driving distractions can cause serious fatalities · bus crashes to train crashes and everything in...

DRIVING DISTRACTIONS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS FATALITIES (By Calvin C. Williams, Sr. PhD) As a Safety Training Instructor, Job Site Safety Inspector and Environmental Engineer, I am required to travel throughout the USA, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Canada. During the course of my driving, I have seen just about everything and I have seen people doing the craziest things in their cars. Just recently I saw the most shocking thing and immediately I came up with a list of 10 things you should not do while driving; leaving off the two obvious ones of drinking alcohol and talking on the phone. I understand that it is a fast paced world and it can be difficult to fit everything into a person’s schedule everyday. So it can be nice to fit as many things possible into a day just to stay ahead. But there is a point and time where it is just not smart to combine certain tasks; this would include doing almost anything while driving. While I understand some of these items might be offensive to some I must state that I have actually witnessed these activities being done, more than once and felt it was important to put them on the list no matter how disturbing. You might wonder why I am not including drinking alcohol or talking on the cell phone without a hands-free kit and simply said it is because those should go without saying even though I see this happening all the time. And even though there are laws against both and numerous advertisements and messages against doing either it is still overly abused. There is not a day that goes by that I do not see at least one person usually more than one driving and talking on their cell phone. Usually I can tell that someone is on the phone because of their impaired driving abilities; driving too slow, making furtive movements or making silly moves in their cars. That being said I feel that talking on the phone is a given. Even with leaving off talking on the cell phone I am still amazed by other things that I see people do while driving and unfortunately these people will not learn until something drastic happens to them. So here is my top ten list of what NOT to do while driving. (I will start with number ten and end with number one) Number Ten – Eating: Although I am sure many people have done this, I for one have on several occasions but this is not a good habit to get into. I have actually seen some people take this to the next level. I once saw a person eating a huge slice of pizza while attempting to hold the steering wheel and trying not to let

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Post on 30-Sep-2020




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Page 1: DRIVING DISTRACTIONS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS FATALITIES · bus crashes to train crashes and everything in between texting is truly causing major accidents. I even have an acquaintance that


As a Safety Training Instructor, Job Site Safety Inspector and Environmental Engineer, I am required to travel throughout the USA, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Canada. During the course of my driving, I have seen just about everything and I have seen people doing the craziest things in their cars. Just recently I saw the most shocking thing and immediately I came up with a list of 10 things you should not do while driving; leaving off the two obvious ones of drinking alcohol and talking on the phone.

I understand that it is a fast paced world and it can be difficult to fit everything into a person’s schedule everyday. So it can be nice to fit as many things possible into a day just to stay ahead. But there is a point and time where it is just not smart to combine certain tasks; this would include doing almost anything while driving.

While I understand some of these items might be offensive to some I must state that I have actually witnessed these activities being done, more than once and felt it was important to put them on the list no matter how disturbing.

You might wonder why I am not including drinking alcohol or talking on the cell phone without a hands-free kit and simply said it is because those should go without saying even though I see this happening all the time. And even though there are laws against both and numerous advertisements and messages against doing either it is still overly abused. There is not a day that goes by that I do not see at least one person usually more than one driving and talking on their cell phone. Usually I can tell that someone is on the phone because of their impaired driving abilities; driving too slow, making furtive movements or making silly moves in their cars. That being said I feel that talking on the phone is a given. Even with leaving off talking on the cell phone I am still amazed by other things that I see people do while driving and unfortunately these people will not learn until something drastic happens to them. So here is my top ten list of what NOT to do while driving. (I will start with number ten and end with number one)

Number Ten – Eating:

Although I am sure many people have done this, I for one have on several occasions but this is not a good habit to get into. I have actually seen some people take this to the next level. I once saw a person eating a huge slice of pizza while attempting to hold the steering wheel and trying not to let

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the pizza drip on their white shirt they were wearing. This was obviously too much for this person to handle as they started to encroach upon my lane and when I honked at them it was almost the death of the slice for that poor man. I also witnessed when I was a passenger in a car a person driving while eating with a fork and a plate. I was impressed of course (and scared to death) I mean that takes great eye and hand coordination I can barely get food in my mouth when I am at the table let alone while trying to maneuver a vehicle. But placing a plate in ones lap and being able to maneuver the vehicle while taking bites of spaghetti of all things, is simply amazing.

Number Nine - Brushing Hair/Shaving:

I can completely understand the importance of looking your best wherever you might be going but honestly can you really get your hair looking right or shaving your beard while driving down the street and looking in the rearview mirror? I don’t think so. I was actually rear-ended by a woman who was brushing her hair while driving. She had actually dropped her brush, tried to retrieve it and BAM! Hit my car. Just recently I have seen more and more men shaving as they are driving down the road obviously on their way to work maybe even woke up late. The amount of time it takes to shave or brush your hair is so short do it before you get in the car or just as you get out while you are parked somewhere; this might not save time but it will sure save you from an accident.

Number Eight - Putting on Makeup:

The only thing I can think of is more power to you because I am afraid of being poked in the eye while putting on mascara in front of my mirror at home I can only imagine what happens while driving, one wrong move and the worst that can happen is you poke your eye out or else come out

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looking like a clown in the circus. I understand that putting on make up takes some time and being able to do it on the drive in will save some time. However how can you concentrate on the road if you are constantly looking in your mirror to make sure you are not messing up? Take a few moments to put your make up on before you start driving or at least when you are at a red light.

