
To Advertise E-mail [email protected] or call 718-729-3772


VOL. 82, NO. 29 WOODSIDE, L.I.C., N.Y. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015 FREE


(continued on page 5)

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by Patricia Dorfman

Heaping plates of fragrantbeef doner kebab and roastchicken on fresh bread, salad,smoked eggplant and hummusfrom Mangal Kabob, and whiteand red wine from LoweryWine & Liquors were eaten by

attendees of the SunnysideChamber of Commerce busi-ness card exchange last Satur-day afternoon at Artist & Crafts-man Supply. Guests ate, roamedthe aisles of tools and materialsof artistic effort, picked out afew items to buy, and went

back for seconds.“I never knew this was here,”

said a guest from Ridgewoodfrom the Queens Chamber ofCommerce, which also hosted,of the 18-month old branch ofthe employee-owned art store.

On Tuesday, July 21, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx),Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus, met with seniors from theSelf-help Naturally Occurring Retirement Community program atthe Big Six Towers in Woodside, to discuss his efforts to ensureseniors are able to retire with a sense of security after a lifetime ofwork. During the visit, Crowley, a member of the powerful Waysand Means Committee, which oversees Medicare and SocialSecurity, expressed his commitment to fighting any effort to endMedicare or to privatize Social Security.

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43-11 Greenpoint Ave., Sunnyside, NY 11104Telephone (718) 729-3772

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSMary Caulfield, Peter A. Ross, Rob MacKay


Marlene Sabba ............................................................... Publisher

Sherilyn Jo Sabba ................................................................. Editor

Weekday, Eveningand Saturday

Hours byAppointment












43-15 46TH ST.SUNNYSIDE, N.Y.718-729-2117









“Protecting and strengtheningprograms like Medicare and So-cial Security is vitally importantbecause they continue to provideour seniors a lifeline during theirgolden years,” said Rep. Crowley.“They have spent their lives pre-paring for retirement and now,more than ever, they deserve thepeace of mind that comes withhaving reliable and affordablehealth care, and financial secu-rity. America made them a prom-ise with the passage of the SocialSecurity Act almost 80 years ago,and I will continue to work withmy colleagues in Congress to keepit for generations to come.”

Rep. Crowley meets with seniors from the Naturally OccurringRetirement Community program at the Bix Six Towers in Woodside todiscuss Medicare and Social Security.

(continued from front page)


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Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, theBronx), Vice Chair of the Democratic Cau-cus, announced he joined Reps. David Price(D-NC), Leonard Lance (R-NJ) and DonYoung (R-AK) in introducing the WorldLanguage Advancement Act (H.R. 3096),which would help state and local schooldistricts implement innovative K-12 lan-guage programs.

“With over 150 languages spoken inQueens, I’ve seen firsthand how languagecan be a gateway to cultural understanding,”said Congressman Crowley. “In addition toincreasing our young people’s interest inother cultures, studies show that learning aforeign language greatly benefits students’success in other core areas, such as math andcritical thinking. We should do everythingwe can to prepare and equip the next genera-tion of American workers with the skillsneeded to compete in the global economy,and that includes expanding opportunitiesto learn foreign languages.”

“In today’s global economy, K-12foreign language and cultural knowledgehave become necessary skills for gov-ernment, private-sector, and non-profitemployers,” said Congressman Price.“Federal incentives will help to ensurewe are providing these competencies andequipping the next generation of leaderswith the skills to communicate and col-

laborate across borders.”Early language learning has been shown

to strengthen performance across all aca-demic subjects and on standardized tests.The benefits of foreign language educationalso extend far beyond academics, as stu-dents who study a foreign language have anopenness and acceptance to people whospeak other languages and come from othercultures. However, only 25 percent of el-ementary schools in the United States offerany world language studies and only half ofall American high school students take evenone year of a world language.

Since 2012, there has been no federalsupport for world language instruction inelementary and secondary schools. TheWorld Language Advancement Act wouldfill in this gap and foster the language learn-ing pipeline by providing competitive grantsto states and local school districts to supportthe establishment, improvement, or expan-sion of innovative programs in languagelearning in grades K-12.

