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  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



    All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy,

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    Dream Gate

    Speaker: Eric J. Pepin

    Disk 1 Track 1

    Eric: The secret is finding the sense of knowing, and the kind of control people feel from me.

    Culling. Its like nurturing but youre manipulating it a certain way. Youre encouraging it.

    Youre pushing it, like a horse will, or like a gazelle that gives birth. Sometimes the baby will

    just lie there, and lift its head, and look around, but the mother knows, If I dont get this baby to

    move soon, the herds going to leave him behind and the lions are going to come, or the hyenas

    will come. Ive got to get this one to get up and go. Its not being quick enough to figure things

    out so the mother culls it and prods it along. Shes encouraging it to do what it knows it can do.

    Shes pushing it, so you could say this is control, but its not really control.

    So, people think Im controlling but Im not controlling. I cull a lot. Its like bitching.

    Move your ass. Come on; lets go; move; move; move. Its not that I want you to do something

    for my pleasure. Its as if Im saying, Youve got to learn to do this now whether you like it or

    not. Youve got to move your ass. Im going to make you do this now, whereas the Darkside is

    more controlling. Theres a means for what it wants when it culls you. Its such a fine line; its

    very easy to blur over and confuse students. So, when these people all say to you, Well, whos

    the teacher? and then you dont answer, you feel differently. You dont feel the nurturing now.

    Its not about nurturing you. Its about you giving information for their gain. Its a different


    Student: Yes.

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    Eric: And thats what you have to recognize right away. You understand? If you recognize it, as I

    taught you, there are no words. Dont trust your thought to words. The only thing thats going to

    tell you the truth is to listen to the Navigator.

    Student: Yes, and the feeling in the pit of your stomach.

    Eric: Yes. It told you and then the rational brain started saying, Ooohhhh maybe this, maybe

    that. And then another part is going, Eehhhh, somethings not right here. Its not saying,

    Somethings not right. Its saying, Somethings wrong. Or its saying, This is wrong, and

    then the brains going, Well, youre just coming to conclusions.

    Student: Yes. I felt that thing that youre talking about really strongly before. Even the brain

    cannot escape it. It took control, and the brain had no say after that feeling came in.

    Eric: Yes, its way ahead. Thats how you are going to know the difference. Its not like its

    encouraging, you see. God culls the flower, but the Darkside will say, Open now the way I

    want, and peels it open. Thats the difference. God might say, Come on you little bastard. Now

    is your time. Come on! Come on! Oh, oh, oh, good boy! You get the difference? Rather than,

    This is the way it is.

    This is my problem. Maybe now I can put it into perspective for you so that you can

    understand this. When it comes to religion, and spiritual people, some are organizations, and

    some are teachers. Remember what I was just teaching you about the fruit tree. The fruit tree is

    growing; it gets big; it bears fruit; it drops the fruit; flowers blossom; the flowers come and go,

    and it goes through cycles. This might be 20 years per season. It has its flows over time as to

    what it offers the land spiritually. The fruit feeds the animals and other creatures, but eventually

    that tree needs to die. There is a reason why there is death in this reality and why it is a good

    thing. That is because it ensures change. If things were infinite, the Darkside in the end would

    truly reign, because the people who get the power will hold the power, and it gets harder and

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    harder to fight the power that gets the strength for change. Things dont want to change after

    theyve been around a long time. Look at the churches. Look how they rise to power spiritually;

    they controlled; they dominated; they controlled education to keep the people stupid. They put

    fear into them and controlled them while they got fat and powerful. Its no different with

    Hinduism; its no different with Buddhism; its no different with these other spiritualities.

    So, in one way if I talk about their death, I see it as a good thing, but to the average

    person spiritually they would think I was the Darkside. I think they have a stranglehold on

    spirituality. I think religion has gotten way out of control. At one time, maybe it was good, but

    they needed to set it free. They forgot when they initially started out in passionate love and

    goodness and they became corrupt. They liked the power; they liked the control, and they didnt

    want to surrender it any more. This also happens with a lot of good teachers. There must be anew generation. The new generation must come in, and as long as the older generation is around

    and they control it, they limit the newer, fresher information. Most of them are all corrupted, in

    my opinion anyway. So what happens to this spiritual evolution that should be exploding? The

    planet as a consciousness is dampened, and this is a bad thing. Whenever there is a teacher on the

    block, or a potential for students to become powerful spiritual teachers, the old ones are fearful

    of the new ones and then they use their influence to control them. This is where you get into the

    situation with me and other spiritual teachers, and why you had the experience you had.

    Disk 1 Track 2

    Student: So how long do you think your teachings are going to last before they get diluted the

    same way other teachings have?

    Eric: If the teachings I have catch on (and it looks promising, though anything can happen), I

    think that they will outlast all of them because the one thing that I have truly embedded into my

    teachings is that Ive embraced a form of evolution of consciousness. In other words, what I say

    is not the absolute. What I say is the best way of communicating something beyond current

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    comprehension. Im saying you must evolve continuously with your spiritual understanding and

    this is what will advance you. I keep the people in motion rather than saying, Heres a recipe

    book and thats it. It leads and it stops here; you follow this repetitious pattern; do you

    understand? What I say is to experience, experience. What does God want to do? He wants to

    experience this Universe. How does that end? As long as God can experience, this is the meaning

    of life. When there are no more experiences to have, you might as well say, Fudge it. Id rather

    die. What is there to do? Most spiritual teachings started off with good meaning. Its just that

    the teachers themselves were limited in themselves, but they wont admit it. They cant let the

    people go and continue beyond their teachings. Thats the problem.

    The secret is not to get hung up in this standardized form of thinking. You have to

    constantly understand that everything is moving and as long as its not moving in a circle, thenits moving in a direction. Thats what you want; you want to constantly experience whats

    coming around the corner thats new. I think that my teachings will spread. I think the secret is

    that it wont be stuck on one planet. This is where the problem comes in. If it got stuck in one

    country, then it might as well be a planet because it would lose its quality to the borders of other

    languages and other cultures. It couldnt permeate it well. When it did, it would fuse two

    together and create a third, and this would keep watering it down instead of making it stronger.

    I believe what I have to offer will invigorate into the whole planet because technology

    now is becoming a universal language. What Im thinking is going to happen is that it will go

    into the stars and there will be colonies of people in other worlds taking it on. It still should

    maintain. but theres more of a universal language until we meet alien races and start to

    intertwine the two. I suspect alien races that are out there, advanced enough, will see this as

    similar to their thinking and what their logic has already brought them to.

    What this does now is the same thing on another level. This is brilliant. What Im saying

    is what will make this world more at peace eventually. With the internet, information is moving

    faster. Were breaking down language barriers, so that when we communicate we have

    something in common and we realize how similar we are. This removes fear. It makes us less

    fearful of each other, which creates community. Thats the only way were going to reach out to

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    the stars and this is what the internet is doing. The internet is breaking down the cultural barriers

    because the old guard is saying, Oh, these people are bad and our way is the best way. This is

    the only way and were the greatest country. Now people are talking and theyre saying, No,

    that isnt true. So theyre breaking free of the fears from the old people, who are no longer their

    only source knowledge. If you remove that factor, you constantly bring in fresh thinking and

    people get to know each other. You realize that people cry; they laugh; they have the same

    wants, the same desires, the same everything. Youre going to see a merging of identity where

    theres not going to be any more uniqueness in the world, so much for indigenous people. Youre

    going to find that this is already happening.

