drosses, l feathers, beav- · beav-no longer held responsible! rjto j-uj-! irwfll 1 tie...

7gn fMHH mfk i 4-- "- . J; fe , xw "J VWfUIWV f r j 7 JST" "M "g?J s rsr"1ESr&? "T5f ftfe. "1 i JOLJIJJ DA 'I "V 3"ia rvisacsjenasiawiMnw(wrASnRiMaxBUREXH ttaawiM.etrwajYvwusvjiKiv3Ma .Kguuiaeanaragi n rot, 111. iSTo. 020. HONOLULU, 11. 1., WKDM-JSHAY- , IWmN'AKY (I, I.SHI. SUU8CRIPTION CO CENT Q HEll MOMTH THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Tin; Daily Bum.i-.-- i in- - la printed and published ovcry morning ami circulated throughout Hit town by carriers, nnd forwarded to llio other rlnniN by every oppoituiiity. Subscription. - 50 cents per Month. On vs. R Uirci;i,VNM, Editor. All business eoniinunieatlons to bo nil. ilreticd, Milliliter Dully Bulletin, Post Ollloe Box No. M. Telephone 2.10. OJIlce, .... (Jnccti HIrcet, Oppo'iltu Wed's Carriage factory. .1. 0. Cr.uvioii, Manager W. H. PAGE, SBS&fiat C""r"DiTsr7i HONOLULU miMl 1IAHMQRY, NO- -. 128 nnd 130. FORT STRKFT (opposite Pantheon Stables) HONOLULU, II. I. Carriage Msimtl'auturer, "Wheelwright ami General Blacksmith. The Manufactory contain a complete Cailiago Shop, lSlackMiiilh Simp, Paint Shop, and Trimming Shop. FAMILY CARRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBUSSES, DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CARTS, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, &C, &C. Made to Order on mo--t- ivornblc trrms and all work guaranteed. The Momoh1 Attention fji von to re- pair work of all ItlntlM. Having been in business on the Ila nil for a number of years employing none but the must Skillful of Mechanics, and using only Al Material, L can strictly guarantee all won; leaving my Manu- factory. Give me a call before .purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the place. 128 anil 130 FORT STREET. orrostra Bonn's staiu,i:s. I. Page, GUI Cm PROPRIETOR. City Shooii Simp. 110 Fout Sntr.r.T, Opposite Doihl's Stable. I F VOU WANT your hor.-- e shod, and have no time to bring htm to the Gity loeii Sim, "Rilig Up- - No. 34. And your hor-- o will be sent for shod, and returned 'on hhoit notice. Messrs. Me. Donald and Ryan who supuriiikiul tliu work are practical mechanics ol years of experience, and can be iccom. mended as reliable men, as well as First class Workmen at the trade. Wo mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, mo ly PltOl'UIl'.TOU FOR SALE, n No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from 5 to 10 tons per day. AIbo, pulleys, belts, etc., all In good order; can bo run by steam or horse power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole nnd Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS OIIEAP AS THE CHEAPEST CO LAINK Co., .11 Fort st. Tourists Retreat. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- - NOW OPEN for Tiavclers, where IS First class accomodation enn bu hud at all Times. The climate or Honuapo Is recommended for invalids. HORSES AND GUIDES Provided for the Volcano. CSTFor Terms, etc., Sco OARDS id Hotels and Stiects. .I.W. SMITHIES, 5711 ly Proprietor. Itull I'roKC'iuimit'H ! VTJiW DESIGNS, just lcceived from JJN San FrauelBco. at Tim Daily Uul-kUTi- Office B. If. J8HL1SBS db Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Received by every steamer lVOTRrP 9f V77? IV TVrV A CHOICE COLLECIION OV NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, -- Fans, Tidios, Children's Drosses, mid a Splendid Stock of Flowers, Feathers, Etc., etc., just received per Mariposa, and now open for inspection, at . M. MELLIS, ::::': 104 Fort Street. Store open till 8 p. m. during the holidays. WILLIAM MILLER O it, l i Tit o t nx su. 1c e i And Upholsterer, No. G!t Hotel street, Opposite Intcrr.alional Hotel, Canes and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Bracket-- , Cornices, Curtain Pole, Ac, - made ol the latest designs. riEORGE LUCAS, A'A ,, VT Contractor sMt' and Biilldcr,HgSjg5gf& Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets 'Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds ot Sawing nnd Pinn- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. MAX KOHM Beg to intimate to his friends nnd the public generally, that he is now pie-pare- to execute orders for Plain and Decorative Painting & Paperhanging in the best and newest styles. 18.-- 5 ITCMRi: .S'rK"EK'JL Opposite Gymnasium. P. O Box, No. HI. 101 ly LWAY, & BUILD 13 R Shop on King street, In rear of Now Odd Fellow's Hall King slieet. Telephone 112. 029 Qui 1HR. GERTZ, J No. 80 Foit street, Honolul, Importer nnd Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. H0I.USTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - 50 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., r(!7 Fort and Meichant sliced, tf b S. .t. CAlrriSIt. B. I''. (llt.MIA.M S. M. 0AETER & 00. Rkt.MIi Dn.M.r.its in Fire Wood, Coal and Feed. JESLsxy sind. Osvts, to all i:trts of the city. Remember, 82 King street, 57H E5TAml Telephone No. 181. WIJ.I.IAMS & CO, 120 FORT S'l'REHT, Have Secured the Servics of MR. HASSELPV1ANN, One of the Best Artists From Han Fianciseo, His Coloiing Is Unequalled. Views ol' tins Voleano, Also on Hand, Come and See Them. QUI tf ME. JOSEPH TRISKA, WHO Is in our employ, has had years experience in Piano Factories lu Germany and America ; ho la a sober, reliable mini, and we Guarantee all of his work. All kinds of Musical Instiiimeiits ami put in perfect older. 537 lij'can & Co, Beav- NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE ! rJTO J-uJ- ! IrWfll 1 Tie HALt. -- rriHos- And the Store for the T A. -- Li W'i'fVr'rflk Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis. People lass at the Great 1. 1 People Clothing, White and Percale Shirts, Hats, Caps, Tionis, Shoos, Neckwear, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, Arc being sold lower than any other house in tho kingdom. " Comparison of prices will tell. Call early at the flicat I X L Store, corner of Nuuanu and Queen Street;. 535 Cm A. TO W ."l lw Practical Druggists, lilt FORT STREET, :::: HONOLULU, Depot for ISocrieko and Seiireekes Colebra'-e- HORflSOPATHBC KflEDBCBWES, Fine Toilet Articles suitable for HOLIDAY J?T2Ii:S3EWX",S ! 1 1 a .11 : 1 l'ON .ioiinso.v, I lonolulu. is the I. X. L., GAHTEXKEKC, Proprietor. miTT o " "1 S- -R At B , JU V t!. CON(i !ON A- - C'. 11 f'''riiiifls.,. - ..mi.;jT'i...rsrti JOB .IIONOMJLU. r Edinbuvg Stroots. No. I -- ?i J. 11. CONGDON & CO.. Beaver Block, Quesn Street, Honolulu liiipoi'lci's, Shipping mill General I'ninixsioii n.vvn juht i..xii:! a laicus: to:VHHi?ii:vr or Barley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, etc. Choice table & dried Fruits. E"Maripot" Largo Stock CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to the trade al hi'Kcim. lMtiCEs. PARAGON AXLE URKASE. which gives uni- - 595 vernal liatUfiiclion. -- Correspondence wiliutcd. :iu EVERY unrr mn..uiiiw .tii.i.. DESGBffTlOI Store Miffil EXEOl'TKI) WI'IH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH AT THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, (IV 13 I3N STII13I3T UNION FEED COMPANY Corner of Queen niul Uroat when- - aisjfciji of IyV.Vt to inform their Irlinds and the public generally that they nru conlluu lug bui-in- i at the above bland, and have madeeiinplele arranjjeineut! for a conllnuouH Biipjily of Fresh Goods of the very Best Quality which we will oiler lor wile AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE 1MJIOES, Wo hope, by glviiif; our best attention to please tho public, toiucill a pail of their pationntjc, A largo Mock of Wheat ami Oat, Hay; Whole ami nroundlEarloy, California anil Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c-- i now on hand. Oulcis and nilihractlnn guainutuil, oriiu pay iihI.ciI, Jt.ri Coinmiasion Morchanis. GBtltHWEB (Limited) Hi COMPANY, ClUJJKllAt. MeIICAUIIMJ ANt) CoMMlbSION AaliXIS. MBVor oKKicntts: P. C. Joniw, .)v. .. .Picshlcnt & Malinger .1. O. 0.uvn;it 'IVcasutcr V. Secretary DttlKCTUliS: llon.C.R. Ilistior. Hon. H.A.P.OAiiTr.u a:w ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfailnue. G. Vr. MAOFAHIANE & Co. IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and (W Queen stteet, Honolulu. U.I. .UI11M9 for The Walkiiiu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tiamway "Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, WuUtm & Go's Sugar Macliin cry, Glasgow, Honolulu Lino oT Packets. 1S5 r. r.voxs, I.. J. I.KVIIV. f YONS & LEVEY, J ' Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Heaver Block, Queen - . Honolulu. Sales of Fumituie, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at. tended to. Sole Agent3 for American and Euro-pea- n merchandise. tUS "jVI" S. GniNDAOM te CO., Importers of General Mer chandise niul Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 jf S. GRINBAUM & Co., i.JL Comuiibsion Merclinnls, 121 California street, 1 Sun Francisco, Oil. Cl.ius.bpiccU'ls. Win. U. Irwin. TXT G. InVIN & COMPANY, n Sugar Factors mid Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEGIIORN &: CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Meichan-dim- , Queen and Ivaahuiuanu sls., Hono- lulu. 7tJ "TIT A. GONSALVES & CO., JLyJL. No. 57 Hotel Slteet, Honolulu. Importcisnnd Dealers in Dry and Fancy Good- -, Inlaid "Work, Embroidery, 28t) iVC, &c, &c. JOHN T. "WATERIIOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 BROWN & CO., "Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 11 Merchant St., Honolulu. 3U0 T T. LENEHAN & CO., -- fi- Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. C.istlu. J. U, Athcrton. CtASTLE Si COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King ut., Honolulu. 1 ING WO TAI & Co , Importer and General Dealcis in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. ALo, White it Coloied Con-tia- Matting, all ipuditicn and prices. No. 21 Niumnu i.tieet. oj posite Mr. I . A fong's. 5211 (Jin Wincj Wo Chan & Co., Importers and General Dealers In Eugllhli, Ameriean and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all (pialltle.s and prices. C5?" No. 'J2 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 No. 0 Queen street Fish Market, Dealer in choicest flccl, Vent, .11 lit (on, I'InI:, A.C., .Vc. Family and Shipping Order.-- , carefully attended to. Live stock furnished t'o vessels at slum notice, and Vegetables of all kind supplied to order. !J1U ly 37D. O. HOWE, lit HOU.SK AND SIGN PAINT1CR, I'Al'KIt llAMIl.ll, etc., No. 107 KiNoSnuir.T, IIonomii.u. 525 Telephone, 111. ly lROVN &.PHILL1PH, JD Practical PluiuliuiH, Ouh Fitters niul Comiot-sniltli- No. 71 King HI., Honolulu. (Eft- - Hoiiru and Ship. lob Work promptly executed. 17 HS. TBEOLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. Iluticrl I.i'wom, (1 II, Coolie, 15WKRS tc OOOKE, X (succciisor.'i to Leivcu &. Dlcksnu,') Importers and Diuders hi Lumber and all kinds ot llinlilin .Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDKR i: CO., Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and llulldlng Materials of ci cry kind, tor. Kurt and Queen nts., Honolulu. 1 ?.G. IT. ROHER'l'SON, I Drayman best leains in town. Telephone No. uo. 10 Proi'csaiouals. DR. M. HAGAN, OFFICE 102 FORT STREET, m 552 Telephone No. IWL DR. THAOH13R, DENTIST, Still Mauds at the head of his professon. Restoration and Contour woik a pecin1ily. Uxing colored gold or anj other materia known to the profcouion a Hie ene requires. ibis datc'prlces reduced 25 to CO Ijerfeiit.giiaianteeliig satisfaction and ( oing llii.clus work 25 per cent lower lian anyother dentist in Honolulu. CO-- ! l GROSSMAN, 1J-- . DENTIST, lias opened his olllce in Hotel St., next to the Y. M. C. A. buildinc, where he is pieparcd to perform all operations in dentistry. am 501. DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Jvukul st., corner of Fort. 'reIephonoNo.no. 5U 2ni ALFRED S. HARTWELL, COUNSELLOR AT JiAW, OlUce- -. over the Rank of Bishop & Co. Pb' :lm '' Honolulu. JM. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GO' No. Ill Kaahumanu street. A ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Auil Notary Public, Olllce with the Attorney Geneial, Allio laiii Hale, Honolulu. yi2 ly W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments ol instruments. Knahunianu St., Honolulu. 2on JOHN RUSSELL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce, on Merchant street, (uel door to Dr. Slangenwnld.) .105 jy " Q B. DOLE, KJ Lawyer and Notary 1'ubllc, 11 No. 15 Kaahumanu Irancis M. Hatch - Attorney al Law, . 15 Kaahiiiuanu st 1ICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money lo lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Olllce, No. 11 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, ' Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for Uiking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oalui. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAV and Notary-Public- . Real Estate in any part of the Kingdoix bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ucgotia ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands mo 7"ILLIAM AULD, f Audit to take Anknnwlfilirmnni to Contracts for Labor for the District of Konn, Island of Oahu, at the olllco of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu-am- i street. u, j JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Conttacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce, Honolulu. T O. akana, t I Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 18 King street, Honolulu. Tianslations of cither of the abovt languages made with accuracy and din patch, and on reasonable teinu. 20'J r o. berger, KAAHUMANU BT11KUT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insuiauce Company, The City of London FIro In. Co(liinit'd Macnealc & Urban Safes, The Celebiatul Springfield Gas Machiiiu Gas Fixtures or Mitchell. Vance & Co. 238 WM. b. McAllister, DENTIST, (Joiner of Fort and Hotel stiects. Restoration, Gold and Platina Fillings A Specialty. Hoping to gain tho contldciice of the public by good work, and reasonable prices. 50 1 U111 R. W. GRANNIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER" Estimates given for all work connected with the BUILDING TRADE. All Uiders loft at the Shop, No. 6H Hotel Street, Honolulu, or wltli Wilder ti Co., will be promptly attended to. 527 (Im LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans aud'Estlmatcs furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering it Sin veylng Olllce, cor. Halekauwila and Kilauea sis., next door to Wideniann'H brick warehouse. U0U P. O. Box, 101. ly fjr MEAD, J..L. CARPENTER & BUILDER, No. 12 King M., near tliu Bildge. All kinds of Ice Cliests, Refrigerators', liath Tub', &., Ac., inade and repaint! at moderate charges. ;i(!5 ly Telephone No. U2y. 9 . 5 I 'i 1 V

