Download - What coaching is

  • 1. What Coaching IS

2. The concept of Coaching comes from theoriginal word Coach Coach a large kind of carriage Helps you to get from Point A to Point B (faster) 3. What Coaching IS Its a powerful conversation between a Coach and aClient where the Client uses tools like questioning,listening, intuition, observation and feedback The use of these by a Coach helps a Client uncover forhimself/ herself the fastest and the best way to moveforward and deal with their challenges The power of coaching can be best experiencedthrough an actual session. Words cannot describeadequately how it works. 4. Fundamentally, a Coach helpsthe Client in two ways. 5. 1) A Coachhelps a Clientset goals thatwill addsignificantlyto the Clientslife2) To achievethose goals 6. 1) A Coachhelps a Clientset goals thatwill addsignificantlyto the Clientslife2) A Coachhelps theClient toachieve thosegoals 7. Here are some things a Coachwill provide during a coachingassignment 8. 1) Access to ideas the Client may alreadyhold, but is not yet aware of By viewing the situationfrom a differentperspective, the Coach isable to lead the Client in anexploration of ideas thathe/she may not havepreviously considered. 9. 2) Clarity around what the Client actuallywants Sometimes the Client may not be clear tohimself/herself what he/she wants 10. 3) A sounding board for new ideas Providing a safe place to suggest new ideas is anessential aspect of their current situation, unlocking aworld of new, unexplored potential. 11. 4) Support in big decision making Encouragement in walking new paths is essential tobuild the courage to continue beyond the safety ofwhat is known. The Coach can help the Client grow and develop theirown individual strategies and solutions. 12. 5) Challenge to expand the thinking process andmake bold new decisions Someone daring you to go further than you ever havebefore is also an extremely powerful way to break oldhabits and forge new boundaries. 13. 6) Direction in times of confusion,opinion and if necessary, advice. Once again, the power of a fresh set of eyes tointerpret a new perspective on a situation is often invaluable during the coaching process. 14. 7) Brainstorming to flesh out new ideas A Client can often get stuck with the same thoughtsand the same ideas. A partner to brainstorm with canhelp bring out new ideas. 15. 8) Acknowledgement and validation This cannot be stressed enough. The Coach who onlyfocuses with the Client on what is missing and whatneeds to be done, deserves to lose the Client. 16. Here are some interestingstatistics from a past ICF Clientsurvey: 17. Role of the Coach 84% believed that the major role of the Coach was asa sounding board 78% focused on motivational aspects 56% viewed their Coach as a friend 50% viewed their Coach as a Mentor 46% viewed their Coach as a Business Consultant 41% viewed their Coach as a teacher 18. Results of working with a Coach 67% of Clients saw an increase in self-awareness as aprimary result of the coaching process 62% set better goals 60% received a more balanced life 57% reduced stress levels 52% used the opportunity as a means of self-discovery 52 % used it to build self-confidence contd. 19. Results of working with a Coach 43% improved the quality of their life 39% improved communication skills 35% completed specific projects 33% used a Coach to improve their health and/orfitness level 33% used a Coach to improve aspects of theirpersonal or professional relationships 31% used a Coach to have more fun in life 20. THE BOTTOMLINE:Everybody can do without a Coach,but with one, you can get to your BIG goals faster! 21. Presentation prepared by:Milind Jadhav Certified LIFE CoachFor more inspiration, connect with me on:W : www.milindjadhav.comE : [email protected] : +91 97697 56984No copyright infringements intended. Allrights of the images used in thispresentation are with their respectiveowners.Image source: Google ImagesIf you like this presentation, please SHARE it with peoplein your circles who can benefit from it. Thank You!

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