drug review 94-123.doc

Drug Review DRUG REVIEW DRUG REVIEW Any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more of its function is defined as Drug. W.H.O. has given a more comprehensive definition as “Drug is any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological status for the benefit of the recipient”. The importance of drug is very well known in all Ayurvedic classics and it has been highlighted by Charaka in Chatushpada. The use of herbs as herbo-mineral preparation for the management of diseases along with Sanshodhan karma is an important and prime aspect of Ayurvedic Science . The ancient Ayurvedists in their treatises have presented various views and hypothesis regarding the innate qualities and therapeutic action of medicinal plants in health and disease condition . Selection of Trial Drug : Selection of trial drug was based on the basis of selection of the Panchakarma procedure. Here since Vaitarana Basti was selected, therefore the present study was aimed so as to understand the role of drugs of Vaitarana Basti in the management of Amavata. this procedure have been indicated in Chikitsa Sutra described by Chakradatta. Acharya Chakradatta opines that the drugs having Deepana-Pachana properties and Katu Rasa dominant should be 94

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Drug Review

DRUG REVIEW DRUG REVIEW Any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more

of its function is defined as Drug. W.H.O. has given a more comprehensive definition as

“Drug is any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore

physiological systems or pathological status for the benefit of the recipient”. The

importance of drug is very well known in all Ayurvedic classics and it has been

highlighted by Charaka in Chatushpada.

The use of herbs as herbo-mineral preparation for the management of diseases

along with Sanshodhan karma is an important and prime aspect of Ayurvedic Science .

The ancient Ayurvedists in their treatises have presented various views and hypothesis

regarding the innate qualities and therapeutic action of medicinal plants in health and

disease condition .

Selection of Trial Drug :Selection of trial drug was based on the basis of selection of the Panchakarma

procedure. Here since Vaitarana Basti was selected, therefore the present study was

aimed so as to understand the role of drugs of Vaitarana Basti in the management of

Amavata. this procedure have been indicated in Chikitsa Sutra described by Chakradatta.

Acharya Chakradatta opines that the drugs having Deepana-Pachana properties

and Katu Rasa dominant should be used for the management of Amavata. Many drugs

have been mentioned in classics having above properties. Keeping above view in mind,

some drugs namely “. Rasonadi Kwath, Shiva Guggul & Amrit manjari rasa were

described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali (B.R. 29/23,94-98,136-139) were also selected as

Shamana Yoga” . These drugs are well known for having analgesic and anti-

inflammatory actions. Thus the combination as a whole was used as Shamana Yoga

having Vata-kaphahara property.

A. DRUGS FOR VAITARANA BASTIVaitarana Vasti comprises of following drugs i.e. Saindhava, Guda (Jaggery),

Chincha (Tamarindus), Gomutra, Tila Taila. (Chakradutt- Niruhadhikar-73/32)


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SAINDHAVA (Rock Salt) Latin name : Soodium Chloride

Chemical Formula: Nacl

Synonyms : Sheetshiv, manimantha,sindhuj

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Lavana, Madhura Virya : Sheeta

Guna : Snigdha, Tikshna, Sukshma Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Tridoshahara

Pharmacological Action :

It has got Deepana and Vrishya properties in small doses, it is highly carminative

and digestive. Saindhava plays the role of carrier and help to reach the Basti Dravya at

microcellular level. It also helps to return the Basti Dravya in time.

GUDA (JAGGERY)It is dark, coarse, unrefined sugar, sometimes referred to as “Palm Sugar”. It can

be made either from the sap of various palm trees or from sugarcane juice. It is primarily

used in India, where many categories of sugar made from sugarcane as Jaggery and that

processed from palm trees as “Gur”. Jaggery has a sweet wine like fragrance and flavor

that lends to distinction to whatever food it embellishes.

Ayurvedic Review :

Jaggery is explained under the heading of Ikshu Varga in all the Samhita,

Nighantu. It is prepared by the juice of sugarcane when sugarcane juice is heated up to

thick and somewhat hard then it is termed as Guda.

According to Ch. Su. 27/289, before the formation of jaggery, the sugarcane juice

undergoes three stages viz. –

1) Chaturbhaga-vasheshita - 1/4 remain

2) Tribhaga-vasheshita - 1/3 remain

3) Ardhabhaga-vasheshita - 1/2 remain

These three varieties are called “Kshudra Guda” and they are light for digestion in

their ascending order.


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Dhauta Guda :

The finally formed Guda that is clean and of good quality is called Dhauta Guda

and is used for medicinal purpose as well as dietetic purpose.

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Madhura Guna : Snigdha, Ushna

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Tridosha Shamaka (According to Anupana).

Chemical Constituents of Guda :

The good quality jaggery contains moisture 3.6%, sucrose 6.85%, invert sugar 10-

15%, ash 2.5%, protein 4%, mineral matter 6%, calcium 80 mg/100gm, phosphorus

40mg/100gm, iron 11.4mg/100gm. It also contain carotene, vitamin A, Thiamine 0.02mg,

Nicotinic acid 10mg/100gm.

Properties :

Deepana, Pachana, Anulomana, Vrishya, Mutra-Raktashodhaka increases

Medodhatu, Kapha and Krimi, Pittaghna, Vatashamaka and its efficacy is considered to

increase after one year (Su. Su. 45/160-161).

Properties of Nava Guda (New Jaggery) :

Newly prepared jaggery is Kapha, Swasa-Kasa Krita, Krimikara and Agnideepaka.

Preparation of Purana Guda :

It is Laghu, Pathya, Anabhishyandi, Agnivardhaka, Vata-pittaghna, Madhura,

Vrishya, Rakta Prasadana.

Modern Review :

It is rich in minerals, iron and instant glucose. It is not only easily digestible but

has various minerals and vitamin in right proportion, which is extremely useful for our

body. Jaggery and sugar not only differ in their composition but also in their effect on

human metabolism.


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CHINCHA Latin Name : Tamarindus indicus

Family : Leguminaceae

Synonyms : Rason, lasun, ugragandha.

Pharmacodynamics : Rasa : Madhura, Amla Guna : Ruksha, Sara

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Amla

Dosha Karma : Vata Shamaka

Parts Used: Fruits, Leaf

Chemical Constituents : Hordenine, c-glycosides (leaves), polysaccharides contained,

galactose, xylose, arabinose, cardenotide, uzarigenin-3-o-beta D-xylopyranosyl, tartaric

acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, amino acid – praline and pipecolinic acid, tamarindinal.