    When I come here, I still see people wearing the same jeans you had on earlier, rich or

    poor. Its already becoming one kind of blend. When that happens, theres no more fear. Theresjust understanding. What happens is well stop fighting. Well stop investing in military. Well

    have to take influence and invest it in medicine, and then in life. Then as were growing older,

    were now going to have to invest into getting off the planet onto other worlds. Inevitably, its

    going to happen. Its just a matter of how long its going to take, how long until it will happen.

    What Im saying is that my teachings will go out into the solar system. When we meet alien

    people, theyre going to feel very foreign, until we can communicate enough to realize we have

    the same spiritual beliefs. It will be the core of our heart thats going to make them trust us, and

    thats why were going to trust them. Thats why were going to learn to communicate with

    them, and thats why were going to get along.

    I know its brilliant. I dont teach ignorance. I dont teach, If you dont follow our belief,

    you go to hell. I teach, If you believe what we have, you can build a soul and you can go on,

    no matter who you are. If you dont, then you may not build a soul or there are other ways to

    build a soul. Its just a progression until you get to where we are, but youre still in the loop. So

    to me, its very positive in that sense. You can be a different race of people and still have a soul.

    You can be any intelligent being as long as you can ponder your existence. Youll get your souls

    worth no matter what species you are in the Universe. No matter if you swim, fly, or fart gas,

    with intelligence, it wont matter. So people like us with this understanding will not see alien

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    life. At first, it would be shocking, but in a sense wed look right away for the heart. And when

    we felt that instead of being ignorant of it, they would know that we accept them for what they

    are and we could move on and be friends. We are very similar already.

    Student: Yes. The last class you gave makes so much sense. If you look at an alien right now, its

    your consciousness and their consciousness, pollinating each other!

    Eric: Yep.

    Disk 1 Track 3

    Eric: So you need to explain to them your dream, and how I interpreted it, so they can get a

    better picture.

    Student: Its amazing how you put it together and it made so much sense. I was telling him about

    this dream that I had about a month and a half ago. I dreamt that I was in a big palace, or a big

    mansion, surrounded by all kinds of different spiritual teachers. They didnt feel very spiritual to

    me but they did feel kind of advanced in their practice, as if they really did their stuff as far as

    practice goes. They felt very mind power oriented such as psychic abilities and mind power in

    general and they were dressed in fancy Indian clothes. I felt out of place because I felt that I

    hadnt been meditating, so it seemed that maybe they were more on top of their practice. So to

    offset that, I began to speak about the spiritual knowledge that I had gotten from Eric. All of a

    sudden, they were all really impressed and all their attention turned to me. I started to say one-

    liners about what other people were doing. They were very impressed and started to ask who my

    teacher was. It was pretty much pushing, Whos your teacher? They were very interested and I

    started talking to them about multi-dimensional meditation and they asked, What is that? as if

    they were trying to get the information out of me. I thought to myself, Well, this could be good

    for Higher Balance, so I started saying, Eric Pepin is my teacher.

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    When I said that, everything stopped and they all turned to me. Youve got to understand,

    this was hundreds of people, in this big, big place and everything stopped and they all turned to

    me. They asked again, Whos your teacher? Whos he? I got this really weird feeling inside the

    back of my stomach like I just gave out a huge secret. I really felt like, Uh oh, and I just cut if

    off. I didnt say anything else. I woke up and couldnt go back to sleep for a couple of hours after

    that. When I woke up, I was hoping it was 8 or 9 oclock so it would be just a regular bad dream,

    but it was 2 oclock. So I was thinking, Uh oh, uh oh. Another thing that tipped me off that

    this wasnt a dream is that I saw this guy doing this weird meditation in a room, with people

    around him looking at him. He was an Asian looking guy and in the room there was a heat that

    stimulated his skin and gave him a feeling like an orgasm, but an orgasm that just keeps

    prolonging and doesnt end. Hes just kept maintaining the meditation state, while having thisorgasm. So I thought, No way. Nobodys going to give me that feeling.

    So I went close to the room, not even inside, and I feel the heat on my skin and feel this

    orgasm also. Its as if this heat just over-stimulates and makes you have this sensation. So that

    kind of tipped me off, after I woke up, because its a feeling I have never felt before in my

    regular dreams. It let me know that I experienced something outside a regular dream.

    Eric: Its outside your standard imagination.

    Student: Exactly. Its something that I couldnt have conceived without actually experiencing it.

    So what Eric told me when I told him this dream is that all those people that were there, werent

    really many people. It was just one consciousness. He had created the illusion of all these people

    just to make me comfortable with the crowd, but it was just one consciousness.

    Eric: Thats not all I told him. See, here again, the critical information is what you guys dont

    communicate. What else did I say? Think.

    Student: About him trying to make contact?

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    Eric: No, about the environment.

    Student: That he said that what you should be really aware of in your dreams is what is the good

    side and what is the Darkside. The Darkside is very structured and is trying to control you. So in

    this case, he was trying to push for information. That was his intent. There was intelligence in the


    Eric: I said to him, You know all the people looked very much alike. They dressed very much

    alike. They were the same height. Everybody looked very nice and neat and everything looked

    perfect. I also said, Marble floors are classic for Indians to have. Thats how I know theirtrademark. And when they asked a name and you said such and such, then everybody stopped.

    Thats because its one consciousness. Its like minnows, like fish, or swallow birds swooping

    together. Thats an instant sign that this is not multi-consciousness, that its a singular

    consciousness because its flawed. Its like watching the Matrix when the cat came by twice, and

    they said, Dj vu, and then they said, Its a glitch. Youve got to look for the flaw that occurs

    when everybodys attention goes on you at the same time. Thats the glitch! It tells you that this

    is a unified mind, not independent minds.

    Thats what I said to him. Thats a sign. Then youve got to look at the signature, what

    kind of mind would create such things? He was saying how these people all looked like they

    were from India, and I already knew the energy. I knew the feels like. This has been going on

    between me and him for a year now. But I said to him, Theres a reason why he selected you.

    And why did I say that?

    He cant remember a conversation from 10 minutes ago, because culturally hes more

    approachable than the rest of us who are white people. Its a happy medium. Hes not really

    Indian, but the personality comes across as calmer perhaps, or the way he perceives, etc. Its like

    in a crowd. Youre looking at yourself; you look at other people, and whats the first thing you

    look for? You look for the other white guy. Thats who you feel like approaching. Hes the best

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    thing the Darkside has. I dont have an Indian student. So this is what makes him approachable

    in that way.

    Student 2: So what was his intention?