The bill is supported by some of theleading international education and foreignlanguage advocacy organizations, includ-ing the Joint National Committee for Lan-guages - National Council for Languagesand International Studies (JNCL-NCLIS)and the American Council on the Teachingof Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

A new report from the September 11thVictim Compensation Fund shows that 9/11 first responders and survivors in all 50states are eligible for compensation withthe program, which provides financial sup-port to those who suffer financial hardshipand severe health problems related to ex-posure to toxins at Ground Zero. With justover a quarter of claims resolved, the VCFhas approved 5,636 awards totaling morethan $1.3 billion. At that pace, the pro-gram will run out of money. Claim deter-minations could be cut by half or more,unless Congress extends and fully fundsthe program, according to Reps. CarolynB. Maloney (D-NY), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Peter T. King (R-NY), whoauthored the James Zadroga 9/11 Healthand Compensation Act.

“Thousands of responders and survivorshave lost their health and suffered economic

hardship due to their injuries and the healthconditions they experienced in the after-math of 9/11,” Maloney, Nadler and Kingsaid in a joint statement. “The VCF is thereto make these heroes whole again, withfinancial support and compensation forhealth coverage related to toxin exposure atGround Zero. But the VCF can’t do thatunless Congress fully funds the programand extends it permanently. More than 100of our colleagues from across the countryhave stepped up to support our bipartisanlegislation. We have to get this done.”

As of June 30, 2015, VCF has received19,721 eligibility forms. The VCF has ap-proved 11,770 eligibility claims and made5,636 loss decisions, totaling$1,310,149,991. First responders accountfor 91 percent of the total loss amount.Individuals with cancer diagnoses accountfor 18 percent of the awards.

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On July 17th, New York City Council Majority Leader Jimmy VanBramer was joined by Department of Sanitation representatives, Woodsideresidents and business owners to unveil the installation of additional trashbaskets in Woodside. The announcement highlights Council Member VanBramer’s recent allocation of $20,000 to install large litter baskets inneighborhoods throughout the 26th District to ensure communities areprovided with sufficient service. Council Member Van Bramer secured$10,000 last year to install 18 litter baskets this summer and another$10,000 was just secured to purchase litter baskets this fiscal year.

“As a result of the community’s requests we have made a $10,000investment into keeping all neighborhoods in the 26th District clean,”said Council Member Van Bramer. “Working with the community wewere able to secure litter baskets 18 high need locations throughoutWestern Queens that will help keep our commercial corridors andresidential areas litter free.”

“The New York City Department of Sanitation is pleased to partnerwith Council Member Van Bramer to provide 18 high end litter basketsthat will enhance the cleanliness of busy Queens streets,” said SanitationCommissioner Kathryn Garcia. “I’d like to thank Council Member VanBramer for his continuing commitment to clean and safe city streets andwe look forward to working with him in the years to come.”

Council Member Van Bramer’s office recently worked with commu-nity residents to locate high need areas throughout the Westerns Queens.As a result of the community’s requests for additional litter baskets, andwith the assistance of the Department of Sanitation, Council MemberVan Bramer’s office was able secure a variety of locations within thedistrict to install 18 brand new large litter baskets. The 18 large litterbaskets will provide pedestrians and patrons with additional opportuni-ties to dispose their litter along heavily trafficked residential streets andcommercial corridors. The Department of Sanitation will collect andmonitor the refuse to prevent overflowing.

Since taking office, the councilmember has allocated over $250,000toward securing additional trash baskets and street cleaning services, aswell as coordinated community clean-ups in Astoria, Dutch Kills, LongIsland City, Sunnyside and Woodside.

Funding from Council Member Van Bramer office will allow theDepartment of Sanitation to install new baskets. (See front page for list)


Council Member Van Bramer is joined by Adriana Beltran, ExecutiveAssistant & Human Resources for Woodside on the Move, DSNY DeputyChief Keith Maisel, Ed Bergendahl of Woodside, Edgar Cartegena ofWoodside, Jacqueline Amaya, Fiscal Officer for Woodside on the Move,and DSNY Superintendent Robert Cavanaugh.