Pharmacological Activities : Anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidative

activity are well exhibited by the plant. (Database of Indian Medicinal Plant, C.C.R.A.S.).

GOMUTRA (Cow's urine)Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Katu, Madhura Anurasa : Lavana

Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna Vipaka : katu

Virya : Ushna Doshaghnata: Tridoshaghna

Pharmacological Activity :

It is Agnideepaka, Visha-nashaka and useful for Asthapana Basti and Virechana.

It is also useful in disease like Krimi, Udara Roga, Gulma, Anaha, Mukha Akshi Roga,

Arsha, Pandu, Kandu, Kustha, Kilasa, Vata Vyadhi, Kasa and Madhumeha.

Gomutra pacify Kapha by Katu Rasa, Katu Vipaka, Ushna Virya and Laghu

Ruksha Tikshna Guna. It may act as Vatanulomaka due to its Madhura Rasa and Ushna

Virya. It is useful for Asthapana Basti because of its Tridoshahara, Agni Deepana,

Pachana, Srotovisodhana and Vatanulomana properties.


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Sulphur S Water H2O

Ammonia NH3 Creatinine C4H8N2O2

Copper Cu Iron Fe

Urea CO(NH2)2 Uric acid C4H4N4O3

Phosphate P Carbonic acid HCOO4

Manganese Mn Hippuric acid CHO-NH-CH2-COOH(Ref. Indian Agriculture Research Institute)

TILA TAILA (Sesamum oil) Latin Name : Sesamum indicum Linn.

Family : Pedaliaceae

Synonyms : Alpatil, Vanyatil

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta Guna : Guru, Snigdha

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Vatashamaka

Chemical Constituents :

Sesame seed contain fixed oil (50-60%), Carbohydrate (19-25%), protein (16-

26%), calcium (1.0-1.5%), phosphorus, mucilage (4%), woody fiber (4%). Liquids of fat

consisting of oleic and lineoliec and (12-14%) of solid fat. It also contains crystalline

substance sesamine and phenyl compound sesamol.

Action : This drug subside Vata Dosha. It is Tvachya, Vedana Sthapana, Balya, Vrishya

and Shulaprashaman. Seeds are laxative emollient and demulcent, diuretic, nourishing,

lactogogue and emmenagogue.

It relieves aching pain in head, ears and female organs generation (yoni) act as

purifying agents in respect of the uterus and prove curative in urticaria. The use of

sesamum oil is recommended in case of cut, cleft, punctured, severed, lacerated,

blistered, thrashed or contused wounds and ulcers. Also in burns and scalds whether due


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to the application of heat or any vesicant alkaline solution as well as in bite of wild beasts

and birds etc. and act beneficially in baths, unguents and lubrication

Pharmacological Action : Sneha – because of qualities like Ushma, Tikshna, Vyavayi

and Sukshma, reaches up to the microchannel levels, liquefies the morbid/viscid Kapha

or Dosha for easy elimination. Because of Snigdha property it protects the intestinal

mucosa from irritative substances. Because of Brimhana property it increases the tone

and strength of the cells in whole body and intestinal mucosa particular. It decreases

flatulence and increases general metabolism.

Acharya Charaka has mentioned that Tila Taila is best among the Dravya in pacification

of Vata. Taila alleviates Vata, but at the same time doesn’t aggravate the Kapha. It

promotes the strength. It is beneficial for skin, Ushnaghna, Yuktam, Sthirikarana

(provides firmness) and Yonivishodhanam. From therapeutic point of view another

gravity of Tila Taila is when treated with other drugs, it also takes the property of that


B. DRUGS OF RASONADI KWATHA Rasonadi kwath comprises of following drugs – Rasona, Sunthi, Nirgundi.

RASONA Latin Name : Allium sativum linn.

Family : Liliaceae

Synonyms : Rason, Lasun, Ugragandha.


Rasa :Madhura, Lavana, katu, tikta, Kasaya Guna : Snigdha, tiksna, picchil, sara

Veerya : Usna Vipaka: Katu Parts Used: Rhizome

Chemical Constituents :-moisture – 62.0; protein – 6.3; fat – 0.1; fibre – 0.8;

carbohydrates – 29.8; and minerals – 1.0 gm/100gm. Calcuim – 30.0; phosphorus –

310.0; iron 1.3; thiamine – 0.06; riboflavin – 0.23; niacin – 0.4; and vitamin c – 13.0

mg/100gm. Its cal val is 145 k cal/100 gm. (nutritive value of indian foods – 85) :

glutamyl peptides isolated from garlic are almost identical with those present in onion;


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they include : glutamyl – phenylalanine, : glutamyl – s – methylcysteine, :

glutamyl – s : : carboxy : : methyle – ethyle cysteinylglycine, s – allylmercapto – l

– cysteine and : l – glutamyl – s – allylmercapto – l – cysteine . (chem abstr, 1962).

The amino acids present in the bulbs are leucine, methionine, s – propyl – l –

cysteine; (: ) – s – propenyl – l – cysteine; s – methyl – cysteine; s – allyl – cysteine; s –

allyl – cysteine sulphoxide (alliin); s – ethyl : l – cysteine sulphoxide (mp 166 : 67 ) and

s – butyl – l – cysteine sulphoxide (mp 158 : 60). The presence of an enzyme, allinase is

reported; by the action of allinase on alliin, allicin (thio – 2 – propene – 1 – sulfinic acid –

s – allyl ester) is formed. The other sulphoxides present in the bulbs showed the same

allinane splitting activity as that of alliin. The bulbs contain a thio glycoside, made up of

a new amino acid and a carbohydrate, calcium fructuronate. Its aglycone kills escherichia

coli. Scordine and scordinines a1, a2 and b have been isolated. An anthocyamin, cyanidin

– 3 – glucoside is also present.

The bulbs, on steam distillation, yield 0.06 – 0.1 precent of an essential oil having a

brownish yellow color and a disagreeable garlic odour. The oil contains allyl alcohol,

allyl propyldisulphide, methylallyldisulphide, diallyldisulphide, dimethyltrisulphide,

methylallyl trisulphide, diallyltrisulphide and two unidentified compounds.

Actions : vatahara, Kapha samaka,Sothahara, vedanasthapana, medhya, dipana, pacana,

anulomana, bhagnasandhaniya, krmighna.

Pharmacological Actions: Incorporation of garlic in the diet at moderate levels is likely

to shift the balance of the microflora in the intestines in favour of lactic organisms, which

generally have a favourable effect on the absorption of minerals present in the diet.

