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What is Veganism? Veganism is the most effective choice a person can make to help reduce animal suffering, help the environment and improve personal health. More and more people are choosing to adopt this way of eating for 3 main reasons: health, the environment and animal welfare. A 2012 study demonstrated that approximately 9 million U.S adults were vegetarian. Included in this figure were vegans, this number being approximately 2 million. The figure now for U.S adult vegans could be as high as 6.9 million. Could refocus to UK? 350% increase in vegans over 10 years. Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and any products from make-up and haircare down to household cleaners derived from animal testing. If you don’t like seeing pictures of violence towards animals being posted, you need to help stop the violence, not the pictures.” – Johnny Depp So what do vegans eat?

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What is Veganism?

Veganism is the most effective choice a person can make to help reduce animal suffering, help the environment and improve personal health. More and more people are choosing to adopt this way of eating for 3 main reasons: health, the environment and animal welfare.

A 2012 study demonstrated that approximately 9 million U.S adults were vegetarian. Included in this figure were vegans, this number being approximately 2 million. The figure now for U.S adult vegans could be as high as 6.9 million. Could refocus to UK? 350% increase in vegans over 10 years.

Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and any products from make-up and haircare down to household cleaners derived from animal testing.

“If you don’t like seeing pictures of violence towards animalsbeing posted, you need to help stop the violence,

not the pictures.” – Johnny Depp

So what do vegans eat?

To all you people who are wondering “What on earth can they eat?”, there are lots of different products to choose from.Opposing cruelty can be easy. So get yourself into trying some of the many delicious and convenient vegan products that are available, I promise you’ll be amazed.

Mock meats, made from plant protein, come in a wide range of textures, shapes, and styles: burgers, hot dogs, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ground meat, meatballs, deli slices, ’unchicken` salad, and more.

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Dairy alternatives, made from soy, rice, nuts, seeds, and plant starches, include milks, cheeses, butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, yogurts, frozen desserts.

What are the health benefits?

Animal products are the main source of saturated fat and cholesterol. Studies show that a low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, and in America, heart disease kills 600,000 people a year – that’s 1 in 4 deaths. Could refocus to UK?

Reduced saturated fats: dairy products and meats contain a large amount of saturated fats. By reducing the amount of saturated fats from your diet, you’ll improve your health tremendously, especially when it comes to cardiovascular health.

Potassium: Potassium balances water and acidity in your body and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate toxins. Diets high in potassium have shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Cholesterol: Eliminating any food that comes from an animal and you will eliminate all dietary cholesterol from your diet. Your heart will thank you for that.

Blood pressure: A diet rich in whole grains is beneficial to your health in many ways, including lowering high blood pressure.

Weight loss: A healthy weight loss is a typical result of a smart vegan diet. Eating vegan eliminates most of the unhealthy foods that tend to cause weight issues. Read more about weight loss and a vegan diet here.

Longer life: Several studies indicate that those following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle live an average of three to six years longer than those who do not.Could shorten if you wanted to explore more on animal welfare.

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The vegan Makeup guide

It’s becoming easier every day to find cruelty-free vegan beauty products that will allow you to still wear make-up but in a compassionate way. There is no reason to buy products that have been tested on animals or to support companies that are exploiting animals to turn a profit as there are other brands that are cruelty-free.

It is a quite difficult task to find make-up products that not only haven’t been tested on animals, but that also don’t use any animal product like bees wax for example, which is quite commonly used. When I first looked up vegan makeup brands, I found that there were quite a few cruelty-free brands, but then when you get into the greater details, you find that they are in-fact cruelty free but some brands still used animal product.

Although I did manage to find many vegan makeup brands after rooting through the others that weren’t quite vegan friendly. Some of these brands include: the very popular Urban Decay, Tarte, Beauty without cruelty, 100% pure, and of course, Lush.

This is good but needs a little more focus on animal welfare. You laid out 3 key points and have looked at health and also the environment in more detail.

What is it doing for the environment?

Did you know that you can get almost all vital nutrients you need from eating plant-based foods? That’s because minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and amino acids are in our soil.

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More than 70 percent of the earth’s fresh water is used in agriculture of plants and animals. It takes 100 to 200 times more water to produce a pound of beef than it does to grow a pound of plant foods!

As I’m sure you all are aware is aware it is no secret that we have an energy crisis on our hands—oil prices are skyrocketing and the world is scrambling to find a more peaceful method to power our homes and cars. Meanwhile, people are urged to conserve energy, and one of the best ways of doing so is by skipping out on meat and dairy, which is definitely not the first way you’d think of to save energy!

Good work Ellie.

I have made a few suggestions. Some areas you could cut. Needs to be 600 – 700 words as a final draft.