e11589 obia prod migration doc v2.0

document.xlsx GC-WCD-04-02T Ver 1.0/ 20-Sep-11 L&T Infotech Confidential 1 of 105 Version No V2.0 Release Date 16-May-14 Document Change History: Version# Release Date Created/Updated By Reviewed By 1.0 10-Mar-14 Amar, Ankit, Preetham 2.0 30-Jun-14 Amar, Preetham Amit Dharamsi, Ashwin Puthran Amit Dharamsi, Ashwin Puthran

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Change HistoryProject IDE11589

Version NoV2.0Release Date16-May-14Document Change History:Version#Release DateCreated/Updated ByReviewed By Approved By / DateRemarks1.010-Mar-14Amar, Ankit, PreethamAmit Dharamsi, Ashwin Puthran2.030-Jun-14Amar, PreethamAmit Dharamsi, Ashwin Puthran

&G&"Trebuchet MS,Regular"&9&F

&"Trebuchet MS,Regular"&9GC-WCD-04-02TVer 1.0/ 20-Sep-11&"Trebuchet MS,Regular"&9 L&&T Infotech Confidential&"Trebuchet MS,Regular"&9&P of &N

Migration_StepsActivity log for OBIA Migration from QA to PROD EnvironmentSr. NoHigh Level DetailsSub Level DetailsStatusRemarksSource EBIZPRD1Synonyms on EBIZPRDRequired Synonyms have been created on EBIZPRD for required Source objectsCompleted2Execute Grants for the packages on EBIZPRDRequired packages grants have been executed on EBIZPRDCompletedGRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO INTERFACE_OBI;Completed3Temp Tablespace size Need to allocate sufficient temp tablespace on EBIZPRDCompletedOBAW Custom Object Migration from OBIDBQA to OBIDBPRD1Custom Tables & IndexesNeed to execute Custom table script on DWH_PRD with respective indexes to be createdCompleted2Custom Stored Procedure & FunctionsNeed to compile custom stored procedure, Functions, Triggers and Materialized view on DWH_PRDCompleted3Migration ScriptRun Migration script on DWH_PRDCompleted3Tablespace size PRD_DW_DATA = tablespace size at least 800 GBCompletedPRD_DW_TEMP = tablespace size at least 250 GBCompletedPRD_DW_IDX = tablespace size at least 200 GBCompleted4Init.oraUpdating DB Parameters in Init.ora fileCompletedODI Custom Object Migration1Custom InterfaceNeed to migrate custom interfaces from QA to PRDCompleted2Custom ScenariosNeed to migrate custom Scenarios from QA to PRDCompletedNeed to migrate ODI metadata with custom codesCompletedOBIA Configuration Files (SRCFILES & LKPFILE)1SRCFILESNeed to migrate configured SRCFILES from QA to PRDCompleted2LKPFILESNeed to migrate configured LKPFILES from QA to PRDCompletedNeed to migrate configured EDW_DATES configuration file from QA to PRDCompletedBI Application Configuration Manager and Fuctional Setup Manager (BIACM & FSM)1BI Application Configuration Manager(BIACM)Load Plan Administration, Manage Data Load Parameters, Manage Reporting ParametersCompleted2Functional Setup Manager (FSM)Configuring offerings from QA to PRDCompletedManage Implementation Projects from QA to PRDCompletedOBIA Repository Migration1Merge the Repository1. List out the Subject Area,table,columns variables etc. required in the finalized RPDCompleted2. Apply the merge rpd utility and check out the objects required from original and modified RPDCompleted2Post Merge repository task1.Change the connection pool details for data read (i.e. TNS entries in the connection pool to point out to the correct data warehouse) and Initialization blocks, variable refresh to EBIZPRD connection pool .Completed2. Check the subject Area, database read/write access permission and privilege's for the Application roles and make changes to accommodate the new application role (if any). Completed3. Check the data level security for existing BI Application roles and make changes to accommodate the new application role (if any).Completed4. Check permission(explicit read) for "SA System" subject area for P&L Application Roles.Completed5. Verify JOB ID for agents and validatet with initblock.CompletedOBIA Web Catalog Migration1Merge the catalogList out the Shared folder, reports and dashboard required and Merge them to a common shared folder.Completed2Check the Catalog permission's1. Preserve the catalog permission applied on the previous env along( with BI Application role or web group access)Completed2. Make necessary changes to accommodate New BI application role permission'sCompleted3Check Permission and Privilege's on Business Analytics Components1. Check the access provided to the application roles or web groups on various components as per previous Environment.Completed2.Make necessary changes to accommodate New BI application role privilege'sCompletedSecurity Migration From EM / Console1User creation/Migration in Embedded LDAP1.Migration of LDAP User's and groups from one Environment to other using Import/Export utility in "my realms"Completed2. Create User's if there are any compatibility issues with the version of OBIEE on Different Env. Completed2Migration of Application Roles and Policies1. Migration of Application role's and configuration from one Environment to other Completed2. Create Application Role's and Configure them, if there are any compatibility issues with the version of OBIEE on Different Env. CompletedSkins and Styles Migration1Migrating Customised Styles/Skins 1.Migrate the s_ and sk_ folder and place it in analyticsRes folder(preferred location)Completed2. set default skin and style in instance config fileCompleted2Migrating Logo's, Images and other customizationMigrate images, logo's ,customized XML for look and feel, place them at desired location as in previous Env.CompletedConfiguration File Changes1NQSConfig.ini changesMigrate the changes of NQS config to the PRD EnvironmentCompleted2Instanceconfig.xmlMigrate the changes of Instanceconfig to the PRD EnvironmentCompleted3setOBIDomainEnv.shIncrease the Oracle (JRockit) JVM heap memory value for BImanaged server, Admin Server and ODI ServerCompleted4config.xml , opmn.xml & xdo.cfgTuning Exporting Large Data Sets to Microsoft ExcelCompleted5Write Back XML TemplateMigrate xml template from QA to PRODCompleted6SMTP Configuratation in EMTo configure E-mail in OBIEECompletedPost Migration Check's on Dashboard's/Reports1Check the customization done on the reports1.Check for the data labels, Hover functionality, customized headings etc. on the reports available on the dashboard's.Completed2. Check for the dependent dashboard prompts fields showing results as per parent field selectionCompleted3. Check the layout size of Dashboard prompt.Completed2Check the customization done on the Dashboard1.Check the images, logo's and reports placed on dashboard are as per desired locationCompleted2. Check the conditional navigation applied on section are working as desiredCompleted


