Page 1: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Maintaining Proper Boundaries in Medicine: Ethical Considerations

and Disruptive/Distressed Physicians

William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSPAssociate in Medicine

Co-DirectorVanderbilt Center for Professional Health

October 22, 2011

Page 2: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Continuing Medical Education Courses

Maintaining Proper Boundaries©

Prescribing Controlled Drugs©

Program for Distressed Physicians©

Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health

Page 3: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011


Provide learners with information about sexual boundaries and sexual misconduct in medicine, and expose them to a preventative educational program that addresses these issues.

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“Hazardous Affairs: Preventing Sexual Boundary Violations in Medicine”

Page 5: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Hazardous Affairs Learning Module Goals

1. Instruct participants on the general definitions, rules and guidelines around professional conduct regarding professional boundaries and sexual misconduct in the medical profession;

2. make physicians aware of their own vulnerabilities,

3. help physicians understand how to prevent sexual boundary crossings, and

4. stimulate reflection on current and future professional practice behaviors.

Page 6: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Hazardous Affairs Learning Module

List the levels of sexual misconduct. Define sexual harassment. Compare and contrast the types of sexual

misconduct as defined by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB).

Identify three main risk behaviors for sexual misconduct based on various issues like self-wellness, stress, social behaviors, and medical cultures.

Identify five behaviors on the slippery slope.

Page 7: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Hazardous Affairs Learning Module

Identify three preventive measures to avoid sexual misconduct.

Practice phrases to help define professional boundaries.

Describe the professional obligations for reporting sexual misconduct.

Develop an individual action plan to set proper boundaries in your office.

Page 8: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

“Hazardous Affairs: Preventing Sexual

Boundary Violations in Medicine”

Take a test

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Page 10: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

“Hazardous Affairs: Preventing Sexual Boundary Violations in Medicine”

DVD Observation 1 – Sexual Harassment 1. What behaviors did the doctor portray

that resulted in the accusation of sexual harassment?

2. How did his behavior create a hostile work environment?

3. What action would you take if you were his superior/supervisor/department head?

Page 11: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

“Hazardous Affairs: Preventing Sexual Boundary Violations in Medicine”

DVD Observation 2 – Doctor-Patient1. What type of misconduct occurred?2. How did Dr. James set himself up for

this sexual boundary crossing?

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Slippery Slope Late appointments with no chaperone Business transactions/dual relationships Excessive physician self-disclosure Some forms of language use Personal gifts Special favors Flirting, jokes etc. Grooming behavior Casual workplace

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“Hazardous Affairs: Preventing Sexual Boundary Violations in


DVD Observation 3 – Teacher-Student1. Identify five slippery slope behaviors.2. How does the power differential

come into play in this scenario?

Page 14: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Hazardous Affairs – Test Answers

1. D - In most situations, dating a patient will be viewed as wrong. Even if the relationship is mutual and doing well. The power differential makes dating a patient wrong because the patient cannot give appropriate informed consent. The physician will be held accountable.

2. F - Dr K should NOT accept this invitation and should restate the general policy that doctors cannot date patients. Dr K is vulnerable and doesn’t know the intentions of the patient asking. This could be a set up.

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3. A - Correct answer is 2: Sexual impropriety and sexual violations.

4. B - This is an example of sexual impropriety. Impropriety is usually gestures, behaviors or expressions that are seductive, reflecting lack of respect for the patient’s privacy. Contrasting impropriety with violations – violations most often include physical contact or a behavior resulting from pressure to perform sexual acts for favors.

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5. C - Grooming is a slippery slope behavior. It is when patients or others attempt to adjust your clothing, hair, jewelry, etc.

6. F - None of these options are true. Doctors, especially psychiatrist, are not supposed to engage in relationships with patients. There are other individuals who can show you the town. Patients can give you information and advice about your new town but allowing them to “take you out and show you the town” is not acceptable and puts you at risk of being investigated by your medical board.

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7. D - Once you prescribe medications to your partner you entered the doctor-patient relationship. Thus you are now having a sexual relationship with your patient. While giving a small amount may be seen as reasonable if you were covering this patient over the weekend, the key point is you prescribed a controlled substance for a patient with whom you are engaged in a sexual relationship.

