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Easter 2016 Vol.28 Issue 1

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Page 1: Easter 2016 Vol.28 Issue 1taneyparish.ie/uploads/taney news magazine/T_News_Spring... · 2016. 3. 14. · The events of Holy Week are so well recorded in the Gospels that we can follow

Easter 2016 Vol.28 Issue 1

Page 2: Easter 2016 Vol.28 Issue 1taneyparish.ie/uploads/taney news magazine/T_News_Spring... · 2016. 3. 14. · The events of Holy Week are so well recorded in the Gospels that we can follow

Disaster Relief Response: In January 2016 Bishops’ Appeal released further funds to support refugees caught up in the Syrian Crisis. Some funds were a continuation of support for Christian Aid and Tearfund partners providing lifesaving aid to displaced peoples in Syria and to those living in the dire conditions of refugee camps in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. Funds are used for food, shelter, fuel, medical supplies, pop up schools and trauma counselling.

Further funding was allocated through the United Society to help the Diocese of Europe respond to refugees arriving in Greece by providing food, clothes and medical support.

Education: Early 2016, Bishops’ Appeal released funds for 3 classrooms to be built in South Sudan through CMS Ireland and for a borehole for water and a kitchen to be built at a remote Neighbourhood Care Point in Swaziland, where children who cannot afford primary school costs go to receive some basic education and now, a stable meal.

Health: In 2016, Bishops’ Appeal has already supported a rainwater harvesting programme for a school and surrounding community in Uganda through Fields of Life; a HIV/AIDS education programme for a tribe in Zambia through Feed the Minds and fitted wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy in Uganda as well as education and support for their parents.

Rural Development: Bishops’ Appeal has supported a shrimp farming project in El Salvador which will enable extremely marginalised families to earn a living and which also addresses serious issues the communities there face due to climate change.

Your Support: Your support is vital in enabling these vital, poverty alleviating programmes to be funded so that people can have life, not just to eke out an existence but to live to the full. When we play our part, we allow others to play their part in their own lives and in the lives of their children.

Bishops’ Appeal is the Church of Ireland World Aid and Development Programme. Since January 2016 it has continued to respond to the needs of the world’s poorest people through the generous giving of the Church of Ireland. Bishops’ Appeal focuses on four main areas: disaster relief response, education, health and rural development. Here are some of the most recent programmes to have received funding from these categories:

More information on Bishops’ Appeal and the projects we support can be found at


Thank you


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Taney News Easter 2016 1

The lengthening and brighter days of this time of year fill us with the joys of Spring, reinforced by new life in our gardens and the surrounding parks and countryside – all of which fills us with hope and expectation for the days of Summer which lie ahead. Simultaneously, the Gospel – ‘Good News’ – of Easter fills us with the hope and expectation we receive as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, at Easter time.

The events of Holy Week are so well recorded in the Gospels that we can follow the footsteps taken by Jesus in each of the days leading up to and including his Resurrection on that first Easter day. Once again this year we will celebrate Holy Communion at 7.15am each morning in Holy Week, followed by a light breakfast; in the evenings at 8pm we will hold a ‘Tenebrae’ Service on Tuesday and a ‘Seder Meal’ on Wednesday. On Thursday we will celebrate the ‘Lord’s Supper’ as we commemorate the Last Supper and institution of the Holy Communion. On Good Friday, there will be a Devotional Service based on ‘The Way of The Cross’ with visual aids, Hymns and meditations. I do hope that you will be able to travel with us as the pilgrimage of Holy Week unfolds, reaching its climax on Easter Day.

During Lent we make our annual collection for the work of the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal Fund. On the opposite page you will find details of the wonderful work undertaken by Bishops’ Appeal in the developing world. In particular this year the Fund has been providing much needed resources to provide food, shelter, medical supplies and clothing for the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants fleeing the horrendous civil war in Syria. Many of you have asked how we might be able to help them. This is a practical way of support which will be channelled to those working in the Refugee Camps through ‘Christian Aid’ and ‘Tearfund’. I encourage you to respond as generously as possible using the special ‘Bishops’ Appeal Fund’ envelope enclosed with this edition of Taney News.

Also enclosed with this edition of Taney News’ is a survey form seeking the feedback from you, the parishioners, as to what you feel about some aspects of our parish life. In particular, we would like to hear from you about what new initiatives you would like to see provided by the Parish. I thank the members of our Fellowship, Community

and Communications Committee, for preparing this survey.

Looking forward, we are planning a number of special services and events. On Sunday, 17th April at 7pm in Christ Church, there will be a ‘Songs of Praise’ Service at which we will be joined by choirs and congregation members from some of our neighbouring parishes. Do make a special effort to join in! Refreshments will be served following the Service.

