
What are the 4 topics we are doing?

Rights & Responsibilities

Environmental & Medical Issues

Peace & Conflict Crime & Punishment

Exam question layout(what you need to do for each question!)

part marks What to put in the answer

a 2 Give the meaning of a key word with an example if you can

b 4 I agree/disagree because…

Another reason/A second reason I agree/disagree is….

c 8 You need to write about religion. When writing about Christianity use sentences like, ‘Christians believe…. Because…The Bible teaches… Jesus said…

4 x brief points OR 2 x extended points

d 6 (i) I believe… because… (3 marks)

(ii) Some might disagree with me because…. (3 marks)

If you DON’T mention Christians in part (i) or (ii) you cannot get more than 3 marks

Rights & Responsibilities – How much do you know?

1. List the 4 ways a Christian can make a moral decision?Bible, Church, conscience and situation ethics1. What is the Bible? Christian holy book, Old/New Testament2. What is the Church? The community of Christians3. What is the conscience? Inner feeling of rightness/wrongness of an action.

Christians believe this is the voice of God4. What is situation ethics? Based on doing the most loving thing in the

situation based on Jesus’ teaching ‘Love your neighbour’ and it might involve breaking a commandment eg lying to protect a friend

5. What are human rights? The rights to which all humans are entitled eg food, shelter, freedom of speech

6. What is the Decalogue? 10 Commandments7. What is the Golden Rule? Treat others how you would like to be treated8. One good thing about genetic engineering? Allows defected genes to be

modified to erase diseases9. One bad thing about genetic engineering? It changes individuals and can be

seen as playing God

Environmental & Medical Issues– How much do you know?

1. List 3 environmental threats: Pollution, Global Warming, Abuse of natural resources

2. What is conservation? Looking after the Earth and its resources and not wasting or abusing them.

3. What are natural resources? Materials that occur naturally, eg coal, gas and oil

4. What is creation? The act in which God(s) created the Universe5. One reason Christians should look after the Earth? Bible teaches

Christians that the Earth is a gift from God and they have been given dominion (POWER) over it>

6. What is stewardship? Looking after something for future generations eg the Earth

7. IVF and AIH as they don’t involve a 3rd party which is seen as adultery

8. Only God can create life, some embryos may be thrown away which is the equivalent of murder, some involve a 3rd party which is seen as adultery

9. Saves lives, brings life out of death, gives people a chance, 10.Some Christians believe that this is wrong as only God can take life

and that you need your body whole for the day of judgement when all humans will be resurrected and face God’s judgement.

The exam

• It is 1 hour and 30 minutes

• It is Monday 23rd May• The result of this

could decide whether you achieve a short or full course GCSE!

• It is important – REVISE PLEASE!

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