garbage - · tar church,...

W-<r~*f? J £ -, 5>c^K» •*>«•" ff«PW ^•^wyw ^*wW4ej *gjg^wg; t** *-i x^-^. i . '"•"-»-•--*--*•" i pttfftf Stilitiiii't HftsJH tK.tfce PJWMC of KMrtkawtjfcm. £*•*». Norfaitfc. ....... mam*.»uppt4xmnn. Thrown the generosity «f ta> Catholic public we have taw «i •Med to secure * ttaajiiaesat j»K» tar Church, Presbytery dad School* Wefemrealready built tat Freaky tar? and Sacristy, the tetter of wals) we are using for * Teraporar •birch until snfBcieBt fund* are 1> Mad to build the Church,. Oa at aaeosat will oar good Bishop alio* MI to to into debt. Personally, I an gflid, because to go Into debt wool •MB ruin to this poor Mission, aa w i l d undo all tbe good that I hat s*ea struggling so hard to perforn I have no diocesan grant, remem her, and ao endowment except hop* Not a great kind of endowment W will say, good reader! Bat wal saW'eee, i am by no meana dlacom aa«d. Mnch baa been accomplish*, la tbe past, and—much inore 1 •Mat to be accomplished. 1 have hope in yon, good readar. greatly hope that, yon will help u ta fetag this glorious work. <o aobl S*guB. to a successful and tweedy i« aa%; that yon, In your seal for tfc< •seegresa of Our Holy Faith, will ai teaa a helpiag, hand to ma. _ Tula Mission la the *ole outpost o Catholicism la a division of tkr CsRisty of Ksrtuli. m«ina| i i k ! • tnllee. My people are poor a » Mattered, consequently the waekb •feringa are neceaiarlly very small We muit bare oaulde help tor thi present. I am moat grateful to the* wfca nave helped ui, and truit the} wsM continue thatr charity. To thoae wbo have not helped, i waald lay: "For the sake of Cat tessse, give something. If only a tit He." It la easts? and the saor* ftaeuatt to give than to bag. JBpes* •h* glad hoof when I need ao lews* 'Cor a permanent noma for tfc* sacrament. Address:—father H. W. Gray •atfcoUc Mission, Faksaham, Nor Mk, England. P. 8.—I will gratefally aa* •rawptly acknowledge the imallaa •aaatloa. and aend with my aokaowl •dgaient « beautifoj picture of th- Jevered Heart and our Holy Pstroa St. Anthony of Padua. BPI8COPAL. AtTTHORlTf. Dear Father Gray:—Ton hawt •air accounted for the alms whicl yea have received, and you bar* •laced them aecurely in' the aame* o Meeetaxi troateei. Tour effort! haw* gone Car toward* providing what b accessary for the establishment of a aerenanent Mission at Faksnham._JIJ£, 'aathoHi;* you to continue to s o U c J ^ asats for this object until, in mj Jadsjmeat, tt has beta folly attains* -Teura faithfully In Christ. V. W. KEATING, Bishop of Nortbsmptoa. flelp Ca To Bare the Negro. for twenty-flro years tbe Joseph fte Vatfaers have labored among th- aegroe* of the state of Virginia. AJ ready atiae Mlwloe Stations hsr heel eaiabllshed. These are aap •HMed by 'Satat JosepbV SOssiot SsAae. Others are badly needed t- rettfa our unfortunate colored breib real We appeal to the generosJt of tho faithful to come to our aid I- this glorious "apostolate. St Aa tuaay'i vaioa has' been eatahllshei to support the priests who so gen erfesly den>te tnelr lire* to th» sal Twtton of this people. There ar. 4«e,O0d aegroes la the .state of Vtr ssksa, bwt oaly 3,000 of these ar. Osaaouea; the otters are Igloraat a »aa Weaaftra that Christ beqaailaa. arfimanklnd through. Ufa chttrch. Ot* •Wire asm eftorts are to elrtict » IH aeisloh etch year. Bach miwio etlllon cotts fZ.EOO to er«St V* yw* Jobs 8t- Aathoay'a Vakw, am stetli in die saltation of the souls ths eost tbe blood of Jesus Christ ~U save? "Of all things the most divine 1> to co-operate In the salvation a •eula."—at^CjTll^jof ietgaaleji, „.4ilta»d. - Send si doiatlon to Her. Charls. Hanalgan, St. Joseph's Ulssim etense. Box 841, Richmond. Va. For the Children Nkwaue i fm\mm NtwitMwt'artWAV. aaaaaaansaeaa^saia^aaaaaajsaai Marflwtaa la a wtot u*tf % |A#k| mmSSm S- ^ mmmmm wtw/mn JEWS. rf- 1i*» tow*r c W tm\ « « « ! • » « hyTfc. Nlar- ' W ****„*•#!