Page 1: ^^z-^^mw^^^^^ss^^^^^^s^SL :& · •tneoi o gowaa of the afttmeoe and tioewwwe « m*ff flniaeeil irKb-tbra^ 2^,2

^^z-^^mw^^^^^ss^^^^^^s^SL :&m

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^,<»r»<'a*tl,'^»*>,''('''»'i»*i'H^««<«^if«fc*» » A - » A . J * « ^ - -H"?^*- j

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JVJHlady's Mirror

Jwees •iiim.WhMiuB ipimmii UiHl*m*i^mmm** CoSSKHSSfiSfifJEIE!

«»•„_•_ k , .— 1 ±. ~ "•*•"**tit* eamsil awards aaaF saves.


J f e a feasts* D id . .- > la • Ldn(Joo,&yu*e(jo!a there haa

tees adopted a diet which U miking beantte* of t i e waste family Me«t-ttme, instead of being * trial to tbe Bind and tp the body. l» cow * time, of rest "

Once upon * time tfeis fsw»Hy went through c nerve destroying ordeal * t each meal The servants worked for boars upon tbe dinner: toe wife piaa-ne3 It the day heft**; the hE*<J of ttt* hoasenold viewed It with were or lee* approval. And at the end of the •oa th there was a good bill to ptj .

Sew it Is «tt oeautiftitly stsspllflesi, by thei system Introduced by Or. Beau­fort, who is la a way following ffletch-, er. Hts plam is to eat only «oe thins

, tit * meal or two things at most. Suppose a woman U not aa good'

looking as a t e ought to be, and rop-| pose the family treasury la low. and! suppose the father of the family tt» worried.-end- suppose ^t«-s^~tlua«»j to be bosght. md sot encage ncmgn wltt which to boy them.

| Or aupooae t different ataui Boppoae tb«r» U oeoojh taooaj efarythinr exetptau aqtomobll*.

• Rippoaa th9 father «t tbt £a«Uy ;*»AJCiu! oaaUj daalre. to o v a » « ? • ' What

" j to t* dona about ttt ,W»en the.yoaais Baron OebH* »•! » * • " " « «• * « " * » «»» * " M • - - * ' low ayatam, Jiwt as tt «jJ#ht. b*

to FlttcherKixg. Dr. Baanftoct

Vkata oojwrt»ht by CUaaOla^ j>iaria_a» ccatp*, w i n or

^ «a*i" *VT'fc

c l a ^ ' k *

• * d n ; ^ ; ^

kilM1 rrnqyaoUy. Twict a «rM*tJh«r- ^

Mr*t«at^l'yo» :bowl to»na«»d iia! . . J

att- aaaida ' 1 ^ - f e t l ^ * ^ * ^ ^ ! !

tj trad his appointment a* ambaaaadof IMM* Japan to oar country and took «• Ma work it Washington tO aocti «f compUmantary thlnga war* avid aka«t tha daveruoaa of thla entacpri» 1|t..ino<?a«t wh» «,hly r?PW»|Ot» «>* a#ir Japan. Those who anew turn alyary addad that much of bla aaeeaM

' ^aa«rto«^o 10* rainartaWf'wB*' - ' 'v| pk» la at aadva Japan*** WOUWB. Dot

• p • #doeatk>o wma Aaartcaa. Brya coUace being bar alma mat

n yaara ago aba bacama thw Bar-l-Dc**d«, and eteca th«i «k» «JU

tb# cfcangaa of dlpVoaafttlc tMittog UT««J ta faklDg. K«w

and Vtaaaa before tha WasUbnc-i appatnaxBt took place. . „ T

da for the moat adnmeea aJoong Japftseaa worn

Jbotk a atwUot end a bHMd ~% Jatmtit; jMteraeeed' Je~entMei ie<fvwe5»-' fatenet. See l e -t»

In tha, growing aeaiber of ads- -froea bee -nt tee cowatry

far rmrtoaa profeeetoaw,

funlllaa to ee t )ott one thing at-i "We ate» aasMa atUt. »ltlwe«* »oe»-

tleta oo If ha were bare «s thla.