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(continued from front page)

While fine art supply vendorsare closing all over NYC, the spa-cious store on 34th Street, a halfblock north of Queens Boulevardin the light industry area betweenLong Island City and Sunnyside,seems to be at the right place andright time. They carry clay, rock,framing, yarn, crafts, and art furni-ture as well as professional sup-plies. A lively tween art class wasin session and regulars from LongIsland City stopped in for markersand brushes. The store carries manysurprising items, like retro gag gifts,masks, silly socks, and puppets.The ceiling mural, low prices andhuge inventory make an interest-ing visit.Rigoberto Cardoso, president ofthe Chamber, welcomed new mem-bers Woodside artist Luis Moralesand the Rotary Club of HistoricJackson Heights’ Giselle Torreswho joined the Chamber on thespot. Also joining was Sunnysideartist Swann Smith, Comic Comceleb. His “Teen Wolf” work wasfeatured 60-feet high on TimesSquare screens in June.The Luke Adams Art Prize #1 re-cipient, Sunnysider JenniferFrisbee, whose pastel (chalk)placed #1 in the Luke Adams ArtPrizes, her piece among work from24 other local artists in “AuNaturel,” kindly attended to dem-onstrate her pastel technique. (TheSalt & Fat exhibition fromSunnyside Artists is up throughSunday, 10PM.) A business mem-ber guest, who had seen Frisbie’swinning work made purchase in-


quiries. So networking was opera-tional there, artists being smallbusinesses, too.

Richard Drake donated a bottleof wine for free raffle, and the fivesubstantial free raffle items fromArtist & Craftsman Supply wentto pleased winners. The tirelessKris Czerniachowicz welcomedguests, and Sunnyside singer DonPeñaranda assisted with set up. Twojunior guests won packets ofSkittles, accepting them as thoughgold nuggets.

President Rigo won a fine pa-

per sketchbook, which he immedi-ately gave to the 12-year old previ-ous winner of charcoal pencils.The Chamber was trying some-thing new, an afternoon exchange,and the inclusion of kids, whichseemed to go smoothly, with 34guests and children in attendanceon a hot summer afternoon whenlucky people were at the beach.But parking was no problem on aSaturday, and a few arrived bybicycle, some by the #7 and someon foot. Sometimes exchanges canbring out only familiar faces, when

the addition of new people mightbe good for all.

Manny Gomez, Chamber VP,served wine and beverages. Thefeast of Turkish food from MangalKabob was arranged by Chamberboard member Oguzhan Turan. Thestaff of Artist & Craftsman Supplywas helpful, even creating in 15minutes a large hand-drawn sign.

The next Chamber Biz CardExchange, also co-hosted byQueens Chamber of Commerce,will on a weeknight as usual,Wednesday, August 19, at DimeSavings Bank, 6-8pm. The branchis on 46th Street, between QueensBlvd. and Greenpoint. Complimen-tary wine will be served courtesy ofLowery Wine & Liquors, and willbe helpful to all to enhance confi-

dence for the second part of the BizCard Exchange the same night,called, “Dime All the Lights,” aKaraoke Contest, at Bliss StreetStation Restaurant.Bliss Station, at 47th Street andGreenpoint, with their 50-cent Wingand Sing Wednesdays, are knownfor the most popular Karaoke inSunnyside, hosts beginning at 8:30.August 19 allows you three weeksto select your disco tune and re-hearse! The prize for “Best Effort”– no need to have the voice ofDonna Summer – will be awardedby audience response. Those wish-ing to join, support local small busi-ness, or get on the Chamber mail-ing list for events and news, emailSunnyside Chamber of Commerce@

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PROBATE CITATION File No.2013-3070/ASURROGATE’S COURT –QUEENS COUNTY CITATIONTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK, By the Grace ofGod Free and IndependentTO Scott Duka, Claire McPhail,Patricia Tines, Lorrie Duka, ColinElbasani, Jerry Elbasani, SherryBerthen,Barbara Smiles Moore, PaulSmiles, Susan Smiles, FreidaTringa, Joseph Tringa, MichaelTringa, and PeterTringa, as heirs of decedent, andSophie Goxha, as heir of decedent,if living and if dead, to her heirs atlaw, next of kin and distributeeswhose names and places ofresidence are unknown and if shedied subsequent to the decedentherein, to her executors,administrators, legatees, devisees,assignees and successors ininterest whose name and placesare unknown and to all other heirsat law, next of kin and distributeesof Camille Smile a/k/a CamileSmile a/k/a Eanile Smile, thedecedent herein, whose names andplaces of residence are unknownand cannot after diligent inquirybe ascertained.An amended petition having beenduly filed by Maura Nicolosi, whois domiciled at 13 Duke ofGloucester, Manhasset, New York11030. YOU ARE HEREBYCITED TO SHOW CAUSE beforethe Surrogate’s Court, QueensCounty, at 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, New York,on August 27, 2015, at9:30 o’clock in the fore noon ofthat day, why a decree should notbe made in the estate of CamilleSmile a/k/a Camile Smile a/k/aEanile Smile latelydomiciled at 144-63 35th Ave,Flushing, New York admitting toprobate a Will dated March 23,2007, a copy of which is attached,as the Will of Camille Smile a/k/aCamile Smile a/k/a Eanile Smile,deceased, relating to real andpersonal property, and directingthat [ X ] Letters Testamentaryissue to: Maura NicolosiDated, Attested and Sealed June23, 2015 HON. PETER J.KELLY, SurrogateMargaret M. Gribbon, Chief ClerkMichael F. Mongelli II, PC,Attorney for Petitioner, ( 7 1 8 )463-7333 Telephone Number,41-07 162nd Street, Flushing, NewYork 11358 Address of Attorney[NOTE: This citation is servedupon you as required by law. Youare not required to appear. If youfail to appear it will be assumedyou do not object to the reliefrequested. You have a right tohave an attorney appear for you.]7/10/15, 7/17/15, 7/24/15, 7/31/15