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Post on 24-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Drosses, l Feathers, Beav- · Beav-NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE! rJTO J-uJ-! IrWfll 1 Tie HALt.--rriHos-And the Store for the T A.--Li W'i'fVr'rflk Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis. People




4-- "-

. J;

fe ,




7 JST" "M "g?J s rsr"1ESr&? "T5f ftfe. "1

i JOLJIJJ DA 'I "V 3"iarvisacsjenasiawiMnw(wrASnRiMaxBUREXH ttaawiM.etrwajYvwusvjiKiv3Ma .Kguuiaeanaragi n



Tin; Daily Bum.i-.-- i in-- la printed andpublished ovcry morning ami circulatedthroughout Hit town by carriers, nndforwarded to llio other rlnniN by everyoppoituiiity.Subscription. - 50 cents per Month.

On vs. R Uirci;i,VNM, Editor.All business eoniinunieatlons to bo nil.

ilreticd, Milliliter Dully Bulletin, PostOllloe Box No. M. Telephone 2.10.

OJIlce, .... (Jnccti HIrcet,Oppo'iltu Wed's Carriage factory.

.1. 0. Cr.uvioii, Manager

W. H. PAGE,SBS&fiat



NO- -. 128 nnd 130. FORT STRKFT

(opposite Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Msimtl'auturer,"Wheelwright ami

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contain a complete

Cailiago Shop, lSlackMiiilh Simp, PaintShop, and Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on mo--t- ivornblc trrmsand all work guaranteed.The Momoh1 Attention fji von to re-

pair work of all ItlntlM.Having been in business on the Ila nil

for a number of years employing nonebut the must Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, L can strictlyguarantee all won; leaving my Manu-factory.

Give me a call before .purchasingelsewhere.

Don't forget the place.128 anil 130 FORT STREET.

orrostra Bonn's staiu,i:s.


City Shooii Simp.

110 Fout Sntr.r.T,

Opposite Doihl's Stable.

I F VOU WANT your hor.-- e shod, andhave no time to bring htm to the

Gity loeii Sim,"Rilig Up- - No. 34.

And your hor-- o will be sent for shod,and returned 'on hhoit notice. Messrs.Me. Donald and Ryan who supuriiikiultliu work are practical mechanics olyears of experience, and can be iccom.mended as reliable men, as well as Firstclass Workmen at the trade.

Wo mean business. All work guaran.teed and done with promptness.

S. I. Shaw,mo ly PltOl'UIl'.TOU

FOR SALE, n No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

AIbo, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole nnd

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- -

NOW OPEN for Tiavclers, whereIS First class accomodation enn bu hudat all Times. The climate or HonuapoIs recommended for invalids.

HORSES AND GUIDESProvided for the Volcano.

CSTFor Terms, etc., Sco OARDS idHotels and Stiects.

.I.W. SMITHIES,5711 ly Proprietor.

Itull I'roKC'iuimit'H !

VTJiW DESIGNS, just lcceived fromJJN San FrauelBco. at Tim Daily Uul-kUTi-


B. If. J8HL1SBS db Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Received by every steamer lVOTRrP 9f V77? IV TVrV


Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, -- Fans, Tidios,

Children's Drosses, mid a Splendid Stock of

Flowers, Feathers,Etc., etc., just received per Mariposa, and now open for inspection, at

. M. MELLIS, ::::': 104 Fort Street.Store open till 8 p. m. during the holidays.


O it, l i Tit o t nx su. 1c e i

And Upholsterer,No. G!t Hotel street,

Opposite Intcrr.alional Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBracket-- , Cornices, Curtain Pole, Ac,

- made ol the latest designs.

riEORGE LUCAS, A'A ,,VT Contractor sMt'

and Biilldcr,HgSjg5gf&Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets 'Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds ot Sawing nnd Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other



MAX KOHMBeg to intimate to his friends nnd the

public generally, that he is now pie-pare-

to execute orders for

Plain and DecorativePainting & Paperhanging

in the best and newest styles.

18.--5 ITCMRi: .S'rK"EK'JLOpposite Gymnasium.

P. O Box, No. HI. 101 ly

LWAY, & BUILD 13 RShop on King street, In rear of NowOdd Fellow's Hall King slieet.

Telephone 112. 029 Qui

1HR. GERTZ,J No. 80 Foit street, Honolul,

Importer nnd Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Druggists & Tobacconists,"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -

50 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,r(!7 Fort and Meichant sliced, tf b

S. .t. CAlrriSIt. B. I''. (llt.MIA.M

S. M. 0AETER & 00.Rkt.MIi Dn.M.r.its in

Fire Wood,Coal and Feed.

JESLsxy sind. Osvts,

to all i:trts of the city.

Remember, 82 King street,57H E5TAml Telephone No. 181.


Have Secured the Servics of


One of the Best ArtistsFrom Han Fianciseo, His Coloiing Is

Unequalled.Views ol' tins Voleano,

Also on Hand, Come and See Them.QUI tf


WHO Is in our employ, has hadyears experience in Piano

Factories lu Germany and America ; hola a sober, reliable mini, and we

Guarantee all of his work.

All kinds of Musical Instiiimeiitsami put in perfect older.

537 lij'can & Co,



rJTO J-uJ- !

IrWfll 1



And the Store for the

TA. --Li


Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis.

People lass at the Great 1. 1People

Clothing, White and Percale Shirts,Hats, Caps, Tionis, Shoos, Neckwear,


Arc being sold lower than any other housein tho kingdom.

" Comparison of prices will tell. Call early at the flicat I X L Store, corner ofNuuanu and Queen Street;.

535 Cm A.

TOW ."llw

Practical Druggists,lilt FORT STREET, :::: HONOLULU,

Depot for ISocrieko and Seiireekes Colebra'-e-


Fine Toilet Articles suitable forHOLIDAY J?T2Ii:S3EWX",S !

1 1 a .11 : 1 l'ON .ioiinso.v,I lonolulu.

is the I. X. L.,

GAHTEXKEKC, Proprietor.

miTT o ""1 S- -R At B ,


t!. CON(i !ON A-- C'.11 f'''riiiifls.,.




rEdinbuvg Stroots.

No. I --?i

J. 11. CONGDON & CO..Beaver Block, Quesn Street, Honolulu

liiipoi'lci's, Shipping mill General I'ninixsioii

n.vvn juht i..xii:! a laicus: to:VHHi?ii:vr orBarley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, etc. Choice table & dried Fruits.

E"Maripot" Largo Stock CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to thetrade al hi'Kcim. lMtiCEs. PARAGON AXLE URKASE. which gives uni- -

595 vernal liatUfiiclion. -- Correspondence wiliutcd. :iu


unrr mn..uiiiw .tii.i..





(IV 13 I3N STII13I3T

UNION FEED COMPANYCorner of Queen niul

Uroat when- -



IyV.Vt to inform their Irlinds and the public generally that they nru conlluulug bui-in-i at the above bland, and have madeeiinplele arranjjeineut! for

a conllnuouH Biipjily of

Fresh Goods of the very Best Qualitywhich we will oiler lor wile

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE 1MJIOES,Wo hope, by glviiif; our best attention to please tho public, toiucill a pail oftheir pationntjc, A largo Mock ofWheat ami Oat, Hay; Whole ami nroundlEarloy,

California anil Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c-- i

now on hand. Oulcis and nilihractlnn guainutuil, oriiu pay iihI.ciI,Jt.ri

Coinmiasion Morchanis.




MBVor oKKicntts:P. C. Joniw, .)v. . . .Picshlcnt & Malinger.1. O. 0.uvn;it 'IVcasutcr V. Secretary


llon.C.R. Ilistior. Hon. H.A.P.OAiiTr.ua:w ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfailnue.



(W Queen stteet,Honolulu. U.I.

.UI11M9 forThe Walkiiiu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tiamway "Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, WuUtm & Go's Sugar Macliin

cry, Glasgow,Honolulu Lino oT Packets.


r. r.voxs, I.. J. I.KVIIV.f YONS & LEVEY,J ' Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Heaver Block, Queen - . Honolulu.

Sales of Fumituie, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at.tended to.

Sole Agent3 for American and Euro-pea- n

merchandise. tUS

"jVI" S. GniNDAOM te CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise niul Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

jf S. GRINBAUM & Co.,i.JL Comuiibsion Merclinnls,

121 California street,1 Sun Francisco, Oil.

Cl.ius.bpiccU'ls. Win. U. Irwin.TXT G. InVIN & COMPANY,n Sugar Factors mid CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEGIIORN &: CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Meichan-dim- ,

Queen and Ivaahuiuanu sls., Hono-lulu. 7tJ

"TIT A. GONSALVES & CO.,JLyJL. No. 57 Hotel Slteet, Honolulu.Importcisnnd Dealers in Dry and Fancy

Good- -, Inlaid "Work, Embroidery,28t) iVC, &c, &c.