RPD, WebCat & SecuritySecurity Migrtion Security : OBIEE RPD, WebCatalog, Security migration, SSO1. OBIEE Repository Migration and Catalog Migration1. Login to Enterprise Manager, at http://gwcobia1lps.hdsupply.net:7001/em2. Click on Core Application form Fusion middleware section

3. Now Click on Deployments, Repository. Click on Lock and Edit Configuration4. From Upload BI Server repository section, Click on browse, select the RPD and type the password5. In BI Presentation catalog section, enter the path in which Web catalog is shared

6. Click on Apply and Click on Activate Changes.7. Now go to availability tab and Restart BI Server and Presentation services.8. The RPD is automatically put into shared path when it is uploaded to EM. If the RPD is not copied automatically, it means that there is no change in the new repository uploaded and there is a copy of this RPD available under directory, instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository2. Policy Store Migration1. From the instance from where the policy store is migrated from,Locate the policy store from /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/fmwconfig2. Copy the file system-jazn-data.xml to the Source sub-folder in SecurityMigration in the target instance.3. From the instance from where the policy store is migrated to,Locate the policy store from /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/fmwconfig4. Copy the file system-jazn-data.xml to the Target sub-folder in SecurityMigration. This can be considered as an backup before migration.5. Copy the system-jazn-data.xml from the source directory to /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/fmwconfig and replace the current file.6. Restart the Managed Server.

3. Refreshing GUIDOnce the Security migration, RPD, Catalog migration and SSO Setup the GUID must be refreshed.For Refreshing GUID1. Go to /instances/instance1/Config/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1 and make a backup of NQSConfig.INI before editing.2. Edit the NQSConfig.INI and update the parameter FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS = NO; toFMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS = YES;3. Save and Quit.4. Go to /instances/instance1/Config/ OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/ coreapplication_obips1 and make a backup of instanceconfig.xml before editing.5. Edit the instanceconfig.xml and locate following tags. false 6. Update this tag to following and save false < UpdateAccountGUIDs>UpdateAndExit 7. Go to instances/instance1/bin and enter ./opmnctl stopall8. Once the services are down, start all services by ./opmnctl startall9. Wait till the presentation Services Goes down.10. Once the Presentation services goes down, Revert back the changes, ie FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS = NO; in NQSConfig.ini and < UpdateAccountGUIDs>UpdateAndExit in instanceconfig.xml.11. Stop and Start the OPMN Services again.3. Setting Up Single Sign on with Oracle EBS (SSO)Customized EBS Security Context init block from OBIA RPD: SQL Statement:select FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID, FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID,FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID,FND_GLOBAL.RESP_NAME, FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,FND_GLOBAL.EMPLOYEE_ID,FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME,FND_GLOBAL.RESP_NAME from dual;

Add USERS & ROLES as new variable.