We are all aware that this year marks the centenary of the Easter Rising. This centenary will be marked in Taney at Services on Sunday, 24th April at which the special preacher will be Canon Patrick Comerford, Professor of Anglicanism and Liturgy at C.I.T.I. There is at least one grave in St. Nahi’s graveyard belonging to a casualty of the Easter Rising.

Then on Sunday, 8th May, we look forward to welcoming Archbishop Jackson to Christ Church, Taney, for this year’s Confirmation Service. I would ask you to keep the candidates in your prayers in the coming weeks. Their names are listed elsewhere in this issue. Our thanks go to Rev. Cathy, Rev. Nigel and Ms. Tara O’Rourke who have been preparing the candidates for this important step in their journey of faith.

Vera joins me in wishing you and your families every Blessing for a joyful and Happy Easter.

Rev’d Canon Robert WarrenRector

Letter from the rector

Dear Parishioner

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Some find the months that follow Christmas to be long and dull and mildly depressing. Perhaps some of this is due to the energy that is expelled during Christmastime and in the lead up to it. There is certainly what is best described as a drop in energy in my own self these days but no noticeable drop in the workings of parish life. What remains constant in me is the increasing sense of belonging to the parish and the enthusiasm which is only to be expected in a new curate! Now things are beginning to happen. The myriad of faces that I felt I should know already are becoming more defined as individuals who have welcomed me into parts of their lives and the workings of the parish which are now more familiar than before.Christmas was such a time of joy between a host of Carol Services and the various school and group activities celebrating the festive season. The Christmas Bazaar was well supported, regardless of the weather’s best efforts to hamper it and a wind so high and fierce that any aspirations to a live crib were blown in the direction of the neighbouring parishes in Wicklow! Copperpot managed to dismantle any attempts at a sensible children’s nativity on Christmas Day, but it was wonderful to see the church so full and the faces

of those younger generations, usually abroad, gathered around the communion rail.

Now, among a host of other things, I have the privilege of walking a little bit of the way with a group of twenty-three young people who have stepped forward to confirm their own vows to God in this year’s Confirmation Class. I’m so very proud of them. They are bright and responsive and willing to participate in the classes and we are trying to cultivate healthy discussions on interesting themes surrounding God’s presence in the world today.

As the darker days of Winter give way to brighter skies and the hard ground yields to signs of the Spring, I give thanks for the community of this parish, the groups and activities within its walls and the continued support and growing friendships. May each of you know God’s constant presence in darker and brighter days and may you have a happy, healthy and peaceful Easter- time.

letter from nigel pierpoint

2 Taney News Easter 2016

If I were to say tired, worn out, shattered and only five weeks remaining before the deadline for my dissertation, the pressure is on, of that, there is no doubt. Speaking of the dissertation, may I offer my sincere thanks to all who have contacted me over the past number of weeks regarding my research. The response was staggering and I would like to offer my thanks to those I spoke with for your openness and honesty.

We live in a world of technology where we expect instant answers to queries and instant replies to e-mails, however, if there should be a problem with the Internet or someone does not answer their phone we tend to become frustrated, annoyed and sometimes angry because we have to wait. As I reflect on the technology that surrounds us all, I sometimes think back to when the pace of life was a little less frenetic and where communication was by spoken word and not instant messaging.

Lent in particular is a time to reflect on our spiritual journey, to take some time out with God and to allow the pace and busyness of life, to perhaps, just for a short time each day, take a back seat. We need to learn to wait and not to be rushing through life at such a pace that any thought of God is obscured between

Monday and Sunday, when God is allowed back into our thoughts for an hour. Taking time out takes practice and may not work on the first occasion, but do not give up. There are occasions when we take time out to think of a past holiday or perhaps a loved one who is no longer present in our lives, we recall laughter, smiles and even tears and it helps us to stay connected with that person or place.

Let me encourage you all to make space in your busy schedule, make space for God. Some time ago I preached on taking up a new discipline during Lent, perhaps making some space for God could be it. It is never too late to start. The season of lent offers us an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. As with any relationship we need to devote time to make it work.