8. E - All of the above are examples of the power differential. In each example there is an obvious hierarchy.

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9. A - In every situation, the physician will always be held responsible for crossing a sexual boundary and committing an act of sexual impropriety or violation.

10. A - Sexual violations usually involve a form of physical contact. Kissing, intercourse, touching of sexualized body parts, encouraging masturbation or exchanging medical care, drugs, etc. for sexual favors is a sexual violation.

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11. C - This question is appropriate for anyone in an academic teaching facility where medical students are involved. The correct answer is C – sexual impropriety. The patient must give informed consent for medical students to witness or perform sensitive genitourinary exams.

12. B - Performing a genital exam without the use of gloves is considered a sexual impropriety.

Page 20: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

13. C - In this item, clearly joking around and flirting is certainly risky unprofessional behavior. But if touch is involved – boundaries are being crossed. When individual team members feel unsafe or that their rights have been infringed upon due to repeated acts this becomes a “hostile or offensive work environment” and is sexual harassment.

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14. C - This is sexual harassment. This is a very important point – even if the comment was targeted at another individual, meaning the recipient was not the intended target, it is still considered harassment if that person was offended. Thus keeping unprofessional specific comments to oneself is the best course of action or limit conversations to the intended party only.

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15. A - You must formally discharge a patient; meaning written documentation. However, the power differential or the knowledge, emotions or influence you possess over this individual may be considered unethical as it still gives you power over that individual. In psychiatry – the once a pt always a patient may hold true as well.

16. E - The best option for this scenario is call to check on the pt, develop a plan and then educate the pt on the proper ways to contact their providers as well as reinforcing the general rules against using personal emails.

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No: 584 Gender: Males 95% Females 5% Age range: 31-80 Mean age: 49.5 yrs. Ethnic Origin: 78% Caucasian; 10%

African Americans, 9% Asian and 4% Hispanic

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Family Practice/GP 28% Internal Medicine 10% Med. Specialty 6% Surgery Specialty 9% General Surgery 4% OB/Gyn 7% Psychiatry 10% Other 26*

* anesthesiology, neurology, emergency, dentist

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Board of Medical ExaminersPhysician Health ProgramTreatment CenterSelf Referral

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Complaints from patients, family members, nurses

Affair with patient, office nurse/staff Flirting Cybersex

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How to get into Trouble

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Step 1

Date someone you supervise such as office staff, i.e., nurse, secretary, a resident or intern.

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Step 2

If someone objects to your sexual jokes or flirting assume it is their problem. You can say anything you want to.

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Step 3

Prescribe scheduled drugs or operate on someone with whom you are sexually involved.

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Step 4

Use the hospital or office computer to view or download pornography.

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Step 5

Avoid even the appearance of professional boundaries in regards to dress, language and behavior in the office.

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Step 6

Make comments about your patient’s underclothing, e.g. “how pretty” or “where did you buy that?”

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Step 7

Tell stories about your own sexual life. This will certainly impress your patients and make them feel more at ease during the breast exam.

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Step 8

Be present when your patient is disrobing and offer to help with those hard to reach items. Don’t use a chaperone in your office. They only make the patient uncomfortable.

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Step 9

Accept offers to meet after-hours from your patients even if it is just for coffee or a meal.

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Step 10

Flood your life with work, long hours, and ignore your personal needs. A lack of balance between professional and personal life are set-ups for problems.

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Step 11

Disregard your own emotional life and any past trauma you may have experienced which impacts you today. Stress, lack of balance between professional and personal life are set-ups for problems.

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Step 12

Ignore state, federal and professional guidelines regarding sexual harassment, sexual impropriety and sexual misconduct.

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Prevalence of Sexual Boundary Violations

3% 10%

954,224 physicians currently in practice

Swiggart, W., K. Starr, et al. (2002). Sexual boundaries and physicians: overview and educational approach to the problem. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity 9: 139-148.

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Boundaries Differ in Different Specialties

Psychiatry once a patient always a patient

Primary Care Surgeon Pediatrician patient surrogate Anesthesiology Rheumatology ????

Page 43: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Key Concepts

The physician holds the balance of power over patients, staff and students.

Mutual consent is not recognized as a defense for the physician.

Patient and physician emotional vulnerabilities are at the core of boundary violations.

Self care by the physician is critical to prevent hazardous romantic relationships.