    Student 1: From what I got, he wanted the information I had about Eric. I felt like he wanted to

    know where he lived, what hes doing and even the address for Higher Balance.

    Eric: Yes. What do you want to do when you dont like somebody and you see them? You dont

    want to approach them because you dont know how theyre going to react, but you see a couple

    other people that seem more approachable. You start talking to them, and then you start talkingto them about what? About that person to see what you can learn, right? Youre trying to control

    the conversation, but before you come up to that person, you talk about trivial things. Hey,

    where are you from? Whatre you doing? But you already have an intention to get data on the

    other guy. Youre just making the moves to work yourself up to that. Its no different, the whole

    environment, the people, the topic, everything.

    Student: Wasnt that quite advanced to make something like that? Seeing Jorge and then just

    going into this virtual world? Wow.

    Eric: You dont think there are advanced beings out there besides me? Id be bored if there

    werent. But, of course, I couldve done a better job. I do the best stuff. Thats sloppy work. I do

    flawless work. Thats why theyre intimidated by me. But, dont you see the rest of this? What

    did I say? What is the biggest downfall of most spiritual teachers, in my opinion? Its very

    connected spiritually to creation, but its also gratification. Its the greatest gratification that you

    can get for pleasure, the orgasm. What is the main thing thats most tempting for males or for


  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    Student: The orgasm.

    Eric: Thats right, so this is what you saw, in my opinion. I dont know if you guys can keep up

    with my brain or not, but Im going to try to explain this once. Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu are what

    aspects of Krishna, even Krishna himself? What are they?

    Student: Manifestations.

    Eric: Thats right, theyre all Is, correct? When you have a group of people, and its a micro

    world of an enlightened being, the student will be heavily influenced from what culture? The

    teacher. What is he going to mimic in his own reality, with his power, and his interpretation ofhow things work? So hes creating these personalities. Theyre all one. They look similar

    because this is what he wants to portray to you, but in his mind this is how this all comes out.

    What was the one thing that I think was his downfall? Hes using his power of control too much

    for lust, just like the priests do, just like almost all of them do eventually. Do you understand?

    Now, what was the one thing he showed you?

    Student: When he stuck in there the heat.

    Eric: Thats right. What you saw was part of him. Hes trying to turn you on to the addiction.

    Youre supposed to get addicted to him. Theres supposed to be a temptation, its like heroin.

    This is how he tries to get his poison into you and this obsesses you on a bio-organic level. This

    is what keeps your mind connected to him because you think about that feeling. That feeling

    came from this particular being and is now memorized in your mind. This is also a cord,

    psychically a very strong one, to this source. Yet it is also his flaw. Youre not supposed to see

    this for what it really is. Are you getting me?

    Student: So he started messing with your students, oh my god.

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    Eric: Well, what else did I say about that? Do I give a shit, Jorge?

    Student: No, because you said I could deal with him.

    Eric: Not enough; keep going. Come on! You cant educate someone with a feeble answer like


    Student: Maybe what we need to advance ourselves is to be pushed this way and to be able to

    react with survival instincts.

    Eric: I cant come running to you guys every single time. You guys have to start figuring things

    out for yourselves, figuring out what is bad and what is good. If I keep deciding for you whether

    you can handle it or not, how are you supposed to gain any experiences? How are you supposed

    to learn from this? I dont think this Darkside entity has the power. I think my students are very

    advanced. I would intervene, perhaps, for Jamison, but hes ready. Hes been around long

    enough; he knows his stuff. In the spiritual world hes very powerful. He just has no idea whats

    been going on there. The point is that I have to let you guys stand on your own at some point.

    Im not going to let somebody really hurt you, if I think this is not a fair fight. But if its a fair

    fight, deal with it yourself! And dont come crying to me now, you know?

    Student: And in the dream, knowledge-wise I felt like I

    Eric: You knew everything you needed to know. Im not telling you anything new. What Im

    telling you is what you should have already acknowledged within yourself and thats the part you

    didnt. Thats the only flaw, and I dont think Im telling you anything you didnt figure out

    already. Its just that you listen too much to your rational brain, instead of listening to your

    Navigator, your instinct.

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    Student: When I woke up, I really felt like calling you. Im just letting you know. But then I

    rationalized that I would be bothering you at this time with a dream? See its this duality.

    Eric: Whenever an entity tries to do anything to me like that, and you can try this sometime, you

    try to mess with the pattern. If you can, look for fire. Fires a real pain for them. Fire is very

    random. When it starts to get patternized, its too blatant a pattern, and theyre trying not to

    create a pattern. So theyre trying to control it. By controlling it, its very apparent to you that

    somethings very artificial about the fire burning in a perfect circle or a perfect square or a

    perfect pattern. So its going to go all over the place. Then you burn a few of the people, too,

    while youre at it and watch the whole program go to pieces. There are always flaws ineverything. The same goes with water. Its hard to control. Thats why in these places they

    usually have it squared off in a pool or such. It depends. Theres usually some pattern to it.

    Student: I was freaking out about how uniform it was, walking around the circle.

    Eric: Youre going to see Pattern, Pattern, Pattern, Pattern, Pattern. What did I teach you? Whats

    Darkside? Its structured. Its structure imitating life. Think about it in terms you can understand,

    in terms that they couldnt understand even 50 years ago. Forget about a thousand years ago. Ill

    simplify this. An enlightened being, to create an artificial reality, is like a computer. A computer

    can only create so many patterns and hold them at the same time, so the only way it can make it

    look like there are more is to keep mimicking what it has already, multiplying it, like a mirror

    within a mirror. But the more powerful a computer is, it can constantly create originals and

    maintain each one independently because its so powerful. Does everybody understand? A

    computer might make three puppies and then copy three puppies, three puppies, three puppies,

    and theyre all going, rur-ruh-ruh. Its the same rur-ruh-ruh, just different timings. If you

    stopped them all, it would be the exact same rur-ruh-ruh, rur-ruh-ruh, rur-ruh-ruh, rur-

    ruh-ruh. It can make some cats. It makes three cats, and then three dogs. Its the same pattern

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    everywhere. It looks like an army of dogs and cats, but if you were to look closely, theyre all the

    same ones duplicated. With a weak computer, this is how it would work. But a powerful

    computer can make a Doberman, a Rottweiler, and a Chihuahua. It can have a mountain lion, and

    a kitty cat, all moving independently but still being controlled by one supercomputer. It can

    make so many that your brain can no longer calculate this amount, so it looks like life. The better

    the enlightened being, the better they can do this. But they all want to mimic God.

    There can only be one supercomputer. Do you get it now? And what is the supercomputer

    trying to do? Find new things it can learn from. Its infinite. Its self-intelligence. It becomes

    perpetual, to the point that its making things happen and theres so much that it actually learns

    from itself. It then makes this something come out of it. It says, Oh my God! Cull, cull, cull,

    cull. Wheres it going? Wheres it going? And then it sees, Ah that makes so much sense. Thelittle computers try to mimic the big computer. They want to be the big computer. Does that

    make any sense?

