ea goals and objectives ea

EA Goals and Objectives EA The cooperative’s business affairs shall be managed in the most economical and efficient manner possible. The director has authority to manage the cooperative’s business affairs. Approved:

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Page 1: EA Goals and Objectives EA

EA Goals and Objectives


T h e coo p e ra t i ve ’ s b us in e ss a f f a i r s s ha l l b e m anaged i n t h e m os t

economical and efficient manner possible.

T h e d i r ec t o r h a s au t ho r i t y t o m an age th e co op e r a t i v e ’ s b us in e ss



Page 2: EA Goals and Objectives EA

E B Bu i ld i ng s a nd Gro u n d s Ma n a g em en t


A l l c o o p e r a t i v e b u i l d i n g s a n d p r o p e r t y s h a l l b e m a i n t a i n e d a n d

inspected on a regular basis.


E B - R B ui l d i n g s a nd Gro u n d s Ma na ge men t


T h e d i r ec t o r s h a l l d ev e l o p a co m p r e h en s i v e p r o g r am w h i ch w i l l

ensure proper maintenance of al l cooperative -owned property.


Page 3: EA Goals and Objectives EA

E B A I n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m


All cooperative-owned property, real and personal , wi ll be insured to

cover losses from natural causes, f i re, vandalism and other casualt ies.

Insurance shall also cover theft of cooperat ive monies .

Liabil i ty Other Than For Vehicles

To the ex tent permit ted by law, the board may insure al l employees

against legal act ion aris ing out of the performance of any authorized

dut ies . The board may authorize the cooperat ive to join a group -funded

pool to provide insurance coverage for the cooperat ive.


E B A - R I n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m


The cooperat ive may designate one or more insurance agents of

record. The director may work with the insurance agent of record or group -

funded pool to develop adequate insurance programs and/or proposals

covering the cooperat ive’s employees and property.


Page 4: EA Goals and Objectives EA

E B A A W o r k e r s C o m p e n s a t i o n


The cooperat ive wil l part icipate in workers compensat ion as required

by current s tatute. The combined workers compensat ion benefi ts and salary

received under al lowed s ick leave, or other avai lable leave, shal l not

exceed one ful l day’s pay.


E B A A - R W o r k e r s C o m p e n s a t i o n


A l l e m p l o y e e s o f t h e c o o p e r a t i v e s h a l l b e c o v e r e d b y w o r k e r s

c o m p e n s a t i o n . W o r k e r s c o m p e n s a t i o n c o v e r a g e i s p r o v i d e d f o r a l l

emplo yees regard l ess of as s ignment , l ength o f ass ignment , and/or hours

worked per day. Benefits are for personal injury from accident or

industrial diseases arising out of and in the course of employment in the


The workers compensa t ion p l an wi l l p rov ide coverage for medical

expenses and wages to the ex t ent r equi red b y s t a tu t e t o those employees

who qual i fy; however , t he amount o f workers compensa t ion benef i t s and

s i ck l eave benef i t s shal l no t exceed a regu la r dai ly ra t e o f pay. An

emplo yee us ing s i ck l eave , o r o the r ava i l ab l e l eave , i n combina t ion wi th

workers compensat ion wi l l be charged fo r one fu l l o r pa r t ia l day o f s i ck

Page 5: EA Goals and Objectives EA

leave, as provided for in the sick leave policy or the negotiated agreement,

for each day of absence unti l the employee’s s ick leave is exhausted.

EBAA-R Workers Compensation EBAA-

R - 2

Any employee who is off work and drawing workers compensation

shal l be required to provide the clerk of the board with a writ ten doctor’s

release before the employee is al lowed to return to work. In addit ion,

should the employee be released to return to work by a doctor and fai l to

do so, al l benefits under s ick leave shall b e ended and those benefits under

workers compensation shal l be rest ricted as provided by current statute.

