Page 1: Xylan hydrolysis in Populus trichocarpa×P. … hydrolysis in Populus...Xylan hydrolysis in Populus trichocarpa P. deltoides and model substrates during hydrothermal pretreatment

Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210

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Xylan hydrolysis in Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides and modelsubstrates during hydrothermal pretreatment� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: 4M KOH PC, 4 M KOH extraction post(P) sodium chlorite(C) extraction; AG, arabinogalactan; AIR, alcohol insoluble residue; BX, birchwood xdeionized; DP, degree of polymerization; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HC, holocellulose; HG, homogalacturonan backbone; HPLC, high pressuchromatography; mAbs, monoclonal antibodies; m/z, mass to charge ratio; PtPd, P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides; RG-I/AG, pectic-arabinogalactan; UPLC–MS, uperformance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry; XG, xyloglucans.⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Center for Environmental Research and Technology, Bourns College of Eng

University of California Riverside, 1084 Columbia Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, USA. Tel.: +1 951 781 5703.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H.L. Trajano), [email protected] (S. Pattathil), [email protected] (B.A. Tomkins), [email protected] (T.J. Tsch

[email protected] (M.G. Hahn), [email protected] (G.J. Van Berkel), [email protected] (C.E. Wyman).1 Permanent address.

Heather L. Trajano a,b,f, Sivakumar Pattathil c,f, Bruce A. Tomkins d,f, Timothy J. Tschaplinski e,f,Michael G. Hahn c,f, Gary J. Van Berkel d,f, Charles E. Wyman a,f,⇑a Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Center for Environmental Research and Technology, Bourns College of Engineering, University of CaliforniaRiverside, 1084 Columbia Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, USAb Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3, Canada1

c Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, The University of Georgia, 315 Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602, USAd Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008 MS6341, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USAe Biosciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008 MS6341, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USAf BioEnergy Science Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008 MS6341, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

� Hydrothermal pretreatment was performed in a flow-through reactor.� Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellulose, and birchwood xylan were used.� Xylan hydrolysis was followed by glycome profiling and chromatography.� Lignin–carbohydrate and xylan–cellulose bonds limited xylan hydrolysis.� Cell wall structure strongly affected biomass deconstruction.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 16 September 2014Received in revised form 20 November 2014Accepted 21 November 2014Available online 27 November 2014

Keywords:HydrolysisHemicelluloseLignin–carbohydrate complex

a b s t r a c t

Previous studies defined easy and difficult to hydrolyze fractions of hemicellulose that may result frombonds among cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. To understand how such bonds affect hydrolysis, Pop-ulus trichocarpa � Populus deltoides, holocellulose isolated from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and birch-wood xylan were subjected to hydrothermal flow-through pretreatment. Samples were characterizedby glycome profiling, HPLC, and UPLC–MS. Glycome profiling revealed steady fragmentation and removalof glycans from solids during hydrolysis. The extent of polysaccharide fragmentation, hydrolysis rate, andtotal xylose yield were lowest for P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and greatest for birchwood xylan. Compar-ison of results from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and holocellulose suggested that lignin–carbohydratecomplexes reduce hydrolysis rates and limit release of large xylooligomers. Smaller differences betweenresults with holocellulose and birchwood xylan suggest xylan–cellulose hydrogen bonds limited hydro-lysis, but to a lesser extent. These findings imply cell wall structure strongly influences hydrolysis.

� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction search for renewable fuels. Lignocellulose is the only sufficiently

Growing demand for petroleum derived fuels coupled with theneed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have prompted the

abundant low cost resource for large-scale economic productionof liquid transportation fuels. Biological conversion of lignocellu-lose to ethanol relies upon pretreatment to overcome the inherent

ylan; DI,re liquidltra-high



Page 2: Xylan hydrolysis in Populus trichocarpa×P. … hydrolysis in Populus...Xylan hydrolysis in Populus trichocarpa P. deltoides and model substrates during hydrothermal pretreatment

Table 1Composition (wt%) of Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellulose isolated from P.trichocarpa � P. deltoides and birchwood xylan (Sigma–Aldrich, Lot 010M0169).Standard deviations of triplicate measurements are provided in brackets.

