Page 1: Why you should quit smoking

WHY YOU SHOULD QUIT SMOKINGTo quit smoking is one of the most important measures one can take to eliminate a possible cause of death. Estimates say that about half of the people who don't quit smoking will die of smoking-related health issues. While the health benefits are numerous, there are several other reasons to quit smoking.

The following are some reasons why you should quit smoking

Page 2: Why you should quit smoking


Physical Benefits Social Benefits Health of Family Psychological Benefits Quality of Life Reproduction Loss of Appendages Second-Hand Smoke Money

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Among the social benefits are that you will no longer have to go outside a restaurant for a smoke between courses. You won't stress about whether your date is bothered by cigarette smoke or be subjected to talk about what it's like to kiss an ashtray. You will no longer have to waste time looking for a smoking area everywhere you go. Nor will you have to pull off the road for a smoke. Also, you can say bye-bye to those nicotine fits during flights.

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The health of your family and friends is compromised by Passive Smoking, which is inhaling second hand smoke that you breathe out or that your cigarettes give off. A smoker's kids are at an increased risk of developing ear and respiratory infections. If you quit, your spouse will be less likely to develop heart disease or lung cancer. You will also save your unborn child from nicotine with drawal.

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Being able to quit smoking is a big accomplishment in itself. Other psychological benefits include, you feeling better about yourself, increased confidence, and reduced guilt. You no longer need to lie about smoking or hide the habit from your spouse, parents or children. You will be able to get rid of something that is controlling your life and be a good role model for your children

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You will have an improved quality of life once you stop smoking. Food will taste and smell better. You'll have more energy, and also stop wheezing. You can enjoy playing sports or going on hikes with your buddies without getting out of breath. You'll also have more time, which you would have otherwise spent smoking, emptying ashtrays, searching for lighters, buying cigarettes, checking you've got enough, etc. Not smoking will also translate into better health that will make you less susceptible to colds and minor illnesses.

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Smoking affects ones ability to procreate. If starting a family is on your agenda, it is advisable to quit. Men who smoke have a lower sperm count and more abnormal sperm than nonsmokers. Women who smoke have increased difficulty getting pregnant as compared to nonsmokers, and also have a higher rate of miscarriages during pregnancy.

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LOSS OF APPENDAGES Some people who smoke regularly over a long period of time develop a disease

called "peripheral vascular disease". It causes the narrowing of the blood vessels which restricts blood flow to the hands and feet, which leads to gangrene and the eventual amputation of limbs.

The health benefits one experiences from quitting smoking are multifarious and can be experienced almost instantaneously. Within 20 minutes of quitting, your blood pressure decreases, pulse rate drops and body temperature of the hands and feet increases. After about 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level drops and the oxygen level in a smoker's blood increases to normal. In 24 hours your chance of suffering a stroke decreases. The body's amazing regenerative powers kicks in after just 48 hours, with nerve endings that start regrowing. Between 2 weeks to 3 months, ones circulation improves, walking becomes easier and lung function increases. Starting from 1 month after you quit, coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease. A year after you quit, your excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half of that of a smoker, and eventually, your stroke risk will be the same as that of people who have never smoked! Every year after you quit, your risk of developing cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

Everyone agrees that quitting is not easy. Many people encounter weight gain, irritability and anxiety in their efforts to quit, but these are short-term effects. Also, it can take several attempts before one is finally able to quit. While some stop "cold turkey", others reduce gradually. The process can be aided by programs (even residential ones exist), counseling, medicines and products that help reduce nicotine addiction. However, be aware that the medications have side effects, so read the fine print and consult your doctor on what you should take. On an average, smokers lose 10 years of their life because of smoking. So quit right away and reclaim your life.

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Money is a great motivator, and you will save tons of it if you quit smoking. It may surprise you to know that you'll probably be able to afford a cruise from the money you'll save in a year. A typical pack a day smoker spends over £112 a month and nearly £1,500.00 a year! You'll also save money on dry cleaning and don't forget that smokers pay higher health insurance premiums.

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Secondhand smoke is tobacco smoke that affects a nonsmoker. Secondhand smoke can come directly from a cigarette or other lit tobacco; it may also be exhaled by a person smoking.

Secondhand smoke is sometimes referred to as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), involuntary smoking, or passive smoking.

Secondhand smoke contains the same cancer-causing and lung-damaging chemicals that affect smokers. Repeated exposure to secondhand smoke over many years can cause damage to a nonsmoker's lungs that is similar to that of a smoker's.

Secondhand smoke is the most important risk factor for cancer among nonsmokers, far greater than other known cancer-causing substances. Secondhand smoke is most harmful to:

Children and spouses of smokers, or anyone who lives with a smoker.

People who spend most of their time in confined areas that are filled with tobacco smoke.

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