ec 171-180

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  • 8/3/2019 EC 171-180


    1] EC

    Contact Report 171, Tuesday, April 6, 1982 - Quetzal

    Billy's Thought-Blockade:

    - Plejaren interruption of contacts for 6 months

    - I(Q) will be immediately accessible to you(B) when most urgent situations require it, but such may have no connection with any matters pertaining to the group or group members in a direct or indirect way.

    - also true for matters that concern you personally

    - For this reason, each of us will first clarify what motives exist in you, before we get involved in calls of yours

    - But to this end,it is now necessary that at such times,you interrupt your thought blockade so that we can explore your thoughts because by this blockade,you

    have made your thoughts untouchable even for us

    FIGU related:

    - B: How long do I have to wait in each case for a decision to conduct an operation, if I have developed such and have sent it to you for review, before I either receive your refusal or your order for implementation?

    - Q: A maximum of 3 hours, because for this purpose, we have formed a crisis committee since the time hurries and you must be able to act as quickly as possible

    - Q: I tell you good-bye for about 3 months, when I come back to retrieve the

    interim results

    Billy's Wife:

    - Q: you will also soon suffer need for your wife again

    - It will be soon enough, when you find out the negative news from herself at the end of May

    Children's & Adults Logic :

    - children of Ingrid and Ferdinand are unusually pronounced in their crying and

    screaming, which not only painfully disturbs the other group members but also each visitor and us, when we are staying in the center or in its vicinity thusdisturbing the harmony of silence

    - This childs shouting is extremely abnormal and causes pain in the ears and inthe feeling center

    - One may think here that Quetzal is hostile to children but it is infact quitethe opposite

    - Q: Its just that some people believe that children shouting in this blatant manner is normal

    - But in the present form, it isnt, and moreover, screaming babies do not belongin the direct vicinity of adults

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    - Such should be separated, where they can learn to play together and with themother

    - A child doesnt learn within the same framework and in the same manner as an adult

    - The adult mistakenly tries to grasp and to learn everything with a fathomable

    logic, which is unnatural, while a child learns everything according to naturallogic

    - So if an adult wanted to learn the truth, then he would have to do so as children do

    - But a child becomes confused if he is to learn from adults by their manner

    - And because the natural logic has become foreign to the adult, he also raiseshis descendants in the same way

    - For this reason, children can only learn logically, of course, if they are am

    ong their peers, while a mother is practically just a supervisor and a maintenance person when she watches children

    Billy's Collapse:

    - Q: you will soon suffer a collapse that will throw you down on the couch

    - Nevertheless, I am well aware that the whole annoyance with various group members contributes to the fact that your health is damaged more often and that youcome closer and closer to a collapse, but youre also really doing this by your tireless manual work and by the night-long writings of the teaching materials,etc., which deplete your health

    - Therefore, I must advise you that from now on, you take everything a little easier, that you no longer work for so long, and that you abstain from the annoyance of the fallible group members more often

    2] EC

    Contact Report 172, Sunday, July 4, 1982 - Quetzal

    FIGU related:

    - Q: My coming today is for the purpose of obtaining the interim results, whichI already announced to you at the interruption of the contacts(it has been a little more than 3 months)

    - despite all adversities and compulsory measures, that a wide-scale recognition of duty has minted itself in the individual group members, even better and more consciously than the devotion to duty itself.

    - This causes us to relax our regulations, in the sense that we can make allowances for mistakes that are committed, even if they arent fully justifiable in relation to our regulations

    - So now, after everything & especially after the findings of last night, we ha

    ve to put the entire fate of the individuals & of the whole group back into their own free hands for the remainder of the

    6-month period, in order to make our decision in this way after the set deadl

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    ine because it can only be correct if it can be made after an independent & freeaction of the group members

    - The much harder part of the 6-month period starts with the recent release because now, the logical, free-will will once again be of sole, paramount importance, as well as the necessary discipline, etc

    - As this is damn hard, we(Plejaren) now wont stand back from giving a little help to all group members; thus, we will once again be helpful with impulses

    - Special contributions of a financial form

    - INgrid & Ferdinand

    - Q: both of them should have already been excluded long ago because in too many respects, they have failed to fulfill my arrangements, by what means this evenwould have witnessed new, undetermined offspring, for which we had to intervene, in order to prevent a catastrophe that would have befallen this family, because through the folly of the two and through the instincts of a personality, the p

    ossibility for an existence in a body was given, which would have brought death,destruction, and annihilation on Earth, especially in the family of Ingrid andFerdinand as well as in the Free Community of Interests

    - As you know, we were able to prevent this through an exchange process; thus,the worst of all evil was turned away.

    Billy's nature of Equality & Neutrality:

    - Q: You act effectively and impartially, without regard to losses even in yourown family, about which I must admit that I would have difficulties in your place because it is still the case with us that in such matters, we are tempted to make certain fine distinctions when it concerns our closest family members

    , or when it concerns friends who must be censured or be reprimanded by any measure

    - We overcome these selfish emotions very well, but they often cause us difficulties

    - But unlike us, you are entirely free of such selfish preferences in such concerns, while we have not yet gotten over such

    - However, this is likely due to the fact that you live on another world with amuch harder mission and with a different type of people than is the case with us

    - Q: we also discovered the shocking fact that exists within you, that you areabsolutely neutral towards even your closest and immediate family members and friends, etc., and that you show them complete equality, a fact which knowsno difference from those people who are classified into an external circle according to our discretion

    - Concerning this, we made the surprising discovery that you are far superiorto us in this respect and that you are beyond showing selfish preferences to those who belong to your direct family circle and circle of friends

    - This is a fact that embarrasses us, my friend, because we are just on the verge of solving this problem of brotherly love and universal love, in which there

    only prevails a relevant form of absolute equality

    - Your earthly mission obviously allows you to find ways in your mind to obtain

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    absolute, egalitarian brotherly love and universal love, which still remains closed to us, so I ask you, please, to speak with me about this at an appropriate time and by order of our spiritual leaders on Erra, and about other very important things, through which you can be helpful to us

    Quetzal's invitation for Billy to teach Erran Spirit-leaders:

    - Q: we and our intellectual/spiritual leaders need your teachings and instructions.

    - These are very wise men and women on our home planet, who teach and lead ourpeople as leaders, as well as publicize the advice of the High Council

    - B: And I am to teach these? That's crazy. How could I, a simple Earth worm and barbarian, even presume to consider such a move?