Substrate Glucan(wt%)


Klason lignin(wt%)

P. trichocarpa � P.deltoides

40.5 (0.2) 11.5 (0.4) 22.7 (0.1)

Holocellulose 58.0 (0.7) 21.2 (0.2) Not detectedBirchwood xylan 1.6 (0.9) 67.3 (1.7) Not detected

H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210 203

recalcitrance of biomass to enzymatic hydrolysis. Some have con-cluded that hemicellulose removal is a key to increasing enzymaticdigestibility (Kumar and Wyman, 2010; Leu and Zhu, 2013).Hydrothermal pretreatment with water at elevated temperaturesremoves hemicellulose through hydrolysis to oligomers and mono-mers (Kim et al., 2013).

The hemicellulose of Populus trichocarpa � Populus deltoideswood, a promising North American biofuel feedstock, consists pri-marily of xylans (Sannigrahi et al., 2010). Glucuronoxylans are theprimary hemicellulose in the secondary cell walls of poplar woodand have a xylan backbone with O-acetyl substitutions and 4-O-methyl a-D-glucosyluronic acid side chain residues (Albersheimet al., 2011). Cellulose and hemicelluloses are thought to interactvia hydrogen bonds to form important polysaccharide networkswithin plant cell walls (Abramson et al., 2013; Faik, 2013). Hemi-cellulose is also covalently bound to lignin through ester linkages,ether linkages, and indirect ester-ether bridges to form lignin–car-bohydrate complexes (Albersheim et al., 2011).

Kobayashi and Sakai (1956) were the first to note that the initialrate of xylan hydrolysis was much faster compared to the rate laterin pretreatment; they attributed this to the presence of fast react-ing and slow reacting xylan fractions. Multiple kinetic models havesince incorporated this biphasic behavior (Conner, 1984; Garroteet al., 1999; Kim et al., 2013; Maloney et al., 1985; Zhu et al.,2012). The most frequently proposed cause for this behavior is dif-ferences in intrinsic reactivity due to cell wall structure (Maloneyet al., 1985), lignin–carbohydrate bonds (Chen et al., 2010;Conner, 1984; Lee et al., 1999) and hemicellulose-cellulose interac-tions (Lee et al., 1999). Although many have suggested such fea-tures could explain the biphasic breakdown of hemicellulose,limited results to date verify this hypothesis. Development of moremechanistic hydrolysis models requires a deeper understanding ofhow cell wall structure affects hemicellulose hydrolysis(Abatzoglou et al., 1992; Gray et al., 2007; Liu and Wyman, 2003).

The absence of such models is in part due to the challenge ofcharacterizing biomass; sophisticated chemical analyses do notlend themselves to process development efforts. The recent growthin the number of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and probes suchas carbohydrate binding modules now enable sophisticated andrapid studies of cell wall composition and structure (Knox, 1997;Pattathil et al., 2012; Willats et al., 2000).

A second challenge to the detailed analysis of hemicellulosehydrolysis is the use of batch reactors. Xylose and xylooligomersreact to generate products such as furfural and pseudo-lignin(Kim et al., 2013; Saeman, 1945; Sannigrahi et al., 2011), and cool-ing results in product precipitation (Gray et al., 2007). In a fixedbed flow-through reactor, soluble products are rapidly removedfrom the reactor after formation, thus improving the developmentof product profiles as a function of time (Liu and Wyman, 2003;Mok and Antal, 1992; Song et al., 2012). Pumping, heating, andtreating large volumes of water for flow-through pretreatmentwould be difficult on a commercial scale; therefore flow-throughreactors are currently limited to laboratory use, where they none-theless provide useful information about the pretreatment process.

The objective of this study is to determine the influence ofxylan–cellulose hydrogen bonds and xylan-lignin bonds on thehydrolysis of poplar xylan. P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellu-lose (i.e., the cellulose and hemicellulose fraction left after deligni-fication of the cell wall) isolated from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides,and birchwood xylan were pretreated in a fixed bed flow-throughreactor. Differences in glycome profiles of the pretreated solids,xylan removal, and oligomer release from P. trichocarpa � P. delto-ides and holocellulose provided insights into the influence of car-bohydrate–lignin bonds on xylan removal, while differences inthe behavior of holocellulose and birchwood xylan reflected theinfluence of xylan–cellulose hydrogen bonds.

