creates chances, one

MILAN - Speaking ahead ofAC Milan’s UEFA ChampionsLeague t ie with ManchesterUnited, David Beckham haspromised he won’t be jumping forjoy inside Old Trafford – even ifthe Rossoneri are victorious.

“Sometimes emotion can getthe better of you when you score”he told Inside United, “but I donot think I would celebrate. I re-spect the supporters and theclub.”

India’s top tycoon deniesIndia’s top tycoon deniesIndia’s top tycoon deniesIndia’s top tycoon deniesIndia’s top tycoon deniesbid for Liverpoolbid for Liverpoolbid for Liverpoolbid for Liverpoolbid for Liverpool

Liverpool’sSotiriosKyrgiakos, left,is sent off byreferee MartinAtkinson,second frinright, againstEverton duringtheir EnglishPremier Leaguesoccer match atAnfield,Liverpool,England, Satur-day Feb. 6, 2010.

Agence France Presse

NEW DELHI – India’s wealthiest man Mukesh Ambani denied Tuesday a British newspaperreport that he was in a race to take over Liverpool football club.

Mumbai Indians, one of the eightteams in cricket’s Indian PremierLeague (IPL).

The newspaper said Roy’s in-terest in Liverpool appeared“more serious”. His Sahara con-glomerate said it could neitherconfirm nor deny that a bid wasin the offing.

“We are presently not in a po-si t ion to comment,” Saharaspokesman Abhijit Sarkar toldAFP.

Sahara has been linked withownership of one of the next IPLfranchises, possibly to be based inthe northern Indian ci ty ofLucknow, where the group isheadquartered.

Sahara was linked with shirtsponsorship of Manchester Unitedlast February, but the deal fellthrough.

The Times said Liverpool chiefexecutive Christian Purslow haddenied knowledge of either bid,but reported that approaches be-gan as early as November and that

some preliminary talks had takenplace.

Pressure has been mounting onLiverpool’s feuding owners, USbusinessmen Tom Hicks andGeorge Gillett Jr, to cut a deal tosell the Anfield club.

The Times quoted an unnamedsource as saying that Liverpool’sbanker, the state-backed RoyalBank of Scotland, is stipulatingthat the pair must pay off 100 mil-lion pounds of debt and inject tensof millions of pounds into the club.

The paper identified a numberof other potential bidders, includ-ing a Saudi Arabian consortiumand a US-based buyer, who is pre-pared to pay the 100 millionpounds in exchange for 40 percentof the club.

But it quoted a source close toHicks and Gillett as saying theduo would reject any bid that leftthem with less than 50 percent ofthe club’s shares, unless it in-volved either of them selling outentirely.

AP Photo/Tim Hales

Beckham Won’t Celebrate IfScore Against Man Utd

Milan will travel to The The-atre Of Dreams for the second legof their round of 16 match withUnited on 10th March andBeckham admitted how difficulthe found leaving the club.

“United was the club I alwayswanted to play for and I loved ev-ery minute of my time there. Thefirst few years (after leaving) werehard and there were a lot of thingsI missed.”

Finally, Beckham paid homage

to the United fans he left behind,revealing they would always havea place in his heart.

“The relationship I have withthe fans is still important to me. Iwent through some difficult times,but they never stopped supportingme. I would not have got througheverything without them. To methey are the best fans in the worldand the support they gave meweek in, week out was incredible.Nothing will ever better that.”

AP Photo/Juan Manuel Serrano

FC Barcelona’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic of Sweden reacts during hisSpanish La Liga soccer match against Sporting Gijon at ElMolinon stadium in Gijon northern Spain, Saturday Jan. 30, 2010.

Ibrahimovic: I Am NotWorried About Not Scoring

scores. Having said that, I am myown greatest critic and am neversatisfied.”

With respect to his adaptation toSpain, Zlatan expressed his happi-ness with his new city and team.“My family has adapted very welland I am happy here. The team haswon everything and I hope it con-tinues as such. It is incredible. I onlyregret being eliminated from theCopa.”