    Student: Yeah, that makes total sense. Its like when I assimilate stuff and I have a small area

    that Im working on, and then I try to go out and out. I run that program in a small area, and

    when I stop thinking about it, its like I run a program and move out.

    Eric: So what did I teach you? Stop using your brain and start using your other intelligence

    because its capable of processing a vast amount of data and maintaining it, compared to what

    your little brain can do.

    Student: When I felt that intelligence, it just came. It just happened. Its different when I try to

    will it to happen.

    Eric: You cant will it; thats the point. Okay, you can will it, and whats it going to say? Thats

    like forcing it, or you can cull it, and it will happen. Do you get the difference now? Thats a ton

    of wisdom I just shared with you. Think about that. Its the same thing Ive always said but now

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    you have another way of looking at it. Thats why I say if you teach, youll find new ways of

    looking at things. It will reveal itself. What do I always say? Youve got to let it flow; youve got

    to let it happen; you cant make it happen, and you cant have expectation. So whats our new

    word today? Cull it. Cull it, cull it, cull it. Cull it but dont make it. Encourage it. Encourage

    yourself until you puff up like jiffy pop. When its ready, its ready. You cant decide when it is,

    but you can certainly say, Come on, come on, come onah! Do the same thing to God.

    Take God by his balls and tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. Tickle..ah! Its however you want to

    look at it. If you yank his balls, youre going to get your ass spanked. Are you getting what Im

    trying to say to you guys?

    Disk 1 Track 4

    Do you guys remember, from the early 90s right up until recently that the UFO program, SETI

    said, Heres a program. You can use it on your computer, and when nobodys using your

    computer, a window pops up. Its going to go thru the internet and were going to send you

    material to compress your data for the stars. With everybodys computers, if everybody

    participates, it will make up a supercomputer. So if theres so much data that one big

    supercomputer cant handle it, if we unite all these computers and people when theyre not using

    their computers, it will just run this program automatically. It processes the little pieces of

    information we give, together like raindrops, and it will come up with a bigger piece of data.

    Okay, when you use your brain, you are one singular computer trying to interpret all of this. You

    can only operate and move so much during your programming life. When you use your other

    consciousness, it is connected to that complete grid, and you may have access and move freely.

    Thats the secret. Thats how it works, but you cannot gain it if you try to control it completely.

    You have to work with it.

    You might say, How do you plug in or how do you become part of it? You already are!

    Its just reversed. Youre just not aware of it. Everybody is a living organism. Its a hierarchy,

    just like your body! Its all working for one living thing! We are all working for one thing, the

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    planet. All the planets are working for one living thing, the solar system. Solar systems all over

    the Universe collectively work for Galaxies. All the galaxies are collectively working up. Its a

    hierarchy, but youre a part of it already. When you find a way to tap into this flow, you can

    download this information, not just send it outward.

    Student: So, whenever I start to feel that little box in there, that little thingy, that little tube, I start

    to think, How do you tap into it, or how or do you use it or whatever? But I really dont know

    how to start getting it in motion. I think, at one point, I was trying to scan and suddenly I just felt

    the whole forest a little and that was just what happened one time.

    Eric: This is why I say it is important to go out and do things like haunting, and to go out andscan, and to go out and assimilate. This is why I give all the exercises I do, because youre trying

    to experience something that you cannot fully experience with your eyes, your nose, your mouth,

    your ears, or your hands. So again, its like throwing the kid into the water off the boat. Hes

    either going to sink or hes going to swim. If I put you in a haunted place, things are going to

    happen that are going to raise the hair on your neck. Youre going to start adapting and using

    more of your sensory without realizing youre doing it. This is wax-on/wax-off. If you go out to

    do something, to feel a forest or to feel a tree, eventually youre going to think about what Im

    saying and you are going to be at least looking for something that feels out of place coming from

    you. When you begin to get in the habit of recognizing that, its going to open that door. Youll

    start to get used to it. It gets stronger and stronger, and youll find it more and more easily.

    Youll find you can apply it to this or apply it to that, and then all of a sudden you find you can

    do a lot more with it than the things youve been doing with it. Get it?

    Student: Yes. So dont just focus on that thing, but focus on feeling and sensing.

    Eric: Just try to listen. If I hadnt done all the haunting I did, if I hadnt done all the psychic work

    I did, if I hadnt tried, then I would never have awoken. What awoke me was the act of trying to

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    do things or putting myself in the position to experience them. Thats why I say it was great for

    me to get scared to death when I was young, because it made my awareness sharper, trying to

    feel what was going on. It brought me into that dimension that was horrifying, but it empowered

    the exercise.

    Listen, you can go to the gym and work out. And you can say, Well, Im getting

    improvement from working out. Or, lets say that you end up in Iraq. Youre dropped off, and

    you know that youre running for your life trying to make it a hundred miles. You have to

    survive. Its going to take you a week to get the hundred miles, and you know the place is filled

    with Iraqis that will cut your head off. Now, you know there are distances youll have to run,

    and theyre longer than what you know you can normally handle. Do you think youre going to

    have enough willpower to get there? Whats going to happen when youve done the one weekand you survive? Whats your stamina going to be like? What if you have to do that for a month?

    What if you have to do that for a year? You dont have a choice.

    I didnt know when an entity was coming! All I knew was that I felt it. Whooop, ooo

    eee Okay? Survival! Do you get it? Thats why I awoke so fast. Now I know that I came and I

    knew this would be my saving grace. I had to think, Well, what is my strategy for waking up? I

    was like, Ill scare myself to death.

    Now I dont care because Im all powerful but you dont think about what its like when

    you dont have the sense or you know more. Then I was screaming, Wahhhhhhhh! Like,

    Yeah, you dumb fuck. You woke up though, didnt you? Its the same thing, for example, if

    youre going to drown. Youre fighting for your life! Oh, this is working! But its a horrible

    way! Its horrible. Of course, you want to find easier ways. Thats why I say, Go get scared! Go

    get horrified! Go. Go find some entities to torment you! Be afraid! But I dont know.

    Everybodys different. Im trying to find a nicer way for you guys than what I had to go through.

    Student: I know youve been trying to find a way for us. Weve had to travel to different states

    now to find things.

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    Eric: Well its not the answer. You have me, okay? The problem is that you guys didnt get me

    when you were 8 years old. Your situations in life were very different and you werent as

    advanced as I was coming in. But if I was in your boat, do I get scared to death and have sensory,

    or do I develop from a teacher like me? Ill take the teacher ten to one, instantly. So youre going

    to become like a generic psychic now? I feel spirits. I talk to ghosts. You have so much more

    now! Its just a matter of saying, I want to plug in more. I want to experience more. I keep

    saying, The more you demand, the less youre going to get. Cull it, okay? And it will happen for

    you. Teach, and it will happen for you. Thats the only thing I can say.

    Disk 2 Track 1

    Eric: If you wouldve had this same dream again, what wouldve happened? Itd probably have

    been interesting. Now that youve talked to me, whats going to happen? Its going to be very

    different, isnt it?