JOHN T. "WATERIIOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

BROWN & CO.,"Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 11 Merchant St.,Honolulu. 3U0


fi- Importers and CommissionMerchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. C.istlu. J. U, Athcrton.

CtASTLE Si COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King ut.,Honolulu. 1

ING WO TAI & Co ,Importer and General Dealcis

in English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. ALo, White it Coloied Con-tia-

Matting, all ipuditicn and prices.No. 21 Niumnu i.tieet. oj posite Mr. I .

A fong's. 5211 (Jin

Wincj Wo Chan & Co.,Importers and General Dealers

In Eugllhli, Ameriean and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all (pialltle.s and prices.

C5?" No. 'J2 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

No. 0 Queen street Fish Market,Dealer in choicest

flccl, Vent, .11 lit (on, I'InI:, A.C., .Vc.

Family and Shipping Order.--, carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished t'ovessels at slum notice, and Vegetablesof all kind supplied to order. !J1U ly

37D. O. HOWE,lit HOU.SK AND SIGN PAINT1CR,I'Al'KIt llAMIl.ll, etc.,

No. 107 KiNoSnuir.T, IIonomii.u.525 Telephone, 111. ly

lROVN &.PHILL1PH,JD Practical PluiuliuiH, Ouh Fittersniul Comiot-sniltli- No. 71 King HI.,Honolulu. (Eft-- Hoiiru and Ship. lobWork promptly executed. 17


201 FORT ST.

Iluticrl I.i'wom, (1 II, Coolie,15WKRS tc OOOKE,

X (succciisor.'i to Leivcu &. Dlcksnu,')Importers and Diuders hi Lumber and allkinds ot llinlilin .Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDKR i: CO.,Dealers In Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and llulldlng Materialsof ci cry kind, tor. Kurt and Queen nts.,Honolulu. 1

?.G. IT. ROHER'l'SON,I Drayman best leains

in town. Telephone No. uo. 10



m 552 Telephone No. IWL


Still Mauds at the head of his professon.Restoration and Contour

woik a pecin1ily. Uxing coloredgold or anj other materia known tothe profcouion a Hie ene requires.

ibis datc'prlces reduced 25 to CO

Ijerfeiit.giiaianteeliig satisfaction and( oing llii.clus work 25 per cent lowerlian anyother dentist in Honolulu.

CO-- !


lias opened his olllce in Hotel St., nextto the Y. M. C. A. buildinc, where he ispieparcd to perform all operations indentistry. am 501.

DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Jvukul st., corner of Fort.'reIephonoNo.no. 5U 2ni


OlUce- -. over the Rank of Bishop & Co.Pb' :lm '' Honolulu.


GO' No. Ill Kaahumanu street.


Auil Notary Public,Olllce with the Attorney Geneial, Alliolaiii Hale, Honolulu. yi2 ly

W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments olinstruments.

Knahunianu St., Honolulu. 2on


Olllce, on Merchant street, (uel doorto Dr. Slangenwnld.) .105 jy

"Q B. DOLE,KJ Lawyer and Notary 1'ubllc,11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

Irancis M. Hatch-

Attorney al Law,. 15 Kaahiiiuanu st

1ICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money lo lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Olllce, No. 11 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,' Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for Uiking Acknowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oalui. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. 1


and Notary-Public-.

Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdoix bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ucgotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands mo

7"ILLIAM AULD,f Audit to take Anknnwlfilirmnni

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Konn, Island of Oahu, at the olllco ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu-am- i

street. u, jJOHN A. HASSINGER,

Agent to take Acknowledgmentsto Conttacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce,Honolulu.

T O. akana,t I Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 18 King street, Honolulu.

Tianslations of cither of the abovtlanguages made with accuracy and dinpatch, and on reasonable teinu. 20'J

r o. berger,KAAHUMANU BT11KUT.

General Agent forThe N. Y. Life Insuiauce Company,

The City of London FIro In. Co(liinit'dMacnealc & Urban Safes,

The Celebiatul Springfield Gas Machiiiu

Gas Fixtures or Mitchell. Vance & Co.238

WM. b. McAllister,DENTIST,

(Joiner of Fort and Hotel stiects.Restoration, Gold and Platina Fillings

A Specialty.Hoping to gain tho contldciice of the

public by good work, and reasonableprices. 50 1 U111

R. W. GRANNIS,CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER"Estimates given for all work connected

with the

BUILDING TRADE.All Uiders loft at the Shop, No. 6H

Hotel Street, Honolulu, or wltli Wilderti Co., will be promptly attended to.

527 (Im


Plans aud'Estlmatcs furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering itSin veylng Olllce, cor. Halekauwila andKilauea sis., next door to Wideniann'Hbrick warehouse.U0U P. O. Box, 101. ly


No. 12 King M., near tliu Bildge.All kinds of Ice Cliests, Refrigerators',liath Tub', &., Ac., inade and repaint!at moderate charges. ;i(!5 ly

Telephone No. U2y.








Page 2: Drosses, l Feathers, Beav- · Beav-NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE! rJTO J-uJ-! IrWfll 1 Tie HALt.--rriHos-And the Store for the T A.--Li W'i'fVr'rflk Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis. People








Tlie Klceiion of Hcpre-u'i- alive to theiicU Legi-dattv- Aoxi'inlily will lakeplace throughout the various ElectionDistricts of tin Kingdom on Wednesday,the Oth day of February, tSi.

The Poll at tlii' lac-c- of elec-

tion will bo opened nl 9 o'clock ii.nu onthe day above named, and closed at oo'clock p.m.

The following nlui'pt arc designatedfor hold ins the Kicetloiii;


First 1 Ml II n i; Place...Coitit IIoupp, IllloSecond Polling Place

Court House, L'liipuhoehni'of Election.

O. W. A. llapai Police Justice"K. Kekoa TaIt A. Lyman Ta Collector

OlSlllll T 1)1.' ll.V.MAKL'A.

st Polling PlaceCom I 11 ohm.1, llonokua

Second Polling Place ."

Court Uotio, WulpioInspectors of Election.

J. P.Mlau DlMiiet .luMiccGeorge Hell Tax Asseor.!. K. ICnuiiamauo Ta Collector


FlM Polling Place...Couil llou-e- , Wiiiinea, S. Koliala

liiMiectors ut' Kluelion.S. 11. Miihuku District JuMiceJ. Stupplebeen T,i. Assuv-o-

L. Paukiki Tax CollectorSecond Polling Place

...Court IIouo, X. Kohalalnpcc-to-r of Klectlon.

.1. 15. Kuohi Police JusticeI. P. lvimauoha Tax Assessor.1. Kani Tax Collector

DISTIIR'T OP SOUTH KONAPolling Place School Hou'e, Kailua

Inspectors of Klectlon... (J. Hoipili District .lu.sttrcA. IC. Hoipili Tax Collector

lHSTItlCT OK SOUTH KONA.Polling Place.. ..S"hool Ilouc, lloukena

of Klectlon.C. V. P. District JusticeD. II. Xahinu Tax Assessor1. Kuuiakainai Tax Collector

nisrnic'r or kau.Polling Place

Spencer's Storehouse, lloiuuipoof Klectlon.

.1. U.S. Mai tin District JusticeJ.N. Tax AssessorJ. Kuiihane Tax Collectoi

distkict or l'UNA.Polling Place Court House, Pohoiki

Inspector of Election.J. l. Xaeole....; District JusticeT. K. Kaailiili Tax Assessor1). 15. Walii ne Tax Collector



Polling Place Court House, LuhainaInspectors of Election

D ICahaulclio Police JusticeJ A Kaukau Tax AssessorJ A Xabaku Tax Collector

1MSTK1CT cojro"i.i) or kmiakoi-o-AM) KAAXAl'Al.I.

.Polling Place. ...School House, IlonoluaInspectors of Election

M Meheula, D II Kai.iliilii, M. Sylva.DisTiiicr iu:(jix.NiNO with ni ixci.rn- -

ixo Waiiiix axii kvii:xdix; to,ami ixoi.umxo Hoxi-Ari.A- .

First rolling PlaceCouit House, Walluku

Inspectors of Election.L. Aholo Police JusticeG. E. KichiiriUon Tax AssessorW. 15. Keanii Tux CollectorSecond Polling Pl.u

C'ouil llou-u- , Ulupiikikiuiof Election.

M. Kealolia Distiicl JusticeDlSTKICl'UIKilXXIXO WITH AXDIXCI.rl)- -

ixo Hamkitai,oa axi i:.ti:xii.miio, AND lxcT.norxo IvL'l.A.

Polling Place... Court House, Makuw.ioInspector.-- , of Election.

V. F. .MosMii-t- Distiict Justice.1. Xakookoo TnsA. Fornander Tax-- CollectorDisrnic'T lmoixixo wrnt axii ixoi.i'h- -

inc. Kaiiikixii Axnr.xinxniMi ti,and ixci.finxci Koor.Af.

Polling Place Court House, lianaInspector of

H. W. ICaal Distiict Justice.1. IC. 1 1 annua Tax Asso.orP. ICamai Tax Collector

Di.snucr or .Moi.oku axd Lan w.First Polling Place

Court House. Pukoo, MolokulInspectors ol Klectlon.

ri. K. Kiipim?. Dl-tii- JusticeJ. A. ICuukau '' CollectorSecond Polling Place ...'. .V.:

School Hou-- u, Kaohai, lniiiiInspectors of Election.

S. ICahoohahihala Dlstric) JusticeoAiir.

Of-- 1'JIIC I Ol" Kona.Polling Place Aliloluni Hale

Insiieclor- - of Klectlon.11. F. Ilickeiton Police JusticeF. II. Ilaysolden Tax AssessorGeo, II. I.uce Tax Collector

DisTHKT ok Kivi axi AVmax.m:.Flr.-- t Polling Place

School House, WaiuwaInspectors of Klectlon.

II. X. ICiiliulu Distiict JusticeE. 11. Friel Tax AssessorA. Kiuihi Tax CollectorSecond Polllim Place

Court House, Wuiuiinc.7. P. Kama Distiict Ju-tie- c

Dihiiiui ok Waiai.ua.Polling Place.... Court House, Wuialua

Inspector of Klectlon.S. K. Muhoe Distiict JusticeI. Aniiira Tax Collector

DlbTIIIC'l oi. Kooj..u'i.o.Polling Place.... Sciiool House, llmiiUn

luspeetoiv of Klectlon,J. Kaluhl Distiict JusticeJ. AV. Kaapu Tax AssessorJ. Paukealanl Tax Collector

Dismior or Kooi.MTOho.Polling Place Court House, ICancolie

liispectois of Klectlon.J, L. Ivaulukou District JusticeA. lCaulla Tax Coljeelor

KAl'AI.Dtsiiucr or 'iii:..

First Polling PlaceSchool House, Waliiicu

Inspect om of Klectloii,E. Ivnltnlc Dl'tilct Justice

I jrs '" ' ,r-- . , ft

lilwal Ivutial Tax As.scssonS. K. Kniila Tax CollcctonSecond Polling Place

School House. N'ilhauInspectors of Klectlon.

(Ito. S. Guy Distiict JusticeA. Knttkati Tax AesorJ. V. I'uiil, Sr Tax Collector

Dlsiutt't" or PrxA.First Polling Place

Court lloue. I.lhtioInspectors of Election.

It. S. Ilupuku District JusticeJ. Kul n Tax AssessorS. Mitnuuo Tux CollectorSecond Polling Place

Com t. House, KolonInspectors of Klectlon.

A W Maioho Distiict JusliceJ V Ivcknliiinoku Tux AssessorJacob ICala Tux Collector

nisiiiici or iiAXAM.i.I'lrst Polling Plaee.Coint lIoll'e,lIanalel

Inspector of ElectionsIt Puukl District .1 ustleeJas W Hush Tax Assessor( 15 Palohaii Tax Collectorliud Polling Phue. .Court House, Kapaa

liVpcclors of Election.1 K K Kalwl District JusticeS Kalu Tax AssessorL K Kaiunualii Tax Collector

CI IAS. T. G FLICK,Ilnlstcr of Interior.