Choice of Physician

The board shall have the right to choose a designated health care

provider to provide medical assistance to any employee who suffers an

injury while performing their job.


Page 6: EA Goals and Objectives EA

E B B S a f e t y


T h e co o p e r a t i v e s h a l l m ak e r e a s o n a b l e e f f o r t s t o p r o v i d e a s a f e

environment for students and employees.

Heating and Lighting

A l l c o o p e r a t i v e f u r n a c e s , b o i l e r s a n d l i g h t i n g f i x t u r e s w i l l b e

inspect ed annual l y to ensure sa fe t y for s tudents , coopera t ive emplo yees

and patrons.

These devices shall meet minimum state and federal standards.


Page 7: EA Goals and Objectives EA

EB BA H a za rd ous W as t e In sp ec t ion a nd Di spo sa l



R egu l a r i n s p ec t i o n o f co o p e r a t i v e f ac i l i t i e s f o r h az a r d o us w as t e

s h a l l b e c o n d u c t e d b y a c e r t i f i e d i n s p e c t o r . W r i t t e n r e c o r d s o f t h e s e

inspections shall be maintained.


When hazardous waste material i s produced in a class , o r o therwise

located in t he coopera t ive , i t s d i sposal shal l be in accordance wi th s t a te

and federal rules and regulations, or current law.


EBBA-R Hazardou s Waste Inspect ion and Di sposa l


Inspection and Disposal

The director shal l develop wri t ten rules and procedures for not i fying

cooperat ive adminis t rators that hazardous waste has been discovered

and/or produced and rules for report ing the proper disposal of waste.

These rules and regulat ions shal l be dis t r ibuted to al l s taff members in

classi f ied and cert i f ied handbooks.


Page 8: EA Goals and Objectives EA

EBBE Emergency Drills EBBE

Bui ld i n g p r in c ip a l s s ha l l b e r e s po ns i b l e f o r s c hed u l i ng a n d co nd uc t i n g

e me r gen c y an d s a f e ty d r i l l s a s r eq u i r ed b y l a w a nd fo r e nsu r in g s tu den t s a r e

i n s t r uc t ed i n t h e p r oce du res t o f o l l o w d ur in g t he d r i l l s a nd i n a n ac t ua l

e me r gen c y .

E ac h b u i l d in g p r inc i pa l sh a l l d e ve lo p a wr i t t e n p l an fo r s pec i f i c

e me r gen c y d r i l l s r e qu i r e d b y l aw . T he p l a n sha l l i n c lu de sp ec i f i c a r r a n ge ment s

f o r t he e vac ua t i on o f mo b i l i t y i mpa i r ed a n d o t he r i n d i v i du a l s wh o ma y need

a s s i s t a nce f ro m s t a f f me mb e r s t o s a f e l y e x i t t he bu i l d in g . A l t ho u gh p l ans fo r

e va cua t io n a r e e s sen t i a l , t he s t a t e f i r e ma r s ha l ma y g r an t ex e mpt io ns t o t h e

n u mb er o r ma nne r o f d r i l l s r e qu i r ed b y l a w wi t h r e ga rd t o s t ud en t s r ec e i v i n g

s pe c i a l e duc a t i on o r r e l a t ed se r v i ces , up on r eq ues t .

E ac h p r in c ip a l sh a l l c on du c t b r i e f i n gs w i t h t h e s t a f f c on ce r n i n g t he

e me r gen c y p l an .

E ac h t e ac he r sh a l l ex p l a in r e l e va n t p o r t i o ns o f t he p l a n t o s t u de n t s un de r

t he i r j u r i s d i c t i on p r io r t o a d a t e e s t ab l i sh ed b y t he p r i nc i pa l . Wi t h in o ne wee k

t he r ea f t e r , t he bu i ld i n g p r i nc i pa l s ha l l c on du c t a su r p r i s e d r i l l . Oth e r d r i l l s

s ha l l be he ld a t t i mes d e t e r mi ne d b y t he b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l .