May God bless you all as you journey towards, what for any Christian is the pinnacle of our faith, which is the resurrection of Jesus and the season of Easter.

letter from cathy

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church SERVICES at taney

Easter Day in Taney Sunday 27th March8.30am Holy Eucharist (St. Nahi’s )10.15am Easter Family Communion Service followed by Easter Egg Hunt and Festive Reception (Christ Church)11.45am Parish Communion (St. Nahi’s) No Evening Service on Easter Day


Monday 7.15am: Holy Communion – followed by light breakfast. Tuesday 7.15am: Holy Communion – followed by light breakfast. 8.00pm: Tenebrae. Wednesday 7.15am: Holy Communion – followed by light breakfast. 10.00am: Holy Communion. 8.00pm: Seder Meal in the Minor Hall, Taney Parish Centre. (Please book with Parish Office in advance)Thursday 7.15am: Holy Communion – followed by light breakfast. 8.00pm: Holy Communion.Good Friday 7.15am: Ante-Communion & Litany followed by light breakfast. 8.00pm: Devotional Service for Good Friday

Lenten Lunches Our Lenten lunches have commenced on Thursdays in Lent at 12.30pm and they will run until Thursday 24th March except March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. Proceeds from these lunches go towards the work of Christian Aid.

Week 1 of each month

Christ Church, Taney10.15am – Parish Communion

7.00pm – Evening Service

St Nahi’s, Dundrum 8.30am – Holy Communion11.45am – Morning Prayer

Week 2 of each month

Christ Church, Taney 10.15am – Family Service & Baptism

7.00pm – Evening Service

St Nahi’s, Dundrum 8.30am – Holy Communion

11.45am – Parish Communion

Week 3 of each month

Christ Church, Taney10.15am – Parish Communion

7.00pm – Evening Service

St Nahi’s, Dundrum 8.30am – Holy Communion11.45am – Morning Prayer

Week 4 of each month

10.15am – Morning Prayer7.00pm – Evening Service

St Nahi’s, Dundrum 8.30am – Holy Communion

11.45am – Parish Communion

The Holy Communion is celebrated in Christ Church, Taney, on Wednesdays at 10.00a.m.

Easter Holy Communion (for those who are sick or housebound) will be administered by the Clergy. Please contact the office by Monday, 21st March if you would like to receive Holy Communion at home.

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4 Taney News Easter 2016

Parish news

Easter Egg HuntYou and your family are invited to an Easter Celebration following Parish Communion at 10.15 in Christ Church, Taney, on Easter Sunday, 27th March 2016.

Please join us for a Festive Reception in the Parish Hall.

Following the service, an Easter Egg Hunt will take place in the parish grounds. For smaller children (aged five and under) there will be a special Easter Egg Hunt in the Overend Garden.

Children – don’t forget to bring your baskets!

The Chancel GuildWe think you will agree that both St Nahi’s and Christ Church looked magnificent during the Christmas period. The decorations and Christmas trees were greatly enhanced by the vibrant display of red poinsettias donated by people across the parish in memory of their loved ones. We had a fantastic response to this proposal and the Chancel Guild would like to thank everyone who participated in this scheme. Names of loved ones are listed below. A big thank you to everyone who helped in decorating both Churches on the various dates. Easter is literally around the corner and we will be decorating both Churches on Saturday 26th March. St Nahi’s will commence at 9.30am and Christ Church at 10am. We would welcome anyone who can help us on that morning. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Any greenery from your garden will be much appreciated. Many thanks.

Dr Ruth Alcock, June Anderson, David & Eileen Anderson, Kay & Carter Armstrong, Tom & Elizabeth Babington, Phyllis & Reg Bardon, Victor & Mattie Barham, Sadie Bennett, Ernest Bodell, Marigold & Trevor Brooks, Elizabeth Brooks, Sylvia Bryan, Doris Burgess, Marie Carthy, Doris Colter, Cecil David Colter, Douglas & Maggie Colvin, Trevor & Joan Cooke, Madeleine Cooke, Dick & Joy Cooke, Gertie & Bill Corry, Susan Cox, Albert Dawson, Margaret & Harry Deegan, Jean Dixon, Edith & William Doak, Ron Eggers, Norman & Vera Ellis, Harold Elmes, Vincent Flanagan, Geoffrey & Marjorie Flood, Toni Gaidoni, Patricia Galbraith, Dorothy Galway, John & Ann Gibney, Ethel Gibson, Shirley Haine, Veronica Hall-Dare, Alfred Hinds, Ted Hood, Marjorie Huber, Cecil Jermyn, Gladys Johnson, Lisle Johnston, Derek Noble Johnston, Angela Joyce, Rachel Kavanagh, Dick & Sally Kearon, Augusta Knox, Heather Lane, Jack & Alice Large, Albert & Victoria Large, Gwen Lew, Charlie & Eva Lloyd, Herbert Matthews, David Muldoon, Denis Mundy, William Nicholl, Derek Noble Johnston, Paddy & Rita O’Doherty, Paddy & Rita O’Reilly, Victor O’Rourke, Enid Oldham, Betty Patterson, Bill Pollard, Evelyn & Jim Pomeroy, William & Dora Price, James & Emily Quin, Noel & Richard Quin, June Rankin, Bob Reed, Jack Robinson, Norman & Ann Rothwell, The Samuels, Walter Scott, Mary E Skelton, Melanie Slater, Grace Smith, Myra Stanley, Harry Tilson, Dolly & Tom Turner, Sadie Walsh, John Whale, Meta Whittaker, George Wilkinson, Judy Wilkinson, Ronnie Williams

Our annual ‘Easter General Vestry’ meeting will be held this year on Sunday 10th April, following the 10.15am service in Christ church.