Interior Olllce, Dec :il, 18815. MID lib

rpiIK I'XDEHSIGXKD have fonnedL a I'opnrlnersliii) under the lit l n

name of " SPHKCKKLS vV Co." for theiiirpo.se of carrying on a general bank-ing and exchange busine-s- ; at Honolulu,and such other places in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

(Signed) CliAUS SPltKCICKLS.Win G. IllAVIN.F. F. EOW.

Honolulu, Jan. 14th, 183).

ltcferring to the above we beg tothe Cuslncss public that "wo are

piepaioil to make loans, discount approved note5, and pin chase exchange at thebest current rates. Our arrangementsfor -- elliug exchange on the piincipalpoints in" the United Stiles, Euiope,China, Japan and Australia aie beingmade, and when perfected, due noticewill be given. Woshnll also be preparedto icccive deposits on open account,make collections, ami conduct a generalbanking and excliansio business.010 8111b (signed) SPItECKELS & Co.

J. 0, CarterliKQUKSTS



The Solid Ticket.NO PLUMPING.

(i".'8 !2L 1)

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for tho benefit of nil,

WEDNESDAY, FK1J. 0. 1881.


Election of Kcprebcnlutives, S.Mooting Slock KxcliaiigL', at 11.

EVENING.Aiinuul Klccliosof Ofliccrs ICngino

Co. No. 2, 7:0.Oaliu Lodge, No. K. ol'I'. 7::!0.Hetliel Prayer Mooting, nl7:!!0.Fort St. Church. Prayer Mcctinsr

at 7 :.".().

St. Andrew's Cathedral, usualservices, 7:.'!0.


This is Election Day n day thatconies but once in two years. Thepolls open at 8 o'clock this, morningand close at ft" in the evening. To-

day the relative ftticngtli of Hie twoPjirties, .so called, will lie decided.St) fur as Honolulu and the countrydibtricls of this island are concerned,we shall know the result t.

Fur complete icliirns, from the otherislands we ftliall have to wttit a fewdays longer.

The "dibtiict of Honolulu electsfour representatives. There are tworecognised tickets before the elec-

tors, with four candidates on each.'Die National ticket contains thenames, of J. L. Kaiiliikou, IC. Eilika-lau- i,

J. Ivcatt mid J. linker. Thetluve lirst-nanie- d of these gentlemenImvo in former years occupied placesin Iho Legislative Chamber, Thelast-iiaine- d John linker lias neveryet renohed that elevation. Tho In-

dependent ticket comprises tiicnninoH of J. O. Carler, J. I7. Knwai-nu- i,

A. 1 Iuilaiikoa and A. IC, ti,

'i'liive of lliesc gentlemen

aie iiImi more or less experienced asLegislators. One only !. l tii

lias never served his coun-

try in that capacity. Soino peopletliink that Prince Albeit Kuiiuiukcahlioulil, long civ this, Imvo hud a seatin tho House of Nobles, believingthai Itiglit and Policy both dictate.such an appointment Right, be-

cause lie is a recognised high cuicf,

sulci chiefs Imvo lite llrsl claim toseals in that chamber of the Legis-

lature; Policy, because such an ap-

pointment would tend lo strengthenthe reigning dynasty by reconcilingto it another fntnily which is sup-

posed lo have some nspirntions.Respecting the policy of the two

political parlies contesting the elec-

tions, we have no clear conception.Indeed, it is doubtful if cither pattylias a policy, in the sense which at-

taches lo the term in other countries.AVe have, however, a dim idea thatthe National parly, so called, is thepatty of silly bauble, ludicrous tom-

foolery and unpatriotic wastefulnessof the public revenues; and that the

Independent party is the.party of opposition lo these things.

Nor ate we in n better position to

judge of the merits or demerits of

the individual candidates. To besure, most of them have presentedtheir views and intentions to thepublic in public places, and thosewho understand the native languagearc able to measure the men by theirutterances ; but those who arc igno

rant of that language are at a mani-

fest disadvantage.Concerning one of tho number

Mr. Carter we have had better op-

portunities of forming a correct esti-

mate, and believe him to be fullyqualified for the place to which lie

aspires, lie is neither a strangernor an obscure nonentity. Wc judgehim by his record and by bis cha-

racter, lie is admittedly and un-

doubtedly a man of intelligence, abi-

lity, integrity, and patriotism, andtherefore a suitable person to repre-

sent Honolulu in the Legislative As-

sembly. It matters not what ticketlie is on or which party puts himforward. If his name had been onthe other ticket wo would have saidjust as much in his favor: we sup-

port him on his merits. If the freeand independent voters of Honolulusincerely desire to be represented in

the Legislature by an able, upright,and honest man, Uicy will this dayplace J. O. CARTER at the head ofthe poll.


Our daily contemporary stales thatits "repoit of the inquest (on tho

late Governor Ruckle) was the olll-ci- al

one." This "olllcial report"omitted entirely the evidence of the

following witnesses: JCanalo, 1).

"V. Dcnby, Ilooikaika, Andre. Camacho, lCaiihane, Henry Kaia, HenryAnld and any mention of the

of Malaihi, l'aabana andAVailon. The evidence of Ilooikaikaand Andre. Camacho was very im

portant, but the reporter of ourcontemporary left the

court room before seven witnesseswere examined. With its usual ac-

curacy our contemporary also staledthat Mr. Davidson "carefully re-

viewed the evidence" of the wit-

nesses. Mr. Davidson slated clearlythat he would not "review the ev-

idence" as " nobody was accused ofusing violence." A day late, how-

ever, our contemporary having in

the meantime obtained from Mr.Davidson, a resume of his own re-

marks, publishes Ihein correctly. Itis just possible that the "weekly"had as much enterprise as the Ad-vertiser and interviewed MY. David-so- u


If a report which omits the evi-

dence of seven witnesses, and anyreference to theof three more, and which publishesthe remarks of Mr. Davidson a daylater, after having made a

concerning them, be an"olllcial one," then the public donot require "olllcial ones." Hadour contemporary known how its''olllcial one" was made tiio laugh-

ing stock of the community, it wouldhave "let bad alone."

The polling place at Go eminent Housewill he open from 8 to ."i o'clockCaiiilhlates and representatives of theprc only will bo allowed Inside thebuilding, and tho voters-- , who, when theyhave iceoidcil theii votCi, will pas-- outby the back door. Air. K. II. Ilaytel-de-

mid Captain Luce each lake chargeof one lot of ballot bo.c-- , Jude Bicker-to-

helm; in tho center of the hall. Theli'Mill ol the pollhu; rluiuld be Ukowiiby 0 o'clock this cvenhij;.

Noliuo ol' liouioviil.ItODAXKT lull leinoved her

DicsHiuakiiig Kstahlishment to

No. 51 Berotania Street,Next door to Mrs, Dlrkpon's.

(18 lw


(N.) represents the National Tic-

ket and (I.) the Independent Ticket.OAllll.

noMU.rt.r Hon. John It Knnlukou,lion. K. K. I.lllknlnnl, liio. T. linker,lion, .lames ICeau, Hon. Prank Pallia,1). Y, Pun, ,1. Kuanioo, S. Kuula, .1.

Aklna, S. 11. Kahukula, It. Mnkulin- -

lupa, .1. U. Unrcnnbn, S. Panlanl, S.Xowlein, T. X. Piiuohati, II. Kaaha,C. Kahalchlll, Kuhuuihiiia (X); .1. O.C.uler, ,1cm. L. Kawalnui, A. P. Ka.laukoa, A. K. Kuiiulnkcii (Ij.

i:wa ,i waiaxau .1. P. ICaina, S. Kaanti.ana (X); lion. 1 Hi own, A. ICaollko(I).

WAiAi.fA .lesie Ainara, S. Knakua (X,.1. N. Eaiaiknwahu (I).

KOoi.voi.oA I. lCiiiiui, Hon. T. Kaluhl,.1. M. Kauiihikaua (X); Cecil llrown,.1. Aaill (1).

kooi.aoi'oko Asa lCaulla, 0. llaienaba,It. P.. Kulanilkane, S. M. lC'inukni (X);.1. K. Kaoliko(l).

MAUI.i.aiiai.n. Hon. L. Aholo, 1). ICainaio.

pill, Kin Niihiiolelim(X)i lion. J. W.ICiilun (1).

kaaxai'ali Hon. J. A. ICaukau, JohnIticliuiiUoii, .1. K. Ntihaku (X).

WAii.rur Hon. Oeo. 15. ltlchanlMm,Hon. .). Nakookoo, M. Kealolia, W. 11.

lCeanu, XV. S. simile (X); T. It. Cum.minus w. o. Smith, L. V. P. Kiinea- -

Hi, .). Haole, W. IC. Makakoa (1).

mak.vwao Ron. .1. Kninakele, C. IC. ICa- -

pule (X); J. ICalaina (I).iiana S. W. ICaal, J. IC. Ilanunn, C. IC.

ICaknni (X); W. II. Halsteail, Hon. .1.

Giudner (I).moi.ok.u & I.ANA! Hon. S. K. Kupihe.i,

Hon. ,1. Xakaleka, IC. Jones, I). Lo.kniiii, A. P. Paki, S. IC. Kcnwcolu, YV.

A. ICukainana (X); J. AV. M. Poohea,S. Paulo, I). Kalauokalani, M. Kane(11.

HAWAII.nii.0 1). I!. VN'aliiiie, D. 11. llltclieock,

T. Akina (X): lion. .1. Xawahi, K. P.Hoatii (1).

uamakua Hon. .1. IC. ICuuiiiiiiiuno, J.Welewele, Ulias. Williains (XI; Y, A.Mio, P. ICaaekuahiwi (1).

koiiai.a VVilliam White, G. P. Kaniau.oba, J. Kckipi, J. AV. Moanaiili, I). S.Ilooknno, Z. ICalai (X); Z. Kaiiealai,G. llrown (I).

NOirin koxv I. G. Hoapili, J. AV. ICe.liikon, J. Palapala (X); Hon. G AV.

Plllpo (I).sor-r- kona Hon. I). II. X.iliinu, V. AV.

P. Kico(X); S. Kiie-o(l)- .

kav J. X. Knpihu (X); lion. J. ICau- -

hane(l),l'UXA IC. Kekoa, J. AV. Kumaho.i (N);

Hon. J. 31. IC'iu wilu, Hcv. J. X. Ivaino.ku(I).

KAUAI.i.iuui: k Kot.oA T. Kalacone (X);S. B.

Dole (I).waimka & xiiuai' Hon. J. Kauai (XI;

AV. K. Kowell (I).iiAXAiin Hon. (J. 13. Palohau (X) ; D.

AV. II. Kmipenn. J. 11. Kahilina, J. II.ICawelo (I).

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.

Grand Special BaleOn Thursday, JTel. T

At 10 o'clock at our Silcs Itoom,

AVe have been dli'i-clc- to sell at ourSales Itoom on Tliuij-d.iy- , 7th, at 10a in., a lurjjC anil lieaulilul ns.orliiicnl of

hon Bedsteads: A.N li :

Children's Cribs, all .sixes;they aie very desirable being oiiia- -

mental, neat, clean and durable;al-- a selection of

Vienna Bont-Woo- d Chairs !

,'l Si'wlug Alacliiues,An invoiei' of Hronze Hand Imips,

.r.oFloor and Stair Carpeting-- ,

I.OOKTXO GLASS KS, all -- ize.:Hugs, etc , etc., etc.

CETThe attenlioii of Lai'.ies lsiespeet-full-

requested. Goods will he on viewfor "J days before llio hale.

Lyons to Lkvuy, Auctiuiiceis.

Attention No, 2

riMWi ANNUAL KLKCTIOX OKX Offlci?!-- of Ifngine To. Xn. J, will

take plnee at the Hall ol MeehnnluCo. No. 2, THIS KVKX1XG, Feb.

nth, at 7:!0 iluiii'. A full iitieiuhinee Islequcsted. .1. I). HOLT, Jr.Oiii It Secretary.


