edisi 10 maret 2010 | international bali post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 16 Pages Number 52 2 st Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 25 - 33 25 - 34 21 - 31 24 - 33 26 - 37 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE PAGE 6 PAGE 16 PAGE 8 Continued on page 6 Price: Rp 3.000,- I N T E R N A T I O N A L The international Bollywood Festival which will be held in Bali in 2012 can also attract the interest of the Balinese to create high qual- ity movies which emphasizes on Balinese culture. For that reason, there will be documenter movies competition in In PKB 2010 There will be There will be There will be There will be There will be movie competition movie competition movie competition movie competition movie competition SEOUL SEOUL SEOUL SEOUL SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea has recently created an army division in charge of newly devel- oped intermediate-range missiles ca- pable of striking U.S. forces in Ja- pan and Guam, a South Korean news agency said Tuesday. The report came as North Korea stepped up its war rhetoric against the U.S. and South Korea after the allies started their annual drills aimed at improving their defense capabilities. The North’s People’s Army re- cently launched a division supervis- ing operational deployment of mis- siles with a range of more than 1,860 miles (3,000 kilometers) that it had developed in recent years, Yonhap news agency reported citing an uni- dentified South Korean government source. The missiles could pose a threat to U.S. forces in Japan, Guam and other Pacific areas that are to be re- deployed in time of emergency on the Korean peninsula, Yonhap said. The report, however, didn’t pro- Denpasar (Bali Post) – Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for local or international film. There is great hope that the condition local or international film. There is great hope that the condition local or international film. There is great hope that the condition local or international film. There is great hope that the condition local or international film. There is great hope that the condition will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers. will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers. will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers. will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers. will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers. the 2010 Bali Art Festival (PKB). IB Sedhawa, the head of cultural division in Bali’s Government, said that the movies must be 15 up to 20 minutes long. Sedhawa was attending a movie workshop in Art Center Denpasar. Many famous artists acted as the speaker in the workshop such as Agung Bawantara. The material given in the workshop was re- search and script writing for docu- mentary movie while Samsul Hadi/ or Masnyonyo given how to edit the movie. “We hope that through the workshop, the movie makers in Bali could have more un- derstanding in making quality movie so they can create better movies. We also hope that Bali could become the center of world movies develop- ment,” Sedhawa added. He said that the movies who won the competition in the PKB will be played in the World Culture Forum. The forum will be held in 2011 in Bali. Agung Bawantara explained that documentary movie is the ef- fort to retell an event or incident by using facts and data. In making documentary movie, research is essential in order to create convinc- ing story line to give the proper message to the audiences.(08) (08) (08) (08) (08) Report: NKorea has medium- range missile division vide further details such as how many missiles the new division possesses and where they are positioned. South Korea’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday it couldn’t confirm the Yonhap report. However, a ministry document published last year showed that the North deployed a new type of medium-range missile believed to be the same as one it displayed dur- AP South Korean police officers stand guard as people protest against the annual joint military exercises ing a military parade in 2007. If confirmed, the division’s launch could suggest that the North has succeeded in developing more medium-range missiles since 2007 and it needed a bigger unit to man- age them, said Ohm Tae-am of the state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul. The division’s creation would also mean the North has a unit whose primary role is to prevent the U.S. from redeploying its troops in the Pacific to the Korean peninsula in the event of a conflict, said Baek Seung-joo of the same institute.North Korea’s missile pro- gram and nuclear weapons develop- ment program are major regional se- curity concerns. Cyprus police confirm body is ex- leader’s corpse Hotel occupancy rates decrease 6 percent Renault hopes to be close to top four

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Headline : There will be movie competition


Page 1: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

16 Pages Number 522st Year

e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com.http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com.



25 - 33

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For placing advertisment,please contact: Eka Wahyuni






Continued on page 6

Price: Rp 3.000,-


The international BollywoodFestival which will be held in Baliin 2012 can also attract the interestof the Balinese to create high qual-ity movies which emphasizes onBalinese culture.

For that reason, there will bedocumenter movies competition in

In PKB 2010

There will beThere will beThere will beThere will beThere will bemovie competitionmovie competitionmovie competitionmovie competitionmovie competition

SEOULSEOULSEOULSEOULSEOUL, South Korea – NorthKorea has recently created an armydivision in charge of newly devel-oped intermediate-range missiles ca-pable of striking U.S. forces in Ja-pan and Guam, a South Korean newsagency said Tuesday.

The report came as North Koreastepped up its war rhetoric against theU.S. and South Korea after the alliesstarted their annual drills aimed atimproving their defense capabilities.

The North’s People’s Army re-cently launched a division supervis-ing operational deployment of mis-siles with a range of more than 1,860miles (3,000 kilometers) that it haddeveloped in recent years, Yonhapnews agency reported citing an uni-dentified South Korean governmentsource.

The missiles could pose a threatto U.S. forces in Japan, Guam andother Pacific areas that are to be re-deployed in time of emergency onthe Korean peninsula, Yonhap said.

The report, however, didn’t pro-

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Bali is often become the setting of film making whether it is forBali is often become the setting of film making whether it is forBali is often become the setting of film making whether it is forBali is often become the setting of film making whether it is forBali is often become the setting of film making whether it is for

local or international film. There is great hope that the conditionlocal or international film. There is great hope that the conditionlocal or international film. There is great hope that the conditionlocal or international film. There is great hope that the conditionlocal or international film. There is great hope that the conditionwill make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers.will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers.will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers.will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers.will make Bali give birth to professional artists and movie makers.

the 2010 Bali Art Festival (PKB).IB Sedhawa, the head of culturaldivision in Bali’s Government, saidthat the movies must be 15 up to20 minutes long.

Sedhawa was attending a movieworkshop in Art Center Denpasar.Many famous artists acted as the

speaker in the workshop such asAgung Bawantara. The materialgiven in the workshop was re-search and script writing for docu-mentary movie while Samsul Hadi/or Masnyonyo given how to editthe movie. “We hope thatthrough the workshop, the moviemakers in Bali could have more un-derstanding in making quality movieso they can create better movies. Wealso hope that Bali could become thecenter of world movies develop-

ment,” Sedhawa added.He said that the movies who won

the competition in the PKB will beplayed in the World Culture Forum.The forum will be held in 2011 inBali. Agung Bawantara explainedthat documentary movie is the ef-fort to retell an event or incident byusing facts and data. In makingdocumentary movie, research isessential in order to create convinc-ing story line to give the propermessage to the audiences.(08)(08)(08)(08)(08)

Report:NKorea has

medium-range missile


vide further details such as how manymissiles the new division possessesand where they are positioned.

South Korea’s Defense Ministrysaid Tuesday it couldn’t confirm theYonhap report. However, a ministrydocument published last year showedthat the North deployed a new typeof medium-range missile believed tobe the same as one it displayed dur-


South Korean police officers stand guard as people protest against the annual jointmilitary exercises

ing a military parade in 2007.If confirmed, the division’s

launch could suggest that the Northhas succeeded in developing moremedium-range missiles since 2007and it needed a bigger unit to man-age them, said Ohm Tae-am of thestate-run Korea Institute for DefenseAnalyses in Seoul. The division’screation would also mean the North

has a unit whose primary role is toprevent the U.S. from redeploying itstroops in the Pacific to the Koreanpeninsula in the event of a conflict,said Baek Seung-joo of the sameinstitute.North Korea’s missile pro-gram and nuclear weapons develop-ment program are major regional se-curity concerns.

Cyprus policeconfirm body is ex-leader’s corpse

Hotel occupancyrates decrease 6percent

Renault hopes tobe close to top four

Page 2: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

InternationalWednesday, March 10, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, Chief Editor: ABG Satria Naradha Managing Editor: Wirata,Palgunadi Editors: Alit Purnata, Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Darmasunu, Daniel Fajry, Diah Dewi, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca,Sugiartha, Sutiawan, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada,Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan, Tabanan: Surpi. Jakarta: Nikson, Suharto Olii, Indu P. Adi, Ahmadi Supriyanto, Achmad Nasrudin, Hardianto, Darmawan S. Sumardjo, Heru B Arifin, AsepDjamaluddin, Ade Irawan, Ipik Tanoyo. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani, Nur Haedin, Suyadnya. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office:

Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB:Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publiser: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Singaraja, DenPostThe bad results of the UN (National

Exam) try out in Buleleng have madethe Buleleng Office of Education(Disdik) to do idea brainstorming inorder to achieve maximum passing rate.

Some of the breakthroughs madewere by holding more try-outs or pre-tests in each school and imposing addi-tional learning hours for students. Thusdisclosed by Buleleng Head of Officeof Education, Drs. Gede Suyasa, M. Pdwhen asked for confirmation on Mon-day (8 / 3). “The results were in factlike that (bad_red), but we will try vari-ous steps such as try-outs and additionalhours of study for students,” he said.

The bad results were assessed to becaused by the early examination time.So there were some unfinished materi-als, that in reality have been tested inthe try out. “This is what we will ex-amine and discuss the extra pre-test andadditional hours of study later,” addedformer Head of Buleleng Regency Li-aison and Protocol.

In addition, there are also some ma-terials tested that have not been taught.This is what makes the students were a

Based on the total DB patient data,on Monday (8 / 3), it reaches 101people with 60 new patients. While onSaturday (6 / 3) the total was 106 pa-tients with 20 new patients admitted.On Friday (5 / 3) 98 patients were intreatment, while on Thursday (4 / 3) atotal of 125 patients were treated with33 new patients. On Wednesday (3 /3) there were 105 patients with 34 newpatients and on Tuesday (2 / 3) there

Denpasar (Bali Post) –The former 7th Governor of Bali,

Prof.Dr.dr. I.B. Oka on Sunday (7 / 3)had closed his age. After strugglingwith his disease, Oka died at about23:53 in Sanglah Hospital of a heartattack. The former Governor of Baliin 1988-1998 was 74 years old. Chair-man of the Oka ‘s treating doctor team,Dr.dr. Purwa Samantra, SpS (K) saidthe team of doctors has sought themaximum effort when Oka was takento Wings International Hospital. “Hedid have multi-organ complications.

The doctors have given their maxi-mum effort,” said Purwa on Monday(8 / 3). Since late 2009 and early 2010,according to Purwa, Oka who had

A few days ago Sanglah Hospitalreceived a patient with rabies sus-pect status named Made M (36) fromthe Baha village of Mengwi -Badung. Made who came to SanglahHospital on Sunday (7 / 3) was ob-served in the Nusa Indah Room ofSanglah Hospital before he diedhours later. Currently, Made is sus-pected died of inflammation of hisbrain.

But from the lab results, Made Mwas tested positive for rabies. Thiswas confirmed by Secretary of theHospital National Rabies Manage-

Semarapura (Bali Post) –Farmers, including the ones in

Klungkung District are in frenzy be-cause they have heard the plan of fer-tilizer price increase as per April 2010.

They worry that the fertilizer priceincrease will affect prices of other farmsupporting tools. It is clearly makingthe life of farmers to go uncertain.‘’Now, there are still many farmerswhose lives are still scattered, yet to beprosperous. So, they naturally becomefrantic when hearing about the plan infertilizer price increase,’’ said a mem-ber of KlungkungPparliament, AA GdeAgung Bagus, on Monday (8 / 3).

According to Agung Bagus, fertil-izer price increase was planned to beeffective per April 2010. The plan willbe applied nationally. This is obviouslyvery concerning for farmers and thegovernment policies will clearly makepoorer farmers. Moreover, the priceincrease was designed to reach 100 per-cent (two fold) of the current prices.‘’Normally, a fertilizer price increasewill impact on the increase of other farmsupporting utility prices,’’ assertedAgung Bagus.

According to the Deputy Chair-man of Commission A Klungkung’s

New DB Patients Rise Highly

Sanglah HospitalSanglah HospitalSanglah HospitalSanglah HospitalSanglah HospitalStated Outbreak StatusStated Outbreak StatusStated Outbreak StatusStated Outbreak StatusStated Outbreak StatusDenpasar (Bali Post) —

Dengue fever (DB) outbreak status is now declared in Sanglah Hospital. This is due to accep-tance of new patients for diseases caused by the rampant Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. Usually theaverage daily new dengue fever patients who entered the hospital range from 20 patients, but lastMonday (8 / 3) new patients of DB reached 60 people. “This condition has indicated SanglahHospital is experiencing outbreak status due to doubled acceptance of new patients from theusual”, said Head of Outpatient Medical Services of Sanglah Hospital, dr. Ken Wirasandi, MARS,also at the same time as the Secretary of DB Management Team in Sanglah Hospital, on Monday(8 / 3) yesterday.

were 108 patients with 16 new patients.The increasing new patient of DB

was not only affecting the outbreakstatus, but also the Sanglah Hospi-tal occupancy rates that have reachedmore than 100%. This causes somepatients have to queue in the hallroom. As happened on Monday (8 /3), in which about 15 patients fromTriage Medik must be willing to lineup in the ER hallway to wait for

room. Most of the patients were ad-mitted of DB.

Seeing the development of DBcases, it has increased twice the num-ber when compared to cases in the samemonth of the previous year. Ken rec-ommended that the community shouldkeep alert, especially in environmentalhygiene and body immune system.“Always do the ‘3M’ routine to eradi-cate mosquito larvae”, he said. (san)

Former Governor of Bali, I.B. Oka Diesserved as Minister of the BKKBN inthe era of President Habibie was treatedby an internist, a neurologist and a car-diologist. “He had been hospitalized atleast twice at the end of 2009 and early2010. Finally, he was hospitalized be-cause of complications in his heart andstroke,” said Purwa. According to him,Oka’s condition when last seen at thehospital has improved and was evenable to eat regularly. Oka had beentreated at home for a week before hedied on Sunday (7 / 3). Former Rectorof Udayana University in 1976-1986was originally planned for control ex-amination on Monday (8 / 3) or Tues-day (9 / 3).