    - Q: Because of your earthly body, you identify yourself too closely with theforms of the Earth

    - You should remember more often that your spirit form is the oldest on Earth,and moreover, it hasnt come from this planet, as we know in the mean time

    - This should also be a reason for you that you will very likely be in a position to instruct us and our leaders

    - You also have to consider that your spirit form is at least as old as ours and also that there are only a few leaders of our home planet who are alive with spirit forms that are a little older than yours

    - Nevertheless, the difference is so small that it cannot come into play

    - Furthermore, you also have to consider that their and your spirit forms were

    created far away from the Earth, in the same remote space, and began to learn and to grasp together and that your spirit form is absolutely equal and even superior in certain respects, as has been proven at other times and once again

    - Even though you are a stranger on the planet Earth and try to cover this withyour forced identification with the Earth forms, it has become very powerfullyevident to us after your opening of the blockade

    - And precisely because of your identification with the Earth forms and with all of the very many wants and negative concerns on the planet Earth, you have found means and ways of evolution that have hitherto remained foreign to us andthat have also been unappreciated by us on our new home world, which is dominated by the purest peace

    - And precisely these means and ways, along with many other things, you shouldexplain to us, as well as instruct us in them and teach them to us

    - For this purpose, we occasionally want to bring you to Erra for some hours, where you should then give us your instructions directly

    - Of course, the group members of your present time will partially benefit fromthese instructions because we are willing to transmit these teachings to you ascontact reports

    - But the condition for this is that on October 4th, we give a positive assessm

    ent for the continued existence of the group and for the fulfillment of the mission

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    - If it should arise that our assessment is negative, then our strange requestto you would still be valid, nevertheless

    Mis-understanding Earth Human-beings by Plejaren:

    - If we bring your mission on Earth in confrontation with our own, then we real

    ize that here, you have to impose entirely different standards than is the casewith us

    - But we first recognized this recently and only after the time when you openedyour thought blockade to us, as we demanded you

    - So we could then thoroughly analyze you once again, whereby a lot became clear to us, and we also realized that at other times, you were not mistaken about those things of which we accused you, in regards to the failure of performingyour duties along with not implementing our regulations and not enforcing them with all members in the group

    - It issued forth from this that we were wrong in the judgment of your actions, as you were also wrong in the sense that you blocked your thoughts from us completely

    - This led to various misunderstandings between us, for which we are very sorry, and which led to a wrong judgment against you.

    - Since we can now grasp your thoughts again, we can also see very clearly

    - Through your now audible thoughts, we can grasp what has remained hidden to us until now, because at that time, we mistakenly showed you the way in an unconscious form, even as you were able to shield your thoughts against us, so to us, no more time remained to analyze you truly and thoroughly, after you had r

    eceived your new mission from us in 1975

    - Thus, your deepest convictions remained completely closed to us, while we hadto be content with the superficial data and didn't know the truth of all that is deeply anchored within you

    - We only recognized this after you removed your blockade and gave us the opportunity to perform the necessary analysis at that time

    - But at that time, we didnt remember that you could and would block yourself from us, which is why we presumed to have enough time to be able to perform this necessary work in the course of time, wherein we felt deceived by your actions, which have caused us a lot of unnecessary trouble and also many misjudgments in many respects

    - But we now know the truth about you and about your deep commitment and willingness, as well as your awareness of duty regarding the fulfillment of the wholemission

    - We now also know about your reasons for your absolute modesty, which we couldnever understand in this way before, but which has now become clear to us

    Roberto Calvi:

    - on June 18th, Roberto Calvi, the head of Italys largest private bank, was disc

    overed in London, hanging from a bridge

    - The man did not commit suicide, but he was strangled & this was in connection

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    with a very intricate matter, in which the Vatican, secret services & also intelligence agencies played important roles

    - Q: But about this, I want to tell you the following in confidence, which youmust keep to yourself for the next 20 years

    3] Ec

    Contact Report 173, Monday, August 9, 1982 - Quetzal

    B: I thought that since she is now back again, Semjase would come today

    Q: After such a long absence from here and from Erra, she is still on vacation until the end of the month. You were already able to exchange a few words of welcome with her, which was also a concern of hers to be able to do this, which is why she first came here before she left

    Visitations of Plejaren & Allies to SSSC:

    - Q: You know that your center has become a recreation center for us.There we all feel very well,happy & secure.But the center hasnt just become a resort to usbut rather a true home,not just a spare home

    - We all feel at home in the center, which is why we very often spend all of our leisure time there all of us who are from Erra as well as all those whose homeworlds are different from ours but who, nevertheless, fulfill their duties hereon the Earth and cooperate with us

    - And for this reason, I would ask you to make it clear to your group members that from now on, they must be prepared every now and then to meet humans at nigh

    t, in or around the center, who are foreign to the Earth, and in this context, there is also the possibility that light phenomena, etc. will appear if materializations of our allies occur and so on

    - But there is nothing to be afraid of or to fear, for as you know, all our allies are also peaceful people, who inflict no harm on anyone or on any life form

    - The most that could happen would be a shock-induced defensive reaction, if any group member would deliberately commit a frightening action, either for fun orout of malice, etc.

    - In the case of an encounter with one of our allies, who can endure the Earth-human vibrations and, therefore, do not need to be protected by invisibility, etc., it is to be declared to the group members that in such a case, they shouldnot make any attempt to communicate but simply step aside in order to let the respective visitor pass, who will usually take no further notice of the presence of the respective group members.

    - We and our allies come to the center in order to relax and also for the purpose of our home world, which means for all of us that no entertainment or work should be associated with it

    - Moreover, a conversation would be impossible in many cases because many of us and our allies do not master any earthly languages but only understand these through the use of translators, which may not be in operation as a result of a ce

    rtain purpose-driven order from our home center that is connected to such a visit.

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    - Thus, every difficulty can be avoided if on the part of the group members, noattempts of contact are made, neither through any attempts of communication northrough any attempts of physical contact

    - This must be made completely clear to the group members because such attemptscould be misinterpreted, by what means there could be a defensive reaction which, under certain circumstances, would produce rather unpleasant consequences for

    that particular group member, if he would be struck by a paralysis vibration orby the force of a stun gun, such things finding their use among our various allies during a fright-reaction

    - So it is fitting that neither attempts of address nor attempts of physical contact take place if there is an encounter, whether the outer appearance of the respective visitor appears to be so very human, according to Earths sense, or whether it appears to be completely foreign to the Earth.