Scordine is reported to possess fungicidal and anti – microbial activity. Garlic is an

effective long: term preventive treatment for all rheumatic and catarrhal conditions. It

produces anti: inflammatory activity.5: allyl cysteine sulphoxide exhibited anti: diabetic

activity in alloxan diabetic rats. In a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight it decreased

significantly concentration of serum lipids, blood glucose and activities of serum

enzymes like alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, liver and intestinal hmg coa

reductase activity and liver hexokinase activity were increased significantly. C.g. sheela

and k.t. augusti department of biochemistry,  university of kerala kriavattom

thiruvananthapuram 695 581 kerala.


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On oral administration of onion (allium cepa) and garlic (a.sativum) sulfoxide amino

acids viz. S: methylcysteine sulfoxide (smcs) and s: allylcysteine sulfoxide (sacs) to

alloxan: diabetic rats for a month, their diabetic condition, being characterised by glucose

intolerance, weight loss, depletion of liver glycogen, etc. Was ameliorated as comparable

to rats treated with glibenclamide and insulin. However, only the last two drugs

significantly increased the conversion of labelled acetate to liver cholesterol which

indicates a deterrent effect of the allium products against the synthesis of a risk

factor. (c.g. sheela, kumud kumari and k.t. augusti, department of biochemistry,

university of kerala, thiruvananthapuram kerala).

SUNTHI Latin Name : Zingiber officinale

Family : Zingiberaceae

Synonyms : Nagara, Mahaoushada, Sonth, Vishwabheshja

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Katu Guna : Laghu, Snigdha

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Kapha-vata Shamaka

Parts Used : Rhizomes

Chemical Constituents :

It contains 0.25 to 3.0% of volatile oil possessing the aroma. The drug contains in

additional resin and about 56% of the starch. The crude fiber varies from 1.7% to 9.0%

with an average of 4.0%. The vitamins present in green ginger are Thiamine 0.06%,

Riboflavin 0.03%, Niacin 0.06% and Vitamin C 6.0 mg/100 gm, the carotene present in

40 mg/100gm.

The essential oil derived from dried ginger is greenish to yellow in color, mobile

with characteristic aromatic odor. The oil contains sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (50% or

more). Sesquiterpene alchoals, mesoterpenoids and associated compounds, esters of

acetic and carbolic acids and a trace of phennol.

Action: Deepana, Pachana, Shoolaprashamana, Shothahara, Vedanastapana, Ama

Pachana, Raktashodaka, Vrishya.


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Therapeutic uses: Aruchi, Agnimandya, Ajirna, Ama Vata, Kasa, Shwasa

Pharmacological Activities :

Z. officinale has been molluscicidal effect possessing efficacy t control the parasites

infection viz. schistosomiasis U. S. food and drug administration has included

Zingiber as a product that is generally regarded as safe (GRAS).

Ginger is used as an aromatic, carminative, stimulant and flavouring agent ginger oil

is used in mouth washes.

In additional medicine, it is used extensively for its specific action in rheumatism,

carminative, anti-inflammatory activity. (Sevaranjan V.V. & Indira Balachandran).

Zingiber officinale, according to ethno botanical data. It is being used by tribal and

other ethnic groups for rheumatic diseases. (Jain SK Ethno Botany, V7(1,2) 83-88).

Zingiber officinale exhibited marked anti-inflammatory activity in rat as compared to

pridinisolone. (Sharma AK, Singh RH. 1980)

Clinical study made by Singh et al and Joshi 1987 proved that Zingiber reduce

cholesterol level considerably in hyper-cholesterolemia in rats. (Griji J et al Inaidn J.,

Nutri. Def. (12) 433, 436).

Japanese herbalist Nabory Muramoto describes the traditional Japanese treatment of

spinal and joint problems with ginger oil in his book “Healing ourselves”.

In Tibetan medicine, ginger is regarded as promoting overall circulation of energy

in the body (Goea and Shander Welss, Growing and Using of Healing Herbs, 147)

NIRGUNDI Latin Name : Vitex nigundo

Family : Verbenaceae

Synonyms : Sephali, Sindhuvara, Sindhuka,Subha

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Guna : Laghu, Ruksha

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu

Parts Used: Leaf , roots, fruits


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Chemical Constituents :

The fresh leaves of the plant yields a pale green yellow oil on steam distillation.

The main constituents of the oil are aldehyde, ketone, phenolic derivative and cineol.

Other alkaloids present are nishindine and hydrocotylene, glucononitol P-hydroxy

benzoic acid, 3 – 6 dihydroxy benzoic acid, flavones, vitamin C and carotene are also


Action: Vataghgna, jwaraghna, mutrajanan, artavajanan, shothaghna, rasayan. It is

beneficial for eyes and ears. Flowers of nirgundi having property to destroy

bacteria(jantu) (B.P.Guduchyadi verga).

Therapeutic uses: Vishaghna, Krimighna , It is having action against pain,

inflammation, Amavata, Krimi, Kustha, Aruchi, Kaphajawara.

Pharmacological action : It is well known drug having analgesic, anti-inflammatory

activities and is useful in acute rheumatism. The leaves are used in febrile condition and

in puerperal state.

Ethyl acetate extract of leaves of Vitex negundo produced anti-inflammatory

effect against carragenin bradykinia and 5-HT induced rat hind paw edema. The extract

exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effect on subacute, chronic and immunological

studies. A compound isolated form V. negundo leaves showed significant anti-

inflammatory property on acute inflammation. The seed extracts were found less potent

than leaf extract.

Ether and saline extracts of the leaves exhibited antibacterial effect against

staphylococcus aurous and E. coli infection. Butanol extract of root possessed anti-

inflammatory and analgesics effect. Pet, ether, butanol, chloroform extract of root and

leaf produced antispasmodic effect.

C. DRUGS OF SHIVA GUGGUL Shiva guggul comprises of following drugs –Haritki, Bibhitka, Amalki,Eranda tail,

Guggul, Gandhak, Rasna,Vidanga, Maricha, Pippali, Danti, Jatamansi, Shunthi,

Devadaru(Bh.Ratnavali-Aamvat rogaadhikar Pg-136-139)


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HARITAKI Latin Name: Terminalia chebula

Family : Combretaceae

Synonyms : Abhaya, Pathya , Shiva, Amrita, Harad, Chebulic myrobalan


Rasa: Pancarasa except Lavana (Kasaya pradhana) Guna: Laghu, Ruksa

Veerya: Usna Vipakaa: Madhura

Dosaghnata :Tridosa

Part Used : Fruit

Chemical Constituents : Anthraquinone, glycoside, chebulinic acid, chebulagic acid,

tannic acid, terchebin, tetrachebulin, Vit. C, arachidic, behenic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic

and stearic acids (fruit kernel), chebulin (flowers); 2--hydroxy micromeric acid,

maslinic acid and 2--hydroxy urosolic acid (leaves).

