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What is SEO BY

Andrew Collinson If you look at any web page and then from the drop down menu of your browser select "view source" you will see the HTML code which is what the search come to look at when they visit your website. There is a whole industry built around getting web pages to the top of Google for particular keywords.Now you can go and pay someone a lot money to get your website well ranked but there are a few things you can do yourself. 1.When you register your domain name do so for more than one year, Google likes to see that. 2.When you write, decide on a keyword phrase, one that people actually use to find what they are looking for ,and ensure it is in the file name, the title the header and the first line of the main text.It should also be at the bottom of your page. However after that ,write as if you are writing for a human not a search engine. Avoid keyword stuffing. More on that below. 3.A good free keyword search tool is Google's keyword tool which will show you both demand and competition for any keyword you choose.Look for one that gets at least 200 hits a month. There are some "black hat" tactics which use to work but not any more. These are tactics that are a bit underhand in that they do not help your visitor, merely improve you site's chances of getting up the ranking. They are keyword stuffing i.e. using the keyword phrase too much on the hope Google will rank you site higher and duplicating your site so that the sheer number of sites brings in more sales. Neither of these tactics will now work. What will work is ensuring the meta name " description" and "title" contain your keyword phrase. To insert this code you must access the HTML code on your host server and ensure the meta names have your keyword phrase showing. These must be placed between the <head> tag and the</head> tag in the

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HTML code. The text here is not shown by your web browser but will get picked up by the search engines.The description and title are the words that appear in the search engine results so ensure your keyword phrase appears in both.It will push you up the rankings. For more on SEO and other internet marketing tips sign up for your free marketing boot camp and visit my blog

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