4. Application RolesHDS BI Analytics user -WCHDS BI Category Management - WCHDS BI FPnA - WCHDS BI PnL Account Lead - WCHDS BI PnL Account Team - WCHDS BI PnL Report User - WCHDS BI Pricing - WCHDS BI Sales Support - WCHDS Branch SecurityHDS PNL Security5. Catalog GroupsPresentation HDS PnL Account TeamPresentation HDS Cat Mgmt groupPresentation HDS FPnA GroupPresentation HDS PnL Accounts LeadPresentation HDS PnL Reports UserPresentation HDS PnL Account TeamPresentation HDS Pricing GroupPresentation HDS Sales Support GroupPresentation HDS Superuser Group

Init.OraInit.Ora parameter File_b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE_optimizer_autostats_job = FALSE_trace_files_public = TRUEarchive_lag_target = 1800audit_file_dest = /odump/obidbprd/adumpaudit_trail = NONEcursor_sharing = EXACTdb_block_checking = FALSEdb_block_checksum = TYPICALdb_cache_size = 48Gdb_files = 1024db_writer_processes = 5diagnostic_dest = /odump/obidbprdfast_start_mttr_target = 3600java_pool_size = 256Mjob_queue_processes = 10large_pool_size = 1Gldap_directory_access = PASSWORDldap_directory_sysauth = YESlog_archive_format = 'obidbprd_%t_%s_%r.arc'log_buffer = 115630080log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUEnls_sort = BINARYparallel_adaptive_multi_user = TRUEparallel_degree_limit = 2parallel_degree_policy = AUTOparallel_max_servers = 80parallel_min_servers = 0parallel_min_time_threshold = 120parallel_servers_target = 64pre_page_sga = TRUEquery_rewrite_enabled = TRUEquery_rewrite_integrity = TRUSTEDrecyclebin = OFFsession_cached_cursors = 500shared_pool_size = 5Gundo_retention = 90000workarea_size_policy = AUTOcompatible = = ('/odata/obidbprd/dat1/control01.ctl', '/odata/obidbprd/LOGB/control03.ctl', '/odata/obidbprd/LOGA/control02.ctl')db_block_size = 8192db_domain = ''db_name = obidbprdlog_archive_dest_1 = 'LOCATION=/oarch/obidbprd'open_cursors = 500pga_aggregate_target = 40Gprocesses = 2500remote_login_passwordfile = EXCLUSIVEsga_target = 60032Mstar_transformation_enabled = TRUEundo_management = AUTOundo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1cluster_database = FALSEdb_create_file_dest = db_create_online_log_dest_1 = db_create_online_log_dest_2 = db_recovery_file_dest = db_recovery_file_dest_size = 0instance_number = 0log_archive_dest_11 = log_archive_dest_12 = log_archive_dest_2 = ''log_archive_dest_21 = log_archive_dest_22 = log_archive_dest_31 = log_archive_dest_state_1 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_11 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_12 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_2 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_21 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_22 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_31 = enablememory_target = 0nls_language = AMERICANnls_territory = AMERICAremote_listener = rollback_segments = sessions = 3776shared_servers = 0O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY = FALSEactive_instance_count = aq_tm_processes = 1asm_diskgroups = asm_diskstring = asm_power_limit = 1asm_preferred_read_failure_groups = audit_sys_operations = FALSEaudit_syslog_level = awr_snapshot_time_offset = 0background_core_dump = partialbackground_dump_dest = /odump/obidbprd/diag/rdbms/obidbprd/obidbprd/tracebackup_tape_io_slaves = FALSEbitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576blank_trimming = FALSEbuffer_pool_keep = buffer_pool_recycle = cell_offload_compaction = ADAPTIVEcell_offload_decryption = TRUEcell_offload_parameters = cell_offload_plan_display = AUTOcell_offload_processing = TRUEcell_offloadgroup_name = circuits = client_result_cache_lag = 3000client_result_cache_size = 0clonedb = FALSEcluster_database_instances = 1cluster_interconnects = commit_logging = commit_point_strength = 1commit_wait = commit_write = control_file_record_keep_time = 7control_management_pack_access = DIAGNOSTIC+TUNINGcore_dump_dest = /odump/obidbprd/diag/rdbms/obidbprd/obidbprd/cdumpcpu_count = 8create_bitmap_area_size = 8388608create_stored_outlines = cursor_bind_capture_destination = memory+diskcursor_space_for_time = FALSEdb_16k_cache_size = 0db_2k_cache_size = 0db_32k_cache_size = 0db_4k_cache_size = 0db_8k_cache_size = 0db_block_buffers = 0db_cache_advice = ONdb_create_online_log_dest_3 = db_create_online_log_dest_4 = db_create_online_log_dest_5 = db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128db_file_name_convert = db_flash_cache_file = db_flash_cache_size = 0db_flashback_retention_target = 1440db_keep_cache_size = 0db_lost_write_protect = NONEdb_recycle_cache_size = 0db_securefile = PERMITTEDdb_ultra_safe = OFFdb_unique_name = obidbprddb_unrecoverable_scn_tracking = TRUEdbwr_io_slaves = 0ddl_lock_timeout = 0deferred_segment_creation = TRUEdg_broker_config_file1 = /obase/obidbprd/11204/dbs/dr1obidbprd.datdg_broker_config_file2 = /obase/obidbprd/11204/dbs/dr2obidbprd.datdg_broker_start = FALSEdisk_asynch_io = TRUEdispatchers = ''distributed_lock_timeout = 60dml_locks = 16612dnfs_batch_size = 4096dst_upgrade_insert_conv = TRUEenable_ddl_logging = FALSEenable_goldengate_replication = FALSEfal_client = fal_server = fast_start_io_target = 0fast_start_parallel_rollback = LOWfile_mapping = FALSEfileio_network_adapters = filesystemio_options = nonefixed_date = gcs_server_processes = 0global_context_pool_size = global_names = FALSEglobal_txn_processes = 1hash_area_size = 131072hi_shared_memory_address = 0hs_autoregister = TRUEifile = instance_groups = instance_name = obidbprdinstance_type = RDBMSinstant_restore = FALSEjava_jit_enabled = TRUEjava_max_sessionspace_size = 0java_restrict = nonejava_soft_sessionspace_limit = 0license_max_sessions = 0license_max_users = 0license_sessions_warning = 0listener_networks = local_listener = ''lock_name_space = lock_sga = FALSElog_archive_config = log_archive_dest = log_archive_dest_10 = ''log_archive_dest_13 = log_archive_dest_14 = log_archive_dest_15 = log_archive_dest_16 = log_archive_dest_17 = log_archive_dest_18 = log_archive_dest_19 = log_archive_dest_20 = log_archive_dest_23 = log_archive_dest_24 = log_archive_dest_25 = log_archive_dest_26 = log_archive_dest_27 = log_archive_dest_28 = log_archive_dest_29 = log_archive_dest_3 = ''log_archive_dest_30 = log_archive_dest_4 = ''log_archive_dest_5 = ''log_archive_dest_6 = ''log_archive_dest_7 = ''log_archive_dest_8 = ''log_archive_dest_9 = ''log_archive_dest_state_10 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_13 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_14 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_15 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_16 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_17 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_18 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_19 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_20 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_23 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_24 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_25 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_26 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_27 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_28 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_29 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_3 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_30 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_4 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_5 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_6 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_7 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_8 = enablelog_archive_dest_state_9 = enablelog_archive_duplex_dest = ''log_archive_local_first = TRUElog_archive_max_processes = 4log_archive_min_succeed_dest = 1log_archive_start = FALSElog_archive_trace = 0log_checkpoint_interval = 0log_file_name_convert = max_dispatchers = max_dump_file_size = unlimitedmax_enabled_roles = 150max_shared_servers = memory_max_target = 0nls_calendar = nls_comp = BINARYnls_currency = nls_date_format = nls_date_language = nls_dual_currency = nls_iso_currency = nls_length_semantics = BYTEnls_nchar_conv_excp = FALSEnls_numeric_characters = ''nls_time_format = nls_time_tz_format = nls_timestamp_format = nls_timestamp_tz_format = object_cache_max_size_percent = 10object_cache_optimal_size = 102400olap_page_pool_size = 0open_links = 4open_links_per_instance = 4optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines = FALSEoptimizer_dynamic_sampling = 2optimizer_features_enable = = 0optimizer_index_cost_adj = 100optimizer_mode = ALL_ROWSoptimizer_secure_view_merging = TRUEoptimizer_use_invisible_indexes = FALSEoptimizer_use_pending_statistics = FALSEoptimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines = TRUEos_authent_prefix = 'ops$'os_roles = FALSEparallel_automatic_tuning = FALSEparallel_execution_message_size = 16384parallel_force_local = FALSEparallel_instance_group = parallel_io_cap_enabled = FALSEparallel_min_percent = 0parallel_server = FALSEparallel_server_instances = 1parallel_threads_per_cpu = 2permit_92_wrap_format = TRUEplscope_settings = IDENTIFIERS:NONEplsql_ccflags = plsql_code_type = INTERPRETEDplsql_debug = FALSEplsql_optimize_level = 2plsql_v2_compatibility = FALSEplsql_warnings = DISABLE:ALLprocessor_group_name = rdbms_server_dn = ''read_only_open_delayed = FALSErecovery_parallelism = 0redo_transport_user = remote_dependencies_mode = TIMESTAMPremote_os_authent = FALSEremote_os_roles = FALSEreplication_dependency_tracking = TRUEresource_limit = FALSEresource_manager_cpu_allocation = 8resource_manager_plan = ''result_cache_max_result = 5result_cache_max_size = 52448Kresult_cache_mode = MANUALresult_cache_remote_expiration = 0resumable_timeout = 0sec_case_sensitive_logon = TRUEsec_max_failed_login_attempts = 10sec_protocol_error_further_action = CONTINUEsec_protocol_error_trace_action = TRACEsec_return_server_release_banner = FALSEserial_reuse = disableservice_names = obidbprdsession_max_open_files = 10sga_max_size = 60032Mshadow_core_dump = partialshared_memory_address = 0shared_pool_reserved_size = 275146342shared_server_sessions = skip_unusable_indexes = TRUEsmtp_out_server = sort_area_retained_size = 0sort_area_size = 65536spfile = /obase/obidbprd/11204/dbs/spfileobidbprd.orasql92_security = FALSEsql_trace = FALSEsqltune_category = DEFAULTstandby_archive_dest = ?/dbs/archstandby_file_management = MANUALstatistics_level = TYPICALstreams_pool_size = 0tape_asynch_io = TRUEthread = 0timed_os_statistics = 0timed_statistics = TRUEtrace_enabled = TRUEtracefile_identifier = transactions = 4153transactions_per_rollback_segment = 5use_indirect_data_buffers = FALSEuse_large_pages = TRUEuser_dump_dest = /odump/obidbprd/diag/rdbms/obidbprd/obidbprd/traceutl_file_dir = xml_db_events = enableexecute GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS and CALIBERATE_IO STATS