One of Oka’s sons, I.B. Budi

Utama when found at the funeralhome on Monday (9 / 3) said that aweek during the home treatment,Oka looked healthy and had no com-plaints. Even on Sunday (8 / 3) night,Oka was chatting with his grandson.At around 22:00 when he was goingto bed, Oka got restless. He was thentaken to the Wings InternationalSanglah Hospital at around 23:30and had had treatment before hedied. Budi stated that no final mes-sage was left by Oka before hisdeath.

Oka’s body is planned to be cleansedon Monday (29 / 3) and the Pelebonevent will be held on Friday (9 / 4). Okaleft a wife and seven children. (san)

Rabies Positive, Family Does Not Recall Being Bittenment, dr. IGB Ken Wirasandhi,MARS. “But based on the acknowl-edgment of the family, the patient wasnever bitten by a dog or other rabiestransmitter animal,” says Ken. Thisrecognition by the family was thoughtby Ken probably because the familywas afraid to admit they have been incontact with rabies suspect and be-ing considered negatively. “This is thetask of Health Surveillance Office toexplore deeper,” says Ken.

In theory according to Ken, rabiesis usually transmitted when there is aninjury and saliva of a rabies positive

transmitter. “The likelihood of beinginfected by the virus theory from alicked hand that later accidentallyrubbed the eyes is still need to be re-examined. Rabies is transmitted ifthere are wounds and saliva,” ex-plained Ken. To find out how MadeM was infected when he did not havea history of being bitten by infectiousanimals remains to be studied further.Meanwhile, according to the family,Made M had never been bitten by adog but had ever had a dog which hadbitten someone. The dog was imme-diately killed after the biting. (kmb24)

Bad Try Out Results, BulelengDisdik Pushes StudentsPerform More Try Outs and Additional Learning Hours

little nervous and surprised. For thisreason, he is coordinating with theschool principals in Buleleng to furtherintensify the class hours, especially forfinal year students. Admittedly, the tryout the results for high school were toreach only to 14.6% passing rate and20.23% for junior high.

This is very far from the last gradu-ation year in which Buleleng schoolssuccessfully achieved the 99.98% pass-ing rate for high school and 99.43%passing rate for junior high.

From the data, the number of el-ementary school students who will par-ticipate in the UN later on is as many as10,871 students (577 from Madrasah),8904 of junior high school students (315from Madrasah), 4434 of high schoolstudents (158 from Madrasah) and 1715of the vocational school students.

Thus the total students in Bulelengwho will undertake the National Exami-nation are 26,924 people. Suyasa is hop-ing to implement the steps immediatelyso that the passing rate will rise from lastyear’s achievement. “If we can, we areaiming for 100 percent passing grade,”asserted the cheerful man. (212)

Fertilizer Prices Rises, Poor FarmersExpect Government’s Subsidy

Parliament, Representatives in theCentral Parliament must address thecentral government’s policies to raisethe price of fertilizer.

Do not let the farmers to face a bigrisk. Moreover, it is currently the

recess period of members of theCentral House of Representatives. ‘’Soit is the right time for them (membersof the Central House of Representa-tives) to meet the farmers and hear theirdirect aspirations,’’ he added.

Currently, the fertilizer prices in themarket are ranging from 70 thousandto 75 thousand rupiah per 50 kilograms.If the increase were to be 100 percent,it means that the price of fertilizer willreach 140 thousand to 150 thousandrupiah per 50 kilograms. ‘’If the priceof fertilizer is a policy that must be takenby the government, at least there shouldanother solution for the poor farmers,such as subsidies, so farmers will notbe too sad,’’ said Agung Bagus.

On the other hand, when asked forconfirmation related to anticipatory mea-sures possibly taken by Klungkung Re-gency in facing the fertilizer price increase,Head of Klungkung Office of Coopera-tives, SME, Industry and Trade, NengahBecik could not be reached. (Kmb20)

Page 3: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

3Wednesday, March 10, 2010International Bali News

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Three Hindu prisoners get a valu-

able gift on the upcoming Nyepi (Dayof Silence) celebration for the CakaNew Year 1932. The three have beenfiled to get Special Remission or RKII or a direct release in exchange of theirpositive attitude during the arrest.

Section Head of Development andEducation of Kerobokan Jailhouse,Wayan Landriana accompanied bySubsection Head of Registration, MadeSuwardana, explained the three peti-tions were directed to the Bali Officeof the Legal and Human Rights. At themoment, the letter of approval had beenissued, but would be read on Nyepi.“Although this letter of agreement hadbeen issued, the prisoner concernedcould not get their rights. If during thislag time they violate automatically theapproval letter will be revoked,” ex-plained Landriana, last Monday (Mar8), while giving example of cases af-flicted the Queen of Marijuana, Corby.

In addition to the three prisonerswho were filed a special remission II,other 64 prisoners have also been pro-posed to get reduced punishment or RKI. Its letter of request had been ad-dressed to the Bali Office of the Legaland Human Rights, which in turn had

Information obtained at locationlast Monday said the victim wasfound hanging himself around 06.00am Local Time. Previously, victiminvolved in a quarrel with his wife.However, it was not known for surewhat the cause of the quarrel. A re-source person said the backgroundwas triggered by a quarrel relatedto economic problems.

After they quarreled, the wifethen went off somewhere. On thenext day, his wife came back homeat Banjar Teba, Jimbaran, SouthKuta, Badung. As soon as openingthe bedroom, the wife was ex-

Mangupura (Bali Post)—The former employees of PT.

Rumah Pantai Kreasi (RPK) com-plained to the Badung House, lastMonday (Mar 8). They claimed tobe disappointed with the attitudeof company management perform-ing unilateral termination andwithout severance pay.

Eight female former employeesof RPK arrived that accompaniedby two representatives of the fam-ily. The delegation was receivedby the Secretary of Commission DNi Putu Yunita Oktarini and amember of the Commission INyoman Giri Prasta. MadeWibawa, husband of one of theemployees who was disappointedmentioned the women includinghis wife with 11 other employeesof RPK were dismissed unilater-ally by management about twomonths ago. He said such dis-missal was also without grantingthe rights of employees such assalaries and severance.

Expressed by Nyoman Sriani,the incident triggering layoffs inRPK occurred on last January 14.At that time, there were foreignvisitors that would like to shop andtry some things on the counter ofRPK at Grand Hyatt Bali and thenbought them. However, the prob-lems began to emerge. About twodays later, the management knewthat the price of the two items pur-chased by guests have been raisedor marked-up by one of the RPK’semployees.

Such price mark-up allegation

Denpasar (Bali Post)—The high funding needed to

re-arrange the advertisement inthe area of Jalan Teuku Umar,Denpasar, resulted in the delayof such arrangement. In otherwords, the arrangement wouldnot be completed within thisyear 2010, if not allocated anyrevised budget in the RegionalBudget. Therefore, the arrange-ment of advertisement in thearea would be continued at theend of 2010.

This matter was revealed bytechnical implementer ofDenpasar Sanitation and Land-scaping Services (DKP) AgusPrihantara Marta, accompaniedby Section Head of Advertise-ment Arrangement, AA RakaWedana, met last Monday (Mar8).

Agus Prihantara said severalstages of arrangement processhave been carried out recently.The problem was, other thanadvert ising, that his partywould also re-arrange the land-scaping along the path. “Wehave worked on some of them,but for all billboards, probablywill not be able to be completedwithin the mid of this year,”said Agus.

Re-arrangement of adver-tisement on Jalan Teuku Umarwas initiated by the high inter-

After Quarreling withAfter Quarreling withAfter Quarreling withAfter Quarreling withAfter Quarreling withWife, Husband DiesWife, Husband DiesWife, Husband DiesWife, Husband DiesWife, Husband Diesby Hanging Himselfby Hanging Himselfby Hanging Himselfby Hanging Himselfby Hanging HimselfDenpasar (Bali Post)—

It was unknown for sure what the actual problem faced by Wayan Damiarta, 39, that madehim determined to end his life by hanging himself on last Monday (Mar 8). Victim hanged himselfin his room on the following day after having a quarrel with his wife, Ni Ketut Sumiati, 40.Ironically, the person who first discovered the victim was his wife.

tremely surprised to see the incident.She found him to have been hungand even he was no longer alive. Atthat time, condition of the victim wasthat his tongue stuck outward.

Knowing the circumstances, thewife screamed and asked for help topeople nearby. Immediately, the in-cident was reported to South KutaSector Police. “We received the re-port at about 06:00 am Local Time.Furthermore, some members in-stantly came to the scene,” saidChief of South Kuta Sector Police,Nanang Prihasmoko, last Monday.

After initial examination by as-

signing some identification officersof Denpasar Metro Police, it was notfound any signs of violence on thevictim’s body. “We did not find anysigns of violence. However, for fur-ther investigation, the victim’s bodywas taken to hospital for medicalforensic examination,” he said.

Chief Nanang Prihasmoko alsoadded his party had examined sev-eral witnesses related to the incident.In addition, the victim apparentlyalso wrote a letter addressed to hisparents. He requested to keep his sonand sincerely apologized for themistake done. (kmb21)

Due to Financial Obstacle,Advertisement Re-arrangementon Jalan Teuku Umar Delayed

est of businesspeople to install ad-vertisement at the area. Unfortu-nately, due to badly-organized, itresulted in the snafu appearanceof the city. The installation of ad-vertisement, either in the form ofbillboards, banners, umbul-umbuland pamphlets often ignored theprocedures of billboard installa-tion. On that account, the currentprogram of DKP was by re-ar-rangement of advertisement ap-pearance at the strategic region.

Previously, Head of DenpasarSanitation and Landscaping Ser-vices, I Ketut Wisada, said the re-arrangement had been workedsince the beginning of the year2010. The arrangement had beendiscussed with other relevantagencies, such as the IndonesiaAssociation of Advertising Com-panies (P3I), Indonesia Associa-tion of Outdoor Media (AMLI),Agency for Regional Develop-ment (Bappeda), and other rel-evant agencies, as well as DKP asthe leading sector in the billboardinstallation arrangement of JalanTeuku Umar.

Wisada admitted Jalan TeukuUmar was an area that became thecenter of attention and the execu-tive economic zone. In this area,the number, location, and shape ofadvertisement would be deter-mined by DKP. Advertisers whowould not obey the rule set would

be no longer given any permitof advertisement installation inthe region. “We hope JalanTeuku Umar area becomes anicon in the arrangement of ad-vertisement in Denpasar. Thismeans that there will be adver-tisement having the nuance ofcultural creative economy,” hesaid.

Arrangement of the adver-tisement installation in this stra-tegic area, he said, would affectthe acquisition of RegionallyGenerated Revenue (PAD) fromthe advertisement when viewedfrom the amount of publicity.However, it also would makechanges in advertising rates inthe region. “If this could havebeen applied, the charge will bedifferent from advertising in thefree zone. This change will begoverned by decree of mayor,”said former Assistant II ofDenpasar City government.

In years to come, saidWisada, arrangement of adver-tisement installation would notonly be on Jalan Teuku Umar.After that, other regions wouldfollow. However, it would beperformed gradually to otherregions such as Jalan DewiSartika and other strategic ar-eas. Meanwhile, ordinary areahad been set for the area ofJalan Diponegoro. (kmb12)

Nyepi, Three HinduPrisoners Release

given his consent. Similarly, prisonerswho had RK II, the certainty of it wouldbe announced on Nyepi. Meanwhile,17 other prisoners have been petitionedfor approval to the Minister of Justiceand Human Rights, because it was as-sociated with the Government Regula-tion No. 28/2008, about the mechanismof remission conferral. “Approval fromthe central government had not beenreceived. Hopefully, before Nyepi theletter has come down,” he hoped.

When asked about whether therewere prisoners who had been filedno remission, Landriana stated thatsome prisoners had not been. How-ever, he did not remember howmany. He just asserted such prison-ers did not have relation to any vio-lation during the arrest. They havenot been petitioned for remissionbecause were going through crimi-nal fines. According to the applicablepenalty, prisoners undergoing finesentence would serve a full sentenceas decided by the judges.

”Those prisoners were not filed anyremission, because they were only serv-ing criminal fines. Except at the sametime they also serve criminal impris-onment, so they will automatically befiled a remission,” he added. (015)

Fired, Former Employees ofRPK Complain to the House

by unscrupulous employee wasthen traced by the management.The management then questionedthe issue to all employees andasked employees who were guiltyto confess. According to him, itwas not investigated properly eventhe management did not want toaccept any reason.

“Employees were summonedone by one and told to sign a state-ment. Employees did not know ex-actly what it was because writtenin English. Then, we were alsocalled to the South Kuta police tobe examined as a witness. And forinformation, the person of em-ployee who alleged to havemarked-up the price of goods hadgone to Java,” he said.

On responding to this condition,Giri Prasta claimed his party ac-commodated the aspirations ofthose former employees. However,he argued, his party could not acton this issue because the report wasjust received from one side. “Obvi-ously, we will help facilitate theresolution of this issue, so there willbe a win-win solution. Currently,we are not able to express an atti-tude, because this issue has alsoentered into the realm of law. For awhile we ask that the legal processcould be respected,” he said.