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: If you have the same dream again, youre going to walk in with a lot more control because

    youre going to be able to see it for what it is, but more so. Youre going to get a lot more out of

    it now. Because now youre going to say, I cant believe my luck. I ended up here again.

    Wow! But its going to know that. Now you have to really see how good you are because now

    youve got to realize youre there and youre going to go stealthily. Because you cant be saying,

    I know where you are. I know whats going on. Oh, this is so exciting!

    Thats because its going to react to that. So now you have to keep it under control. Inside

    youre going, Ahahah, yippee! But on the outside, youre going to be just as dumb founded as

    you were before, Hi. Hello. Wow. If it senses your excitement, youre in trouble. Most people

    dont get to go back to these places because the energy from you is not controllable enough and

    this prevents you from getting in again. And this goes for all sorts of stuff. Whereas someone

    like me can go in and thats why I said its like holding your breath. And in the inside youre

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    saying, Ahahahah, whoa! But youve got to have the calm and the cool exterior. In other

    words, Im the Silver Surfer. The reason why you can get to these dream worlds and

    multidimensional places is because theres a part of you thats leaving your organic brain behind,

    but its always kind of connected so you mimic how it works. Its not really there, but you know

    how I say that the brain mimics the other consciousness until it convinces you that it really is

    you? When youre out there, youre so used to it being the consciousness, youre really

    mimicking the brain and thats whats messing you up.

    It makes perfect logic if you understand what I just said. Its brilliant. And thats what

    keeps you from awakening in these other places to have absolute consciousness and control.

    Student: Yes. I could totally feel it leaking my organic brain to there. I was thinking marketing,you know, Higher Balance.

    Eric: Yup. Yup. And thats whats going on. So wheres your recorder? Are you recording?

    Student: Right here.

    Eric:But do you understand? Thats the switcheroo. So, the trick is not to be so concerned about

    it. Trust yourself. It is the hardest thing for human beings to do. Well, at least one of them,

    anyway, top 10. When I was younger, I dreamed all the time. And then I found that I was

    enjoying my dreams so all of a sudden I decided, Well, Im looking forward to dreaming. The

    instant that I decided in my inner tuition, my navigator (call it whatever you want) that I was

    looking forward to it, what happened? The dreams stopped. Ive never dreamed like that again.

    Do you understand what Im saying?

    Now, in another way, I woke up in this dimensional Universe. What I am saying to you is

    that you have to find a certain level to be at peace with your consciousness and not anticipate

    going to these places. Accept that in your heart. Try to fool yourself like youre going to do your

    laundry, like youre going to do something trivial, but you almost in a way expect that youre

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    going to have to do it. When you go home, sooner or later youre going to have to do your

    laundry, right? Is it something that youre thinking about right now? No, but it is something that

    is in the other part of your consciousness, of your awareness of your routine. For instance, were

    here right now. We know that we need to do laundry. Weve decided that were going to wait to

    do laundry. So theres a part of you that has to say, I have to get around to doing it. So it has

    this underlined, outer guidance. Your spiritual mind, when it goes into the dimensions, is

    mimicking your organic brain like your organic brain has learned to mimic your spiritual one, so

    that it can clone it.

    Right now the organic brain is dominant, and thats why its mimicking it in the spiritual

    places. So what Im saying is that you have to have a nonchalant approach to these other places

    because the second you get excited, poof. Its the same thing about astral projections. The secondyou think about it, you slap it. The second that you think about it being something psychic or

    spiritual or something that you can gain, another part of you says that youre not allowed to do

    these things. And thats where it all goes downhill.

    Student: What about afterward? So you go into this thing and you have this amazing experience,

    and then afterwards youre like, Those are really cool, holy crap! And you start thinking it and

    it kind of solidifies. You can get parts of it back and you can move there pretty easily for a while

    and then its no more. It fizzled out.

    Eric: It doesnt fizzle out. What will happen is youll learn to get your Rico Suave on. Does

    everybody understand what Im trying to say? Youll learn to control yourself. Once you learn to

    ride a bicycle, you dont forget. Do you understand what Im saying? The secret is finding how

    to get into those places, but once youre in, you got your Rico Suave on. Youll get to know the

    drill. Youll know how to control that energy, that consciousness and you wont give it a second

    thought. Its like a bike. You get better and better each time you ride it. No matter how long you

    ride it, you get better and better. Now its the same thing. The trick is popping into those other

    places. But eventually you get better at that also.

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    You know, I would say this. You ready? Here comes the million dollar statement. Dont

    think of it as a dream world. Dont think about it as anything. Think about it as a place youre

    taking a trip to. Youre going to go visit some other place, but dont be pessimistic about it. Be

    optimistic but dont be over engaging with it. Does everybody get what Im saying? You have to

    find a very even key. I think thats what Im driving at, trying to figure out how to explain it. Its

    a very mundane kind of feeling, but inside youre saying, Wow! Youre excited, but there is an

    exterior consciousness that is not like a face you can control. Its an emotion you have to control.

    What Im saying is that the emotion is your body then because youre energy that looks like a


    So its like one of those squid. You know how squid change their colors? They can turn

    to blue or red or whatever with their emotions? So I guess what Im trying to say is that how youfeel is a different kind of exterior in that dimension, and the second that you let that feeling out,

    youve exposed yourself and other stuff happens to you then.

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: So you need to have a poker face on top of your emotions. You have this other part inside

    of you thats very excited, but youve got to control it so that on the exterior youre not sensed.

    The only way I can explain it is that youre not detected.

    Student: Like 2 layers.

    Eric: Does that make sense to you guys?

    Students: Yes, like total sense.

    Eric: Okay, good. That was hard to explain, but this is what comes out of these kinds of

    conversations. This is why its important to teach because it pushes me harder to find the words

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    that Im looking for to try to explain things. Thats why I say its like holding your breath. Its

    the same thing, but now we found another way to say the same thing. Does it make more sense to

    you now?

    Student: Yes. Every single time somethings happening it just starts and then when you get

    excited, caught up in the moment and you try to influence whatever is happening, its like . . .

    Eric: But remember most emotions are through a human perception and all of the emotions

    through a human perception are very biochemically connected. Theyre not perfect amounts.

    You get a flood of chemicals in you and its a certain volume. Theres a certain amount and your

    body has to burn that off. Do you get what Im saying? There are biochemicals produced in yourbrain, and this is what creates your moments of happiness, your moments of depression. This is

    why some people get stuck in depression or some people always seem to be very happy. Theres

    like an over splash of one of these chemicals for some people, and for other people it just

    happens to come out by what you see or what you hear or how your brain interprets information.

    It releases chemicals, not just electrical impulses.

    So, youve learned not to separate your consciousness from these things, so your

    consciousness is mimicking your organic brains way of coping and seeing things. So, when you

    feel joy, its a flush of joy, but itll end when youve used up the amount of liquid in that squirt

    through your brain. Do you get what Im saying? Its like a car. You fill it with gas and then it

    goes so far and then it fizzles out. These are just micro bursts that are so fast that you dont think

    in those terms. Do you understand?