Config.xmlPath:u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/Instance/instance1/config/OracleBIJavaHostComponent/Coreapplication_obijh1/Config.xmlSr. No.Default TagTag Changed To1 8192 true 524288 false

2 8192 11000 3NA 100 200 200

NQSConfig.INIPath:u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/Instance/instance1/config/OracleBIServerComponent/Coreapplication_obis1/NQSConfig.INISr. No.Default TagTag Changed ToManaged by1MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE = 40 MB; # This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlMAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 5000; # This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlMAX_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE = 20 MB; # This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlMAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 1000; # This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlEnterprise Manager2DATE_TIME_DISPLAY_FORMAT = "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss"; DATE_TIME_DISPLAY_FORMAT = "yyyy/mm/dd";NQSConfig.INI3NASORT_MEMORY_SIZE = 4 MB; SORT_BUFFER_INCREMENT_SIZE = 256 KB; NQSConfig.INI4MAX_SESSION_LIMIT = 2000; MAX_SESSION_LIMIT = 5000; NQSConfig.INI5SERVER_THREAD_RANGE = 40-100; SERVER_THREAD_RANGE = 40-260; NQSConfig.INI6DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_RANGE = 40-200; DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_RANGE = 50-520;NQSConfig.INI7MAX_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_ENTRIES = 1024; # default is 1024MAX_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_ENTRIES = 2048; # default is 1024NQSConfig.INI8INIT_BLOCK_CACHE_ENTRIES = 20; # default is 20INIT_BLOCK_CACHE_ENTRIES = 5000; # default is 20NQSConfig.INI9EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL = 0; EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL = 2; NQSConfig.INI10NULL_VALUES_SORT_FIRST = ON; NULL_VALUES_SORT_FIRST = OFF; 11PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME = "".""."".""; # Or "".""."" ; - This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlPHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME = "Usage_Tracking_DB"."Catalog"."dbo"."S_NQ_ACCT"; # Or "".""."" ; - This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlEnterprise Manager12ENABLE = NO;ENABLE = YES;Enterprise Manager

InstanceConfig.xmlPath:u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/Instance/instance1/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/Coreapplication_obips1/InstanceConfig.xmlSr. No.Default TagTag Changed ToManaged by1NAtrueBI Presentation Server2650009000000Enterprise Manager3NA99999999 9999999900 BI Presentation Server45000099999999200000010003001000100BI Presentation Server51000 500 1000 30 500001000 2000000 1000 100 30000000BI Presentation Server6truetrue50000025000014000050000012228BI Presentation Server7



SSO Implementation8/u01/dev/app/obia/Middleware/Oracle_BI1/biapps/web/app/biappsRes/bicontent/staticfiles/biapps/analyticsRes/u01/dev/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/analyticsResHDS LOGO Configration9NAhds hdsHDS LOGO Configration10NA









Performance Recommendation11NA3BI Presentation Server12NA


BI Presentation Server13NA 100BI Presentation Server14NAfalse falseBI Presentation Server15NA210Enterprise Manager16NA




-5 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)BI Presentation Server17NA6010 10BI Presentation Server


1440011BI Presentation Server19


11BI Presentation Server20 false true BI Presentation Server

Weblogic ConsoleSr. NoTask Name1.1Increase the Number of Connection PoolSelect your data source (for example mds-owsm), and then click onConnection Pool tab, and then Maximum Capacity.

