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Name: Shen Li Student number: 7696962

Assignment 2

Assignment Questions for unit 5

2. Explain what a conditioned reinforcer is. Give and explain two examples.

Conditioned reinforcer is stimuli become reinforcers because of particular learning

experiences and stimuli that were not originally reinforcing but have become

reinforcers by being paired or associated with other reinforcers. For example, a

picture of a loved one and books that we like to read.

3. Explain what a backup reinforcer is, Give and explain two example.

Backup reinforcer is a stimulus becomes a conditioned reinforcer through deliberate

association with other reinforcers. For example, type of training conducted with

dolphins at sea world. Early on, the trainer pairs the sound from a hand-held clicker

with the delivery of fish to a dolphin.

5. Describe a target behavior of yours that you would like to improve that might be

amenable to points program like Erin’s. What would you use as backup reinforcers for

the points?

The point were conditioned reinforcers because they were paired with the backup

reinforcers, the opportunity to go on Facebook.

9. Give 2 example of stimuli that are conditioned reinforcers but not tokens. Explain

why they are conditioned reinforcers, and why they are not tokens.

12. Is praise a generalized conditioned reinforcer? Defend your answer.

I suppose praise is not a generalized conditioned reinforcer. Because praise is

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established as a generalized conditioned reinforcer during childhood, but it continues

to be maintained as one for adult. When people praise us, they are generally more

likely favor us in various ways than when they do not praise us.

14. List three factors that influence the effectiveness of conditioned reinforcers.

1. The Strength of backup reinforcers

2. The variety of backup reinforcers

3. The number of pairings with a backup reinforcer.

15. Explain what cause a conditioned reinforcer to lose its value.

For a conditional reinforcer to remain effective, it must, at least occasionally,

continue to be associated with a suitable backup reinforcer.

Application exercise for Assignment 2 from unit 5

Exercise Involving Others

1. What is probable reinforcer and what behavior does it strengthen in each of the

following situations? Are these reinforcers unconditional or conditioned? Justify

your choice in each case.

a. An individual walks through a park in autumn and admires the beautifully

colored leaves on the tree.

This case is unconditioned reinforcers, because an individual walks through a

park is not reinforcers the beautifully colored leaves.

b. A person finishes jogging 3 mile and experiences the runner’s” high”.

This case is conditioned reinforcers, because a person use jogging and running

to higher.

c. A teenager finishes mowing the lawn and is allowed to use the family car.

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This case is unconditioned reinforcers, because a teenager uses mowing the

lawn is not reinforcers with use the family car.

d. A thirsty child holds a glass of milk and drinks several swallows.

This case is conditioned reinforcer, because a thirsty child holds a glass of

milk is reinforcers with drinks.

Assignment questions for unit 6

4. Suppose that, immediately after an instance of swearing, parents remove a portion

of the child’s weekly allowance and the result is that swearing decrease. Is this an

example of operant extinction? Explain why or why not?

This is an example of operant extinction, because parents remove a portion of the

child’s weekly allowance that means parents behavior is not followed by a reinforcer

and child swearing decrease that means child less likely to do the same thing again

when next encountering a similar situation.

6. Explain the difference, in terms of procedure and results, between the loss of value

of a conditioned reinforcer and the operant extinction of a positively reinforced


8. Why did the mother’s attempt to extinguish the child’s cookie eating fail?

Because the application of extinction to ensure that the reinforcers that you are

withholding are the ones that were actually maintaining the undesirable behavior.

Failure to do this would not meet the definition of extinction, and the undesirable

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behavior would not likely decrease.

12. Define continuous reinforcement and give an example that is not this chapter.

Continuous reinforcement is an arrangement or schedule in which each instance of a

particular response is reinforced. For example, A teacher just teach algebra at the

beginning of class, for the students in the classroom every time reply, She have to

give praise, even if some answer only part of the no exception, Even if student

couldn't give the answer, She still try to answer itself to him praise. When student had

certain progress on algebra, she just for those who are better, more complete answer

to give praise. In the end, the students must be able to make a complete and accurate

and thorough answer, she will give praise

13. Define intermittent reinforcement and give an example that is not in this chapter.

Intermittent reinforcement is an arrangement or schedule in which a response is

reinforced only occasionally rather than each time it occurs. For example, For

example, consider the situation where the salary checks are delivered somewhat

variably and without clear notice. Under conditions where the check may be needed

badly, the individual may frequently look toward the desk where the checks are

delivered or telephone to see whether they have arrived yet.

21. What are three possible reason for the failure of an operant extinction program?

1. The attention you are withholding following the undesirable behavior is not the

reinforcer that was maintaining the behavior.

2. The undesirable behavior is receiving intermittent reinforcement from another


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3. The desired alternative behavior has not been strengthened sufficiently.

Application exercise for Assignment 2

Self-modification exercise #1

Think of something you did today that did not pay off. Give a specific, complete

description of the situation and behavior following the example in Tables 6.1 and 6.2

My girlfriend asks me to call her on cellphone in an exam morning, however I dial

her number several times. So some time her phone rings, she always find some

reasons to shut down my phone. I feel I never response her phone call request.

Assignment questions for unit 7

6. In terms of the three stages in a shaping procedure, describe how parents might

shape their child to say a particular word.

First, the child passes through a stage in which very remote approximations of words

in the parents’ native language are reinforced. Then the child enters a stage in which”

baby talk” is reinforced. Finally, the parents and others require the child to pronounce

words in accordance with the practices of the verbal community before reinforcement

is given. For example, a child who says” wa-wa” at an early stage is given a glass of

water, and if she is thirsty this action reinforces the response. At a later stage” watch”

rather than wa-wa is reinforced with water. Finally, the child must say “water” before

water reinforcement will be given.