    - It may be that every night, they will be visiting among you because in truth,the entire number of visitors to the center amounts to 2,862 life forms

    - But in general, it will be such that they move cautiously, so as not to meetthe group members directly. Nevertheless, chance encounters, etc. can hardly beavoided.

    - In addition, you must be very certain that there is order around the edificesand on the paths and roads and that no materials of any kind stand about or arelying around, as has often been the case and which has already repeatedly led to small accidents even with us.

    - B: that means that actually everyone comes, thus the small elves, just as also the largest ones, the middle-grade ones, the luminous ones, the ones with luminous eyes, and all others.

    - The largest of our allies, Andron, is 5 meters and 26 cms tall according to earthly measures, and then there is Danel under him, who is 2 meters and 48 cms tall

    - The smallest ones are around 70 cms tall, and then there are those whose eyesilluminate very brightly and whose eyes are on the upper forehead of the skull

    - there are those whose entire bodies fluoresce, or those whose bodies illuminate radiantly, along with those who always practice gymnastics on elevated places, such as on rooftops and trees, etc.

    - One, of whom someone might think that a rubber ball rolls across the ground.

    - in addition to these, there are still other variously-formed life forms, butthey are all of human genus and species

    - B: is there, perhaps, a possibility for us that we may take photographs?

    - Q: Yes, you may; although, it requires a momentary bright light at night to do so. All agree to this, without exception, and they are already preparing for the fact that a short and bright light could suddenly flash if anyone of you takes photos

    - However, it must be ensured that each time, no more than 2 pictures are takenwith such flashing light.

    FIGU related:

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    - Q: I will reexamine your financial needs until the end of this month, because With various earthly families, I strove to gain insight into the financial characteristics of the preparation of meals and the execution of work of the mothertowards her children, and I realized that in all cases, the mothers financial approaches toward preparing meals, etc. for their own children are set much higherthan is the case with you

    - as of the 1st of January 1985, the center itself is utilized towards generating finances to such an extent that the group members can work there and can earncontributions that would be possible through a full-scale horticulture.

    - Thus, we press on until 1985 to make the operation self-supporting

    Relationship with Personal family members/friends/acquaintances:

    - it is, indeed, right that loving contact is maintained with personal family members, like with parents and siblings and relatives, and also with friends andacquaintances

    - But in this regard, the Earth person exaggerates his deeds and actions because he combines too much in this direction, by what means he too often lives withthe former domestic herd with parents, siblings, friends, and acquaintances, andthrough this, he retains his lack of independence, which he brings with him from childhood

    - But due to frequently living in the hearth and home, the person doesnt becomeindependent, and moreover, this close relationship means that with the death ofpersonal family members, relatives, friends, and acquaintances, much unnecessaryand illogical sorrow emerges, which could be avoided by a reasonable amount ofliving with these people during their lifetimes.

    - Ties of this kind necessarily must be limited by the Earth person, through wh

    ich the person becomes more independent

    - At the latest, if the Earth person has reached an age that can be consideredto be adulthood, then he should leave hearth and home in order to become independent and life-steady outside of this area, and each year, he should not visit the former home any more than 2 to 4 times

    - But if the person acts contrary to this, then he neither loses his dependencenor the search for protection among his own family members.

    - In the same measure, the growing-up of the person is delayed by such a falseaction, as also self-pity and self-woe are constructed, which only come about because he is constantly looking for external protection usually with his parents,siblings, relatives, friends, and acquaintances because even seeking protectionis, itself, dependent and doesnt detach itself from this dependence.

    - Thus, it is recognized from this that a maudlin and self-pitying person never becomes independent and always has to rely on the assistance of others, and one usually searches for this assistance, though often unconsciously, where the hearth and home once were, thus with the parents, siblings, friends, and acquaintances.

    - But now, if there are those who live together in family units at the center and even if adult children still live with their parents, then that is an entirely different case because through the study of the teachings, etc. and through th

    e type and manner of freedom and coexistence, these negative dependencies are slowly but surely removed, by what means they already exert only small influences.

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    - So an entirely different case appears here, which can find no comparison withthose who search for protection in their degenerated connections to their former hearth and homes, making them long for as well as visit their former homes more frequently than what is envisaged and good for them.

    - But the fact is that the more independent one is and the more one correctly lives, thinks, acts and feels in accordance with the Creation, the more he goes h

    is own way, away from his parents, siblings, friends, and acquaintances, who belonged to his direct sphere of life during the first two decades of his lifetime.

    - Everything in accordance with the Creation is so fine and well-organized thatall life forms become completely independent after a certain period after birth, as it can be observed directly and as a trend with animals.

    - And in particular, a person should act in accordance with this because as a cogitative life form, he can be and should be more farsighted and more logical than the animals.


    - Everything rests in the type and manner of upbringing, namely in forms of education that can be bestowed upon a person during his youth, but also those in which one can instruct himself

    - The less a human life form practices absolutely necessary self-education andonly indulges in educational forms that are assigned to him by his parents, etc.during his period of youthful aging, the more dependent this life form remainsor becomes.

    - If a life form is given an education from the outside, such as through parents, etc., then after and during this upbringing, self-education is necessary, inthe same proportion as if no outside education was given at all.

    - But now, if a person omits this self-education, which is often the rule withthe Earth people, unfortunately, then the person, in his entire lifestyle and quality of life, resembles exactly that which is in accordance with the outside education received.

    - But this means that the person remains life-unsteady and lacks independence,and he even steadily becomes more so, to some extent.

    - Then, the necessary self-awareness and insights are missing, by what means the person isnt able to control his own sorrows and invading pains of all kinds, and he cannot bear them, so he falls prey to a self-woe and a self-empathy, whichyou call self-pity.

    - If the person, in his youth, leaves hearth and home under such circumstances,then he also remains shy outside of this former home, being caught up in all ofthe instilled dependence that is controlling him, if he does not immediately take his self-education to hand, in order to shape his own way of life in accordance with his truth

    - But the possibility of experiencing ones self-education is already destroyed by this if a youth leaves home in order to marry and then starts his own family,without previously allowing the necessary time for his self-education to be bestowed.

    - Concerning this, our detailed studies have shown that with respect to the Earth people, at least 7 years are required for a basic self-education once a youthleaves home and enters among those Earth people who are so-called strangers.

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    - In addition, it is necessary that these 7 years are fundamentally used, afterwhich the Earth person then first attains the necessary knowledge and insightstoward independence.