weeld a»y epiMCB. SUQ later wooid adTtee etawed fruit and wlthoot butter. It worka wetL

contMercd »rre<t for a. yj*a« JgJH, KW »e«l. .uUtuu «t»f i ^ chla^bUJ* a>*

•tneoi oo gowaa of the afttmeoe and tioewwwe « m*ff flniaeeil irKb-tbra^ 2 ^ , 2 ' r tatwmi* typ»-Oee ew» araha^t^

b#»\rpri' IPwae: e n fMHre wSl.'W^8"

rway Uattaay ewre « frieee U tbt

ep. Sb* bee greet prtda b» Hw entrwelty to Toaye, wfcita

a thoaeene atedaats eaa tbe girla axoelleu oppottenJtia*

ettpreeare tbemwerrea far pcnfaaeliieil

e i bare the gown being; eatrtetf vm *m » n tty* .»*l ia ,j»awjnl»etse.. wltb

la a ayetaai thetjjproc^ «jj j ^ ] ^ T t l > w i 5*1 1, ^nc*

" " -' *T«jsfii" «ndi~ a"1 r8ch« of "eacoeoee* ta t ' _ . VmnyHV'* *? ™2*" i lMea1ana.aitt The eeeb 1« o« black Tbe aae ol dnoga for thinning one- ^ 7 " r i . T ^ 1*^* - 2£ -****1

It a»ay not tainrt om womea t« tan. ** w w •»*• *3W ^ W * * J *P^ • «» ab» o n eee, tha.etbar ate* » & » . » * , • • W . rffS;«M?>yjt>>; eetnete* tat. th*l « - e * . eiwe - ^ eefer. Tbe rtrt ia eot wortb' weOe, J ^ * ^ ^ ^ L T ! S , * , S t ' ^ ' • W W » • aaeighUy aafteihia. ' "' ' »» h »e<) with rtlrred eetia t»el a baa4

•tact there art s o aline of arylea •^***5*t w | r « * •»* * • tftaiaai w»» oosaing ber wear, what ta tbe ererfeahy w*1** ** ****• J l 1* *** **!"**i_ .... .

JLtrtce la prolific sad icoeralry not eocepUhiei, Tbfc.a*w*t*;«at f | i a e l ^•^»~,gftwr rafajtti« /^«aiemtf- |w ancfa preie*w » leerp b»r «ge»i by a aykaa] « p t b . vmhmm. k tbaif let>


atrtBTee. " Th*-w*i la- flalabe* at wila ftfe b«tb»e of >eatber a»a

cwt-aeaka It jmrtknlariy ftttabie t» •mm, &&t »'• *s^r*i «rw*- # « i * ' # '

' % ' t lw-^e i f t | r^- f i e ; eUp* -ea aa<Jt i t ta» a :*»r»jr. • Tna

•££;-^^. 'p*""v^,. . '^TMmafc*,-:-


W i a i n Are "inert Bu; r Otlewul Traaauraa. Orteetal ruga after a cert&tn amount

fat; wear end tear begin to ahow rjbf wjpp and aomerlmaa rip When tbl*

i Of ahahoincae la reeehed t * ' er tbey are taken In hand the bet | Carpet thread* in rnfc-c»tOt» a a ; |

I in oanka.In »arioo» piece*, i e few home apent in datnlns end matrtiing ont the daaign in the and orer aampler Ititch make*

rag aa good ae new. With, care aelectad colore for the matching

mended parte will hardly he ao-able If thli almpla precaotloo wi

„ i tbe rag becomee ottflt for eel end either haa to be eent to a pro-ftMonal rug maker or repairer or elae eeMI eaeecondhtnd:"' «---— -.-•-*«

QddJy anlacb,. bowerer. Una ieada i la'eraeei (a »alne to esaie on.

rega that area hi a ragged aad tonditioa tbey, will bring at an

aaT»«to- deeM» taear-oeigiMi price n i n mey fife, W x!t«ree, <r>ote4 as -a ldose" by atntlogoe and auction-

S a deeeriptlon which their condi-certainly jraOOee; -r-. -

1^e laet Ortttj yeara baea eaea great •aWieee la reg^aloea, and- laatancee eeet quoted of ng* whteh bating bean boaght three, decedee f» toe l » 0 axe ae?e=-*aioed;ttllfl00;" '-*-

l&g collecdnr haa more opportnaT-Sea for large proflta when reeelBag tain moat rentnre* into which tb* fair aez may go'Witllcmt censure, and eemoat women hare good taate where flow eorertngs are concerned they rare-tg choose anything; that wilt not bring ai.leaat tbe foil price paid when they want to realise dpon ft.