Number Seven - Texting:

This is the latest trend that I have been seeing especially since talking on the cell phone without a hands-free kit is against the law in most states. This trend has got to be the most annoying one. I have heard horror stories about the things that happen when someone is texting while driving. From bus crashes to train crashes and everything in between texting is truly causing major accidents. I even have an acquaintance that is currently recovering from an accident he was in while texting. He now has a steel plate in his leg and has finished almost six months of rehab. His car was totaled all because he just had to send a text while driving. Is that message really that important?

Number Six - Flossing Teeth:

Unless you have those new and hip flossers then this is really a two hand activity. But yet I have seen several people flossing their teeth using their elbows or knees to drive while they make sure their teeth are taken care of. I have also seen people brushing their teeth as well. And while I am all about good oral hygiene I truly think that there is a limit, I mean really people there is a time and a

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place for everything. I understand that it needs to be done but at least wait until your car is stopped so that you can really get whatever crap there is stuck between your teeth.

Number Five - Changing Clothes: (No Photo available)

Now I have changed clothes in the car before just out of necessity but not while driving. It just seems so simple to pull over change quickly and then get back on the road. When you are changing clothes you are not watching the road, especially if you are pulling a shirt over your head those are precious seconds even moments when you are unable to see anything at all. I can understand if you have to take off your jacket because you are hot but honestly this is something that can be done when you are at a stop just so that you and those on the road are safe.

Number Four – Masturbating: (No Photo available)

Normally I would never discuss anything of this type but after witnessing more than one person doing this while driving I feel that it is necessary to mention. Although I am impressed since it takes great hand eye coordination this truly seems like a no brainer. I mean first of all it is completely illegal to do in public and second of all if it is a thrill factor you are seeking try something where other lives are not at risk. It might serve you better to hold that thought until you are in a different location.

Number Three – Multitasking:

This goes out to those drivers that eat, drink, talk on the phone and drive all at the same time. For them it is not simply drive and do something else, no they need to be doing five different things while driving just to increase those chances of something happening. I have to say multitasking period is a difficult venture but doing it while driving is taking it to a completely different level. And while I applaud the efforts I still feel it best if those things were done while the car was at a stop or parked to decrease the chances of something fatal occurring.

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Number Two – Reading:

Now this simply amazes me. Of course I live by the mantra “Easily Distracted” I even have a shirt that I wear that says just that. Only because it is true I am easily distracted. I enjoy reading a good book just like any one else but I still cannot understand how one can read while driving. I like to get involved in my book and if I get involved in the book then my focus would not be on the road. I am still not sure how someone could completely focus on both possibly because it is impossible. So put down that book and pick up before you go to bed or when you have free time; remember free time does not mean while you are driving down the highway.

Number One - Having Sex: (No Photo available)

And just like with number four I would never think of mentioning something like this if I had not seen it with my own eyes. Very disturbing I might add. Now don’t get me wrong I understand the excitement angle on this one but the danger involved is simply over the top. Sure it sounds like fun or does it? Again there is a time and place for everything and driving down the street is just not a good choice. Excitement or not there are other ways to get that over the top excitement without endangering others.

Honorable Mention - Nose Picking: (No Photo available)

This is an honorable mention because although it does not impair ones driving it is really annoying and disgusting. I mean come on is it really necessary? Do you really think that no one can see you doing that? It amazes me how many people actually pick their noses in the car while driving. If I see 10 people maybe only 1 of them actually uses a tissue. The ones that disgust me the most are those that actually eat it. I am talking about grown adults, men and women in business attire. I don’t think you would do this at a board meeting so why in your car? I do have a funny story about going for a job interview I was a bit early since I did not know my way around the area. I was at a stop light and it was seasonably warm so my windows were down. I turn to the car next to me and see a woman picking her nose, I mean she was going to town and I just said really loudly, “That is disgusting!” It caught her attention and you could tell she was slightly embarrassed. Of course you know how the story ends; this was the woman that was interviewing me. I just couldn’t bring myself to shake her hand.

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I did not get the job from said nose picker but maybe that is a good thing, I mean first impressions tend to stick with you forever and my First Impression of her digging in her nose was not a good one.

The point is that there is really no need to do anything else while driving. I am not saying that you have to have your hands at 10 and 2 at all times but at least be focused on the road and ready for what might happen. Take your time and do those other things when you are at a stop or when your car is parked. Things can change in an instant and being distracted while driving can have seriously negative consequences. Stay smart and stay safe!


Drowsy driving is a silent killer. Too many people continue to risk their lives and those of others by taking the wheel while sleep deprived. Drowsy driving kills more than 6000 people a year in the United States. Simply, a tired driver is a dangerous driver; drowsiness is the principal cause of up to 100,000 police-reported passenger vehicle crashes every year. Whether we want to admit or not ,Most us live a fast paced lifestyle trying to squeeze 36 hours into every 24 hour day . Since many of us refuse to slow down our bed keeps getting pushed back resulting in inadequate Sleep./ At 60 mph if you close your eyes for a second you have traveled 88ft. Drowsy driving accidents are at full impact because DOZING DRIVERS DO NOT BRAKE BEFORE AN ACCIDENT. THE IMPACT IS AT HIGH SPEEDS AND IS GENERALLY FATAL. MID AFTERNOON AND OVER NIGHT HOURS DRIVING CAUSE MAXIMUM DOZING ACCIDENTS. ADEQUATE REST BEFORE A LONG JOURNEY IS RECOMMENDED.