
Schooled XS February 2013 issue The Start of Something New SY 2012-2013

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Schooled XS February 2013 issue    

The Start of Something New


SY 2012-2013

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Table of Contents Page 1 Adapting to HS Page 2 School Events Page 3 Problems Page 4 Teachers Page 5 End

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Welcome to Freshman Year! By Christian Tiu H1A

It is always weird at first when we enter the classroom once more every first day of classes. This year I found it different. I realized I was now in High School, the best 4 years in your life supposedly. Looking back at all the years I have been in Xavier, I now realize I need to do something. Maybe join new clubs? Meet more friends? It’s High School and before I know it, soon we will be in college. After Grade 7 graduation, thoughts about High School had come to our minds. We had heard teachers had been stricter, rules a lot tougher, letter grades, computers (laptops, Ipads), etc. We all thought it would be hard to adjust to it but that had not been a problem. 1st day of classes seemed strange at first. Entering the room with the Xavier School Rap playing through the loudspeaker of the classroom. It had been playing for quite sometime, repeating itself again and again. Everyone found it amusing at first but then, it started to get into our heads. Our advisor then came, then started with introductions and all of the explaining about how 1st year would be like. “What’s the schedule about?” we all asked. It seemed really confusing, specially through the 1st quarter. Eventually, all of us got used to the new things here, the schedule, the subjects, teachers, letter grades, etc. Still remember all this like it was yesterday and yet here we are, facing the end of the year.

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Events A-Day 2012 Christmas Party 2012 Chinese New



There are different kinds of activities in our school, A-Day, Christmas party, Chinese New Year and many more. I enjoy these celebrations because they are fun –Brevin Ty H1A

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No to Bullying!

Recently, the Anti-Bullying campaign has started to reduce bullying in schools. The showing of the movie “Bully” has made many realize the actions of bullying and that they must be put to an end. Bullying in Xavier School may not be a problem compared to other schools but still, we must take a stand to stop bullying. -Christian Tiu H1A

In HS, School rules are a lot stricter compared to the previous levels. Greenslips have been piling up and students victimized. Lately, the amount of greenslips given to students have greatly decreased. We must instill discipline and follow rules in-order to minimize sanctions. -Christian Tiu

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Our Family -Christian Tiu H1A

Here in Xavier, teachers are more than just teachers. They are family. They teach not only for money, but for us to learn and develop into better people. According to Fr. Go, our staff and faculty are the best and we should be proud of that. We see many successful Xavierians who developed their values from this school. Often times, we see students bond with teachers talking outside class or in class. We have learned to appreciate our teachers and we even celebrate a special day, A-Day just for our teachers. They are family, who take care of us, develop us, into people we are today.

Teachers at Xavier school are hardworking, smart and kind. They teach us great lessons that we can apply in our future lives. This freshman year, I felt that my class's teachers were great, for me, I learnt a lot this year. -Brevin Ty  

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Proud to be a Xavierian -Christian Tiu Adjusting to High School wasn’t as tough as I thought it was for the first year but now, a new year awaits us. Through the year, I have learned new skills, values, new friends and much more. We don’t just go to school to study and study and study. We go to school to learn and have fun. Maybe it isn’t always about fun and games and there are times we do need to take things seriously but school isn’t always about studies. There are always Varsity teams where people bond together as Xavierians and show our pride by defeating other schools. There are also Math, Science, Social Studies, Debate, etc. teams that also show how much are school has prepared and taught us. Various clubs where students with common interests can have fun doing the things they want to. Xavier isn’t all about academics. We as Xavierians, are trained to be balanced in different aspects. We must be prepared to face the challenges ahead of us not only in school, but also in our lives ahead of us. Xavier has taught us a lot and they are preparing us for much more in the future. I actually regret not making the most of my freshman year but I plan to change that in the years to come. We must make the most of our lives, especially in High School where we can start again. The people we meet here will be with us even until we graduate college. Make the most of your time, don’t spend it all on games or lazing around, go hang out with friends or explore life. There is so much more to see. When we graduate, find jobs and even when we are old, we shouldn’t forget where we came from. Where we learned the basics, back to the start. I am proud to be a Xavierian and I hope that others are also proud to be one.