The woman expert In rags soon sees Is ber mind's eye jnst bow a bedrag­gled, soiled old nig can be mnde to look aa It bangs beside the ""cUooeer, aad many a dealer knowing this bids only on rags that some well knows woman bnyer starts to bid for. Great treeenres have been speared in this way that brought immense gain in a abort apace of time by resale;

pill befonanAalte neaJt r*<a*rtbae . J i ^ . - J J * wff*tttaa, ffjba ptoaie by fllerrtartaaftni to tboaa laeak, • Wfttmbm*. uteTairlci |tf!(ta»|f»j»

O M girl tM*^(ei-«'ep*eatokoa tbe # e a * «»ai»at. the weri -*«B«»aa«. •abject «f tntoalig.: AiTlar Ueteatog te ^JtJmM,im^-f^^immk.Stm aer woea be' tookad at bar o^daeiea|ry. 2 * ? ^ ^ g | JSSiJfMP .%gS!'1^ aiytaavHeaa laiayae tfjea aHMjaee Wt^mm--<*M^*m^»}mm:.i* m year aieal.-awaai^Taate: maiia ^»•^!*l*l•*•^"' ,* ^9i*i'Wt^'

4owe geab-ctn dowa teod. waJcb daw •<•** «»•»•«« dfftMr 'Wttjiis/-...... w e e i j'attlag it «*&.. L'\ aa t W q ^ N ^ T O d r ^ ^ j ^ ^ K . ' DJetUgU-oot iLu^ta£ aadfeeVMei aeae *t tahta, l <ane« Lea, tbe. gad •< lag to ire* aecaaary' thus redadag »)aae« ia the Xom a^rieategy. »aee ' eaaiiiuea One tery iarge woaan baa «laaa- tea tMrej»ita/ff»t«t4t.« .«JI*B»-neaced bereetf tfty peaode by Mttag W%m*fw«xa**tamm«rmmmK; etirytWal' aba Ukta. bet *at±ac • * * ' ••"? -";II"'V,V .*•!' l«u atli. «he h^p, we« . ie«:*#e»: --^^-^i^m^f^WM: ttTuliyiad heroically rafoeeaa eteoad —n,.u.r:f ;J •«.' •T"'!* o f t***™*1* **!&" *«el MaavUrtMtiWiiMHi raatialeae

II M tmpoaatbi* to iky.<ia%ra bird '. V?fa»wrfe' Ua*»rg«r#Al«. ead fttt rule, for d*et&**t ft li atf*J i ^ ( K J . ^ " » * » , Wtrn'm* t . « y we aU eat <°? we*, eepeciaily ^ I p ^ £ Qngm^-missmk .tb« we-" lfae.Jmll.tioo and 4*f<*lare food ^ g , , ,m)m, p ^ ^ m i i i . ^ ^ 4 ^ and food tnrae to aetb Oat down kaaaaiade freocb txaderwear ha* oaiatiry la tbe tntareet of y o w new »,»»? « « » |nji otbir fiWl Bnt real winter coetvxiee (Ulnkineee etfll pre- y^ %^ g -w ippMrtag e a mocb of tbe , a a * • ^2 ;»e4y to waar Ubgerte-wllieli ia MM

reuoaiibl*' atretealelhCxeralae.

It lmparu elaatidty. • And It ia good for one. It will WttnetftW « * * » * , - . . <~ It aires strength and potee to tbe

body. * ' Tbe clothing mitt be tooee 'an* com- <

fortablej To bagib any extrclae one arott aund •

erect. ' • • - . . ( . i The chest eboalft be btgh. the haad|

vp and tbe cbtn la , ' :• „.Tb«gbody.aJhonldreaM*tae balleef! the fa*t not on tha beett. , >

4kt frst It may be enongli te-jaraatbe deepll' and alowiy (mouth t)oa)ei>^liUe etkadlrjg . &•&"&:I^JK^

Thia alone 1* a fine tbia^ tf pratticed 1a tbe open'.a* #f'':aefor» a-wttdow •pea u p and feotjoni fof.fl** or tea nrinnte* twice a *»y..