2. Methods

2.1. P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellulose, and birchwood xylan

Stemwood of hybrid cottonwood poplar, P. trichocarpa � P. del-toides ‘53-239’ #, was provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory,TN. Logs were debarked, split with an axe, chipped (Yard Machines10HP, MTD Products Inc., Cleveland, OH), and knife milled (Model4 Wiley Mill, Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ) through a 1 mmscreen size. The material was further milled to particles withdimensions of 0.18 mm to 0.85 mm (Thomas-Wiley LaboratoryMill Model 4, Arthur H. Thomas Company, Philadelphia, PA).

Cellulose and hemicellulose were isolated from this material toproduce holocellulose by first removing extractives following theprocedure by Sluiter et al. (2005). Lignin was then removed fromthe extractive-free solids by the oxidative treatment outlined byZhang et al. (2006) and Wickholm et al. (1998). In brief, extrac-tive-free milled P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides stemwood was dis-persed in deionized (DI) water (100 mL/g sample) with sodiumchlorite (40% by dry weight of sample) and glacial acetic acid(10% by dry weight of sample) in a sealed plastic pouch (Kapak Cor-poration, Minneapolis, MN). The pouch was then placed in a recip-rocating water bath at 70 �C for one hour. This treatment wasrepeated three more times. The holocellulose was recovered by fil-tration and washed thoroughly with DI water. The second modelsubstrate, birchwood xylan, was purchased from Sigma–Aldrich(Lot 010M0169). The composition of the three substrates isreported in Table 1.

2.2. Pretreatment

P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and model substrates were sub-jected to flow-through pretreatment at 180 �C using the flow-through reactor system and methods described by Trajano et al.(2013) with adjustments to the mass of biomass loaded, set pres-sure, and sand bath and reactor temperatures. Briefly, the primarysystem components are a pump, heating coil, reactor, and coolingcoil. The heating coil and reactor are submerged in a fluidized sandbath, while the cooling coil is submerged in a water bath. Water isheated as it is pumped to the reactor. The product stream exits thereactor and is immediately cooled prior to collection; the productstream is not recycled to the reactor inlet. The reactor was loadedwith 1 g biomass on a moisture free basis. A back pressure valvewas adjusted to 1.1 MPa gauge and water flow rate was adjustedto 20 mL/min. The sand bath was heated to 190 �C. Time zero forthe reaction was defined as the point when the reactor tempera-ture reached 178 �C. Reactions lasted 3–12 min; liquid sampleswere collected over successive 3 min intervals. The reactor temper-ature fluctuated between 178 �C and 181 �C during each run withan average reactor temperature of �180 �C. A run was also per-formed in which the reactor was cooled immediately after reaching178 �C; this generated the material designated as 0 min.

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Table 2Concentration profiles of acetonitrile with 10 lM sodium acetate (Solvent A) andwater with 10 lM sodium acetate (Solvent B) during ultra-high performance liquidchromatography–mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS) analysis of pretreatmenthydrolysate.


Concentration ofSolvent A (v/v%)

Concentration ofSolvent B (v/v%)

Flow rate(mL/min)

0 80 20 0.51.0 80 20 0.52.0 70 30 0.52.1 5 95 0.53.0 5 95 0.53.1 80 20 0.5

204 H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210

2.3. Glycome profiling

Glycome profiling (Pattathil et al., 2012) consists of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) screening of solubilized cellwall components recovered from solid substrates by sequentialextractions of increasing severity against a comprehensive toolkitof cell wall glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies (Pattathilet al., 2010) to examine cell wall compositional and structuralchanges caused by hydrothermal pretreatment by identifying theglycan components present in each extract. The most looselybound components are solubilized by the first extraction (oxalate),whereas the most tightly bound components are released in thelast (4 M KOH post chlorite extraction – 4 M KOH PC). Sequentialcell wall extractions and ELISAs of biomass residues were per-formed as described by Pattathil et al. (2012). The ELISA platewas loaded with a constant amount of carbohydrate. The profilingwas conducted as two technical replicates, and the data reportedare the averages of the replicates. Plant cell wall glycan directedmonoclonal antibodies were obtained as laboratory stocks ofhybridoma cell culture supernatants from the Complex Carbohy-drate Research Center; these antibodies can be obtained from Car-boSource Services ( JIM, MAC and CCRCseries). Other antibodies used were purchased from BiosuppliesAustralia (Parkville, Victoria, Australia, LAMP and BG-1 antibodies)and were used per the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.4. Analysis of total sugar oligomer content of hydrolysates

The post-hydrolysis procedure described by Sluiter et al. (2006)was used to determine the total sugar content of the hydrolysate.Sugars were detected by high pressure liquid chromatography(HPLC) using an Aminex HPX-87H column (BioRad, Hercules, CA)heated to 65 �C with a separation module (Alliance 2695, WatersAssociates, Milford, MA) equipped with a refractive index detector(Model 2414, Waters Associates, Milford, MA). The eluent was0.005 M sulfuric acid in the isocratic mode.

