economics fundamentals

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  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Economists-Moral Philosopers

    Adam Smith-The

    Wealth of Nations

    Karl Marx-Das


  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The Classics

    Adam Smith : The Wealth of Nations/

    Theory of Moral Sentiments

    Karl Marx: Capital, Communist Manifesto

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Adam Smith

    Division of Labor is Key

    Labor is the basis of wealth;

    The division of labor implies economic


    Markets are self-regulating systems for

    the orderly coordination of the division of


  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Adam Smith

    Invisible Hand

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Adam Smith

    Invisible HandAssumptions:

    Our preferences are consistent

    We act based on self-interest

    Individual Good adds up to

    Social Good

    Government Ensures Property


  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Adam Smith

    Invisible HandAssumptions:

    Enough buyers and sellers as for there not to be

    a monopoly

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Invisible HandAssumptions:

    Perfect Information that backs up our economic


  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Invisible HandAssumptions:

    No Externalities

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    But first

    Sohow is it that, as you are saying Mr.

    Smith, if value is originating in labor

    (therefore we need more workers anddivision of labor-population growth and

    economic growth), all of the profit is kept

    by factory owners?

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Conflict theory

    All societies are divided into two groups



    Our society is capitalist.

    Owners are bourgeoisie

    Workers are proletarians

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Marx on history

    The history of all hitherto

    existing society is thehistory of class struggle.

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Owners and workers

    Owners exploit workers and live off themoney which the workers earn

    Members of classes bind together in thepursuit of their common interests.

    Workers put up with this inequality

    because:They are oppressed wage slaves and cannotfight the system

    They are indoctrinated by ideology and religion

    into believing what they are told by the

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    More from Marx

    Technical progress, the growth of

    knowledge, and conflict among classes all

    foster perpetual change.

    Capitalism as an economic system is

    irrational in the sense that it stands in the

    way of making good the ability of modernscience and technology to meet human


  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals



    Marxism is an understanding of the nature

    of social relationships which you are

    expected to evaluate. Recognise that it hasstrengths and weakness as a tool of

    understanding of our culture.

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)

    Born in 1883 in Cambridge, England

    Son of John Neville Keynes

    Neville was a professor of Economics and Logic at Cambridge Univ., andwrote on Economic Methodology

    Won a scholarship to Eton

    Boy Genius

    Part of Etons social elite

    Won a scholarship to Kings College, Cambridge

    1911, he became editor of theEconomic Journal. Worked at the Treasury during WWI.

    1921, he publishedA Treatise on Probability. This was hisdissertation. It won him a fellowship at

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Keynes, Inter-war Years

    Keynes wrote theEconomic Consequences of the Peace (1919),regarding reparation payments

    Best Seller

    Made him a public celebrity

    1923, Tract on Monetary Reform(against returning to the pre-war goldstandard)

    Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill(1925, warned of depression)

    1930, Treatise On Money

    Makes millions in the stock market, commodity, and forex markets.

    1936, General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

    1937, he has a serious heart attack

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The General Theory

    I believe myself to be writing a book on

    economic theory which wil l largelyrevolutionizenot, I suppose, at once

    but in the course of the next ten years

    the way the world thinks about economic


    -- John Maynard Keynes

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Comment by Paul Samuelson

    It is a badly written book, poorly organized; any layman who,

    beguiled by the authors previous reputation, bought the book

    was cheated of his 5 shi l l ings. I t is not well sui ted for classroom

    use. I t is arrogant, bad-tempered, polemical, and not overly-

    generous in its acknowledgements... I n it the Keynesian system

    stands out indistinctly, as if the author were hardly aware of its

    existence or cognizant of its properties; and certainly he is at his

    worst when expounding on its relations to its predecessors.F lashes of insight and intui tion intersperse tedious algebra. An

    awkward def ini tion gives way to an unforgettable cadenza. When

    it is f inally mastered, we find i ts analysis to be obvious and at the

    same time new. In short, it is the work of genius.

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The General Theory

    a) According to the classical model, the consumer has insatiablewants.

    b) The consumer sells his/her labor in exchange for enough incometo buy the goods.

    c) The money value of the incomes received must be equal to thevalue of the output produced.

    d) So how can unsold goods pile up in warehouses, causing firmsto lay off workers?

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The General Theory (2)

    2. Says Law cannot hold. (Supply createsits own demand.)

    a) If spending constraints are in effect, thenthere will be a difference between (unlimited)demand and effective demand.

    b) Actual (effective) demand will usually be

    deficient to purchase total output.

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The General Theory (3)

    The market system is not self-regulating: left to its own

    devices the market system fails to make sensible use of our

    productive potential.

    Unemployment is a chronic problem in a capitalist

    economy. Government intervention in the economy can

    reduce unemployment and instability.

    Ergo Fiscal and Monetary Policy!

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Entrepreneurship and the Origins

    of Competitive Advantage Simple neoclassical microeconomic theory

    allows for little or no role for entrepreneurs

    A firm is a production function; it

    transforms inputs into outputs

    The way the firm transforms inputs into

    outputs is assumed to be technically and

    economically efficient

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals



    In reality, some firms exploit opportunities for creating profitablecompetitive positions that other firms either ignore or cannot exploit

    Seizing such opportunities is the essence of entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship involves discovery, innovation, and acting on theopportunities that discovery and innovation create (page 132):

    To undertake such things is difficult and constitutes a distincteconomic function, first, because they lie outside the routine taskswhich everybody understands and secondly because the environmentresists in many ways that vary, according to social conditions, fromsimple refusal either to finance or to buy a new thing, to physicalattack on the man who tries to product it.

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Creative Destruction

    Schumpeter believed that innovation causes most markets to evolve in

    a characteristic pattern

    There are periods of relative stability, when firms that possess superiorproducts, technologies, or organizational capabilities earn positive

    economic profits

    These periods are punctuated by fundamental shocks or discontinuities

    that destroy old sources of competitive advantage (profits above thenorm) and replace them with new ones

    The entrepreneurs who exploit the opportunities these shocks create

    achieve positive economic profits during the next period of stability

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    The Long-Run Performance of

    the Economy According to Schumpeter, the process of

    creative destruction implies that static

    efficiencythe optimal allocation ofsocietys resources at a given point in timeis less important than dynamic efficiencythe achievement of long-term growth and

    technological improvement

    What really counts is competition between

    new products, technologies, and

  • 8/13/2019 Economics Fundamentals


    Policy and Managerial

    Implications Schumpeters ideas have been used to

    defend monopoly, on the grounds that high

    economic profits are a necessary reward toencourage innovation, which results inhigher long-run growth

    Policy analysis should focus more on theimpacts of policies on innovation and lesson the impacts on prices and current welfare