    - But before this independence has been attained, the Earth person commits thebasic mistake of searching for a partner, either for marriage or simply for the

    satisfaction of sexual desires.

    - This, then, usually leads to the fact that relations received in such a way are neither permanent nor are correct and that as a result of this, offspring originate who neither enter into the world at the right time and according to destiny, nor are able to shape their lives to become independent and to live and evolve in accordance with the truth.

    - B: it might be very difficult to explain why in our community, different laws prevail in connection with this because descendants dont necessarily have to move away from home in order to become independent in the truest sense of the word

    - Q: I know, but the truth of this is simply that in your community, the truetruth is presented and is pursued slowly but surely, whereby the necessary changes take place there, and the people reach independence, even if this takes a long time.

    - Nevertheless, it is necessary for every single group member and for every single descendant member that in accordance with the teachings, they incorporate themselves into this voluntarily and knowingly and then begin to live accordingly.This, then, will automatically lead to success, which cannot fail.

    - Interestingly enough, it must be emphasized that it isnt the females of the group who have to take the more difficult path of evolution in this connection but rather the males.

    - On the whole, they are the ones who are of greater dependence, self-pity, andself-woe, and who have a greater lack of interest and initiative, and they arealso of persistent unemployment and instability, which is why unjustified changes of jobs appear among them again and again, but also unnecessary absences fromwork because they lack a sense of initiative and interest in work.

    Old men/women on ERRA:

    - Q: our oldest people yield much more initiative and true employment in all concerns and in manual labor than what is the case with these young and energeticgroup members.

    - The least of all those of our old men still accomplish at least twice as much as these young and strong group members, who feel ill and miserable if they are touched by a gentle gust of wind and stay away from any work and commitment, so that they can secretly rejoice eodem tempore (= in the same instant) about thefact that they can keep themselves away from every work and commitment by a trick.

    4] EC

    Contact Report 174, Friday, August 20, 1982

    Quetzal's monitoring equipment:

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    - Q: I very well assessed, through my apparatus that is linked to the monitoring equipment, what happened so late at the night in the center.

    - But I only became aware of this through the alarm, which was triggered by themonitoring equipment

    GIZA ALLIES attack:

    - at around 10:00 PM, a strong searchlight suddenly glistened through the window curtain very strongly, as if it was from a halogen lamp

    - it wasnt a person with a lamp but rather a huge mass of ionized air that looked like a luminous fog in the light of the yard lamp

    - But peculiarly, there were strange movements that flowed from this ionization-thing, out of which an enormous hand then emerged, which moved towards the fence and appeared as if it was searching for and reaching for something, but oddlyenough, it avoided the direct light of the yard lamp towards the side and towards the top

    - and at the same time, I realized that I was met with evil vibrations, which evoked that state in me that arises each time when I come within the range of fanatical sectarians or when I enter sectarian places, or as it was when I stayed with Margaret Flammer and Olga Walder for about two and a half hours in the monastery of Einsiedeln, after which my vital functions slowly expired, and I becamecheese-green in my whole body and had to be removed from the monastery by Olga and Margaret, for if the tremendous religious and sectarian forces in the conventhad accumulated in me, then I would have otherwise been killed because religions and sects develop these negative and destructive-killing powers by the erroneous faith of the believers, who then attack and kill all those who only live forthe truth and who fight against the false doctrines of the religions and sects

    - Ingrid remembered an incident just like this before, she referred to the factthat she had been sitting with me the night before on the sofa in front of thebarn, when on the upper path in the rabbit enclosure, possibly someone from yourfederation materialized, who for 15 seconds was a bright green and was surrounded by a corona of blinding white light, from which a radiant red figure emerged,while all the air around ionized, and then there arose a strong smell of sulfur. This was about an hour after I had observed two other materializations, but which appeared red in color, near the shed during Ferdinands night watch, but thesewerent seen by Ferdinand, even though he sat on the bank beneath the pulpit andactually should have seen these things

    - As I ran around the corner of the house, I saw that the ionizing structure paused suddenly and alarmingly in its climbing-hand-over-hand movements, in orderto become a furiously rotating whirl within a split second, like what happens with water or with a sandstorm, whereby this rotating whirl created a compressionin itself at breakneck speed and first rushed down and then backwards towards the forest, in order to flare up brightly there, high up in the branches of the trees, and in order to disappear between the tree branches

    - By the powers of BIlly's control over himself and his defensive powers, he &the group members havent taken any damage

    - It was a product of the Giza Intelligences, with whom we had not sufficientlyconsidered their capabilities of consciousness with their deportation.

    - Very well, we had them sent to a safe place, appearing in a very remote galaxy, where they were completely isolated.

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    - But we didnt take into account that they were capable of creating, as an entire block united in spirit-telepathic form, a thought transmission factor of unlimited range.

    - So they got together as an entire block, and somewhere in the universe, theyfound a human race of negative directives that gave them a response and which consults with the Giza Intelligences using highly sophisticated spacecraft.

    - With this space-flying race that is still unknown to us until now, a dangerous conspiracy was forged, in order to make the Earth subject to the Giza Intelligences once again.

    - Moreover, the crucial factor here was that you and your group members and your helpers have already achieved a lot in all the world and now even have a veryimportant educational film by the Americans, who intend to distribute this filmthroughout all countries of the world, which is why you and your group members should be switched off first in line.

    - The fact that you have already booked rather large successes, which were fir

    st made possible and which were achieved to a large extent through the intriguesand negative machinations of the brothers H. and K., has placed the largest thorn in the eye of the Giza Intelligences and poses the largest threat to their desire for world domination that is of a religious-sectarian form.

    - So first, their greatest threat should be switched off and be destroyed, which is why their first way led to you in the center, in order to begin their workof destruction there, which thoroughly failed, fortunately, through your great vigilance and your long-standing faculties and powers that are still incomprehensible and unfathomable to the Earth people.

    - But how the Giza Intelligences and their new co-conspirators could build up the negative forces directed against you and concentrate them to such a terrible

    extent is, so far, inexplicable to us.

    - Only the type of destructive power and its effects are known to us through our analyses, namely that from all of the terrestrial religious believers and sectarians, the forces of the negative crazy teachings were sucked off and became compressed together in a tremendous, destructive power block, which in its entiremass, exercises an inevitably deadly effect on all forms of life that live rightly and in accordance with the laws of Creation, that are only concerned with thepure truth and its observance, and which are contrary to all that is connectedwith unreal religions and sectarianism.