SUPREME COURT OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK –COUNTY OF QUEENSINDEX # 707031/2014 FILED: 9/30/2014SUMMONS AND NOTICEPlaintiff designates QueensCounty as the place of trial. Venueis based upon the County in whichthe mortgage premise is situated.DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, ASTRUSTEE FOR GSAMP TRUST2006-FM2, MORTGAGE-PASS-

THROUGH CERTIFICATES,SERIES 2006-FM2, Plaintiff(s),against ABDUL F ADEGBUYI,MORTGAGE REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC. AS FREMONTINVESTMENT & LOAN, “JOHNDOE #1” through “JOHN DOE#12,” the last twelve names beingfictitious and unknown to plaintiff,the persons or parties intendedbeing the tenants, occupants,persons or corporations, if any,having or claiming an interest inor l ien upon the premises,described in the complaint ,Defendant(s). TO THE ABOVENAMED DEFENDANTS:NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGEROF LOSING YOUR HOME IFYOU DO NOT RESPOND TOTHIS SUMMONS ANDCOMPLAINT BY SERVING ACOPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEYS FOR THEMORTGAGE COMPANY WHOFILED THIS FORECLOSUREPROCEEDING AGAINST YOUAND FILING THE ANSWERWITH THE COURT, ADEFAULT JUDGMENT MAYBE ENTERED AND YOU CANLOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TOAN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THECOURT WHERE YOU CASE ISPENDING FOR FURTHERINFORMATION ON HOW TOANSWER THE SUMMONS ANDPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY.SENDING A PAYMENT TOYOUR MORTGAGE COMPANYWILL NOT STOP THISFORECLOSURE ACTION. YOUMUST RESPOND BY SERVINGA COPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEY FOR THEPLAINTIFF (MORTGAGECOMPANY) AND FILING THEANSWER WITH THE COURT.YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answer theComplaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer, or, ifthe Complaint is not served withthis Summons, to serve a notice ofappearance on the Plaintiff’sattorney within 20 days after theservice of this Summons,exclusive of the day of service (orwithin 30 days after the service iscomplete if this Summons is notpersonally delivered to you withinthe State of New York); TheUnited States of America, ifdesignated as a Defendant in thisaction, may appear within (60)days of service thereof; and incase of your failure to appear oranswer, judgment will be takenagainst you by default for the reliefdemanded in the Complaint.NOTICE OF NATURE OFACTION AND RELIEFSOUGHT: THE OBJECT of theabove captioned action is toforeclose on a mortgage dated June22, 2006, executed by ABDUL FADEGBUYI to FREMONTINVESTMENT & LOAN tosecure the sum of $464,000.00 andrecorded in City Registered FileNumber 2006000447162, in theOffice of the CLERK of theCounty of QUEENS on August 8,2006, which mortgage wasassigned to DEUTSCHE BANKNATIONAL TRUSTCOMPANY, AS TRUSTEEUNDER THE POOLING ANDSERVICING AGREEMENTDATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1,2006, GSAMP TRUST 2006-FM2, MORTGAGE PASS-