3 iraicesSALU CHKAl' iniiiiiiliK lured

by the


Manufacturing Co.,No. 70, Queen Street.

(Wii 'iii

For Sale,rpilL Siok and L'ood-il- l of a Shoe..L maUei'h .Shop in Wuiluku, iiiolud-lu- g

a Howe I) .Machine (new), Ilcnehos,1is-ts- , etc. A good location; rent low,and a good custom trade. Inquire of.Slav Kekarl, Honolulu, or

II. L.TOKXXIKS,0i!3 lw Wuiluku, Maui.


-- :0U1J OWN PATENTS :- -llreakliip Pl"s, Hire Plows 5 to HI Inch, I'ullivatoi- - and llor e Haii"W.


A vciy complete

Mag'ucso CHlcilo Fire Proof Sales, abso-


AVbc Cloth, AVI ii Netting, Hiee Cloth, lilid Cages,

Hliick and Fencing AViie, Piun)w, AVImlinllls Tanks,

Hydrauclic Rams, Skidgate Oil in Five Gallon Tins.ICero-en- e and Lubrieallnj,' Oil a specialty, A good Stock on hand, ami to airhe.

Call ami cram hie our 2few Goodtt.DILLINGHAM & CO.


Embroideries and Laces,1 UST It KCK 1 VK II

Will bo sold at Bargains, atA, M. WELLES, 104 Fort Street.

021 Lw


Parlor Sots.Bedroom Sots.

Odd Chairs,Dining Tables,

Centre Tables.Mattresses.




Lambrequins, Cornices and Picture Framesr.vr.iiY m.vuf. 'io okiikk.

& lOT Fort Street, Honolulu, 1.

3T Island Orders will receive Piompt and Coieful Attention. (10(5 flin

Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,

75, 77 and 81

Kin" St.




(Lnte jr. .1. ROSE.)All orders for Wheel-vehicle- s of every description tilled with promptings and

dispatch. First-clas- s ZSIechaiiics employed all the year round.fl- - FINE CARRIAGE WORK A SPECIALTY, -- a

Nothing loo hot or too hcavv for us. TRAM CAIIS, OMNIBUSSKS, PLA.XTA-TIO-

WAGONS, MULft As OX OAKTS, made to order, altered or lepaired.Our Horse Shoeing: Department

Is under the supervision of piactical man mechanic second to not Wehave no u'-- for so.iUintc scalds or rot tubs. All work guaranteed.

5G5Oharges moileiate. WHITMAN & WltlGHT,10S ly 77 and 81 .King Stu-cl-.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

Irl. mitw i a nxrrr.iTriPVtri'new umlElcgiuitStciuubhlps

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will leave Honolulu and San

Fiancisco on tlie

1st and 15tli of Each Month.PA8sr.NO Kits may have their names

booked in advance by applying at theolliee of the agentf.

Passengers bv this lino are herebythat Ibey will be allowed 2 GO lbs

of baggage free by the Overland Hall-way, when traveling Kiist.

Excursion rickets (or Mound Trip, SI 25,good to leturn by any of the Company'sMcimior- - within ninety (hiys.

Mi.ut'UANDisr. Intended for hhlpmentby this line will bo iccolvcd free ofcfiurgu in Iho Company's Now Wine-hous- e

and icceipts Ismicl for same.IM.UUAN0K on niuiehuiidUe, whilst In

the VMireliou'.e, will bo tit owner's lisk.W.m. O. Iitwi.N & Co.,

Agents, O. S. H. Co.


M &2' The A American Hark

Spartan,J. P. Cro-flo- y, . Master.

Will leave for the above Port or aboutFeb. Sili, 1881. For Fmight and Passagehaving line accomodations, apply to

Uahti.i: & Cook, Agent.'.


W. G. IrwinTurner, - ma-lo- r,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

Wm. 0. Iiiwin & Co., Agents.

i)ol) Printing"01' every description executed with

neatness and ilNpateh at the DailyHuLLr.TiN Oillee.

I. I 11... If .11.11 !,. IIIBWI.IPIJ

or v


a a c-









ti,King St.


IWTKRISIfiAXISteam Navigation Company's


The Planter,iiatks, - . . Cominander,

Will run regulaily for Kona and KauLkavks IIoxoi.ui.u at 1 r.. on

Friday, Jan. 11 Friday, Feb. 22Tuesday, Jim. 22 Tuesday, Mnr. )

Fiiday, Feb. 1 Friday, .Mar. 14TiiCMlay, Feb. Vi Tuesday, Mar. 25

Aimiivkk at Honolulu at fl

Friday, Jan. 18 Friday. Feb. 21)

Tuesday, Jan. Ji!) Tuesday, Mar. 11Friday, I eb. 8 Filday, Mar. 21Tuesday, Feb. It)

Tho Iwalani,CAMUiios, - Coiniiiaiuler,

Leaves Honolulu every Tuosday

nl 5 p.m., for Nawlliwlli, Koloa, Eleelc,and Walinea, Kauai. Hetuining, leaveXawiliwill every Haluidiiy evening.

Tho Jamos Makoo,ruj:i:.M.N, . - . Coinmander.

Loaves Honolulu every Thursdayat .'I p.m. for Kapaa and Kllauea. Heturning, leaves Kauai every Tuesday at1 and touching ut Wainne, fiolhw uyn.

Tho C. R. Bishop,davis, - Commander.

Leaves Honolulu evoiy Tuesdayat 4 p.m. for Kukuihaelo, Hnnokaa andPallidum. Hotuiiiing arrives at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.

jgStoamer Kinan,SSasS; Klntj, - Muster.Leaves Honolulu e'aoh Tuesday ut

1 p.m., touching ut I.almina, .Mau-lae- u

Hay, Makena, Mahukoun,Laupalioclioe and llllo.

Koturnlng, will toucli nt nil thenlovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a, in. 1

9f!iSr ''iV &ugfaMiJuht-- 4 ,' jt'4. --!.'. ZV ft-- Mi &:: v u ".- - 'M,KAf,h9i

Page 3: Drosses, l Feathers, Beav- · Beav-NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE! rJTO J-uJ-! IrWfll 1 Tie HALt.--rriHos-And the Store for the T A.--Li W'i'fVr'rflk Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis. People


i'asj;irt,iciK'uiiwaYa-i.'-iijm-- --,1,. ruinit

luguUii guUrtuuWEDNESDAY, KI41I. 0, 1881.


run t,Mui Ipo-- Lo n i's II 1 Vb. 15thAlinmilii Loaves Honolulu, Mar. Ut.

pac i fFg "fiATirs7 sTco.

vou ri'Kt,Ni ndsvi).s'i:v:Oily or Sydney On Fob. L'Cth

roil SAN l'lUNCIHCO.Australia On Feb. 17lh

Telephonic.Dliuiioiiil llcail, Fob. (I, (l:i!0 n.m

Light N. U. wind.


Fob. rSclir Minion from WainnnoSclir Mnlolo from LniipnlioeliocSclir Hob Hoy from Ewn.Sclir Gen Kcigcl from Koolati


Stmr Kinau for windward portsStmr Kilauca Hon for KaliiiluiStmr Iwalatii for KauaiStmr Mokolii for IvoolnuSclir Nettie Morrill for Lnliuiuu.Sclir Wtiioli for IliumBktnc Klikilat for Port Townsond


Bglnc AY G Irwin for S. F.Sclir Rainbow for KoolauSclir Rob Roy for KoolauSclir Kauilvcaouli for Koliala

PASSENCERS.For Fori Townsond per Klikitat,

Feb. o S G. Branson, O Olsen, J11 Orr, J Bryant, A AY Carter.

For windward ports, per Kinau,Feb fitli AY R Austin, Miss Aienui,J B Gibson, P Mclnerny, K Stiles, JE Boardnian & wife, E Ilyncr, F EAtwater, R Catton, AY Shaw, AY FABrewer, Bishop "Willis & wife, AirsS a Wilder, S G Wilder Jr, Mr A RLittle & wife, II Cornwall, J CKirkwood.

For Kalmlui per Kilaiicallou Feb.fi Capl Ilayloy, F Lucas P Peter-biirqu- o,

Mis J Farmsworth, MrsShaw and family, II B Wontwoithand 15 deck.

For Kauai, per Iwalani, Feb 5 PP Ganoa, Mr Ilopla, Mis Kahlbaumand deck.

SHIPPING NOTES.The whalers Arnolil.i and Ohio an ived

off port yoaloithiy. The Arnoldn Is i!7days from S.m Franci-c- o via Maria Is.The Ohio has 120 bbls of pcrm oil onl)o;wd, the whaler wcie caught of Ke.ila-keku- a

Bay. She will wait for ihe .Manpo&i, and take on bo.ud -- oinu bic.ul thatis coining licre for her.

Andrew Oahill - now Captain ro tonof the whaling bark Amolda.

The whaler Maiy Ann Susan is offHawaii and is expected here soon.

A number of whaler are expectedheic hOIaieh.

The Aberystwltli Castle wlll lailjjn'vsdav or Friday for PortlaiufoT.

,c. v?r irrrftr-ttil- ls y at 11

k.r Marlon brought 870 bags of MigarWaianae.stair C. I. Blliop i expected

Klikitat look 202 bags of sugar.ui Town-en- d, value at 171 1.CO.

Sclir ,Malolo bi ought tJ2!J hags of sugarand 23 hides.

Schr Jfob Kov brought 100 nu;, ofsail, v


Saloons Mint y.

Voteis, diui't forgot your ta receipts

Tnniti: will be no sitting of the PoliceCourt y.

N.i poc kcilio. ir.nl poina i ko oukoumini koho.

Kaisinu Tiee- - is the of anarliclu on the fouith page.

fircat intoiest is being taken, on theother island-'- , in the election.

The fihaivholdeib in tlie KapiolaiiiPail; meet today.

The stock and good will of a sboe-xmikei-

hltoj), at Wailukii, is for sale.

Tin: annual election of olllceis ofKnglno Co. No. 2 lake? place this evening.

Tin: decision lirthe c.ie agaiiiht .las.Dodd will be. given morn-l- K

The Pacillc Navigation Co. lias llic-woo- d

for fftlc at low i.iles in any (plan,tities.

All loicigu voters aio lcipiested to

vole for the whole Independent ticket.No plumping.

. - -

Tin: police force will be taxed to theutmost y, that is if It does 1U dulyand arrests every luebilato.

Tin: foiecastlcs of the Kitsap andKlikilat were entered last week, amisome sailors' property stolen.

Our Ii.lo ctiriespondeut mijs llieieaieonly Iwcutv-tw- o foiolgn voters in thatdislilct oul'of a population ol (1,000.

Tin: Miisle Hall has been icpaliedand repainted by Mr. W. O. Irwin,' pi lot-

to the iirilval of .Mr, (iilsnier's com- -I)a"J'' . ....-- -

Kn uoi aku 110I o Keo Kaaka i Ka0 koho mo ka lokahliki I'aa

Jtalota ICuoko'i, nolo o koho I hookah!inoa wide no.

Mesi. Lyons it Luveyhold an iinpoilant alc c&irou bedsteadsami I'lilldien's cribs, Vienna luinituic,ami eaipcllng.

The meeting of the Independent Can-

didate la-- t night was the liin-- t, Miceoful of the oainpiilgu.

II. K. II Pimm i:ssLiui'okai.m willhold her tegular monthly reception

aftrinoou fiom thlee to liveo'clock. The hand will be in attendance.

(lo and hear Ihe relelnated inimicalntllit Piofooi CrUpiul on Thursdaycloning, at Ihe Miulc II. ill. lio.s planopen at Wiseman i'c Ashley's 0'i7 It

An utensil of "l.iiily-linglUl- i" mid"Mcdhovul" dc-lg- n, is now In use atthe hotel for the conveyance of

It is woith seeing.

Wnr.iti: Is the hack policeman V Somesay he ha been cleetloneeilug for afew day; others say that he is ill. ,ethe has been seen dihlng about.

