easy implementation of panda perio software

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PANDA Perio Software - Easy Implementation and Training - A Custom Fit for the Modern Periodontal Practice


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By Anne Shields

VP, PANDA Dental Software, Inc.…and longtime Surgical Assistant & Office Manager

[email protected]

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Like a tailored suit, we fit PANDA to

your style of practice.

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Set Up

Initial 30 Minute Online Consultation

• We will establish your style of working

• Create your individualized plan to best utilize PANDA

~ AND ~

• Set up to train your staff – your way.

It’s what we call a fitting

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Set Up

Our Top Priority

To serve the best interests of your practice.

We recognize and respect your individuality.

We will adapt PANDA to you.

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Created by Periodontists for Periodontists

along with valuable input from experienced

Dental Assistants and Office Managers

(such as VP Anne Shields), we quickly identify exactly

what you need based on listening,

watching, and gathering basic

information during our visit together.

Hello!I’m Anne.

Set Up

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As we like to say, just

Start to Chart!

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Because PANDA is point-and-click with everything

on one page, it’s easy.

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Have the staff simply start

charting to get used to

the interface and the way

PANDA does things.

There is a video they can

watch at their convenience,

only about 15 minutes long. PANDA, with its

ergonomic point-and-click system, is easy to learn.


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As practice samples we have new customers use

previous records from the past to transcribe into

PANDA. Two things will happen:

First, they will have time to practice and get used to

the new system, and

Second, old records will be added into the system,

resulting in your office now having a chart history

in place for your upcoming patients.


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Simply doing this part first, you will be pleasantly

surprised at how quickly everybody at the office

takes to using PANDA.

Now, with the ice broken,

they can move on to

other features without

feeling intimidated.


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After charting,

we would move right on to


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Getting your clinical documentation into the

patient's record through the use of digital forms…

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That’s a Write-Up.

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From Write-Ups, PANDA

creates all of your output

documents and progress notes.

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We are all familiar with forms and tick sheets.

PANDA has almost every one of these imaginable.


This should make you and your associates very happy!

The big difference is that PANDA has everything stored

digitally in an incredibly large pre-defined library.

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The OLD way The PANDA way!


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Sending us any forms or letters that your office

currently uses determines how they are transcribed

into PANDA. When we see how your practice enters

its findings and clinical data, it helps us transcribe

these into the program to best suit your needs.

However, if you don’t have any templates, that

makes it even easier. PANDA would then give you a

clean slate, ready to customize however you wish.


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Since each office we work with is unique, it really

does help to see your current process for note-taking

and clinical recording so we can tailor-fit PANDA.

You can fax any forms or samples you have to

1-800-517-7716, or send as email attachments to

Anne Shields at [email protected]


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SOAP Notes,Treatment Notes

Progress Notes…They’re all the same thing.

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In PANDA they are called Progress Notes –

the full electronic dental record that is all-encompassing.

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A Progress Note is the running log

of all patient interactions that can

be utilized by both the clinical and

administrative team.

Progress Notes

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Traditionally this log is documented in long-hand

and describes all conversations and interactions

with your patient. Examples include appointment

information, telephone call details, and discussions

about this patient with another provider or laboratory.

In the event a clinical treatment was provided,

this log would also reference the restorative perio

charting, the form, the write-up, and other relevant

diagnostic details.

Progress Notes

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The Progress Note is the last

stop in the workflow in PANDA.

All information going into the

system will filter through to the

Progress Note, and in some cases

you will skip everything else and

go directly to the Progress Notes

to make quick entries.

Progress Notes

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Progress Notes

There are some common chart entries that you can

start saving as pre-defined notes, known in PANDA

as Instanotes®. They act like Q&A mini forms that the

staff will fill out to write their notes. This ensures they

don’t miss any information and that the notes are

complete and accurate.

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In preparation for training, you don’t have to

design a ton of note templates in advance. It’s not

necessary to do this extra work because you most

likely won’t use them this way anyway. It’s only

beneficial for things you know need to be filled out –

the important stuff.

Progress Notes

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At first you will just type your notes in, then

eventually you’ll begin to save them as Instanotes®

when you find redundant entries that can easily

be saved and reused.

