Page 1: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


This is a common question from the real newbies online. LOL

I talk to a lot of people online every week, and I come across so many newbies who don’t even

know what a capture page online is! ….

So, today, I’m going to talk about capture pages. I get these questions way too often; what is a

capture page online, how does it all work, and how do you build one?! ..

I need to answer these questions once and for all! Lol

Let’s get down to business.

What is a capture page online?

In internet marketing, a capture page is just a simple single webpage online, which captures

something online. In this case, we are talking about capturing emails. A capture page is used for

Email List Building.

If you are learning about internet marketing and trying to build a successful business online,

then you must know how important and valuable it is to build up a targeted email list.

Page 2: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


Another term used for a capture page, is ‘Squeeze Page’. I’m not quite sure why they call it a

squeeze page … but I think is It because you are squeezing something with that page. Haha

The answer is very simple here. But now let’s talk about how it all works!

How does a capture page work?

A capture page’s job is to capture something for you, right. And in this case we are talking about

emails, leads, and prospects. So, that’s what it is supposed to do best! .. and I’m sure you can

imagine how that is supposed to work.... it is not rocket science!! lol

A capture page needs to be good at making people want to trade their information for

something they really want.

It’s a give and take situation, with capture pages online.

Let me give you a visual example of what a capture page online is and what it looks like…..

Do you see what a capture page is, and do you have a better idea of how it works now?

It’s not complicated stuff, is it!? …

Capture pages are part of a Marketing Funnel.

A funnel is just a process you take a visitor through. And to make the funnel work very well for

you, you will need to split test, and find out exactly what gets you the most opt-ins, and the most

sales in the back-end.

Page 3: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


Learn about Conversions, and learn how to improve them! ...

Let me share with you a few more images to help you understand how a capture page works

online, a lot better!!

These images speak for themselves!!

Page 4: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


I also found an interesting, and entertaining image that explains how capture pages work online.

Just pay close attention to the following image, and learn!

hahaha I laughed a lot when I saw this image, it is funny. But it really teaches you what a

capture page does, and how it all works!

You should know very well what a capture page online is, and how it all works, by now. I just

shared with you what you need to know about capture pages/squeeze pages online.

If you are brand new to the internet marketing world, you should also learn how important it is

for you to start building a targeted email list!

Build or buy a high converting capture page, start driving targeted traffic to it, and start

building your email list. The entire process is very simple to understand and implement.

But of course, there is a lot of work to put into this, to make it a profitable business. I would say

the traffic generation part AND the conversion part, are the most challenging parts in this entire

list building process.

This is why you should really consider investing on your internet marketing education!

Page 5: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


If you would like to try to build your own capture pages; learn how to build HTML Pages from

scratch and go from there. Learn how to do that here.

When it comes to using capture pages to help you build a targeted email list, you can go either

way, just make sure you don’t wait too long and get going fast.

Start building up your email list as soon as possible!

The sooner the better. Because it will take a lot of time and effort to build up a good email list.

An email list you could profit from. ;)

I’m sure you have heard this saying before; “the money is in the list”. And that is really true. The

bigger and more targeted your email list is, the more money you can make from it.

Of course, there are other factors that play into this email marketing game. Once you have a

good email list size, the next step will be to follow up with those emails, and convince them to

purchase your products and services.

It is not going to be an easy task, at the beginning, and unless you have a HUGE targeted email

list. You need to follow up with those leads the right way, in order to profit from them.

But this is another subject in the email marketing arena. I’m going to leave these email

marketing subjects for another valuable blog post – so stay tuned and subscribe for blog updates!

I just wanted to share with you simple information about capture pages, and what they do for you

online. I know there are so many people out there who have no clue what a capture page online


I like to keep information simple, so people can understand it better and with ease. :)

This is enough information for you take massive action and start making things happen online!

Just learn it, and implement it!!

Page 6: What is a Capture Page and How Does It Work?


Thanks for reading this!

Don't forget to share the knowledge online!!

I wish you the best of the best!

Love&Harmony! ...


-Freddy Gandarilla "Freedom Blogger"

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