    - Thus, if a human life form was seized by the entire power of the negative power block, then it would lead to the immediate insanity and death of that person.

    - But if a person only enters into the weak fields of these negative forces ofa sectarian-religious form, then he doesnt have to fear death but only hopeless insanity, if I may only speak of one in relation to this.

    - More mild concentrations of these negative forces would result if a person would be attacked by them such that he is instantly changed, without rescue, in the sense that he suddenly denies all truth and the Creation, as well as its lawsand commandments, and becomes the fanatical sectarian, without any hope of being freed from it again in the present life.

    - So all group members should make sure that if such phenomena appear, they sho

    uld take to flight, even though these forces that might materialize somewhere can usually only last for a few seconds if they appear in weak forms and not as the entire block.

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    so on for this task.

    5] EC

    Contact Report 175, Saturday, September 4, 1982

    Q: Unfortunately, I still cant give you any new information today regarding the incidents and clarifications of the matters surrounding the allies of the Giza Intelligences and their machinations, etc.

    FIGU related:

    - severe violation of orders in reference to complying with the times of workand the commencement of work

    Journey to meet Spirit Leaders of ERRA:

    - relevant preparations are in full swing, and everything proceeds as planned,so you should still give your first instruction before the end of this year(1982)

    Billy's Rejoicing & No-Prejudice nature:

    - Q: You shouldnt always think of your earthly body as being so insignificant, but rather, consider the origin of your spirit form.

    - It is truly amazing how you always identify yourself with all of terrestriallife, but this might actually be the real reason why you can live without prejudice, or almost without prejudice, among the life forms of this world.

    - B: Being a barbarian just has its charms, even if this barbarian is condemnedand cursed very often, extensively, and out of the deepest unconsciousness.

    - I know this about you, but I also know that you always see bright rays of hope and that you also rejoice over even the smallest and slightest successes, aseach one always allows you to relax.

    - Thus, you rejoice over Silvano, whom you ought to greet for me with the statement that he makes pleasant progress and that he achieves a more satisfactory performance than what was still the case at the beginning of the time of the 6-month period.

    Q: Its our common nature, for we often understand the questions before they areuttered.

    Suicide by a man who saw ET ANDRON:

    - B: someone robbed himself of his own life, which has caused us a lot of difficulties and trouble here at the center

    - A very unfortunate incident, but this is just the consequence of the fact that those who reject the truth and those who abuse the truth, schemers and liars,as well as forgers of truth always reap their own wages, either through their own and self-directed hand or by the hand of their followers and believers.

    - Now, the man who recently acted upon himself, through the destruction of hisown physical life, was allied with the brothers H. and K., under whose direction

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    he also extensively worked against you, against the whole group, and against our entire mission.

    - Influenced by the brothers, his insidious, destructive, and truth-displacingnature was further opened to such activities, which is why he ignored all truthand worked against it.

    - But recently, it has turned out that he has succumbed to his own destructiveimpulses, in that he deprived himself of his own life, which happened for the following reason:

    - As was very often the case in recent years, he illegally crept around duringhis regular work, spying on the terrain of your center, namely on the second pulpit on the eastern side of the edifices.

    - Hidden behind some bushes, he watched the center and was suddenly startled by a sound at the opposite edge of the forest.

    - Then, what he saw there let everything collapse badly within himself, and it

    became uncontrollable for him.

    - ANDRON (who knows how to assert himself), who is the largest in body mass among our allies and who stands at over 5 terrestrial meters tall, materialized there and slowly walked towards those bushes across the meadow, where the spying man kept himself hidden.

    -This frightened cruel one suddenly realized that you, your mission, and we hadbeen defamed by the brothers H. and K. and that throughout his life, he had acted inferiorly and wrongly.

    - He recognized that Andron could not be a terrestrial life form but rather hadto come from another planet somewhere because according to his knowledge, there

    were no such large men on the Earth, let alone one who could materialize himself at an edge of a forest.

    - Full of horror and sudden realization, he ran way, while his thoughts began to be confused.

    - Then, unfortunately, it didnt take too long before he robbed himself, in fear,terror, and confusion, of his own life.

    - he told no one of his experience; thus, he took his secret to the grave.

    - For this reason, only speculation surrounded the termination of his life, after which, through false clues, reasons were then found for his suicide.

    - The family members and coworkers strained themselves to put their thoughts together, etc., from which they now assume to know why the man had driven himselfto death.

    - But the truth is different from what these people assume; moreover, the reason for the outbreak of his confusion of consciousness lies differently with thosewho were hostile-minded toward you, us, and the mission.

    2 younger men who joined in Mental-Asylum:

    - Thereupon, I addressed therewith that a younger man, who became hostile-minded towards your and our mission through the brothers H. and K., has fallen into aconfusion of consciousness, which is designated as insanity.

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    - As a result, he was interned in an insane asylum, from which there will be for him no return to the so-called healthy society.

    - A second young man in Berne has fallen victim to a fanatical-sectarian insanity, which has already led to the fact that his acquaintances and family make serious efforts towards likewise committing him to a crazy mental hospital.

    - Q: Those are two cases, in addition to some other similar phenomena, which have arisen recently.

    People who are against Billy & his Mission:

    - Yet it wasnt very long ago when we explained to you that all those, who concern themselves against the truth and fight this, also work against you and againstyour and our mission, and they slanderously and destructively work against us,such that all of them become the bearers of their own rewards

    - But this, as it was explained to you, also applies to those who slanderouslyand untruthfully boast of contacts with us or other life forms that are foreignto the Earth, even though these do not correspond to the truth.

    - It was explained to you that all these miserable and unfortunate creatures,for this and for their falsity, mendacity, craze for intrigues, and denial of truth, as well as their distortion of reality, have very vicious and miserable wages to bargain for because they prepare and summon their own destruction throughtheir shameful and destructive activities, in the sense that they produce theirown altered state of consciousness and destruction of consciousness, as well asconfusion of consciousness, which lead to the complete psychological destructionof the same, and which cause suicidal actions, thus, the self-destruction and s

    uicide of ones own life.

    - Others will be called to account by their own followers and believers; thus,they receive their wages by their own hand and actions.

    - With the year 1982, the time has come where the effects of this against you,us, and the mission start to drive these evil doers into their own self-generated psychopathy, as this is also the case with H., who already viciously impairedhis psyche in his hatred and in his vindictiveness toward you, us, and our mission, such that his thinking already exhibits the unmistakable characteristics ofthe pathological psychopath, so with him, everything only depends on the lengthof time until his psychopathy finds its final and irreversible form.