A small appropiiatioii - lcipihedthis "I'slon of the I.egMatuie for

and clearing the sidewalksmound the palace, and for lepahiiig thesentry boxes inside the palace gioumls.

So.mi: blackguanls and hoodlums haverecently been pulling up, by the loots,a number of the young tiecs that hawbeen planted in Thomas Square. Suchwanton mischief meiits the cvoietpuul-limcu- t.

Pastok Ciuan will lcsiune theteaching of his Jlible class at0: 15, and icipiesls all who may de-h- e

to study next Sabbath's Sunday Schoollesson to be present promptly at thathour. .- -- .

Ti'st Jlr.i'i'.ivr.u, a largoof Picture and Cornice Moulding-- . Weare now piepaied to make all kinds ofPicture Frames and Cornices 10 older atshoit notice, and at piices within t liereach of all. Kino linos' Picture Stoie109 King St., Way's block. lw

Iris said that the grass and seaweedon the bottom of the Kinau is almost afoot in length, after she has been lim-ning for only leu weeks. Tlii- - lends toprove, as lias often been sinted, that thewater--- omul the-- c islands are not assuitable for iron as for wooden ve ol.

Tin: opcinliou, tinii-u- nl in Honolulu,of enucleation, or icminlug the eyeball,was successfully pel formed at Ihe hos-

pital on Sunday by Dr. Henri C!. Mc-Oie- w.

The patient was an eldeilynative suffciing from disea-- e of one eye,which it was feaied would injure theother. A gl.is eye will be inserted assoon a- - possible.

"Tin: Fiji Island-- " will be the subjecttaken up at Foit Street Chinch,and an hour will be devoted to addressesand essays upon ihe country, people andmission-wor- k of this interesting group ofIslands. These monthly meetings forthe study of mlsslou-laud- s arepiovingvery interesting, and drawing largoaudiences. The imitation to attend isgeneral.

The Cable Company e.pect the W. II.Reed in Honolulu The stea-

mer starts from Niu to a suitable pointon the west end of Molokai. PiolessoiAlexander or .Mr. .). Brown pioceed toei eel stations at Molokai. A stint willbe made I10111 I'ukoo, on Molokai, loKnanapali, neat on Maui;thence from Nun, Em Maui 10 ICawai.line or Honoipo on Hawaii accouliug lollie naluic of the bounding, c.iplainJiiekhon and Mr, G. 1). Fieetli lakecharge of the expedition.

Tin: .Mounted Police rode tluoughtown yesterday to the Kilauea Hon andcinb.uked for Wailukii, Maul, wherethey will be stabled at Mr. Richardson's.Captain Ilayloy, wilh twelve men andfourteen horses formed tin. complement.The piomptuess and precision of themen, lu dismounting and obeying order.was favorably commented upon. Thehorses were quickly shipped withoutaccident. Lieut Sinythe leinains Intown lo drill reeiults.

Tin: National ticket appeared in thepictorial Hue yeslciday with a icprcseu-talio- n

of His Majesty -- catcd on libs

lhrone, Kings, Finpeiois, Piesidcnls,etc., rii-hi- forward to do him honor,lite Minister of Foielgn Affairs sup-

porting Ills Majesty on the rigid. Theopposition jucss were trying lo over-

turn the thiono by pulling it over withrope. It was an apt llhi-trati- of thew.istefiiluess of the public money lucom ting foielgn powers and receivingUseless Orders. Then was no appear-ance of the Government having achievedany real, practical good for the country.Fiiglaud did not appear to do honor toHawaii. Ills Majesty would have beenpleased had he seen Ids likeness.

taTin:iu: was a great circus on Ilrewei's

wharf yceloi day when the Independentcandidates addu'ssed the electors. Mr.Kalaukoa commenced proceedings andwas followed by --Mr. J. O. Caller, whenMr. Kaiilukou stinted In- - opposition.Mr, Allien Kiinulakc.i then occupied ahack, In clo-- o pioxiiulty to Mr. Kaiilu-

kou, and theie was a vcibal war. Theeiles of the populace wete deafening forMime time, and when .Mr. Kuuulakea atlength succeeded lu obtaining a hearinganil met with popular favor, rage wasdepleted upon the face of Mr. Kaiilukouwho drove off with the .Minister ofFinance .Mr. Itaker then attempted tostop proceedings, but was told lo "goand clean thubaiiaeksliediooiiis." Mr.Kuuulakea lluUhed his addles-,- , aliuoHwithout lnten option, and then Mr.Baker had ashoirsay.

.,.,-- , r i,i' ' 'f

Ivciiiicilv (I Go's i)Jiilletin of w

12X STSIIt. "MAini'OSA," JAW. 58, ISSI.of Fine barge llumlioMl l'.,t iluc, ll.o best 111 ll.e Miukel : will ki p a

long time, just tin uiliclu foi t .mil, n liinplleu.Boxes oT California Picsh Apple mil Pen's,Fiesh B.iMciu Oysters, in shells and t Inn, Cases of Untlliwl Sihnnii,Ciies of Canned and Dried Fruits,Casks of Fine Ilatns and Uncoil,Casks or Fin Smoked Mutton, 1 ilcs or Flat Alfalfa llnj", dr.,Cases or IVtcin and California Canned OnO'lfi,

llaislns in baycia Whole boxes.Hihlns lu bayei-- Half Boxes.Ital'Ins in l.iyois (Jaailer How.Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts,

I3t" Which wo will gtiaianleo to sell lower than any other hnu'e In theKingdom.

noons urcMvuui-.- rnutt oi oijauoe.

Popular Grocery, Provision

Tolcplicno 240.

United wo Staiul, IVi iiltMl mo .Fall!




rpHE HEW FIRM TAKE MUCH PLEASURE IN STATING TOJL the Hiisluess Community and the Publ'u (it ner.illj . thai they haw lilted up

one of tin Plegant Giound l'joors in the

NEW CAMPBELL FIRE-PROO- F BUILDING,On Morehiuit Slroei, Slonolulii,

Where the, will conduct their business liercafler, and be 1110-- 1 happy to see theirpalions anil fiiends who desiie tobestow on ibeiu their patronage, reelingthat all business (r.insaetloiis i ill be conducted by them in ewry particular lo thebest of their ability, and on the most reasonable b.isi-- .

Agencies : Welis, Fargo &, Co,1IANIULE & ST. JO, AND


Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York,CITY Or LONDON FIRE INSURANCE CO.,

oise, Ion & Custom House Mors !

.ittentlon hi tlu following Deparimeuis will In our aun. and weinvite j our cat peilis.il.'fea

WELLS, FARGO i; CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONAGENTS Wedeliw'rl.etteis, Packages, Parcels and Mom, all over the Woild.send orders d'ueet lo our Agents likew ise. to lie lilled and lelurned. Ship through-out the Pulled Slates and Foreign Countries Meieliandi-e- , Curio- -. A.c, from theKingdom. CSrAlwavs advis- - your fiiends abioad lo send Paieels, Packages.Important betters anil Monej lo vou through W'lCl.I.s. FAHGO 10 Co.. wlioe

are established in all large cities on the globe. Don't consider the ex-

pense when sending tluough us, as we will C.iiai.intee jou Satisfaction in ew-i- j

paiticular, and hold ourselves responsible in all our undei takings.

..,.rt.. (., nil 'I'lVIVi. Uil !I1H1 IOIII ls!s 'OH....7... 1..:....t...l 1 .tin Cm I.'miiii.Iwi.ii

n 1

ISI,.VU1 OlIIlKItB rtt.I.KIMVITlt t)ls'Tril.

EvENNISDV Co.an Store, 07 it C'.l Hotel 't

P. 0. Dox 297.

r I'lIllCF US I si ' ' n fliss ;!?, i"ri s,Iiiv11I IhKo .lll(l!l II.III1S III lll'lKl HIT

- lo- tio, poor powny siiichcn. I.elat once and piotcet your-elv- cs agabis t

tkli:piioni; n

IO IHU I IllH-IOil- l -- VLi.-Ill III ",. ......w, - ,...... 2 ... ......-.-- .

you acquainled with Kailway Otlleials ihroiigh letters, s, that jour tiipwillbe'most enjoyable lo the end.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS. WE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE ill allpaits of the Kingdom. Seaicli Kecouls and attend completely to eveiy branchiuSelliii" Ileal anil Leasehold Pioperly. Our olllce will loiilaiu maps of allPiopertiw left in our charge. Wo unite a specialty in Collecting Itent-- . keep-iii- "

Piemiscs in lepair. Paying and Taes. Water Hales and effectingInsurances. Owners of Propeitv should bear in mind that we will relieve themfrom "hen their attention lo Propeit. guaranteeing at ail times to act willi can-an-

for a nominal consideiatioii forer ices in tills department. Koonis. Collagesand Mansions to let at all times on application to u- -.

EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. "WE SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF HELP, bothMale and Female, in all the vaiioiis bianehe- - of industry 011 these Mauds.

Wnts, Planleis, mid Merchants geneially -- liould notify us when wieanciesexist, as w e will furnish no help -t- u-li as Clei k- -. Salesmen, liook-keeper- s, Mecliaulesor baboreisiinle-- s well rceoinmended ton-- .

Chinese Sen auts anil Female Seivants will be Mipplicd lo families al simiinotice, for which a nominal i onimi"iouis exacted.

LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. We feel it a duly lo call eveiynianV attention (paiticulaily a man of family) to keep his Ufe insured for thebenelltof his Faiullv. who so often aie dependent upon bis labors their sup-

port. Youii" men and mechanics would Ibid It the most pleasant duty of theirlives to take" out a Policy oil Ihe Tontine" piiucipal, when, in a few cais,should they live, tin", will haw snlllelent binds lo engage in wilh.inc.i!llltle Income to back them. We Invite you to calll on its when we will lakepleasure in illustrating to vou how benellci.il It Is for your welfaie to be Insuied '.

Kvery man who owns Propeily choiild lcuieniber Unit "I'liu," Unit grimmessuiu'er often makes Ihe lich, or wclllhl be a warning to you, and call on Us






CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS Wo have made special arraneiiienU v herebywo can enter tioniU at the Cu-toi- u llou-- e Ihiouh Power of Attorney, and we callupon all Metehanl- - and Store-keeper- -, to make Us their Aleuts at once. OurOhar''c- - for this woikarc veiy lteaouable, and we will UitorCoods, Pay and 1)1-e- haiu

Frei-'h- t and Dutv Kill-- , and Deliver Vour liood- - direct 10 your places ofbiislncsh in pronuit oide'r. Men-hunt- - and Stoie-kcepe- r- will llnil llus of 'leat

to them In every way.

GENERAL BUSINESS AGENTS. O111 lou-j- ; iiciiuahitauce with tlie l!ishio-- K

IJomniiuilty hi well known, and we bivail.dilv keep Inviolate all binine, niuttciHof i inhale u.iluie. limbless men who will liiliii-- t their eouimercial in.illeis to ilina'v alwavrt feel safe in mi doinfj. We the luteie-l- - of our clients at alltiuies, muf adhe on all bii-lne- ,- topic- - carefully, ba-c- d on our bel judgment.

In the (jeiier.il Bu-iue- Dep.iilmeiil we allend to eNeiytliln-,- ' in Ihe Commer-cial line, Mich as the following, vU ; book-an- d Accouuw ICept and Adjusted Ac-

curately, Xealh and Satisfactorily, bill- - Collected Piomplly, and PioceeilliiKi.Taken .'.iln-t"Cre(llto- i- when compulsion leipitrcs a -- peedj M'tilemeiil, l.egal

? . i .. I. Ii. ..11L lir.ndj M.nlir.ni'ii. llllls. lit W'llitPapeis ol every ,

mh-i- i - '- -, " .'.,--. - "l.ca-e- s, Will-- , Paitnershlp Papeis, A.c, di.iwn. ALsO-AilxeiiUeii- ienU. Notices,

- . . t I II....... .nnilr .1 III. ill lV.f 1 nlllllt'lillUAltlClCi, L'OlUlUllllleailOlls llllll l Ulli -- imiiiiu.il.- "iiii. ii. '' "....."Drafted and Dngio-e- d, Diafl-- , Note-- , bills of h.schaiige, l.elter- - or ( icilit, amiHanking Matter- - Ocncralh allended lo.

