dread is a gift

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  • 8/12/2019 Dread is a Gift


    Dread is a Gift


    Feeling dread is a sign from o!r spirit g!ides and the !niverse

    that o! are off path. Do not ignore the feeling of dread or bad

    things will happen. Lets look at dread more closely.

    Do you feel dread when you get up for work in the morning? Do you dread going to your


    Do o! feel dread when o!"re driving home after wor# and have to face o!r

    spo!se or partner$ Do o! drive aro!nd the bloc# a few e%tra times to prepare

    o!rself to deal with an !nhapp home life$ &r simpl to dela the inevitable$

    Do you feel dread when you think about your day? Your future? An upcoming speech? A

    presentation at work? A date with your girlfriend? Sales calls?

    Dread is a clairsentient sensation inside o!r bod that is basicall

    telling o!' ()top' o!"re going the wrong wa. *his wa be tro!ble.

    *his isn"t o!r ideal path. +o!"ve gone off the rails. *hese aren"t the

    droids o!"re loo#ing for.,

    ut dread is awesome precisely because it !S a sign. !ts feedback from the uni"erse. !ts

    there to clue you in to the fact that you are not happy about something in your life.

    Dread is not something to be tolerated. Dread is not something o! want

    to ignore. Dread is a wa#e!p call. t"s a gift.

    #hen you feel dread about anything$ stop and assess your situation.

    !s this a temporary dread like you are dreading making a presentation or going to the

  • 8/12/2019 Dread is a Gift



    %r is this an ongoing permanent dread like$ &!f ! ha"e to spend one more day at this job !

    will shoot myself?'

    *r to identif e%actl what o!"re dreading. (hen ask yourself these


    +a"e ! simply outgrown this situation?

    s it time to move on$

    an ta#e control of the sit!ation and ma#e it better$

    an move laterall into something wo!ld eno more$

    f end this relationship will feel relieved$

    f get this handled will then feel good abo!t the sit!ation$

    Sometimes you ha"e to let go of something completely$ just say &!m out. !m done.'

    f o! feel a sense of relief !st thin#ing abo!t !itting' that"s a sign that

    o! sho!ld do it.

    ut sometimes a situation just needs an adjustment.

    !ll gi"e you an e,ample from my own life about dread and how ! used it to adjust course.

    !n -/ ! started my blog and ! started doing readings shortly thereafter. ! was so e,cited

    to wake up e"ery morning and do readings. !d sometimes do 012- readings a day. And

    !d blog sometimes 3 days a week.

    As the years passed$ howe"er$ started to notice this feeling of dread when tho!ght

    abo!t doing readings and blogging.

    ! checked in with myself. still loved giving readings. nd still loved writing. )o

  • 8/12/2019 Dread is a Gift


    wh was feeling dread$

    !t took me a little bit of time to reali4e that what was feeling was a need to e%pand$

    and doing so many readings and writing so many articles was actually pre"enting me

    from ha"ing the time to e,pand the way ! wanted to.

    ! felt like ! owed it to my readers to keep blogging like a fiend and to keep doing readings

    e"ery day of the week.

    ut a wise friend told me$ &Do what o! want to do. eople will ad!st.'

    So ! cut back on the number of blog posts ! did$ and ! cut back on the number of readings

    ! allowed myself to do each week.

    )!ddenl had space. co!ld breathe. (here was air55

    nd in that space' was able to e%pand. ! started doing professional intuiti"e trainings.

    ! created an audio program. !n short order ! also did a couple of workshops$ a couple of

    teleseminars$ created more products$ and e"en wrote a book on astral projection which !

    thought !d ne"er ha"e time to get to.

    And ! was still blogging and still doing readings. ! was just doing them when ! wanted to$

    not when ! had to.

    And the dread left. ! was on track again. ! was e,cited to get to work each day.

    So ask yourself6 what is ca!sing o! dread$ 3hat is the dread tring to tell o!$

    3hat do o! need to do more of or less of to be happ$ ow co!ld o! change or

    ad!st o!r traector so that o!"re in snc again with o!r path$

    Your path is your own to create. Dread is the clue that you are off course. 7ake

  • 8/12/2019 Dread is a Gift


    adjustments and keep on going.

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