T h e fo ur f i r e d r i l l s an d t h r ee c r i s i s d r i l l s r e qu i r ed b y l a w ma y b e

s ch ed u le d a t a n y t i me d ur i n g t h e sch oo l ye a r . Ho we ve r , t h e t wo t o rn ad o d r i l l s

r eq u i r e d sh a l l be c on d uc t e d i n S ep t e mb er a nd Mar ch . A l l t he se d r i l l s mu s t be

Page 9: EA Goals and Objectives EA

c on du c t e d b y ea ch s ch oo l d u r i n g sc ho o l h our s a nd c an no t be ma de pa r t o f

r e gu l a r d i s mi s sa l a t t h e c lo se o f t he s c ho o l d a y .

E ac h e me r genc y an d s a f e t y d r i l l p l a n s ha l l be r e v i ewe d b y t he

s up e r i n t e nde n t an d f i l e d w i th t h e c l e r k .


KASB Recommendat ion–7/96; 4 /07; 12/18 ; 6 /19

Page 10: EA Goals and Objectives EA

EBBF Crisis Planning (See EBBD) EBBF

The director , in cooperation with each building principal (and _ _ _ _ ),

shal l develop a plan to deal with crises in an attendance center . Each plan

shal l be approved by the board before i t i s implemented.

Approved: KASB Recommendat ion – 7 /96

EBBF-R Crisis Planning EBBF-R

A copy of the plan shall be on fi le in each building and with the clerk.

Bui lding principals shal l t rain staff to implement the bui lding plan. As

necessary, s tudents and parents will be informed about details of the plan.

Cris is plans shal l be subject to regular review by the adminis t rat ion. If

a plan is implemented, the board shal l receive a report on how wel l the plan

worked. If necessary, the report shal l include recommended changes.

Approved: KASB Recommendation – 7/96

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EBC Security and Safety EBC

Security devices may be instal led at cooperative at tendance centers.

Other measures may be taken to prevent int rusion or dis turbances from

occurring in school buildings or trespassing on school grounds. The

cooperat ive wil l cooperate with law enforcement in securi ty matters and shall ,

as required by law, report criminal acts commit ted at school , on school

property or at school -sponsored activi t ies .

Reporting Crimes at School to Law Enforcement

Any cooperative employee who knows or has reason to bel ieve any of

the fol lowing has occurred at school , on school property, o r at school -

sponsored activi ty shal l immediately report this information to local law

enforcement : an act which const i tutes the commission of a felony or a

misdemeanor; or an act which involves the possession, use or disposal of

explosives , fi rearms or other weapons as defined in current law.

It is recommended that the building administrator also be not ified.

Anyone making a report in accordance with s tate law and without

mal ice shal l have immunity f rom any c ivi l l iabi l i ty.

Reporting to Administrators and Staff

Teachers and other professional or paraprofessional employees are

required to noti fy administ rators and adminis trators to noti fy al l other school

employees when they have knowledge of the following s tudent behaviors:

The identi ty of any student who has been expelled for conduct which

endangers the safety of others;

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EBC Security and Safety EBC-2

The identi ty of any student who has been expelled for commission of

felony type offenses;

The identity of any student who has been expelled for possession of a


The ident i ty of any s tudent who has been adjudged to be a juveni le

offender and whose offense, i f commit ted by an adul t , would const i tute

a felony, except a felony theft offense involving no di rect threat to

human l i fe;

The ident i t y of any s tudent who has been t r ied and convicted as an

adul t of any fe lony, except theft involving no di rect threat to human

l i fe .

Annual Reports

The principal of each building shall prepare all reports required by law

and present them to the board and the state board o f education annually.