Your Instanotes® become the structured forms

for your office, saving you lots of time. AND you

start building a nice template library!

Progress Notes

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If you have a few basic entries in mind that you

already know are redundant, send PANDA the

samples in any format – Microsoft® Word, hand-

written, or scanned samples are all fine.

When the time comes to train on this portion of the

program, we will use these as examples together

in our meeting so everyone can see how easy

they are to implement.

Progress Notes

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Setting PANDA up with the materials that are

already familiar to your team makes it a smooth

transition into this new way of working, greatly

benefitting everyone at the practice.

There’s no need to shock your office into a way of

working that isn’t already familiar to you!

Progress Notes

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A Treatment Plan in a Practice Management System (PMS)

is different than one in anElectronic Medical Record (EMR)

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Turning your mandatory billing and coded versions into

complete and clinically detailedplans with a single click...

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This is where PANDA excels –

Treatment Translation

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The treatment plan in your Practice Management

System (PMS) is very different in structure compared

to the way you describe it in your letter to the

referring practice.

For example, when you place an implant there are

usually several steps and healing phases that go

into the treatment plan…

Treatment Plans

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A treatment plan in your Practice Management System’s scheduling and billing:

Name of plan “Group Name” : “Ext with a bone graft and delayed implant”

The same treatment plan as written in the letter to the referring practice:

Treatment Plans

These are quite different ways of describing the same information

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Name of plan “Group Name”

“Ext with a bone graft and delayed implant”

Treatment Plans

The key to quick and convenient treatment planning in PANDA is in the use of Groups.

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In PANDA you formulate the treatment plan as written

in the letter the way you feel it is best described,

one time only. You will then assign it a Group Name

and reuse this plan indefinitely for future cases,

eliminating the need to ever transcribe it again.

Treatment Plans

Name of plan “Group Name”

“Ext with a bone graft and delayed implant”

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There is no limit to how many Groups can be saved

and no limit to the alterations you can make to your

existing ones.

You can send your most commonly used plans to

PANDA to use as examples in our training session.

This way, people can feel comfortable learning from

materials already familiar to them!

Treatment Plans

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Live webinar-style training

in the Treatment Planning portion

takes approximately 20 minutes.

When you see the power behind

this feature, you won’t believe

you haven’t been working this way all along!

Treatment Plans

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Let PANDA take care of the outcome.

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You’ve already done most of the work

before you even know it!

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Once the clinical information is put into PANDA

contemporaneously – that is, chair-side by the staff

while in the live appointment – and structured as

described throughout, you can begin to produce

the types of instant reports you need.

Outcome Reports

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PANDA can output items such as graphical patient

motivation reports, powerful comparison reports,

custom consent forms, and documents such as

treatment letters and general correspondence.

These reports will be generated automatically,

consistently, and quickly, without you having to

stop and make corrections or extra selections in

order to produce the report.

Outcome Reports


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PANDA producesoutstanding outcome!

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We’re Only a Click Away

With our instant online service

and support, we can connect

with you in seconds to offer

live hands-on assistance

and mini training sessions.

We will keep you moving forward and growing in a

supportive, convenient, and affordable way!

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When it’s nice to just have a helping hand to ask

“How do I do this again?” we are here to get you

through those times comfortably.

We’re Only a Click Away

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The practices that have had the greatest

success in implementation have been the

ones that scheduled small obtainable

deadlines at regular intervals.

We don’t expect you to implement PANDA

on the first day – it most likely wouldn’t

stick anyway. Similar to going on a crash diet,

it just wouldn’t work long-term.


Actionable steps, one step at a time!

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Because PANDA is tailored to your practice and does

exactly what you need it to do, it works a lot like a new

pair of shoes that have to be worn in over time, wearing

them at increased intervals progressively.

PANDA will adapt to the way in which you work and

can be updated on-the-fly, instantly, as you change

and grow your practice.


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Once the basic foundation is established and you are

pointed in the right direction, you will find that it’s not

long before you are able to end work at 5:00 pm and

feel confident that your clinical records are complete,

accurate, and protect you legally.

Your peers and your patients, along with your office

itself, will be impressed with your newfound efficiency!