THROUGH CERTIFICATES,SERIES 2006-FM2, byassignment of mortgage which isdated August 27, 2012, coveringpremises known as 134-37 155THSTREET, Jamaica, NY 11434(Block 12294 and Lot 51). Therelief sought in the within actionis a final judgment directing thesale of the premises describedabove to satisfy the debt describedabove. To the above namedDefendants: The foregoingSummons is served upon you bypublication pursuant to an orderof the Hon. Leonard Livote, Justiceof the Supreme Court of the Stateof New York, and filed along withthe supporting papers in the Officeof the Clerk of the County ofQueens on June 23, 2015. This isan action to foreclose on amortgage. ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land, with thebuildings and improvementsthereon erected, situate, lying andbeing in the Borough and Countyof Queens, City and State of NewYork. Block 12294 and Lot 51,said premises known as 134-37155TH STREET, Jamaica, NY11434. YOU ARE HEREBY PUTON NOTICE THAT WE AREATTEMPTING TO COLLECT ADEBT AND ANYINFORMATION OBTAINEDWILL BE USED FOR THATPURPOSE. By reason of thedefault in the payment of themonthly installment of principaland interest, among other things,as hereinafter set forth, Plaintiff,the holder and owner of theaforementioned note andmortgage, or their agents haveelected and hereby accelerate themortgage and declare the entiremortgage indebtednessimmediately due and payable. Thefollowing amounts are now dueand owing on said mortgage, nopart of any of which has been paidalthough duly demanded: Theentire unpaid principal balance of$450,232.90 to be immediatelydue and payable under themortgage herein foreclosed, plusinterest at the rate calculated inaccordance with the provisions ofthe note from June 1, 2011,together with unpaid late chargesin the amount of $873.30 that haveaccrued prior to this action as ofFebruary 7, 2014. UNLESS YOUDISPUTE THE VALIDITY OFTHE DEBT, OR ANY PORTIONTHEREOF, WITHIN THIRTY(30) DAYS AFTER YOURRECEIPT HEREOF THAT THEDEBT, OR ANY PORTIONTHEREOF, IS DISPUTED, THEDEBTOR JUDGMENTAGAINST YOU AND A COPYOF SUCH VERIFICATION ORJUDGMENT WILL BE MAILEDTO YOU BY THE HEREIN DEBTCOLLECTOR. IF APPLICABLE,UPON YOUR WRITTENREQUEST, WITHIN SAIDTHIRTY (30) DAY PERIOD,THE HEREIN DEBTCOLLECTOR WILL PROVIDEYOU WITH THE NAME ANDADDRESS OF THE ORIGINALCREDITOR. IF YOU HAVERECEIVED A DISCHARGEFROM THE UNITED STATESBANKRUPTCY COURT, YOUARE NOT PERSONALLYLIABLE FOR THEU N D E R L Y I N GINDEBTEDNESS OWED TO

PLAINTIFF/CREDITOR ANDTHIS NOTICE/DISCLOSURE ISFOR COMPLIANCE ANDINFORMATIONAL PURPOSESONLY. HELP FORHOMEOWNERS INFORECLOSURE New York Staterequires that we send you thisnotice about the foreclosureprocess. Please read it carefully.SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTYou are in danger of losing yourhome. If you fail to respond to theSummons and Complaint in thisforeclosure action, you may loseyour home. Please read theSummons and Complaintcarefully. You should immediatelycontact an attorney or your locallegal aid office to obtain advice onhow to protect yourself .SOURCES OF INFORMATIONAND ASSISTANCE The Stateencourages you to becomeinformed about your options inforeclosure. In addition to seekingassistance from an attorney or legalaid, there are governmentagencies, and non-profitorganizations that you may contactfor information about possibleoptions, including trying to workwith your lender during thisprocess. To locate an entity nearyou, you may call the toll-freehelpline maintained by New Yorkstate Banking Department at 1-877-Bank-NYS or visi t theDepartment’s website atw w w . b a n k i n g . s t a t e . n y . u sFORECLOSURE RESCUESCAMS Be careful of people whoapproach you with offers to “save”your home. There are individualswho watch for notices offoreclosure actions in order tounfairly profit from ahomeowner’s distress. You shouldbe extremely careful about anysuch promises and any suggestionsthat you pay them a fee or signover your deed. State law requiresanyone offering such services forprofit to enter into a contract whichfully describes the services theywill perform and fees they willcharge, and which prohibits themfrom taking any money from youuntil they have completed all suchpromised services. Section 1303NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGEROF LOSING YOUR HOME If youdo not respond to this Summonsand Complaint by serving the copyof the answer on the attorney forthe mortgage company who filedthis foreclosure proceeding againstyou and filing the answer with thecourt, a default judgment may beentered and you may lose yourhome. Speak to an attorney or goto the court where your case ispending for further informationon how to answer the Summonsand protect your property. Sendinga payment to your mortgagecompany will not stop thisforeclosure action. YOU MUSTRESPOND BY SERVING ACOPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEY FOR THEPLAINTIFF (MORTGAGECOMPANY) AND FILING ANANSWER WITH THE COURT.Leopold & Associates, PLLC, 80Business Park Drive, Suite 301,Armonk, NY 10504 7/17/15, 7/24/15, 7/31/15, 8/7/15