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Physicians lack training in the complexity of sexual boundary misconduct.

An educational approach can resolve most of the problem.

A pre-emptive approach is better than a post-violation intervention.

The process is complaint generated.

Page 45: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Demographic of the CoursesCourses N Ave Age Sex

Distressed 99 49 11% F 89% M

Boundaries 710 50 5% F 95% M

Prescribing 828 51 13% F 87% M

Total 1637      

Distressed Boundaries Prescribing

IM subspecialties* IM/FP IM/FM

IM/FM Psychiatry Psychiatry

OB/GYN Surgery Surgery

Surgery OB/GYN ER

*(interventionalists) Last Updated October 2011

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Part TwoDistressed/Disruptive Physicians

Take a break

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Vanderbilt Center for

Professional Health

Continuing Medical Education Courses

Prescribing Controlled Drugs©

Maintaining Proper Boundaries© Program for Distressed Physicians©

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Give learners an overview of disruptive/distressed behavior and provide resources for interventions.

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Disruptive/Distressed Physician Behavior Objectives

Joint Commission requirementsExamples of disruptive behaviorImpact of disruptive behaviorEtiology of disruptive behaviorDescribe an educational approachIdentify some appropriate resources

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2004 AAMC Council of Deans

“Physicians are often poorly socialized and enter medical school with inadequate social skills for practice.”

“There is a growing body of literature documenting that residency programs do not prepare resident physicians adequately for the practice of medicine.”

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Joint Commission, Issue 40July 9, 2008

Defined disruptive behavior as a Sentinel Event

Recognition that disruptive behavior can:Foster medical errorsContribute to poor patient satisfactionContribute to preventable adverse outcomesIncrease the cost of care (including malpractice)Lead to turnover/loss of qualified medical staff

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Sentinel Events

Defined by The Joint Commission as:

“Any unanticipated event in a healthcare setting resulting in death or serious physical injury or psychological injury to a person or persons not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness.”

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Joint Commission

Goal of including Disruptive Behavior as a Sentinel Event:

Reform health care settings to address the problem

There is a history of tolerance and indifference

Promote a culture of safetyImprove the quality of patient care by

improving the communication and collaboration of health care teams

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Joint Commission Requirements

Hospitals establish a formal Code of Conduct

Leadership creates a process for reporting, evaluating and managing disruptive behavior

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Joint Commission Recommendations

Educate all team members about professionalism

Hold all team members accountable for modeling desirable behaviors

Enforce the code consistently and equitably

Non-confrontational intervention strategies

Progressive discipline

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Definition of Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, words or actions that:

Prevent or interfere w/an individual’s or group’s work, academic performance, or ability to achieve intended outcomes (e.g. intentionally ignoring questions or not returning phone calls or pages related to matters involving patient care, or publicly criticizing other members of the team or the institution);

Create, or have the potential to create, an intimidating, hostile, offensive, or potentially unsafe work or academic environment (e.g. verbal abuse, sexual or other harassment, threatening or intimidating words, or words reasonably interpreted as threatening or intimidating);

Threaten personal or group safety, such as aggressive or violent physical actions;

Violate Vanderbilt University and/or VUMC policies, including those related to conflicts of interest and compliance.

Vanderbilt University and Medical Center Policy #HR-027,


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Policies will not work if Disruptive Behavior goes

unreported and unaddressed.


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Aggressive Anger Outbursts



Throwing Objects Demeaning Behavior

Physical Aggression

Sexual Comments or Harassment

Racial/Ethnic Jokes


Derogatory comments about institution, hospital, group, etc.

Refusing to do tasks


Chronically late Alcohol and other drugs

Not responding to call

Inappropriate or inadequate chart notes

Spectrum of Disruptive Behaviors

Page 60: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Case Presentation (1)

Dr. A is a 40 year old anesthesiologist referred for evaluation following several angry outbursts in his hospital’s OR. The most egregious (and final) outburst involved his threatening to shoot one of his OR staff. Although he reportedly immediately told staff that he wasn’t serious about the threat, a complaint was filed because he was commonly known to have an extensive gun collection at his home, and this staff member lived in the same neighborhood.