This will be a ‘United’ Service for the parish and as such there will not be a service in St. Nahi’s at 11.45 that day. The ‘Easter General Vestry’ is in effect our A.G.M. at which the accounts for 2015 will be presented and the incoming officers and Select Vestry for the next year will be elected.

All parishioners are welcome to attend, but only ‘Registered Vestry Members’ may vote or stand for election.

This is an important meeting for our parish. Please do attend. Crèche and child-minding facilities will be available.


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Parish news

with Choirs & congregations from neighbouring Parishes

Christ Church, TaneySunday 17 April @ 7pm

A reception will follow

All Welcome – don’t miss it!

Lenten LunchesOur Lenten Lunches have proved very popular this year. The final lunch will be on Thursday March 24th. Please come and bring your friends and neighbours.

The most obvious benefit is the considerable contribution we can make to Christian Aid and Third World Charities. However, as a parish, we also gain socially by meeting weekly with fellow parishioners and the wider community in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoying good food, fellowship and ‘craic’! It’s a joy to see friendships made or renewed and people reluctant to leave at the end of their lunch.

A huge vote of thanks is due to all who put so much effort into it before and during the event each week. Those who prepare such a lovely variety of soups, breads and treats and not least those who serve at tables, clear up and wash up with a smile week by week. Lastly, of course, thank you to all who supported us so loyally.

The RCB Library holds many treasures, which tell the story of the Church of Ireland community. These include the parish records of Taney, which date from 1791. It is also the Church’s main reference library and provides an information service to a wide range of researchers not just in Ireland, but around the world. It is a great honour for me to have been appointed as the next Librarian and Archivist, and I look forward to engaging with local parishes and people about what the library has to offer.

new librarian and archivist appointed

Parishioner, Dr Susan Hood, who has been appointed Librarian and Archivist at the Representative Church Body Library in Churchtown.


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Parish organisations

Mothers’ UnionTaney Mothers’ Union meets from September to May on the second Tuesday of the month, usually in the Minor Hall at 8pm and we are always pleased to welcome new members. Non-members are welcome to come to most meetings.

5 March: Women’s World Day of Prayer.8 March: Dr Paul Manook will talk to us about the Armenian

community in Dublin. (Open Meeting)12 April: A return visit from the informative and entertaining local

history expert Katherine Scuffli who will speak on William Spence, Victorian Dublin Engineer. This is also an open meeting but please note that the talk will begin at 8.30pm as there will be a members’ discussion first from 7.30-8.30pm.

10 May: AGM and Bring & Buy Sale

End of season

December 2015 saw the start of the Christmas season with our annual carol service followed by mince pies and mulled punch. With the risk of dodgy weather, January is the month when we have an ‘At Home’ night and we had an entertaining quiz with Helen Rainsford as our expert quizmaster. In February we dine out and this year a group of almost thirty gathered at The Goat Grill and had a most enjoyable meal.

Drama SocietyOur last production – Same Old Moon by Geraldine Aron – was well received when performed in mid-January in The Mill Theatre, Dundrum. With a cast of thirteen, there was an excellent range of acting required from our members, in particular from Kelly Hudson who played the part of Brenda Barnes. Kelly transported us through Brenda’s life between the ages of nine and forty, moving from Dublin, to Galway and to London. During this period we were shown her difficult relationship with her father, played by John D. Bryne. Brenda’s mother, aunt and grandmother (played by Maria O’Meara, Caroline Montgomery, and Lynn Pennefather respectively) also had a huge influence on her, as did many of the characters she met on along the way. Performances were enjoyed by all and great ensemble playing was praised by audience members.

We would like to congratulate three of our members who were involved recently in a Drama Festival in Glenealy, where they were presented with awards: Best Actor, Brian Lucas; Best Play, Tony Deegan (as author and director); Sheila Deegan received a commendation for acting. Well done all.

Our next production has not yet been finalised but should be confirmed by the middle of March, when members will be notified.

We are always looking for new members who would like to be involved either on stage for performance, or backstage dealing with stage management, costumes or set building. If you have a liking for any of the above, please contact me at 087 9762738 or [email protected].