    Student: Yes. Yes.

    Eric: Of course, theyre electrically backed and manipulated to a certain degree, so there are a

    lot of things to take into consideration. Its not exactly that simple, but what Im saying to you is

    that, as energy, its in such a purer form that when you experience these emotions, theyre very

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    true and theyre very real. Theyre just not experienced the same way as what you do

    organically. So when youre out of your body, when I say that you mimic your brain, its literally

    what youre doing. You dont know how to operate any other way, or at least you dont

    remember, so you tend to feel the emotions the same way you would if you were to experience

    them as a physical organic being. But youre forgetting that it doesnt occur to you, that youre

    really an energy being hyper-dimensionally now.

    Student: Yes, I think so.

    Eric: So youre like an airplane on water. Youre not really functioning the way you can. This is

    why we never have control in our dreams, or at least you guys dont so much. Thats why thedream kind of pushes you along.

    Student: So when you try to process that this dream is using your biochemical thinking, thats

    not going to feel any . . .

    Eric: Exactly. It doesnt work there.

    Student: Same as when you send a probe out of your body and youre seeing, youre thinking

    youre seeing with eyes and that sort of . . .

    Eric: Yes.

    Student: When youre hyper dimensional and youre having these energy kinds of emotions, or

    not really emotions but different, does it have a biochemical affect? Does it kick in like bliss

    emotions or biochemically?

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    Eric: Well, because youre still connected organically, because your core anchor is here, you

    want to train yourself not to let your body be too emotional. Thats why I say, Forget about the

    body. Let it get into an indifferent state, and then let your mind go out, but try not to be

    emotional about what youre experiencing. Do you see what Im saying? And youll realize that

    when you do this, its like having another body and youre trying to have a poker face, but the

    poker face is what you feel. Its a feeling of a poker face because thats all you can be

    dimensionally. But underneath that poker face is really your intent and your intent is your

    intelligence. Its really who you are.

    And so youre using this body of what seems ambivalence or indifference because in the

    dimensional reality, your consciousness is based on your frequency. Wear your frequency like

    clothing. Cloth yourself in cammo and you move acceptably to the Universe, because it doesntsee you as some freaked out frequency popping all over the place. Does this make sense?

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: So the only way I can explain it is that you want to be able to control that, but in the mean

    time youre fully conscious. In your own way, you are how you perceive yourself here. Its just

    that youre incognito. Youre appearing to wherever youre going not to be messing with the

    calmness in a sense. Youre part of the calmness. Its very hard for me to explain.

    Disk 2 Track 2

    Student: What if you try to interact with your environment in a kind of frequency, using feeling,

    for example joy or excitement? You just keep it on a frequency level.

    Eric: Its as if to say theres an appropriate time for everything. If we went to the movie theater

    and we were watching a movie, is it the appropriate time for you to be having a screaming match

    with someone or to be laughing hilariously?

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    Student: Unless its along with the movie.

    Eric: Youll know when that moment approaches. Do you see what Im saying? Now you might

    say that you want to be whimsical with your emotions and youd feel like youd be too in

    control. Thats because youre thinking like a human being now. Its more beautiful than we can

    even imagine. I cant even begin to explain. This is why I crave to be there rather than here all

    the time, because I feel like Im more real there than I am here. You guys say, Well, I want to

    feel these certain emotions and I love feeling this blissfulness in the moment.

    And I say to you, Rubbish! Theyre 85% chemically induced. You think its you, but

    its not. But because you guys cant think any differently, you just think, Well how I am mustbe the most perfect way. And its not, Ill tell you. If you go from that place to here, youre not

    going to like it here. Its beautiful here; dont get me wrong. Otherwise, there wouldnt be a point

    to it. But, what Im saying is that its wrong to think that its the only thing. You see those

    flowers up there? To me, each of those is a true emotion. Each burst of those colors, that red/

    pink one there with the orange in it and then the white ones. Each one of those, if you look at it,

    represents a certain feeling. Doesnt it? Can you imagine if that was you as energy flushing out

    like that? Do you understand how its purer and more fulfilling to feel that, to be that, rather than

    to just have the feeling in the way we have it organically? Does that make sense?

    So Im sure theyre going to be wondering what were looking at. Were looking at a

    bouquet of flowers that have different color like packed sequences in them. Theres purple;

    theres white; theres red, but if you look at it, what you see is shadowing. What you see in the

    orange one is a beautiful dab of yellow in the center, which is like an orangey yellow. But theres

    a sense of softness thats coming out of it. Well, you become that. Its not just being happy or

    feeling kind of happy. The only way I can explain it is you emanate it. Its like its true. Its a

    richer, deeper place.

    I think that we human beings, as children, and some people may not like me saying this,

    learn a lot of our emotions through mirroring. There are a lot of expressions that we mimic, that

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    we learn through mirroring. If a parent sticks his face to you and goes, Boobooboobooboowah,

    you eventually begin to mimic this. And this is why culturally you have people that interact

    differently than what youre used to. So I guess what Im saying is that youre taught how to

    represent your emotions and so you mirror that same way in your organic heart, in your way of

    being. You dont think about it, but thats how you do it.

    So to me, the happiness that some people demonstrate is like a fleeting moment of force,

    but unrecognized or unacknowledged force, of what youre supposed to represent. Do you

    understand what Im saying? Again, its very complicated, but to me its a fraction of the

    intensity and beauty that you can be. To feel that kind of bliss is very rare in an organic body

    because it cannot maintain it. Wed like to think that these spiritual masters do that, but I dont

    necessarily believe that.

    Student: Does your body ever learn from going there enough, does it learn a little bit?

    Eric: Well of course you can bring things back, but the problem is that your body cant maintain

    those things. It couldnt sustain it.

    Student: Is there ever any physical evolution within a person as they become more enlightened?

    Eric: Well absolutely without a doubt, but you will never reach the level of that here, nor could

    you be the perfection here that you are there. Dimensionally, molecularly, everything is different,

    but yet if you were able to see the two at the same time, which do exist, then youre that level of

    perfection. Do you understand? Then youve achieved it if you can see it in all those ways. Its a

    matter of how you want to choose to perceive it. Do you understand?

    Student: So the more spiritually advanced souls and the more that the race of humankind will


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    Eric: Yes. Theyre able to be in both of those places and they find a way to make it work more

    and more. Do you see what Im saying? This is why through evolution theres a process to reach

    a higher state of consciousness. Why cant the whole world be enlightened? It probably wont

    happen. We obviously know red cell, white cell and all these other complications. But do you get

    what Im saying? There is a progression there. I told you its like going on vacation. When you

    go on vacation, its not another world youre going to, but its a way to say, Im going there to

    escape for a while.

    Well, when you go to these outer dimensions, you get to free yourself from the

    conformity that youre used to having to function in. You accept the conformity you function in

    because you realize there are other goals and other things that you need to experience and

    achieve in your life, so its a tradeoff.

