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Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach www.ide.iitkgp.ernet.in

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Page 1: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Dr. S. K. Das MandalCentre for Educational Technology

IIT Kharagpur

20th October 2014

A Pedagogical framework based approach


Page 2: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Limited / expensive educational resources

Teacher-centric : Lecturing and note taking

Small no. of students in class

Slowly changing frontiers of knowledge

No technology tool

No global competition in World of Work

Page 3: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Tomorrow’s World of Education Large variety of high quality learning

resources becoming available on the Net .

Learner-Centric/Flip teaching to be the Norm

Class size will continue to increase ( MOOC ? )

Knowledge growing at ever faster rate.

ICT tools will make access to high quality learning resources easier with time.

Learning no longer a one time affairLesson: Students must learn to

learn on their own

Page 4: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Outcome-based Learning

Outcomes based education (OBE) is a process that involves the restructuring of curriculum, assessment and reporting practices in education to reflect the achievement of high order learning and mastery rather than the accumulation of course credits.

The primary aim of OBE is to facilitate desired changes within the learners, by increasing knowledge, developing skills and/or positively influencing attitudes, values and judgment.

Page 5: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

Mission and Vision Statement

Courses Objective

Teaching Learning Process


Elements of Outcome-based Learning

Page 6: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Select course objectives which promote higher order thinking skills such as Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation and Creativity

Express the objectives as knowledge, skills and attitudes which the students should be able to demonstrate on successful completion of the course, using measurable Action Verbs.

Take advantage of ICT tools to make these available to everyone concerned well in advance.

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Important Steps Choose Appropriate, Challenging but

Achievable Specific Learning Objectives

Write them down in clear and measurable terms using standard action verbs

Prepare study guides / learning strategies with detailed list of learning resources

Make it available early to all concerned

Page 8: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Develop adequate self assessment material well matched with learning objectives to allow students monitor their progress and seek timely help.

Provide suitable technology tools to allow :

♦ students access to learning resources, interact effectively with peers and mentors.

♦ faculty to monitor progress, evaluate and provide timely remedial lessons.

♦ external experts / industry to participate.

Page 9: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Reduce lecture hours and increase tutorial hours to :discuss unsolved problems. conduct formative evaluations .provide individual feedback.allow more time for students to learn Promote use of active learning through

simulation tools, virtual labs and also game based learning.

Design courses to promote collaboration, communication and problem solving.

Page 10: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

A statement of something which is SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE that students should be able to DO after receiving instruction if it

A. The performance component B. The condition component C. The criterion component

Three Important features of a well-written Instructional Objective

Page 11: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Given an English language problem description, define the problem precisely with input/output requirements, examine its inherent

complexity and develop a generic or set of initial solutions (which can be explored for various design options) and justify their correctness

Page 12: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Knowledge:Define:--- To understand the concepts related to Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography

Application:Demonstrate:--- To provide working examples from real-world problems so as to equip students with the confidence to tackle practical scenarios

Analysis:Question:--- To create the mathematical foundation for those students who would like to pursue this area for further research

Page 13: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Mission and Vision of the


Institute Department(s)

Dept #1: Bachelors in XYZProgram E….. Objectives


Dept #1: Bachelors in ABCProgram E….. Objectives


Dept #2: Bachelors in DEFProgram E….. Objectives


Dept #3: Bachelors in IJKProgram E….. Objectives


Dept #3: Bachelors in RSTProgram E….. Objectives


Dept #3: Bachelors in GHIProgram E….. Objectives



Curriculum Design


Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective (CO)

Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective (CO)

Dept #2: Course defCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course defCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course ghiCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course ghiCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course jklcCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course jklcCourse Objective



Page 14: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Curriculum Design


Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective (CO)

Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective (CO)

Dept #2: Course defCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course defCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course ghiCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course ghiCourse Objective


Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective (CO)

Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective (CO)


Course def: Module 1Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 1Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 4Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 4Module Objective (MO)

hashas Unit(s)