    - It is absolutely impossible to change these people because their hatred and their vindictiveness, as well as their blindness, allow them immediately to turnevery reason and logic within them to the opposite.

    6] EC

    Contact Report 176, Wednesday, September 15, 1982


    - fallen into an addiction to alcohol and also filled herself with illicit drug


    - This led to some irreparable damage of certain parts of her brain, which jeop

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    ardizes her thoughts and actions and makes these slow.

    - by the mother-laden religion, Uschi was forced into living with dependent thinking and acting, which are built up on a very strong sense of guilt compulsion.

    - she would have to go on vacation within a very short time, and best of all with some group members, with whose help and supervision, they could rouse her las

    t will and everything could normalize

    - If she fails, then she would have to go into psychiatric treatment because only then could forced psychiatric drugs be helpful to her as would also be the case for Roland

    Journey to meet SPirit Leadership of ERRA:

    - Q: On next Sunday morning, you should ready yourself at 8:15 AM because at this time, you will be able, for the first time, to greet our entire spirit leadership on Erra. You will be on Erra for 3 days.

    - we will create a manipulation of time, by which you will be away from the Earth for less than 5 hours, when I bring you back here again

    - The 3 days on Erra will be strenuous for you, and youll hardly find any sleepduring this time

    - So concern yourself with finding plenty of sleep and that until Sunday morning, it isnt like it has been for the past few days, such that youve slept too little

    - B: You can give me your special food and your special drinks, which expel sleepiness.

    - Q: Those will be necessary either way; nevertheless, it is appropriate that you find plenty of sleep.

    - you only find very little sleep, even though you may lie in bed, where instead of sleeping, you then work hard in thought and meditation, while being half asleep, because you never have enough time to do this when you pursue your many activities.

    7] EC

    Contact Report 177, Sunday, September 19, 1982

    FIGU related:

    - Ferdinand & Ingrid -> SOcial security, animal husbandary, Raiffeisen bank

    - B: Ingrid wants it to be that the child is born in the center.

    - Q: There can be no question of that because on the one hand, our determinations remain in existence with regard to the two-year limit towards probation, which was agreed on by the core group, and on the other hand, the two of them,by having a child, have committed an error, which was contrary to all of my orders and which came into being through pure sexual lust and lack of logic.

    Why Quetzal makes a mess around in Billys room:

    - B: just one favor, my friend: in each case, when you are in my office at nigh

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    t and are rumbling around, then I dont mind if you adjust the radio station for me each time. But that you simply leave the couch a mess and let the chairs standall over the place, I dont think this is very polite, and it doesnt correspond toyour concept of tidiness

    - Q: I ask you to excuse this, for such happens unintentionally in each case.

    - Occasionally, the vibrations of group members, who are carrying out the watch, urge us in each case to remove ourselves very quickly when they arrive in close or near proximity of your workroom.

    - Thus, we must then leave the area hastily, whereby we can no longer produce the necessary order.

    8] EC

    Contact Report 178, Monday, October 4, 1982

    FIGU related:

    - B: Today is now the day of the decision, and I feel like I am sitting on millions of needles or that I'm being led to the slaughter.

    - Q: In addition, I can tell you that you need not excite yourself because thedecision is positive.

    - Thinking & Recognizing one's duty

    - the night watch should be pursued in twos, which naturally means that each group member will be increasingly used.

    - The security urgently requires it, for otherwise, you must soon expect yourfirst injury, which will be given to you by evil-minded ones.

    - You have the choice: either you shorten the cycle of the days of operation of each individual group and carry out the night watch with two persons apiece, or you will, already within a short time, have to receive the first harms, which will be inflicted upon you by malevolent ones and so on.

    Eavesdropping by Plejaren:

    - Q: Most of his(Louis) time as an unemployed person, he has pointlessly wasted, having made a cozy and lazy life for himself and "having waited for roasted pigeons to fly in his mouth", without even giving a single thought to the fact that he could have used the time that was senselessly and pointlessly wasted towardan appropriate and useful work in the center.

    - B: You already speak very nicely and quickly in our terminology because of the roasted pigeons, I mean.

    - Q: One gets accustomed to such expressions, especially if one eavesdrops on your conversations.

    - Even if you(B) call it "spying", it is still necessary for us because as we assessed years ago, the Earth person can say incomprehensible things, which he truly doesnt mean at all, so eavesdropping helps us very much.

    SOHAR center:

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    - Q: I still have to point out that the cleaning of the SOHAR center must takeplace immediately and still this week, and we must insist, however, that in thefuture, the SOHAR center may only be accessed and be used in a physically and mentally perfect condition

    - additional points should be mentioned, which on the one hand, relate to the cleanliness of the psyche and, on the other hand, to the cleanliness of the body,

    and in particular removal of Pubic hair

    - in the future, for especially the SOHAR center shouldnt still have to be cleaned yearly by us. This place should truly be kept so pure that a cleaning by uswill never be necessary.

    9] EC

    Contact Report 179, Friday, October 22, 1982

    Billy's health - I(B) was completely broken and also had a fever. This is the first time that such a thing was happening to me while I was being called by you to a contact.

    Capture of the Allies of GIZA Intelligences:

    - Q: We have finally succeeded in tracking down the allies of the Giza Intelligences and have succeeded in coming into possession of them and all of their technical aids.

    - As a result, facts arose which lead us to another action in relation to the group and the group members. It is now apparent that their fallibility didnt lie with them alone.

    - By getting a hold of the Giza allies and their technical aids, we have encountered things and realizations that make us ashamed, for we ourselves didnt expectsuch things and also didnt consider them with our premonitions or suppositions.

    - During the course of yesterday afternoon, on a small planet system, which wecall the Karan system(2.8 million light-years, far on the far side of the Andromeda system), one of our search units identified impulses that were identical tothose which emanate from the energy bell that is roofed over you

    - Our unit followed these impulses to a small and very inhospitable planet, where metal domes were soon spotted, which were located in a large desert and fromwhich the impulses were apparently being emitted.

    - This quickly proved to be true, as defensive reactions of the dome stations appeared, which very quickly brought our unit under control and to a halt, afterwhich the stations were then seized and the inhabitants were arrested, but it turned out that it was another faction of the Giza Intelligences, who had to leavethe Earth at a very early stage and who had formed a separate people, whom theycall SABAN.