    Student: So back to this vacation, for you, this is a way to ground yourself instead of having your

    other vacation that wants you to go away, right?

    Eric: It is what it is. Again, I try not to think about it. What did I just say? See, this is what I

    think. Sometimes I think its 50/50. Youve got to apply yourself and do some work. You

    meditate, you do this and that, and then other people want to slouch, but I really do think that its

    the knowledge that in many ways allows you to free yourself to experience these things. Its not

    just in the doing. Its in the understanding. If you dont know what youre looking for, you cant

    necessarily find it, you know, unless you get lucky and you stumble on it. Its happened, but Id

    rather have everything stacked in my favor. I dont want to take a chance. Id rather have an idea.

    If youre going to throw a needle in the haystack, can you at least show me where youre

    throwing it, because Im pretty sure its still going to be pretty hard to find, but at least Ive got a


    Its not to say that if you threw a needle in a haystack when I wasnt looking, I couldnt

    find it. I could stumble across it, but it sure would be stumbling. So what Im saying is that you

    want to stack as much as you can in your favor so that when you have experiences, somethings

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    happening. You can somehow more appropriately adapt to the experience to gain the highest

    yield of information from it.

    My whole point is that a lot of people think of these spiritual teachers being in a perpetual

    level of bliss, where theres this beautiful sense of happiness. And to me thats wonderful, but I

    dont want to get stuck in this sense of perpetual bliss. To me, even bliss gets old. Do you get

    what Im saying? Now you could say that the Krishnas may perhaps believe that they want to

    end reincarnation, the great cycle, or whatever, so that theyre in perpetual bliss. I think that the

    same need that man has to explore is simply a mimification over and over of the greater

    consciousness from God down. Even God wants to explore. Do you get what Im saying?

    So when people say they just want to be in bliss, I think that they are looking at it from an

    organic perspective. They see it as a great, wonderful thing to always just be purely happy andblissful, that this is the beauty of life. The beauty in life is that in sorrow and sadness and all

    these things, we actually get a higher level of bliss than just maintaining the concept of bliss. I

    dont know if you guys are ready to understand that or not, but we cant appreciate life until we

    see death in a way.

    Student: Right.

    Eric: Life is that much more intense when your own life has almost perished. You see the value

    of it rather than just existing. We have a greater appreciation of the richness of life through the

    perils of experiencing life. When we see something sad, it may be horribly sad and we may feel

    horrible about it, but it is only through certain things that we have the deeper reflection in

    ourselves to find a deeper level of bliss, or a deeper level of understanding or compassion,

    especially when we leave this organic world and these things dont exist there. Its a different

    level or a different type of existence that doesnt have these horrific things.

    Student: Yes.

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    Eric: I think that some people probably got the idea of bliss correctly as Im communicating it,

    but I dont believe the vast majority have it correct, and to me its like being stuck in some kind

    of gear on an amusement park ride. It starts off being fun until youre ready to puke because it

    wont stop and then it becomes torturous. Thats how I perceive it when somebody says that

    theyre in this perpetual state of bliss. Rubbish. Not in this dimension. When spiritual masters go

    around professing that theyre always in a state of bliss, thats rubbish, too. You should catch

    them when they get a bowel movement or something. Theyre just like you. They have their ups

    and downs.

    Student: Im thinking what I found very different in your teaching from the others is the reason

    why we are doing this. The reason why most people seek a higher consciousness is forthemselves, because you get out of the loop or whatever. But you have a totally different reason

    to do it. And I wonder, why havent any of them, if theyre so advanced or whatever, put it that

    way? That theyre here to do something. Whats up with that?

    Eric: Well, I think that most of them would probably say that theyre in it for the same reasons. I

    think what it really comes down to is that you start off with a lot of gas and you run out. I think

    its just what happens and maybe its going to happen to me someday. I see this as my making

    momentum, spreading to you guys, which is making momentum to spread beyond you guys.

    Instead of what you see as your life, its like religious philosophy moving over what you see as

    your life, but thousands of lifetimes of a wave of consciousness. And then, if you dont do a

    good job with that wave, what you put into it is going to determine how far or how well or what

    design of this wave is going to progress into in the future. Does that make sense?

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: The only way to explain it is that its kind of how my mind works.

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    Student: Its like a huge energy just coming down here and creating a wave. That energy just


    Eric: Precisely. I think that they all have good intentions. However, I think that the world is a

    very beautiful place, but as much as somebody can find a certain level of spirituality, the world

    has a way of molding you back. No matter how advanced you are the Doe still has an effect that

    you cant escape because youre in it. Now some people would like you to believe that you do.

    Do you see what Im saying? I dont necessarily think thats the case, because youve still got to

    deal with an organic body. You still have to deal with nourishing it and taking care of it and then

    you have all of the same dilemmas as anybody else. You have maybe some advantages, but still

    the same issues. And you try to maintain your consciousness as best you can and, like most oldpeople, the brain deteriorates. For an enlightened person, it may have the same effects or other


    Disk 2 Track 3

    Student: Okay. There are a lot of white cells here that are trying to wake up.

    Eric: There arent a lot of white cells.

    Student: There arent?


    Student: I thought there were millions.

    Eric: It depends. You could take a handful of salt and say each grain is a white cell: a big

    handful, 2 handfuls, holding them both. Would you say thats a lot of white cells?

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    Student: Yes, sure, yes.

    Eric: And then I would say, Okay, look at the ocean. Thats the red cells.

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: Its just perception, I suppose, but I dont think that there are a lot of white cells. I hate to

    say this and this is where people might think Im being a bit arrogant. I dont like using the word,

    but again, this is where you can get into trouble as a teacher and some people criticize me for

    being egotistic, but its not ego. Its really just finding the right words for the moment. Its not tosay that I dont think later, Oh, I should have said it this way or that way. But, you know, I

    could do that forever. Its to say that theres a different level in quality of white cell. Do you get

    what Im saying?

    And I dont necessarily like to say quality, but content. How developed is it? How

    refined? How much does it really understand? How well is it tapped into the flow? How well is it

    tapped? Does it just talk about it or is it really, truly tapped in? I think that its okay to say, and

    what I hate is that in most spiritual circles, youre really not allowed to say these things. Youre

    supposed to say, Oh, everybodys spiritual. Everybody is loving.

    Im fine with that, but what Im saying is that theres clearly a level of quality to a white

    cell as to what extent theyre at or what their actions are or what theyre doing in the world or

    how theyre using their gifts or how theyre trying to amplify those gifts. Do you see? And

    somebody spiritual might say, Well, you know, everybody is a spiritual equal.

    Well then, what is an enlightened person versus an unenlightened person? Isnt there

    immediately, right there, a hierarchy or separation? So what Im saying is that enlightenment

    isnt just one level. Its very vastly leveled. At some point, you just reach a certain level of

    illuminocity that stands out, but it doesnt mean that the illuminocity cant even go beyond that.

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    So when you say to me, There are a lot of white cells, I would say, Sure. But is it

    enough wattage to really enlighten the world to carry the Doe up a notch so that it affects the

    whole global consciousness? Is everybody getting that?