Ibra also expressed his pleasurewith Spanish football, believing itsupercedes the football played inthe Netherlands or in Italy. “Overthere, a 1-0 scoreline was fine andthe victory is all that matters. If Ipay for a ticket, what I want to seeis a spectacle. If you win 1-0 butyou do not enjoy yourself, you gohome dissastisfied. Here, peoplewant to see modern and fun foot-ball. If I were in the stands at theCamp Nou, I would want the same.”

Finally, Ibrahimovic praised histeam’s play, believing that “in a fewyears everyone will want to playlike us. Barca are a great team. Weall know one another and we knowwhat to do. We are all playing at thehighest level.”

Page 16: Edisi 10 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, February 10, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Despite both teams insisting theyare on course to make the first race,US F1 and Campos continue to besurrounded by speculation that fi-nancial issues will leave them un-able to get their cars and outfitsready for the season opener inBahrain on March 14.

Although under old rules absencefrom a single race would result inthe teams losing their privileges, F1supreme Bernie Ecclestone and Todthave now confirmed that provisionsare in place for competitors to missa total of three races without pen-alty.

This means that US F1 and Cam-pos have theoretically got until theChinese Grand Prix on April 18 toget their cars ready for action be-fore they fall off the roster.

This situation means that Serbianhopefuls Stefan GP have no chanceof being granted a late entry beforeShanghai - despite their eagernessto race.

Speaking to media this week,Todt confirmed the three race rule -and warned Stefan GP that there wasnothing automatic about it gettingan entry if US F1 or Campos do notmake it.

“Having less money may even behealthy, but in the meantime we’llhave 13 teams in F1 this year,” he

VITANTONIO Liuzzi is view-ing 2010 as a fresh start for his ca-reer, after finally getting a properopportunity to show what he can doin Formula 1.

The Italian says he has never feltmore at home in an F1 team, hav-ing had difficult times at Red BullRacing and Scuderia Toro Rosso inthe past few years.

“In Force India I feel really good,the atmosphere is great and the teamworks well together,” he said. “Evenwhen I was in a difficult positionlast year as a test driver they werevery supportive and I’ve built a goodstrong relationship with them.

“I feel like I’m in a family andfor sure much better environmentthan I have been in the past. Thisyear is a new start for me. I’m a dif-ferent person from two years agoand I am approaching it from a dif-ferent mentality.

“It’s a different Tonio and I’mlooking forward to what can come.I’m still young and have a lot of timein front of me so I just want to provewhat I can do.”

Liuzzi is equally upbeat aboutthe potential of the team’s new car,

Todt confident of full grid in 2010FIA president Jean Todt is confident that 13 teams will race

in Formula 1 this year, even if new outfits Team US F1 and Cam-pos Meta skip the first three races of the season.

was quoted as saying by Gazzettadello Sport.

“In the final version of theConcorde Agreement it’s writtenthat a team may be absent for threeraces. But if a team can’t go on, it’snot a given that another team comesin. It’s up to the FIA to decide whohas the requisites.”

Todt has urged a rethink of pri-orities in F1 - and thinks the sportneeds to wake up to economic andenvironmental realities that theworld is facing.

“We need to cut costs, improvethe show and draw investors,” hesaid. “F1 must understand that theworld has changed. How can youexplain that an F1 car needs 80 litresof fuel to cover 100 kilometres?

“I don’t like the cost cap; we mustget to a reduction through clearrules, for example with a single aero-dynamic package for the entire year.Will the cars slide more in MonteCarlo? [Perhaps, but] then the qual-ity of the drivers will be heightened.”

He added: “It’s not acceptable tohave given up with KERS. Theteams complain that it costs toomuch? Then they must find the wayto save money. The teams are sensi-tive when we talk about lap times,less sensitive when the environmentis discussed.”


Jean Todt

Liuzzi says 2010a fresh start for him

which will have its first test at Jerezin Spain on Wednesday.

“I have to say that the team, look-ing at what we did last year, has donea fantastic job,” he said. “They neverstopped working on the 2009 car topush right to the end, but have been

flat out for 2010 as well.“I am really confident in the work

they have done over the winter andwe’ve built a car that can regularly bein the points. That’s also my aim, plusto be more consistent and competitivethroughout the whole season.”


Vitantonio Liuzzi