«. ta y a s V soMttra, bat *fc*e *ho make lug*} IwMaha • a w U s r ^ a* of n ^»^ ,rt *»*'" , ****** m *t* wagr tut *»••*,*•*« *«t* H W t e r a w . ' «»eWleof th* w»«4 ««|ar*tTt»a «t» In »a*3F asisrt Mt*4a ia- taaaie. eapeetoUy :Ja bsrra^si^stf«*»a -tl>efaae* *>i« a**p* wafcfc ^ W*t*P** v ***# J!** yef: ft h*s m«ajr -adaehi, and JaokaioaT Wtc* Jfielf; o?J»aarw( * » ^ tsar« j(s*^ - ^ * ^ ^ - « - -^^- •^"' , "*^ woa*» cnlHTate It because <h*y J*U Warn twcttrlesl »ttala*(rVHlt«? feather a t •t ratbfer high prices. The d*r i a i w a W sldN). * * . *~ ' •> ^ J of maxlhuana alone «c mbtea w l f t JMHJ ithe srtssacsu lie* ^ A nft*«My- o„f t l » btcco cask* Use s,mok«sr-wilder than afasjaaon, s*4, w«a.tairftr/ thar brll**. the. *iSdtWj»*y, feaaaty e—«•» 'T>a> »>a.* at y«m aaat^i »9A israftt *fc*a« y*» «ftt «i»>km eltamoea *m *e» jb*.,^ %fc y«, fdji^-i* \Mfeo. ¥t»hjft :v - wlW beast It is said that l»m«dj«.f<!y(es«wa « ~m«»«r loaf," It la <rft«!aL*fi after the flrst tliwe or war draft* Dthiaek renre^, wftfe »1W»M* »M whlt«: smoke smoker* begin to feet a sllfUjrasetis at toe side. Agaia. tU cro#ti headache, then they see are^jlMttaaa^oHteia^^tB^Jhifiiw^r^Wset mortn«,T(t(a ttnslly U>ejf lose a,ll e«R.Itl»fxft?In«]pT^>ij)t*f^r T jft*aj;ora{iit, •, tnl of tllelr mental faculties. JSvef»4 H*t rlttboni. i»Mb^W«t?«» and «dta> thing, thp* soioltew aay, t a k e * ^fcaffcoasjd in jguKt. «inO>ijthifr''M»«tsl* w shape of s monster, and men look likt ejuije the fad "' dorlls They begin to fight, and pf course. c\erythJng smashed Is a. niqn.' s t w "killed " But there are imadniry beings whom UM wild nan cannot kill, and these Inspire fear until the/ mas ll panic stricken and runs.—M*xfc«n Herald * n « mpaifjod Oo*a»<,k iuVl»a« which co«p(e(eljr wters thCihiilr *»d cpaiaa mtmmmmmmmmm "HIII •**• "-**- • - l b aii«_ »»••*- •• ££• Th* Curse sf Oswdray, j Cowdray once the eatate of the earls at Egraont and n^ow la the poaaeaslpn of I^rd Cowdray, bettar known as Sit Weetmsn Pearswn, Is th« subject oft •ton tateresUng; supcratltlpn. Shortly dissolution of the monaaieriei SiSSteW. wa».^oa^e^^pjan^fedl|t thony Browne, tie father of p% : w$ Ham totejeeatttg storlerhaVe'htetif 5°** *^ , **"?C 1 I fiopyrisht \K0, t>y Atnerion Brest Asia- .-^ ... ^ .... - jijttoa.- •* -- told »f Ate adveutttre« at cats--ott^ land. and sea, but none Is more renjarkable |^ ^ m j^o^ *&&& # than that of the pussy *blcb vent'to ie* io. W«Iter wefflnan's big twllooo. aboreis » plcturo of tl)l» Xaiooiw cat. The Qaras of Magic Larfdar. Standing la a ring, the children tte- gin counting, aa fullow*. vTbev*lasaw-Mejjrs,^!<»n^i*eee^^ next playuf t*ax*. 'Tw?? X sce.^ and so on Is torn till tlio nnmber' seven Is retched. The eeventb player. Jri*t«tu of pronouijclag the tnagle number by saytog',-«*i)Kew ^ eees"-isiyR,-^r-srt-tip one round," »nd ilarte to run round ot the mjw tblajpi that ,h«* »aaartag- ^ l a ^he i^tsaf * * < • * * teoJ(w - ' xir-elrtHtjIa-aa oWLi$w3k. bat ikisyea)* »^w-^ir?hap*»^fakJie»»(iai, Tft^ changaaWe lehfet,^. the hm\ w %[ colotfol and twfce^aa e * * ! ^ aa # «»»ihtatd; fsbrte a^l *i«*ft tNlsfs * Wr^iai^JS^-calorallJitvNiv the>*^ar\ afcl t t l H b ^ Tfalvjffa «wJ D^r* -t*l Teta^esnH »wczt fJtjilnlitWs tfi^scgj *hk> U«i«raa-«bar«cter <If *l»ft *lntih.i . F«rcCafi g^aae aho^rio \v1wj['5*M«5 tlfwj e»ltat.tU(,i' m$H» for tl« N««Vw. patt«mton«oi>ft Oa «Hv^ jfn\t»* th'e ftW*flealJtaaa«> i>rl^t^a -\rjHljs->^ai' detaeuijftHjij'tte: » t « Cjcepoii *h* *t,»»y won*** *s»*k** lthartaftag a t t e m o o s g«*f»»» a n d c M * . .VMM «,|1«attdiSissa^taa^«'«ssMr^^3 lamartlaa) *^fjtaWktt. r»Mn%*(*r ah*( * > a#^« ? ir-#i^ i5t ^, *^P(MrW ^^tf^»r It. WPS ^ ^ P **r «ai aa«: c##ai waa« wit*- t^aeopt «aaj^ ftatiea hfaani aad me ' •fiW* 4Wv Wlfr piwnV» <*MtWae|'i!U| wur b* «•*•« oeboana* , ». - ti«»t »rm» a** aMt?f*>»!b « * imSF f^Tfi^. BatlIfe..AhB»j^ajfejti?aj»^^ s^ atroyed the chnrcb and tfe? c3s5l*6»i 19, Battle Abbey, wa» vliltad la tha'jgrsstj JaaU^afc*e.waa-BoldInr*hI|,;"" She la beW In the arms o( Mcly^>an.