2.5. Analysis of oligomer content (DP 6 6) of hydrolysates by ultra-high performance liquid chromatographic separations with massspectrometric detection

The hydrolysates were analyzed using ultra-high performanceliquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS) toidentify and quantify xylooligomers with a degree of polymeriza-tion (DP) up to and including six. Standards, with purity > 95%,were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, MO), TorontoResearch Chemicals, Inc. (North York, Ontario, Canada) or Mega-zyme International Ireland (Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland), andwere used as received. Standards were prepared in 80/20 (v/v) ace-tonitrile/water using Fisher Optima� LC/MS grade solvents (FisherScientific, Fair Lawn, NJ). The acetonitrile and water eluents wereboth prepared using Optima� grade solvent and contained 10 lMreagent-grade sodium acetate as a modifier.

All samples were filtered through a 0.2 lm porosity nylon filter(Cat. 24137, Grace Davison Discovery Sciences, Deerfield, IL) priorto analysis. Each sample was diluted fifty- to five-hundred-foldusing 80/20 (v/v) acetonitrile/water.

Oligomers were separated using an ACQUITY™ Ultra Perfor-mance Liquid Chromatograph equipped with a sample manager,binary solvent manager, and a BEH� HILIC UPLC column (2.1 mmi.d. � 100 mm length, packed with 1.7 lm diameter particles), allfrom Waters Associates (Milford, MA). The injection volume was0.5 lL. The column oven and sample manager temperatures weremaintained at 35 and 4 �C, respectively. A linear gradient separa-tion employing acetonitrile/10 lM sodium acetate (Solvent A)and water/10 lM sodium acetate (Solvent B), described in Table 2,

was used. The eluent flow rate was maintained at 0.5 mL/min.Sample-to-sample analysis time was approximately 6 min. Allsamples were analyzed in at least triplicate.

Sodiated analogs (M + Na+) of the oligomers were formed in theion source using micromolar concentrations of sodium acetate,which was added to the eluent. The resulting products weredetected using an AB/SCIEX 4000 QTrap(r) System (AB/Sciex, FosterCity, CA, USA) operated in the single-ion monitoring mode employ-ing electrospray ionization in the positive ionization mode. Xylo-dextrins were detected at m/z 305.1, 437.2, 569.2, 701.3, and833.3, corresponding to xylobiose (DP2), -triose (DP3), -tetraose(DP3), -pentaose (DP5), and -hexaose (DP6), respectively. Theinstrument was optimized for detection of each target m/z value.

2.6. Structural carbohydrate and Klason lignin analysis

The compositions of the raw and pretreated solids were deter-mined using the two-step acid hydrolysis procedure outlined bySluiter et al. (2011). Sugars were detected using the HPLC configu-ration described in Section 2.4.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Changes in glycan composition

Cell wall compositional and structural changes caused byhydrothermal pretreatment were examined by glycome profiling;this was complemented by bulk compositional analysis. The gly-come profiles of raw and pretreated P. trichocarpa � P. deltoidesare shown in Fig. 1. Each column represents an increase in pre-treatment time, and within each column, the series of increasinglysevere extracts (as labeled at the bottom of each heat map) aredepicted. The amount of material recovered in each extract wasplotted in the top-most bar graphs. Thus, the relative abundanceof an epitope is a function of both the amount of material recov-ered in each extract and the antibody binding intensity. Compari-son of the amount of material recovered after each extractionstep per gram of alcohol insoluble residue (AIR, top most bargraphs) from untreated material and material subjected to onlyheat up for pretreatment (0 min) showed that the heating periodnotably increased cell wall extractability, indicating a looseningof the cell wall. This cell wall loosening was also observed in thebiomass recovered after 3 min of pretreatment. In addition, it canbe seen that as soon as biomass was exposed to elevated temper-ature (0 min sample), significant amounts of arabinogalactan (AG),pectic-arabinogalactan (RG-I/AG), and homogalacturonan (HGbackbone) epitopes were no longer detectable in the mild oxalateand carbonate extracts. The drop in binding intensities of mAbsmay be due to either removal of epitope structures from the cellwall glycans present in the residual solids or pretreatment-inducedfragmentation of these polysaccharides to smaller molecules thatcannot stick to the ELISA plate. DeMartini et al. (2011) applied gly-