For this reason, both Yunita andGiri Prasta claimed that they wouldmake raid to foreigner-owned re-tail company located at JalanWerkudara Legian Kaja 526 to getan explanation from the manage-ment. (ded)

Page 4: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

International4 Wednesday, March 10, 2010 News

Biden is making the highest-level visit to Israel and the Pales-tinian territories by an Obama ad-ministration official.

Ahead of a meeting with IsraeliPresident Shimon Peres on Tues-day, Biden also said there is “ab-solutely no space between Israeland the United States” whereIsrael’s security is concerned.

Hours after Biden’s arrivalMonday, the U.S. announced thatIsrael and the Palestinian Author-ity would begin indirect peacenegotiations, breaking a 14-monthdeadlock.

Biden is slated to meet with Is-raeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu and Palestinian Presi-dent Mahmoud Abbas before con-tinuing to Jordan on Thursday.

Biden sees “momentBiden sees “momentBiden sees “momentBiden sees “momentBiden sees “momentof opportunity” in Mideastof opportunity” in Mideastof opportunity” in Mideastof opportunity” in Mideastof opportunity” in Mideast

Vice President Joseph Biden

JERUSALEM – U.S. ViceJERUSALEM – U.S. ViceJERUSALEM – U.S. ViceJERUSALEM – U.S. ViceJERUSALEM – U.S. VicePresident Joseph Biden says therePresident Joseph Biden says therePresident Joseph Biden says therePresident Joseph Biden says therePresident Joseph Biden says thereis a “moment of opportunity” foris a “moment of opportunity” foris a “moment of opportunity” foris a “moment of opportunity” foris a “moment of opportunity” forpeace between Israelis and Pales-peace between Israelis and Pales-peace between Israelis and Pales-peace between Israelis and Pales-peace between Israelis and Pales-tinians.tinians.tinians.tinians.tinians.

BEIJING – China on Tuesdaywarned the United States againstany future arms sales to Taiwan, in-cluding F-16 fighter jets the islandhas been pushing for in hopes of up-grading its air defense capabilities.

Foreign Ministry spokesman QinGang said China is firmly opposedto U.S. sales of weapons to Taiwan,the self-ruled island that the com-munist government in Beijing re-gards as part of its territory and hasvowed to conquer by force if nec-essary.

Asked to comment on reportsthat Taiwan is pushing to buy F-16sfrom the United States, Qin saidBeijing hoped the U.S. would “takeChina’s position seriously and re-spect China’s core interests andmajor concerns.”

Incensed by the January an-nouncement that the U.S. plannedto sell $6.4 billion in weapons toTaiwan, Beijing suspended militaryexchanges with the U.S. and has

China warns US againstselling F-16s to Taiwan

threatened to retaliate against U.S.aerospace firms involved in the deal.

Since Taiwanese President MaYing-jeou came into office in May2008, Taiwan has consistentlypressed the United States to supplyit with 66 F-16 C/Ds, an upgrade onits present inventory of F-16 A/Bs.

The issue was underscored lastmonth when a Pentagon reportpainted a grim picture of Taiwan’sair defense capabilities, saying thatmany of the island’s 400 combataircraft would not be available tohelp withstand an attack from rivalChina.

Many observers saw the study asjustification for the possible sale ofadvanced fighter jets to Taiwan. TheU.S. says the F-16 request remainsunder study.

Despite rapidly warming rela-tions with Beijing, Taiwan main-tains that it needs state-of-the-artweaponry from the U.S. to help itcounter China’s threat to attack.

Fourth Australia passportlinked to Hamas killing

SYDNEY (AFP) – Foreign Minister Stephen Smith Tues-day said a fourth Australian passport-holder had been drawninto the murder of a Hamas leader in Dubai, after Interpolissued an alert for a suspect using the man’s name.

A team of Australian Federal Police and Australian Pass-port Office officials are already in Israel to investigate theuse of three fake Australian passports in the January death ofMahmud al-Mabhuh.

Smith said that a fourth Australian passport, in the nameof Joshua Krycer, had also been linked to the alleged assassi-nation.

“Inquiries by the Australian Federal Police and the Aus-tralian Passport Office indicate the further passport presentedin Dubai was fraudulently duplicated, as was the case withthe initial three passports,” Smith said.

“There is no information to suggest that Mr. Krycer, aswith any of the other three Australian passport holders, wasinvolved in any way, other than as victims of identity fraud,”he said in a statement.

Mabhuh, a founder of the military wing of the PalestinianIslamist movement Hamas, was found dead in his Dubai ho-tel room on January 20. Police say he had been drugged thensuffocated.

Australian reports said Krycer is a speech pathologist whoworks at a hospital in Jerusalem.


Foreign Minister Stephen Smith


Page 5: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

General Info Wednesday, March 10, 2010 5International

DenpasarDenpasarDenpasarDenpasarDenpasarThere are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP SanglahRSUP SanglahRSUP SanglahRSUP SanglahRSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu HospitalKasih Ibu HospitalKasih Ibu HospitalKasih Ibu HospitalKasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit WongayaRumah Sakit WongayaRumah Sakit WongayaRumah Sakit WongayaRumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.

BadungBadungBadungBadungBadungBali Medical ClinicsBali Medical ClinicsBali Medical ClinicsBali Medical ClinicsBali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliInternational SOS Clinic BaliInternational SOS Clinic BaliInternational SOS Clinic BaliInternational SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : [email protected] ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicBali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicBali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicBali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicBali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicKuta ClinicKuta ClinicKuta ClinicKuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDental ClinicDental ClinicDental ClinicDental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ARetno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ARetno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ARetno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ARetno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralAustralian Consulate GeneralAustralian Consulate GeneralAustralian Consulate GeneralAustralian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianRoyal Danish & NorwegianRoyal Danish & NorwegianRoyal Danish & NorwegianRoyal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicThe Czech RepublicThe Czech RepublicThe Czech RepublicThe Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyFrance Consulate AgencyFrance Consulate AgencyFrance Consulate AgencyFrance Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyThe Federal Republic of GermanyThe Federal Republic of GermanyThe Federal Republic of GermanyThe Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryThe Republic of HungaryThe Republic of HungaryThe Republic of HungaryThe Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateItalian ConsulateItalian ConsulateItalian ConsulateItalian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoHonorary Consulate of MexicoHonorary Consulate of MexicoHonorary Consulate of MexicoHonorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsHonorary Consulate of The NetherlandsHonorary Consulate of The NetherlandsHonorary Consulate of The NetherlandsHonorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainHonorary Consulate of SpainHonorary Consulate of SpainHonorary Consulate of SpainHonorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyUSA Consulate AgencyUSA Consulate AgencyUSA Consulate AgencyUSA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanConsulate General of JapanConsulate General of JapanConsulate General of JapanConsulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishHonorary Consulate of BritishHonorary Consulate of BritishHonorary Consulate of BritishHonorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateSwiss and Austria ConsulateSwiss and Austria ConsulateSwiss and Austria ConsulateSwiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilHonorary Consulate of BrazilHonorary Consulate of BrazilHonorary Consulate of BrazilHonorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandHonorary Consulate of ThailandHonorary Consulate of ThailandHonorary Consulate of ThailandHonorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaEmbassy of IndiaEmbassy of IndiaEmbassy of IndiaEmbassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandHonorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandHonorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandHonorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandHonorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaHonorary Consulate of MalaysiaHonorary Consulate of MalaysiaHonorary Consulate of MalaysiaHonorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520

BangliBangliBangliBangliBangliBangli General HospitalBangli General HospitalBangli General HospitalBangli General HospitalBangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521

GianyarGianyarGianyarGianyarGianyarClinic MasClinic MasClinic MasClinic MasClinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicToyo ClinicToyo ClinicToyo ClinicToyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicPermata Bunda ClinicPermata Bunda ClinicPermata Bunda ClinicPermata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicUbud ClinicUbud ClinicUbud ClinicUbud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalGianyar General HospitalGianyar General HospitalGianyar General HospitalGianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049

KarangasemKarangasemKarangasemKarangasemKarangasemKarangasem General HospitalKarangasem General HospitalKarangasem General HospitalKarangasem General HospitalKarangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001

KlungkungKlungkungKlungkungKlungkungKlungkungKlungkung General HospitalKlungkung General HospitalKlungkung General HospitalKlungkung General HospitalKlungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371

NegaraNegaraNegaraNegaraNegaraNegara General HospitalNegara General HospitalNegara General HospitalNegara General HospitalNegara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006

TabananTabananTabananTabananTabananLaboratorium ClinicLaboratorium ClinicLaboratorium ClinicLaboratorium ClinicLaboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicMengwi ClinicMengwi ClinicMengwi ClinicMengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalDarma Kerti HospitalDarma Kerti HospitalDarma Kerti HospitalDarma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalTabanan General HospitalTabanan General HospitalTabanan General HospitalTabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855

SingarajaSingarajaSingarajaSingarajaSingarajaProdia ClinicProdia ClinicProdia ClinicProdia ClinicProdia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalSingaraja HospitalSingaraja HospitalSingaraja HospitalSingaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsPet ClinicsPet ClinicsPet ClinicsPet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Page 6: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 20106 News

DNA results obtained earlyTuesday positively identified thecorpse as Papadopoulos after atelephone tip-off led police to thebody late Monday at the cemeteryin the Nicosia suburb of Strovolos,police spokesman MichalisKatsounotos said.

Papadopoulos’ corpse was dugup from another graveyard onNicosia’s southern outskirts n Dec.11 — the eve of the first anniver-sary of his death from lung can-cer.

Katsounotos wouldn’t elaborateon the state of the corpse or pos-sible motives for the bizarre bodysnatching, but said more detailswould be revealed at a news con-ference later Tuesday.

The call to police was madefrom a phone booth a few miles(kilometers) away from the cem-etery, Katsounotos. He said inves-tigators examined the booth forfingerprints and other evidencethat could lead to the caller’s iden-tity.

Family members, includingthree of Papadopoulos’ adult chil-dren, rushed to the cemetery amidheavy police security after beingnotified of the corpse’s discovery.

The tip-off unlocked an inves-tigation that has remained mostlydormant since grave robbers re-moved a heavy marble plaque fromon top of his grave, digging downto the coffin and removing thebody of Papadopoulos, who diedof lung cancer on Dec. 12, 2008,at age 74.

The robbers left few leads at thescene. Lime was strewn over thegrave in what investigators believewas an attempt to erase any tracksthey might have left behind.

Investigators even sought thehelp of the FBI and Interpol as wellas Greek and Israeli law enforce-ment authorities to solve the case.

The bizarre body-snatchingshocked Cypriots and came as thedivided island’s Greek and Turk-ish Cypriot leaders were locked incomplex reunification talks. Thetalks have made only marginalprogress after 18 months.

Cyprus was divided into an in-ternationally recognized GreekCypriot south and a breakawayTurkish Cypriot north in 1974

Cyprus policeCyprus policeCyprus policeCyprus policeCyprus policeconfirm body isconfirm body isconfirm body isconfirm body isconfirm body isex-leader’s corpseex-leader’s corpseex-leader’s corpseex-leader’s corpseex-leader’s corpse

AFP/File –

Cypriot forensic experts inspect the dug-out grave of formerCypriot president Tassos Papadopoulos


NICOSIA, Cyprus – Abody discovered in a Nicosiacemetery is the stolen corpseof Cyprus’ ex-presidentTassos Papadopoulos, policesaid Tuesday.

when Turkey invaded after a coupby supporters of union with Greece.

Papadopoulos, who was presi-dent from 2003 to 2008, was con-sidered by many right wing GreekCypriots to be a champion of resis-tance against peace accords that areweighted against them.

A lack of a firm motive and fewclues led to widespread speculationthat the theft was politically moti-vated. Authorities tried to dampenspeculation, suggesting that ransomwas a more likely scenario.

Papadopoulos ushered a dividedCyprus into the European Union inMay 2004 after urging Greek Cyp-riots to reject a U.N. brokered re-unification plan, which he vilifiedas entrenching the island’s divisionrather than ending it. Three-quar-

ters of Cypriots rejected it in a ref-erendum; two-thirds of TurkishCypriots accepted the plan.

Papadopoulos was defeated in aFebruary 2008 presidential poll byDimitris Christofias, former leader ofthe communist-rooted AKEL party.

Papadopoulos was a central fig-ure in Cypriot politics for decades,with a career spanning most of theisland’s turbulent history since itgained independence from Britainin 1960.

A British-trained lawyer,Papadopoulos was a guerrillaleader for the Greek Cypriot groupEOKA, which waged an anti-co-lonial campaign. Later, at age 26,he was the youngest cabinet min-ister in the island’s first post-inde-pendence government.


PARIS – Mideast rivals Israel andSyria on Tuesday each announced am-bitions to develop nuclear energy, withIsrael facing the prospect that its plancould bring new attention to its secre-tive nuclear activities.

The countries laid out their hopes atan international conference in Paris oncivilian nuclear energy — which con-tributes far less to global warming thanburning of fossil fuels but still evokesmany concerns about long-term safetyissues.

The announcements raise the pros-pect that the countries’ nuclear pro-grams could come under the micro-scope of international inspectors to en-sure that they don’t cross the forbiddenline into weapons programs. Iran, forexample, has come under intense pres-sure to show its nuclear program ispeaceful.

Iran and North Korea, whosenuclear program has also drawn inter-national scorn, were not invited to theOrganization for Economic Coopera-tion and Development conference.

Israeli Infrastructure Minister UziLandau said nuclear plants built in Is-rael will be subject to strict safety andsecurity controls, and even said hiscountry would like to build them incooperation with scientists and engi-neers from “our Arab neighbors.”

“Israel has always considerednuclear power to partially replace itsdependence on coal,” Landau said.