|^| one ofNIbe d^poytaaadj unan, engineer of the airship. Pussy wat picked op In the struct* ot At- lantic city hy Jack Irwin, the •wireless operator o( t h e sirship, who thongbt she jsrould be a fine mascot, VMujle pussy wai In {be »ir aho lost hear appe- tite, bn( ou ^ e U> lr d d »y Bloft aho re- covered. Per safety ahe was placed In an air compartment of the lifeboat at- tached to tbe balloon, and -there ahe wis .found when the host was taken aboard tbe steamship Trent, which res- cued Wellmaa»a»d bla men^;^M»oa»ar possy thit uaade s notableflightwas Facee. the kitten that aecoaapirded Uohtant on bis trip in an aeroplane scroaa the Bntllsb. chsnrxl from Part* tojjondkuu - - after soletanly corning him, prophesied. that his family should perish by M > and water. T v o eentarie* and a akU liter the prorhecy was tragkallT fat- filled. In MiW tt^oaaw w*«'«a»tr^. •d by *ra and wllhin a. weak oC that svjsaater tbe laat Lord ltontag««,lo«t his life in aermany In a n wiiaccesafsl attempt to sb^ot th* filla of the BWaa —London News. .... •••V;-..^. - ; -- A.wastarn s«r«tor of * * | ^ pa^aleil BvoporBoa* wait' •8i!WV^,rJ)g'tO"4SB^ah|. * belt at a WaaMiigtqe r^bardaaWy. H* was having a difllcolttiaimtm•»• l^ctlng a belt w h w daesgn stroclr Wl *a^'-a«*^l^^--ot' , f>*Bpsy-faj^ aoen fa foe his girth. .- . "How much to that" ««•>• h*. «** Bsanderiof the jeJtrfc, ''vtKf'^-^mi unaware of the dl*tlniralib»d.' caarsc Tbe next'they get Into th* regular lurclBgI*«I»i "c©:" tho, w* charge for •era by. th* pohaA"- tho r-lroic on the ontaldc plnyer co'iUlrajea. "Eight I next, "Nino 1 see." and so on np to the Chicago RfeordTETemld. next multiple 1 of seven. Theflrstrun ncr tries to get around to his place be* -re "fourtwa*"tj*t«afttea~ 'lfBtei sic ce«sfa! urn lunnw Is ont of the* cohnt- log part of m c name and, thoutgb rc- rnnlnlng In thte circle, must torn nad sbuul faring t>utal(lo. When "foortaoji t ln«r twice note*, the *n>'lng **Po«rt»en two roundn," a n d starta toranaround tbe circlo Iwfowo "iwcntyono," tho elg. ual for "golnw up turee rounaa," Is rcflched. , Each plnyer. bavins a multiple of sovco, spcika accordingly and runs once around tho circle, hut thoae who should bo runnexs eometime* fall to quickly' pecegiaI^''^ > .1facC; 1 iB^ whfijr case they imisrt, turn around and for- feit their count for tho rest of the gam*. - The sjame tbu» soea "on till only one, tho -winner. Is left facing In townrtt the center. Ji Vi fZ ^"Sf*r-^ cl !^#^2??'*i '3c»|*:::tta{*jf;.vittia ; ^ » r W ' % * a * Si J**® liat * a ' ***** PfaJ&Ami»&t**; **<& ' 1 )sJ*^^- 1 aw«' , #ieje* ^aa,. jslr;Va<rB^,K^;paasba«Bi^ the 'eanh'U*rr"b*it. .W~^~**kJ$Mi^&fo!*&?^^ J< ' i « ^ % v. s-7^ l>*' »aV% fi - liflpk |Swk..j»iflW'sirWwMfclWa; aWlpa tall he JUmk .Ja--^oi»'lt*.*r»«a#« fattaofeaatttL '- ,' '.- >''Wl*>.-' <9*f¥ai-. ,iaaA.'^a^?;'ft , ;/''ilt' iwi iiwnnlaa to ~' "' "Is reached, thI»be.l•^ cl,aa « e<, <******&' r T a i ^ ? # * * ^ , . •.:-...•*•- -: fJFWfSi S m l£p$t ?A7» to 1«£r||ttfljt||^to isee. says, i gonp ^^ to ^^ (fa> n % , wfcJ|ft ft | , ,,,•,',•••>-.-,'.*T- .. the complete Latin for "I sm gobs* to rtatlee Kslay Rasa. Tbe chtldnia Stahil In two or fnore ., :>tair ;u»|)tW;^it»fa« .aews^a* ;»«V .the* skirt- fraal-.*'|». #'?ii ;«e'*a<y > ' «< t' '*«i#* i »f'*»^.«*-» ^ % • ' - •" jam <>isjaismi»» "y»"*^*f**«»>--•.--.^1 -«*,. J^^S^|||aa^ .—-v~- -^->.-^ery**H*«r*»?* i *^~' A record of brevity S^binatta'rSe Sh^^^^SttS^-^^^M^^S^ Foltalre and Fltoa, th* a^li^ttnutlst, »b*a^ J^J*«K ~ h'twari y la si holiday eor.'*****T,»««««i io ih^^ffl^arriaa'nsioi »ia,<w>M< iMWi^ *<w** .'HHSS? 1 J 2 1 - f *« .»w«ptly. at^ttHM^TW^iWfliaa*; • V? - i*f «aau*isa*Mi the coahtry.'