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Case presentation (2)

Dr. B reported that he was chronically fatigued and had been working at nearly twice his normal workload in the three months prior to his assessment. In addition, he reported several incidents involving his anger while in undergraduate school, medical school and residency. He reported no use of medications, and no prior treatment for anger management, except for referral to a psychiatrist over the course of a semester while in school.

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“RN did not call MD about change in patient condition because he had a history of being abusive when called. Patient suffered because of this.”

Rosenstein, A., O’Daniel, M. Impact and Implications of Disruptive Behavior in the Perioperative Arena. J Am Coll Surg. 2006;203:96-105.

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But More Common…“___ came late to the meeting, then spent

remaining time on a Blackberry… didn’t listen to the discussion”

“___ doesn’t exactly say anything you could object to, but always rolls eyes and makes faces in meetings… not helpful…later mocks the discussion…disputes wisdom of decisions”

And Increasingly Common“___ writes an online Blog with implied

criticisms of some of our units”“___ (resident) puts feelings about patients

on Facebook - unnamed, but potentially identifiable”


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Why bother dealing with disruptive behavior?

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Failure to Address Disruptive Conduct Leads to:

Perceptions of inequality when members of the team compare their contributions to those of the disruptive member (Kulik & Ambrose, 1992)

Some team members will decrease their contributions, withdraw (Schroeder et al, 2003; Pearson & Porath, 2005)

Felps, W et al. 2006. How, when, and why bad apples spoil the barrel: negative group members and dysfunctional groups. Research and Organizational Behavior, Volume 27, 175-222.

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Failure to Address Disruptive Conduct Leads To:

Team members may adopt disruptive person’s negative mood/anger (Dimberg & Ohman, 1996)

Lessened trust among team members can lead to lessened task performance (always monitoring disruptive person)... effects quality and pt safety (Lewicki & Bunker, 1995; Wageman, 2000)

Felps, W et al. 2006. How, when, and why bad apples spoil the barrel: negative group members and dysfunctional groups. Research and Organizational Behavior, Volume 27, 175-222.

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Failure to Address Disruptive Conduct Leads To:

High turnoverPearson et al, 2000 found that 50% of

people who were targets of disruptive behavior thought about leaving their jobs

Found that 12% of people actually quitThese results indicate a negative

effect on return on investment

Felps, W et al. 2006. How, when, and why bad apples spoil the barrel: negative group members and dysfunctional groups. Research and Organizational Behavior, Volume 27, 175-222.

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Failure to Address Disruptive Conduct Leads to:

disharmony and poor morale1, staff turnover2, incomplete and dysfunctional

communication1, heightened financial risk and litigation3, reduced self-esteem among staff1, reduced public image of hospital1, financial cost1, unhealthy and dysfunctional work

environment1, and potentially poor quality of care1,2,3

1. Piper, 20002. Rosenstein, 20023. Hickson, 2002

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Disruptive Behavior Leads to Communication Problems…

Communication Problems Lead To Adverse Events1

Communication breakdown factored in OR errors 50% of the time2

Communication mishaps were associated with 30% of adverse events in OBGYN3

Communication failures contributed to 91% of adverse events involving residents4

Gerald B. Hickson, MDJames W. Pichert, PhDCenter for Patient & Professional AdvocacyVanderbilt University School of Medicine

1. Dayton et al, J Qual & Patient Saf 2007; 33:34-44. 3. White et al, Obstet Gynecol 2005; 105(5 Pt1):1031-1038.

2. Gewande et al, Surgery 2003; 133: 614-621. 4. Lingard et al, Qual Saf Health Care 2004; 13: 330-334

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Disruptive Behavior Creates fear confusion or uncertainty vengeance vs. those

who oppose/oppress them

hurt ego/pride grief (denial, anger,

bargaining) apathy burnout unhealthy peer pressure

ignorance (expectations, behav. standards, rules, protocols, chain of command, standards of care)

distrust of leaders dropout: early

retirement or relocation errors disruptive behavior

begets disruptive behavior

Vanderbilt University and Medical Center Policy #HR-027

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©CPPA, 2008

Why Might a Medical Professional Behave in Ways

that are Disruptive?1. Substance abuse, psych issues2. Narcissism, perfectionism3. Spillover of family/home problems4. Poorly controlled anger (2° emotion)/Snaps

under heightened stress, perhaps due to:a. Poor clinical/administrative/systems

supportb. Poor mgmt skills, dept out of controlc. Back biters create poor practice


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©CPPA, 2008

Why Might a Medical Professional Behave in Ways

that are Disruptive?