Lynn PennefatherSecretary

Taney Parish Coffee ShopThe Coffee Shop in the Parish Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 1.45pm and Saturday from 10.00am to 2.00pm. It provides friendly space where the whole community can meet to share tea or coffee and indulge in a lovely array of scones and cakes that will play havoc with any serious diet! Homemade soup is on hand to warm a chilly winter’s day and sandwiches can be made to order. These delicacies will be served up with a smile by Yvonne Rankin and Jenny Mooney along with their assistants.

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Parish organisations

The AGM will be held on Saturday 9th April at 3.00pm in the clubhouse and the 2016 tennis season will commence on Saturday 30th April and. We had a great season last year and we hope to repeat it in 2016!

The new house building nearby has changed the appearance of the club to some degree. But the temporary changes to the fences will be rectified during the week and our grounds-man, Mick Quinn, will be able to start preparing the courts before St Patrick’s Day. Changes to the grounds have given us some space and we would like to have a croquet lawn or a boules court. If anyone has a croquet set or boules that they no longer use, would you consider donating the unwanted items to the tennis club please?

Coaching will be available for the children from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes at Taney National School and notices will be emailed to the PTA during Easter. It is important to register names as soon as possible because the lists fill up very quickly. Starting in 16th May, classes will take place on Monday evenings from 7.15pm until 8.30pm; from 17th May classes will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 2.30pm until 3.45pm. The cost per child is €35 for five classes and includes membership of the club. To book classes,

please contact Lynda Levis at 087 293 7753.

The club tournaments will be played during July and August with the finals on the ‘At Home’ day, Saturday 27th August 2016. The club will open, weather permitting, on Saturday 30th April and as always we welcome new members.

We encourage our members to participate in Round Robin tournaments on summer evenings. We also have our traditional and much loved Saturday tea with the ladies of the club providing delicious sandwiches and cakes and a couple of barbecues throughout the season.

Preparation are under way to celebrate our 80th anniversary in 2017. It is quite an achievement for a club to be going strong after so many years and we would encourage all our members both past and present to come to the club and join in the festivities!

Application forms for coaching and any information required can be obtained from Margaret Nevin, Ho.n Secretary, phone 087 2322308.

Margaret Nevin

Taney Parish Primary SchoolDue to the generosity of Taney parents and friends, our Christmas Carol services raised €1716.00, which we donated to Cancer Clinical Research.

We kicked off the New Year with our successful annual Table Quiz, with Owen Pearson acting as a magnificent Quizmaster. We held a raffle on the night with lots of great prizes donated by local businesses and parents in the school. A very healthy profit of €1586.59 was raised and this will go directly into fundraising efforts over the year.

Our annual parent Information evening was held on Thursday the 3rd March. We were delighted to have John Lonergan, a former governor of Mountjoy Prison as out speaker. John’s talk included ‘Parenting - the challenges and the rewards’. The evening was very well attended and was both insightful and enlightening.

We are working towards our Active School Flag and in conjunction with this our School Self Evaluation subject is P.E. To target ‘activity for all’ we are well

underway to achieving our ‘Run to New York’ goal having already passed Galway, Cork, London and Berlin! We are encouraging ‘activity breaks’ during morning supervision periods and other breaks throughout the day. We are also encouraging ‘activity breaks’ in our classrooms using ideas from The Irish Heart Foundation. We have learned that parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the benefits of the children being active.

On Thursday the 28th of April, we will have a Sponsored Walk in Marley Park, which will include children from Junior Infants right up to 6th Class. As always, we hope that family and friends will support the children in this fundraising event. The funds will support the purchase of new sports equipment and school tours.

In the Summer Term we pick up the pace with two Swimming Displays, The Morton Cup, Sports Day, Irish Dancing Display, Taney Parish Fête, AGM and finally the 6th Class Graduation. At that stage I think we will all need a very, very long holiday!


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Parish organisations

8 Taney News Easter 2016

Taney EcoShine a light on Climate Justice.Christ Church, Taney was delighted to host the Climate Justice Candle on Sunday 14th February when it was lit at our services. The travelling candle is a wonderful reminder to focus on Climate Justice, parish by parish, throughout the country. We received the candle from Dundrum Methodist Church and passed it on to Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Balally.

This initiative was launched at the National Ecumenical Prayer Service, in the presence of President Michael D Higgins, and was hosted with Trócaire and Christian Aid in November. Since then the candle has already visited churches in Dublin as well as two schools. It is likely to visit other parishes in Dublin until sometime in March/April when it will head to Kildare and Wicklow before moving further south. (Eco-Congregation Newsletter)

Five Rs to combat waste or work towards zero waste: Refuse As in don’t accept what you don’t need.Reduce What you need.Reuse What you don’t need.Recycle What you cannot reuse.Rot Anything that can be composted.