Actions: Fruits are astringent, sweet acrid, bitter, sour, thermogenic, anodyne, anti-

inflammatory, vulnerary, alterant, stomachic, laxative, purgative, carminative, digestive,

anthelmintic, dentrifice, cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, diuretic, febrifuge,

depurative and tonic.

They are useful in wounds and ulcers inflammation, skin diseases, leprosy,

stomatitis, hyperacidity and associated gastric disorders, anorexia, indigestion, flatulence,

constipation, haemorrhoid, jaundice, hepato-splenomegaly, other abdominal diseases,

helminthiasis, anaemia, delirium, pharyngitis, hiccough. Pharmacological Activities : Antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, antistress,

antispasmodic, hypotensive, indurance, promoting activity, anti-hepatitis B virus activity,

hypolipidaemic, inhibitory activity, against HIV-I protease, anthelmentic, purgative.

Substitutes and Adulterants : T-citrina Roxb. found in the foothills of Himalayas from

Nepal eastwards to Assam is called Haritaki in Bengali language and its fruits have

medicinal properties similar to that o T-chebula. Hence they are used medicinally as

those of T-chebula.

- Antimicrobial against aspergillus Niger.

- It is having healing property by decrease in breaking strength.


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BIBHITAKA Latin name : Terminalia bellirica

Family : Combretaceae

Synonyms : Karshaphala, Aksha, Kalidrum, Bheda, Belliric myrobalan


Rasa : Kashaya

Guna : Ruksha, Laghu

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Tridosha Shamaka (Vishesha Kapha Shamaka)

Part Used: Fruit, seed, bark

Chemical Constituents : Chebulagesic acid, ellagic acid and its ethyl ester, gallic acid,

fructose, galactose, glucose and its galroyl derivative, mannitol, and Rhamnose, -

sitosteroll and ballericacin, protein and oxalic acid (seed); oxalic acid and tannin (bark);

palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids (kernel and its oil).

Actions : The bark is mildly diuretic and is useful in anaemia and leucoderma. Fruits are

astringent, acrid, sweet, thermogonic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, styptic, narcotic,

digestive, anthelmintic, aperient, expectorant, ophthalmic, antipyretic, anti-emetic, and

rejuvenating. They are useful in cough, asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, insomnia, dropsy,

dyspepsia, flatulence, dipsia, vomiting, cardiac disorders, haemorrhage, ophthalmic

disorders, strangury, splenomegaly, cephalagia, skin diseases, leprosy, fevers, ulcers and

general debility. The mature and dry fruit is constipating and is useful in diarrhea and


Pharmacological Activities : Purgative blood pressure depressant, antifungal,

antihistaminic, activity against viral hepatitis, and vitiligo, antiasthamatic,

bronchodilatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-stress and endurance promoting


Substitutes And Adulterants : The bark of Terminalia bellirica Roxb. is used as

adulterant to bark of T-arjuna. The fruits of T-belerica are reported to be used as

substitute in tanning industry for T-chebula.


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Antimicrobial Component :

- 7-hydroxy 3, 4-methylenedioxy flavan

- 2, 3 – bis – (4 – hydroxyl benzyl – 1), amolignan B.

Amolignan B was reported to have HIV – I reverse transcriptase inhibitory

activity. (Phytomedicine V 3(suppl. 1) P – 181, 1996/97)

AMALAKI Latin name : Embilica officinalis

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Synonyms : Dhatri, Amalaki, Amala, Indian Gooseberry


Rasa :Pancha Rasa (Lavana Varjita), Amla Pradhana

Guna : Guru, Ruksha, Sheeta

Virya : Sheeta

Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Tridosha Shamaka (especially Pitta Shamaka)

Part Used : Fruit , root, bark, leaf

Chemical Constituents: Fruit contains gallic acid, tannic acid, sugars, albumin, cellulose

and minerals. The fruit is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, containing up to

720 mg/100g of fresh pulp and 921 mg/100cc of pressed juice. Other contents are as

follows: Moisture 81.20, protein 0.5, fat 0.1, minerals 0.7, fibre 3.4, carbohydrate 14.1,

calcium 0.05, phosphorus 0.02 % and iron 1.2 mg, nicotinic acid 0.2 mg per 100gms. of


Actions :Dahaprashamana, Chakshushya, Keshya, Medhya, Rochana, Deepana,

Anulomana, Vrishya, Rasayana, Pramehagana, Yakrutautejaka.

Therapeutic uses: Prameha, Hridroga, Yakritroga, Kustha, Raktapitta.

Pharmacological Actions: Fresh fruit is diuretic and laxative. Fruit is also carminative

and stomachic. Dried fruit is sour and astringent. The dried fruit is used as a decoction to

treat ophthalmia when applied externally, and is used internally as a haemostatic and

antidiarrheal (Nadkarni 1954, 482). Both the fresh juice and crushed seeds are combined


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with Haridra as an effective treatment for diabetes (Sharma 2002, 327; Dash and Junius

1983, 90)

ERANDA TAIL: It is extracted from the seeds of Eranda.

ERANDA: Latin name : Ricinus communis

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Synonyms : Gandarva hasta, Panchangula, Vyagrapucha, Readi, Andi

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Madhura, (Anurasa- Katu,Kashaya)

Guna : Snigdha, Tikshna, Sukshma

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Kapha-Vata Shamaka

Part Used: Seeds

Chemical Constituents: Seeds contain moisture 5.1-5.6%, protein 12-16%, oil 45-

50.6%, N- free extr. 3.1-7-0, crude fibre 23.1-27.2% & ash 2-2.2%. Globulins constitute

c-60% of the total proteins in the seed. It also contains high phosphorus content,

phospholipids 0.12%, uric acid, HCN, minerals, resins, an alkjaloid- Ricinine & a viscous

dark green oil, enzymes- lipase, amylase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase &

reductase.Castor oil consists principally of Ricinoleic acid which occurs to the extent of

90% & is responsible for high viscosity. Stearic, oleic, linoleic & dihydroxystearic acid

are also present in small quantities. Tocopherols, beta-Sitosterol etc. are also present.