    - As it turned out, this folk has always been in constant touch with the realGiza Intelligences remaining on the Earth, so it was easy for them and their allies to get in touch after the deportation through us, through a consciousness block, after which the Sabans then helpfully stepped in and gave the Giza Intellig

    ences every aid, while they themselves also actively cooperated and even pursuedthe same objectives since ancient times.

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    - In addition, they hadnt remained idle over many centuries, but they developedmalignant technologies that enabled them for several months to send out, acrossmillions of light years, negative vibrations that were polarized toward the smallest targets, which exhibit the characteristic that they take the available negative vibrations of the same kind from the target and concentrate them into an immense ball of power, without the originators of the vibrations noticing a reduction in their strength and without the originators of the vibrations losing anyth

    ing of their own vibrations.

    - B:the negative vibrations of the believers, sectarians, and religious fanatics, etc., are probably those which are taken and concentrated into an enormous and destructive ball of power

    - Q: that isnt enough because as a result of the acquired technology, the Sabans have succeeded in having their vibrations affect targets, located millions oflight-years away, in such a concentrated manner and exactly to the millimeter, such that they could locate and hit a fly on the Earth from their impulse location in the Karan system.

    - Taking advantage of these, they attacked those group members, who are still,in certain parts, dependent on faith and who indulge in unrealities and in uncontrolled emotions, etc., by what means these ones increasingly thought and actedillogically and improperly.

    - But now, that should not and cannot be an excuse for the misconduct of the fallible ones because already long ago, they should have overcome the conditionsof such degeneration and instability, so that they couldnt be attacked by and couldnt be influenced by such forces any more.

    - However, these fallible ones arent the only ones who were directly impacted bythese Giza impulses because the same thing also happened with many other peopleof the Earth, who have been in contact with you within a nearer or further fram

    ework, since the days when Semjase first made contact with you.

    - Its just that previously, we knew nothing about all this, so we could do nothing about it.

    - We also lacked the knowledge that several centuries ago, a Giza group had isolated itself and had departed from the Earth, in order to form their own new nation, which continued working, nevertheless, within the old framework and with the same goals, far from the Earth and in constant conjunction with the remainingGiza Intelligences.

    - Only now has all of this become clear and perceptible to us, after we've apprehended the criminal elements, of whose existence we had no knowledge.

    - And now, in order to remove the danger of these elements, we are forced to eliminate all the achievements of their efforts, whereby great difficulties arise, nevertheless.

    - The Sabans have so secured their installations that if we attempted to destroy them, a catastrophe, reaching far into the cosmos, would be triggered.

    - This through the time effect, according to which after a certain time, an immensely far-reaching and deadly reaction of destruction would be triggered on their planet if we simply destroyed the installations.

    - So, in the course of yesterday afternoon, we had to use the special commands,by which the existing danger could be averted.

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    - The time effect of the release of the disaster and destruction had to be reversed, so that the time becomes reduced to the starting point, by what means a defusing then occurs.

    - B: This would be, so to speak, a time bomb, of which you speak, if I understand you correctly. In addition, your comments must mean that this time bomb cant simply be defused but that its ignition can only stopped if the already-started t

    ime period is stopped and is then reversed back to zero-time, by what means thedanger can only be averted, then, if the already-started running time has arrived back at its starting point. This is clear to me so far, but I dont understand why you cant destroy the installations if you can already stop the flow of the time period.

    - Q: The whole thing is constructed so ingeniously that the catastrophe would be released even if the flow of the time period was just interrupted and the installations were destroyed.

    - The only way to prevent the catastrophe is for the time flow to be reversed and be made effectively declining.

    - Only then would the danger be averted, after which we could then perform theelimination, but we must count on the fact that we need to dissolve the entire planet into energy because it has been so thoroughly developed and transformed that it is truly nothing more than an overkill bomb that, in its gigantic magnitude, would completely destroy everything within millions of kilometers if it wouldcome to explosive effect.

    - Nevertheless, this danger has already been averted by us, so that the time flow is now declining and will reach the starting point again on next Sunday at 2:11 PM and 8 seconds, according to your time reckoning, after which we can thenperform the elimination, but this will still take another 46 minutes to complete.

    - Until that time, which must be clear to all of you, there will still exist the influencing vibration impulses of a negative form, by which some group members are still unnoticeably influenced.

    - So you can only count on the fact that at 3 PM on Sunday afternoon, everything will be in order again, and no more interference can occur through the vibration impulses.

    Members who are vulnerable in terms of foreign influences of any kind and, thus,even to those negative vibration impulses of the Giza Intelligences:

    - Ingrid, extremely vulnerable

    - Ferdinand, extremely vulnerable

    - Jacobus, who must be named as the next most vulnerable

    - Thomas

    - Louis

    - Popi

    - Eva

    - Gilgamesha

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    - Cornelia

    - Maria

    - Bernadette

    - Through such vibration impulse attacks, which also emanate from the Eart

    h people themselves but in a different form than what is the case with the GizaIntelligences, the fallible ones are always vulnerable, in a rougherway, to ignore all laws and commandments, so equality and equal rights also findno progress and no fulfillment here.

    - Ingrid is like a huge magnet for such vibration impulses, which is why at that time, the forces were able to concentrate themselves so highly, in an unusually dangerous form that is well-known to you, and could penetrate into the center.

    - The reason for this with Ingrid is that she is still tremendously fondof faith and builds up no defense against it.

    - She even constantly creates imaginations which still very strongly promote and build up her magnetic force of attraction to such negative vibrations

    SOHAR center Rules:

    1 - Non-core group members are not allowed in the SOHAR center; thus, non-coregroup members arent even allowed in the SOHAR center for the meditation.

    2 - The SOHAR center may only be accessed & used in psychically flawless condition & without any meditation- or vibration-impairing illnesses,such as increasedbody temperature due to not feeling well, etc.

    3 - Those contributing to the meditation exercise may only fulfill their relevant duty if they are in perfect psychic condition and also if they exhibit no vibration-impairing illnesses etc., such as increased body temperature due to not feeling well, etc.

    4 - The existing ordinal rules, regarding the entry and use of the SOHAR center, must be strictly obeyed.

    5 - In the SOHAR center, there may never be any sleeping.

    6 - In the SOHAR center, no thoughts may be cultivated and maintained in any way. Only meditative activity is correct.

    7 - More notice must be given to physical cleanliness because a clean body forthe meditation in the SOHAR center is of importance.

    8 - Bodily cleanliness includes the removal of hair from the genitalia, whereongreat attentiveness must be used. Entering and using the SOHAR center in a physical uncleanliness of this form must be prohibited from now on, anda cleaning like this should not be older than 3 days.