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Fig. 1. Glycome profile of untreated and pretreated Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides. The residual solids recovered after each pretreatment were extracted with solvents inthe following order of increasing severity: 50 mM ammonium oxalate, 50 mM sodium carbonate, 1 M KOH, 4 M KOH, sodium chlorite, and a second 4 M KOH extraction (4 MKOH PC). Extracts were loaded onto ELISA plates at a constant carbohydrate loading and screened against an array of plant glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies (rightlegend panel). Each column represents an increase in pretreatment time and within each column is the series of sequential extracts. Antibody binding is represented ascolored heat maps; black signifies no binding, pink/red represent intermediate binding, and bright yellow represents the strongest binding. The bar graphs at the top indicatethe amount of soluble material recovered in each extract per gram of alcohol insoluble residue (AIR). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, thereader is referred to the web version of this article.)

H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210 205

come profiling, molecular sieve chromatography, and immunola-beling to P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides samples after batch hydro-thermal pretreatment and found that the drop in bindingintensity was due to both fragmentation of polysaccharides andepitope removal. As the biomass used in this study came from atree in the same stand as the tree used by DeMartini et al.(2011), the drop in binding intensity after flow-through pretreat-ment is likely due to similar changes. Epitopes recognized in 4 M

KOH PC extracts of the untreated and 0 min residues, were associ-ated with lignin and not detected in the residues after 3 min of pre-treatment, indicating removal and/or significant epitopefragmentation. Xylan epitopes, recognized by xylan-4 throughxylan-7 groups of mAbs and present in chlorite extracts fromuntreated and 0 min residues, were completely absent in residuessubjected to 3, 6, 9, and 12 min pretreatments. A progressivereduction in the abundance of xylan epitopes was observed in all

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206 H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210

non-chlorite extracts from residues subjected to 3, 6, 9, and 12 minpretreatments. If one then also factors in the overall reduction inthe amount of material recovered in all non-chlorite extractionsteps among the 0 through 12 min pretreated samples, it is clearthat the amount and size of xylan epitopes decreased with increas-ing pretreatment duration, although complete removal of xylanepitopes was not obtained even after 12 min of pretreatment. Ina similar trend, increasing the pretreatment time also led to pro-gressive removal and fragmentation of xyloglucan (XG) epitopes.Thus, in general, the glycome profiles (Fig. 1) show a drop in overallmAb binding intensities as pretreatment time increased, indicatingsteady removal and fragmentation of non-cellulosic glycans.

Fig. 2. Glycome profile of untreated and pretreated holocellulose isolated fro

Glycome profiles of holocellulose before and after pretreatmentare shown in Fig. 2. No Klason lignin was detected in the holocel-lulose, as reported in Table 1. This observation is consistent withpreviously published compositional analyses (Ahlgren andGoring, 1971; Kumar et al., 2013). However, comparison of Fig. 2to Fig. 1 provides further insight into the glycan content of holocel-lulose. From the first column of Fig. 2, it is clear that the extractionsand oxidative treatments used to prepare holocellulose leave theXG, xylan, glucan, HG, RG-I/AG, and AG epitopes intact, essentiallyresulting in a delignified cell wall. Epitope detection in the chloriteand 4 M KOH PC extracts indicated that there were still lignin-xylan complexes in the holocellulose, but at a much lower level

m Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides. See Fig. 1 caption for legend details.

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Fig. 3. Glycome profile of untreated and pretreated birchwood xylan. See Fig. 1caption for legend details.

H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210 207

as evidenced by reduced recovery of material from these extrac-tions (top most bar graph of Fig. 2). Relative to untreated P. tricho-carpa � P. deltoides, significantly more material was recoveredfrom the mild oxalate and carbonate extractions of untreated holo-cellulose, but far less material was recovered from the chlorite and4 M KOH PC extractions of untreated holocellulose (top most bargraphs of Fig. 2), indicating that oxidative delignification leads toa loosening of the cell wall. The overall binding of xylan antibodies(groups 5–7) decreased slightly in untreated holocellulose relativeto untreated P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, suggesting partial frag-mentation and removal of these epitopes during oxidativedelignification.