ALL ORDERS PROM THE VARIOUS ISLANDS to us will iccelve pioinpt-ne-- 4

We can pin clui-- i at the i.osvr.sr u.Miiu'.r u.vr:, and iiiueh more leaHin-abl- y

than you can. and we el everything before we buy. and, llierefoio. It Is.

to vour Interest to send your older- - to us sh we then become sponsible, ami Ihosmall coiumls-lo- n you pay us h lest than what your pmcha-e- s aniount to huyliigan vou have been till eel.

UfirAll coire-pomlcn- co to us wo lake pleanuio In without delay.j.iWWi) invito everyone lo et our new iiutl Miaeltms ofllct-- ;, and have al

our deparliuents working under a -- tem.itle rule, with polite centrallocation, and special advantages lor conducting our wu feel that lie

couinuiultv al laigo will be gratilled in knowing Hint sueli a benellclalhas been wliem the want, of all may be Mipplled by

Vour Most Oliedlent Sonants,.WISKMAN & AHI1M5Y-Gencva- l

ittainets Anents, (htmphcWtt ATexo JUuelc, Merchant Street.p. o. iiox air.


ls2y-- P, a--Q- nr Christmas und Now Year' HooKh are ready, ninl on mijllea-lio- n

iV by li'linr v will luoeonl or semi yoy ono, fi'.'U.

.1I' .1 MB r

My Elegant Assortment of Hew Goods'icie by in e'fiil'ii i 1 ,.' N ork.

Are low Open and Ready for InspectionAND HAJLilO, mid coiiipriNU

MANY NOVELTIESJU'ier lefoie intinliiPiil heie, among which will lie found

Entirely New Patterns in

Mies', Misses', iiml Cliillren's Boots al mum.z&-- .iust snr. .n -- a

Elegant Paris MadetFrench Kid Gaiters,

Do ro' fall to ee tlie

Xmv Stylos mid Colors in J.ulio.s' nnrt Misses' Silk,Lislo, ;iiitl I?albviian Hose.

Xl'.W STVbHS OF I.AI)IKs' PUIkSKS. in Peieo'-k- , nine, Old Gold, andMaroon Plu-- h, iVe , itc, &c.

LADIES' TOILET CASES,Gent's Elegant Dressing Oases,

SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTSIt is not ncccs-ar- for me to enumei.ite. tlie m my new goo H low

intioilui ed by me heie, luit tlie

Ladies arc invited, to call and judge for themselves.

lioiinbllu, Xo. ?, ls'j







Willi Patent Inside Boltwork and Hinge Cap.

A tjixrgv Assortment of these justly Celebrated SafesJust Arrived.

Over 500 in daily use on the Hawaiian Islands. .

Safes Sold for Cash, or on the Installment Plan.For Pi ices, Circular), tic., apply to

C. O. JiEIiCEK, General Agent,"'lOlfb 11A.WA.IIAN ISLANDS.

SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINES.Tlii-- . Will-k- i owi M'icliiiie i now medal the I!oal Palace, Hawaiian Hotel,

Music Hall, and a numb 'i pi hale iesidcnee, sjivlnjj entire Mitisfaet ion every-tthti- e.

It is ihe 1110- -t economical Machine in u-- easily ni.in.i!jd and automatic in itaopenitinn.

I can ftii'iiisii fiom a i0 Liirlil ton 1001 bight M.ieliiui, miller sies constantly011 hand.

GAS FIXTURES OF MITCHELL, VANCE & CO.For Circulars, Catalogues Prices, etc., apply to

O. O. BERG-ER- , Sole Agent,.Mil If 1)





Foron In

M. EUacBNERNY.1315





A NY OND foiuitl my prembes at1. Mo in a hi. i

will l'o pioacuted for

O MDA e loan malima o Uu'ualna ma .Mtiannlua, me ku'u ae aku(i lipoiillla no oia no komohewa.

I. CF.HIvK.Jan. Uli) lu

l1 Kit "MALLSATE.'We have iccenel a further consignment of Messrs. Mil lees, Watson & Co.'s

unit lilueiy, and line now on liund, reailj for tlclivciy.

One Tiipjile Flleel, on handsome wooden boa htaging, containing 3135Milium feet of helling Miifiuo, with pumping engine and mont.jiin, complele.

One having. 2200 sipuue feci of heating surface, withengine and inonijuF.

One net of Four WoktoiiM Patent Cciilrifugals, with inglne and mixer.

One E0t of Two Weston's Patent Ocntilfiigals,

Having Increiwed fmsillllca Jor the iiianufncturo of these inauhines, theWo-ion- V Patint for ttbluh, in Great llrllniu, lias ospiied, wu aio tlnm en-

abled to olfor ilium at ntateilally reiliioed piices.

We lifito a full iikboijmom of CenlrifiiKal up:resliiilng, brasscB, ruhbeitttllnl Mlwl Ilt1il tm ittl

Two Diagonal Ktigiuu, oacji 0 luali by 19 Itioli.

Cluilliuiif, Flat Cooler, 8iQsJ uml UxCxl.7,

One upaio Top Uoller, tut 30 Inch by 01 inch mill.

One ttnat SIilu Hollar, for SO Inoh by fll Inch mill. ,'

One Hp'ire (uleniiiiillaluHpur Wlicul, fur gearing of inch by 51 mill,

, AV. & Co.fii If h

"T. 'JIM: 'Br li.Hi.lMI

'0Wi Kolioonor Ehukai?i run icgulaily

To" WA1ALUA KVUUV MONDA.V,HeiuHilug Thuifday, weulher

peimittlug.Irolght or pannage apply tnlho

CInpUllu hoard, or181 A.F. CnnisB, Apont.


i.ithoutmy pcrmbfilon,trcspiiEH,



intii, m,


Douhle-r.ircc- l.



Page 4: Drosses, l Feathers, Beav- · Beav-NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE! rJTO J-uJ-! IrWfll 1 Tie HALt.--rriHos-And the Store for the T A.--Li W'i'fVr'rflk Corner Xunanu and tjneen Sis. People



ww pujj gjttUjciiiu

WEDNESDAY, I'KU.'g. 1881.


Common sense niul close oWr-vnllo- n,

if properly npplied, will raisea tree to any desired form. If nheed is planted whore it is to growand make n matured lice, it will re-

quire but little attention, exeept cul-

tivation, to make a handsome one ;

but if a bud is inserted, and at theend of the first year, the whole top iscut off, llicieby forcing all the sapfrom the roots that are a year old ormore into the one bud, 'the conse-quent result will be so rapid a growththat the knife must be applied fre-quently all through the growingseason that the top shall not shoot upand become loo heavy for the bodyJo support and bland up stiaight.The bodv Of the vntlllir budded lirais the main point to be attended to

.. - -- i i . ."" MMunu years, anil, lo Keep itproportionately strong with the top,the only remedy is to hold the sapback by pinning off the top allthrough the growing reason sulll-cient- ly

to keep it in proportion withthe body. When a fruit lice is twoor three years old, and say sevenfeet up from the ground ; or if thereis not a sudieient number, a budshould be selected two feet belowtiic head and a knife set in low onthe back side of it ; then cut slant-ingly up and off at the top of thebud, which will soon grow, and makeup the upright lioot for the newhead; and the buds immediatelybelow will make branches say fromthree to five. There arc very' manytrees bought out of nurseries that areset in their place and staked up,which is entirely wrong. If theycannot stand up stiaight, cut oif thetop. Jt is decidedly the best you cando. and is cxactlv what. should 1

done, as the roots of your tree lias mnearly been cut off in being taken upthat there cannot be much more sapthe first year than what the body willrequire. If there should be any tospare, it will send out a new lop thatcan be supported without slakes.

In buying fruit trees, those withthe (lornicnt bud should always bepreferred, as you get liner and betterroots than are ever found on largetrees offered for sale ; and the dor-mant bud, after being set where ithas to stand, has no check ever after-wards, and will grow and make abelter tree and much quicker than ifthe nurseryman had kept it anotheryear or two. On trees that do notbear much fruit the bark should becut into the wood at the lower bran-ches, extending the cut down to theground on three sides at nearly equaldistances apart. This should bedone in the spring season as soon asthe sail conies up. Calislofiau.

C. BJtHWEJi & Co.(lijhti;u)

rPHE Annual Meeting ol the Slock.X holders ol C. Brewer A; Company,will be held at the Olliee of the Com.puny, ou Queen stieel, on Wednesday thelith instant, at 10 o'clock a.m.

J. O. CARTER,f20 !t Secretary.

Store to Let.(1S Hotel street, noM lo comei of

rort stient. The Stoic occupiedthe past year by Mr. S. Mauniii, withCounter-- , .She' i and FiMiuc P --session given Feb. 1st. Apply lom lw C. E, WU'AAAMf


$13 a Cord.Apply at the Olliee ol the

PACIFIC NAVIGATION Co.Cornei Nuuaaii and Queen streein

028 tm


unci: mom. iotim: nioxTHibIS NOW OPEN I

OKO. CAVANAGII,Proprietor.

R'm VI,l't'tion of the nboe.iainedestablishment lor Superior Meals Is wellKnown, mid requhes no further com-'- "ent- - HI!) Hi) b--L




H A M S .L

For Sale by

H E. lyiclntyre- - Jmo at h 010


, r ,Hjjflj. ,

"IV 11A.VK.1uM received a voiv fineT T noinrtinent of



Dircot from Bolfaol, Ireland,

to.ssisTixo or"


All Sizes of Dinner Tables


These Linens are the FinestKver impoited lo this Market, and we

invite our Friends to Inspect tlieni.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

012 11 li

l"o.96, King Street,

Telephone, No. 130

HAVING liOHGlIT out the businessII. Wilkinson, the under

si inert is r'mied to curry on a generalkxpro-- Business; and hopes by prompt-ness and dispatch to merit a lair shareof die public pationage.

II. Einmorson.nibaiu


Ring up Telephone No. 202.

TF YOU WANTa" "cheap Job done toX any p irl of the City or Subuibs.

P. Smith,Nct lo II limner's. Harness .Shop.

G02 Sin b


Is the Favorite SulnirhanResort

Bt is open Every DayAND

I&e fie 1mxeiit !;Cm always be supplied, as well as

Fresh Air in the Country.

K..I.NOLTE,oil i in Pioprielor.


Joseph 08 Garter,

J. II. KawainniA. P. Kalaukoa

A. K. KunuiakeaGOU tde b


AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confcctiom-r- ,

Pastry Uook and UaKer.No. 71 Hotel st. Telcphon- - U.


OovniiNou's Ori'icic, Hoxo-- )

i.ULi',Sept.2lfci88a. fT OI'IOE Is hcicby given that nodeblh

contracted on behalf of ihobund will be reeognbed or paid

unless oidered by the uiiiler.-,lgncd- .

iIno. O. Domi.ms,Governor of Oahu,


of . "ill on AI1.VKKU, iitcupt. J. C. Cluney'n sla

hies- - corner ol Queen it Punchbowl hisSarHieaMng horses to saddle or carliagea specially. .jan ly

Kiivnished Kooins m,rIO LET, live minutes walk from Pon

Ollllce. Eii(iiire atJ. j. OAT Jr. & Co.

For Sale,Wlx ",1'ARS, suilubli! for biidging or

lolling iurpose, or ship's miiis. AiApply atlm RYAN'S JJOAT HOUSE.

' $:

SfrfWTW!fc .

"WENNIiJ-- & Co.,

I'OUT HTltr.l'.T.Have cm lnind Now Foicign and

Home Made Jewelry,Walchos, Bracelets, Necklets,

Pins, l.ockots, Clocks.And Ornaments ol" nil kinds

Silver and Gold Plato,Elcfjant Tea Scts-- in Golid Silver

Suitable for .