Actions (Karma): Shitahara, Vedanasthapana, Deepana Bhedana, Amashodhana,


Therapeutic uses: It is useful in Katishoola, Gradhrasi, Amavata Pakshghata,

Kampavata, Udararoga, Gulama, Arsha, etc.

Pharmacological Actions: it is widely used as a cathartic and also for lubrication &

illumination. The strong laxative property of castor oil is reported to be due to the local

irritant action caused in the intestine by the Ricinoleic acid formed by the hydrolysis

under the influence of the lipolytic enzymes. The motor activity of the bowel is


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stimulated, without much griping & the hastened peristalsis permits little time for the

absorption of water from the intestinal contents. Copious liquid stools are produced in the

6 hrs. after of the oil. The unhydrolysed oil is washed out & hence the drug automatically

limits its action. Pure Ricinoleic acid & its esters have also cathartic action. Frequent use

of castor oil may produce severe intestinal irritation & deficiency states.

Fatal dose (human beings):- 2.5- 6 seeds

Principal toxic substance is the albumin, ricin. (The wealth of India)

GUGGUL Latin Name : Commiphora Mukul

Family : Burseraceae

Synonyms : Guggulu, Palankash, Mahishaaksha, Pura, Kalaniryasa,

Kaushik,Gugal, Gubdee, Gum, Guggul, Indian bedellium, Hill mango


Rasa: Tikta Katu

Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshan, Vishada, Sukshma, Sara,

Virya: Ushna,

Vipaka: Katu,

Doshghanta: Tridoshahara,

Part used : Latex (Gum exudates)

Chemical Constituents :-

It contains 6 - 10 % moisture, Volatile Oil, Gum consists of alpha pinane,

Myrcene, Eugeneol, Cadinine, Giraniol, Methyl hepetazone, Lymonene, Methyl thavicol.

Guggulu contain guggulu sterone which is it's main active principle.Guggulu sterone

activate lipolytick enzymes in plasma, liver and stimulates receptor mediated

catabolisiom of LD. It inhibits hepatic cholosterol biosynthesis increases faecal Bile acid,

secretion and enhances plasma, lecithin-cholestrol, acyl-tranferase activity.

Action: Lekhana, Ropana, Vedana Sthapana, Nadibalya,Deepana, Saraka, Mutrala,

Raktavardhaka,Rasayana. It increases W.B.C. count and haemoglobin. It is stimulant,

kills microorganisms (Rogajantughna). It is blood purifier (Raktashodhaka) so it is used

in Gonorrhoea.


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Therapeutic uses: Udararoga ,Urustambha , Shodhan, Karnadaurgandhya, Shwasa ,

Krimi, Vato-udara, Pliha, Shopha,Arsha,Gridhrasi, Krosthushirsha, Vidradh, Amlapitta,

Vrana, Bhagandara

Pharmacologial Action: Hypolipidamic,Hypocholesteremic, Antibecterial,

Antiarthritic, Antiinflammotory, Anti atheroschlerotic.

GANDHAKLatin name : Sulphur

Chemical Formula : S

Synonyms : Kushthari, Kitaghna, Pamari , Baali,


Rasa: Madhu

Guna: Snigdha, Tikshan

Virya: Ushna,

Vipaka: Katu,

Doshghanta: Tridoshahara

Actions: Kandu, Kushtha, Visarpa, Dadru, Tvakdosa, Amadosa, Visadosa, Krimidosa,

Pliharoga, Amajirna, Mandagni, Netraroga, Ksayaroga etc

Therapeutic uses: According to Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya, Gandhaka is said to be

useful in Kandu, Kushtha, Visarpa, Dadru, Tvakdosa, Amadosa, Visadosa, Krimidosa,

Pliharoga, Amajirna, Mandagni, Netraroga, Ksayaroga etc. It is also said to be Vishahara,

Deepana and Rasayana. However, in Ayurvedic texts we do not find the detailed

description of the pharmacological action of Gandhaka. (R. R. S. 3/16)

Pharmacological Actions: It increases the production of bile & has a laxative, diuretic &

germicidal effect. Internal administration in small quantities acts as a stimulant to

secretary organs & is excreted in the sweat, milk & urine. It has specific action on the

rectum & increases the haemorrhoidal secretions on large doses it acts as a purgative.


Since the Sulphur is Deepana, Pachana, Yakriduttejaka and Pittasaraka, it

performs the above actions. It is converted in to Sulphide form at intestines, and increases

the peristalsis and as such it acts as a mild laxative. Sulphur causes soft defecation


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without any pain. It acts as germicide also. Prolonged use of Sulphur may produce

dyspepsia and colitis. Owing to the above pharmacological actions, sulphur is very

commonly used in Agnimandya, Ajeerna, Shoola, intestinal parasitic infestation etc.


Sulphur is Rakta Sodhaka and as such it is very commonly used in Rheumatism,

Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. blood related disorders.


Sulphur is stated to be Kushthaghna and as such it is used in Kushtha, Visarpa,

Vicharchika and various other skin diseases in individual form or in the form of some


ASSIMILATION : Sulphur is absorbed as Rasayana, Vishaghna and Yogavahi. Owing to

such absorption it is used in general debility. In lead poisoning sulphur is used as

antidotes because it prevents the absorption of the lead in the intestines.

EXTERNAL ACTIONS: When mixed with some greasy substance and applied on the

skin, it gets converted into sulphide form which is a mild irritant and acts as anti pruritus

(Kandhughna) and anti parasitic (Krimighna).

RASNA Latin Name : Pluchea lanceolata

Family : Compositae

Synonyms : Yukta, Rasna, Elaparani, Raysan , Lesser Galangal


Rasa: Tikta Guna: Guru

Virya: Ushna Vipaaka: Katu

Doshaghnataa: Kapha, Vaata Prabhaava: Vishaghna

Part used : Root

Chemical Constituents : The aerial parts contain five new terpenic glycosides viz.

linaloyl glucoside, methyl-apiosyl-glucoside, 9-hydroxylinaloyl glucoside and

plucheosides A and B besides 15 known compounds.


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The roots contain a new glycoside, plucheoside C, three new eudesmane-type

sesquiterpenes, plucheols A and B and plucheoside E and three new lignan glycosides,

plucheosides D1, D2 and D3

(Uchiyama et al, Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3369; 1991, 30, 655).

In a recent investigation, quertecin and isarhamnetin were identified in the air dried

leaves (wealth of India).

Actions: Shothahara, Sheetahara, Vedanashamaka, Amapachaka, CNS disease,

inflammation, toothache. It is mainly used in disease similar to rheumatoid arthritis. A

decoction of the plant has been reported to prevent the swelling of joints in experimental


Therapeutic uses: Jwaraghna, vishaghna, vrishya, rasayana, kasa shwasahara.