It has been previously posited that lignin–carbohydrate com-plexes significantly affect the release of xylooligomers (Chenet al., 2010; Conner, 1984; Lee et al., 1999). Differences betweenthe glycome profiles of pretreated holocellulose and those for P.trichocarpa � P. deltoides reflect this influence, since such bondsare significantly reduced in holocellulose. Very little material wasextracted from pretreated holocellulose, even after the heatingperiod, which indicates that the residual holocellulose is primarilycellulose with only a small amount of non-cellulosic glycans. Inaddition, the overall signal strength in the ELISAs was much lowerin holocellulose compared with P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, eventhough each well was loaded with an equal amount of carbohy-drate. As described above, DeMartini et al. (2011) found that sucha reduction in signal strength correlated with loss and fragmenta-tion of non-cellulosic glycans. The differences in mAbs bindingintensity suggest that the removal and fragmentation of non-cellu-losic glycans from holocellulose occurred to a greater extent thanfrom P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides. Finally, Fig. 2 shows that the dropin binding intensities of all glycan directed mAbs occurred morequickly in holocellulose with increasing pretreatment time thanin P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, indicating faster removal of glycans.For example, many of the non-fucosylated XG and xylans thatremained in P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, even after 12 min of pre-treatment, disappeared almost entirely from holocellulose after6 min of pretreatment. Select XG and xylan epitopes remained inthe chlorite and 4 M KOH PC extracts of all pretreated P. trichocar-pa � P. deltoides samples, but only trace amounts of these epitopesremained in the 9 min and 12 min pretreated holocellulose sam-ples. Taken together, these results suggest that delignified holocel-lulose containing few lignin–carbohydrate complexes experiencesrapid hydrolysis of non-cellulosic polysaccharides, particularlyxylans and XGs.

Glycome profiles of birchwood xylan are presented in Fig. 3 foronly two pretreated samples (0 and 3 min), because no solid mate-rial was recoverable after longer pretreatments. Because birch-wood xylan is soluble in water at the concentration required forglycome profiling analysis (20 lg/mL water), no extraction of thesematerials was necessary prior to ELISA screening. Examination ofthe profile of the untreated birchwood xylan revealed that onlyxylan-5 through xylan-7 epitopes were present. Although xylanis linked to cellulose (Abramson et al., 2013; Faik, 2013), the influ-ence of such interactions during pretreatment have not been con-sidered previously. The absence of these interactions in birchwoodxylan may have contributed to the rapid drop in epitope signalintensity observed in Fig. 3.

3.2. Glucose release from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and modelsubstrates

The total glucose (monosaccharide and oligosaccharides)released from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellulose, and birch-wood xylan was determined to be 0.016 g, 0.021 g, and 0.014 g,respectively. This result was expected as hydrothermal pretreat-ment has a limited impact on cellulose, the largest glucan source

in the cell wall. Therefore, the balance of this study focused onxylan hydrolysis.

3.3. Xylooligomer production from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides andmodel substrates

The cumulative total xylose release (monosaccharide and oligo-saccharides) from the three substrates is shown as a function ofpretreatment time in Fig. 4, and Fig. 5 presents the release ofstraight chain xylooligomers according to degree of polymerization(DP) as a function of pretreatment time. The straight chain xyloo-ligomers (1 6 DP 6 6) detected by UPLC–MS account for less than15% of the total monosaccharides and oligosaccharides reportedin Fig. 4. The balance of oligosaccharides was likely longer straightchain oligomers as well as branched oligomers. Values in both fig-ures are expressed as grams xylose equivalent per gram xyloseequivalent in the untreated substrate (i.e., P. trichocarpa � P. delto-ides, holocellulose, or birchwood xylan, as relevant).

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Fig. 4. Cumulative total xylose (monosaccharide and oligosaccharides) releasedfrom Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides (squares), holocellulose (circles), and birch-wood xylan (triangles) during flow-through pretreatment in grams xylose equiv-alent per gram of xylose in the untreated substrate as a function of pretreatmenttime. Lines are added to assist with visualization.