• Wton'a ahswar "was J«at 'T'-oomplsta Uf% ftr/'dof*' In Dtttlness correspondence the r«c- JOIwBS th* Nmltyv 4uHI»« J*raMt;«<iatm-' '#f'•$£: novelty-of* tiw wftr**":f»r^t* , i-' *St* la ruin*. Xt-ttaw*igh;hja-; ord ia divided' between Victor Hago, t*rtal ,rf'rala^.y6ol : ia''..j^ to know hiw his 'rx^^^i^^i^ .a>m§g{mt^mA'''fmi going,- wxot* to'tba;iliai|«ftW:'JB^''»s^jBi'|^^^ who, anxious Ulsetables" was >piablW^v»r s io»a--the i p*hatt«s$ a i«*e' ttJaiapbaatly rapUed, - r A'e*v!,.H, 1 «., f U*«* JWhan jBOnf H•Mry.tlEE. , ^^ nanJi#."wi* ij>okett in his preface In. tie booee of lerds every peek- prostrated hlmaslt with Aalatlc servJOlry. An entry in the records of the faottie gives tke'ai(i|^: tot-**s-oiie-t^b^»law^llW^^n^ fltit o f each.i*Bk.cafrSlh«. a. i t a g j b R ^ ^ j r *&^. 1 m&feu'&!&> luwdkerchlet,ratceatothe opposit* end ^,.»&* •****0> ^.mm&&i MWg'l* *&•&&&*& 'the'***:" *Wfi- , ^*i*m&' l i&*# ! of the Ime. Ko.-2 starbs Immediately;** tharnaslves, bowtog t o the 'groiaad and npon Wtitimhag handa the*jg^ w » <»• niaa. No. 3. After all have run the- line Whose last i|u> returns tint winM the race. Those at the head of the line, whose ,turn It Is to run next, must jrtandwith the toe on .the line, Iwt. not beyond it. Tttey cannot advance to meet the returning racer. Each line should have « captain t o see that tbe too hard worked to hav| time "to read rules «*e observed; and an umpire anything and t h a i you' ifcven*? in? Iff FASHWT. IWIT, ,J ,-« - ",' "';»** *mttMJimWim*, i*ar * *' ^ , **:<a"a£alM V A'iski.l ^ - " * ' ii M^'' - ^U^iaS ~ j ^ r«,^«^<^ir«i^|5sc^ <• ***•• i l l i "HTMIRr*j *^ia^a-*is* l t-*' k *'*: -%-* rebSi^^ftfvW; *a-wjfs^"*w^wtit ^ .aw-, ia^ 17*^Hi V»»>ti-**('«!'-»»'^.. »• ^r^^^^k* ' ^W^ ,"3*^^^|iwBr4 *>«!«»»*;?*?-' ^{S!^.%;,-^' the li*tfBirt«n| ^srawa^: *$? **Ar» yoB'-wa owner of tMspJaewt': asked the hook agetUV'.', : ,•'-.•*•' 'ft- *mP replied rsracr CornlaaaSI. "Anything I can ao foryoot' ."Wo.. .Toechai»ee< aw >|J^t ; fo^ira ^ should decide points that are ques- aVrrabllshed 187* L. W, Maier's SODS UNDERTAKERS 150 Clinton Are. N. Phones 609 for Any Neffect of GARBAGE TSaiecBbn tolnsrm Prompt Attentf ....... Notify GfNCSH RCDOCTfON CO. fotitof fglbStn** BomelWft Bell l5»ita!s Engert & Co. Canundnmis. 1Vhy is an oraoge like a church atee- pl«? BecsuM we have peats Aoto both, "Whaf Jkhid of at cat lives ia a library? What a^ wondd a sea^dekpenwo ilk* t o be o h ? Aflrtaitlc (It dry affic). What grows the lees tired the longer it works? Ah stubs wheel, when has wit a father? When a pun becomes apjpamt (a parent). Why should' an- architect make a good actor? Because he is excuotat at drawing bowses.' T h e Old** Colours Kaetofc. Did yon kw cohu wexe In awe on early aa 800 ^eaurs B. C.t It la a fscr that a pure silver coin bearlhg a per- fect Aramean inscription of Fanammu Bar Remb, king of Schamol, who reigned at that time, was recently found b r a. Oerraaa coUectcr dnSriig .spoire change' anrio*.,,, gi&'Mk ^k - to the-hlredriMa^^fraihhigcott-WSDr' ' v ,^»W'ifr»!fc>-V*' *I «eve*.a«w a^jOheilid! m ^a*en*ft!r*kch»^^ wife tetf t the feast, b l t . i ^ of'jbJirt'* And War CentlnisaaV IQss Qoodley^-lW.. saya- sbe's rasidy to make np if you arc.. MlsaCottln*-- Tell her tj& be^rnakaJapf itoo. - :lf. x--had % cornpUsxioin ** tittfTOfcgiir- hera.-Pbiladelpbia Ledger. * •'•••• - s ' BEer Mother—tbn must, be pattsisfji with him. The Bride-Oh, I am, ~ that he can't have his own way. know it wni take time him t o a e f « wttt b? fomnd v^l(pproprfttta/w long ,and Mb»rn|c ed>back hi * e t y be* mma mouust wsshinsteriftlti «f ler.oheoor'wodi;--, ftji -«ronts, gtva. . National Traits. '. -,, .. , „„. .. It takes one hour to know a freiich-, ifsae. and the .Hi «,—» w - «=»„««, ™ » ™ . WWMi , ***»• «** « n< ^# *» *«»• * <Ji»«W» »*»*«» Usexptoraioek hi n%thew lifla. % «acl«hnoata l(fetin«»toS«^a*3i|i. to thb tlm* ts« •dsstholhTeBt 5- wrwiptai MoGlM *aWM^, t&t fefomuu wear Aa llrastntsd It It ttfttHed with bands of silk and bsuM* a a*J* jglnrtlt Tbe skirt Is alas gorod wkk two pUlts at eark asaas niDic CHoitLvr. Taaw lUr llantssi saltans a n est «a* wassi frwa »(•• Yt^mfeswtsi W£tM frr theoklrt *•* 1um> hSWH^ IJUMft Utile gM> a w wsaetaw a ta. TaMeafls s n m s t h yet pfeasmB/ Ths Matkrlal m bat th* coat ea* be sjUtaMa cleaHae- saatwtal 1XJIM ' 7ft »*<**J J* "f, £ - :$gj t t -i f x* ^ «L^.. ^^^pl