Pharmacological Action : This drug has two primary actions Acetylcholine like action

and smooth muscle relaxant action on different muscle preparation.

Petroleum ether extract of roots showing 45.5% anti-inflammatory activity.

Sorghumol and chloroform soluble fraction of methanolic extract showing 54.5% anti-

inflammatory activity (M.A.P.A. 9102 – 1006 – Chawla, Chandrigarh).

Extract of stem and leaves of pul. Exhibited 31.9% and 54.5% antioedema

activity with petroleum ether extract and chloroform soluble portion of methanolic

extract respectively. On fractionation, these extracts yielded moretenol acetate,

moretenol, neolupenol in addition to other aliphatic compounds (M.A.P.A. 9105 – 2939

Chawla Chandigarh)

Recent study:

The methanol fraction of Pluchea indica Less root extract (PIRE) produces

significant anti-inflammatory activity against glucose oxidase-induced paw edema (in

vivo), inhibits hydroxyl radical and superoxide generation, lysis of erythrocytes induced

by hydrogen peroxide, CCl(4)-induced lipid peroxidation and also dioxygenase activity

of lipoxygenase (both in the presence and absence of hydrogen peroxide).

(Sen T et, al Phytother Res. 2002 Jun;16(4):331-5)

Pluchea indica Less root extract (PI-E) has effect on locomotor activity and

pentobarbital-induced sleep, social isolation-induced aggressive behavior, motor


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coordination in the rotarod test, pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsion and nociceptive

responses in the tail-pinch test

(Thongpraditchote S et, al Biol Pharm Bull. 1996 Mar;19(3):379-83)

VIDANGA Latin name : Embelia ribes

Family : Myrsinaceae

Synonyms : Chitratandula, Jantunashan, vishanashan, Krimighna


Rasa : Katu Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu

Doshaghanta : Kapha Vatahara

Part used : Fruit

Chemical Constituents :Embelin (2.5 –3 %), Christembine, Qvasritala (1 %), Tannin.

Action: Deepana, Pachana,Shothahara , Shirovirechana

Therapeutic uses: Krimighna, Triptighna, Kushthaghna, ,

Pharmacological action : Vidanga having + grade (+ = mild active), as per “the

antibacterial activity of some Ayurvedic drugs.” (Jour. Res. Ind. Med. 9:2, 1974 page

65).Embelia ribes having anti-bacterial effect, as per “A complication, rational basis of

the use of medicinal plants in skin disease” (Indian drugs 35(1) Jan. 1998).Zutshi

U,Sharma SC et al;Embelia ribes is reported to be an effective analgesic.


Chitra,M.Devi,C.S.et al;Embelin is reported to have antitumour & anti-microbial and

analgesic activity.(Indian J.Med.Sci.Res.,1994,22:87)

MARICHA Latin name : Piper nigrum

Family : Piperaceae

Synonyms : Maricham, Hapusha, Ushanam, Golamiricha, Black pepper


Rasa : Katu


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Guna : Laghu, Tikshna

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Katu

Doshaghnata : Vata -Kapha Shamaka

Part Used: Fruit

Chemical Constituents: It contains a volatile alkaloid Piperine 5-9%, Piperdine 5%, a

balsamic volatile essential oil 1-2%, fat 7%, masocarp contains Chavicin, a balsamic

volatile oil, starch, lignin, gum, fat 1%, proteids 7% and containing organic matter 5%.

Actions : Deepana, Pachana, Krimiagana, Kusthagana, Pramathi.

Therapeutic uses: Agnimandya, Ajirna, Kasa, Shwasa, Adhamana, Skin diseases,


Pharmacological actions-Effect of piperine on pentobarbitone induced hypnosis in rats.

[Mujumdar AM, Dhuley JN, Deshmukh VK, Raman PH, Thorat SL, Naik SR.Laboratory

of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd, Pimpri, Pune,

India.]Piperine (1-peperoyl piperidine), a major alkaloid isolated from Piper nigrum Linn,

potentiated pentobarbitone sleeping time in dose dependant manner, with peak effect at

30 min. Blood and brain pentobarbitone levels were higher in piperine treated animals.

Piperine treatment in rats, treated chronically with phenobarbitone, significantly

potentiated pentobarbitone sleeping time, as compared to the controls.Effect of co-

administration of piperine on pharmacokinetics of beta-lactam antibiotics in rats.[Hiwale

AR, Dhuley JN, Naik SR.Research and Development Division of Hindustan Antibiotics

Limited, Pimperi, Pune 411 018, India.] Co-administration of piperine, an alkaloid

isolated from Piper nigrum L. enhanced bioavailability of beta lactam antibiotics,

amoxycillin trihydrate and cefotaxime sodium significantly in rats. Permeability

characteristics of piperine on oral absorption--an active alkaloid from peppers and a

bioavailability enhancer.[Khajuria A, Zutshi U, Bedi KL.Isotope Section, Regional

Research Laboratory, Jammu-Tawi, India.]Piperine, [1-[5-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]-1-oxo-

2,4, pentadienyl] piperidine], is a pungent alkaloid present in Piper nigrum Linn, and P.

longum Linn. It is shown to enhance the bioavailability of various structurally and

therapeutically diverse drugs. A concise mechanism responsible for its bioavailability

enhancing action is poorly understood. Data thus obtained suggested that piperine is


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absorbed very fast across the intestinal barrier. It may act as an apolar molecule and form

apolar complex with drugs and solutes. It may modulate membrane dynamics due to its

easy partitioning thus helping in efficient permeability across the barriers.

Aromatic, Acrid, Hot, Carminative, antiperiodic. Piperine is a mild antipyretic &

antiperodic.(K. M. Nadkarni Indian Materia Medica, Pg. No. 969, Vol-1,3rd


PIPPALI Latin name : Piper longum

Family : Piperaceae

Synonyms : Maagadhi, Vaidehi, Krishna, Kanaa, Chapala, Ushna,

Upkulyaa, Tikshnatandulaa. Pipal, Pipali, Long Pepper


Rasa : Katu

Guna : Laghu, Snigdha, Tikshna

Virya : Anushna Sheeta

Vipaka : Madhura

Doshaghnata : Vata-Kapha Shamaka

Part Used: Fruit

Chemical Constituents: Resins, volatile oil, starch, gum, fatty oil, inorganic matter & an

alkaloid, Piperine 1- 2%.