Fig. 5. Cumulative release of straight chain xylooligomers by degree of polymer-ization (DP) during flow-through pretreatment of (a) Populus trichocarpa � P.deltoides (PtPd), (b) holocellulose (HC), and (c) birchwood xylan (BX) in gramsxylose equivalent per gram of xylose in the untreated substrate as a function ofpretreatment time. Xylose (DP1), xylobiose (DP2), xylotriose (DP3), xylotetraose(DP4), xylopentaose (DP5), and xylohexaose (DP6) were measured. Lines are addedto assist with visualization.

208 H.L. Trajano et al. / Bioresource Technology 179 (2015) 202–210

Fig. 4 shows that total xylose release from all substrates slowedsignificantly after approximately 9 min of pretreatment. Whenpretreatment of P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides was increased to192 min at 180 �C, total xylose production increased by only 9.5%relative to 12 min pretreatment. This deceleration in xylooligomerproduction is consistent with previous studies (Chen et al., 2010;Conner, 1984; Garrote et al., 1999; Kobayashi and Sakai, 1956;Lee et al., 1999; Maloney et al., 1985; Zhu et al., 2012) that founda portion of xylan to be more resistant to hydrolysis.

Comparison of glycome profiles of P. trichocarpa � P. deltoidesand holocellulose (Figs. 1 and 2) suggested that reduction in lig-nin–carbohydrate complexes leads to rapid hydrolysis of polysac-charides, particularly xylans and XGs, as well as increasedshortening of carbohydrates in pretreated solids. The total xyloserelease and xylooligomer DP distribution from P. trichocarpa � P.deltoides and holocellulose further support this conclusion. Inspec-tion of Fig. 4 reveals that during the first 3 min of pretreatment, upto 96% more xylan was released from holocellulose than from P.trichocarpa � P. deltoides. The release of xylan from P. trichocar-pa � P. deltoides then increased by 300% after 3 min. Comparisonof Fig. 5a and b reveals that more xylose, xylobiose, xylotriose,and xylotetraose were produced from P. trichocarpa � P. deltoidesthan from holocellulose after 3 min. This shift in xylooligomer dis-tribution coincided with significant changes in the glycome pro-files of P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides (Fig. 1). Compared to the0 min pretreated sample, there was a significant decrease in theamount of material recovered in the chlorite and 4 M KOH PCextractions of P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and in signal intensityof xylan-4 through xylan-7 antibody binding to these extracts ofthe 3 min pretreated sample, indicating a substantial decrease inlignin-bound epitopes. This indirect observation of lignin removalwas verified by compositional analysis of the solid residues:Fig. 6 shows that 37.7% of lignin was released from P. trichocar-pa � P. deltoides between 0 min and 3 min. A fraction of ligninwas removed as phenolic monomers following depolymerization(Trajano et al., 2013) and another fraction may have been removed

as colloidal material as the result of lignin–carbohydrate interac-tions (Hubbe et al., 2012; Trajano et al., 2013). No particulates wereobserved in the sampled hydrolysate, but any colloidal materialwould be too small for detection by the naked eye (Hubbe et al.,2012). A possible explanation for these observations of xylooligo-

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Fig. 6. Cumulative removal of Klason lignin during flow-through hydrothermalpretreatment of Populus trichocarpa � P. deltoides at selected times. The ligninremoval was calculated by subtracting the mass of lignin measured in solids left inthe reactor at each time from the mass of lignin in the biomass initially loaded intothe reactor. Line is added to assist with visualization.

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mer release is that intra-xylan bonds break more rapidly than lig-nin–carbohydrate bonds to generate small xylooligomers linked tolignin. The low solubility of these lignin–carbohydrate complexeswould limit xylooligomer diffusion into the bulk liquid phase untilsufficient lignin had been removed or until the oligomers were rel-atively small. Once this threshold was achieved, a sudden increasein the concentration of short-chain xylooligomers would beobserved. Regardless of mechanism, lignin–carbohydrate interac-tions clearly impeded xylooligomer production at the outset ofpretreatment.