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Page 1: GARBAGE - · tar Church, Presbytery dad School* We femre already built tat Freaky tar? and Sacristy, the

W-<r~*f? J £ -, 5>c K» •*>«•"


^•^wyw ^*wW4ej *gjg^wg; t * *



i .




Stilitiiii't HftsJH tK.tfce P J W M C of KMrtkawtjfcm.

£ * • * » . Norfaitfc.

....... mam*.»uppt4xmnn.

Thrown the generosity «f ta> Catholic public we have taw «i •Med to secure * ttaajiiaesat j»K» tar Church, Presbytery dad School*

We femre already built tat Freaky tar? and Sacristy, the tetter of wals) we are using for * Teraporar •birch until snfBcieBt fund* are 1> Mad to build the Church,. Oa at aaeosat will oar good Bishop alio* MI to to into debt. Personally, I an gflid, because to go Into debt wool •MB ruin to this poor Mission, aa w i l d undo all tbe good that I hat s*ea struggling so hard to perforn

I have no diocesan grant, remem her, and ao endowment except hop*

Not a great kind of endowment W will say, good reader! Bat wal saW'eee, i am by no meana dlacom aa«d. Mnch baa been accomplish*, la tbe past, and—much inore 1 •Mat to be accomplished.

1 have hope in yon, good readar. greatly hope that, yon will help u ta fetag this glorious work. <o aobl S*guB. to a successful and tweedy i« aa%; that yon, In your seal for tfc< •seegresa of Our Holy Faith, will a i teaa a helpiag, hand to ma. _

Tula Mission la the *ole outpost o Catholicism la a division of tkr CsRisty of Ksrtuli. m « i n a | i i k !• tnllee. My people are poor a » Mattered, consequently the waekb •feringa are neceaiarlly very small We muit bare oaulde help tor thi present. I am moat grateful to the* wfca nave helped ui, and truit the} wsM continue thatr charity.

To thoae wbo have not helped, i waald lay: "For the sake of Cat tessse, give something. If only a tit He." It la easts? and the saor* ftaeuatt to give than to bag. JBpes* •h* glad hoof when I need ao lews*

'Cor a permanent noma for tfc* sacrament.

Address:—father H. W. Gray •atfcoUc Mission, Faksaham, Nor Mk, England.

P. 8.—I will gratefally aa* •rawptly acknowledge the imallaa •aaatloa. and aend with my aokaowl •dgaient « beautifoj picture of th-

Jevered Heart and our Holy Pstroa St. Anthony of Padua.

BPI8COPAL. AtTTHORlTf. Dear Father Gray:—Ton hawt

•air accounted for the alms whicl yea have received, and you bar* •laced them aecurely in' the aame* o Meeetaxi troateei. Tour effort! haw* gone Car toward* providing what b accessary for the establishment of a aerenanent Mission at Faksnham._JIJ£,

'aathoHi;* you to continue to soUcJ^ asats for this object until, in mj Jadsjmeat, tt has beta folly attains* -Teura faithfully In Christ.

V. W. KEATING, Bishop of Nortbsmptoa.

flelp Ca To Bare the Negro.

for twenty-flro years tbe Joseph fte Vatfaers have labored among th-aegroe* of the state of Virginia. AJ ready atiae Mlwloe Stations hsr heel eaiabllshed. These are aap •HMed by 'Satat JosepbV SOssiot SsAae. Others are badly needed t-rettfa our unfortunate colored breib real We appeal to the generosJt of tho faithful to come to our aid I-this glorious "apostolate. S t Aa tuaay'i vaioa has' been eatahllshei to support the priests who so gen erfesly den>te tnelr lire* to th» sal Twtton of this people. There ar. 4«e,O0d aegroes la the .state of Vtr ssksa, bwt oaly 3,000 of these ar. Osaaouea; the otters are Igloraat a »aa Weaaftra that Christ beqaailaa. arfimanklnd through. Ufa chttrch. Ot* •Wire asm eftorts are to elrtict » IH aeisloh etch year. Bach miwio etlllon cotts fZ.EOO to er«St V* yw* Jobs 8t- Aathoay'a Vakw, am stetli in die saltation of the souls ths eost tbe blood of Jesus Christ ~U save?

"Of all things the most divine 1> to co-operate In the salvation a •eula."—at^CjTll^jof ietgaaleji, „.4ilta»d. -

Send si doiatlon to Her. Charls. Hanalgan, St. Joseph's Ulssim etense. Box 841, Richmond. Va.

For the Children Nkwaue ifm\mm


aaaaaaansaeaa saia aaaaaajsaai

Marflwtaa la a wtot u*tf % |A#k|

mmSSm S- ^

mmmmm wtw/mn JEWS. rf-

1i*» tow*r c W tm\ « « « ! • » « hyTfc. Nlar- ' W ****„*•#!«. ta y a s V soMttra, bat *fc*e *ho make lug*} IwMaha •awUsr^ a* of n ^»^,rt*»*'", ****** m *t* wagr tut *»••*,*•*« *«t* H W t e r a w . ' «»eWleof th* w»«4 ««|ar*tTt»a «t» In »a*3F asisrt Mt*4a ia-taaaie. eapeetoUy :Ja bsrra^si^st f«*»a -tl>efaae* *>i« a**p* wafcfc ^ W * t * P * * v * « * * * # J!** yef: ft h*s m«ajr -adaehi, and JaokaioaT Wtc* Jfielf; o?J»aarw( * » ^ tsar« j(s*^ - ^ * ^ ^ - « - -^^- •^"', " * ^ woa*» cnlHTate It because <h*y J*U Warn twcttrlesl »ttala*(rVHlt«? feather a t •t ratbfer high prices. The d*r i a i w a W sldN). * * . *~ ' •> ^ J of maxlhuana alone «c mbtea wlft JMHJ ithe srtssacsu lie* A nft*«My- o„f t l» btcco cask* Use s,mok«sr-wilder than afasjaaon, s*4, w«a.tairftr/ thar brll**. the.