1.2Stuck thread detection behavior TuningManaged Servers Default Value Suggested Valuebi_server1 Stuck Thread Max Time=600Stuck Thread Max Time=2400Stuck Thread Timer Interval=60Stuck Thread Timer Interval=2400Max Stuck Thread Time=600Max Stuck Thread Time=2400

AdminServer Stuck Thread Max Time=600Stuck Thread Max Time=2400Stuck Thread Timer Interval=60Stuck Thread Timer Interval=2400Max Stuck Thread Time=600Max Stuck Thread Time=24001.3Tuning 64bit Oracle JRockit JVM (SetOBIDomainEnv.sh)Default TagChanged To# Managed server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVMSERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms16384m -Xmx16384m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms16384m -Xmx16384m" # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVMSERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m"SERVER_MEM_ARGS="Xms8192m -Xmx8192m"1.4Increasing JVM Heap Size for Managed Server Bi_server1Go to Home >bi_server1 >Summary of Servers >bi_server1 >Roles >bi_server1> Server Start

1.5Increasing JVM Heap Size for Managed Server odi_server1

1.5Increasing JVM Heap Size for Admin ServerHome >bi_server1 >Summary of Servers >bi_server1 >Roles >bi_server1 >Summary of Servers >AdminServer

1.7Argument Setup in .bash_profile on PROD

EMSr. NoTask Name1.1Enable BI Server CacheSelect your data source (for example mds-owsm), and then click onConnection Pool tab, and then Maximum Capacity.

1.2Maximum number of Rows to download

1.3Enable Single Sign On

Skins & StylesConfiguration Steps to add HDS logo on PROD BI Environment:1. Exposing a Static Directory in WebLogic ServerA directory can be exposed in WebLogic Server (WLS) by deploying it as a J2EE application. With default configuration, the installer sets up ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes directory, which is used for customization (skin, style, custom message, images etc.) here. The following steps expose this directory to WLS: Open Weblogic console application, (http://host:port/console), login and select bifoundation_domain. For bifoundation_domain, navigate to the deployment area.


2. Deploying Custom SkinNOTE: Default styles and skins in ORACLE_HOME/web/app/res directory should not be modified. This directory will be overwritten with any upgrade or new installation.

1. Copy sk_blfp directory:From: ORACLE_HOME/web/app/resTo:/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes

2. Rename sk_blfp to sk_hds

3. Create CustomMesssages directory under analyticsRes and paste logoncontrolmessages.xml filefrom: /u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/web/msgdb/messagesTo:/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/customMessages

4. Modify below contents

5. Changes in login.css file

6. Changes in instanceconfig.xml file



3. Replace oracle_logo to hds_logo (keep name as oracle_logo)from : /u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/sk_hds/b_mozilla_4


4. Restart the presentation service.Test your work

SRCFILESPathu01/prd/rpd_webcat/etl/data_files/src_files/EBS_12_1_3u01/qa/rpd_webcat/etl/data_files/src_files/EBS_12_1_3Sr. No.QA SRCFile Name PROD SRCFile Name1file_edw_dates.csvfile_edw_dates.csv2file_group_acct_codes_ora.csvfile_group_acct_codes_ora.csv3file_unspsc.csvfile_unspsc.csv4file_quoteitem_fs.csvfile_quoteitem_fs.csv5file_pwf_element_ds.csvfile_pwf_element_ds.csv6file_product_cost_line_fs.csvfile_product_cost_line_fs.csv7file_pri_strategy_ds.csvfile_pri_strategy_ds.csv8file_pri_segment_ds.csvfile_pri_segment_ds.csv9file_orderitem_fs.csvfile_orderitem_fs.csv10file_ora_supplier_product_ds.csvfile_ora_supplier_product_ds.csv11file_ora_purch_target_fs.csvfile_ora_purch_target_fs.csv12file_ora_proc_prod_ds.csvfile_ora_proc_prod_ds.csv13file_ora_preferred_supplier_dim.csvfile_ora_preferred_supplier_dim.csv14file_ora_op_spend_categories.csvfile_ora_op_spend_categories.csv15file_ora_op_expense_categories.csvfile_ora_op_expense_categories.csv16file_glacct_segment_config_ora.csvfile_glacct_segment_config_ora.csv17file_gl_hierarchy_assignment_ora.csvfile_gl_hierarchy_assignment_ora.csv18file_fa_location_segment_config_ora.csvfile_fa_location_segment_config_ora.csv19file_fa_category_segment_config_ora.csvfile_fa_category_segment_config_ora.csv20file_domain_member_gs.csvfile_domain_member_gs.csv21file_customer_cost_line_fs.csvfile_customer_cost_line_fs.csv22file_business_location_config_ora.csvfile_business_location_config_ora.csv23file_budget.csvfile_budget.csv