Web search: www.irelandgoinggreen.com

Carol Newburn

Golf Outing 2016The Parish Golf Outing will be held on Friday 9th September in Rathfarnham Golf Club. All members and friends will be welcome. Full details in next issue of Taney News.

Taney TotsTaney Tots is a toddler group that welcomes parents, grandparents and minders to join us every Monday and Thursday during school term time, from 10am to 12pm.

With our fun, interactive and friendly atmosphere, babies, toddlers and parents have been joining us weekly and it’s been especially busy this term with many new faces.

This is a voluntary group, run by parents who appreciate the need for a local toddler group. To ensure this brilliant group keeps going, we urgently need members of the parish to help out with the general running of the group. If you feel you would like to join us, please contact Louise White.

For more information visit our Facebook page; Taney Tots Taney Parish or contact Louise White (0878294481) or Elaine Platt (0860830208).

Taney PlayschoolWe can’t believe how fast the year is going in Taney Playschool. We are approaching the Easter holidays and the children have been so busy doing Arts & Crafts projects for Easter, St Patrick’s Day and Mother’s day as well as their regular projects based on each week’s letter of the week.

From September 2016 the ECCE scheme will be extended to allow children up to 2 years in the scheme starting after their 3rd birthday. Most places have already been confirmed for September 2016 and we have a short waiting list for those that are not, so if you would like your child’s name to be added to the list for this September (or subsequent years) please feel free to contact me on 087 2225986 or [email protected].

Taney RangersOn 16th April the Rangers are taking a trip to Kilkenny, stopping en route for coffee. A tour of the city in the ‘Little Train’ has been organized before lunch in Langton’s. In the afternoon there will be free time to explore the castle and the craft shops. Enquiries to the Parish Office: 2985491

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a day in the life

I came to Dublin in 1960 and first attended St. Werburgh’s and, later on joined Zion and Grosvenor Road Baptist Church, where I married Jean. We bought a house in Meadowbrook and we started worship in Taney. Our children David and Heather attended Taney School.

When David’s Scout Leader emigrated in 1985 a chance comment I made led to my becoming a Group Leader for the scouts. That was the start of a life-long involvement with Dundrum Scout Group, and twenty-three years as a Scout Leader and at times Assistant SL. It was also the start of a new education in hiking, camping, kayaking on the best parts of the Boyne, Liffey, Avonmore, Slaney, Barrow and Nore. I became a Travel Agent, organising Summer Camps at home and abroad (Germany, Holland, France, Scotland, Guernsey, Exeter and Torquay).

There was great satisfaction in seeing young boys come to me at age 11 and move on at 17/18 as young men, with sufficient life skills to look after themselves in adulthood. There were just a few stressful situations: having to stretcher home a young scout with a bad knee infection; a broken arm sustained on an overnight hike; a spiral fracture through sliding down a steep bank in the forest at Beckettsfield; a scout who injured both legs when he parted company with his bicycle while speeding downhill on a cyclehike.

Following retirement, my scout education allowed me to lead a high-level hikes in the Pyrenees backpacking all our gear and food for ten days around Cirque de Gavarnie. On two occasions I led

the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island – a wilderness hike: in one end out the other; no other way out unless you suffered a severe injury! We carried everything on our backs, always aware that black bears, wolves and cougars were lurking in the bush. We supplemented our diet with crabs from the Indians at Nitinat Narrows and Burgers to die for from Chez Monique further up the trail. I recommend you to ‘Google’ the location!

Lately, I’ve been kept busy on the redevelopment of the scout lodge, Beckettsfield. It was closed because of safety concerns but this has had a positive outcome. The upgrade has given us a fifteen-bed bunkroom with ensuite facilities, an extension which gives two six-bed bunkrooms with ensuite facilities and a wet room for disabled scouts. Fire alarms and fire escapes have been fitted. The building is now within all legal regulations. My ‘retirement’ from active scouting allowed me arrange and supervise many of the renovations. When the builders moved out I moved in - to build studwalls and insulate the extension. Don’t look too closely at my plastering/skimcoating.Now back to Taney and delighted to be able to help out, cleaning

gutters, exterminating wasps, trimming trees and shrubs, replacing broken tiles and various other necessary repairs or simply cleaning. We need people to help maintain the Parish Centre and grounds. You don’t have to be skilled (I’m not) so if you would like to help from time to time please give your details to Tara in the Parish Office. Then there is the Parish Fête—You know those three large marquees—well I look after their maintenance and storage, and kind volunteers from the parish help to put them up and take them down. I am a happy chappy when they come down bone dry otherwise they have to be hung up in the hall.