*iSdtWj»*y, feaaaty e—«•» 'T>a> »>a.*

a t y«m a a a t ^ i »9A israftt *fc*a« y*» «ftt «i»>km eltamoea *m *e» j b * . , ^ %fc y « , fdji^-i* \Mfeo. ¥t»hjft : v -

wlW beast It i s said that l»m«dj«.f<!y(es«wa « ~m«»«r loaf," It l a <rft«!aL*fi after the flrst tliwe o r war draft* Dthiaek renre^, wftfe » 1 W » M * » M whlt«: smoke smoker* begin to feet a sllfUjrasetis a t t o e side. Agaia. tU cro#t i headache, then they see are^jlMttaaa^oHteia^^tB^Jhifi iw^r^Wset mortn«,T(t(a ttnslly U>ejf lose a,ll e«R.Itl»fxft?In«]pT^>ij)t*f^rTjft*aj;ora{iit, •, t n l o f tllelr mental faculties. JSvef»4 H*t rlttboni. i»Mb^W«t?«» and «dta> thing, thp* soioltew aay, take* ^fcaffcoasjd in jguKt. «inO>ijthifr''M»«tsl* w shape of s monster, and men look likt ejuije the fad "' dorlls They begin t o fight, and pf course. c\erythJng smashed Is a. niqn.' s tw "killed " But there are imadniry beings whom U M wild n a n cannot kill, and these Inspire fear until the/ m a s ll panic stricken and runs.—M*xfc«n Herald

* n « mpaifjod Oo*a»<,k iuVl»a« which co«p(e(eljr wters thCihiilr * » d cpaiaa

mtmmmmmmmmm "HIII •**• "-**- • - l b a i i « _ »»••*- •• ££•

Th* Curse sf Oswdray, j Cowdray once the eatate of the earls

at Egraont and n ow la the poaaeaslpn of I^rd Cowdray, bettar known as Sit Weetmsn Pearswn, Is th« subject oft •ton tateresUng; supcratltlpn. Shortly dissolution of the monaaieriei SiSSteW. wa».^oa^e^^pjan^fedl|t thony Browne, tie father of p% :w$

Ham totejeeatttg storlerhaVe'htetif 5°** *^,**"?C1I

fiopyrisht \K0, t>y Atnerion Brest Asia-.-^ ... . . . . - jijttoa.- •* --

told » f Ate adveutttre« at cats--ott^ land. and sea, but none Is more renjarkable | ^ ^ m j^o^ *&&& # than that of the pussy *blcb vent'to ie* io. W«Iter wefflnan's big twllooo. aboreis » plcturo of tl)l» Xaiooiw cat.

The Qaras of Magic Larfdar. Standing la a ring, the children tte-

gin counting, aa fullow*. vTbev*lasaw-Mejjrs, !<»n i*eee^^ next playuf t*ax*. 'Tw?? X sce.^ and so on Is torn till tlio nnmber' seven Is retched. The eeventb player. Jri*t«tu of pronouijclag the tnagle number by saytog',-«*i)Kew ^ eees"-isiyR,-^r-srt-tip one round," »nd ilarte to run round

ot the mjw tblajpi that ,h«* »aaartag-^ la ^he i tsaf **<•** teoJ(w - ' xir-elrtHtjIa-aa oWLi$w3k. bat ikisyea)* »^w-^ir?hap*»^fakJie»»(iai, Tft changaaWe lehfet,^. the hm\ w %[ colotfol and twfce^aa e * * ! ^ aa # «»»ihtatd; fsbrte a^l *i«*ft tNlsfs * Wr^iai^JS^-calorallJitvNiv the>*^ar\ afcl tt lHb^ Tfalvjffa «wJ D^r* -t*l Teta esnH »wczt fJtjilnlitWs tfi scgj *hk> U«i«raa-«bar«cter <If *l»ft *lntih.i .

F«rcCafi g^aae aho^rio \v1wj['5*M«5 tlfwj e»ltat.tU(,i' m$H» for tl« N««Vw. patt«m ton «oi>ft Oa «Hv^ jfn\t»* th'e f t W * flealJtaa a«> i>rl t a -\rjHljs-> ai' detaeuijftHjij'tte: » t «

Cjcepoii t» *h* *t,»»y won*** *s»*k** lthartaftag attemoos g«*f»»» a n d c M * .

.VMM «,|1«attdiSissa^taa^«'«ssMr^^3

lamartlaa) *^f j taWktt .

r»Mn%*(*r ah*( * > a # ^ « ? i r - # i ^ i 5 t ^ , *^P(MrW ^^tf^»r It. WPS ^ ^ P

**r «ai aa«: c##ai waa« wit*- t aeopt «aaj^ ftatiea hfaani aad me ' •fiW* 4Wv W l f r piwnV» <*MtWae|'i!U| wur b* «•*•« oeboana* , » . -ti«»t »rm» a** aMt?f*>»!b « * i m S F

f^Tfi^. BatlIfe..AhB»j^ajfejti?aj»^^ s ^

atroyed the chnrcb and tfe? c3s5l*6»i 19, Battle Abbey, wa» vliltad la tha'jgrsstj • JaaU^afc*e.waa-BoldInr*hI|,;""