5. Well, it seems to work pretty well6. No one addressed it earlier (why? See #5)7. Family of origin issues—guilt and shame8.9.

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“The Perfect Storm”


The external system The internal system

Two Systems Interact

Good skills

Poor skills

Functional & nurturing


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"Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it


BW Williams to accompany a talk delivered at the FSPHP Spring Meeting


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EtiologiesIndividual Factors

• Predisposing Psychological Factors (1) Alcohol and Drug Family History Trauma History Religious Fundamentalism Familial High Achievement, lack of skills regarding conflict

and negotiation and other family of origin patterns• Personality Traits (2)

Narcissism Obsessive/Compulsive

• Physician Burnout (3)• Clinical Skills Satisfactory or Above Average (4)

1. Valliant, 1972 2. Gabbard, 19853. Spickard and Gabbe, 2002 4. Papadakis, 2004, 2005

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Institutional Factors (1)ScapegoatsSystem Reinforces BehaviorIndividual Pathology may over-shadow

institutional pathology

Williams and Williams, 2004

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Methods to Address Behavioral Problems

Mr. Bangsiding felt (and wrongly so) that a little chat would be enough to stop Bob’s disruptive behavior.

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Methods to Address Behavioral Problems

The role of a comprehensive evaluation

The importance of consequencesEducational programsFeedback from colleagues, patients,

staff, etc.Monitoring and accountabilityExternal resources

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Comprehensive Evaluation

APA guidelines for Fitness for Duty Evaluations

Multidisciplinary: 1-5 days MedicalPsychiatric evaluationPsychological testingPsychosocial including genogramAddiction screeningCollateral information

Comprehensive report with recommendations

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What We Have Learned? Monitoring contracts need to be

flexible 360 evaluations are imperative for

monitoring and to see how the professional is progressing

Not all can be helped or saved Intensive small group CME with

monitoring works for many

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A Program for Distressed Physicians

Components: Phone interview Three-day CME course (47.5 AMA PRA

Category 1 Credits ™) Teach Specific tools/skills - e.g.,

grounding skills, Alter, communication strategies

Three follow-up sessions with the core group over the next six months; importance of group process

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“ This means you feel so stressed that you become emotionally and physically overwhelmed…”

“Pounding heart, sweaty hands, and shallow breathing.”

“When you’re in this state of mind…you are not capable of hearing new information or accepting influence.”

*John M. Gottman, Ph.D. The Relationship Cure, Crown Publishers, New York, 2001, 74-78.

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Categories exercise Judge versus describe Mindfulness with all senses Breathe

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SELF-TEST: FLOODING 1. At times, when I get angry I feel confused. Yes No 2. My discussions get far too heated. Yes No 3. I have a hard time calming down when I discuss disagreements. Yes No 4. I’m worried that I will say something I will regret. Yes No 5. I get far more upset than is necessary. Yes No 6. After a conflict I want to keep away or isolate for a while. Yes No 7. There’s no need to raise my voice the way I do in a discussion. Yes No

8. It really is overwhelming when a conflict gets going. Yes No 9. I can’t think straight when I get so negative. Yes No 10. I think, “Why can’t we talk things out logically?” Yes No

John M. Gottman, All Rights Reserved (revised 11/17/03)

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11. My negative moods come out of nowhere. Yes No 12. When my temper gets going there is no stopping it. Yes No 13. I feel cold and empty after a conflict. Yes No 14. When there is so much negativity I have difficulty focusing my thoughts. Yes No 15. Small issues suddenly become big ones for no apparent reason. Yes No 16. I can never seem to soothe myself after a conflict. Yes No 17. Sometimes I think that my moods are just crazy. Yes No 18. Things get out of hand quickly in discussions. Yes No 19. My feelings are very easily hurt Yes No

20. When I get negative, stopping it is like trying to stop an oncoming truck. Yes No 21. My negativity drags me down. Yes No 22. I feel disorganized by all this negative emotion. Yes No 23. I can never tell when a blowup is going to happen. Yes No 24. When I have a conflict it takes a very long time before I feel at ease again. Yes No