The program aims to help Israel se-cure its energy supplies and battle glo-bal warming. Israel currently uses coaland natural gas to produce electricity.

The effort by Israel, which has longbeen suspected to have a secret nuclearweapons program, runs the risk that itsnuclear energy program will draw theeyes of the International Atomic En-ergy Agency.

The construction of a nuclear reac-tor could draw international attentionto Israel’s nuclear activities. Asked ifIsrael would allow IAEA inspectors tosupervise any new project, Landau aide

Israel, Syria announcenuclear energy ambitions

Chen Ben Lulu said only that Israelwould follow all the relevant rules.

Israel has not signed the Nonprolif-eration Treaty, which aims to limit thenumber of countries capable of devel-oping nuclear weapons.

Separately at the conference, SyrianDeputy Foreign Minister FaysalMekdad his country is looking at “al-ternative energy sources, includingnuclear energy” to meet its growingdemands for energy.

“The peaceful application of nuclearenergy should not be monopolized bythe few that own this technology butshould be available to all,” Mekdadsaid, noting Syria’s growing population.

He did not elaborate on specificnuclear plans.

Between the two countries, Israel isseen as closer to actually developingnuclear energy in terms of know-howand infrastructure.

The idea of generating nuclear en-ergy has been floating around for yearsin Israel. In 2007, one of Landau’s pre-decessors said he was working on a planto build a nuclear power plant in Israel’ssouthern Negev desert.

Landau met several months ago withthe French Energy Minister Jean-LouisBorloo, and raised the idea of French-Israeli-Jordanian cooperation in devel-oping a nuclear power plant.

Borloo was enthusiastic about thatidea, Landau said. France derives moreof its electricity from nuclear powerthan any other country and has a highlydeveloped civilian nuclear industry —and Paris sees export potential.

It was France that, beginning in the1950s, helped Israel build its nuclearreactor at Dimona. Israel is believed tohave used that reactor to construct astockpile of nuclear weapons.

Israel has never acknowledged be-ing a nuclear power, following a policyit calls “nuclear ambiguity.” Israel alsohas a smaller nuclear reactor for re-search at Nahal Soreq, not far from TelAviv.

Landau’s office says no specificplans to set up a third nuclear powerplant have been drawn up so far.

The North conducted a long-rangerocket test in April in violation of aU.N. Security Council resolution thatprohibits the country from engagingin any ballistic missile-related activi-ties. A defiant Pyongyang subse-quently quit nuclear disarmament talksand performed a second nuclear test.

The United Nations responded inJuly by imposing punishing new sanc-tions that toughened an arms embargoon the country and authorized shipsearches on the high seas.

On Tuesday, the North continuedits salvo against the U.S. and SouthKorea over their military drills, whichthe regime has long slammed as a re-hearsal for invasion.

“This cannot be interpreted other-wise than a grave provocation,” theNorth’s Foreign Ministry said in astatement. It said the North will con-

NKorea has...From page 1

tinue to bolster its nuclear capabilityas long as the U.S. military threatspersist.

The ministry, however, said theNorth is ready for both dialogue andwar, a position that contrasts from amilitary statement Sunday that theNorth would break off dialogue withthe U.S. in response to the drills.

In a Pyongyang street, citizens readnewspaper articles reporting NorthKorean troops were placed on highalert following the drills, according tofootage shot by broadcaster APTN inthe North’s capital.

“This clearly shows once again thatthe U.S. and South Korean authoritiesare peace breakers, bringing the cloudsof war to this land. They are warmon-gers who are fond of war,” Kim CholOk, a Pyongyang resident, said.

About 18,000 American soldiersand an undisclosed number of SouthKorean troops are taking part in 11days of drills that began Mondayacross South Korea.

Page 7: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

Gunfire was heard as policeraided a two storey shop-house ataround 11:00 am (0400 GMT) inPamulang city west of the capital,witnesses told local television.

Witnesses said they saw a bodybag carried by an ambulance follow-ing the gunfight and two people werearrested. Anti-terror police chief TitoKarnavian confirmed that the mankilled was linked to a militant groupin Aceh province in the north of theisland of Sumatra.

“Yes he is the culprit, the onethat sent people to Aceh. He’s a bigname,” Karnavian told reporterswithout giving more details.

But a police source told AFP

Top JI militant believed killed in Indonesia: policeTop JI militant believed killed in Indonesia: policeTop JI militant believed killed in Indonesia: policeTop JI militant believed killed in Indonesia: policeTop JI militant believed killed in Indonesia: policethat the man was believed to beDulmatin, one of the most wantedsenior leaders of the JemaahIslamiyah militant group. There wasno official confirmation on the man’sidentity but police are due to hold apress conference late afternoon.

Dulmatin is accused of helpingJI plan and carry out the 2002 Balibombings, which killed 202 peopleon the Indonesian resort island ofBali, most of them foreign tourists.

Police said on Monday 16 ter-ror suspects had been charged underanti-terrorism laws since a major raidlate February on an extremist train-ing facility in a remote region ofAceh.

Antara CANBERRA - President

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonoon Tuesday afternoon localtime is scheduled to be awardedan Honorary Companion of theOrder of Australia by Austra-lian Commonwealth GovernorGeneral Quentin Bryce AC.

The conferment will beconducted at the GovernorGeneral’s official residence atthe Government House inCanberra during a series ofcourtesy calls of the Presidentduring a three-day state visit toAustralia starting Tuesday.

The award will be givento President Yudhoyono for hisservices in fostering the rela-tions between Australia and In-donesia, and in promoting de-

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian anti-terror forces Tuesday killed a man be- JAKARTA - Indonesian anti-terror forces Tuesday killed a man be- JAKARTA - Indonesian anti-terror forces Tuesday killed a man be- JAKARTA - Indonesian anti-terror forces Tuesday killed a man be- JAKARTA - Indonesian anti-terror forces Tuesday killed a man be-lieved to be one of the most wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, Dulmatin,lieved to be one of the most wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, Dulmatin,lieved to be one of the most wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, Dulmatin,lieved to be one of the most wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, Dulmatin,lieved to be one of the most wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, Dulmatin,during a raid on the outskirts of Jakarta, police said.during a raid on the outskirts of Jakarta, police said.during a raid on the outskirts of Jakarta, police said.during a raid on the outskirts of Jakarta, police said.during a raid on the outskirts of Jakarta, police said.

Antara MATARAM - West Nusa

Tenggara (NTB) police have namedfour Indonesians suspects in theirinvestigation into a people smug-gling case involving a number ille-gal Afghan immigrants who werenabbed on Wednesday.

“The four suspects are under-going intensive questioning at theNTB’s police headquarters,” headof the provincial police’s public in-formation office, Adjunct Commis-sioner Sudjoko Aman said here onMonday.

“They have been named sus-pects because they had planned totake a group of 67 Afghan immi-grants to Australia,” he said.

The four suspects who areresidents of Lombok Timur district,were identified as Sirum (17),Makhasun (26) and Nursam (26)from Tameak hamlet, and BudiIrawan (26) from Resing hamlet. Allof them are fishermen.

Sudjoko said the four fisher-men were would be charged basedon Article 54 letter b and Article60 of Law No. 9/1992 on Immigra-tion.

President Yudhoyono receivesAustralian Government Award

mocracy and development in Indo-nesia.

President Yudhoyono wasconsidered as successful in intensi-fying and expanding the relationsbetween the two countries in manysectors including the economy, cul-ture, education, fighting terrorism,and human inter-relationship.

The President has also main-tained close cooperation with Aus-tralia in regional stability and pros-perity in the East Sia and APEC sum-mits, and in making a success in rais-ing Indonesia’s active role in globalissues like in G-20.

In many instances like terroristattacks in Indonesia and natural di-sasters in both Australia and Indone-sia, the President had acted quicklyhumanely in preparing the leadershipthe two countries needed in mutually

beneficial cooperation. The President has also led

the relations between the twocountries in fostering democracyin Indonesia and maintained eco-nomic reforms which have ben-efited the Indonesian people andthe Southeast Asia region.

After the award conferment,the President said that the appre-ciation was a great honor for himhoping it would strengthen the re-lations between the two countriesand the two peoples in the future.

During the three-day statevisit, the President accompaniedby Madame Ani Yudhoyono wasscheduled to hold a bilateral meet-ing with Prime Minister KevinRudd on Wednesday (Mar 10) be-fore proceeding to Sydney andPapua New Guinea.

Antara JAKARTA - Former Corrup-

tion Eradication Commission (KPK)chief Antasari Azhar on Monday for-mally filed papers for a review of his18-year jail sentence in theNasruddin Zulkarnaen murder case.

One of Antasari’s lawyers,Juniver Girsang, who filed the offi-cial appeal at the South Jakarta Dis-trict Court, said his client should havebeen acquitted completely “becausethere was nothing for which Antasarican be legally held accountable.”

The South Jakarta Court in

Antasariappeals his

18-yearjail sen-


February sentenced Antasari to 18years in jail for his alleged involve-ment in the murder of state enter-prise PT Putra Rajawali Banjarandirector Nasrudin Zulkarnaen.

Juniver said the charge thatAntasari had once threatenedNasrudin in an short text message(SMS) had not been proven in thecourt trials.

Also, the court trials hadfailed to produce proof that Antasarihad ordered Sigid Haryo Wibisonoand Police Senior CommissionerWiliardi, Wizar to eliminate

NTB police name foursuspects in people

smuggling case Another legal reference

namely Law Number 37/2009 onstipulation of Government Regula-tion in Lieu of Law number 3/2009about the amendment Act no. 9/1992on Immigration Law, junto articles55 and 56 of the Penal Code.

They have been indicated tohelp the Afghan immigrants to de-part to Australia, he said.

Sudjoko said police had alsoquestioned some of the immigrantsas witnesses. The 67 Afghan im-migrants who were arrested lastWednesday for trying to travel toAustralia are currently being accom-modated at a number of non-starhotels here pending the settlementof their case, police said.

The 67 Afghan immigrantsconsisting of 21 children, 15 adultwomen and 31 adult men wereamong others being accommodatedat Hotel Srikandi and Hotel Miranda,he said. The Afghan immigrantswere arrested last Wednesday intheir hideouts around Temeak beach,Pamongkong village, Jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok district, whilewaiting for a boat that would takethem to Australia.

AFP PHOTO / POOL / Mark Graham

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (L) is congratulated by Governor General QuentinBryce after being appointed an Honorary Companion in the General Division of the Order of Austra-lia, at Government House, Canberra, on March 9, 2010. The Indonesian President arrived in Australiaon for a three-day visit during which he will be given the rare honour of addressing the country’sparliament.

Nasrudin, Juniver said. “All the fundamental arguments

in the charges were not supported byreal proof, so that our client shouldhave been declared innocent,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Judicial Court(KY) also seems to doubt the correct-ness or legitimacy of the SouthJakarta District Court’s verdict onAntsari.

KY Chairman M BusyroMoqoddas said last Sunday (Mar 1)the court was setting up a team toexamine the correctness or legiti-macy of the South Jakarta District

Court’s decision to sentenceAntasari to 18 years in jail.

The KY team would be ledby the KY’s commissioner for su-pervision, Judge Zainal Arifin, hesaid.

The team would assessAntasari’s sentence from differentviewpoints, including from theviewpoint of the judiciary code ofethics. For the purpose, the KYhad requested and duly received acopy of the official text of the SouthJakarta District Court’s verdict onAntasari, Busyro said.

Page 8: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

8 InternationaWednesday, March 10, 2010

Bali Today

He said that the number of for-eign tourists visited Bali in January2010 was 179,273. The number de-creased 19% compare to December2009 which was 222.546 tourists.

The highest hotel occupancyrate in Bali was in Badung which was55% while the lowest was in Bulelengwhich was only 33%. In Tabanan, thehotel occupancy rate was 47%,Gianyar 42%, Karangasem 34%, and

For Bali’s tourism, the role ofNgurah Rai Airport is very strategic.This is because before this airportexists, tourists that came to Bali haveto enter this island through the seaport. Since the 1930s the tourism ofBali started to flourish thanks to theexistence of Ngurah Rai Airport. Likewhat being shared in the book entitled‘’Ngurah Rai Airport Bali – Gatewayto Paradise” the Ngurah Rai Airportis the gateway to Bali. It plays a vitalrole for the national tourism indus-try. According to the book, the con-tribution of Ngurah Rai Airport is al-most 60 percent of overseas arrival.

Moreover, Bali also have winmany awards from prestigious asso-ciations and organizations becauseNgurah Rai Airport. Why? Becauseby operating this airport, people over-seas can visit Bali and help shapingthe image of Bali’s tourism in theworld. As the main gate to enter Bali,Ngurah Rai Airport also plays impor-tant role in giving Bali the opportu-nity to become host of so many con-ferences and meetings, both national

Hotel occupancyHotel occupancyHotel occupancyHotel occupancyHotel occupancyrates decreaserates decreaserates decreaserates decreaserates decrease6 percent6 percent6 percent6 percent6 percentAntara

DENPASAR – The hotel occupancy rates in Bali was 53% inJanuary 2010 for star hotels. The number decreased 6% com-pare to December 2009 which was 59%. Ida Komang Wisnu,the head of Bali Statistic Department, said “the hotel occupancyrate is highly connected with the number of tourists visited Bali.”

Denpasar 52%. The highest hotel occupancy

rate was for the three star hotels whilethe lowest in the first star hotels.

The tourists visited Bali wasusing the hotels in average of 3.61days. The condition increased 0.28days compared to in Decemberwhich was 3.33 days. While the ho-tel occupancy rate for the non starhotels was 31%.