She la beW In the arms o( M c l y ^ > a n . | ^ | one ofNIbe d^poytaaadj unan, engineer of the airship. Pussy wat picked o p In the struct* ot At­lantic city hy Jack Irwin, the •wireless operator o( t h e sirship, who thongbt she jsrould b e a fine mascot, VMujle pussy wai In {be »ir aho lost hear appe­tite, bn( ou ^ e U>lrd d»y Bloft aho re­covered. Per safety ahe was placed In an air compartment of the lifeboat at­tached to tbe balloon, and -there ahe wis .found when the host was taken aboard tbe steamship Trent, which res­cued Wellmaa»a»d bla men ; M»oa»ar possy thit uaade s notable flight was Facee. the kitten that aecoaapirded Uohtant on bis trip in an aeroplane scroaa the Bntllsb. chsnrxl from Part* tojjondkuu - -

after soletanly corning him, prophesied. that his family should perish by M > and water. T v o eentarie* and a akU liter the prorhecy was tragkallT fat-filled. In MiW tt^oaaw w*«'«a»tr^. • d by *ra and wllhin a. weak oC that svjsaater tbe laat Lord ltontag««,lo«t his life in aermany In an wiiaccesafsl attempt to sb^ot th* filla of the BWaa —London News. . . . . •••V;-.. . -;--

A.wastarn s«r«tor of * * | ^ pa^aleil BvoporBoa* wait' •8i!WV ,rJ)g'tO"4SB ah|. * belt at a WaaMiigtqe r^bardaaWy. H* was having a difllcolt tiaimtm •»• l^ctlng a belt w h w daesgn stroclr Wl *a^'-a«*^l^^--ot' ,f>*Bpsy-faj^ aoen fa foe his girth. .-. "How much to that" ««•>• h*. «**

Bsanderiof the jeJtrfc, ''vtKf'^-^mi unaware of the dl*tlniralib»d.' caarsc

Tbe next'they get Into th* regular lurclBgI*«I»i "c©:" tho, w* charge for •era by. th* pohaA"-

tho r-lroic on the ontaldc plnyer co'iUlrajea. "Eight I next, "Nino 1 see." and so on np to the Chicago RfeordTETemld. next multiple1 of seven. The flrst run ncr tries to get around to his place be*

-re "fourtwa*"tj*t«afttea~ 'lfBtei sic ce«sfa! urn lunnw Is ont of the* cohnt-log part of mc name and, thoutgb rc-rnnlnlng In thte circle, must torn nad sbuul faring t>utal(lo.

When "foortaojit ln«r twice note*, the *n>'lng **Po«rt»en two roundn," and starta to ran around tbe circlo Iwfowo "iwcntyono," tho elg. ual for "golnw up turee rounaa," Is rcflched. , Each plnyer. bavins a multiple of sovco, spcika accordingly and runs once around tho circle, hut thoae who should bo runnexs eometime* fall to quickly' pecegiaI^''^>.1facC;1iB^ whfijr case they imisrt, turn around and for­feit their count for tho rest of the gam*. - The sjame tbu» soea "on till only one, tho -winner. Is left facing In townrtt the center.

JiVifZ ^"Sf*r-^cl!^#^2??'*i '3c»|*:::tta{*jf;.vittia ;^»rW'%*a* Si J**® liat *a' ***** PfaJ&Ami»&t**; **<& '1)sJ*^^-1aw«',#ieje*

^aa,. jslr;Va<rB^,K^;paasba«Bi^ the 'eanh'U*rr"b*it. .W~^~**kJ$Mi^&fo!*&?^^ J<'

i «





liflpk |Swk..j»i flW' sirWwMfclWa; aWlpa tall he JUmk .Ja--^oi»'lt*.*r»«a#« fattaofeaatttL '- ,' '.->''Wl*>.-' <9*f¥ai-. ,iaaA.' a^?;'ft,;/''ilt'

iwi iiwnnlaa to ~' "'

"Is reached, thI»be.l•^cl,aa«e<, <******&' r T a i ^ ? # * * ^ , . •.:-...•*•- -:

fJFWfSi Sml£p$t ?A7» to 1«£r||ttfljt|| to isee. says, i gonp ^ ^ to ^ ^ ( fa> n % , w f c J | f t ft| , ,,,•,',•••>-.-,'.*T- . .

t h e complete Latin for " I sm gobs* to rtatlee

Ks lay Rasa. Tbe chtldnia Stahil In two or fnore

., :>tair ;u»|)tW;^it»fa« .aews^a* ;»«V .the* skirt- fraal-.*'|». #'?ii

;«e'*a<y>' «< t '

' * « i # * i » f ' * » ^ . « * - » ^ % • ' - •"

jam <>isjaismi»» • "y»"* *f**«»>--•.--. 1 -«*,.. •

J ^ ^ S ^ | | | a a ^ .—-v~- -^->.-^ery**H*«r*»?*i*^~' A record of brevity

S^binatta'rSe S h ^ ^ ^ ^ S t t S ^ - ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ S ^ Foltalre and Fltoa, th* a^l i^t tnut ls t , »b*a^ J ^ J * « K ~

h'twari y la si holiday eor.'*****T,»««««i io ih^^ffl^arriaa'nsioi »ia,<w>M< iMWi *<w**

.'HHSS?1 J 2 1 - f *« .»w«ptly. at^ttHM^TW^iWfliaa*; • V? - i*f «aau*isa*Mi

the coahtry.'• Wton'a ahswar "was J«at 'T'-oomplsta Uf% ftr/'dof*'

In Dtttlness correspondence the r«c- JOIwBS

th* Nmltyv 4uHI»« J*raMt;«<iatm-'


• novelty-of* t i w wftr**":f»r^t*,i-' *St* l a ruin*. Xt-ttaw*igh;hja-;

ord ia divided' between Victor Hago, t*rtal ,r f 'rala^.y6ol : ia''..j^ to know hiw his 'rx^^^i^^i^ .a>m§g{mt^mA'''fmi

going,- wxot* to'tba;iliai|«ftW:'JB^''»s^jBi'|^^^

who, anxious Ulsetables" was >piablW^v»rsio»a--thei p*hatt«s$ai«*e' ttJaiapbaatly rapUed, - r