Reports shall not include any personally identifiable information about

students. These reports and this poli cy shall be made available upon request to

parents, patrons, s tudents, and employees and others who request the


Staff Immunity

School adminis t ra tors and school employees are not l i able for civi l

damages for act s or omissions requi red by the K ansas School Safe ty and

Securi ty Act . The school board and each board member shal l have immunity

from l iabi l i t y in any c iv i l act ion for the acts or omissions of any

adminis t ra tor pursuant to the requi rements of the School Safety and Secur i ty

Act. Approved: KASB Recommendation – 7/96; 6/98

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EBCA Vandalism EBCA

Vandalism Protection

Al l cooperat ive personnel shal l report any vandal ism to their immediate

supervisor . Cooperat ive personnel are expected to lock or otherwise secure

any f i les , records, safes or s imilar compartments at the close of each school


In t he event o f vanda l i sm, t he board may o f fe r a r eward according to

l aw.

Resti tution for Damages

The board shall seek resti tution according to law for loss and damage

sustained by the cooperative.

Then principal shall noti fy the director of any loss of , or damage to,

cooperative property. The director shal l investigate the incident . The cost

involved in repairing the damage and/or replacing equipment will be

determined after consul tat ion with appro priate personnel.

When a juvenile is involved, the director shal l contact the parents and

explain their legal responsibil i ty. The parents shall be notif ied in writ ing of

the dollar amount of loss or damage. Routine procedures will be fol lowed for

any necessary follow-up to secure rest i tution from the responsible party.

Rest i tut ion payments shal l be made by juveni les or their parents to the

business off ice, and accounts shal l be kept . Persons of legal age shal l be held

responsible for their own payments . If necessary, provis ions may be made for

instal lment payments .

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Persons having any knowledge are urged to contact the director at _ _ _ , -------------- , KS ------------------------ , telephone ---------------------------------

. The board reserves the right to determine the deserving

EBCA Vandalism EBCA-2

Accounts not paid in ful l wi thin the specif ied t ime may be processed

for legal act ion.

Return of Cooperative Property

Cooperat ive property must be returned by s tudents . If a s tudent does

not return coopera t ive property, the cooperat ive may refuse to forward

s tudent records according to law.

Offering a Reward

The board may offer a reward for information leading to the discovery,

arrest and conviction of persons committ ing acts of vandalism. The offer will

conform to state law and the pol icy adopted by the board.

When the board decides to offer a reward, the notice to be published by

the director shall conform to the following:

The board, as authorized by K.S.A. 1 2-1672a, hereby offers a $_ _ _ _ -------------------------------- (up to $500.00) reward to any person who first provides

information leading to the discovery, arrest and conviction of the person or persons

responsible for acts of vandalism on property, real or personal, owned by the

cooperative or rightfully located on cooperative premises by its employees or






_ _ _ _

r e c i p i e n t s o f t h e r e w a r d i n t h e e v e n t o f c o r r o b o r a t i n g a n d

supplementary information.


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EBE Cleaning and Maintenance Programs EBE

The director shall develop building and grounds cleaning and

maintenance programs for board approval . After approval, the plans shal l be

shared with the appropriate administ rators and classi f ied s taff .



EBE-R Cleaning and Maintenance Programs EBE-R

Cleaning, sanitation and rout ine maintenance plans shal l be developed

by the director and may be published in the appropriate handbook (s) or job

descript ions and/or employment contracts af ter board approval .


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EBI Long-Range Maintenance Program EBI

The director shal l develop annually priori ty l ists outl in ing long-range

maintenance of school property, buildings and grounds.


EBI-R Long-Range Maintenance Program EBI-R

The director shall present a report to the board annually concerning the

cooperative’s maintenance priori t ies. A cost analysis report shall be attached

to the report .


EBJ Records EBJ

All records pertaining to cooperat ive -wide maintenance costs shall be

f i led in the central off ice. When practical , a cost analysis of exis t ing and

proposed maintenance programs shall be developed by the director.


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EC Equipment and Supplies Management EC

The director shal l keep up -to-date inventory records on a l l equipment

and supplies.


