dr vrielinck's zygoma implant course brussels 2011


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Programme of the forthcoming courses in 2011


Page 1: Dr Vrielinck's Zygoma implant Course Brussels 2011

Graftless solutions

usinG Brånemark system® ZyGoma

Brånemark system® Zygoma

Page 2: Dr Vrielinck's Zygoma implant Course Brussels 2011

Graftless solutions using Brånemark system® Zygoma

Course (2 days)

TargeT group Doctors, experienced dentists and dental techniciansLeveL 2 / 3 Intermediate and advanced

LeCturer Dr. Luc Vrielinck attended the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) where he was trained as a

dentist and a maxillofacial surgeon. In 1989 he started a private practice in Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg

in Genk (Belgium). Since 1999 he is working extensively with computer and model-based implant

planning systems. A special field of interest is the atrophic maxilla and treatment with zygomatic and

pterygoid implants. Dr. Vrielinck has authored several peer reviewed journal articles on the subject of

guided implant placement. He is also conducting NobelGuide™-training courses on a regular basis.

Starting from knowledge gathered from routine implantologic treatment of patients, the

program covers implant and prosthetic treatments for severely atrophic jaws. participants

will be provided a framework of the fundamental steps in diagnostic work-up, different

surgical techniques and different prosthetic techniques. The intermediate level covers

planning and surgery for classic intrasinusal implants, aswell as implants partially crossing

the anterior sinus wall, and use of bar retained overdenture. This will be followed by a more

advanced part describing the techniques of extramaxillary implant placement using the new

“expanded sinuslifting technique”, Quad zygoma technique, fixed crown and bridge work

and immediate loading. We strongly encourage a team approach consisting of a clinician and

dental technician. The program will be endorsed by videotaped surgery, hands-on training

using a dry skull model, hands-on experience with NobelCinician™ for zygoma implant

planning and simulation.

DaTe LoCaTIoN SpeaKer parTICIpaNTS Fee

1st of april 2011

2nd of april 2011

Brussels Dr. Luc vrielinck max. 20 € 1500 excl. 21% vaT

9th of december 2011

10th of december 2011

Brussels Dr. Luc vrielinck max. 20 € 1500 excl. 21% vaT

Page 3: Dr Vrielinck's Zygoma implant Course Brussels 2011

Implant Zygoma

Course contents– History and indications for the

Brånemark System®– Zygoma concept – reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla – Surgical and prosthetic procedures and considerations – recorded surgery – Treatment planning and radiographic considerations – Complications and follow-up – Hands-on training on plastic skulls

Learning outcomesupon completion of this program the dental professional should understand the following concepts:- realize where the limits of conventional implantology are situated in case of progressive maxillary bone resorption- understand the indications where zygomatic implants can be used- Understand the workfl ow from intake

of the patient until fi nal delivery of the prosthesis- understand which prosthetic options are available for restoring zygomatic implants- Have an understanding of the long term results of zygomatic implants- Mentorship options to support the clinician through their fi rst patient treatments.

registrationplease return the registration form on the back side of this invitation to Nobel Biocare by fax on 02/467 41 80, or contact Charlotte van Belle by phone on 02/ 467 41 85 or via mail [email protected]

Page 4: Dr Vrielinck's Zygoma implant Course Brussels 2011


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Send formvia fax +32 2 467 41 80 via mail to Nobel Biocare - roekhout 17 - 1702 groot-Bijgaarden

Brånemark system® Zygoma

Registration Form

Brånemark system® Zygoma