    9 - Those contributing to the meditation exercise should wear clean clothes andshould not wear their work clothes.

    10 - The stay of the contributor in the SOHAR Center Meditation Room may amount

    to no more than 3 minutes each time.

    11 - Neither contributor nor meditation practitioner may speak during the entry

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    and stay, as well as during the exit from the SOHAR Center Meditation Room.

    12 - Neither contributor nor meditation practitioner may enter or use the SOHARCenter Meditation Room in an overtired state.

    "Your words in the ear of those who need them" - This statement by Billy soundedto Quetzal as that of Jmmanuel as he used it alot

    SOHAR center:

    - In particular, about the physical cleanliness, I still have to submit to youall sorts of incidents in the center afterward, but they arent exactly suitable to be mentioned officially in our conversation

    - It just wouldnt exactly make a good impression on the outside, which is why these explanations will be given apart from the official ones, but they are supposed to be explained by you, in certain parts, to the group members

    - there are still some group members who do not exercise their physical cleanl

    iness in the necessary form, as it is of importance; thus, they still bear the impurity in the genital area

    - B: But how does that match, then, with the regulation that new members may first enter the center after 6 months, for because of the crystals, they would have to be able to go into the center yet?

    - Q: You can rest assured because for this purpose, I will align the neutralization beam toward the lower area of the meditation couch, so that any of the enclosed false vibrations will be neutralized immediately if such appear.

    - A spare beam will likewise neutralize the lower place, but in a somewhat weaker form.

    - With the new members and to this end, it will be necessary, then, that you personally carry out the introduction of the same.

    10] Ec

    Contact Report 180, Saturday, November 6, 1982

    Billys Collapse:

    - Breakdown and fainting occured at 5:30 AM on the 4th of November, as was predicted

    - Q: I followed the course of things, although I couldnt be helpful, of which Iam ashamed.

    - B: You need not be ashamed, for in my state, you could not provide any assistance because I wasnt even capable of calling you any more or of receiving any impulses from you.

    - Q: In test that was carried out with two androids, the Android that was stored with your data eliminated itself

    - B: It was already clear to me for weeks that something would come in this way. I felt the overload on my brain hellishly well. The short circuit was inevitab

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    le. Now, my head trauma that I suffered brings problems with my lifespan.

    - Q: From now on, you will have to live with medicines.(doctor also told Billythis yesterday inaddition to that BIlly had a concussion & a head trauma)

    - As a logical thinker, you are driven into confusion of consciousness by the illogic and illogical actions of those fallible ones, who act on you as outside f

    orces and powerful aggressors

    - As a logical thinker, and this in a distinctive form, you are the only truthon the Earth, as an earthborn I mean, and as such, you cannot explore the incredible illogic of the Earth people in its reason because it is truly even impossible.

    - And since you face this illogic every day, there isnt even the possibility ofa break for you, whereby you could recover.

    - Thus, the electrical brain waves increase more and more, accumulating themselves in a concentrated form of energy, which then leads to the elimination of con

    sciousness in an overvoltage, thus to the short-circuit, as you appropriately called it.

    - If this overvoltage is reached, then you will instantaneously faint, which will hold you captive for some time, quite apart from the fact that you can so smash your skull while falling down in this state of powerlessness that your lifemay expire.

    - Your collapse brought you even to the brink of death.

    - B: I feel dizzy and sick, apart from the fact that my head is humming, as ifan entire bomber formation performs its flight exercises inside.

    - Q: It has always been incomprehensible to us that you have endured these things throughout all the years, without taking permanent and significant damage, even when we took into account your strong will.

    - Still, it is incomprehensible to us that after the latest collapse, you are still sane and alive at all because the way things started themselves, you wouldhave already had to conclude your life prematurely at other times, and all thatonly because some irrational and fallible ones literally had you drifting slowlybut surely toward your death.

    - It remains a mystery to us because even our probability calculations yieldedthat you had no chance.

    - That you are still alive and with clear reason is inexplicable to us, as it is also inexplicable to me that with your concussion of a serious nature, you arealready taking notes of these conversations on your writing utensil, which youshould refrain from doing.

    - I will perform another analysis over the health condition of your pituitary gland, after which I will then give you some rules of conduct that you are to follow

    GIZA Intelligences Allies:

    - The annoying concerns surrounding the Giza Intelligences are finally settled,

    according to which we are now only dealing with the analyses of the discoveredand seized material.

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    - However, this will take several years to complete, as Ive already explained to you earlier. Thus, it will take a very long time before we can give you moreinformation about it.

    FIGU related:

    - Q: Ive noticed that the ring meditation now leads the way with very great adv

    antages and that everyone profits a lot from it

    - SO there is a possibility that even those group members - who are, unfortunately, only in the center once a month - can also co-meditate in the block every week

    - Q: Furthermore, you will also have to become attentive to a new necessity, which arises in Munich. Indeed, it is imperative that a small circle is established there, which deals with the teachings and our mission, but where the opportunity is also given to practice the meditation.

    SOHAR center:

    - Q: you must not forget that even the daily performance of duty must be fulfilled, such as the meditation in the SOHAR center, which has fallen out for some time

    - B: So that negative things cannot appear there once more, weve decided to install a TV surveillance camera there.

    - In addition, it yet comes to mind that I(Q) recently gave an inadequate orderin relation to the task of educating and training new group members for the useof the SOHAR center.

    - I mentioned to you Eva, who should be responsible for this, but it was meant

    that she must fulfill this task in reciprocity with your wife and only with those of the same gender.

    - On the male side, Engelbert should be responsible for this, whereby we are now at another part of the SOHAR center, with respect to the periodic changes of different genders, as I already explained to you on the 22nd of October.

    - Unfortunately, the observed possibilities cannot be arranged in such a way aswe hoped, which is why the strict rule must be further noted, that only those of the same gender may be brought into the meditation-practicing in the SOHAR center in each case.

    - The vibrations of the male and female group members differ so strongly that they produce disturbing vibrations in every case, for the entire blockade cannotbe produced by any introducing.

    - Unfortunately, only you have created this necessary strength; although, it must be said that Engelbert is already making good progress and is also on his way up to this level of yours, but it will still take a long time before he reaches his incipient goal.

    - In the future, every group member should be careful to examine his physicallyclean and mentally well-balanced state, so that he may decide for himself whether he can enter the SOHAR center or not.