File No.: 2007-4736/DCITATION THE PEOPLE OFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK BYTHE GRACE OF GOD, FREEAND INDEPENDENTTO:Memorial Sloan Kettering CancerCenter,Menninger Foundation,Raymond Loudis, Jr.,Legal Servicing LLC,Attorney General of the State ofNew YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of PETER LARAIA,deceased, or their estates, if anythere be, whose names, places ofresidence and post office addressesare unknown to the petitioner andcannot with due diligence beascertained.Being the persons interested ascreditors, legatees, distributees orotherwise in the Estate of PETERLARAIA, deceased, who at thetime of death was a resident of 70-08 67th Street, Glendale, NY11085, in the County of Queens,State of New York.SEND GREETING:Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,who maintains her office at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator CTA of the Estateof PETER LARAIA, deceased,you and each of you are herebycited to show cause before theSurrogate at the Surrogate’s Courtof the County of Queens, to beheld at the Queens GeneralCourthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, Cityand State of New York, on the27th day of August, 2015 at 9:30o’clock in the forenoon, why theAccount of Proceedings of thePublic Administrator of QueensCounty, as Administrator CTA ofthe Estate of said deceased, a copyof which is attached, should notbe judicially settled, and why theSurrogate should not fix and allowa reasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $11,406.51and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claimsetc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 6% of assets or income collectedafter the date of the withinaccounting; and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow an amountequal to one percent on saidSchedules of the total assets onSchedules A, A1, and A2 plus anyadditional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuantto S.C.P.A. §1106(4); and whythe claim from Legal ServicingLLC in the amount of $580.38should not be rejected; and whythe net distributable estate shouldnot be paid pro-rated as per theLast Will and Testament datedNovember 4, 2002 as follows:95.23% to the Sloan KetteringCancer Center for Research and


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4.774% to the MenningerFoundationDated, Attested and Sealed 30thday of June, 2015 HON. PETER J.KELLY Surrogate, QueensCounty Margaret M. GribbonClerk of the Surrogate’s CourtGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.(718) 459-9000, 95-25 QueensBoulevard 11thFloor, Rego Park, New York11374This citation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notobliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 7/10/15, 7/17/15, 7/24/15, 7/31/15


File No.: 2013-2362/ACITATION THE PEOPLE OFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK BYTHE GRACE OF GOD, FREEAND INDEPENDENTTO:Selma Adler,Albert Adler,Attorney General of the State ofNew YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of BERNICE ADLER,deceased, or their estates, if anythere be, whose names, places ofresidence and post office addressesare unknown to the petitioner andcannot with due diligence beascertained.Being the persons interested ascreditors, legatees, distributees orotherwise in the Estate ofBERNICE ADLER, deceased,who at the time of death was aresident of 32-22 92nd Street, UnitD205, East Elmhurst, NY, in theCounty of Queens, State of NewYork.SEND GREETING:Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,

who maintains her office at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator of the Estate ofBERNICE ADLER, deceased, youand each of you are hereby cited toshow cause before the Surrogateat the Surrogate’s Court of theCounty of Queens, to be held atthe Queens General Courthouse,6th Floor, 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, City and Stateof New York, on the 3rd day ofSeptember, 2015 at 9:30 o’clockin the forenoon, why the Accountof Proceedings of the PublicAdministrator of Queens County,as Administrator of the Estate ofsaid deceased, a copy of which isattached, should not be judiciallysettled, and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow areasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $8,647.41and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claimsetc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 6% of assets or income collectedafter the date of the withinaccounting; and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow an amountequal to one percent on saidSchedules of the total assets onSchedules A, A1, and A2 plus anyadditional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuantto S.C.P.A. §1106(4); and whyeach of you claiming to be adistributee of the decedent shouldnot establish proof of your kinship;and why the balance of said fundsshould not be paid to said allegeddistributees upon proof of kinship,or deposited with the