    Student: Yes. Very interesting.

    Eric: So, I look at, and I hate saying this, but quality over quantity. Even though some people

    might say your numbers seem like a lot, I say, Well, in the big scheme of things, its miniscule.

    Its a matter of perception. And then they might say, Well, how do we know that your sense of

    quality is better spiritually than some of these other great spiritual masters?

    And I would say, Well, you know, maybe the word quality isnt good. Maybe its thestyle. Maybe its the different frequency. Maybe its just a slight variation different. But, I

    always say, you can always look for somebody with greater knowledge than me. I think thats

    wonderful. I would be all ears. The point is that we had a light bulb that came out, and then we

    came out with a brighter light bulb, and then we came out with soft white light, which is softer

    on the eyes, but just as bright. And now we have true light, they call it, which has a bluish tint to

    it, but its supposed to mimic natural light. Then we have full spectrum light. In the same way,

    its okay to have different kinds of teachers. Its just a matter of what kind of light you prefer to

    work with at that point.

    Student: I was thinking about this earlier today, and I dont think you have made it easy for

    yourself because you have picked very strong leaders.

    Eric: Well, Id like to think that I didnt pick any of them necessarily. I think they picked me and

    I got stuck with it. You work with what youve got to work with. If you landed on an island and

    you have to eat, you take a look at what you have to eat on the island. Theres one thing youre

    going to be guaranteed youre going to need to do. Youre going to have to eat. So you work

    with what you have and you make the best of it. If youre lucky, you land on an island that has

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    more than coconuts on it. Maybe if youre lucky youve got a few banana trees there and

    something else. But if you really dont get on the best island, you better hope that you at least

    have coconuts and youd be really grateful for those coconuts because otherwise you would have

    been looking at insects.

    Well, I hate to say it, but Im on an island with coconuts, spiritually speaking, and Im

    working with what Ive got to work with. I dont regret it, you know. Wish everybody that Ive

    come across, some I see potential in right away, so I go after and I find them. Some find me

    before I can get around to finding them. So be it, but the bottom line is I love uniqueness. Now,

    that is what I see in many ways as being something different about me than other teachers.

    I think a lot of teachers or spiritual paths try to mold everybody to be similar and to a

    pattern. I dont like patterns especially not ones that grossly stand out and wear certain clothing,and have to act a certain way. I hate to use the word chaotic in that sense, but I am pretty chaotic.

    I feel that I throw out the information, but I dont say that you have to look a certain specific

    way, like everybody needs to shave their head and wear this kind of clothing. I say, This is how

    I see it. I believe that everything is in 3s. Its about 3s. I take what I have as being 1, then

    youre number 2, which is your personality, your identity, your consciousness, and I say, Hey,

    lets merge them. Lets put them together and then you become the third.

    And I gain from it, too. Dont think I dont because every time you give, you get. I dont

    care how it is. The point is that you get and you become the byproduct of that which I talked

    about recently. Do you know what Im saying?

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: And thats what youre after. And therefore, its a good thing and I would rather go after

    something different than try to mold everything cookie cutter style.

    Student: Yes, because they will appeal to different audiences when they go out to teach.

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    Eric: Thats right, but not only that. I think some people spiritually go out and they know exactly

    how they want their garden to grow. They say, These are the rules, these are the beliefs. Here is

    the book. This is the way its done. Then what you have is a beautiful rose garden, a beautiful,

    beautiful rose garden from some of these religions and theres no doubt its beautiful. Id rather

    have a jungle. Id rather have a forest. I think theres more beauty in a forest than I think there is

    in a rose garden. It doesnt mean that I cant appreciate the rose garden, but I love uniqueness. I

    love the mystery of what each person can become rather than shaping them to what I think they

    should ideally be.

    I dont want to know what youre going to become. All I know is that I want you to

    become something good, something strong, but Im excited to think about the potential of what

    is going to come. Really, thats how I feel. Is it going to be a mighty oak tree? Will it be ablueberry bush to offer delicious blueberries? Will it be blue spruce? There are just so many

    possibilities. Theyre all intense. I dont just want a rose garden. Its a rose. Thats good and

    well have a rose, but I dont want a giant rose garden where its all roses and theyre different

    colors and its all laid out. Maybe you think thats how heavens going to be. Everybody, when

    you think of heaven, whats heaven?

    Its really uniform, I think. You know, people have a practical idea. To me, and I think

    there are other people who think like me, Id rather have a giant forest with some sunlight cutting

    through the pine trees and the sudden smells of wet bark moving through the air: things that Id

    think are beautiful, just different. Then Ill walk over a hill and theres a meadow and a field of

    flowers. Theres my rose field, but its not roses, you know? Its not my job to define or say,

    This is what youre spiritually going to become. Youre a warrior. Youre a healer. Youre this.

    Youre that. Its not my job and I dont know and I dont care to know.

    What I do care to know is that there is a design in you thats between you and God. My

    job is purely is to help nurture whatever seed is in you for what you were meant to become. You

    already feel it. My job is to help bring it a little bit of water, help bring it a little bit of good soil,

    help make sure that the sun gets it, and then until youre strong enough to keep the hyenas from

    digging you up or the birds from pecking away and running off with you and eating you, even

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Gate Transcript



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    though that could be a good thing. Maybe thats a bad answer because Id say that I could see the

    purpose in that, too.

    But, I see purpose in everything. My job is to nourish you in a sense, to get you started on

    your own and I think youd become something greater then. I hope you do because I believe in

    the same mysteries God is. What will this be? You know? Of course, with some people I could

    see where the beginning and the end are, but you never know in the person that youre going to

    meet. You never know the person youre going to meet. I know theres potential, but I get very

    excited to know how much potential. You just dont know. I mean, how big is a seed for one

    tree? A mighty oak tree could even have a tinier seed and then it fools you. You think it has to be

    the bigger seed and then it doesnt.

    I dont try to anticipate in that way. I just say, Okay. Theres an inquisitive mind. Myjob is to feed it. Thats all I care to do. You know? If a mother nurtures her child and they have

    an instinct to protect it, feed it and nourish it. When I find a student, thats how I feel, and I think

    every student who really gets to know me knows that. Im like a mother. Im like a father. Im

    like an everything. Its just how Ive become. I want to shelter and I want to protect and I want to

    nurture it. I want it, but most of all Im excited as to what this is going to be one day. There you

    go. And I see everybody being different. I dont think there are any two students that I have that I

    would say are extremely alike. And I dont try to make them alike.

    I deal with the problems that I see, and I try to let the good parts run on their own. Thats

    it and if they werent flawed, I wouldnt want them. I dont want perfection because thats a fake


    Im lying. I do want perfection. The perfection I want is beyond most peoples

    comprehension in this world. Its simply being who you are. Its not an imperfection. Just dont

    be all mopey and depressed. Life is too short. Does any of this make any sense now?

    Student: Yes.

    Eric: Do you feel inspired?