The highlight of volunteering in my year is the annual erection and decoration of the two Christmas Trees—one on the tower and the other in the church. In recent years Roger Brooks and I, with help from some Wesley sudents, have harvested the trees up in Carrickgollogan. We need a twenty-five foot tree for visibility on the tower. Also, we like to choose a really tall tree for the interior of the church. Have you ever wondered how we get those tall trees into the Church? Have you noticed the hole in the ceiling?

A Day in the Life... Scout Leader

Beckettsfield Scout Lodge needs good-sized wood burning stove – if you are

replacing your stove could you please keep us in mind.

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youth news

JUNIOR CHOIR NEWSThe dark days of winter may be making way for the first rays of spring, but life for the Junior Choir this year continues its hectic pace!!

The Christmas season was busy as ever with 2 Carol services at Taney and our usual trip to St Ann’s in Dawson Street to sing carols as part of the ‘Black Santa’ Appeal. We also submitted a recording to the RTE Lyric FM ‘Choirs for Christmas’ competition, but sadly it was not selected for broadcast. Maybe next year ….

2016 started with news that the Parish, and specifically the Junior Choir, had been invited to provide the Morning Service broadcast on RTE television on Sunday March 6th, Mothering Sunday. The excitement brought great energy to our rehearsals, which were quite intense as we brought together both Junior and Senior Choirs for this event!

Meanwhile, for our Family Service in February, we were visited by the Junior Choir from Kilternan Parish with their organist and choir director, Kevin O’Sullivan. The combined choirs of nearly 30 children led our music for the service and made a wonderful sound. We hope to make a return visit to Kilternan in the summer term.

And finally, it seemed only fitting to celebrate the hard work and contribution made by our talented young singers with a choir party! Following the Family Service on February 14th we all marched down to Milanos in Dundrum for some well earned pizza and fun!

The Junior Choir is always looking for new members who will commit themselves to regular practices and Sunday services. All children are welcome, although the choir is best suited to children aged 7 years and older (from 2nd class). Choir practice is at 2.30pm on Wednesday afternoons in the Parish Centre. Please contact Suzanne Chadwick on 087 757 4156 for more information.

taney beaversThis year our beavers have been particularly busy with getting ready for hikes and received their hill walking badge after successfully learning about how to pack a rucksack, the clothes to wear, how to behave safely, learning about maps and signals. We have hiked up Three Rock and also to the Hell Fire Club and our third class beavers had a great slumber night in Larch Hill, complete with drumming circle,

We had a very exciting visit from Dave’s Jungle where our beavers had the opportunity to hold pythons, tarantulas and lizards. All children (and animals) were returned to their respective homes unharmed.

As part of the Transportation Badge our beavers made a trip on a steam train from Connolly Station to Maynooth and learned how the steam engine works. Joe Daly Cycles kindly visited the beavers to give advice on cycle safety and looking after their bicycles. Helmets, lights, brakes, tyres, gears and saddle where all checked and tested by willing assistants. After a long day of flying, Niamh Jennings was very kind to come and give the beavers a first-hand account of what it was like to be a pilot.

Another highlight of the year was when the beavers recreated the world of Harry Potter, casting spells and adopting the four magical houses for an evening: Gryffindor lion, the Slytherin serpent, the Ravenclaw eagle, and the Hufflepuff badger.

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Clergy Contacts

Rev’d Canon Robert WarrenTel: 298 4497

Curate Assistant: Rev’d Cathy HallisseyTel: 086 358 3104

Deacon Intern: Rev'd Nigel Pierpoint Tel: 087 638 8238 Lay Reader: Trilly KeatingeTel: 492 2791

Parish Contacts

Parish Administrator Tara O’Rourke Tel: 2985491

Assistant Parish Administrator Maeve O’Kelly Tel: 298 5491

Churchwardens in Christ Church, Taney: Heather O’Doherty Dean (Rector’s); Tara O’Rourke (People’s), assisted by Willie Campbell, Bob Dwyer Joyce, Tom Gilmore, Audrey Harrison, Carol Robinson Tweed, Carol Eggers, Pat O'Doherty & Lynda Goldsmith.

Churchwardens in St. Nahi’s: Elaine Wynne (People’s) and Robert Lane (Rector’s).

Glebe Wardens: William Hourie (People’s) and Nigel Macken (Rector’s).

Hon. Secretary: Mark Armstrong

Hon. Treasurer: Darren Bowling

Select Vestry: Mark Armstrong, Andrew Bowers, Darren Bowling, Peter Connor, Carol Eggers, Trilly Keatinge, Jim O’Neill, Heather Rutledge, Kate Shearer, Desmond Siberry, Evelyn Sloane and Richard Sloane.