Now for tbe ajretching. Sweep tbe arme sTowiy ourwird and trpward-tnv ttl. they toncb abore tbe bead, aftlng tbe • chest waSa and atrttcbing tbe arm* .. .^Lower. the_arme .with tbe eweepv~t6«tchlnt them all tbe Uae. f ive time* will be enough at flrat, bruathing deeply and alowiy all tbe tana, »

A Qeod Mtntal Tanie. A* appearance means so much to tbe

aTerago .woman, mentally aa well a* aodaJJy. the question often arises. "Is •be justified in aiding or Improving na-, tare if she sees flt7" Many of <rar) well fenown medical meh think that makeup is as good a mental tonic as] any one &in take and urgently advise Its use, especially tor the gtri who has tome Rllebt personal defeot—a tear, a poor comptesioB or btoodless iSptHfor the knowledge of defects .make* her shy and oftentimes sulky and miser, able

ia tbe taopt at reuoa»bl» sat, o< ;eooraa. sot *r low prkset. trleb cro­chet, illet aoei claay -are Ntttg; c*aa-

atppla "~~~ ~ * ^

aba baaeu^ is 0* ^ealffv jparjaibeja^ ntp .artwjfc 'aa.tta',r^awooi,iiliwt^itag' iaa|-feei*;

•AHERltOON'WAI m^>^ >w.

laJfciat aT_aaJt *^ '^ ^Mu^ai^hl

tW bt0e« baiat'"" triauala*-'Wai»*. . ,

' 1»W tW,.w«lati<aad.

. JWRW*^*?,,-,1'wlak -«a^.llla-#a-!iwa||(i*|ayftja W f f I f


— "frc f •»£•—w&e


5.V,, ' '^;.c^3bV.

'tie ~MI "ritaaeaJ 1


a ^ j ? 5 ; ; - r : f ; i ;

ied/at.fegUaU': ;Vi


* i

It. e u

~" » at3 tbat ba "»a*aWI waavt waaea.'-tiae

•<npip#'i»i' a i*^jjj|f^

,<a^rer--'!twis»v.,jpf paTEn •ler-a»erei^^»e,'we.« ahite : 'Ul i '

yaaear wasaaj j.ta*,'wflab>w>e,1

^•.^f^fe^ •=«(>)»»»••••'' MM*.', ', ' * . - a , , , ^ '

'"_ ^w'iwwir' ,*^.: lws >'k " ''••^.*

A^^tf^r**^'«l f \ ' .#''w

A Smart Effaet A girl with as assortment of Jabots

and frills should study the colors moat becoming'to her and fashion a num­ber of odd tailor bows and khnts *»f velvet and ribbon to put at her thrott « * m sort of fastening for the neek-"wear. She wfll be aurprlaed at tbe

effect gtren by tat ttaaea a t

•': a atne '4tet SBasseets^iae'eU'

- • tbiaaaw: !•«•>**• «*»»—< hetaaaa-•aaBaaw^B^Brwe;* «arw « e a > 4 ^ W f ^aeayaa aTfrwa^aaaBw

*»)<;)» «anwh taa fieat « t (a* ' ~' aait TaNtaetaewa^a.

Waefc rsrrat aad at. ~ Ml aaajar tke seiiteCtnlli

*»^as^awa^a) ••#•*••>' WaJaea^- ayp^'^'jrpa' aaaeaa wJvjal

tatt'eaeareJ* tbe «rtwm.. .-- j-

a^^u^^^A I^^^^^MA^^^ ^B^^^^^^J^^^ v

a a Itbefil rerari

Remove Powder Before Retiring. The most Important tbiag to remem­

ber In the use of powder la its tetm& from jot faep before; rewing. '> VSkw?' lowing it to remain on the akin the pore* become dogged and refaa* to parlbrm' aseif1 eatnrar 'dtMe*; a W l b ;