Actions: Deepana, Shirovirechana, Medhya, Raktashodhaka, Mootral, Vrishya,


Therapeutic uses: Aruchi, Agnimandya, Gulma, Yakrutroga, Krimi, Raktavikara, Kasa,

Shwasa, Hikka, Kustha.

Pharmacological actions: This drug is effective in the treatment of the diseases of

Pranavaha srotas(Abhang R1994,Anshuman P.S et.al 1984),effective in

Giardiasis(Agarwal A.K.et al 1994),anti allergic(Dahanukar S.A et al 1984),Immuno

stimulatory(Tripati D.M et al 1999),effective in asthma(Upadhyaya et.al 1982),Anti

pyretic(Singh et al 1973),analgesic(Singh et al 1973),anti inflammatory (Singh et al


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1973). Co-administration of piperine, an alkaloid isolated from Piper nigrum L. enhanced

bioavailability of beta lactam antibiotics, amoxycillin trihydrate and cefotaxime sodium

significantly in rats. Permeability characteristics of piperine on oral absorption--an active

alkaloid from peppers and a bioavailability enhancer.[Khajuria A, Zutshi U, Bedi

KL.Isotope Section, Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu-Tawi, India.]Piperine, [1-[5-

[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]-1-oxo-2,4, pentadienyl] piperidine], is a pungent alkaloid present

in Piper nigrum Linn, and P. longum Linn. It is shown to enhance the bioavailability of

various structurally and therapeutically diverse drugs. A concise mechanism responsible

for its bioavailability enhancing action is poorly understood. Data thus obtained

suggested that piperine is absorbed very fast across the intestinal barrier. It may act as an

apolar molecule and form apolar complex with drugs and solutes. It may modulate

membrane dynamics due to its easy partitioning thus helping in efficient permeability

across the barriers.

This Rasayana drug is useful in Pranavaha srotodushti Vikaras as per the classical references (Ch.Chi 1/pa-3/34-35) and is quite useful in Pinasa (B.P).

DANTILatin name : Baliospermum Montenum

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Synonyms : Udumbaraparni, Eranda phala, Shighra


Rasa : Katu, Guna : Guru, Tikshna

Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu

Doshaghnata : Kapha Pittahara,

Part used : Seeds & roots

Chemical Constituents: Resin, Croton oil, Starch

Actions : Sothahara, Veedanasthapna, Pittasara, Virechan, Krimighna

Pharmacological Actions: Jalodar,Kamla,gulma, arsha, jwara, twak vicar, shwas roga,

ashmari, sarpa visha.



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Latin Name : Nardostaychyus Jatamansi

Family : Valerianaceae

Synonyms : Mansi, Jatila, Tamsi, Sulomasha, Indian spikenard, Balcchad


Rasa : Tikta Guna : laghu,Snigdha

Virya :Sheeta Vipak: Katu

Doshaghanata : Tridoshahar Prabhava: Manasdoshnashak

Part used : Root

Chemical Constituents: : 2% Volatie oil containing on unidentified Ester an alchol,

two Alkaloids. (Bose et al - 1957). It also contain Resine, Sugar,Stracha.'Jatamansic-

acid', Jatamansone & Nardostachys Ketones. It also countains Oroselol, Oroselone,

Anagelic acid , Dehydrojatamansion.

Actions:Balya,Medhya,Kantiprada,Bhutangana,Vishahara, Dahaprashamana

Therapeutic uses: Sangyasthapana , Nidrajanana , Shamaka , Pittasaraka ,Hriday

Niyamaka , Reduce blood pressure.

Pharmacological actions :The oil free Aqueous of Nardostaychus Jatamansi showed a

transient hypotencive effect & ECG changes in dog heart. (sheatn & kekre - 1956)

Various extract of Jatamansi roots showed both sedative action in rats & revealed by

physical in activation and potentiol of Phelobarbitone Sobium slepping time in rats &

the hypotonsive activity in rates ( Gupta et al 1966)

The oil was tried on case of Neurocirculatory Asthenia & related Cardiac condition like

functional Cardiac Neurosis, Cardiac Arrythamias, Menopausal-Syndromes,

Hypertensive states etc. showed encouraging results perticularly with respect to

improvement in subjective parameters. (Vakil & Dalal)

It is also useful in Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation of Heart, Hypertensive, Diuretic,Anti-

histaminic,Anti-arrhythmic, Sedative.


Already described



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Latin Name :Cedrus devdaro

Family :Pinaceae

Synonyms :Daru, indradaru, mastdaru, kilim, devdar, pinus


Rasa: Tikta, katu Guna: Laghu snigdha

Veerya: Ushana Vipaka: Katu

Part used : Patra, Tail, Kanda

Chemical Constituents: : An alcaloid resin known as kelankatel and dark coloured oil

or tar resembling crude turpentine are found.

Actions : Kapha -Vatashamak, Bacteriocidal, Healing, Analgesics, Appetizer, Digestant,

laxative, Cardio stimulant.

Therapeutic uses: The woody portion is carminative, diaphoretic and diuretic. It is used

in fever, flatulence, dropsy, urinary disease. Renin and turpentine are used externally in

skin diseases.

Pharmacological Actions: Phirang, Amavata, shleepad, shiroshool, kushtha, karnashool

C. DRUGS OF AMRIT MANJARI RASA Amrit manjari rasa has comprises of the following drugs- Hingul, Visha(Vatsanabha),

Kana (Pippali), Maricha, Tankan, Jatikosh (Javitri), Jambir

(Bhaisajya Ratnavali Aamvatrogadhikar-171-173)

HINGULLatin name : Sulphuretum hydrargyri

Chemical name : mercury sulphide

Chemical formula:Rasodbhava, hanspada, lohghna, darad, churna parad,

Shuktunda, cinnabar


Rasa :Tikta, kashaya, kashay Guna :Snigdha

Virya :Ushna Vipak :Madhur

Doshaghnata :Tridoshaghna

Action: Deepan, aampachak, virshya, & vishaghna, deha-bal-buddhi-vardhan


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Therapeutic: Netrarogaghna, kushthaghna, kamla, pleeharoga, hallas, aamvat, premeha,

jwar, urustambha, klaibya, sarvaroga, pakshaghat har etc.