7. List five dimension of behavior that can be shaped. Give 2 example of each.

1. Topography

2. Amount frequency

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Number of typing in 10 minute; Number of pulse in 1 minute.

3. Amount duration

Someone didn’t do anything in a day.

4. Latency

Time between the questions” when you submit your assignment?” and response of

looking course schedule; Time between the questions” what time do you want

cooking?” and response of looking your watch.

5. Intensity (force).

Force of shooting in war; Force of breaking in driving.

8. Describe a behavior of yours that was shaped by consequences in the natural

environment, and state several of the initial approximations.

12. Why is it necessary to avoid underreinforcement at any shaping step?

Trying to go to a new step before the previous approximation has been well

established can result in losing the previous approximation through extinction without

achieving the new approximation.

13. Why is it necessary to avoid reinforcing too many times at any shaping step?

Item a cautions against going too fast. It is also important not to progress too slowly.

If one approximation is reinforced for long that it becomes extremely strong, new

approximations are less likely to appear.

15. Given an example of the pitfall in which the failure to apply shaping might have

an undesirable result.

Some parents, for example, may not be reinforce enough to their child’s babbling

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behavior. Perhaps they expect too much at the beginning and do not reinforce

extremely remote approximations of normal speech. Some parents, for example, seem

to expect their tiny infant to say” Father!” right off the bat and are not impressed

when the child say” da-da.” The opposite type of problem also exists. Instead of not

giving enough reinforcement for babbling, some parents may overreinforce babbling.

This could result in a child whose speech consists entirely of baby talk at an age when

most children have mastered their culture’s speech pattern.

16. Given an example from your own experience of a final target behavior that might

best be developed through a procedure other than shaping.

Application exercise

Self-Modification Exercise #2

Select one of your behavioral deficits, perhaps one that you listed at the end of

chapter2. Outline a complete shaping program that with a little help from your friends

you might use to overcome that deficit. Mike sure that your plan follows the

guidelines for the effective application of shaping discussed in this chapter.

Assignment questions for unit 8

14. Illustrate with 2 example of how FR or VR might be applied in training programs.

Do your examples involve a free-operant or a discrete-trials procedure.

For example, Production Line Work: Workers at a widget factory are paid for every

15 widgets they make. This results in a high production rate and workers tend to take

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few breaks. It can, however, lead to burnout and lower-quality work. For other

example, a person trying to win a game by getting heads on a coin toss gets heads

every two times, on average, that she tosses a penny. Sometimes she may toss a penny

just once and get heads, but other times she may have to toss the penny two, three,

four, or more times before getting heads.

17. What are two questions to ask when judging whether a behavior is reinforced on

an FI schedule? What answers to those questions would indicate that the behavior is

reinforced on an FI schedule?

Two questions: (a) Does reinforcement require only one response after a fixed

interval of time? (b) Does responding during the interval affect anything? If you can

answer yes to the first question and no to the second question, your example is an FI.

18. Suppose that a professor gives an exam to students every Friday. The students’

studying behavior would likely resemble the characteristic pattern of an FI schedule in

that studying would gradually increase as Friday approaches, and the students would

show a break in studying after each exam. But this is not an example of an FI

schedule for studying. Explain why.

Because this case didn’t show the individual engage in the behavior after

reinforcement has become available because of the passage of time.

21. Explain what an FR/LH schedule is, and illustrate with an example from everyday

life that is not in this chapter.

Fixed-ration schedule is reinforcer occurs each time a fixed number of responses of a

particular type are emitted. Limited hold is a deadline for meeting the response

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requirement of a schedule of reinforcement. A limited hold can be added to any of the

ratio interval schedules. For example, a car salesman earns a bonus after every three

cars he sells but only during this mouth.

30. Give 2 example of how FD might be applied in training programs.

For example, Student practicing piano. It is desired that the student continue

practicing throughout the practice period, so a reinforcement will only be given if they

practice continuously. For other example, Game tutorials. The player may be required

to perform a behavior for a fixed period of time to complete a tutorial and advance.

Fixed duration schedules are particularly suited for teaching players the mechanics of

a game.

31. Explain what a VD schedule is, and illustrate with an example of one from every


Variable-duration (VD) schedule, a reinforcer is presented only if a behavior occurs

continuously for a fixed period of time, and the internal of time from reinforcer to

reinforcer changes unpredictably. For example, Stalking prey. The interval between

catching prey is variable and the animal must continue to stalk its prey throughout the

period. Note that there will be a pause in stalking after the animal has caught its prey,

but this is due to satiation, not due to a typical post-reinforcement pause.

33. If an individual has an option of engaging in two or more behaviors that are

reinforced on different schedules by different reinforces, what four factors in

combination are likely to determine the response that the person will make?

(a).The types of schedules that are operating;

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(b).The immediacy of reinforcement;

(c).The magnitude of reinforcement

(d).The response effort involved in the different option.

35. Name six schedules of reinforcement commonly used to develop behavior


The six schedules are FR, VR, FI/LH, VI/LH, FD, and VD. Ration schedules (FR

and VR) make reinforcement contingent on a certain number of response being

completes; interval schedules with limited hold (FI/LH) make reinforcement

contingent on a response occurring within a limited period of time after reinforcement

becomes available: and duration schedules (FD and VD) make reinforcement

contingent on a response being made for a certain continuous period of time.

Application Exercises

Self-Modification Exercise

1. Assume that you have been assigned a 200-page book to read in the next few

days. Select an appropriate reinforcer for yourself, and identify the best schedule

on which to dispense the reinforcer. Describe the reasons for your selections, and

outline the mechanics of how you might implement the program and complete it


I would like choice fixed-ratio schedule.

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