Module 2: Unit 1 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 2 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 3 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 4 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 5 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 6 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 7 Unit Objective


Page 15: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Curriculum Design Curriculum Development

Problem(s) /Assignment(s)

Problem 1Problem 2Problem 3Problem 4

Problem 5Problem 6Problem 7

Problem 8Problem 9Problem

10Problem 11Problem 12Problem 13Problem 14Problem 15Problem 16Problem 17


Form groups of 4 Read Chapter XXConsult YYYYYYSee Video ZZZZRefer link abc.com

Form groups of 2 Read Chapter aaaConsult bbbbbSee Video cccccRefer link xyz.com

Suggested Learning Activity

Module Summary

Module Summar


Has 2 pages for each Unit mentioning briefly about them

Module Summar


Has 2 pages for each Unit mentioning briefly about them


Course def: Module 1Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 1Module Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module Objective


Course def: Module 2Module Objective


Course def: Module 3Module Objective


Course def: Module 3Module Objective


Course def: Module 4Module Objective


Course def: Module 4Module Objective



Module 2: Unit 1 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 2 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 3 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 4 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 5 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 6 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 7 Unit Objective


Problem 1Problem




Page 16: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Mission and Vision of the Institu




Dept #1: Bachelors in

XYZProgram E…..

Objectives (PEO)Dept #1:

Bachelors in ABC

Program E….. Objectives

(PEO)Dept #2: Bachelors in

DEFProgram E…..

Objectives (PEO)

Dept #3: Bachelors in IJKProgram E…..

Objectives (PEO)

Dept #3: Bachelors in

RSTProgram E…..

Objectives (PEO)Dept #3:

Bachelors in GHI

Program E….. Objectives



Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course def

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course def

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course ghi

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course ghi

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective



Course def: Module 1Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 1Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 4Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 4Module

Objective (MO)


Module 2: Unit 1 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 2 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 3 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 4 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 5 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 6 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 7 Unit Objective

Curriculum Design Curriculum Development

Problem(s) /Assignment(s)

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Form groups of 4 Read Chapter XXConsult YYYYYYSee Video ZZZZRefer link abc.com

Form groups of 2 Read Chapter aaaConsult bbbbbSee Video cccccRefer link xyz.com

Suggested Learning Activity

Module Summary

Module Summa


Has 2 pages for each Unit mentioning briefly about them

Module Summa


Has 2 pages for each Unit mentioning briefly about them

Curriculum Design and Development

Page 17: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach

Mission and

Vision of the


Institute Department(s)

Dept #1: Bachelors in XYZ

Program E….. Objectives (PEO)

Dept #1: Bachelors in ABC

Program E….. Objectives (PEO)

Dept #2: Bachelors in DEF

Program E….. Objectives (PEO)

Dept #3: Bachelors in IJK

Program E….. Objectives (PEO)

Dept #3: Bachelors in RST

Program E….. Objectives (PEO)


Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course abc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course def

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course def

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course ghi

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course ghi

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective


Dept #2: Course jklc

Course Objective



Course def: Module 1Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 1Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 2Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module

Objective (MO)

Course def: Module 3Module

Objective (MO)


Module 2: Unit 1 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 2 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 3 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 4 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 5 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 6 Unit Objective

Module 2: Unit 7 Unit Objective

Curriculum Design Curriculum Development

Problem(s) /Assignment(s)

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Form groups of 4 Read Chapter XXConsult YYYYYYSee Video ZZZZRefer link abc.com

Form groups of 2 Read Chapter aaaConsult bbbbbSee Video cccccRefer link xyz.com

Suggested Learning Activity



Has 2 pages for each Unit outlining salientIssues,Applicationsetc


Has 2 pages for each Unit outlining salientIssues,Applicationsetc

Curriculum Design and Development

Example of

Mission and


Example of PEOExample of

COExample of

MO Example of UO

Page 18: Dr. S. K. Das Mandal Centre for Educational Technology IIT Kharagpur 20 th October 2014 A Pedagogical framework based approach