Tourists sun bathing at the Kuta beach.

Ngurah Rai Airport, a gateway to Paradise Island (3)The airport role in shaping Bali’s tourism industryBy Diah DewiAirport has important role in shaping the tourism indus-try in certain area. Where there is an excellent airport,the area will also develop in the same tune with theairport. Bali’s tourism industry also relay heavily uponthe existence of Ngurah Rai International Airport. Thisairport help Bali’s develop its tourism industry into vitalindustry just like today.

and international standards. General Manager of PT.

Angkasa Pura (AP) I Ngurah Rai In-ternational Airport Heru Legowomentioned that the air traffic ofNgurah Rai Airport shows an increas-ing numbers through these years. Hestated that per day, there are 220flights that have to be served byNgurah Rai Airport. ‘’We have servedaround 220 flights per day,” he said.In the last 10 year, the flight move-ment jumped up 75 percent. In 2000,domestic flights marked 24,982 timesand in 2009 it became 45,844 or in-creasing around 84 percent. The in-ternational flights also have an in-creasing frequency, which was in the2000 only 18,815 times to become31,353 times in 2009.

This figure, according to Heru,also happened on the passengers num-bers. The year 2000 domestic passen-gers hitting on 1,470,854 people, whileon the year of 2009 they reach around4,644,754 people or increase 216 per-cent in these last 10 years. The inter-national passengers also showing anincreasing leap around 68 percent,where in the 2000 the numbers were2,973,002 passengers and become4,980,679 passengers in 2009.

If we looking at this figuresthat show by Ngurah Rai InternationalAirport data base, we surely assumethat many of this passengers that en-

ter Bali were tourists who want tospent their money and time in this Is-land of Gods. Well, your guess is right.Many people who came throughNgurah Rai International Airport weretourists. Base on the Statistic figurefrom Bali’s Tourism Office the num-ber of foreign tourists that visiting Balion the periods of 1969 to 2006 keepsincrease steadily. Although there areseveral years where the numbers offoreign tourists decrease, overall fig-ures show that numbers keep im-proved for these past thirty sevenyears. The number of foreign touriststhat visited Bali on the 1969 accord-ing to the data was 11,278 people whilein the 2008 the numbers increasegreatly to 1,968,892 people.

Realizing its vital role fortourism, Ngurah Rai Airport keepsmaintain its service and perfor-mance. Heru said that in order tomaintain Airport’s image, an iconwas made to represent the airport.After careful consideration, it wasdecided that Gusti Ngurah is a per-sonification of a figure who is calm,not too fanatic, and able to accept in-puts, has the wisdom to be openminded, understanding of differences,and religious. Other image also hasbeen built to represent the existenceof Ngurah Rai International Airport,which is the monument of I GustiNgurah Rai. (To be continued…)

The monument of I GustiNgurah Rai being build in thefront area before the entranceto Ngurah Rai InternationalAirport to represent theexistence of the Airport.http://i41.tinypic.com

Page 9: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 9al

Aftermaking a visitto a touristdestination,you areexpected toonly leaveyour footprintsto makenature leave inharmony.However, ifwishing, youmay bringhome some most tempting photos immortalizing yourbeautiful moment with family or friends. What about yourtaste? Think about local unique snacks that will tellanother story through flavor. When you drop atCandikuning market being well known as the center oflocal fruits and vegetables, it offers you some deliciouscrackers. One of them is cassava crackers. It istraditionally made and then sprinkled with palm sugarsauce.

It is made from grated cassava added with salt andthen mold on banana leaf and attempt to press it thinly,otherwise you can use your preferred mold. Afterward,steam it until cooked. Take out and dry under sunlight.When finely dry, deep fry until crispy. To add the flavor,sprinkle with palm sugar sauce. (BTN/punia)

IBP DENPASAR - At the end of February 2010,

Adi Bachmann - in collaboration with Agung Rai -started the soft opening of his sculpture exhibition“People et cetera” at the parks of the ARMA Cul-tural Center in Ubud, even as the grand opening ofthis exhibition will take place in July 17, 2010. This“People et cetera” sculpture exhibition is now onereason more to visit the famous ARMA in Ubud.

The multi- talented German art ist AdiBachmann was born 1943 in Munich. He lives inBali since 2006 and is married to Komang Sariningfrom Lovina. Together with Komang Sarining hemanages Adi’s Gallery at Jl. Bisma in Ubud. Adihas exhibited his art at several places around theworld, such as Germany, Crete and lastly in Bali.Nowadays he keeps himself busy as an artist, au-thor, gallery and cultural event manager; in addi-tion he is continuously involved in all kind of ar-tistic, social and humanitarian projects.

In this picturesque venue Adi Bachmann andAgung Rai placed over 40 from finally 65 of Adi’smodern sculptures. According to Bachman, thenamed of the exhibition “People et cetera” becausethe sculpture arrangements and the single sculpturesexpress a lot about himself, his dreams, fears andpersonal experiences. ‘’I projected these personalpatterns on a larger level: from the “I” to “us”, soto speak, and from the “me” to “people” or “hu-mans”, if you prefer,’’ he explained.

The sculptures are highly differentiated inideas and shapes; they are mainly made from ce-ment; almost all of them are painted in bright andintense colors. At this exhibition discover Adi’sunique sculpture arrangements and single sculp-

”People et cetera”, sculpture exhibition



tures, as you will see dancing snakes; a red globewhich rests on the peak of a pyramid; a recliningBuddha who is guarded by two life-sized king pen-guins and surrounded by many strange figures: “TheArtist’s Nightmare”; thirteen representatives fromdifferent times and different geographical areas ofour civilization, who gather at an ironic “GlobalWarming Conference 2020, Ubud, Bali”.

There are also sculpture-arrangements ofthree women in the style of Cycladic Idols, who askeach other: “Shall we go for a swim, ladies?” Otherthan that you can also see the well-known phrase:“Everybody wants to get up – but not everyone suc-ceeds”. Courageous visitors might climb up one ofthe ladders and take a seat high above the less cou-rageous ones. (iah)

Jukut Urab (Mixed Vegetables with Grated Coconut)

INGREDIENTS:100 gr (3 ½ oz) blanched cabbage100 gr (3 ½ oz) spinach, blanched100 gr (3 ½ oz) long beans cut in 32,5 cm(line) pieces, blanched100 gr (3 ½ oz) bean sprouts, blanched1 large red chili, sliced1 tbsp grated coconut2 tbsp fried shallots

DRESSINGS:2 tbsp fried shallots2 tbsp sliced garlic clove1 large red chili, seeded and sliced2 tsp fried chili (Sambal Sereh Tabia)3 fragrant lime leaves, very finely sliced4 cm (1½ in) kencur, peeled & chopped¼ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon crushed black pepper½ teaspoon white sugar1 tablespoon oil

PREPARATION:1. Cut cabbage into pieces about 2,5 cm by 1 cm (1 in

by ½ in).2. Combine all vegetables, chili, grated coconut and

fried shallots in salad bowl and mix well.

For the dressing:Combine all ingredients and mix well in separate

bowl. Mix the dressing thoroughly with the vegetables;season to taste with salt, pepper and limejuice. Serve atroom temperature. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Cassava Cracker:A Crispiness to Bring Home

Page 10: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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Menjangan Island means “deer”- hangs just off-shore of the mountainous point in far northwesternBali. Because the island is in a protected position,currents and wind-generate waves are rarely a bother,and the reefs here offer fine diving, particularly forbeginning and intermediate divers. Occasionally, thewater can be crystal clear-a snorkeler, distinct, 50meters above you-and the rest of the time visibilityseldom drops to less than 25 meters.The island ispart of Bali Barat National Park, a protected reservearea that encompasses much of Bali’s little-popu-lated western end. The drive from the resort areas ofthe south is at least three hours, the first hour throughthe thick traffic that envelops Denpasar like a fog.

The coral walls around Menjangan are verticaldown to 30-60 meters, and then slope outward.Thereef surface is particularly rugged: caves, grottoes,crevasses and funnel-like splits break up the coralwall, and the surface is textured with little nooks andcrannies. Gorgonians of many kinds reach large sizeshere, and huge barrel sponges are abundant. Softcorals blanket the colorful walls all the way down.

We found the variety of fish here to be somewhatinferior to other dive sites-we ask for a lot!-but thenumbers are good and some of the fish are quite bold,as guides feed them regularly. We were blessed witha curious pack of half a dozen fully grown round-

Clear Water off Bali’s Distant ‘Deer’ IslandClear Water off Bali’s Distant ‘Deer’ IslandClear Water off Bali’s Distant ‘Deer’ IslandClear Water off Bali’s Distant ‘Deer’ IslandClear Water off Bali’s Distant ‘Deer’ Islandfaced batfish, and two aggregations of bignoseunicornfish.

A few individuals from a large school of longfinbannerfish approached us, but the majority kept adiscreet distance, as did the yellowback fusiliers,which accompany almost every dive inIndonesia.Small boats ferry divers from the NatureReserve dock at Labuhan Lalang to Menjangan’ssmall beach, where gearing up takes place in thesandy-bottomed shallows.The edge of the reef ter-race is at 1-5 meters, and a V-shaped delta of sandpoints the way out to the edge.Guides usually taketheir groups to the east (left) on their first dive-keepan eye out for a huge gorgonian at 18 meters anddown to 15-30 meters, and then back through theshallows (5-10 meters) on the way back. After a lunchon the beach, the group goes west (right). Here thewall has much more relief, and the guides send theirboat to dive, returning them directly to the NatureReserve dock at Labuhan Lalang. Menjangan’s west-ern tip holds a deeper, but more interesting dive onan old wreck. The so-called “Anker” wreck is justoff the coast, near a small dock and guardpost main-tained by the Park Service (PHPA). The guardpost-”Pos II”-is about a 30-minute boat ride; our craftanchored about 75 meters from the beach at a pointdesignated by our guide. (http://www.balivision.com) (http://www.balivision.com) (http://www.balivision.com) (http://www.balivision.com) (http://www.balivision.com)

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Page 11: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

SHANGHAI - China South-ern Airlines, the nation’s biggestcarrier by fleet size, said Tuesdayit plans to raise 10.75 billion yuan(1.6 billion dollars) to repay bankloans and replenish its capital.

The company will issue up to1.77 billion yuan-denominated A-shares at a minimum price of 5.66yuan each to 10 institutions includ-ing its parent in a private place-ment, it said in statements to theShanghai Stock Exchange.

China Southern will also is-sue up to 312.5 million H-sharesat a minimum of 2.73 Hong Kongdollars (35 US cents) to Nan LungHolding Ltd, a subsidiary of itsparent China Southern Air Hold-

“China has substantial foreignexchange reserves and ... the US T-bond market is very important to us,”the head of the State Administrationof Foreign Exchange, Yi Gang, toldreporters.

“It is normal for us to have op-erations with regard to our holdingsof T-bonds,” Yi said on the sidelinesof the annual session of the NationalPeople’s Congress, China’s rubber-stamp parliament.

The US Treasury Departmentreleased revised data last month show-ing China had cut back but remainedthe top holder of US debt at the end of

Agence France-Presse

BRUSSELS - Europe movedon Monday toward the creation ofa rescue fund of its own, designedto shore up the euro currencyshould wayward users becometrapped by spiralling debts likeGreece.

But German-driven plans fora kind of EU monetary fund im-mediately ran into obstacles as theEuropean Central Bank’s topeconomist warned they would cre-ate the “wrong incentives” andFrance countered that any fundcould take “years” to set up.

European Union countriesare already divided on how far topush for French President NicolasSarkozy’s stated desire of pan-continental “economic govern-ment.”

Politically, the left alsowants to ensure that greater em-phasis is placed on investment viasuch a fund to create jobs andgrowth.

Economic analysts them-selves warned the plans could trig-ger renewed “recession.”

The EU executive commis-sion said on Monday it would floatproposals within 24 hours to cre-ate a “European” version of theWashington-based InternationalMonetary Fund.

Paradoxically, the EU canonly currently give such emer-gency loans to non-euro members,as seen last year with Hungary,Latvia and Romania.

Economic and Monetary Af-fairs Commissioner Olli Rehn will“inform” his peers in the EuropeanCommission on Tuesday of ongo-ing “discussions” on the issue,said his spokesman AmadeuAltafaj Tardio.

He gave no details on howthe fund would be built up or run.

The plans, aimed at prevent-ing future crises, are being devel-oped in response to crippling debtsrun up in Athens, themselvesmasked by dodgy data reportingdown the years.

These have forced radicalausterity measures on Greece’sSocialist government and trig-gered strikes and violent protestsin Athens.

Greece is not alone in itstroubles. The Portuguese gov-ernment said on Monday that itwould cut spending, delay in-vestment and sell state assets tofix Lisbon’s finances.

Rehn earlier told the Fi-nancial Times Deutschlandnewspaper that financial aid,whether through loans or otherguarantees, would be linked to

Europe moves tocreate rescue fund

“strict conditions,” in otherwords, budget cuts or structuraleconomic reforms.

The commission would notcomment on German press re-ports saying Berlin wanted con-crete powers to apply “sanctions”written into new arrangements.

According to the FT, thesecould include the loss of standardEU funding, the temporary re-moval of EU voting rights andeven provisional exclusion fromthe eurozone.

At the currency’s birth a de-cade ago, Germany rejected theidea of including such safety netsfor fear of encouraging profligatespending.

As Europe’s biggesteconomy with the most to loseshould euro confidence againslide, but with a government thatis reluctant to upset taxpaying na-tional voters, Berlin is leadingmoves to strengthen a commontoolkit for euro countries.