Commissioner of Finance of theCity of New York should saidalleged distributees default herein,or fail to establish proof of kinship,Dated, Attested and Sealed 9thday of July, 2015 HON. PETER J.KELLY Surrogate, QueensCounty, Margaret M. GribbonClerk of the Surrogate’s CourtGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.(718) 459-9000, 95-25 QueensBoulevard, 11 th Floor,Rego Park, New York 11374This citation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notobliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 7/24/15, 7/31/15, 8/7/15, 8/14/15


Woodside HeraldPublic Legal Notices

Phone:(718) 729-3772

For More InformationPlease Email

Sherilyn Sabba [email protected]

Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on JUL 06, 2015,bearing Index Number NC-000426-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) PEMA(Middle) RINCHEN (Last)GYALPO My present name is(First) PEMA (Middle) RINCHEN(Last) KHANDO AKA PEMA R.KHANDO, AKA PEMA RICHENKHANDO (infant) My presentaddress is 5020 68th Street, 3 FL,Woodside, NY 11377-7512 Myplace of birth is INDIA My date ofbirth is April 14, 2000Assume the name of (First)JIGTEN (Middle) SENGYE (Last)GYALPO My present name is(First) JIGTEN (Middle)SENGYE (Last) DUKDA AKAJIGTEN S. DUKDA (infant) Mypresent address is 5020 68th Street,3 FL, Woodside, NY 11377-7512My place of birth is INDIA Mydate of birth is January 12, 2014

Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on JUN 08, 2015,bearing Index Number NC-000307-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) ESTHER(Middle) JUNG EUN (Last)PARK My present name is (First)ESTHER (Middle) JUNGEUN(Last) CHAI AKA ESTHER JCHAI AKA ESTHER CHAI Mypresent address is 63-11 QUEENSBLVD, F8, Woodside, NY 11377My place of birth is KOREA Mydate of birth is May 20, 1978

Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on JUN 08, 2015,bearing Index Number NC-000361-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) JASON(Middle) PATRICK (Last) KEISMy present name is (First) JASON(Middle) ALEXANDER (Last)KEIS AKA JASON A. KEIS Mypresent address is 43-06 64TH

STREET, Woodside, NY 11377My place of birth is BROOKLYNMy date of birth is September 06,1978

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by David Rosasco

In a week where multiple projects playedout across the entire Woodside communityduring a 6-day period beginning on Thurs-day, July 16 reaching its zenith on Tuesday,July 21, the physical exertion and emotionsof the youth was best explained by EdisonSalazar, entering the 12th grade at the CivicLeadership Academy,“this mission I thinkis setting a standard that others might havetrouble repeating, but they should at leasttry, shouldn’t they.”

The youth launched into their work onthe first day along 39 Avenue, focusingspecifically between 57 and 59 Streets, astubborn location for illegal dumping andincidental trash, and weed overgrowth alongthe LIRR and in the neighboring tree beds.

Friday, July 17 brought graffiti removalalong an elliptical line travelling east along39 Avenue again to Woodside Avenue near51 Street, then south onto Queens Boule-vard and 50 Street, then east along the northside of this road until 64 Street, eliminatingremaining graffiti.

The main event began Saturday, July18, as a gathering of your youth and the

missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints pressed northward,reaching the junction of Northern Boule-vard and Broadway at 50 Street, complet-ing the repainting of the entire Woodsidesection of Broadway, and removing muchgraffiti in areas known to the youth fromvisits to the area days prior, which alsoincluded an initial cleanup under 61 Streetand Roosevelt Avenue before graffiti re-moval operations commenced.

Further graffiti removal operations oc-

curred Sunday, July 19 as the youth as-sembled based on the successes of the daybefore, pressing north along 61 Street to 34Avenue, then east along this road until 65Street, ignoring the heat and powering along,with tree care, weed removal and cleanupwork occurring mid-way on the southwestcorner of 60 Street and Broadway.