Al l packing l is t s wi l l be checked agains t a l l invoices for accuracy by

the director or person responsible for receiving supplies.


EC-R Equipment and Supplies Management EC-R

A quant i ty control system is needed in order to prevent shortages or

mismanagement of cooperat ive -owned equipment or suppl ies . The system

shal l be kept up-to-date and be accura te enough to provide informat ion for

budget preparat ion each year .


Upon veri f ication by the purchasing agent that receivables are in order,

the merchandise shal l be sent to the appropriate locat ion as soon as possi ble.

Each building principal shall be responsible for the al location or storage of al l

supplies and equipment . If the i tems cannot be delivered to the proper

dest ination, they will be stored in an appropriate storage area.

Back orders shall be f i led with the invoice and attached to the purchase

order . Periodic checks shall be made to determine whether back orders have

been filled and delivered. Approved:

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ECF Equipment Maintenance ECF

Cooperat ive-owned equipment shall be checked for malfunctions on a

periodic basis and repaired as quickly as possible.


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ECH Printing and Duplicating Services ECH

The copyright laws of the United States make i t i l legal for anyone to

duplicate copyrighted materials without permission. Severe penalt ies are

provided for unauthorized copying of al l materials covered by the act unless

the copying fal ls wi thin the bounds of the “fair use” doctr ine.

Any duplication of copyrighted materials by district employees must be

done with permission of the copyright holder or within the bounds of “fair


The legal or insurance protect ion of the dis t rict shal l not be extended to

school employees who violate any provis ions of the copyright laws.

Approved: KASB Recommendat ion – 7 /02

Copyright and “fair use” 51

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ED Student Transportation Management (See JGG) ED

Use of buses by the cooperative shall conform to current state law. At

t imes i t may be expedient to pay mileage to parents who t ransport their chi ld

to a specif ied point to meet the bus, or to provide private t ransportation in

l ieu of providing bus service. Mileage payments to parents may be made only

with board approval .

Except as may be permit ted elsewhere in pol icy, cooperat ive buses

shal l not be avai lab le for use by outs ide groups. (See EDDA)

Approved: KASB Recommendat ion – 7 /96

Page 21: EA Goals and Objectives EA

EDAA School Vehicles EDAA

School vehicles wil l not be loaned, leased or subcontracted to any

person, groups of persons or organizations except as allowed by law subject to

board approval.

No cooperat ive vehicle of any type shal l be used by any s tudent , school

employee, patron or any organizat ion to t ransport anyone to or from a

rel igious act ivi ty.

No publ ic funds wil l be spent by the board to hire, rent or le ase any

form of t ransportation to be used by any s tudent, cooperat ive employee,

patron or any organizat ion to t ransport anyone to or from a rel igious act ivity.


All school vehicles will be adequately insured.


Every vehicle driver shal l have authority and responsibi l i ty for the

passengers riding in school vehicles .

Safety Inspection

The director shal l be responsible for t ransportation inspect ions.

Schedul ing and Routing

Scheduling and routing shall be the responsibil i ty of the director.


Every vehicle driver of school vehicles will keep accurate records

pertaining to each assigned vehicle. The types of records shall be developed

by the director.

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EDAA School Vehicles EDAA-2

Licensing of Drivers

It shal l be the responsibil i ty of al l school vehicle drivers to register

with the director annually the validi ty of l icense cert i f ication by the Kansas

Department of Revenue. If a vehicle driver’s l icense is suspended or revoked

at any t ime, the suspension or revocation s hal l be reported to the director and

the employee shall immediately cease driving a cooperative vehicle.

Cooperat ive vehicle drivers shall receive a copy of this policy annually on

regis tering their driving cert i f ication with the director.


EDAA-R School Vehicles EDAA-R


Students or o ther persons r iding school vehicles who vio late

coopera t ive vehicle passenger rules wil l be reported to the proper

adminis t ra t ive off ic ial . Violat ions of these rules may resul t in discip l inary

act ion by school off icial s .