Page 88: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Scoring: If you answered “yes” to more than eight statements, this is a strong sign that you are prone to feeling flooded during conflict. Because this state can be harmful to you, it’s important to let others know how you are feeling. The antidote to flooding is to practice soothing yourself.  There are four secrets of soothing yourself: breathing, relaxation, heaviness, and warmth. The first secret is to get control of your breathing. When you are getting flooded, you will find yourself either holding your breath a lot or breathing shallowly. Change your breathing so it is even and you take deep regular breaths. Take your time inhaling and exhaling. The second secret is to find areas of tension in your body and first tense and then relax these muscle groups. First, examine your face, particularly your forehead and jaw, then your neck, shoulders, arms, and back. Let the tension flow out and start feeling heavy. The secret is to meditate, focusing your attention on one calming vision or idea. It can be a very specific place you go to that was once a very comforting place, like a forest or a beach. Imagine this place as vividly as you can as you calm yourself down. The fourth part is to imagine the body part becoming warm.

Flooding - Scoring

John M. Gottman, All Rights Reserved (revised 11/17/03)

Page 89: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Role Play Exercise Describe an incident you are concerned

about. Who was there? Pick someone to play you. A powerful cathartic exercise viewing their

behavior from multiple points of view. Example.

Page 90: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011


When asking for something, use the acronym – DRAN



Page 91: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011


Describe the other person’s behavior objectively

Use concrete termsDescribe a specified time, place &

frequency of actionDescribe the action, not the “motive”

Page 92: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

ReinforceRecognize the other person’s past


Page 93: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Assert Directly & Specifically

Express your feelingsExpress them calmlyState feelings in a positive mannerDirect yourself to the offending

behavior, not the entire person’s character

Ask explicitly for change in the other person’s behavior

Page 94: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Negotiate: Work Towards A Compromise That is Reasonable

Request a small change at firstTake into account whether the person

can meet you needs or goalsSpecify behaviors you are willing to

changeMake consequences explicitReward positive changes

Page 95: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Disruptive behavior Social Systems

If the physician is returned to the institution to practice, it is necessary to ensure that the behavior does not recur.There is a significant level of recidivismAs high as 20% among “severe offenders”

(Grant and Alfred 2007) Prior behavioral issues are a significant risk

factor for later disruption (Papadakis, Arnold, et. al. 2008)

BW Williams to accompany a talk delivered at the FSPHP Spring Meeting 2010

Page 96: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Disruptive behavior

Social Systems

A monitoring system that is under development measures these issues using a 360◦ survey.

Early data show the survey to be well tolerated and demonstrates face validity.

The survey was developed to facilitate integration with institutional systems.

BW Williams to accompany a talk delivered at the FSPHP Spring Meeting 2010

Page 97: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Team Behavior Survey©

It is not enough to have good motives; others respond to our behavior.

Physicians are often not given essential feedback about their behavior.

The Team Behavior Survey (TBS) is designed to provide feedback from those we work with.

© Swiggart, Williams, and Williams

Page 98: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

The Survey is Based on the Core Competencies of the

ACGME Communication Concern for patients and families Accessibility and timeliness Work environment Ethical behavior Interpersonal behavior & respect for others Focus on medical tasks Ability to work with other members of the

medical team

Page 99: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Potential Resources for Healthy Coping

Courses Coaches,

counselors Comprehensive

Evaluation 360° Evaluations Risk Managers Physician Wellness Treatment Centers

Office of General Counsel

State BME Professional Societies QI Officers EAP Others State Physician Health


Page 100: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

What We Have Learned?

1. There is a need to develop standard, model policies for hospitals.

2. Information needs to be widely distributed to hospitals and medical practices that this is treatable, saves money, prevents malpractice suits, and that early intervention is best.

3. Medical student and resident training cultivates many of the disruptive behaviors as they learn from their mentor’s behavior.

Page 101: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Summary Disruptive behavior is a patient safety

issue. State PHPs can be an extremely valuable

resource for both physicians and institutions.

An objective, comprehensive assessment is invaluable.

It is important to understand the system’s issues related to an individual’s behavior.

Resources are available.

Page 102: William Swiggart, MS, LPC/MHSP Associate in Medicine Co-Director Vanderbilt Center for Professional Health  October 22, 2011

Center for Professional Health

Please visit our website

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