— A ' e * v ! , . H , 1 « . , f U*«* JWhan jBOnf H•Mry.tlEE.,^^ nanJi#."wi*

ij>okett in his preface In. tie booee of lerds every peek- prostrated hlmaslt with Aalatlc servJOlry. An entry in the records of the faottie gives tke'ai(i|^:

tot-**s-oiie-t^b^»law^llW^^n^ fltit of each.i*Bk.cafrSlh«. a. i t a g j b R ^ ^ j r *&^.1m&feu'&!&> luwdkerchlet, ratcea to the opposit* end ^,.»&* •****0> ^.mm&&i •

MWg'l* *&•&&&*& 'the'***:" *Wfi-,^*i*m&'li&*#!

of the Ime. K o . - 2 starbs Immediately;** tharnaslves, bowtog t o the 'groiaad and npon Wtitimhag handa the*jg^ w » <»• niaa. No. 3 . After al l have run the- line Whose last i |u> returns tint winM the race. Those a t the head of the line, whose ,turn It Is to run next, must jrtandwith the t o e on .the line, Iwt. not beyond it. Tttey cannot advance to meet t h e returning racer. Each line should have « captain t o see t h a t tbe too hard worked t o hav | t ime "to read rules « * e observed; and an umpire anything and t h a i you' ifcven*? i n ?

Iff FASHWT. IWIT, , J , -« - ",' " ';»** *mttMJimWim*, i*ar • * *' ^ , **:<a"a£alM V A'iski.l ^ - " * ' i i M ^ ' ' - ^ U ^ i a S ~ j ^

r«, «^< ir«i |5sc^ <• ***•• i l l i "HTMIRr*j

* ^ i a ^ a - * i s * l t - * ' k * ' * : -%-*

rebSi^^ftfvW; *a-wjfs^"*w^wtit ^ .aw-, i a ^ 17*^Hi

V»»>ti -**( '«! ' -»»'^. . » •

^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ k * ' W ^ ,"3*^^^|iwBr4



the li*tfBirt«n| srawa^: *$? **Ar» yoB'-wa owner of tMspJaewt':

asked the hook agetUV'.',: ,•'-.•*•' 'ft- *mP replied rsracr CornlaaaSI. •

"Anything I can ao foryoot' ."Wo.. .Toechai»ee< aw >|J^t;fo^ira ^

should decide points that are ques-

aVrrabllshed 187*


150 Clinton Are . N. Phones 609

for Any Neffect of

GARBAGE TSaiecBbn t o l n s r m Prompt Attentf

....... Notify GfNCSH RCDOCTfON CO.

fotitof fglbStn** BomelWft Bell l5»ita!s

Engert & Co.

Canundnmis. 1Vhy i s an oraoge like a church atee-

pl«? BecsuM w e have peats Aoto both,

"Whaf Jkhid of at cat lives ia a library?

What a ^ wondd a sea^dekpenwo ilk* to be o h ? Aflrtaitlc (It dry affic).

What grows t h e lees tired the longer i t works? Ah stubs wheel,

when has w i t a father? When a pun becomes apjpamt (a parent).

Why should' an- architect make a good actor? Because h e is excuotat a t drawing bowses.'

T h e Old** Colours Kaetofc. Did y o n kw cohu wexe In awe on

early aa 800 ^eaurs B. C.t It la a fscr that a pure silver coin bearlhg a per­fect Aramean inscription o f Fanammu Bar Remb, king of Schamol, who reigned at that time, was recently found b r a. Oerraaa coUectcr dnSriig

.spoire change' anr io* . , , ,gi&'Mk ^ k -to the-hlredriMa^^fraihhigcott-WSDr'

' v , »W'ifr»!fc>-V*' * I «eve*.a«w a^jOheilid! m ^ a * e n * f t ! r * k c h » ^ ^

wife tetf t the feast, b l t . i ^ of'jbJirt'*

And War CentlnisaaV IQss Qoodley^-lW.. saya- sbe's rasidy

to make np if you arc.. MlsaCottln*--Tell her tj& be^rnakaJapf itoo. -:lf. x--had % cornpUsxioin * * tittfTOfcgiir-hera.-Pbiladelpbia Ledger. * •'•••• - s ' •

BEer Mother—tbn must, be pattsisfji with him. The Bride-Oh, I am, ~

that he can't have his own way. know it wni take time f « him t o a e f « wttt b? fomnd v ^ l ( p p r o p r f t t t a / w

long ,and M b » r n | c ed>back hi * e t y be* mma mouust

wsshinsteriftlti «f ler.oheoor'wodi;--, ftji -«ronts, gtva. . National Traits. '. -,, .. , „„. ..

It takes one hour to know a freiich-, ifsae. and the .Hi «,—» w - «=»„««, ™»™. W W M i , ***»• «** «n<^# *» *«»• * <Ji»«W» »*»*«» Usexptoraioek hi n%thew l i f la . % «acl«hnoata l(fetin«»toS«^a*3i|i . to thb tlm* ts« •dsstholhTeBt

5- wrwiptai MoGlM *aWM^, t&t fefomuu wear Aa llrastntsd It It ttfttHed with bands of silk and bsuM* a a*J* jglnrtlt Tbe skirt Is a la s gorod w k k two pUlts at eark asaas

niDic CHoitLvr. Taaw lUr llantssi saltans a n est

«a* wassi frwa » ( • • Yt^m feswt si W £ t M frr theoklrt * • * 1 u m >


IJUMft Utile gM> aw wsaetaw a

ta. TaMeafls snmsth yet pfeasmB/ Ths Matkrlal m bat th* coat ea* be sjUtaMa cleaHae- saatwtal

1XJIM ' 7ft

»*<**J J *

"f, £ - :$gj tt -i f x* ^

«L .. ^^^pl