dream for indonesia (speech text)

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Thanks to the mercy of God, for the blessing and the opportunity today. And also to all the staffs program who were making this program. My honor to all the juries and the guests. Permit me to stand here something about what a dream to Indonesia. Ladies and gentleman Do you remember how old is Indonesia now? Yes, 68 years old. During 68 years old, we’re free from colonialism and oppression. But, have we got the freedom in economic, social, cultural, and educational? No, I think not. Then, how long we will in such condition? I have a dream that, this country will become a great nation. I’m sure not only me but all the people of Indonesia have a same dream. For example: the prosperity of the people, equitable education, free from illiteracy, free from corruption, the respect among each other and Indonesia will become a country which has a prosperity in technology, economic, education, social, and culture So, what could we only dream and imagine? No! We can make it true! Yes we can! We are the future generation. We can make this nation to be better than before. Then, how do we make it happen? As a student, I have recommended to you. 1. Let’s instill a sense of love in learning. Basically, learning is a process that show someone to find information about something new. By learning, we will get the knowledge. The knowledge will be useful for us now and in the future.

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Dream for Indonesia (Speech text)

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Thanks to the mercy of God, for the blessing and the opportunity today. And also to all the staffs program who were making this program. My honor to all the juries and the guests. Permit me to stand here something about what a dream to Indonesia.

Ladies and gentleman

Do you remember how old is Indonesia now? Yes, 68 years old. During 68 years old, we’re free from colonialism and oppression. But, have we got the freedom in economic, social, cultural, and educational? No, I think not.

Then, how long we will in such condition?

I have a dream that, this country will become a great nation. I’m sure not only me but all the people of Indonesia have a same dream. For example: the prosperity of the people, equitable education, free from illiteracy, free from corruption, the respect among each other and Indonesia will become a country which has a prosperity in technology, economic, education, social, and culture

So, what could we only dream and imagine? No! We can make it true! Yes we can! We are the future generation. We can make this nation to be better than before.

Then, how do we make it happen?

As a student, I have recommended to you.

1. Let’s instill a sense of love in learning.Basically, learning is a process that show someone to find information about something new. By learning, we will get the knowledge. The knowledge will be useful for us now and in the future.Get rid of laziness! Because laziness will only can inhibit the willingness to go forward.

2. Let’s instill a sense of honest to our self.As the younger generation, let’s adorn ourselves with honest characteristic. Because it’s a requirement. What for? In order that the life of society will not get the crisis of honesty because it will make the destruction of corruption, collusion, and nepotism.

3. The implementation of the Pancasila’s value in Daily Life. The values of Indonesia people is the foundation or basis, the willingness to do

Page 2: Dream for Indonesia (Speech text)

something.Our daily behaviors must reflect the noble values of Pancasila.We can implement the values of Pancasila in the family, school, and society. We can start from small things in the family like meeting as between family.Starting from the family and then increased in the school, society, nation, and state.

What is the relationship between expectation and Pancasila? Of course. We expect that should be like this should be like that but, how it will be happened without Pancasila? Those will be difficult to achieve. The implementation of Pancasila’s value is similar to train us to build a good characteristic based on our nation. I think it will be useless if in the future, Indonesia has smart and genius generation if they haven’t a good attitude.

To achieve Indonesian’s dreams and a successful person who has a nice characteristic, it’s not enough only have a high IQ, because a high IQ will only get a way to people own happiness without taking care of other people.

So, when do we start to do it all?

Start from now! Start from the small and yourself.

Ladies and Gentleman

There are many dreams for Indonesia in the future. Those can be happened if each ourselves realize the fate of this nation in the future. “Don’t ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country!”

Okay friends that are my speech today. Sorry if I have some fault. Thanks you for your attention.

Good morning, Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.