VATSANABHA Latin name : Aconitum ferox

Family : Ranunuculaceae

Synonyms : Vatsanabha,Amrit,Visha, Bachanaga,Meetha Visha

Monk’s hood


Rasa : Madhur

Guna : Laghu, Tikshna,Vyavayi,Vikasi

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Madhur

Doshaghnata : Vata –Kapha Shamaka

Part Used: Root

Chemical Constituents:

Actions: Shothahara, Vednasthapan, Uttejak, Rochan, Deepan, Swedajanan, Krimighna,


Therapeutic uses: Aamvathar,Girdhrasihar, Sandh-vatahar, Shirashulhar,Udarvikar,

Agnimandya, Shula, Nasta artava, Shukrameha,Kushthaghna, Krimighna. Ajirna, Shwas,


PIPPALI -Already described

MARICHA -Already described



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Chemical name : Sodium pyroborate

Chemical Formula : Na2 B4O7.10H2o0

Synonyms : Tanka, Tanga, Lohashoshodhan, Saubhagya, Kshar raj,

Sitakshara, Suhaga, Borex


Rasa :Katu

Guna :Tikshna Ruksha,Sarak

Virya :Ushna


Actions: Kaphasarak, Vishhara, Aartavajanan, Tvakdosahar, Amadoshaha,

Krimidosahar, Aadhamanhar,Yakrituttejak etc

Therapeutic uses: According to Rasa Rasa Tarangni, Tankan is said to be useful in

Kandu, Kushtha, Shwas,Kasa,Varnahar,Mutra roga ,Netra roga,Karnasrava,Hridroga. etc.

JAVITRI Latin name : Myristica fragrans

Family : Myristicaceae

Synonyms : Jatiphal,Jatikosha,Maltiphal, Jayphal, Nutmegtree


Rasa : Tikta,Katu

Guna : Laghu, Tikshna

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Katu

Doshaghnata : Kapha-Vata Shamaka

Part Used: Seed, Kosh(Javitri)

Chemical Constituents: It’s seed’s contains a volatile essential oil 6-16%, Protein

7.5%, Starch14.6-24.2%, Minerals 1.7% and Javitri contain volatile essential oil 4-15%,

Pectin , Amylodectran are 25% . Its volatile essential oil contain myristicin ,myristic acid

D-Paineen,D-Kaphein,Ujinol etc.

Actions: Shothahara, Vednasthapan, Uttejak, Durgandhhara, Kitaghana, Kusthaghana,



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Therapeutic uses: Agnimandya, Ajirna, Vistambha,Atisar,Ghrahani, Adhamana,

,Jawara Skin disease,Anidra.

JAMBIR Latin name : Citrous limon

Family : Rutaceae

Synonyms : Jambir, dantshtha, jambu, Jambiri nibu, the lemon of India


Rasa : Amla

Guna : Guru, Tikshna

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Amla

Doshaghnata : Kapha-Vata Shamaka, Pittavardhak

Part Used: Fruit, Bark,Leaf

Chemical Constituents: It’s fruit contains a yellowish volatile essential oil and

nimbuka acid etc.

Actions: Rochan, Deepan, Krimighna, Pachan, Anuloman, Pittasarak.

Therapeutic uses:Agnimandya, Aruchi, Trishna, Vaman, Shula, Vibandha,Krimighna.

Ajirna, Shwas, Kasa .



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S.No. Ingredients Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Doshaghnata1. Saindhav

(Sodium chloride)

Lavan,Madhur Snighdha,Tikshna,


Sheet Madhura Tridoshaghna

2. Guda


Madhur Snighdha,Ushna Ushna Madhura Tridoshaghna

(acc. to anupan)

3. Chincha



Madhur,Amla Ruksha,Sara Ushna Amla Vata Shamak

4. Go mutra

(Cow Urine)

Katu Laghu,


Ushna Katu Tridoshaghna

5. Tila tail





Guru, Snighdha Ushna Madhur Vata shamaka


S.No. Ingredients Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Doshaghnata

1. Rasona

(Allium sativum)

Madhur, Lavan ,

Katu, Tikta,Kashaya



Ushna Katu

2. Shunthi



Katu Snigdha,Laghu Ushna Madhur K-V Shamak

3. Nirgundi

(Vitex nigundo)

Tikta,Katu, Kashaya Laghu,Ruksha Ushna Katu V –K Shamak



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S.No. Ingredients Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Doshaghnata

1. Hartiki



Pancha Rasa





Ushna Madhura V –K Shamak ,


(mainly vatashamak)

2. Bibhitki



Kashaya Ruksha, Laghu Ushna Madhura Tridoshaghna

(mainly Kapha


3. Amalki



Pancha rasa

(larana rahita)

amla pradhana

Guru Ruksha


Sheeta Madhura Tridosh shamak



4. Eranda tail



Madhura Snigdha , Tikshna,


Ushna Madhura K-V Shamak

5. Guggul



Katu, Tikta Laghu, Ruksha,

Tikshna, Vishada,

Sukshma, Sara

Ushna Katu K-V Shamak

6. Gandhak


Madhura Tikshna, Snigdha Ushna Katu K-V Shamak

7. Rasna



Tikta Guru Ushna Katu K-V Shamak

8. Vidanga

(Embelia ribes)

Katu, Kasaya Laghu, Ruksha,


Ushna Katu K-V Shamak

9. Maricha

(Piper longum)

KatuLaghu, Tikshna Ushna Katu Vata-kapha shamaka

10. Pippali

(piper longum)

Katu Laghu, Snighdha




Madhura K-V Shamak

11. Danti



Katu Guru, Tikshna Ushna Katu K-P Shamak

12. Jatamansi



Tikta Laghu ,Snigdha Sheeta Katu Tridosha Shamak

13. Shunthi (Zingiber


Katu Snigdha,Laghu Ushna Madhur K-V Shamak

14. Devadaru

(Cedrus devdaro)

Tikta, Katu Laghu ,Snigdha Ushna Katu V-K Shamak


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S.No. Ingredients Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Doshaghnata

1. Hingul



Tikta ,Kashaya,


Snighdha Ushna Madhura Tridoshaghna

2. Vatsnabha

(Aconitum ferox)

Madhur Laghu,Tikshna,

Vyavayi, Vikasi

Ushna Madhura V-K shamaka

3. Pippali

(piper longum)

Katu Laghu, Snighdha




Madhura K-V Shamak

4. Maricha

(Piper longum)

Katu Laghu, Tikshna Ushna Katu V-K shamaka

5. Tankan



Katu Tikshna,Ruksha,Sarak Ushna Katu Vata shamaka

6. Javitri



Tikta,Katu Laghu, Tikshna Ushna Katu V-K shamaka

7. Jambir

(Citrus limon)

Amla Guru,Tikshna Ushna Amla K-V Shamak