Safety Inspection

Defects found in cooperat ive vehicles shal l be repaired as soon as

possible. The direc tor of t ransportat ion shal l be respons ible for keeping

school vehicles in good operat ing condi t ion.

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EDAA-R School Vehicles EDAA-R-2

Scheduling and Routing

Vehicle and t ransportation schedules and routing maps will be updated

annually prior to the opening of school .


Any record developed by the coopera t ive for the purpose of moni toring

vehicle use wil l inc lude but wil l not be l imi ted to the fol lowing information:

miles driven each t r ip , gas and oi l usage, purpose of the t r ip , dest inat ion ,

t ime depart ing and t ime of return. Such records wil l be s igned by each driver

at the conclusion of each t r ip and submit ted to the person resp onsible for

col lect ion of these records . An annual summary report wi l l be used in the

compilat ion of the coopera t ive’s budge t . A copy of the annual report may be

given to the board on or before the regular board meet ing in June or upon

request .

Housing of School Vehicles

Al l cooperative vehicles shal l be housed in areas designated by the

director. Vehicles may be housed in the cooperat ive’s central storage area or

assigned to a designated driver who may then house the vehicle as directed.

If cooperat ive cars or vans are ass igned to designated employees , the

employee shal l be responsib le for the proper care, maintenance and housing

of the vehicle ei ther at a cooperat ive -owned s i te or at the employee’s

residence .


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EDDA Special Use of School Buses EDDA

The board may al low for special uses of cooperative vehicles using

guidel ines established in this policy. Transportation fees may be charged to

offset total ly or in part the cost of approved special t r ips. Revenues received

by the board under the provis ions of this pol icy shal l not be considered a

reduct ion of operating expenses of the cooperative. Groups al lowed use of

vehicles under this policy are responsible for the care and cleaning of the

vehicles , and for the supervision of pas sengers . The types of groups allowed,

and the rest r ict ions placed on the activit ies these groups may sponsor whi le

using cooperat ive t ransportation, shal l be approved by the board and fi led with

the clerk. Groups allowed use of cooperat ive vehicles may not t ravel outside

Kansas .

Special uses will not be approved without insurance coverage.

Approved: KASB Recommendation – 7/96; 9/97

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EDDA-R Special Use of School Buses EDDA-R

The board may allow the following special uses for cooperative owned


Parents and/or other adults when traveling to or from school -related

functions or activit ies;

Students traveling to or from functions or activit ies sponsored by

organizations, the membership of which is principally composed of

children of school age;

Persons engaged in f ield t rips related to an adul t education program

maintained by the cooperative;

Governing bodies of townships , ci ty or county who t ransport

individuals, groups or organizat ions;

Nonpubl ic school students when t ravel ing to or from i nterschool or

int ra-school funct ions or act ivi t ies ;

Community col lege students enrolled in the community college to or

from at tendance at class at the community college or to and from

funct ions or act ivit ies of the community college.

A four -year col lege or univers i ty, a rea vocat ional school , or area

vocat ional - technical school for t ransportat ion of s tudents to or from

at tendance at class at the four -year col lege or univers i ty, a rea

vocat ional school or area vocat ional - technical school , or for

t ransportat ion of s tudents , alumni and other members of the publ ic to or

from funct ions or ac t ivi t ies of these organizat ions;

Public react ion commissions, i f t ravel is to or from an act ivi ty related

to the operat ion of the commission;

Another cooperative if there is a cooperative and shared -cost

arrangement with that cooperative.

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EF Data Management EF

Data Dissemination

D a t a c o l l e c t ed b y t h e co o p e r a t i v e m a y b e d i s s e m i n a t ed w i t h b o a r d

approval in accordance with current law.

To Education Agencies

Data collected in the cooperative may be provided to authorized state or

federa l government educat ion agencies upon proper reques t , subject to t he

approval of the board or provisions of law.