ibat ao amonnt of powder tg~'—"' iHlleaurely

A saw awe'sttiiti *p> riOTiooAT.. bined witb embroideries-; MSrqnlMtte, cotton vofles, ^r8*b s i % and ^cottoi crape* are beina uaed. W * e » m» flue Uwn and linen, for Hie foundation ftJWc of.*be ;«rioter .Uftgerjev' g j * to tbe est of gowns p'rfeeew sUpe a. •try popular The brassiere contihttea-fa pl>pui«rlry;. owing to tbe cut of cor-aat*,f|4h*''Sliu8trstioD shows a hind-aome dtte? mlde of all over flllet Hum aad trimmed a t the necj|t and sfetree with Mee frill» ran wiailaarroer;^1

^ta\ w-^Sk^m^:t»^ie-


SMleaMd W prafc IZ**,

..TDaT-tbe aigtaar tea irtbfca* retara rtilaiii' aafi Mia Itialalwil ; „ ' ; .m : ^or*'* iJy iag a eeSrttyVy«; I m r

I oat -what y#B.«eoJd,*aH it t-yoo owaetf li '

That inVMttoeant, like medldoe,^!* t •cJtnoe pracUcedl by experts. . . '

Ttst the neoes>Aif-baak«r 1* tbef' best aayiser-wteen b» will aitra)*. ;, ^et eJcpertsdvdlcocOBceraUgflnTeat-, aj«t,-: jgau c«n afford ^0 pay for It ii a«<!*«»aiy " \ < c - •** ^^

Get- fnforfflatson about <.*eeurtti« from ** Btaoy wemim tm potniWe bt-* » baying H

000't Invert harriedly.

- THtTrUrngtl *>»*•, '. lMe» are thai «hl)tri I prise ant aold of deejxst worth: tUfet xt Ui* Mtpphlr* skie*.^ c rt«e»oMll•»ll«flt^)rn^»?•, ' RlxKer of fore***, ewafertot tbeaMNv ffbtdows of doftds ttat awiftlr paat,

5S»ime« t J ' ^ Aa«'ttftb*i«e«

;W«i,..?4..,- , !ji:« ;,V-V

p •• J : 'M* '""ii 'v.w' -"':>•, • ;

aa* pscalT f mi t ly <a»

-S%5 f**V 'aeaady reaaa ataat

- la, naa* daae af

Bat any see la It k* aa

aaalxoa piecea




^ • S 4

*3 djar II

avear MaaUsar saeaid yea anew ia* 'fjflj>j»* ava* baby** »wa aaata* «• briscaers, t* kit* tb* kaby^ aiestaw tabes bare a t

piece of moaqutto Z'Z liatock *rt«Tigaaajr a*T**ri*ei

*bwjd-„aov«nb* l*BOilit_- - ^

•••Ij?* Rka «e as* aaj 1 o*ji or baby boggy aad pcaaaet aay.Aat raW tie jtaaae w e n

JttOr face and bands ftrom tbe deOryi R g » *^M ft&jUfim, adtrtedy * » pre**/laar aaa» ^

j Ariead t a e ' i — - -*-- -^-*-Clattle *»r the •leamere l^«» . i

( 1 « making my boya wsifi blooBMr*,1

seidT"* niHhcr nye-Oy 1 -w»e*twMthofaJknatelaatle Tblstw-TrW

tas<! sr£33^>3»

abtgtt three-eighths of an bach wide aad. costs - or fl enbt a yard. Tbe eiifc Watrtr reioained ia good eoadt^ «k>R daring the entire lift of tbe iBlCt; waO* ibe cotton elastic: alvaya bad ta

;»* ranewed arvaral tunas.

Tt' jwssra afcttt * sfaa^lafa.aasa,^ . i j -

aa cat isaryajdaJaajt .

, a t t ^ t a a a a ^ a s f i a W : i -iuVB-nan

„ - r •aby'a First •aftaet. ^Jft»»et*f» ootid for tea baby asaa% U soowug dainty HO* coat aiada ol «Lk iiopliB for "baajht mOnt" doase huva laaaedarad ttt

^ t h r y aonrem otaatf d. . ,. ehfag. aad. agata othan daep M : twfartly pataa eseeat lar * afcf ,

«* rS^-

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