BIACM & FSMExport Setup Data from DEV and Importing on QA Environment:1.Export Setup Data from DEV

2.Import Setup Data on QA

setBIAppsDomainEnvPath/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/binSr. No.Default TagTag Changed To1#!/bin/sh

# WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.# Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.


SVR_GRP=""export SVR_GRP

# For Windows, handle separation of system property keyword and value.

# -Dserver.group is used to set switch for subsequent arg processing.

while [ $# -gt 0 ]do case $1 in -Dserver.group) IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT="true" export IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT ;; -Dserver.group=obi) SVR_GRP="obi" export SVR_GRP ;; *) if [ "true" = "${IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT}" ] ; then IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT="false" export IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT SVR_GRP="$1" export SVR_GRP fi ;; esac shiftdone

echo "SVR_GRP = ${SVR_GRP}"

if [ "${BI_SIMPLE_INSTALL}" = "true" ] ; then # Simple Install - set max heap to 2GB on the single server) if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # UseSSE42Intrinsics required for EM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fielse # Enterprise Install - set max heap to 1GB on Admin, 2GB on managed server) if [ "${SVR_GRP}" = "obi" ] ; then # Managed Server : set max heap to 2GB if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export USER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export USER_MEM_ARGS fi else # Admin Server : set max heap to 1GB if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # UseSSE42Intrinsics required for EM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fifi


# WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.# Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.


SVR_GRP=""export SVR_GRP

# For Windows, handle separation of system property keyword and value.

# -Dserver.group is used to set switch for subsequent arg processing.

while [ $# -gt 0 ]do case $1 in -Dserver.group) IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT="true" export IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT ;; -Dserver.group=obi) SVR_GRP="obi" export SVR_GRP ;; *) if [ "true" = "${IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT}" ] ; then IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT="false" export IS_SVR_GRP_NEXT SVR_GRP="$1" export SVR_GRP fi ;; esac shiftdone

echo "SVR_GRP = ${SVR_GRP}"

if [ "${BI_SIMPLE_INSTALL}" = "true" ] ; then # Simple Install - set max heap to 2GB on the single server) if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # UseSSE42Intrinsics required for EM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fielse # Enterprise Install - set max heap to 1GB on Admin, 2GB on managed server) if [ "${SVR_GRP}" = "obi" ] ; then # Managed Server : set max heap to 2GB if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export USER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" export USER_MEM_ARGS fi else # Admin Server : set max heap to 1GB if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # UseSSE42Intrinsics required for EM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8196m -Xmx8196m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fifi

2 # if server group is not obi then we can assume that it is Admin Server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # -UseSSE42Intrinsics required for server running EM if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM # use default 32-bit Sun JVM memory args SERVER_MEM_ARGS="${MEM_ARGS} -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM # use default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args echo "using default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args" fi fi# if server group is not obi then we can assume that it is Admin Server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # -UseSSE42Intrinsics required for server running EM if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM # use default 32-bit Sun JVM memory args SERVER_MEM_ARGS="${MEM_ARGS} -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM # use default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args echo "using default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args" fi fi345678910111213

setOBIDomainEnvPath/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/binSr. No.Default TagTag Changed To1if [ "${SVR_GRP}" = "obi" ] ; then # if server group is obi then we can assume that it is managed server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Managed server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Managed server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Managed server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Managed server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fiif [ "${SVR_GRP}" = "obi" ] ; then # if server group is obi then we can assume that it is managed server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Managed server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms16384m -Xmx16384m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Managed server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms16384m -Xmx16384m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Managed server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="Xms16384m -Xmx16384m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Managed server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi

2 # if server group is not obi then we can assume that it is Admin Server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # -UseSSE42Intrinsics required for server running EM if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM # use default 32-bit Sun JVM memory args SERVER_MEM_ARGS="${MEM_ARGS} -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM # use default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args echo "using default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args" fi fi# if server group is not obi then we can assume that it is Admin Server if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then # -UseSSE42Intrinsics required for server running EM if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Sun JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Sun JVM # use default 32-bit Sun JVM memory args SERVER_MEM_ARGS="${MEM_ARGS} -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS fi fi if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then if [ "${JAVA_USE_64BIT}" = "true" ] ; then # Admin Server memory args for 64-bit Oracle JVM SERVER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m" export SERVER_MEM_ARGS else # Admin Server memory args for 32-bit Oracle JVM # use default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args echo "using default 32-bit Oracle JVM memory args" fi fi345678910111213

xdo.cfgPath/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/config/OracleBIJavaHostComponent folderSr. No.Default TagTag Changed To1NAtrue

opmn.xmlPath/u01/prd/app/obia/Middleware/instances/instance1/OPMN/opmnSr. No.Default TagTag Changed To1