German Finance MinisterWolfgang Schaeuble is on recordas saying that “for the internalstability of the eurozone, we needan institution that has the expe-rience and power of the IMF.”

Schaeuble’s spokesmanMichael Offer stressed on Mon-day that Berlin was working withFrance on proposals to be un-veiled “shortly.”

However, the ECB’sJuergen Stark told the financialdaily Handelsblat t that thescheme “could be very expen-sive, create the wrong incentivesand finally, burden countries(that have) more solid public fi-nances.”

A French government offi-cial added that Germany’s pro-posal is “very, very complex” andwould “require a modification ofthe treaties.”

Standard & Poor’s analystTrevor Cullinan said such a fundcould provide “breathing space”but stressed that the “ultimate re-sponsibility for correcting imbal-ances” would “remain with thesovereign state.”

Natixis economist PatrickArtus further warned that an “in-tensification of speculative at-tacks” by traders on bond andcurrency markets could unleasha vicious circle resulting in “re-cession in the eurozone and de-preciation of the euro.”

According to his spokesman,the head of the European Social-ist grouping, Poul NyrupRasmussen, said the plans are “toofocused on the monetary side,rather than looking at the best waywe can promote growth and jobs.”

China plays down concernsChina plays down concernsChina plays down concernsChina plays down concernsChina plays down concernsover US debt holdingsover US debt holdingsover US debt holdingsover US debt holdingsover US debt holdingsAgence France-Presse

BEIJING - China sought Tuesday to allay concerns about a reduction in its massive invest-ment in US Treasuries, saying it was a responsible investor and any changes were part of normalmarket operations.

December, after earlier indications ithad been eclipsed by Japan.

China held 894.8 billion dollarsin Treasury securities at the end of2009 compared with a revised 929.0billion dollars in November, fuellingconcerns in Washington aboutBeijing’s motives.

Some US lawmakers havewarned that China’s investment inbonds is becoming a political as wellas an economic risk.

China has warned of retalia-tion against the United States afterPresident Barack Obama defiedBeijing by approving an arms pack-

age to rival Taiwan and meetingTibet’s exiled spiritual leader theDalai Lama.

But other analysts have said anyserious move away from US Treasur-ies by China would trigger a fall inbond prices, ultimately hurtingBeijing.

Yi told reporters that changes inChina’s Treasury holdings were“purely market investment behaviour”and he hoped it would not be“politicised”.

“China is a responsible investorand we fully believe such investmentcan be mutually beneficial,” he said.

In this Jan. 6, 2010file photo, a bankclerk counts U.S.dollars and RMByuan notes for acustomer at a bankin Hefei, in centralChina’s Anhuiprovince. Chinasought Tuesday toallay concernsabout a reduction inits massive invest-ment in US Treasur-ies, saying it was aresponsible investorand any changeswere part of normalmarket operations.

AP Photo, File

China Southern Airlines to raise 1.6 billion dollarsing Company, it said.

State-owned China SouthernAir Holding Company and its NanLung Holdings unit will jointlysubscribe to new shares worth atleast 1.5 billion yuan — theamount of aid China’s finance min-istry awarded the airline’s parent.

China Southern said it woulduse the proceeds from the privateplacement to pay back bank loanstotalling 4.8 billion yuan and 1.35billion dollars.

The repayment is expected tolower its debt-to-assets ratio andcut its financing costs such as in-terest.

The share placement willhelp the carrier “allocate and fullyutilise their existing assets... (and)lighten the debt burden of the com-

pany,” it said. The government has injected

nearly 20 billion dollars into thenation’s top three carriers includ-ing China Southern since late 2008to help them weather the slowingtravel demand amid the global fi-nancial crisis.

The carriers have also ben-efited from a recovery in air traveltraffic spurred by the country’s re-silience during the crisis — theworld’s third-largest economy ex-panded by a red-hot 8.7 percentlast year.

Shares of China Southern,which had been suspended sinceFebruary 23, jumped 3.32 percentin early trade to 6.84 yuan from theprevious close of 6.62 yuan astrading resumed on Tuesday.

Page 12: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalWednesday, March 10, 201012

With that, Lil Wayne headedoff to face his punishment in a casethat had shadowed him as he be-came one of music’s most prolificand profitable figures in recentyears. Arrested in July 2007, hepleaded guilty in October to at-tempted criminal possession of aweapon. He admitted he had theloaded .40-caliber semiautomaticgun on his bus.

His lawyer, Stacey Richman,

Lil Wayne beginsLil Wayne beginsLil Wayne beginsLil Wayne beginsLil Wayne begins1-year jail term in1-year jail term in1-year jail term in1-year jail term in1-year jail term inNYC gun caseNYC gun caseNYC gun caseNYC gun caseNYC gun case

After saying goodbye on concert stages and online video streams, Lil Wayne had nothing to add as he was After saying goodbye on concert stages and online video streams, Lil Wayne had nothing to add as he was After saying goodbye on concert stages and online video streams, Lil Wayne had nothing to add as he was After saying goodbye on concert stages and online video streams, Lil Wayne had nothing to add as he was After saying goodbye on concert stages and online video streams, Lil Wayne had nothing to add as he wassentenced Monday to a year in jail for having a loaded gun on his tour bus. The Grammy Award-winningsentenced Monday to a year in jail for having a loaded gun on his tour bus. The Grammy Award-winningsentenced Monday to a year in jail for having a loaded gun on his tour bus. The Grammy Award-winningsentenced Monday to a year in jail for having a loaded gun on his tour bus. The Grammy Award-winningsentenced Monday to a year in jail for having a loaded gun on his tour bus. The Grammy Award-winningrapper delivered only a brief bow to fans and supporters as he was led out of a courtroom in handcuffs to startrapper delivered only a brief bow to fans and supporters as he was led out of a courtroom in handcuffs to startrapper delivered only a brief bow to fans and supporters as he was led out of a courtroom in handcuffs to startrapper delivered only a brief bow to fans and supporters as he was led out of a courtroom in handcuffs to startrapper delivered only a brief bow to fans and supporters as he was led out of a courtroom in handcuffs to startserving his sentence.serving his sentence.serving his sentence.serving his sentence.serving his sentence.

said the rapper was resolute as hewas taken away.

“He knew what he had to do,and he’s doing it,” she said. LilWayne arrived later Tuesday at theRikers Island jail complex, where hewas being held apart from the gen-eral population of inmates becauseof his fame. He has a cell to himselfbut the option of spending time in aTV room with 17 other inmates whoalso have been separated from the

Pop sensation Ke$ha wants “alittle more respect” from her musicindustry peers - because she’s sickof her “party girl” label. The TiKToK hit-maker fears she has be-come better known for her activesocial life than for her music, butshe’s determined to be taken seri-ously - insisting her success is downto hard work.

She tells Britain’s SundayTimes newspaper, “So many peoplesay, ‘So, what, are you a party girl?’And I say, ‘I’m a walking goodtime.’ Do I sometimes go out anddrink? Hell, yes. But could I have anumber one song if I wasn’t alsoworking hard? Maybe that needs alittle more respect. Also, the phrase‘party girl’ implies someone whois out at a club, maybe doing someguy in the back who you’ve justmet. Then you get in your car andyou flash your vagina at the

Ke$ha: ‘I DeserveMore Respect’

paparazzi. And I’m none of theabove.”

“I have been working on real-izing this dream, my path, my mis-sion, for years. I’ve really investeda lot of thought, time and effort intoit. The last thing that makes me is avictim. I think it’s a bummer whenpeople don’t represent that prop-erly, when they portray me aspurely one-dimensional.”

And Ke$ha is not ashamed ofher pop style, insisting more musiclovers should admit to liking main-stream songs.

She adds, “This is nothing to beembarrassed about. People like tohave fun. And sure, there’s mydeepest, darkest hipster side thatwants, for whatever pretentious rea-son, to hate pop music. But I’m justtrying to give people a way to think,it’s cool, you can not hate myrecord. You know - it’s okay.”

general population because of noto-riety or other reasons, according tothe city Correction Department.

It wasn’t immediately clear whatwork assignment he might have, ifany. The 27-year-old rap star couldbe released in about eight monthswith good behavior. Lil Wayne, bornDwayne Carter, is going behind barswith his career in full throttle. His“Tha Carter III” was the best-sellingalbum of 2008 and won a Grammyfor best rap album. His latest album,“Rebirth,” was released last month.

He made a point of leaving fanswith fanfare, from a “farewell tour”in recent months to a series of vid-eos on the Web site Ustream on Sun-day. “Law is mind without reason ...I’ll return,” he wrote on his Twitteraccount Monday morning. Dozensof fans jockeyed with photographerswaiting on the courthouse stepsMonday afternoon, cheering as LilWayne, fellow rapper Birdman andothers arrived. Shouts of “Oh, man”and “Keep your head up, Weezy!”— a nickname he often uses —erupted in the courtroom as he wassentenced.

Although Lil Wayne had agreedto go to jail, a number of roadblockskept him from starting his sentencein recent weeks. First, his sentenc-ing was postponed in February sohe could undergo surgery on his be-jeweled teeth. Then, a fire shutdown Manhattan’s main criminalcourthouse while he was on his waythere last week. He told RollingStone for a story last month that heplanned to keep working while be-hind bars. “I’ll be still rapping inthere, have a gang of raps readywhen I come back home,” he said.As for listening to music, inmatesare allowed to buy AM/FM radiosat the jail commissary.

Former “Dancing With theStars” winner Brooke Burke willbe Tom Bergeron’s new partnerwhen the series starts again latermonth. She’ll replace SamanthaHarris as co-host. Bergeron madethe announcement Monday onABC’s “Good Morning America.”

As a contestant, Burke wonduring the season that ended inNovember 2008. She has hostedTV shows including CBS’ “RockStar” and E!’s “Wild On.” Themother of four children has alsobuilt her own business on parentingissues, with an online baby prod-ucts store and job as the “mommycorrespondent” on the syndicated

Brooke Burke ReplacesSamantha Harris On ‘Dancing’

show “The Doctors.” She has morethan 1.7 million followers on Twit-ter.

Contestants this season includeformer “Baywatch” babe PamelaAnderson, reality star KateGosselin, astronaut Buzz Aldrinand Olympics figure skating goldmedalist Evan Lysacek.

Also competing for themirrorball trophy will be reality TVpersonality Jake Pavelka, sports-caster Erin Andrews, singer NicoleScherzinger, football star ChadOchocinco and actors ShannenDoherty, Aiden Turner and NiecyNash. The new season beginsMarch 22.

Jason Derulo has found a popmentor in Lady Gaga after she tookhim aside before a tour date and toldhim he was “special”. The singerrecently completed his first tour asthe Poker Face star’s support act -and he insists he couldn’t have hada better starting point and a betterperson to hit the road with.

He tells WENN, “She saidsome really cool words to me. She

Lady Gaga Turns Mentor ForNewcomer Jason Derulo

looked into my eyes and said, ‘Ja-son, I’ve met a lot of talented peopleand seen a lot of talented people butI just wanted to let you know thatyou’re special and you’re a star.’That meant a lot coming from her.”

But, now the tour’s over,DeRulo fears he’ll never be able tomatch the experience again: “It wasawesome. I played in front of thou-sands and thousands of people ev-

ery day and made new fans and itwas my first time on a tour bus too.

“It was not a low budget tour. Itwas really upscale and at someshows Lady GaGa had goldfishswimming in a pond. It was nicelydecorated backstage and the cater-ing was always really good. I’m usedto just like a lunchroom and she hadthe kitchen with all these fancy table-cloths and nice plates.”

Page 13: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, March 10, 2010 13Life Style

The automaker maintained its as-sertion that simpler mechanical flaws,not electronics, were to blame. “Thereisn’t a ghost issue out there,” KristenTabar, an electronics general managerwith Toyota’s technical center, told anews conference at the company’sNorth American headquarters in Tor-rance, Calif.

Meeting with reporters, Toyotaaddressed the work of David W. Gil-bert, an automotive technology pro-fessor at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, whose work has been thebasis of doubts about Toyota’s me-chanical fixes. At least one outsideexpert said that even if Toyota’s criti-cisms are accurate, the professor’swork shows the systems that allowbrakes to override stuck gas pedals canbe compromised.

Toyota is mounting a public cam-paign to reassure its drivers about theirsafety and defending itself against crit-ics who question the fix for 8 millionrecalled cars and trucks. Regulatorshave linked 52 deaths to crashes al-legedly caused by the acceleratorproblems. The company’s fix ad-dresses gas pedal parts and floor matsthat can cause the accelerator to be-come stuck in the depressed position.More than 60 Toyota owners whohave had their cars repaired have com-plained the problem has persisted.

Toyota dealers have fixed morethan 1 million vehicles. But the gov-ernment has warned that if the rem-edy provided by Toyota does not prop-erly address the problem, federal regu-lators could order the company tocome up with another solution. Gil-bert told a congressional hearingFeb. 23 that he recreated sudden ac-celeration in a Toyota Tundra byshort-circuiting the electronics be-hind the gas pedal — without trig-gering any trouble codes in thetruck’s computer.

The trouble codes send the car’scomputer into a fail-safe mode thatallows the brake to override the gas.Gilbert called his findings a “star-tling discovery.” House lawmakersseized on the testimony as evidenceToyota engineers missed a potentialproblem with the electronics that couldhave caused the unwanted accelera-tion. But Monday, Chris Gerdes, di-rector of Stanford University’s Cen-ter for Automotive Research, and aconsulting firm, Exponent Inc., re-jected the professor’s findings.