NATIVE JEWELRY A SPECIALTYRepairing nnd nicndlnit in all

its branches.The Sole Agent for Tung's



. mi J'OKT NTItUKT.to notify his oiiMumcrs and

public of Honolulu, and the Is.hinds ijeiiprally,

THAT HE IS READY NOW AS EVERto supply their needs in

Watches and Jewelry,'and, having engaged a Competent Asis

unit iiuui uiu ouues, jk auie to attendto any amount of Watchmakingand Repaiiing.

IV ov S;-l- o in .r.-vli-

.Am. AVsUlum AViiU-liom- ,

all N(ylcw.Solid Silver Ware.

TOO Everything of the UcM.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, lSiiS.

IIaiit Bnos., : : Proprietors.

Wl E A LSServed up in llrst-ebi- style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. r.i.

r Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&e., &c. Also,

Iced Xi'inlcss!Mr. J. W. YAENDLEY,

oir musicQPKCl AJ1'IES VIOLIN and the OUL-V- J

TIVATION ofthoVOIOK.Pianos Tuned, Kepairedand Polished.Older-- , leccived only at the Furniture

and Piano Stoic of U. 3J. Williams, 111Fort Street Telephone 70; or at mylesidenee. Please send orders one daybefore the work is requhed to be done."



and all vhom it may concern.-- fTr""' T1lc nndersigned liaving

alteiations, additions,fm1vSSil"(1 iniprovenients in hisifeiWi fejoAp ACTOltY,is now picpared lo give

The Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

And will fin n ish containers for the Famefiec of cost to any one who may desire.T1EON. W. JRAWJL.1IV,S,

Honolulu Soap Woil;s.Olllcoin Uiiek Building,

'King street, Leleo. 183 ly

l'X"MAi:il'O.S"A Full Assortment


American Groceries i

J1 ASCrj-GHOltN- ' A CO.

A PINK LOT OFMatting- - of-al-l



JUST RECEIVEDa enoici: lot or

English Groceries245 jV. S. CI.EGIIORN ct CO.

Worlciiitfnioii'H Union.rJHK regular weekly nieetiug will be (held over DIAS' NEW STORE,opposite Bethel, King Slieot.

GEO. CAYENAGII,'"J Secietary....111

GoodPastino lor Borsos,!5- -i N'.'UI 'I'niirxr

Impiire toA. A. JIONTANO.

.r)77 Gin

Xolice.M " CIIAS. FURNEAUX will give

""""'"'u in nee iiaiul out-line diajving at the Y. SI. C. A. Hall, toonly, on Saturday Eveningsfrom 7 toS m. Tiic course will opin a

Dccenibcr 8th, and will consist of twelveOlsons, fi77

l(!lPOR the Conviction of the person or

po!?0"? V'1'1 ''"twediny premisesii ?r Jim. 1H81, and jobbed thelioiibc, and dcstioyed several bags or lied

NO JvA HOPU ANA i ka mea a manea palm , Jielwni urn ku'u alna ma kalolanua. , 1881, a komo Uoko oka I(a ka holoholoua). -

tlili.Tan. 10th, 1681.

"' UKIffim



OfTor for Sale the Cargo of the


Tin: roi.i.owi.vo


Light J3prctn Wagon.',Us Top Cnrriiige".

STEAM COAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chair?,


Fine Molasses Shonkn,Hosln, Soap,

Ice Chests, Xos, !, :, nd ,",Hoe Ilandle.s,Lobsteis, llblns; Beans, illbtns

sjiiuc" I'lllllK.

Hay Cullers, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.Axle G lease,

Fairbank's Scales, Nn. r,8,10& UKLeather Belling,Centrifugal Lining, 11 inch;

Comii. Niiil., 1,1-1- 1 inch.


Manila Cnidnne,Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanised Fence Staple,FAJUBSS BOILERS, 20 AND 25 GALLS,!

Sisal Itoi.c, Assoitcd,AsliJ Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovel-- ,

Y. MKTAL SHEATHING- 10, 18, "0, a2, a I and Mo. ;

Hair Mattresses IGrind-louc- i, Uubber Hohe,

Hide Pois-oii-, BarbedVViru, Keliiwd Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE.Galvanized Screws and W.i'hers.

582 b



PRIVATE STOCKuah just i:i:i:x nr.cKivni)

BYIj. Mareliaiil,

TII7 1 m b . Foil SI reel.

.JUST ttECEJ VE1)i:x i.ati: AU1UVAI.,

--" IJarrols, TLTVosIi

Columbia Salmon215 A. S. CLEGH015N & CO.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and inctals,

House Furnishing- - Goods,?? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.


You can oi;t tiii. nicsr in towI-I-. -- J. NOLTE.



A Cup of Tea or Coffee!AtAll Hours,


CIGARS;Havanas, JIanilas,

Figaro, de Cuba,Coney Island, e!e , etc., elc


GEO. E. SHEItMAlff.V .o, 12 Ki.mi Stiii:i.t,Trees and Saddles of all kinds made topiiler and repairing llamcsi-- ,


.done1.r.4!nn III 1.n.u.uua-- . 'Ill DlUCISIIOUiplly at- -tendcii lo. b'J'i ly


Alld h heel Iron WorK-oi- . 'I,,.i. vSand Cooler.-- , miiilf, in i.,.V.i.., ...atteiilioa jiaid to Repair Woik. Oidcrsleft at R. .MooreV Machino Shop, KJn.rstreet, w id bo promptly attended to.


ijilO E'nail.LOST on IJaiiinlny night on Iloiel M.don Lin I.ik.1 11. 'C. ......ii.... ,..

dyed sheepskin loot rug, and an em.bioldcreil iliibl-wrnj- Tim above re.yanl will be jmld on returning sanio toJ0J:JMACFA..J..YNJS & Co to

NoUcc.ALL IJJI.LS duo lo Iho Undersigned

lu Sept. UOth, 18811, if not pel.on or elore Febru.uy js, belaced In the hands of C'olleclor. All' WK. FOSTER.

Notice. ataio

"'ILL NOJ' Lu responsible for any' "bis contracted in my nnnio after upondale, without my written order.

JLmiONI) REYES.Honolulu, Jan. 21, 1881. 017 8v

rpiJE Uiidcip-lgne- Pioprkior i,f iht



desires to inToim his pationi and the publie generally thai nolwllhstaudlnic Hit'recent DISASTROUS F1HK, iiasciectcdA NEW FACTORY and BAKERY,

On u much more Intensive Scale whichis now la Fn.i. Oh.iiaiion, mid whichvill bo in complete working older by an

Larly Arrival of new Machinery andlools; and is now again prepaicd to


CHOICEST PURE CANDIESand will always have on hand his dell-ciou- s

Fiesh Made



CREAM CANDIES of gieat vnlirty. sonMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Sons

Or all descriptions. All those HomeMade Fresh and I'm e Confections, 1 sellat o0 cents VVAl POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes alwav9

on hand and ornamented in themost artistic ttyle.

MINCE lIEJ !always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceor my new machinery of the newestfor manufacturing all descriptions

of plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous libeial patronage and

a continuance of same.Very respectfully,

F. liOIJX,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cool:.

'iiir. oi.n stand, n Hold .slice!P. O. ISov No. 75; Telephone No.

Ul2 ulll


King Strrot, (Near Caslle& Cooke's)

P. A. DIASHogs lo infoi m the public generally

that he has leceived a choice lot of


Ladies' Underwear, Stockings, Muslins,bilks, balms, Kid Gloves, Worsted,

Ribbons, Slippers, &c, &c,- AI.BO -

CTULDIiEN'S DKESSES ,Stockings, Socks, Shoes, etc.,

and a line assortment of

Gents ami Boys Clothing- -

Rats, Boots, Shoes, etc.,All of which will be SOLD CHEAPER

than any other store in town.G71 1m

Wilson Brothers,

GGENERAL HLACKS3HTJIS.s Ilofto Shoeing a specialty

A lirst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyUllUJJUCll lO.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hopper's.201


A Lot of Land300 ft. wide by 300 ft. deep,

Situated on iimkai side of HeietaniaStieel, near the residence of Mr. WonirQui. M aler laid on.STABLE AND OUT-BUILDIN-

ALSO ON Till; I'lllJMlMJH.Tree, and Flowers niu now planted andGrounds arc well laid out.

CSTApply toJ! tfK CHULANjfcCO.

Grocej'y and Feed Stoi-e- T

VyC-LF- EDWARDS, corner of' ' ,,,k-l,- "i Niuiiinu streets,Groceries by every steamer. Or- -

ue.B bouuiu'ii, anil goods deliveied inany part or the city. m Cm b

iX?ONOLt?LU lRON WORKS,aaaahtfHiu engines, sugar mills, boil-its- ,

coolers! iron, biiihg and lead cast-ing-

niaciinery of every descriptionmade to oider. Paitlcularaltentinn paidsh p's black smithing, Job woik e.vc(luted at shoit notice. i

Water Notice.OIUcu Sup'l Water Works.

Honolulu, July a, 1882.LL persons having Water Privileges

-- CA- uro liotllled that lltoir Water RatesPayable in advance,the oillcp or the Suerluteudcnt oiHater Wpiks, fool or Nuuanu street,the lbt day of January and July of banuachyear. (JHAS.ll. WlLSON,

Su'nu,()rWoiksb.K.IvAAi, Minister of Interior. 201 571


D it. riwwi.rjY. it. tiAMii:.

EY & CO.78 King Street.




WOOBSElegant Covenntjs nncl Triinmiiips.


"nokirox" unit "!iiAi,i,i:.a:'- -

SPKIjNtG bed,Not lo be sui passed in

Durability, Comfort, and Price.

SoveinlPALOKShTS from $130 upuniilsAny sized Houso furnished

On the installment PlanEASY TERMS.

Ladles Needle work lnouiikd andlcstullcd and covoicd in best


New Store,Remember : 78 King Street

nm Cm



xl. freshing, healthfulBEVERAGE,According to the iMghest and best medi- -

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : So. IS Liliha St

P. O. Box, 07!). Telephone, 2S 1.

JK3A11 oidcrs receive prompt attention.


ROPE IARKET!Y'cs. and we sell

Wrc Loav as Urn Lowest Iand don't anybody forget it.

We sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.We" nlse-4ta.v- o the. moJt varied


kept by any house this side of theMountains; shcIi as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, alArtesian Well Boring RopesManila Hawsers, Wire Rope!Cotton nnd Hemp Duck and TwineGalvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 07.iellow Metal and Nails, 14 to2S 07Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerousto mention Also, agents forIVrry SuviH' JLV.in ItniurBrand & Piece's Bomb Guns andBomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at the

Lowest Kates.SOOly A. W. Peliw A Co.

Kerosene Oil I


J'uluoo unci Vxiltaii BrnnUK.Ex " Spaitun " and " Henry James,"

rpilESE Favorite Oils, equal to, if notbuperior to any In this Market.For Sale at Lowest Rates

Either Wholesale ,or Retail, by

Castle & Cooke,fi73 ""' And Other Dealers.

Store Coiil ! Stove Coal !

Kest Anthracite Stove CoalIn casks of about 1S0O Pounds,

Foil Sam: at Lowest Ji.ms iiy

ILa,i1. Castle cSc Cooke.California Eedwood Oomp'y,

(M.MITi:i),)Olllres, iwi George Sliect, Edinburgh.

California Redwood Co.,lOdCalifoniiaSl.eet,.. Sa Francisco,

MI LLHiri"inR,,?illilllllll ilumbolilt Co, Cal.

isiuepared toco, trae

ou.re.it i..u,lcetj.,p. "" "'mSt'1lie Company win

1load ships, sent toancisco or Huniboldl Bay, or willfu.nish cargoes, cos., r.eifeht aim

3mFALKNEI1 BELI' CO- - Ats.San Francisco.