Church Review Distributor: Taney Parish Office

Church of Ireland Gazette Distributor: Taney Parish Office

Website: www.taneyparish.ie

Taney Parish Office email: [email protected]

Who’s Who in Taney Parish

Safeguarding Trust

Taney Parish seeks

• To create a safe environment which will promote healthy and fulfilling participation of children and minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or accidental.

• To encourage safe practices for those who work with children.

• To safeguard those who work with children from the consequences of unfounded accusations.

Should you have any concerns or questions contact a member of the Parish Safeguarding Trust Panel:

1. Charles Sloane Tel: 295 50082. Trilly Keatinge Tel: 492 27913. Beryl Tilson Tel: 295 3397

Taney NewsThe magazine is a vital means of communication in Taney and is distributed to every household in the parish free of charge. We hope you will agree that it is a top quality production that has been recognized at a diocesan and national level. If you would like to make a contribution to the publication costs please leave it on the collection plate or drop it into the Parish Office. Please mark the envelope ‘Taney


News! News! News!For all up to date news and information on forthcoming events please check out the Parish Website www.taneyparish.ie

Clergy On Call Number: Tel: 083 477 1673 (Emergency only)

Taney News Easter 2016 11

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12 Taney News Winter 2014

From The Registers

Holy Baptism11th October (in Christ Church) – Lauren Mary Ruth, daughter of Timothy & Suzanne Delaney (nee Miller).22nd November (in Christ Church) – Max Tomás Xavier, son of Laurence & Emily McFarlane29th November (in St Nahi’s) – Daniel Valdis, son of Robert & Linda Kenny10th January (in Christ Church) – Devin Desmond O’Gorman, son of Colin O’Gorman and Sarah Mullock.10th January (in Christ Church) – Thomas John Bateson, son of Alan Bateson and Lorna Darley.14th February (in Christ Church) – Charlie Howard Gray McConnell, son of Peter and Susan McConnell.14th February (in Christ Church) – Shira Wenhua Wold, daughter of Benjamin and Wenhua Wold.13th March (in Christ Church) – James Michael, son of Paul & Jennifer Donnlly.

Marriages15th January 2016 – Andrew Clinch & Monica Timmons (in St. Nahi’s Church)

Funerals15th December 2016 – (in Christ Church) – Eric Bryan9th March 2016 (in Christ Church) – Ray Moutray11th March 2016 (in Christ Church) – Vera Belton

BereavementsOur sympathy and prayers are with all who have recently been bereaved, remembering especially:-David Jermyn and family on the death of David’s father Henry Jermyn.David McClean and family on the death of his sister Lily.Alan Homan and family on the death of Alan’s wife Elsie.Beryl Tilson and family on the death of her brother-in-law Peter Johnston.Kerri Adams and family on the death of her father David Judge.Alan Cathcart and family on the death of his sister, Heather Cathcart.James Henry and family on the death of his father, Jim Henry.Harry Masterson and family on the death of his mother, Patricia Maud Masterson.Veitch Smyth and family on the death of her brother, Ivan Craig.Carol Eggers and family on the death of her mother, Gerty Eggers.Beryl Moutray and family on the death of her husband, Ray.John, George and Valerie Belton and their family on the death of their mother Vera. Norman Holmes and family on the death of his sister, Olga HolmesMay they know the comfort of God’s love at this time.

12 Taney News Easter 2016

Confirmation candidates 2016From Taney Parish: Joni Adams, Juliette Arpac, Elizabeth Barnardo Byrne, Richard Brophy, Megan Culbert, Alex Dunlop, Maddie Field, Carla Hudson, Zoë Hutchison, Lizzy Kennedy, Chloe Lindsay, Peter Maher, Jed Maloney, Jamie Metchette, Sophia Moore, Zak Moran, Tadhg O’Neill, Robin O’Shaughnessy, Jack Smalley, Kyle Wallace

From Wesley College: Naomi Knaggs, Daniel Plunkett,

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Christmas Bazaar

RTé Broadcast

Page 16: Easter 2016 Vol.28 Issue 1taneyparish.ie/uploads/taney news magazine/T_News_Spring... · 2016. 3. 14. · The events of Holy Week are so well recorded in the Gospels that we can follow

this years fete will be held on saturday june 11th 1- 4pm in the grounds of taney parish centre.

as always there will be lots of fun for all the family and great live music to enjoy during the afternoon.

due to popular demand ‘the taney bush trial’ is back again and it promises to continue to cause a lot of laughs and will still be aimed at

‘the bravest’ members of our community.

as the crockery smash is still one of biggest attractions we will be looking again for donations of old crockery. we will also have the taney outlet so

please keep all your unwanted items. if you have items you would like to get rid of now please call the parish of ice and we will arrange collection.