Toyota’s assembled experts saidthe professor’s experiments could notbe recreated on the actual road. Forexample, they said, Gilbert had shavedaway insulation on wiring and con-nected wires that would not normallytouch each other. “There is no evi-dence that I’ve seen to indicate thatthis situation is happening at all in thereal world,” Gerdes said. He addedthat the professor’s work “could re-

Toyota disputes critic who blames electronicsToyota disputes critic who blames electronicsToyota disputes critic who blames electronicsToyota disputes critic who blames electronicsToyota disputes critic who blames electronics

sult in misguided policy and unwar-ranted fear.”

To prove their point, Toyota offi-cials revved the engines of cars madeby competitors, including a SubaruForester and a Ford Fusion, by con-necting a circuit rigged up to the wir-ing of the gas pedals. Toyota supportsother research programs at Stanford’sengineering school and is an affiliateof the Center for Automotive Re-search, but Gerdes said he came to hisconclusions “with complete indepen-dence.” Gilbert did not immediatelyrespond to messages seeking com-ment. Exponent has conducted workfor companies that are being sued andonce determined that secondhand to-bacco smoke was not cancerous. Itwas also hired by the U.S. governmentto investigate the Columbia spaceshuttle disaster.

Exponent officials said they wereconducting an extensive study ofToyota electronics but they had notyet found any problems with the elec-tronic throttle controls. Toyota hasbeen steadfast in saying the problemis strictly mechanical. Company presi-dent Akio Toyoda assured Congresstwo weeks ago that Toyota researchhad not found a link between the re-ports of runaway acceleration andelectronics. Instead, the company isshortening gas pedals to prevent themfrom becoming lodged under floormats and inserting metal pieces thesize of a stamp to keep gas pedals fromsticking in the depressed position.

An outside expert, Raj Rajkumar,an electrical and computer-engineer-ing professor at Carnegie Mellon Uni-versity in Pittsburgh who studies autoelectronics, said Gilbert’s work raisesdoubts about the fail-safe systems.“Pretty much anybody who works onelectronic-based vehicle systems un-derstands that things can go wrong,”he said. He said a number of factorscould cause vehicle electronics tomalfunction, including software cod-ing errors, electrical interference andstatic electricity. He said technologywasn’t available to prove that a sys-tem as complex as Toyota’s electronicthrottle control will always behavecorrectly.

The professor wasn’t trying toprove that his test was a real-worldscenario, said Keith Armstrong, a Brit-ish electronic engineer and consultantwho advises companies on electro-magnetic interference. Instead Gilbertdemonstrated that fail-safe systemsmay not kick in if faulty signals aresent to the throttle, Armstrong saidafter reviewing Exponent’s report onGilbert’s tests. Congress has morequestions. The House Oversight Com-mittee wants to look at a 2006 memofrom company employees to Toyotasenior management that raised con-cerns the automaker was taking short-cuts on safety.

Associated Press WriterWASHINGTON – Toyota, dogged by millions of recalls and claimsWASHINGTON – Toyota, dogged by millions of recalls and claimsWASHINGTON – Toyota, dogged by millions of recalls and claimsWASHINGTON – Toyota, dogged by millions of recalls and claimsWASHINGTON – Toyota, dogged by millions of recalls and claims

that it still has not fixed its safety problems, took its strongest step yetthat it still has not fixed its safety problems, took its strongest step yetthat it still has not fixed its safety problems, took its strongest step yetthat it still has not fixed its safety problems, took its strongest step yetthat it still has not fixed its safety problems, took its strongest step yetMonday to silence critics who blame faulty electronics for runaway carsMonday to silence critics who blame faulty electronics for runaway carsMonday to silence critics who blame faulty electronics for runaway carsMonday to silence critics who blame faulty electronics for runaway carsMonday to silence critics who blame faulty electronics for runaway carsand trucks. Toyota assembled a group of experts to refute studies by anand trucks. Toyota assembled a group of experts to refute studies by anand trucks. Toyota assembled a group of experts to refute studies by anand trucks. Toyota assembled a group of experts to refute studies by anand trucks. Toyota assembled a group of experts to refute studies by anIllinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuitingIllinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuitingIllinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuitingIllinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuitingIllinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuitingthe wiring. Toyota’s experts say the experiments were done under condi-the wiring. Toyota’s experts say the experiments were done under condi-the wiring. Toyota’s experts say the experiments were done under condi-the wiring. Toyota’s experts say the experiments were done under condi-the wiring. Toyota’s experts say the experiments were done under condi-tions that would never happen on the road.tions that would never happen on the road.tions that would never happen on the road.tions that would never happen on the road.tions that would never happen on the road.

AP Photo/Bret Hartman

Dr. Matthew Schwall, Toyota’s Managing Engineer of Exponent’s Vehicle Engineering, performs a pedal teston a BMW during a live webcast Monday, March 8, 2010, at Toyota Headquarters in Torrance, Calif. Toyota,dogged by millions of recalls and claims that it still has not fixed its safety problems, assembled a group ofexperts who said studies by an Illinois professor who revved Toyota engines simply by short-circuiting thewiring were flawed because they created conditions that would never happen on the road.

Agence France - PresseWASHINGTON – Dinosaurs

were wiped out by a huge asteroidthat smashed into Earth 65 millionyears ago with the force of a billionatomic bombs, scientists said, hop-ing to lay an age-old debate to restonce and for all. The definitive ver-dict came from an internationalpanel of experts who reviewed 20years’ worth of evidence about whatcaused the Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT)extinction that wiped out more thanhalf the species on the planet.

They determined it was a mas-sive asteroid, measuring around 15kilometers (nine miles) wide, whichsmashed into what is todayChicxulub in Mexico. The eventmarked a pivotal point in historybecause it cleared the way for mam-mals to become the dominant spe-cies on Earth. “The asteroid is be-lieved to have hit Earth with a forceone billion times more powerful thanthe atomic bomb at Hiroshima,” theresearchers said in a report publishedin the journal Science.

“It would have blasted materialat high velocity into the atmosphere,triggering a chain of events thatcaused a global winter, wiping outmuch of life on Earth in a matter ofdays.” The panel of 41 scientists hopetheir findings will lay to rest once andfor all the debate about what causedthe KT extinction. Some scientistshave argued that dinosaurs and spe-cies including bird-like pterosaurs

Experts confirm asteroidwiped out the dinosaurs

and large sea reptiles were wipedout by a series of volcanic eruptionsin what is now India that lastedsome 1.5 million years.

The eruptions spewed enoughbasalt lava across the Deccan Trapsin west-central India to fill the BlackSea twice and were thought to havecaused a cooling of the atmosphereand acid rain on a global scale. Butthe evidence gathered for the studypublished in Science showed thatmarine and land ecosystems weredestroyed rapidly in the KT extinc-tion, leading the scientists to rule outvolcanic activity as the culprit, be-cause its effects would havewhittled away at dinosaurs and otherspecies over time.

“Despite evidence for relativelyactive volcanism in the DeccanTraps at the time, marine and landecosystems showed only minorchanges within the 500,000 yearsbefore the time of the KT extinc-tion,” the scientists said. “Computermodels and observational data sug-gest that the release of gases suchas sulphur into the atmosphere af-ter each volcanic eruption... wouldhave had a short-lived effect on theplanet and would not cause enoughdamage to create a rapid mass ex-tinction of land and marine species.”

The Chicxulub asteroid, on theother hand, could very well havemade short shrift of dinosaurs, pte-rosaurs and other species, the sci-entists said. The impact of the large

asteroid would have “triggeredlarge-scale fires, earthquakes mea-suring more than 10 on the Richterscale, and continental landslideswhich created tsunamis,” saidJoanna Morgan, a lecturer in geo-physics at Imperial College, Londonand co-author of the study. The as-teroid hit Earth 20 times faster thana speeding bullet and exploded intoa deadly mix of hot rock and gaswhich would have “grilled any liv-ing creature in the immediate vicin-ity that couldn’t find shelter,” saidGareth Collins, a research fellow atImperial College.

“The final nail in the coffin forthe dinosaurs happened when blastedmaterial was ejected at high veloc-ity into the atmosphere,” shroudingthe planet in darkness and causing aglobal winter that killed off speciesthat “couldn’t adapt to this hellishenvironment,” added Morgan. An-other clue that the KT extinction wascaused by a huge asteroid and notvolcanic activity was evidence ingeological records of “shocked”quartz in rock layers at KT bound-ary levels around the world.

Quartz is “shocked” when it ishit very quickly by a massive force— such as a 15-kilometer-wide as-teroid traveling 20 times faster thana bullet. The KT extinction markedthe end of the 160-million-year reignof the dinosaurs and allowed mam-mals, and eventually humans, to be-come the dominant species on earth.

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Wednesday, March 10, 201014 InternationalSport

With James sidelined for thesecond game in a row due to aninjured ankle, the Cavaliers sunkeight consecutive free throws astime wound down to hold off thecharging Spurs.

“This is a resilient team,” saidCavs coach Mike Brown. “Wehave a lot of capable players. Thething you look for is you want tomake sure guys keep trusting oneanother. That trust factor was a bigthing.” Cleveland’s Delonte Westscored 10 of his 16 points in thefourth quarter, and Mo Williamsadded 17 and eight assists, to help

Agence France - Presse

LONDON – Britain’s Lawn Tennis Asso-ciation (LTA) are to hold an inquiry after theteam suffered fresh Davis Cup embarrassmentby losing to Lithuania and risking relegationto the lowest tier of world tennis.

John Lloyd became the first Great Britaincaptain to oversee five straight defeats in theDavis Cup as the side slumped 3-2 away to

Agence France - Presse

MADRID – Valencia dropped importantpoints in the fight for a Champions Leagueplace after they were held 0-0 at home bylowly Racing Santander on Monday in theirSpanish First Division match. With fourth-placed Sevilla losing, Valencia could haveopened up a six-point cushion but they werenever at their best with a number of playersmissing through injury and suspension.

A make-shift defence struggled espe-cially against the skills of youngster SergioCanales but they still had the chances tosee off the threat from Racing going for-ward. The normally clinical David Villashot straight at the Racing keeper FabioColtorti from six-yards out and then sawanother strike come back off the post. Rac-ing also had their moments with Canalesdenied by the Valencia keeper MiguelMoya before the break and in the secondhalf Santander had the better opportunitiesto win the match.

Cavs survive withoutCavs survive withoutCavs survive withoutCavs survive withoutCavs survive withoutLeBron, beat Spurs 97-95LeBron, beat Spurs 97-95LeBron, beat Spurs 97-95LeBron, beat Spurs 97-95LeBron, beat Spurs 97-95

(AP Photo/Ron Schwane)

Cleveland Cavaliers’ Mo Williams, right, brings the ball up againstSan Antonio Spurs’ George Hill during the first quarter in anNBA basketball game Monday, March 8, 2010, in Cleveland.

Reuters -

CLEVELAND – The Cleveland Cavaliers overcame the absence of LeBron James to earn a97-95 victory over the San Antonio Spurs on Monday.

the NBA’s top team improve to 50-15. Manu Ginobili had a game-high38 points, including seven three-pointers, but the Spurs, who weremissing point guard Tony Parker dueto a hand injury, squandered a five-point lead with around six minutesto go.

After Williams made free throwsto put the Cavs on top 95-92 withnine seconds to play, Roger Masonmissed a potential game-tying three-pointer for San Antonio (36-25). Inaddition to playing without James,the league’s reigning MVP, Cleve-land were also without Shaquille

O’Neal (thumb) and lost AntawnJamison to a knee injury in the thirdquarter.

San Antonio had won four in a rowcoming into the game, despite Parkersustaining his injury on Saturdayagainst the Memphis Grizzlies.

George Hill, taking Parker’splace in the starting lineup, scored23 for the Spurs, who led by threepoints at halftime and by six early inthe fourth. “Without LeBron andShaq, and Antawn for most of thesecond half, a lot of guys had to stepup,” Williams said. “We did a goodjob today of finding a way.”

(AFP/File/Carl De Souza)

British tennis captain John Lloyd, seenhere during a Davis Cup match againstPoland in 2009, has overseen five straightdefeats in the tournament. Britain’s LawnTennis Association (LTA) are to hold aninquiry after the team suffered fresh DavisCup embarrassment by losing toLithuania and risking relegation to thelowest tier of world tennis.

Britain’s LTA launches probeafter Davis Cup loss

Lithuania - a team with only three world rankedplayers, all teenagers - on Sunday.

The loss, which came as British star AndyMurray continued to opt out of the men’s teamtournament, raised fresh questions about theway the LTA runs British tennis. It receivedover 29 million pounds (44 million dollars) lastyear in profits from Wimbledon alone, whileLithuania’s estimated annual tennis budget isjust 90,000 pounds (136,000 dollars).

“Five defeats in a row is unacceptable,”LTA chief executive Roger Draper said onMonday.

“So I have asked the LTA player director,Steven Martens, to review last week’s perfor-mance and result, and report back to me andthe LTA main board as soon as possible,” addedDraper. “That review needs to be swift and de-cisive as it is clear some real improvementsneed to be made.” Britain now face a relega-tion play-off against Turkey in July to avoiddropping into Europe/Africa Zone Group III -the lowest tier of the competition - alongsidethe likes of Montenegro and San Marino.

Former Australian Open finalist Lloydsaid after Sunday’s defeat in Vilnius he wasconsidering his position, saying: “I’ll ask my-self, ‘Did I screw up or could someone elsedo a better job?” A report in Monday’s edi-tion of The Times said former British num-ber one Greg Rusedski had been approachedto replace Lloyd, although whether a changeof captain alone is enough to revive the team’sflagging fortunes is doubtful.