Operations rumbled westward along thesouth side of Queens Boulevard between 50and 58 Streets on both Monday, July 20 andTuesday, July 21, led by the brother and sister

tandem of Jeyson and Evelyn Gonzalez, re-storing all public fixtures along this side ofthe road, and removing all instances of graf-fiti in the observable area. Kevin Zhang,entering 9th grade at Stuyvesant High Schoolin the fall revealed more of his thinking, and,by extension, the view of all the youth, as towhat was being accomplished, “I would havejust been home doing the usual, nothing to do,but here, I’m doing something that is makinga difference. I look back and see what wefinished, and I can’t believe we did all that.”

by Peter Ross

On Friday night, June 26, Boy ScoutTroop and Pack 390 of Sunnyside/Woodside held their annual End-Of-YearAwards Recognition/Parents Night in theauditorium of their home at Saint TeresaRC Church. Well attended by parents andseveral community members, this ceremonywas different from the past few years in thatfor only the second or third time since theTroop restarted and the Pack was foundednine years ago was a formal cross overceremony held for the graduation ofWebelos Scouts to the Boy Scout Troop.After the opening ceremonies, includingthe reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance andan invocation by Deacon Roberto Abundo,the lights were dimmed and the “Cross-Over” Ceremony, as it is known, began.Two of the four eligible candidates, WebelosScouts and Arrow of Light recipients KazukiRusso and Elias Pinto-Mendoza, werepresent and looking very solemn. After thereciting of their accomplishments and rec-ognitions by Cubmaster Marvin Jeffcoatand Webelos Leader Anthony Tonns and awish of success by Pack Committee Chair-woman Nami Russo, the two boys were ledfrom the Pack side over the “Bridge ofScouting” by Den Chief Matthew Kusterato join the Boy Scout Troop. There theywere received by Scoutmaster EduardoAvila and Senior Patrol Leader HongyingHuang. The candidates then took part in theformal candle lighting ceremony wherethey were instructed in the points of theScout Oath and Law and made their prom-ise to be Good Scouts always. SPLHongying Huang and Scoutmaster Avilathen presented Kazuki and Elias with theirTroop 390 neckerchiefs and handbooksand the two boys were presented to andaccepted into their respective patrols.

After this celebration, several new Scoutsto the Troop were acknowledged includingRodney Quizhpilema, Damian Cajamarca,Issac Martinez and Christopher Melendezand participation patches for various eventsthe boys attended this Spring were givenout. Highlighted were the patches and re-presentation of the ribbons won at the An-nual Pathfinder District Camp-O-Ree(“Zombie Survival”) whose competition

overall was won by the Mighty MinotaurPatrol from Troop 390. Position Patcheswere bestowed upon Den Chief MatthewKustera, SPL Hongying Huang (taking overfrom Arturo Romero who has “aged out”and will join the adult leader ranks), PatrolLeader Christopher Peralta, and AssistantPatrol Leaders Ziad Wazihullah and EddieAvila Jr.. Assistant Scoutmaster Christo-pher Flores then presented Honor Guardpatches to a number of the boys and adultswho regularly participate in and are in greatdemand for community and scout-relatedhonor guards and flag ceremonies for vari-ous events. The Troop’s new CommitteeChairwoman Maritza Avila was acknowl-edged and introduced by Pack CommitteeChairwoman Nami Russo. The much an-ticipated awarding of the “Red Jacket” forthe Troop’s Scout-of-the-Year honoree wasthen made to Star Scout Christopher Peraltato great applause and revelry. Chris hadearlier been presented several merit badgesand awards completed during the GNYCweek long STEM Camp held in April.

The Troop had the honor of havingChristina Jean-Baptiste, District Executiveof the Lenape Bay District in Brooklyn andformer District Executive of PathfinderDistrict in Queens, in the audience who thenended the night with words of encourage-ment and praise for the boys and their lead-ers. It was learned later that Christinawould be moving on in her career andtaking a higher managerial and project lead-ership position with another non-profit or-ganization soon thereafter. The Troop wouldpersonally like to thank and acknowledgeall of the assistance and service Christinahas given Scouting and the Troop person-ally with her consummate professionalismover the last five years. With this, theceremony ended and a Pot Luck dinner washeld as plans for summer camp and theupcoming year were discussed. Althoughon break for the summer and preparing forsummer camp the Troop is not idle andother trips are being planned. For moreinformation on Boy Scout Troop 390 con-tact Scoutmaster Eduardo Avila at (646)436-5827 or the Troop’s email [email protected]. En-joy your summer!!

July 20 Team

July 19 Team

Troop 390 en masse(at least most of them)

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