ODI-ParametersSr.NoComponentParameter NameValue1OracleDIAgentmaximum number of sessions302Topology ChangesEBIZPRDArray fetch size2000Batch Update size2000PRD_DWArray fetch size10000Batch Update size100003Scenario naming Convention %FOLDER_NAME(2)%_%OBJECT_NAME%

Reporting ParameterCreatedByCreationDateLastUpdateDateLastUpdateLoginLastUpdatedByParamKeyParamValueNumberParamValueVarchar2SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.02014-06-02 05:36:32.803-1biadminCOSTING_CAT_SET11000000621100000062SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.0422014-06-02 05:36:32.805-1biadminFILTER_CAL_FROM_YEAR'2003'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.0522014-06-02 05:36:32.807-1biadminFILTER_CAL_TO_YEAR'2013'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.062014-06-02 05:36:32.809-1biadminFILTER_FSCL_FROM_YEAR'2003'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.0692014-06-02 05:36:32.81-1biadminFILTER_FSCL_TO_YEAR'2013'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.0782014-06-02 05:36:32.811-1biadminFSCM_MASTER_ORG'222'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.1182014-06-02 05:36:32.812-1biadminINVENTORY_CAT_SET11000000621100000062SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.1262014-06-02 05:36:32.813-1biadminPRODUCT_CAT_SET11000000621100000062SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:13.1672014-06-02 05:36:32.815-1biadminPURCHASING_CAT_SET11000000621100000062

DataLoad ParameterCreatedByCreationDateDatasourceNumIdDwTaskCodeLastUpdateDateLastUpdateLoginLastUpdatedByParamKeyParamValueVarchar2ProductLineVersionKeyParamValueNumberParamValueDateSEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:28.023999BUSNLOC_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.188-1biadminEXECUTION_ID0BIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.071999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.191-1biadminFSCL_PERIODS_TO_REFRESHBIA_1113SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.075999PURCHASE ORDER PAYMENT TYPE DIMENSION_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.194-1biadminFSCL_PERIODS_TO_REFRESHBIA_1113SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.238999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.196-1biadminGBL_CALENDAR_ID4-4-QTR~21BIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.265999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.198-1biadminGBL_DATASOURCE_NUM_IDBIA_11335SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.31999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.199-1biadminGLOBAL2_CURR_CODECADBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:30.321999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.2-1biadminGLOBAL3_CURR_CODEUSDBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:39.947999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.202-1biadminNAME_ORDER_WITH_FIRSTNAMENBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:39.97999INVBAL_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.203-1biadminNUM_OF_PERIODBIA_1112SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:39.972999INVTRX_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.204-1biadminNUM_OF_PERIODBIA_1112SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:40.731999GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.206-1biadminSOFT_DELETE_PREPROCESSYBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.306999BUSNLOC_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.207-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.308999CUSTLOC_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.208-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.319999INVPROD_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.209-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.331999POSHIER_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.21-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.339999PRODUCT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.211-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.345999TLENTYP_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.212-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION2013-04-18 09:41:41.348999USER_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.213-1biadminTYPE2_FLGNBIA_11biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.147335INVPROD_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.249biadminINV_PROD_CAT_SET_ID11100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.148335PRODCAT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.25biadminINV_PROD_CAT_SET_ID11100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.149335INVPROD_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.251biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID11100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.15335PRODCAT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.251biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID11100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.151335PRODUCT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.252biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID11100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.152335PRODCAT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.252biadminINV_PROD_CAT_SET_ID2EBS_12_1_31100000043biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.153335GLACCNT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.253biadminIS_FSG_ENABLEDNEBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.154335BUDGET_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.254biadminLEDGER_ID_LIST2061EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.155335GLBAL_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.255biadminLEDGER_ID_LIST2061EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.157335GLJRNLS_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.255biadminLEDGER_ID_LIST2061EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.158335BUDGET_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.256biadminLEDGER_TYPE_LIST'PRIMARY'EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.159335GLBAL_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.256biadminLEDGER_TYPE_LIST'PRIMARY'EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.16335GLJRNLS_FG_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.257biadminLEDGER_TYPE_LIST'PRIMARY'EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.161335PRODUCT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.258biadminMASTER_ORG'222'EBS_12_1_3biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.162335INVPROD_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.258biadminINV_PROD_CAT_SET_ID21100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.163335INVPROD_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.259biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID21100000062EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.164335PRODCAT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.26biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID2EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.165335PRODUCT_DIM_TASK2014-06-02 05:09:24.26biadminPROD_CAT_SET_ID2EBS_12_1_31100000062biadmin2014-06-02 05:09:24.166335GLOBAL2014-06-02 05:09:24.261biadminINITIAL_EXTRACT_DATE'1970-01-01 00:00:00.0'EBS_12_1_31/1/70