But Martens said no approach had yetbeen made to Canada-born Rusedski, who al-ready works for the LTA’s talent identifica-tion team, about captaining the Davis Cupteam. “We have had no direct contact at all(with Rusedski)...Clearly we have to be swiftand decisive. But it is very important that inthe heat of the battle you don’t do anythingemotional.” Former world number four andUS Open finalist Rusdedski, who won 30 outof 43 Davis Cup matches for his adoptedcountry, told social networking side Twitter:“Cannot believe we have lost to Lithuania inDavis Cup. Unbelievable.”

(AFP/Jose Jordan)

Valencia’s Dutch defender Hedwiges Maduro (L) vies for the ball with RacingSantander’s midfielder Sergio Canales during their Spanish league footballmatch at Mestalla Stadium in Valencia. The match ended in a 0-0 draw.

Valencia draw a blankagainst lowly Santander

Moya proved to be the hero forValencia making several point-blank savesnotably from Manuel Arana and MohamedTchite. The pressure on the Valencia de-fence took its toll with the expulsion ofDavid Navarro for a second yellow cardlate on. “Although the balance of play wasin our favour in the first-half in terms ofopenings, in general we were never com-fortable and in the second-half Racing wereon top,” said Valencia coach Unai Emery.

“We were missing a lot of playersthough and Racing played well so the bestthing is to turn over a new page.” Racingcoach Miguel Angel Portugal realised thatthe game was there for the taking but wasphilosophical about the result. “Sometimeswhen you can’t win it is best not to lose,”he said. “We were unable to finish offchances and that has cost the team points.Maybe we had a different mentality againsta team of the quality of Valencia than wedo against sides of our level where we tryand play more football,” he added.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010 15International Sport

“I was amazed by the fans on Sat-urday and I must thank them for theirsupport. I hope we see the same kindof atmosphere on Wednesday becausethey will play a crucial role in our suc-cess. The stadium will be great to seeso full and the players are ready.” Reallost 1-0 at Lyon in their last-16 first-leg match on February 16, and nowhave it all to do on Wednesday at theSantiago Bernabeu stadium - wherethis year’s Champions League finalwill be played.

“Wednesday’s match is do-or-die.We are playing very good football andwe have proven that we are the stron-gest team in La Liga,” said Ronaldo.

London -

United boss Sir Alex Fergusonhas stated that Rooney - whoscored twice in the first leg to handUnited a 3-2 lead - is a major doubtfor the match at Old Trafford.Rooney missed Saturday’s 1-0 winover Wolves at Molineux, in whichPaul Scholes hit his 100th leaguegoal for United, after aggravatinga knee injury during England’smidweek victory over Egypt.

“Wayne is very doubtful forWednesday,” Ferguson said. “TheWembley pitch has killed him.”With Michael Owen unavailablefor the rest of the season after suf-fering a hamstring injury duringthe Carling Cup final - also atWembley - Berbatov seems certainto start and Ferguson has con-firmed he is in the frame.

Reports on Monday, however,have claimed Rooney could stillbe involved. The Sun suggests thatthe inflammation of his kneecaptendon will subside within threeweeks and is not serious enoughto prevent him playing. WesBrown’s suspected broken meta-tarsal has added to ManchesterUnited’s injury woes. Brownpicked up the injury againstWolves on Saturday and there areconcerns that the England de-fender may have broken his fifthmetatarsal - the one that takes thelongest to heal.

Although Brown should haverecovered in time for the WorldCup, the timing is bad for Sir AlexFerguson ahead of the Milan clash.Anderson (knee), Ryan Giggs(arm) and John O’Shea (leg) are

Agence France - Presse

WIGAN – Hugo Rodallegascored the only goal of the game asWigan dented Liverpool’s Champi-ons League hope with a 1-0 victoryat the DW Stadium here on Mon-day. Fernando Torres had alreadyhit the post when Rodallega madethe most of poor defending from theReds to fire the hosts in front justafter the half hour.

And there was little responsefrom Rafael Benitez’s side as theyslipped to a ninth Premier Leaguedefeat of the season. They are stilljust one point off fourth place butwith nine games remaining, they aresixth in the table and Tottenham andManchester City above them nowhave games in hand. It was Wigan’ssecond win of 2010 and their firstin eight matches which seesRoberto Martinez’s side move fourpoints clear of the relegation zone.

Having beaten Chelsea earlierthis season, it was also only the sec-ond time Wigan have ever beaten a“big four” team. Javier Mascheranowas once again asked to fill in atright back but Glen Johnson wasback on the bench after two monthsout. But Argentina captainMascherano did not seem to mindthe unfamiliar role and quickly gotforward to good effect. His crosswas only half cleared by GaryCaldwell and Steven Gerrardthumped a shot over from just out-side the area.

Liverpool began strongly andproduced a threat again when

(AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal, left, reacts dur-ing their Spanish La Liga soccer match against Sevilla at theSantiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Saturday, March 6, 2010.

Fans key to Real comebackFans key to Real comebackFans key to Real comebackFans key to Real comebackFans key to Real comebackagainst Lyon - Ronaldoagainst Lyon - Ronaldoagainst Lyon - Ronaldoagainst Lyon - Ronaldoagainst Lyon - RonaldoAgence France - Presse

MADRID – Cristiano Ronaldo believes Real Madrid can overcome its 1-0 first leg defeat toLyon and reach the Champions League quarter final on Wednesday for the first time since 2004,with some help from the fans. Lyon “are a strong team physically, but it’s our turn to play athome,” the Portuguese winger told a news conference.

On Saturday, Real battled back from2-0 down to beat Sevilla 3-2 and re-claim top spot in the Spanish first di-vision. Manuel Pellegrini’s side areunder pressure to bring the Champi-ons League trophy back to Madrid af-ter spending vast sums on big signingssuch as Ronaldo - the world’s most ex-pensive player - Brazil’s Kaka andFrance’s Karim Benzema.

The Spanish giants have fallen atthe last-16 stage in the past five sea-sons and have not won Europe’s most-coveted trophy since 2002 when theybeat Germany’s Bayer Leverkusen 2-1 in Glasgow. On Wednesday, theywill be without Benzema, who misses

the match against his old club with agroin strain, as well as midfielder XabiAlonso and left-back Marcelo throughsuspension.

“Everyone knows how bad thisclub wants to win the ChampionsLeague,” said Ronaldo. “It has ninetitles and wants ten, and this year thefinal is being played here. I am surewe can turn this tie around... We haveto prove to Lyon that we own theBernabeu.” Real’s French midfielderLassana Diarra said an early goal isessential. “We must start the matchstrongly, and above all watch out fortheir counter-attacks so as not con-cede a goal,” he said.

Liverpool’s ChampionsLeague hopes take abattering

Fernando Torres’ volley flew wideoff the post from Yossi Benayoun’sdeep cross.

Titus Bramble was forced intoa fine block after Gerrard brokethrough midfield again and triedhis uck from long range. But strug-gling Wigan recovered from theirearly hesitancy and causedLiverpool plenty of problems. Astrong run from James McCarthy,who was a Liverpool target as ayoungster, was only halted by afine tackle by Jamie Carragher onthe edge of the area.

And Wigan winger CharlesN’Zogbia also sent over a coupleof dangerous crosses after beatingdefender Emiliano Insua with ease.

The Reds produced a fine pass-ing move with Maxi Rodriguez andBenayoun before Gerrard scuffedhis shot wide from close range. ButWigan made no mistake when DirkKuyt gave the ball away on theedge of his own area. EmmersonBoyce curled a cross over andRodallega fired in from close rangeto give the strugglers a shock lead.

And Torres failed to levelwhen he headed over from sixyards after he was picked out by aRodriguez cross. Wigan continuedto pressure after the restart andPepe Reina had to desperately graban N’Zogbia cross at the near post.And as Torres tried to getLiverpool on level terms, he firedover from a low Rodriguez cross.Benitez had finally seen enough ofLucas and dragged the Brazilianoff to replace him with Johnson.

(AP Photo/Jon Super)

Wolverhampton Wanderers’ Karl Henry, right, fights for the ballagainst Manchester United’s Dimitar Berbatov during their En-glish Premier League soccer match at Molineux Stadium,Wolverhampton, England, Saturday March 6, 2010.

Berbatov and Pato set to start theChampions League Match

also out while Jonny Evans missedthe Wolves game. Pato included inAC Milan squad

Meanwhile AC Milan strikerAlexandre Pato has been includedin Leonardo’s 22-man squad forWednesday’s Champions Leaguelast-16 return leg against Manches-ter United at Old Trafford. Patomissed Saturday’s goalless draw atRoma having sustained a ham-string strain the previous weekend.He will travel to England, butwhether he will be fit to play re-mains to be seen.

Brazil international Pato hasbeen in superb form for Milan this

season, scoring 12 goals in SerieA and two in the ChampionsLeague.

It appears Marco Borriello is setto start up front with Klaas-JanHuntelaar, though, and Borrielloknows it will be difficult toprogress. “A very difficult chal-lenge awaits us on Wednesday inManchester,” he said. “We will goto Old Trafford conscious of ourown means after the game againstRoma in which we managed todominate in a great stadium, show-ing that we know how to play goodfootball.” Milan lost the first leg3-2 at the San Siro.

Page 16: Edisi 10 Maret 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 10, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

In the wake of the controversy,McLaren offered FIA technicalchief Charlie Whiting the chanceto give the wing another inspec-tion during a meeting originallyset-up to discuss other matters atits Woking factory last week. Thatinspection did not take place, how-ever, after Whiting suffered delaysto his travel plans while he re-turned from a trip to SouthAmerica and therefore had to can-cel his visit.

With the FIA having alreadyhad correspondence with McLarenabout the design of the wing, and

McLaren inspection delayed until Bahrain The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up

McLaren’s invite for another look at its rear wing design, followingMcLaren’s invite for another look at its rear wing design, followingMcLaren’s invite for another look at its rear wing design, followingMcLaren’s invite for another look at its rear wing design, followingMcLaren’s invite for another look at its rear wing design, followingRed Bull Racing’s recent complaints. Red Bull Racing team princi-Red Bull Racing’s recent complaints. Red Bull Racing team princi-Red Bull Racing’s recent complaints. Red Bull Racing team princi-Red Bull Racing’s recent complaints. Red Bull Racing team princi-Red Bull Racing’s recent complaints. Red Bull Racing team princi-pal Christian Horner said last week that his team was seeking clari-pal Christian Horner said last week that his team was seeking clari-pal Christian Horner said last week that his team was seeking clari-pal Christian Horner said last week that his team was seeking clari-pal Christian Horner said last week that his team was seeking clari-fication from the FIA about the rear wing concept of the MP4-25 -fication from the FIA about the rear wing concept of the MP4-25 -fication from the FIA about the rear wing concept of the MP4-25 -fication from the FIA about the rear wing concept of the MP4-25 -fication from the FIA about the rear wing concept of the MP4-25 -the design of which he believed was helping to stall it at high-speedthe design of which he believed was helping to stall it at high-speedthe design of which he believed was helping to stall it at high-speedthe design of which he believed was helping to stall it at high-speedthe design of which he believed was helping to stall it at high-speedand give the car more straight-line speed.and give the car more straight-line speed.and give the car more straight-line speed.and give the car more straight-line speed.and give the car more straight-line speed.

not believing there to be a problem.AUTOSPORT has learned that thematter will now wait until the carsare in the garages in Bahrain.

McLaren is far from worriedabout the matter – which comes onthe back of an encouraging finaltest for the team at Barcelona.Team principal Martin Whitmarshtold The Daily Telegraph lastweek: “The wing is different andinnovative, yes. But we have beenin contact with Charlie over a pe-riod of several months to check thatit complies with regulations. Wehave been assured that it does.” The FIA will now wait until the Bahrain Grand Prix to take up McLaren’s invite for another look

at its rear wing design, following Red Bull Racing’s recent complaints

Renault hopes to be close to top fourRenault team principal Eric

Boullier is hopeful his team will beable to run close to the four top squadsat the start of the season, although heconcedes it is very hard to make pre-dictions. “It has been very tough tounderstand and unpick the details ofwinter testing and how we comparewith the other teams because we don’tknow what approach they havetaken,” said Boullier ahead of thisweekend’s season-opening BahrainGrand Prix. “We took a decision torun with heavy fuel at every test be-cause we believed this was the bestway to understand and improve thecar. In terms of outright performance,I hope we are close to the top fourteams,” added the Frenchman, whois now in charge of the team follow-ing the exit of Flavio Briatore.

Polish driver Robert Kubicaagreed that it was very hard to tell howstrong Renault will be, but he believesthe French squad is at least workingin the right direction. “It’s difficult tojudge performance, but we’re head-ing in the right direction,” he said.“We also haven’t run with all our newupdates yet and there is another aeroupgrade for Bahrain, which we hopewill match the wind tunnel predic-tions and improve performance.”

“Overall, it seems that all the top

teams are quite close, but some havedefinitely hidden their full potentialduring testing and will also have moreupdates for Bahrain. So far, I thinkFerrari and Mercedes look verystrong.” Team-mate Vitaly Petrov,making his grand prix debut thisweekend, admitted he was eager to

go racing. “People are asking me ifI feel nervous, but I’m used to racingand I know what I need to do,” theRussian said. “Of course things aredifferent in F1 and I’m still learningabout the car and how to work withthe team. But I feel good and I can’twait to go racing in Bahrain.”

Renault team principal EricBoullier is hopeful his teamwill be able to run close to thefour top squads at the start ofthe season, although heconcedes it is very hard tomake predictions