Comparison of xylose release and xylooligomer DP distributionfrom holocellulose and birchwood xylan supports the theory thatxylan–cellulose interactions may impede xylan hydrolysis. Duringthe heating period, 43% more xylooligomers were released frombirchwood xylan than from holocellulose (Fig. 4). Although xyloo-ligomer production from holocellulose exceeded xylooligomer pro-duction from birchwood xylan at the 3 min mark, 7.9% morexylooligomers were produced from birchwood xylan than fromholocellulose after 12 min. In Fig. 5c, it can be seen that negligibleamounts of xylooligomers with 1 6 DP 6 6 were produced frombirchwood xylan, whereas Fig. 5b shows that up to 38% of the totalxylose released from holocellulose was straight chain xylooligo-mers with 1 6 DP 6 6. The parallels between these observationsand those made for P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides and holocellulosesuggest that cellulose–xylan hydrogen bonds might have also lim-ited xylooligomer release and diffusion. However, the differencesbetween holocellulose and birchwood xylan were less striking.Therefore, the effects of xylan–cellulose hydrogen bonds on xylanhydrolysis appear to be smaller than those of lignin–carbohydrateinteractions.

Data on the solubility and diffusivity of poly- and oligosaccha-rides, lignin moieties, and lignin–carbohydrate complexes wouldbe invaluable in verifying these hypotheses as well as assessingthe effects of particle size on mass transfer; such data are currentlyunavailable. Song et al. (2012) found that total poly- and oligosac-charide yields from 0.75 to 1 mm particles were approximately50–80% of the yields obtained using <0.1 mm particles, which

suggests that intraparticle mass transfer limitations may influencethe results of this study.

Refining lignocellulosic biomass requires efficient and econom-ical use of both cellulose and hemicellulose. Hemicellulose removalduring pretreatment is a complex phenomenon, but hemicellulosehas frequently been modeled as a homogeneous substrate, inde-pendent of the biomass structure. Biphasic models rely upon alumped approach to describe some of the complexity, but do notdescribe the spatial distribution of hemicellulose within the cellwall or its interactions with lignin and cellulose. The results of thisstudy highlight the inadequacy of this approach and the need toconsider structure and polymer interactions when interpretingthe results for pretreatment of P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides. It is verylikely that similar considerations apply to other biomass species.Microscale models that incorporate mass transfer phenomenaand spatial variations in hemicellulose could prove more mecha-nistically accurate, improve pretreatment strategies, and suggestnew plant modifications for enhanced biomass utilization.

4. Conclusions

Glycome profiling of pretreated P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides,holocellulose, and birchwood xylan revealed cell wall loosening,differences in relative removal of glycan epitopes, and steady gly-can epitope fragmentation and removal. Although the greatesttotal xylose production was from birchwood xylan followed byholocellulose, P. trichocarpa � P. deltoides produced the greatestamount of short-chained xylooligomers. Differences among thethree substrates indicate that lignin–carbohydrate bonds decreasehydrolysis rates, reduce carbohydrate shortening, and limit xyloo-ligomers release, while xylan–cellulose hydrogen bonds appear tohave a similar but smaller effect on hydrolysis. Thus, cell wallstructure strongly affects pretreatment results.

Competing interests

CEW was a cofounder of Mascoma Corporation and untilrecently, Chief Development Officer and Chair of their ScientificAdvisory Board. CEW was also a member of the Scientific AdvisoryBoard of Mendel Biotechnology, Inc.


We thank the Office of Biological and Environmental Researchin the DOE Office of Science for supporting this work through theBioEnergy Science Center (BESC). BESC is a U.S. Department ofEnergy Bioenergy Research Center supported by the Office of Bio-logical and Environmental Research in the DOE Office of Science.This manuscript has been co-authored by a contractor of the U.S.Government under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. We acknowl-edge support by the Ford Motor Company for the Chair in Environ-mental Engineering at the University of California Riverside thataugments our ability to perform such research. HLT thanks theNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada fora PGS-D scholarship. The generation of the CCRC series of plant cellwall glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies used in this work wassupported by the NSF Plant Genome Program (DBI-0421683 andIOS-0923992). We also wish to thank Seokwon Jung, Georgia Insti-tute of Technology, for preparing the holocellulose used in thisstudy. No sponsor was involved in the study design; in the collec-tion, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of thereport; or in the decision to submit the article for publication.

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Appendix A. Supplementary data

The details of all monoclonal antibodies used are provided in SITable 1. SI Fig. 2 shows the cumulative total xylose release fromPopulus trichocarpa � P. deltoides after 192 min flow-throughhydrothermal pretreatment at 180 �C. SI Fig. 3 shows the mass bal-ances for the flow-through hydrothermal pretreatment of Populustrichocarpa � P. deltoides, holocellulose, and birchwood xylan at180 �C. Supplementary data associated with this article can befound, in the online version, at


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